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Television Media News

Fantastic Four Animated Series 174

pillageplunder writes "CNN is reporting that Marvel Enterprises has cut a deal with Frances Antefilms Productions to make an animated TV Series based on the Marvel superheros.
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Fantastic Four Animated Series

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  • Hrm... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by GR1NCH ( 671035 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:33PM (#10464971)
    When I first read this I was pretty excited... but to be honest I'm not so sure now. It seems like lately cartoon series' are really lacking. I mean look at the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles compared to the old one... They chopped out so much of what make the Turtles so cool. I think its because they tried to adapt them more to pop culture. Hopefully they won't do the same to the Fantastic 4.

    Then again, maybe I'm just getting old.
  • by Dominatus ( 796241 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:35PM (#10464998)
    "What we are trying to do with our major brands is to support them in every way possible," Marvel Studios chairman and CEO Avi Arad said. "To support the franchise between sequels, we'll have the animated series, the video games (through Activision) and the merchandise licensing. We are just elated to be reintroducing this huge property." And by "support" they obviously mean "suck dry"
  • by fiannaFailMan ( 702447 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:38PM (#10465028) Journal
    I can't fucking believe you people. Free speech is DEAD now that Indymedia has been raided and you guys want to talk about the Fantastic Four? For God's sake, people, GET SOME PRIORITIES!!
    Er, the Indymedia story has already been covered in the last article. What do you want? Another posting of the same article? Or are you trying to impersonate the Human Torch with your flaming?

    'Insightful' my ass!

  • by lavar78 ( 573962 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:42PM (#10465079)
    Isn't this just like the Justice League series on Cartoon network, with Marvel characters? Wow, They're original.
    A FF cartoon may not be all that original, but the FF is the group that put Marvel Comics on the map and revitalized the entire industry. Even Superman, Batman, and the rest of the Justice League owe a great deal to the Fantastic Four.
  • Correction (Score:3, Insightful)

    by eseiat ( 650560 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:43PM (#10465085) Homepage
    "What we are trying to do with our major brands is to support them in every way possible," Marvel Studios chairman and CEO Avi Arad said.

    This should actually read, "What we are trying to do with our major brands is whore them out to all suitors and make as much money as possible from them, thereby turning everyone's childhood memories against their pocket books, and allowing us to swim in the vast pools of money we have always dreamed of."
  • Re:Hrm... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by AgentFred76 ( 684482 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:50PM (#10465158) Homepage
    It seems to me that movies like this have a higher possible failure rate due to the fact that the intended audience is split. Explanation: Fantastic four was a comic book decades ago when the adventures and characters seemed "Fatastical" and the enemies were distinct abstractions of curent relevant conditions. Now take those characters commit to the formula of failure: Old characters, in a modern setting with old enemies with agendas that no longer fit the current times. However... I think that given the current uncertain and violent world condition these situations could certainly be viable. And I'm not about to rule out the fact that escaping into an old favorite is a good cure for the occasional stressful day. :-)
  • by goneutt ( 694223 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @06:51PM (#10465168) Journal
    Okay, there have been plenty of bad, and a few good, take offs of marvel comics. Is the proliferation of marvel movies because it's profitable or because they can't write a new idea.

    I hope they actually kill people in the new animated series. If batman woulda just frick'n killed the joker he woulda saved gotham millions.(This is why Cowboy Bebop kicks ass)
  • by DavidBrown ( 177261 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @08:07PM (#10465837) Journal
    These movies are really ONLY for the established fanbase, and for those who feel a sense of nostalgia when they were in the fan base. That's why "Daredevil" didn't do so well - all four Daredevil fans watched the file, several times each, and two of them made webpages dissecting the plot and character changes made while bringing Daredevil to the big screen, but that just wasn't enough to carry the film. If you didn't already care about Daredevil (seriously, he's a third-string Marvel hero for God's sake, and except for the Elektra saga, hardly deserved his own book), you wouldn't bother seeing it. I went only because I know one of the actors in it (who, incidentally, did a bang-up job, but I'm not here to drop names).

    What were the exceptions to comicbook films that suck? Superman (everyone loves Superman, but even the third film was really, really bad) and Batman (everyone remembers watching Adam West and Burt Ward on the TV show, but after a couple of films, this series went deep south too). Spiderman and X-Men (the first string Marvel books that everyone who has read comics has read). Every other adaptation has been a niche-market film. There are alot of great comics out there (Grant Morrison run of Doom Patrol, Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Thieves and Kings, insert your own here), but only the comics with established widespread appeal are going to succeed in the theater.

  • by sammy baby ( 14909 ) on Thursday October 07, 2004 @09:12PM (#10466238) Journal
    No matter what they do, the show won't be as cool as the spoof of the Fantastic Four on The Venture Brothers [tvtome.com]. Here's a thought: ever wonder what it would be like to be constantly on fire? They did. It'd suck.

BLISS is ignorance.
