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Sci-Fi Television Entertainment

All Star Trek TV Coming To Netflix 272

tekgoblin writes "This is great news for all the Star Trek fans out there. Starting in July, every episode from every Star Trek series will be available for Instant Watch over Netflix. Right now Star Trek TOS is available for Instant Watch, and the movies, but that's all. Soon it will all be here for our viewing pleasure."
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All Star Trek TV Coming To Netflix

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  • by pasv ( 755179 )
    Made my day hearing this!
  • That is all.
    • Ah god NOOO, that's not the image I want with breakfast!
    • From Netflix Canada:
      'Star Trek' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: First Contact' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: Nemesis' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: Generations' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: Insurrection' is not available but you might enjoy these titles.
      'Star Trek: Evolutions' is not availab
  • Awesome!!

    I share her sentiment. I'm especially looking forward to Deep Space Nine being available - we already own TOS, so having it on Netflix is of less importance to us.

    It's a good day for nerd-dom.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Noughmad ( 1044096 )


      I share her sentiment. I'm especially looking forward to Deep Space Nine being available - we already own TOS, so having it on Netflix is of less importance to us.

      It's a good day for nerd-dom.

      If you haven't seen DS9 yet, don't. It's by far the worst Star Trek series. And trust me, I've seen them all.

      • Wasnt Star Trek Enterprise the worst?

        Also, as someone who started watching from TNG, would it be a good idea to watch TOS?

        • I saw TNG before seeing TOS.

          Sure the graphics are rubbish - and it looks very low budget (especially in the beginning), but the storylines are much nicer, and Kirk punches tons of people in the face.

        • TOS is great, as good as TNG.

          Enterprise is better than DS9, by far.

          Enterprise is shit though, DS9 went from good to worse than shit.

        • TOS is a series that was originally meant to be more like the Twilight Zone, different characters each episode. It still keeps the characters from having a ongoing story. There is no story arc spanning episodes although the book versions do tie the episodes together. The stories themselves are close to Sci-Fi in that they explore the now by just slightly changing the now to make us re-examine the facts. Simple example: Rather then examine black vs white race issues, the race issue is shown by two people who

          • by Fnkmaster ( 89084 ) on Saturday April 09, 2011 @06:07AM (#35766526)

            Wonder what ever happened to him.

            Oddly enough, you'll occasionally find Wil Wheaton posting on Slashdot. Or at least he used to (Slashdot username: CleverNickName). I think he still does some acting gigs here and there though I haven't seen him in anything in a while now.

          • Probably the most thorough and insightful commentary on the various startreks I've seen on here yet.

            Having the STs on netflix is long overdue and very welcome. I see it as a milestone in a way, solidifying NF as THE vast repository of our media content.

            Aaaaaaand ...... with their quite reasonable price, might in the long run cut down on .... "illegal downloads"? Maybe?
          • Voyager went back into space but dumped all sense of ethics at the spaceport. Kirk would never have stood for it. Janeway did anything to get home, including mass genocide. Star Trek, how far can you fall.

            Examples please? my knowledge of Voyager isn't encyclopedic, but I've seen most of the episodes and seem to remember that Janeway _always_ rejects quick ways of getting home if it means breaking ethical codes. Hell, that's the main tension of the entire series: how to deal with the problem of being so far

        • I honestly don't understand the nerd hate on Enterprise. Sometimes I just think it's nerds being nerds, i.e., opposition to the T'Pol hotness. Picture Conan O'Brien doing his nerd voice, shaking his fingers, "Ohhh, must not have nudity on Star Trek, violates the canon!"

          I loved Enterprise, except for the ending, and was sorry it was cancelled.
        • Wasnt Star Trek Enterprise the worst?

          Also, as someone who started watching from TNG, would it be a good idea to watch TOS?

          No, it was actually pretty good. As with any ST, it had really good episodes and really poor ones. I do think it had a lot of potential that was waited - the whole "we're the first explorers from Earth" could have been played up more rather than the time war; especially had they explored our first contact and relationship with other species prevalent in "later" series.

      • If you haven't seen DS9 yet, don't. It's by far the worst Star Trek series. And trust me, I've seen them all.

        Meh I wouldn't say that. DS9 isn't THAT bad. Takes a bit of getting used to, and sometimes you feel like wanting to stop hearing Bashir's annoying accent, but otherwise its not that bad. Its just.. different.

      • Awesome!!

        I share her sentiment. I'm especially looking forward to Deep Space Nine being available - we already own TOS, so having it on Netflix is of less importance to us.

        It's a good day for nerd-dom.

        If you haven't seen DS9 yet, don't. It's by far the worst Star Trek series. And trust me, I've seen them all.

        How can we trust you? Your taste in Trek is abysmal.

      • by mikael_j ( 106439 ) on Saturday April 09, 2011 @05:26AM (#35766448)

        That's a highly subjective opinion.

        My personal ranking is:

        1. ST:DS9 - I liked that it had a large overarching plot
        2. ST:TNG - It's a classic
        3. ST:Voy - Yes, it had plenty of lame bits but at least it wasn't as shitty as Enterprise...
        4. ST:Ent - The best description I've heard of this is "If you just make it through the first two seasons it gets better..."
        5. ST:TOS - It may be a classic but it's still crappy by today's standards, and Spock frequently makes appeals to logic which are actually purely emotional
        • I'd put Voyager at the bottom, personally. It had cheese factor ten. For its time it is by far the cheesiest. TNG at the top; most successful implementation of the original formula, and the best talent by far. (Nimoy is still my favorite Trek actor, but taken as a whole...) I thought Enterprise was better than most people thought it was. I guess Nazi aliens don't bother me so much when we STILL have plenty of real Nazis running around on this mudball. Shit, the Bush family fortune came from funding the Nazi

        • DS9 FTW, mainly because it didn't rely on made-up-on-the-spot fake science or holodeck claptrap to drive/resolve the storylines.

          • DS9 FTW, mainly because it didn't rely on made-up-on-the-spot fake science or holodeck claptrap to drive/resolve the storylines.

            All of Star Trek relies on fake, made-up science. Warp drive, travelling through worm holes populated by gods?

            The important aspect of good Trek is that it explores/confronts human/societal problems/issues. If that's done as a murder-mystery in a holodeck setting or a non-space set in a hut on a planet, that's not really a failing. Sci-Fi tricks its readers/viewers into dealing w

        • You said: ST:Ent - The best description I've heard of this is "If you just make it through the first two seasons it gets better..."

          That's because the female Vulcan, T'Pol, finally gets naked in Season 3 episode 15 "Harbringer".
    • I share her sentiment. I'm especially looking forward to Deep Space Nine being available - we already own TOS, so having it on Netflix is of less importance to us.

      DS9 can come in handy. Last night, for instance . . . I had a terrible time getting to sleep.

  • Despite the CBS moronic policy on Star Trek, Roddenberry's legacy will prevail!
    The suits there think we still live in 20th. Century! (no Fox intended)


  • In related news... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Noughmad ( 1044096 )

    All Star Trek TV already on the Pirate Bay.

    • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

      But not available for instant streaming tailored to your connection's bitrate.
      I'd rather stream it via netflix legally (which I already pay for), rather than hoard it illegally on a drive I then have to buy and maintain.

      • by theCoder ( 23772 ) on Saturday April 09, 2011 @07:08AM (#35766648) Homepage Journal

        Unfortunately, as a Linux user, I am not allowed to stream Netflix because of their (or the studios) rampant paranoia. So I am not a Netflix customer. I guess having less customers is better than someone maybe copying the stream.

      • by Richy_T ( 111409 )

        If I have enough lead time, I rather download a movie or even rent it from Redbox. Netflix streaming is OK as long as you don't need to back things up or don't put the Wiimote down so the "B" button is accidentally pressed or it isn't the 1 time in 10 that the internet is running slow and your viewing experience is constantly interrupted by buffering.

        I support what Netflix is doing but they need a better player. Of course, there's only so much they can do with the Wii that I use (though I would cerainly be

    • All Star Trek TV already on the Pirate Bay.

      Streaming is superior.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Dr. Spork ( 142693 )
      Yeah, I think that Netflix streaming is the first commercial video service which is better and more convenient than piracy. Because let's face it, piracy is pretty darn convenient, and if you invest a minimal effort, the quality is also pretty good. For now, piracy still wins on the amount of content available, but I'm glad to see that Netflix is catching up!
      • amount of content doesn't mean crap if you can't filter through it.

        Netflix lets you watch any of 100 4/5 star rated comedies or 1000 3/5 star rated comedies when you feel like a comedy.
        Want action? Plenty of that.
        Romance for those lonely friday nights? Check.
        It's a pain to find new good stuff to watch. Rather just have it shoveled to be based on my previous ratings of films.
        And lets face it, who is going to pre-download a season of Hercules? How would I have found that if not to watch an episode on demand r

  • To think just 6 or 7 years ago I was buying every season of DS9 at close to $100 a pop on DVD in terrible cases that have mostly broken.
    • Tell me about it.. I wasted all my time downloaded every episode. And now, they're just easily watchable online?! I'm pissed now!
      • I wasted all my time downloaded every episode.

        Wasted your time? All you have to do is click on the download link at a torrent site. You can do that during the span of a single commercial break. After that your computer does all the work. Look at it this way: The parent poster spent $100/season for DVDs. That's $700. You saved $700 in two minutes. That's $2,100/hr or $4.2M/year. Not a bad take home pay.

  • Not that I needed much of an excuse to re-watch TNG and DS9, but it's nice to have one.

  • Starting in July, every episode from every Star Trek series will be available for Instant Watch over Netflix [...] the original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise

    *Ahem*, what happened to The Animated Series []? It's almost entirely awful and is more or less non-canon, but it's still a Star Trek series.

    (The article does go on to say "all five live-action Star Trek series", but the bit I quoted and the title are not technically accurate. Of course I have to point out such an inaccuracy, given the topic.)

  • I'm guessing they'll only stream the remastered version of the Original Series, which is too bad. Some of the redone visual effects look sorely out of place.
  • If you don't already have all the box sets, figurines and toy communicators then you're not worthy to be on slashdot.

  • There was one episode of ST:TNG from season 1 that I never, ever got to see the beginning of. No matter how many times it popped up in syndication and reruns, I always tuned in just after the title sequence.

    I'm not sure how, but I believe this is related to the phenomenon where, when there's a popular syndicated show you almost never watch, on the rare occasions that you do tune in you always see the same episode.

  • and maybe BBC America will stop showing them and have room to start showing, oh, I don't know, BRITISH programming!?

  • I've worn out watching DVR'd reruns of ST:TNG and I've been annoyed that DS9 hasn't been on streaming or syndicated re-air or anything other than a DVD somewhere. I'm looking forward to seeing that series again.

  • I got busy during ST:DS9, right at the height of the war with the Dominion.

    I keep meaning to catch up via BitTorrent, but I've ah, procrastinated a bit.

  • So i notice in the article that this is a deal between CBS and Netflix. I might actually try some CBS shows in gratitude. You do nice things for your audience and they might do nice things for you. imagine that.
  • Is there a list somewhere that shows an order of episodes based on star-date chronology? There was a lot of overlapping between TNG, DS9 and VOY.

Truth is free, but information costs.
