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First of 6 new HHGG episodes, Tonight! 306

Prof.Phreak writes "From HHGG: Twenty-five years after the original radio series of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy exploded into the public consciousness, the further exploits of its bewildered hero, Arthur Dent, are being brought to life in their original medium and with the (mainly) original cast. Episode 1- Tuesday 21 September 2004 6.30pm; In which Arthur wakes up, Trillian opts out, and Marvin is stuck fast..."
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First of 6 new HHGG episodes, Tonight!

Comments Filter:
  • by philbowman ( 707419 ) * on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:41AM (#10308867)
    Star Wars DVDs or HHGG Radio play? Well, I'll probably be in my car at the time, so Hello Arthur...
  • Streaming (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dotwaffle ( 610149 ) <slashdot&walster,org> on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:41AM (#10308870) Homepage
    I do hope it's being streamed over the net - I can't get Radio 4 here... Sure, I may be in Loughborough and have a perfect signal, but I don't have a radio tuner at the moment, and my car aerial has snapped off! Grrr!
  • DNA as Agrajag (Score:5, Insightful)

    by milkme123 ( 302350 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:41AM (#10308871)
    It's so awesome that Douglas Adams already recorded his part.. I'll be listening with a tear in my eye. :)
  • BBC Radio Links (Score:5, Informative)

    by YetAnotherName ( 168064 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:42AM (#10308882) Homepage
    If you're out of reception range of BBC Radio Four, then you can listen online:

    BBC Radio Player []

    It requires a Real player [] of some kind.
  • by Anonymous Coward
  • 42nd Post! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Theatetus ( 521747 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:43AM (#10308889) Journal
    Woo hoo!
  • l

    Should appear there soon!

  • Doug Adams (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dotslasher_sri ( 762515 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:43AM (#10308891)
    So long and thanks for all the episodes.
  • by m_member ( 771187 )
    Each episode will be available for 7 days following the Thursday evening repeats.

    So no need to destroy your mind with a homemade Total Perspective Vortex if you don't catch it first time. Though I'm sure a CD release will follow shortly.

  • by teiresias ( 101481 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:44AM (#10308913)
    my towel and I are ready!
  • by Ricx ( 724640 )
    I've been listening to the old shows on the way to work, and it still makes me laugh. The other people on the bus must think I'm nuts...
    • Re:Great Stuff ! (Score:3, Informative)

      Yah the origial radio show is what got me started on the whole HHGTG trip. I had a contraption of one of those automatic light timers connected to my Quasar 3 in one stereo set to turn it on (with play/record already depressed) and record the NPR broadcast while I was at my boy scout meeting. How's that for super nerd style. I grabbed a collection of the mp3's last year, and listened for 7 hours straight. Something about the radio drama really capured my imagination in the way that only a book or really go
  • Bit torrent will have these ASAP. I've never read or heard Hitchhikers (yes I know, I'm sorry please forgive me I give up my geek status), but I plan to do so tonight. I can get radio 4 here (I'm in the UK) and I may even record it on TV (TV gets radio with satalite).

    Is there an online option or any news of a CD/cassete release in the near future though?
  • by CheesyPeteza ( 814646 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:46AM (#10308942) ikers_trail.mp3
  • Tonight? (Score:3, Informative)

    by MagPulse ( 316 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:46AM (#10308946)
    Well, it's at 10:30am Pacific and 1:30pm Eastern.

    Anyone have backup audio links in case BBC's is overwhelmed?
  • Oh no ! .. (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:48AM (#10308958)
    you're trying to slashdot the BBC !
  • That's BIG! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Beost ( 695348 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:50AM (#10308983)

    So let's do the math...

    The planet factory was 13 light/sec in circumferance. Light travels at approximately 3e8 m/s which puts the circumferance at 3.9e9 meters around.

    3.9e9 / (2 * PI) ~= 6.2e8 meters which is the radius. That puts the diameter at 1.24e9 meters.

    There is 6.2e-4 meters/mile, so 1.24e9 * 6.2e-4 = 7.7e5 miles. That's pretty close to the estimated 1 million mile diameter!

    I really like the way this guy thinks.

  • Previously (Score:2, Informative)

    by unit01 ( 583255 )
    This should bring you up to date. At the end of the last series: The gang have discovered the whereabouts of the guy who makes all of the desicions about the universe. Arthur Dent (the last remaining male human) has stormed off in the "heart of gold" (powered by the improbabilty drive) after hearing that one of his companions Zaphod beeblebrox was behind the destruction of Earth. So the rest of the gang are stranded and its making marvin depressed.

    • This should bring you up to date.

      Wrong timeline. I assume they're following the books, in which case the end of the second radio series doesn't apply. Although, to be honest, I haven't a clue...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Just thought I'd let you know about the new O'Reilly book. The blurb on the back says "Learn to eliminate superficial bugs in SCC products - then stand back and enjoy a stunning view of all the fundamental ones"
  • Where will they stop making episodes?

    Will they stop at Fish, or continue on to Mostly Harmless?

    I, for one, was deeply dissapointed with Mostly Harmless - it felt very mean-spirited, like DNA was saying "Alright, I want to do other work now, and you bastards won't let me, so I'll kill EVERYBODY off - THERE! Now can I write other stuff?"

    Even Sir Conan-Doyle's termination of his main character wasn't so mean-spirited - Holmes died fighting Moriarity - he wasn't simply wiped from existance!
    • The BBC website states that Fish and Mostly Harmless will be broadcast in 2005.
    • He wrote "Mostly Harmless" when he was pretty depressed. I read an article/interview (Maybe in "Salmon of doubt"?) where he said that he wanted to go back to the series one last time to put it to rest in a slightly more cheery way. He was going to do it after he finished the dirk gently novel he was working on when he died.
  • by halivar ( 535827 ) <> on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @10:57AM (#10309033)
    ...will I be able to watch without a babel fish?
  • Ok, what is the best way to capture this for listening to later on an Ipod?

    Windows or BSD options are welcome..

    And please, no lecturing about 'copyright violations', i really dont care to hear about it, nor will i respond.. I have the rights to time-shift.
    • Normally I don't go for non-free software, but I paid real money to register Total Recorder [] -- Windows I'm afraid -- so that I could record the BBC's John Peel RA streams to MP3. It's nice, and if the server plays ball (as the BBC ones do), you can stream non-live content as fast as your network can deliver it.
    • I found that vsound, with some fiddling, works fine for recording real streams on Linux. I'd expect it would work on BSD too. Creates a virtual output that you can pipe to file. I'd recommend downloading the realcap script to drive vsound and automate the mp3 creation, etc. You'll probably want to make some changes to lame_parms to create variable bitrate mp3s.

      Excerpted from the realplay script;

      # This script is based on the vsound script from the

      # Linux Radio Timeshift HOWTO:




        October 27th, 2002

        Although I have maintained vsound for nearly three years, I can no longer do so, nor can I continue to make it available from this web site.

        I live in Australia which has a law (Digital Agenda Bill 2000) which is similar to the DCMA in the US in that it makes the distribution of a devices for circumventing copyright protection illegal. I have neither the time, money or inclination to make myself a possible target for such legal action

  • Will we be able to download the program(me)s and archive them locally? I see one of the previews is in MP3 format, which would be perfect for my portable player. Will I be in luck?

  • Time difference (Score:3, Informative)

    by dacarr ( 562277 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @11:07AM (#10309137) Homepage Journal
    Please note that the time listed is GMT+1 - adjust accordingly. Seems England "celebrates" daylight savings time as well.
  • Time-Shifting (Score:2, Interesting)

    by avendasora ( 252765 )
    Well, I guess I finally have a reason to pay the $32 for Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack Pro.... []

    You've got to love how easy some Mac software is to use. (and, no, I am in no way affiliated with them, other than I'm about to own their software.)

  • i've missed out on all these radio shows etc. where can i find digital version of these shows? for purchase or for legal free download.
    • You can buy them on CD (or MP3 CD, but the encoding is apparently crap), the collectors edition (with both series) is better, as it has extra features the separate primary / secondary phase releases don't have. You might have better luck with and other UK stores, as I don't think BBC Audio releases are officially distributed in the US.
  • by neil.pearce ( 53830 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @11:19AM (#10309308) Homepage
    In which Arthur wakes up, Trillian opts out, and Marvin is stuck fast...

    If you view the HTML of the BBC page, you'll notice much longer introductions to each story, currently commented out...

    Arthur Dent awakes to find that he has spent the last four years on prehistoric Earth, alone in all that time save for five minutes with an infuriating alien called Wowbagger who arrived, insulted him, and left. Reunited with Ford Prefect, Arthur discovers that the Hitchhikers Guide he threw in the river still works - and is being updated. Rescue appears in the form of a sofa caught in the Space-Time Continuum and Arthur and Ford disappear in a fashion which would cause stern looks from the Campaign For Real Time.

    Aboard the Heart of Gold Zaphod Beeblebrox is nursing a large Pan Galactic Gargleblaster and two headaches. He believes that he survived the Total Perspective Vortex while pursuing a Hitchhikers Guide employee called Zarniwoop and that Arthur marooned him by stealing the Heart of Gold, which of course Zaphod himself stole (but then Zaphod thinks he alone has the right to indulge in excitement, adventure and really wild things).

    His girlfriend Trillian (who, as Tricia McMillan, is the only human apart from Arthur to survive the Destruction of Earth by the Vogon Constructor Fleet) has no memory at all of these events and is therefore convinced that Zaphod has had a psychotic episode brought on by too many drinks. Tired of his selfishness she snaps and leaves him, having herself beamed by Eddie the shipboard computer in any direction but here.

    Meanwhile in the swamps of Squornshellous Zeta, Marvin the Paranoid Android pivots helplessly in circles on an artificial leg, his only company a talkative mattress called Zem ...
    • From the sounds of it, they turned the entire original second season into a dream sequence!

      That really sucks. I wish they'd pick up at the end of the second season, where Arthur learns from the strange old man that the Earth was destroyed by an alliance of psychiatrists (who were afraid that the revelation of the ultimate answer would cause them to lose business) and Zaphod, and flees in the Heart of Gold.

  • by Ronald Dumsfeld ( 723277 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @11:22AM (#10309353)
    While you're waiting for the broadcast you can always play the game [].
  • DOWNLOAD IT EARLY! (Score:2, Informative)

    by neil.pearce ( 53830 )
    Duh, the preview is available at hhikers_trail.ram

    Took two attempts to guess this one []

    Though I don't have RealPlayer so can't listen to it :(
    • by splice42 ( 108862 )
      Perhaps you should've either got RealPlayer to test this out, or AT LEAST inspected the .ram file the server spits back. Turns out that this redirects to pnm:// and not actually the HitchHiker's episode in question.

      In fact, if you had bothered to test further, you would have noticed that you can type whatever you want (with extension .ram, at least) after and it'll still spit back a .ram file that is just a redirect to the su
    • by Excors ( 807434 )
      How about rtsp:// (or rtsp:// etc) which does actually work? :-)
  • by gowen ( 141411 ) <> on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @11:44AM (#10309673) Homepage Journal
    The original Infocom HHGTTG game :
  • please remove any extraneous spaces
    mplayer -dumpstream rtsp://*/ev7/live24/radio 4/live/r4_dsat_g2.ra
  • by advocate_one ( 662832 ) on Tuesday September 21, 2004 @12:33PM (#10310334)
    you bastards...

If you had better tools, you could more effectively demonstrate your total incompetence.
