The Thermochemical Joy of Cooking 275
daeley writes "Wired has a feature on Alton Brown, host of FoodNetwork's Good Eats and favorite chef of geek foodies everywhere: The Thermochemical Joy of Cooking. AB has his own website, of course, and his own blog, of course. (If you are familiar with Alton's distinctive delivery, you can hear his voice as you read. My only complaint is that he doesn't write anywhere near often enough.) He's also been interviewed on Slashdot. From the Wired article: 'Brown, 41, is a culinary hacker, the poster boy for a movement that's coming to a boil in kitchens across America. The essence: Cooking is a science, not an art, informed by chemistry, physics, and biology. "Everything in food is science," Brown says. "The only subjective part is when you eat it."'"
finally! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:finally! (Score:5, Insightful)
I love cooking.. always have.. and I don't believe that it can always be reduced to science.. at least not to practical science. (Think three body problem.) The chicken you buy today will not have exactly the same flavour as the chicken you buy next week. And every beef cut needs to be treated like the individual it is.
I cook well, but have friend who are masters. I can taste what they taste, but can't say "okay, this needs a pinch of cumin and a little cardamon to make it perfect. These guys have the knowledge of what works with what, but also the honed taste abilites and experiences that tell you then what is needed.
And, to all those who haven't yet discovered it, cooking will get you chicks. My fianceé fell first for my cooking
Re:finally! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:finally! (Score:3, Insightful)
But I think AB teaching the science behind cooking is the key to becoming and artist with food. By helping people understand what is happening, it helps them experiment in useful directions. Understanding why one quickbread recipe calls for baking soda and another does not frees me from discouraging failed experiments, thanks to AB I know its about pH balance. Good Eats encourages experimentat
Re:finally! (Score:3, Insightful)
I largely agree because the quality of ingredients in cooking can vary so wildly, but if you buy "brand X" flour, it's pretty consistent.
Also, things like humidity can affect how your baking turns out, and knowing how to compensate is simply a matter of knowhow.
I was very close to enrolling in a local chef school until I found out how poorly the average chef gets paid aroun
Re:finally! (Score:3, Interesting)
There's science behind everything, but I don't think cooking is a science. It's a skill that combines a bit of science, a bit of art, some trial and error, and lots of practice. For example, I've been trying for a while to create a decent phad thai. The science part might tell me not to let the noodles cook too long, but it's not going to tell me what the end result is going to taste like. Each time I make it, I modify the sauce to try to achieve what I want, but it will take me a few more tries, maybe
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:5, Insightful)
My only complaint with his show is that we're not getting enough new episodes. They should make Food Network the "All-Alton-Brown-All-The-Time network!" Well maybe not that much, but you get the idea :-)
His hour-long salt episode which aired just recently was pretty cool too.
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:2)
Oh, and that salt episode was pretty good. He finally explains his obsession with salt
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:2)
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:2)
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Forgot a credit (Score:2)
Flay's presentation was no better than Sakai's, yet Flay got extra points for it.
I blame the Americentric tastes of the judges.
I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:5, Insightful)
Alton, himself, never calls himself a chef. In fact, he isn't trying to make you into one. He just perfects simplier dishes... and encourages people, especially geeks, to "play with their food" and understand whats going on when you do!
A true physicist may not like "Bill Nye" or "Mr.Wizard" because they do silly experiments with children, but it encourages people to delve more into science even more... Alton is much like the Mr Wizard of cooking... encouraging 'us kids' to cook and understand what's going on when we do it. And just like how Mr.Wizard didn't teach you how to make a nuclear reacture our of kitchen supplies, AB doesn't teach you how to perfect a $500 cavier/froi gras dish.
You hate AB, but anyone that DOES watch the show will easily put AB's infamous "French Chef" voice on when reading your entry.
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
COOKING IS AN ART. if it wasn't, any regular joe could pick up a copy of the Joy of Cooking and be running a four-star restaurant in a week.
Hold on, I'll be getting my Nobel Prize for Chemistry in a week. And those grants are coming in already!
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:5, Insightful)
Alton recognizes that cooking is an art... his show itself is art and imho good art. But understanding how the art works leads to better ability.
Pottery is a science, heat, minerals, sand, clay, glass etc.... and darn near any fool can lump some clay together and stick it in a kiln. But the real artists either through experience or through study learn how the materials respond to pressure, heat, time etc.... use this type of clay, this composition of glaze, fire it to this level for this length of time... and voila get the desired result.
Do I hate really good potters..... could say the same for many other mediums... paint, metalwork, etc.. etc.. etc.
Don't be a culinary snob... your successes lie on the same principles and 'science' that anyone elses do and if you understand that all the better.
I just finished perusing the CIA's (Culinary Institute of America) book 'The Professional Chef' and they certainly recognize that to suceed at the art of cooking one must come to terms with the science of it, and even the math, the business acumen, the labor and the grind that it can be as well.
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:5, Insightful)
The concept you seem to be missing, maybe due to your existing knowledge as a chemist, is that knowing the processes behind why things curdle, are tasteless or fall is part of the art of cooking. Very few TV cooks tell you the "processes behind the meal," which are essential to understanding the art of cooking. Alton fills that gap.
I certainly agree with you that it takes much more than science to get that omlette to come out just right, etc. It requires much skill and practice, the right tools and knowledge of how to use them. But I don't think Alton would disagree with you, either.
Think about one of the examples you gave: curdling. If you knew the underlying cause of curdled milk, you can apply that knowledge to a wide variety of recipies, not just the one you were working on. Yet most TV chefs don't get to that level. Sure their recipe might show you how to avoid curdling throught a precise list of steps and procedures. But very few would tell you why those steps are necessary to prevent curdling. Alton does just that.
Cooking is an art with many scientific principles behind it. Any cook who dismisses the artistry of cooking will undoubtedly never be a great chef. Any cook who ignores completely the science behind cooking will likewise never advance in his artistry.
I will admit, however, that a great chef may not have the same type of scientific knowledge that Alton advances. It may be sufficient to know, for example, that acid + milk + heat = curdled milk. But I really don't see the harm in knowing what chemical reactions happen in such a scenario.
Hey, you don't want to get to that level? Emeril airs a half hour after Good Eats. He's a fountain of enlightenment if I've ever seen one. :rolleyes:
ahh, but curdling isn't as simple as that... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:ahh, but curdling isn't as simple as that... (Score:2)
Science means, first and foremost, testing theories.
Re:ahh, but curdling isn't as simple as that... (Score:2)
Re:ahh, but curdling isn't as simple as that... (Score:3, Insightful)
There, he had sound scientific knowledge (milk + acid + heat = curdled milk) which he combined with artistry (use curdling to me advantage) to produce a "super buerre blanc." The perfect marriage of science and art.
I think the
Re:ahh, but curdling isn't as simple as that... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, it's fun to construct replies to fabricated positions.
You have it co
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, the most important parts of the creative decision process are artistic, informed by experience and critically directed by intuition. But the science is always there, waiting to make your creative fancies and stunning insights take shape. Or fail to, because physical reality imposes a harsh penalty if you try to oppose its inexorable truths. Witness many failed souffles, burnt sauces, and other culinary disasters caused by trying something that just can't work.
By the way, haven't I seen the exact same arguments in another favorite geek arena?
Same-same, basically. No amount of creativity is going to overcome the fundamental science of your medium. The wise [cook|coder] learns how to push the science to the very edge of the envelope to accomodate brilliant new visions of [fppd|software].Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Indeed, however it is worse in computer science. Those that don't know the "science" (read: fundamentals) behind their chosen professions are merely cookbook-style practitioners. In computer science (like cooking) the barrier to entry is low enough that any yahoo can claim to be a programmer. The main difference is that there is no easy way to deem software {wrong|broken|incorrect|etc} like you can do with food, buildings,
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
To make a really good omlette good science will suffice.
To make a really good omlette with qual eggs, faux graus, urchin eggs, and caviar takes artistry.
You Miss the Point (Score:3, Informative)
If all his show does is make people think about their equipment and help them get over their fear of getting that ol' wok extra-freaky-hot, he's done more than any other TV chef I've ever se
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Anecdote: One time I was making a batch of scalloped potatoes, I decided to add a bit of oregano. The cap came off and I added a bit too much. I removed what I could but the mixture already absorbed the oraganos flavor. Thus my scallop potatoes tasted like tree
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
The reason I put art in quotes because the word is a little ambiguous here. On one hand, "art" is any skill learned after much study and practice; which is exactly the same as "science". On the other hand, "art" can be used only to the application of skill to realize creativity and self expression; this generally is not considered science, e
I'm not a real Chef, which is why I like the show (Score:5, Insightful)
I know how to cook. Somewhat. But when I watch Alton do what he does, it puts "another tool in the toolbox." I learn a new trick, or a reason why, or something that'll make my next attempt better. Hopefully.
It's a lot like watching Bob Vila. He won't make anyone into a DIY guru. You won't be able to build a palace in your backyard just by watching him. But he'll show you a few new tricks, or how to use a tool properly, or something useful that you'll someday use.
Having more tools won't make you an artist, true. But it might make a budding artist more able to express himself.
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Surely you don't think because Chemistry is a science that any regular Joe could pick up a copy of "Chemistry for Dummies" and be running a lab in a week ?
Why should it be any different for the "science" of cooking?
As for your "chemically and scientifically should have worked fine" dishes - did you cook them in a lab ? Did you measure the liquids in a pipette? Did you eliminate the influences of the environment ? did you time the process to the sec
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:3, Interesting)
The difference is that in cooking, if you make a mistake adding ingredients, you can usually compensate by adding a different ingredient to counteract it.
In baking if you screw up, you usually have completely destroyed the chemical reactions you need to have happen, and so you have to throw it all away and start over.
(There is, of course, art in baking, too, but that usually comes into play in the finishin
I am a Food Scientist (Score:2, Informative)
i can't count how often something i've tried in the kitchen that chemically and scientifically should have worked fine, but in the end came out curdled, or tasteless, or fallen.
Don't blame science for
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's kind of like, I'd love to own a Picasso. I like Picasso. If I could own a Picasso one day, that would be swell. But I don't want to paint like Picasso. It's like the really great chefs are artists and it's like, I'm going to go to the restaurants and enjoy it. I don't want to cook like that at home and I don't want them to publish books that tell me how because you know what? You can't! You can't. You can not do it. They can write that stuff down, you're still not going to be able to do it. That's why, I think Joseph? [sic, Thomas?] Heller, amazing chef, French Laundry, out in Napa, amazing guy. I can't cook any of the stuff in his book because it's not enough to have it written down. It isn't enough. No more than it would be enough for Picasso to have written How To Paint A Picasso book. That's what we're talking about.
There's a level... It's like, I don't call myself a chef. I'm not a chef. I don't have the creative chops to call myself a chef. Can I hack out a decent meatloaf? Well, yeah, because I understand the meatloaf and yackety-yak. But I am I going to create a great dish? No? I'm not going to create a great dish. Those guys have that artistry and I wish they'd just do it and sell it and let those of us that want to eat it and enjoy it and stop writing cookbooks. Because I know more people that have given up on cooking because they couldn't make Charlie Trotter's friggin' Rabbit Reduction sauce. It's so intimidating. It infuriates me that those guys feel like they don't make enough money already that they have to make the rest of us feel bad with their cookbooks. So, I don't buy them. I don't buy those cookbooks. I very rarely buy cookbooks, to be frank.
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:4, Insightful)
My, aren't we impressed with ourselves?
Your statement presumes that "regular joes" can't do art. They can and in fact do. You might argue that 99% of all the food people prepare in their homes is crap. But guess what: 95% of what I've eaten is restaurants is the same hum drum level.
The reason that you can't pick up Joy of Cooking and run a four star restaurant (or even get palateable meals) is that the Joy of Cooking doesn't teach you what you need to know to make good meals. If you want to make a good flat iron steak, or some decent onion soup, or a decent cheesecake, there are a few things you need to get right, and if you get those few technical things right, you get MUCH better results. Is there some art beyond that? Of course, but most people just want their meals to taste better, they don't aspire to creating lasting works of art.
Cooking is mostly a craft, and like most crafts, it is helped by learning proper technique and by practice. Alton Brown encourages both in a relatively accessable way. I thank him for the many tasty meals he's inspired in my kitchen.
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:4, Insightful)
In his case the geek set, learning the basics involves a lot of science (we like to understand how things work not just that if I heat the oil on medium and drop the meat in for 5 min it cooks). I know with everything if I understand how a process works from interest rate calc derivation to quantum physics to custard formation, I'm a whole lot more likely to remember the steps involved and correctly apply them. The love of fine food comes after you've baked the salmon served it with wine, a nice salad, and asparagus with hollandaise sauce and you take a bite.
dude, asparagus gets Sauce Maltaise! (Score:2)
Re:I'm a Real Chemist and a Real Chef... (Score:3, Insightful)
Understanding science doesn't eliminate art. (Score:4, Insightful)
Understanding the science behind cookery does not eliminate the art. Computers can generate sonnets which are grammatically and syntactically perfect, but they're not worth reading. Painting can be reduced to a science as well, but only if you limit it to paint-by-numbers.
Two different things being discussed here... (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, if you're cooking because you're hungry and you want to eat, then it's a bit of a different story.
Cooking is the act of preparing something (as food), usually by the application of heat. Beyond that, any definition you read into it is your own. Cooking as art and cooking as a way to get rid of hunger are both acceptable uses of the word.
Cooking as art is creative. Cooking as hunger-elimination is usually not. Day in and day out, I gotta eat, and I usually use the second definition. Once I know how to prepare a thing, I can prepare that thing the same way virtually every time (hey, I'm only human, I screw it up sometimes). If I want to create something different though, then I can do that as well. But I don't often have that kind of time.
Re:Two different things being discussed here... (Score:2)
Re:Understanding science doesn't eliminate art. (Score:3, Insightful)
You are thinking of two things... a cook makes a meal (much like in Otters reply), a chef makes new dishes. Alton is NOT a chef, and he makes sure that he's pretty clear in his shows and books that he is NOT a chef. He shows how to cook something and gives you the scientific insight to know what is going on while doing it. This insight COULD give someone enough knowledge to make his/her own dishes (which some artistic thinking as well), but the insight, itself, is science
Isn't that what he is saying? (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree, but isn't that what he is saying by the statement "The only subjective part is when you eat it."? I mean, taste is subjective, and that is where the chef really puts the paint to the canvas, so to speak. I mean, if you have art, but you don't know the science, then you are producing pretty stuff that doesn't taste good. Well, I guess technically you don't need to know the science, but if something works well, it is based on science.
I love Alton's shows, because he tells the WHYs. I also love the book Cookwise for the same reasons. If you know why certain things work and why others don't, it gives you a building block for making better food. The chef really needs to be the gauge and the creator. They need to know their audience. They have to put all the "stuff" together in creative (or simple) ways. If you know why things work the way they do, even on a simple level, it helps. A lot. Sure, it may suffice to know things without knowing the science, but learning the WHYs is fun and interesting.
Re:Understanding science doesn't eliminate art. (Score:2)
Next book... (Score:5, Funny)
This is why he rules... (Score:5, Funny)
"What other chef writes a script in which he gets punched in the head by Boxing Nun puppets named Tender and Flaky, as they fight over whether the two textural qualities can coexist in one pie crust?" Truly an American Icon
The Science Mastered (Score:5, Funny)
It is only edible by humans, I've never seen anything else touch my #2. And it never spoils (leave it out and it just gets hard, no mold, no green, no nothing!).
Culinary perfection.
Of course, there are those who say... (Score:4, Insightful)
Obviously, there are certain guidelines to follow, or it's not science (or cooking), it's just messing around. But as long as you're within those guidelines--for both disciplines--it's important to be as creative as possible.
But the main difference here with cooking is that you don't really need to know WHY something works, just that it work. If 10 minutes in the fridge makes my pie crust flakier, great! I don't care if it's about the dual-bond lipids remaining in a suspension long enough for the proteins to bond...
Re:Of course, there are those who say... (Score:2)
> that you don't really need to know WHY something
> works, just that it work.
You can say the same thing about chemistry.. you don't need to solve the shroedinger equation everytime you want to determine the outcome of a reaction.
However, it does help to know some of the science behind cooking. Why, for example, can't you beat an egg white if there is even a drop of yolk in it? Knowing things like this means that your waffles don't turn into wavy panca
Everything is Science (Score:4, Funny)
Never really got into cooking shows until... (Score:4, Interesting)
That's when I met the stylings of AB - he got me to love to cook. Granted, I always liked to cook, but after watching his show I *love* to cook.
For some reason his style just matches what I like - he talks about something and it sticks in your head. And because he shows the science behind the food, when you make a new dish, you can almost tell the outcome before you start - you know how eveything will react!
Plus, I dig the dry humor, how he refers to the ingredient list as "hardware" and soft(wet)ware", the camera angles you don't see on a regular cooking show - even the corny acting I like hehe.
A similar book with recipes (Score:4, Informative)
Hackers are artists, not scientists (Score:4, Insightful)
My favorite part:
I'd apply the same principles to cooking. Alton is a culinary chemist, maybe. A culinary hacker, never.
Re:Hackers are artists, not scientists (Score:4, Insightful)
I disagree. The man added a tailpipe to his charcoal grill so he can blow air into the coals from a modified hair dryer and increase the overall temperature. That's a hardware hack if I've ever seen one.
He's also cooked a roast in a clay flower pot, smoked bacon in a locker, smoked salmon in a cardboard box with a hot plate, among many other "food hacks."
I'd say that stuff pretty well embraces the "hacker ethos" -- as pretentious a term as that may be.
Re:Hackers are artists, not scientists (Score:2)
Hackers _usually_ don't approach from the direction of science. A hacker thinks of something neat, and then mayber there are scientific implications in that and maybe its just neat. Or sometimes there is an interesting science, and the hacker gets creative and tries a variation on it, or a creat
Cooking is an art (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Cooking is an art (Score:2, Interesting)
hmmm, have you ever did a titration ? Just adding drops of an acid substance into a solution which contains an indicator can make the solution turn let's say red with ONLY ONE DROP.
That looks like magic to me ;-) And this kind of thing happens a lot (not magic, science, my drop thing) in cooking...
What ingredients go together... (Score:3, Interesting)
eg: tuna & cheese, beef & tomatoes, carrots, onions & celery (aka "mirepoix"), etc.
Is it the balance between bitter & sweet? Or is it just "magic"
(ps: you should all try root beer & orange juice...now that's a mix that tastes great but looks awful)
Re:What ingredients go together... (Score:2)
Along those lines, I like mixing mint-chip ice cream and dr pepper. It makes this ugly brown sludge that tastes great.
This weekend (Score:2)
Good cooking is a science great cooking is an art. (Score:3, Insightful)
ok, he said it way more concisely than i did (Score:2)
The non-joy of watching (Score:2)
- cooking rice, pasta or potatoes in an uncovered recipient while the water is boiling feverishly and huge quantities of steam are generated;
- adding enormous amounts of water to a preparation, only to boil it off later on;
- baking meat in overheated and burnt oil that splatters all around;
- continuously shifting pans on and off the heat source instead of it adjusting to a proper power level;
- not turning down a slowly reacting heat source (like an electric plate) when th
Re:The non-joy of watching (Score:2)
Don't cover pasta - it'll boil over. The rest you want to leave covered.
adding enormous amounts of water to a preparation, only to boil it off later on
That's ok, so long as you're not losing anything else
baking meat in overheated and burnt oil that splatters all around
Cover in aluminum foil.
continuously shifting pans on and off the heat source instead of it a
Alton's cause (Score:4, Interesting)
Also, Alton knows a whole lot about how to make the cooking experience more enjoyable so you can worry about the art more than the science. The best way to thaw a chicken.. put it in a bowl with barely running cold water spilling into it, rather than having it sit in the oven. See, now I can worry more about what seasoning to choose instead!
Zen proverb (Score:2)
You might also want to check out.. (Score:2, Informative)
I've only eaten at his brasserie, but the food was superb. This chap knows what he's doing.
Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)
Another GREAT Q&A with Alton Brown (Score:4, Informative)
I use a microwave oven (Score:2, Funny)
But which came first? (Score:2)
science vs. art (Score:2)
All art is perception. All perception is biology. All biology is science. All science (except math) is empiricism. All empiricism is creative. All creativity is art.
When Alfredo di Lelio made fettucine Alfredo in the 1920s, it was art (bordering on genius). When I make it today, it's science (bordering on worship).
Re:science vs. art (Score:2)
Some broad connections there. Art is just perception is more. and perception isn't all biology. Do you mean the fact that by perceiving somethign I go through a biological proccess? what if my computer percives something? All sicence isn't just measurement. Sometimes it's gigantics leaps in logic.
infinium labs way ahead of you! (Score:2)
Re:infinium labs way ahead of you! (Score:2)
Speaking of Food Network ... Rachel Ray is hot (Score:2, Funny)
it's an art AND a science (Score:2)
There's plenty of science in cooking, but there's plenty of art, too. You can't create a great bronze statue without knowing (or working with someone who knows) a hell of a lot about the casting process, and about how bronze flows and how it cools and like that. But you also can't create a great bronze statue without an appreciation for form and design.
Cooking is just the same. To cook well, you need to know what's going on, what happens when you do something
Everyone missed it. (Score:2)
He's wrong. (Score:2)
Of course science is involved in cooking. I don't think anyone has argued against that in the last century. Certainly not modern cooking periodicals like Cook's Illustrated [cooksillustrated.com].
He's wrong, though. Most of cooking is art. Many of the techniques are scientific. However, ingredient selection and presentation are artistic.
Insipid (Score:4, Insightful)
Brown's hyperrational approach defies conventional wisdom about food preparation. Cooks typically regard their culinary traditions as gospel, whether they learned them at the Sorbonne or from their great aunt Sibby. Tampering with recipes only leads to trouble.
All the serious cooks I've ever met (I've been cooking professionally for several years, by the way) tamper with recipes every day. That's what serious cooks DO. Who wants to have a "perfect" chocolate mousse if it's indistinguishable from the one they're serving across the street? (Although chefs HAVE been known to get offended if I mess with their old family recipies.)
By the way, the Sorbonne is a liberal arts university - just because they're French doesn't mean they teach cooking.
The "art or science" question misses the point. Cooking is a synthesis of technical knowledge and aesthetic knowledge. The two are mutually dependent - if you ignore the first one, your food will be ruined half the time, if you ignore the second one, you'll wind up with mass-produced McFood.
And the best part... (Score:2)
Thirst for knowledge (Score:3, Interesting)
AB is about entertaining information, food and cooking just happen to be the subject. I would like to see more spinoffs with this style on discovery or TLC (Which should change its name to THRDC - The Home Repair and Decoration Chanel).
I also highly recommend "Unwrapped" for those like me with the crayon making fetish.
Other chemists in the kitchen (Score:3, Informative)
For example, James Peterson (chef, author, and recipient of numerous James Beard awards) studied chemistry at Berkeley before engaging in culinary studies at Le Cordon Bleu, and that was more than thirty years ago. In his books and classes, he applies and encourages such topics as understanding of emulsification, the importance of pH balance, how to adjust yoghurt with microbes, the chemistry of caramelization, and so on. His cookbooks are a revelation for those serious about the culinary arts.
I'm a fan of Alton Brown's emphasis on kitchen science, but in its portrayal of his work Wired demonstrates its typically superficial take on science and technology as seen through the pop-culture lens, and fails to put Brown's contribution into a relevant context.
Re:Not a very profound assertion (Score:2, Funny)
Except perhaps that biologists could unleash plagues of locusts, by tweaking the environment, which is close enough. Chemists are just wanna-bees.
Re:Not a very profound assertion (Score:5, Interesting)
Cooks wish they were biologists.
Bakers are, in a sense, biologists. They know that yeast in bread and rolls thrive in warm temperatures, and that the ideal temperature for yeast activity is between 120 an 130 degrees F. Heat the dough to 140, and the yeast dies. Salt will kill yeast if brought in direct contact with it as well. And yeast loves sugar - so much so that if you leave the sugar out of bread, the yeast will start breaking down the complex sugars in the flour, which in turn changes the flavor of the breads.
Bakers must know the environmental conditions they need to set up for yeast (a living fungus), or they will find themselves without a bakery. In this sense, they have to be biologists, albeit in a limited sense.
Re:Not a very profound assertion (Score:4, Funny)
So when a recipe calls for a certain amount of honey to be added to a dough that also includes flour and eggs, you're really just tweaking the bee-puke input in order to adjust yeast-shit output as a function of how many bird menstruation products you added.
(And yet, I still enjoy bread and beer, and am still hungry. Go figure.)
Re:If cooking is science (Score:5, Insightful)
Shouldn't be complicated?
Cooking is an area where it can be as complicated as you want it to be-ranging all the way from sticking a piece of meat into the fire to a masterful blend of 72 ingredients into a pot of French soup simmered for eight hours over charcoal. Most people do not do anything very complicated, but if you don't think that there isn't science in cooking, then all of our safety precautions, refrigeration technology, FDA guides, food pyramid, nutritional labels, calorie counts, and everything else really isn't necessary. The human diet is one of the most studied scientific areas in history; even more so if you take medicine and drugs into consideration.
Now, granted I don't bother to pay attention to most of the research being done nowadays because taste and effects are so individualized, but there certainly is science involved in the process of cooking beyond a simple receipe for something that tastes good.
Re:If cooking is science (Score:4, Insightful)
If you want to just follow the recipe, it's not that complicated. Step 1, beat eggs, step 2, add flour, etc.
But, if you want to see what you can do with it, to put your own spin on it, to hack it, then you need to be a bit more complicated. And to do that, you need to understand what's happening and more importantly, why it's happening.
Visual Basic is to Emeril as Perl is to Alton Brown
Re:If cooking is science (Score:5, Insightful)
Does that make Jamie Oliver java?
Re:If cooking is science (Score:5, Funny)
Hmm..if by that you mean "overhyped nonsense", then I guess so. But it's not really fair to Java.
Re:If cooking is science (Score:4, Funny)
I would've went with python because of that huge tongue
Re:Good Eats (Score:2)
Sweet, Sour, Salt and Bitter (Score:2)
I'd have to agree with the salt comment. Too many people leave salt for the table, where it only adds flavor to the finished product. If you season (salt) your food while you cook (i.e. sweating onions? add some salt to flavor and draw out the water) you develope layers of flavor that are stacked on top of one another. Overall, your food will taste better, and you wo