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Sci-Fi Television Entertainment

Futurama Renewed For 7th Season 173

An anonymous reader writes "During the video for the 3rd International Talk Like William Shatner Day, Futurama voice actor Maurice LaMarche revealed that the show had been renewed and he'd received his contract for the show."
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Futurama Renewed For 7th Season

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  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @12:46PM (#35589322) Homepage Journal

    I stopped watching TV about 10 years ago and most of the shows I see are on DVD, I watch as I have time available. I did like the series, but never enough to tune in or buy cable.

    • by GreatDrok ( 684119 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @12:54PM (#35589444) Journal

      I've stopped watching new shows as a result of the cancellations of so many good shows. Now I only bother if it has a good run or completes. I only just started watching Lost. Futurama is excellent and I'm glad it has been renewed but it is a rarity that shows survive this long regardless of quality, especially shows that get cancelled and then come back.

      Not watching new shows saves a lot of time and I guess I should thank those willing to waste their time getting into a new show with all the risk of cancellation and the disappointment associated.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by doti ( 966971 )

        make youself a favor and skip the last season(s) of lost.

        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Do what I did and make your own last season with blackjack! and Hookers! Ah! Forget the blackjack!

      • I would advise against finishing Lost. Unless, you are 100% about the characters and their interactions and don't care about why
        • by JerkBoB ( 7130 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @01:26PM (#35589866)

          I would advise against finishing Lost. Unless, you are 100% about the characters and their interactions and don't care about why

          Seconded. Without giving too much away, I'll just say that it felt like dating in middle school. All buildup with no payoff.

          I tried to make a car analogy but the wheels fell off.

        • I figured out it wasn't an alternate timeline at episode 4, and guessed the real answer by the next, although I wasn't positive until it was revealed in the final episode. Actually, I thought it was a beautiful mind fuck. A flash *way* forward.

          I can see people not liking such an odd show, but the outright hostility baffled me. I enjoyed myself with it and moved on.

          • I can see people not liking such an odd show, but the outright hostility baffled me. I enjoyed myself with it and moved on.

            Likely its because the show raised odd questions which demanded to be answered and which grabbed people. In exchange for watching, people felt those questions should have been answered since the entire show was about the questions constantly being raise. The show ended with a bug "fuck you" and a laugh, having never answered almost all the questions it painfully went about forcing in their face and asking.

            When people are treated poorly likely this they tend to feel tricked, played, screwed, so on and so, an

            • I have never watched it, I remember my dad getting excited about it. I'm not even going to read what happens in the wiki article for Lost.
            • The show ended with a bug "fuck you" and a laugh, having never answered almost all the questions it painfully went about forcing in their face and asking.

              Which was made much worse by the creators outright stating that all these mysteries had real answers, and that they would be told them. I didn't believe it and when I watched it was just to see what crazy and inexplicable stuff would happen that week. But I certainly understand why some people would take the creator's at their word -- after all, usually shows just imply they have a coherent plan when they really don't. Here, people were literally lied to. It makes sense that they'd be hostile.

      • by Tolkien ( 664315 )
        I've only seen a few episodes of Lost and never understood the hype. As I understood it, the story and characters get more and more convoluted and laughably bad (in the sense of cringing and rolling your eyes) as time progresses and I heard that the series finale is a big disappointment. Unless you're in it specifically to see how disappointing it will be, from what I gather you may want to quit while you're ahead and not waste money on further seasons (if you've not bought all of them yet).
        • by log0n ( 18224 )

          Lost was a show that made dumb people feel smart.

        • by eln ( 21727 )
          I think most fans of Lost (me included) were hooked in by the first season and wanted to see how it all ended up. The first two seasons were excellent, but it started to sort of tail off from there until it was indeed laughably bad toward the end. Still, by the time it got really difficult to watch I still stuck it out because a.) I wanted to see what they would do, and b.) I knew it wasn't going to last forever because they had already announced how many more seasons it would get.

          So, I watched the who
          • Too many episodes. I really enjoyed Lost, especially the first series but it was clear the writers ran out ideas and the show went to shit by the end.

            American tv shows generally have a significantly high amount of episodes per year compared with UK tv shows.

            I can get bored of some US tv shows that go on for 22-24 episodes in a year because the overall storylines get stretched far too thin sometimes and the writers get heavy on the padding-out, but on the flip side I often find myself getting annoyed whe
      • by ackthpt ( 218170 )

        I've stopped watching new shows as a result of the cancellations of so many good shows. Now I only bother if it has a good run or completes. I only just started watching Lost. Futurama is excellent and I'm glad it has been renewed but it is a rarity that shows survive this long regardless of quality, especially shows that get cancelled and then come back.

        Not watching new shows saves a lot of time and I guess I should thank those willing to waste their time getting into a new show with all the risk of cancellation and the disappointment associated.

        I just stopped because I couldn't sit through a show, even a half hour show anymore. The writing, the acting, I dunno, it just doesn't hold my attention and I get all restive and start looking for things to do. You know you're really not paying attention when the TV is on and you think about turning it on to see if there's something on - uh, but it's already on - it's just become some kind of background white noise. Now I could really get into staring at an aquarium of fish for a half hour, no problem, a

    • >>>never enough to tune in or buy cable.

      Ditto. It's not worth spending an extra ~$1000 a year for the 3-4 shows on cable that I like. Cheaper to watch it on hulu (free) or DVD (~$30 per season). I haven't seen any of the new Futurama since FOX canceled it. One of these years I'll acquire it and it'll be like new.

      Besides I get plenty of television for free:
      ~40 channels including:
      - Live Well network, Penn Stateâ(TM)s AccuWeather, Philadelphia Nonstop
      - NBC Sports, PBSinfo, PBSarts, PBScreat

      • I've been a huge Futurama fan since the show first came out (although I admit I stopped watching the last few years before it was cancelled, because Fox was screwing around and always pre-empting it with baseball games that ran too long, and constantly changing the time and day it was airing. But I watched them all on DVD, and have probably seen each episode 20-30 times by now.) The new episodes totally rock - some of this season's episodes rank up there as some of the best episodes of Futurama from any sea
        • ...and as another posted reminded me, the episode "The Late Philip J Fry" had a plot involving a time machine that only worked moving forward in time, and they discover that time is circular. Very cool sci-fi, and a touching love story too (really!) Probably my favorite episode of the current season.
          • by mqduck ( 232646 )

            They didn't discover that time is circular, they discovered that every big band is identical. That's why they can kill "themselves" after a future big bang without creating a paradox.

        • I love Futurama and am unashamed to admit when I read it's back for a 7th season I punched the air with both my fists.

          My favourite of the most recent series is Lethal Inspection because it feels like the early days of Futurama.

          I wish Fox would quit fucking with it though. BTW I purposely stopped watching The Simpsons (new and old) a couple of years back because I realised it just cannot make me laugh out loud at all, whereas Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park all have made me laugh like a lo
      • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

        It's not worth spending 1c per year for shows that I LOVE. Not like, *LOVE*.

        I gave up TV over 5 years ago now. At first it was a realization that I was spending a ~$1000 per year for the *privilege* being sold like a slave to the networks. I was spending my money so they could make more money by providing my eyeballs as a product.

        I say slave not as hyperbole, but as a true estimation of how I was being treated as it was not on anything near reasonable terms. I'll be honest, if the advertising was limite

  • FOX (Score:4, Insightful)

    by jlechem ( 613317 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @12:46PM (#35589328) Homepage Journal
    Can kiss his shiny metal ass?
  • Excellent! With that, and the renewal of Venture Bros. for 2 seasons, two of my favorite shows have had their lives extended.
    • by Xacid ( 560407 )

      SECONDED. THIRDED. You know what I mean. :)

    • RE: Venture Bros, and now Futurama, let me quote from my third favorite basic cable animated series, ARCHER:


      Thank you for your kind attention.

  • I love how the the _background_ of his video is in focus!
  • Oblig (Score:4, Informative)

    by ThatsNotPudding ( 1045640 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @12:53PM (#35589424)
    "Good news, everyone!"
    • by Gilmoure ( 18428 )

      Damn it! Now I got his voice in my head.

  • by KenSeymour ( 81018 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @12:55PM (#35589466)

    Good news everybody!

  • I for one, welcome our Futurama renewing studio execs...

    • I for one, welcome our Futurama renewing studio execs... *ducks*

      Now I admit, I haven't watched much of the newer Futuramas, but I don't recall that ducks played any significant roll in that program. Popplers, yes. But ducks?

      Or was it a reference somehow relating ducks and foxes -- for Fox studio execs? Do foxes eat lots of ducks, and you are wishing the Fox execs a happy dinner? Yes?! Did I guess it right?

    • Simpsons' meme is tenuously off topic and should be modded as such.
  • by __aailob1448 ( 541069 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @01:12PM (#35589698) Journal

    The professor only says good news when he has bad news so all of you have it backwards!

  • This thing's been on the air so long the first-season episodes should be edited to show them watching the new episodes.

  • I'm a huge Futurama fan; but after watching the first 5-6 episodes of this past "new" season I really thought they'd lost their touch. Fortunately, the last several episodes were actually decent, and even showed glimpses of the old magic - so there's hope for this upcoming set.

    Having said that - I don't think any of the new episodes so far have come close to matching the original four seasons.

    • I think some did. The episode with Lrrr, for example, was brilliant and as good as any except the very cream of the original crop. Same for the robosexual marriage episode. A bunch of others were only OK overall, but had some amazing parts. The Scruffy and Wash Bucket scene had me in tears from laughing so hard. And honestly, that's in keeping with the original series run too. Not every episode was a gem, some were merely "Ehhhhhhh, it was ok," especially towards the beginning of the show. I also find that
    • I think they're still getting back into their groove. The first few Season 6 episodes were them parsing their backlog of pop culture events that had occurred while they were away, and as they run out of edgy things to try, they'll go back to what people love them for. It's like a mid life crisis except with unexpected resurrection thrown in for good luck.
    • I'm a huge Futurama fan; but after watching the first 5-6 episodes of this past "new" season I really thought they'd lost their touch.

      I don't know - I think Futurama has always had its misses. To me the worst is when they take the ship to the planet Allegoricon 8, the planet where everything that's going on exactly mimics something from the 20th or 21st century, but with a few minor changes.

      "Attack of the Killer App" and "Proposition Infinity" come to mind as recent examples... "A Taste of Freedom" was in this vein as well.

      But when the show is good, it's great. :)

    • by Blymie ( 231220 )

      It makes sense that the series is different, as all the writers are different.

      The new writers just don't 'get' it. They misunderstand what was funny about the series.

      An example would be the most recent Christmas episode. It was so full of Futurama cliches, and so full of BS, that I had to turn it off...

  • by WrongMonkey ( 1027334 ) on Wednesday March 23, 2011 @01:54PM (#35590208)
    Futurama really shines when it takes a classic sci-fi story and give it a comic twist. Like The last season had The Late Philip J. Fry, which was almost directly cribbed from Flight to Forever by Poul Anderson. That seems like a pretty easy formula to follow so I hope they keep it up.
  • I don't care much about Futurama. But Leela is a great actress, and I like SciFi.

    (That just had to be said by someone.)

  • How could they possibly pass up a trip to Hanny’s Voorwerp? The gags almost write themselves.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
