AIBO Via E-mail 118
digicosm2 writes "In honor of AIBO's fourth anniversary, Sony announced some new AIBO-related things today, including a new 'Cyber-Blue' color.
But more interesting is the 'AIBO EYES' software, which allows you to control AIBO from anywhere in the world, via email. You can even receive snapshots of your home from him to your mobile phone! Might make a great (and unobtrusive) security camera or webcam..." I just want them to produce the Cerberus ? version.
AIBO (Score:3, Funny)
Finally, a stable robot.
Re:AIBO (Score:2)
Re:AIBO (Score:3, Funny)
Aibos do not run Windows XP. They run a proprietary Sony OS called Aperios. I think the terms of my NDA let me say that it's a steaming pile of Aibo poop, but I probably shouldn't go into more details.
The software for your PC that lets you control them does run on XP (and other flavors of Windows). But XP isn't on the robot itself. (It probably wouldn't fit, even if you wanted it to - they only have 32 MB of RAM)
Planting AIBOs (Score:5, Funny)
Sounds like Dr Evil is now working for Sony - watch out Austin Powers!!!!
Re:Planting AIBOs (Score:1)
Wathing you watching them watching you.
Re:Planting AIBOs (Score:1)
Re:Planting AIBOs (Score:2, Funny)
Honestly, the peeping tom aspect seems much more appealing. Put AIBO in the bathroom/bedroom while the sister in-law is in the shower/changing, etc.
pr0n dictates innovation.
Re:Planting AIBOs (Score:5, Funny)
Leave out the "in-law" bit and you've got it.
Sony Marketing (Score:5, Funny)
- Couldn't they have thought of this sooner? Hardly sounds worth a press release
- Barking Popup ads anyone?
Paranoid chicks. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Paranoid chicks. (Score:1)
Re:Paranoid chicks. (Score:2)
Re:Paranoid chicks. (Score:1)
Cerberus? (Score:1)
Re:Cerberus? (Score:1)
Re:Cerberus? (Score:1)
Dog with an IP address (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:2, Funny)
> I would hate to see how you ping your dog.
Well, I at least would floodping the dog to death!
Dogs are such puny animals..
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:1)
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:1)
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Dog with an IP address (Score:2)
What I want to know is... (Score:1)
Insecure? (Score:5, Funny)
I wonder if I can get someone else's Aibo to wander round looking up skirts, watching peoples banking passwords, etc etc
I'm sure anyone able to forge email headers are looking foward to this.
Re:Insecure? (Score:1)
I wonder if I can get someone else's Aibo to wander round looking up skirts, watching peoples banking passwords, etc etc
I'm sure anyone able to forge email headers are looking foward to this.
Somehow I doubt they'll be setup so that the pic's are told where to be sent in the e-mail, I guess you could fill up AIBO's mem card with pics though.
Re:Insecure? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Insecure? (Score:2)
Believe it or not, the engineers predicted your pervert ways during the design phase
Re:Insecure? (Score:1)
Check out []!
Re:Insecure? (Score:1)
Password sniffing? ^:)
Re:Insecure? (Score:2)
Pushing technological boundaries (Score:5, Funny)
[...]said Victor Matsuda, ERA's vice president. "Over the last four years, we've pushed the boundaries of what robots can do and with AIBO EYES, the market is witnessing the future of things to come: A robot that is not only a companion but also offers practical applications."
We're impressed, Victor. You must really have been pushing the boundaries hard to come up with all these innovations, like transferring images and communicating through email. You can even use your mobile phone! Wow.
Further, AIBO EYES will also enable owners to remotely e-mail message commands to AIBO and have the robot perform selected songs, such as When the Saints Come Marching In and Ode to Joy.
You mean "practical applications" as in singing "when the saints come marching in"?
A post for this dog! (Score:5, Funny)
Accessory to AIBO: A mail-controlled P-post.
Operating system: eXPee and below.
Sold! (Score:1)
My order is already in!
Re:Sold! (Score:5, Funny)
Looking at my email, it's only a matter of time before my Aibo offers to make my penis larger, give me a loan, and let me know that hot sluts want me!
Security camera? (Score:5, Funny)
I'd put my security camera in my Microsoft Barney. I'd say he'd be around taking snapshots throughout the whole afair.
Re:Security camera? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Security camera? (Score:2)
One day crackers are going to have more fun... (Score:5, Funny)
That way, when they discover flaws, they can spoil all the food in my fridge, replace the pic of my girl on my mantle with some obscene imagery and then spy remotely on me as they sic my electronic dog on me
Re:One day crackers are going to have more fun... (Score:1)
a $1500 security cam? (Score:4, Funny)
- You're entering a private property. Please leave now.
- Ok, now take me down, please...
- Well... At least don't forget my speed board...
I can see it now.... (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe it'll even maul an old lady [] in the process.
Good security (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Good security (Score:4, Funny)
I have a Suggestion (Score:2)
Re:I have a Suggestion (Score:1)
And how to hack into it:
It's about $50-75 on ebay.
Hummmm..... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Hummmm..... (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Hummmm..... (Score:1)
Robotics (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Robotics (Score:2)
I've been thinking the same thing. It's just too expensive and time consuming to design everything youself, but if I could buy the basic parts, pre-built, it would be a lot easier to buil your own robot.
Hopefully, the whole battle-bot craze will help with this.
Re:Robotics (Score:2, Informative)
Here's an impressive machine: Eric Sophie's Jamocklaquat []
And here is a fairly smart one: J.P. Brown's Rubik Cube Solver []
Too time consuming? You mean as compared to reading/posting about robotic toy robots on the internet? 8?)
One step closer to slam hounds (Score:5, Funny)
I really don't want to be chased down the street by cute little explosive abios controlled by somebody tapping away on their mobile phone as they sit on the balcony of a rooftop coffeeshop table sipping a laté and cursing in slang-free french.
Re:One step closer to slam hounds (Score:1)
I'm surprised. Most of us on
Only on one condition (Score:2)
And maybe a good medical insureance contract.
Hey maybe we could write a mod for a popular first person shooter engine which is something like that.
And maybe somebody who can shout instructions like "go up the fire escape... room 303... turn left... no other left!" *boom* "Damn."
Yeah, I think i'd better do this in the virtual world, rather than have to explain to my kid that the dutchman gave him green eyes.
Re:One step closer to slam hounds (Score:1)
Give the dog a bone (Score:5, Funny)
Also, I cant wait to see what happend when it recieves some of the spam you are all talking about. I can just see the dog making his/her/its ways into the bedroom in the morning to find its owners in bed. Then it starts to read the email it just got:
" need a bigger Jonson! Or why dont you try Viagra, that might help?"
Is it so complicated? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Is it so complicated? (Score:1, Funny)
Tried using Windows?
BANG! (Score:2)
Re:Is it so complicated? (Score:1)
Wait for it....
Go and fetch the morning paper, then mail me back. (Score:2, Insightful)
Spam ? (Score:1, Funny)
- "dad why is the dog crawling on the floor and barking all night long ?"
- "well, kid, doctor told me PeePee suffers from S.P.A.M, this is a common desease propagated by AOL users like me and your mom too. I'm sorry but I think we'll have to shoot the dog."
I've heard... (Score:3, Funny)
(Thank you, I'll be here all week; the evening show's different from the morning one. Tip your waiter.)
Unobtrusive? (Score:5, Funny)
Yep: nothing says unobtrusive like an expensive silver (now in blue!) robotic dog. No one will notice that, nosiree.
arrest imminent (Score:1)
or I could just get write a script in about 10 lines of Bash to SMS an image to me from a webcam on reciept of the right email/SMS
Cerberus version? (Score:3, Funny)
You mean the Kerberos [] version. Where you can control AIBO and not worry about exposing your POP or IMAP password to the world. Good thinking!
And before anyone says "It's Cerberus, not Kerberos, there's no such dog as Kerberos.", Kerberos is the Greek spelling of the dog's name, and Cerberus is the Latin spelling. And, of course, Fluffy is the British spelling.
Re:Cerberus version? (Score:1)
Bah... (Score:1, Funny)
Aibo? Sony? (Score:2, Insightful)
A vote for Aibo is a vote against geek freedom. Pick your side.
Re:Aibo? Sony? (Score:1, Informative)
Check out Legit-i-Mutt [].
Actually, I thinks Sony bent over backwards to sort it out with AIBOPet, so give Sony a break!
Annoying post habit (Score:1)
Re:Annoying post habit (Score:1)
I can't wait... (Score:2)
Subject: Unknown person in the kitchen
while (unknown.stillStanding()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Email Example (Score:2)
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 17:53:13 -0500
Subject: Come to poppa!
1) Goto door
2) Unlock door
3) Come to poppa
4) Sit Ubu sit! Good dog. Woof!
Where are the sex robots? (Score:4, Funny)
A robot that licks and begs and follows orders is great, but not when it's a dog.
As for home defense, well, when the robot is not otherwise occupied (with sex or cleaning house or making me dinner, dammit) it's dressed in it's Carrie Anne Moss "Trinity" outfit and in full Kung-Fu mode.
Yeah, I have a sick, perverse and chauvinistic mind, but it's a very focused sick, perverse chauvinism, and that's a good thing. I think.
Actually, these robots would liberate women from having to deal with twisted desires and expectations of men raised on anime and Maxim magazine, and they can go form knitting circles or covens or whatever it is they do on "girl's night out."
Aibo AI Mind (Score:4, Informative)
The Aibo AI Mind [] is available to make your pet robot dog a more intelligent companion for you.
The User Manual of the Aibo Kennel Club Robot Artificial Mind [] teaches you how to interact with the Aibo AI Mind.
A more recently updated Mentifex AI version [] is freely available [] for tinkering and for installation in more humanoid robots than the Aibo.
Technological Singularity [] is on its way -- thanks to the Sony Aibo robot dog!
Woof! Woof! (Score:2)
not quite Cerberus, but... (Score:1)
Re:fp? (Score:4, Funny)
[move left]
Re:fp? (Score:1, Funny)
[move left 10]
Feet or metres?
Re:fp? (Score:2)