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Anime Media Television

Cartoon Network Acquires Neon Genesis Evangelon 330

The Fool writes "Anime News Network is reporting that Cartoon network will be airing All of Neon Genesis Evangelon. You can also read the Toon Zone speculation as well as some more."
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Cartoon Network Acquires Neon Genesis Evangelon

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  • Oh great. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Surye ( 580125 ) <surye80@@@gmail...com> on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:01PM (#12974145) Homepage
    Too bad it won't be intact at all unless it's in the Adult Swim line up.
    • Re:Oh great. (Score:2, Interesting)

      by teksno ( 838560 )
      which it should be.... granted they can edit out the blood, but some of the story themes are a little mature to show on maguzi... i guess thay might air it on whats left of toonami... but i dont even know what time that segmet airs anymore....
      • "some of the story themes are a little mature"

        I'm not sure if they were mature or wether an unspoiled mind would have got more out of the background story. For the ending I have no words.

        More wicked japanese stuff for the children!
    • I bet that it will be cut down for tv, but Adult Swim seems to be making a fortune selling DVD's. Give it a year and that is what they will really be pushing, "Get the full story at adultswim.com" or some other genius marketing maneuver
    • Re:Oh great. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by spleentor ( 873802 )
      imagine all the letters cartoon network will get from enraged parents once this airs honestly, im a huge fan of the entire evangelion franchise. if it wasn't for eva i wouldn't be into anime. but the idea of this series chopped up to fit into cartoon network's time slot (5 minutes of plot, 25 minutes of commercials) and edited for content makes me cringe. especially this idea they seem to have that all animes are made for kids. yes it IS animation, but the main story is still very dark. for christ's sake, t
    • by MSZ ( 26307 )
      Don't worry, you'll be able to see all 4 episodes that will remain after "light editing to make it family-friendly".

      With perfectly incompatible voices for the dub.
  • Anime News Network is reporting that Cartoon network will be airing All of Neon Genesis Evangelon which will be heavily edited/Americanized for violence, gore, and nudity.
    • Anime News Network is reporting that Cartoon network will be airing All of Neon Genesis Evangelon which will be heavily edited/Americanized for violence, gore, and nudity.

      which in turn will leave more time for commercials, which is exactly what the network wants.

      Oh well, there's always P2P to the rescue if you want to see the real McCoy...
  • All of it? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Scrameustache ( 459504 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:04PM (#12974160) Homepage Journal
    In all it's gore, religious themes and sexuality?

    Because I'm pretty sure it will be heavily censored and edited, like Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon were.
    • the animes Cartoon Network shows on Adult Swim (such as Trigun) and which I believe they'll be showing NGE on are not censored at all or if censored, only very little because I can't really tell the difference.

      Only gripe I'm going to have is that it'll probably be dubbed and most american voice acting is not up to par if you get my drift.
  • Evangelon? (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Evangelion... with an i. Just like the way it's spelled in the links.
  • Welcome to 1995! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by fict0n ( 895724 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:07PM (#12974168)
    Adult Swim sure is cutting edge, be sure to invest in them- I have a feeling they're about to break wide open..
  • Hopeful (Score:4, Insightful)

    by kungfustickman ( 844388 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:07PM (#12974173)
    Hopefully they don't do the "Foxbot" on evangelon. For those of you who don't know Neo Genesis Evangelon is considered to be one of the "ledganday" animes.
  • Popular perception (Score:4, Insightful)

    by m50d ( 797211 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:07PM (#12974174) Homepage Journal
    Whilst I'm glad to see it being shown, I feel that having it on that channel won't do much good for the popular perception of animé in the US. I'd rather see it on some culture-oriented channel that shows foreign artsy films and similar, although that doesn't exactly result in an accurate perception it's a closer one than we currently get.
    • I feel that having it on that channel won't do much good for the popular perception of animé in the US.

      Why? Would you rather have sugar-coated watered-down psudo-animé for the US instead?

      • No, like I said I'd rather have anime seen by the non-watching public like people see weird french films, rather than thinking of it as purely kidde cartoons.
    • Doesn't matter what channel they show it on.... as long as they don't butcher it. US basic cable channels have a nasty habit of modifying contents to some lame degree.

    • Yes to nitpick.
      It's written anime, without any "é"s or other wierd letters.
      It comes from the word "animeeshon" (with a long "e") which is the Japanification of the word animation.
      Animation -> animeeshon -> anime.

      And if slashdot allowed me to enter Japanese letters, I could show you the actual spelling.
    • Whilst I'm glad to see it being shown, I feel that having it on that channel won't do much good for the popular perception of animé in the US. I'd rather see it on some culture-oriented channel that shows foreign artsy films...

      Art film distribution is where quality anime like Cowboy Bebop goes to die.
      You need CN, you need Disney. You may even need Fox. Joke all you want, but what other broadcast network in the last sixteen years has given animation prime time exposure?

  • EvanWTFgelion (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Mulletproof ( 513805 )
    I am firmly convinced that anybody who claims to know what this anime is really about is full of shit. Seriously. The moment they start telling you about the plot and all the accompanying existential quasi-religious mish-mash, tell them they're full of BS because they don't have a clue either.

    On a side note, what's the big deal again? This franchise isn't just old, it's stale. FLCL airing on the cartoon network was bigger news than this. Wake me up when they get something not over half a decade old.
    • ::Grins::

      I think you've got your dates off. Mobile Suit Gundam [imdb.com] first showed in 1979.

      At any rate, this is still an oldy but goody in terms of anime. After being a let down NGE fan, i was quite happy when i found RahXephon [imdb.com] (though as per usual, the movie was pretty poor) because in essence this show had all the thematic components that Evangelion had, but the characters were all plausible rather than displays of Gainax's amplified manic-depressive mood swings.
      • True, true. But then, MSG didn't appear as a slashdot article, either ;)
      • Most of the characters are plausible if you pay attention to their history, from very broken homes, orphaned, abandoned, betrayed and being mind-raped by the angels and Evas.

        I would consider Eva relevant in the fact that it was one of the earliest popular post-modern anime, which is why no one understand it, because there is no single meaning that can be derived from it.

        Not that I think it is appropriate for Cartoon Network's "rather censor than be controvercial".
    • some info (Score:2, Informative)

      Samarai Champloo is pretty new I think. Eva is a *full* decade old. The original gundam is freaking ancient, but I guess they aren't showing that.

      For the record, EVA *has* aired on cartoon network before. It aired the first episode dubbed as part of some Giant Fighting Robot theme day on toonami. It also aired the whole series in australia.

      I see three major problems with airing this show.

      1. The dub is atrocious. For those who have watched cartoon network before, you know that they refuse to air anything
    • Re:EvanWTFgelion (Score:5, Insightful)

      by OverlordQ ( 264228 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @01:52PM (#12974591) Journal
      Oh so now Date is better then Quality? I'll be sure to forward that to Hollywood.

      "Give us movies! We dont care about if they're good or not! We just want new movies!"
    • Re:EvanWTFgelion (Score:3, Interesting)

      by kesuki ( 321456 )
      I am firmly convinced that anybody who claims to know what this anime is really about is full of shit.

      I sir, Accept your challenge. Keep in mind that Gainax added stuff to the anime that was not in the manga, which took it in a different direction.. I am isolating the deeper meaning in the animated series. The primary goal of the Anime is to entertain, and it does that by being different. In a market where there are three broadcast telelvision station, which broadcast animated programming for the ma
    • "FLCL airing on the cartoon network was bigger news than this."

      I wasn't sure what show you were talking about so I googled it... OMG I remember watching that last Saturday. Some weird fucking shit there.

      But of course, it's anime.

      P.S. Anyone else catch the bumps on Thursday? Man, ACTN fans are fucking hilarious.
  • Good news, but... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mrogers ( 85392 )
    ...which ending are they going to show?
  • Dub... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by NoTheory ( 580275 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:11PM (#12974189)
    I understand completely why CN shows only dubbed programs, but NGE is a prototypically abysmal dubbing job (and i apologize to the voice actors involved, but this show really made me cringe). While shinji is supposed to be unpopular, he shouldn't be utterly grating as he is in the dub.

    Anyway, i wish someone would take a serious look at showing this subbed.
  • by Faust7 ( 314817 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:11PM (#12974191) Homepage
    Here [animenewsnetwork.com] is an example of what you can expect to see should you decide to submit yourself to such torture.

    I honestly don't think anyone should view this series in its mutilated, dubbed form on CN, not even newbies. Those of us that love the show most likely already have the boxed set, and can watch it in its proper, unedited, subbed format. Those of us that haven't seen it would be getting the worst possible introduction to the show on CN and might even form incorrect opinions about it based on that mess.
  • I personally believe that there isn't a correct interpretation of Evangelion; instead the creators just took a normal giant robot anime and threw in a random mishmash of religious symbols so people would think it's profound.
    • I take issue with that - you're clearly ignoring Shinji's whiny alienation and Hamlet-like inability to do anything useful. :)

      The psychology of that is going to resonate pretty strongly with a big subset of adolescents.

      Throw in some partial nudity and some faux-religous significance and you've got the formula for a cult hit.
    • I personally believe that there isn't a correct interpretation of Evangelion; instead the creators just took a normal giant robot anime and threw in a random mishmash of religious symbols so people would think it's profound.

      How superficial.

      [SPOILER?]FYI , it's the apocalypse, leading up to the rapture, as told through a japanese giant-robots(with twist)-piloted-by-teenagers show.[/SPOILER]

      Also, they might have been taking a lot of acid when they wrote it. Mushrooms maybe... something that induces halluc
      • Huh? Okay, I'm trolling here but did you even read what you just said? It's no wonder CN changes Anime. That description sounds godawful. I was mildly curious about what this show was until I heard it was the apocolypse told through robot-piloting teenagers. I've watched my fair share of cartoon's as an adult, but calling that plot "entertainment" would be a stretch. Zero chance I'll ever watch an episode of this now. I know this will get modded down because not likely Anime is sacreligious here and
    • I think most Japanese think of Christian, especially Catholic, imagery as lending a little exoticism the same way as Hollywood does in horror movies. They don't think of it as any more profound than most of us think religion in the remake of the "Amnityville Horror" is profound.
    • by diamondsw ( 685967 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @03:40PM (#12975004)
      You're missing the point.

      No, there is no one "meaning" to Evangelion. That's a very American view (and a recent one) that things should have a straightforward, obvious meaning that applies the same to everyone.

      You'll get as much out of Eva as you put in to it. What Eva does is it brings up a lot of questions on the nature of the individual and relationships, and not a lot of answers. To bring this to the fore, we have a cast of characters who are all damaged in some way in how they interact with others, and there is a lot that you do have to figure out for yourself and what it means to you personally (which is why you'll see a million different interpretations).

      It's not about the "giant robots". It's not even about the religious imagery, or the end of the world - those are all merely the setting; they are not the plot.

      Evangelion was created by the same team (including Hideki Anno) who then created "His and Her Circumstances", what is on the surface a high-school romance. In reality, the two series share the same themes and goal - they both focus on individuals, relationships, masks, identity, and how we reach out beyond ourselves, and let others in.
  • I wonder how they'll show it. A local PBS station used to show all of it, except blank the video (leaving audio) for a few scenes. They showed the Japanese version with subtitles which I really enjoyed. Somehow I doubt the Cartoon Network will do this.
    • The U.S. analog television system supports a "second audio program" or SAP channel. Why can't CN negotiate a contract to air the original Japanese audio on the SAP channel, so that viewers can turn on SAP and captions to get a subtitled version?

      • The U.S. analog television system supports a "second audio program" or SAP channel. Why can't CN negotiate a contract to air the original Japanese audio on the SAP channel, so that viewers can turn on SAP and captions to get a subtitled version?

        Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the SAP shared with the stereo soundtrack? So you can have 2 mono soundtracks or just one stereo? This doesn't apply to DVD, only broadcast.
  • What's the deal with the two or three versions of the ending? I've never seen it before, but I'm moderately confused about what order to watch it in.

    --grendel drago
    • by DeadScreenSky ( 666442 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @01:11PM (#12974451)
      Basically there is two different endings in Evangelion: there are the original last two episodes of the 26 episode TV series, and two films that 'replace'/augment them. The two different endings seem to actually depict the exact same events, just in two very different ways. Though honestly, it isn't entirely clear to me if they literally end at the same point, but 99% of them depict the same events. The creators intend for you to watch the TV series (including the TV ending) first, then the two films (they haven't retroactively eliminated the last two TV episodes or anything).

      The confusion is over the quality and (more importantly) fan reaction to the different endings. Towards the end of Eva's TV run the animators at Gainax were having budget, censorship (due to the show's increasing popularity), and even severe psychological issues, leading some fans to suggest that the last two episodes aren't what the creators actually wanted, or that it somehow is untrue to the episodes that came before them. Apparently there was a big fan backlash in Japan against Gainax because of the ending, leading to them creating the two films as a 'new' ending.

      But that's just one perspective on the quality of Evangelion's TV ending. It's shouted so often by some very loud people that newbies to the series sometimes think it is some law or definite settled issue. So unfortunately a lot of fans who found the TV ending too bizarre or not filled with enough fanservice tell a lot of people to just not even bother with the last two episodes, which is a shame. I personally felt the TV ending was practically perfect, capturing entirely what the series was actually about - which is not giant robots, crazy religious imagery, and aliens, but the characters and their relationships (and on another more important level, our own relationship to the world and those around us). The TV ending does an excellent job dealing with this stuff. It's raw, it's brutally honest, it's even more experimental than the rest of the series is, and it doesn't give any clear answers (ie you have to figure it out for yourself what it exactly means). The films have some extremely entertaining scenes in them and some wonderful animation, but they are filled with an overabundance of things that were merely fun windowdressing in the series (like the religious imagery). IMO it's too focused on what the fans apparently wanted, partially at the expense of the creator's desires. It's almost like they confused the dessert/candy with what the real meal was. There is still some of this depth, but the ratio between candy/meal is far too slanted for the former. They also overexplain what exactly happens, which makes you lose some of that wonderful quality the series has in that the viewer questions their own values and perspective (though the film does have some of this too, I think it is a little too arty and pretentious for its own sake). I found the films to be admittedly enjoyable, but fairly weak/uneven by the standards of Evangelion (though the last few minutes are amazing). And it doesn't help that the US release of the last film has a killer translation error that can really confuse viewers...

      Further confusion comes from the fact that there are multiple versions of the films. AFAIK in the US there is only one version of each film released, but in Japan there were quite a few. That's probably why some people get the feeling there are three or even more endings. But there aren't really any major story changes in the different film versions. It's interesting to read about or watch after you have seen it all, but it's nothing to worry about until after you see the series and two films.

      And I am not happy with this news, largely because the Eva English dub is pretty bad (partially because the Japanese dub is so perfect). The inevitable censorship will suck as well. Please, just buy/rent/download the DVDs...
      • Let me start by saying I don't like anime. I'd like to think I've given it a fair shot. I've watched Akira, GiTS, GiTS 2, Metropolis, Cowboy Bebop (only the movie), some episodes of GiTS: SAC, Gundam, and other stuff that happens to be on Adult Swim. I just don't find it all that fun or interesting, with the exception of the original GiTS.

        I have watched all twenty-six episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion though. The first twenty-four episodes...meh. The robots were kinda cool, and some of the interplay betw
    • There is no real "correct" order, but watching episodes 25 and 26 of the series, mulling them over a bit, and then watching "End of Evangelion" is the most common way. It's generally accepted that they are two interpretations of the same idea -- they "overlap".

      "Death and Rebirth" is kind of a summary of the series, including part of "End of Evangelion". As far as I remember, there is nothing new in it. It is not a different ending.
  • I'm not quite sure I understand why cartoon network butchers animes as they do.

    Quite obviously, Cartoon network is mostly a children's network (excepting adult swim). Undoubtedly, many other people than children enjoy shows shown on CN, but it is targeted at the younger people among us. Alot of the stuff in animes such as this one (aimed at the teen crowd) isn't necessarily meant for small children. For this reason, most animes show only late at night, on adult swim.

    Here's what I don't get. Why are th
  • by OneInEveryCrowd ( 62120 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:20PM (#12974252)
    NGE was a great series in its time but at this point you could compare Cartoon Network to a library that aquires all the latest by Heinlein and Bradbury while ignoring Stephenson, Rucker, Richard Morgan, and others because they aren't "classic".

    Really what I'd rather see is a high definition version of Gankutsuou. Or the uncensored version of Dokuro. (I'll admit it, I laughed pretty hard at episode 1-2).
  • by Enonu ( 129798 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:22PM (#12974259)
    Neon Genesis Evangelion is the defininitive of what the Japanese aren't afraid to do with entertainment: create something with the sole purpose of f**cking with your head.

    First they take Christian themes, such as Angels and the Lance of Longinus, and twist them into something entirely different. Next they take 14 year olds, give them all psychological problems on a scale that you only can imagine, and pit them with the task of saving humanity's individuality. Finally, combine this with everybody else having complexes about being God, being worthless, and having one's existence recognized by others, and you have Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Forget the nudity, everything else is too intense for CN's demographic, and honestly, I don't feel comfortable showing the anime to others without a good sense of self. It makes you feel uncomfortable at times, and unless you can actually enjoy having your mind twisted likes a towel and twacked against the ass of Jesus Christ, don't watch this anime.

    If I were a censor working at CN, I'd rather try to censor DVDA porn with clown midgets than Neon Genesis Evangelion. There is no point in trying without destroying the story. Really.
    • create something with the sole purpose of f**cking with your head.

      Well, to me that sounds like a great starting point for a good book, cartoon, animation or a movie: to make an impact, to really affect the reader/watcher. It doesn't really matter if the subject feels elevated or deeply disturbed after the experience.

    • ...I'd rather try to censor DVDA porn with clown midgets than Neon Genesis Evangelion

      That comparison made my day. Thank you SO very much.

      (I agree btw. Censoring Eva without destroying the story will be impossible)
    • Back when I saw it, it seemed to be about some pale guy who had three chicks fawning over him and then every so often they got into giant robots and smacked down aliens.

      Of course, I didn't like it at all, so I didn't watch much.
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion is the defininitive of what the Japanese aren't afraid to do with entertainment: create something with the sole purpose of f**cking with your head.

      First they take Christian themes, such as Angels and the Lance of Longinus, and twist them into something entirely different. Next they take 14 year olds, give them all psychological problems on a scale that you only can imagine, and pit them with the task of saving humanity's individuality. Finally, combine this with everybody else

    • Really, the choice of Christian elements was pretty arbitrary. For the most part, you could have just changed the names of a few things and the Judeo-Christian references would be gone. The few remaining references were mostly crosses and/or crucifixes. That part of the series was hardly profound at all - in fact, it appeared to demonstrate a superficial understanding of Christianity on the part of the writer/director. The only notable part of that storyline is the "Man Trying To Become Like God" theme,
  • You know why the action block is on Saturday night? Because only losers who watch anime are at home on Saturday nights.

    I even saw on one of the bumps that when they dropped futurama as the lead-in the ratings tanked.

    There are enough channels out there to have an all anime network. Granted, a lot of the comedy AS stuff is horrid (I'm looking at you, Chan), but it's really great great stuff overall.

  • Translation (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Himring ( 646324 ) on Sunday July 03, 2005 @12:38PM (#12974324) Homepage Journal
    Genesis Evangelon

    Thanks to the classical Greek I studied in college is translated: "creation good news"

    Genesis=creation, beginning, origin
    Evangelon=(eu)good, (angelion)=messege, news

    In case anyone was interested that is ... please apply KY to all flames....
    • Re:Translation (Score:3, Interesting)

      by dr.badass ( 25287 )
      Quoth Wikipedia's quality entry on the series:
      Evangelion is an anglicised version of the Greek "?????????" (euangelion) for "good news", and is typically translated "gospel" in the Bible. Initially, the word meant "good messenger", the prefix "eu" meaning "good" and "angelion" meaning "messenger" (from the same word that means "angel"). It only came to mean "good message" or "good news" over time. This dual meaning may be the reason both the series itself and the "mecha" are called Evangelion. -- Wikipedia [wikipedia.org]
    • Re:Translation (Score:3, Informative)

      by LightForce3 ( 450105 )
      That's a good translation of the English title, but the Japanese title for the series was actually quite different: "Shin Seiki Evangelion". "Shin Seiki" translates fairly directly to "New Century", and "Evangelion" is a modification of the English word "evangel", which is synonymous with "gospel". So, "Shin Seiki Evangelion" can be (somewhat loosely) translated as "Gospel of the New Century".

      Personally, I think that's much cooler (if a bit pretentious), and fits the series better, IMHO.

      (I didn't figure
  • I'll admit, I know nothing of anime. I've always heard of it in a very negative light, but perhaps that is because the people I talked to were talking about hentai (which I gather is that tenticle rape anime). Maybe it was a case of the uneducated trying to teach the unlearned.

    But back to anime. What is the recommended path for one to take when they begin their journey into the massive world of anime? I don't even know which series or shows or whatever the correct term is I should watch first. Would this b
    • by d3ac0n ( 715594 )
      That depends entirely on your general taste in multimedia entertainment. If you enjoy action flicks, I would recommend starting with 'Cowboy Bebop'. Great show with a tremendous soundtrack, and the English dub is spot-on teriffic. You don't even have to watch it in Japanese and read subtitles if you don't want to.

      If you prefer something more thoughtful, I'd recommend 'Grave of the Fireflies' (Historical drama), or even 'Spirited Away' (Think 'Alice In Wonderland' but with Japanese cultural Iconography i
  • Is ADV bringing the Harmony Gold dub to DVD, or are they translating something else? I already have the Harmony Gold sets; if they're going to be selling the same thing repackaged, I won't waste my money.
    • I answered my own question with Wikipedia:

      "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross ( Ch Jik Ysai Makurosu) is an anime television series. Most of its animation (with edited content and revised dialogue) was adapted outside Japan for the first saga of Robotech."

      I knew I had heard that somewhere, but I completely forgot about it.
  • The sci fi channel in the UK aired it. It ended up failing and getting a 3am timeslot. Without the "OMG IT'S EVA!" catch it doesn't stand up in the anime world any more.
    • The first two episodes aired once already in the US during "Giant Robot Week" and got abysmal ratings. Gundam SEED did poorly as well and was shifted from Saturday evenings to late night. It seems giant robots don't bring in US ratings so I expect Eva will soon be keeping Detective Conan company in the post midnight hours.
  • OH, NO. God help us.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
