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Knight Rider To Ride Again 243

Penguinsh*t writes "Though the movie version of Knight Rider has remained 'up on chocks' for the better part of the last decade, Knight Rider, the TV show is revving into high gear. 'The premise of the show will essentially remain the same as the original, which centered on a mulleted man righting wrongs with the help of a particularly chatty and souped-up automobile. No word yet on who will play the hero this time around, but the Peacock is looking for some new blood.' Besides which, 'the Hoff' is busy."
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Knight Rider To Ride Again

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  • NBC in trouble (Score:5, Insightful)

    by r6_jason ( 893331 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @03:07AM (#20791785) Homepage
    I wondered how much trouble NBC was in, and now we know, this will be a really short lived remake I think.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      At least they stopped circling the drain and went right for the sewer. No worries the other networks aren't far behind so they'll have lots of company soon enough. We've got all reality channels how soon till we have an all remake channel?
    • Who modded this guy up? Why? It's a pretty senseless prediction. You're going to say that the show won't succeed before it has even been cast? Based on what information do you make that prediction?

      Bionic Woman was a big hit for NBC... so how can anyone say that this new show won't be just as big? And don't get me started on Battlestar Galactica...

      Being a re-hash of an 80's show does not mean that the new show will suck.
    • NBC had a runaway hit when it decided to revive Battlestar Galactica from the 70s crappy TV trash heap, and managed to turn it into one of the best sci-fi series ever produced. It was the highest rated show on Sci-Fi at least one season, and Time Magazine named it best show of the year.

      It's only natural for them to see what other assets they have lying around that might prove successful if actually done right. Obviously, premier episode ratings don't mean much unless they stay high all season; still, th
  • by seebs ( 15766 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @03:13AM (#20791801) Homepage
    I was once told that the original show was popular enough that they wouldn't have cancelled it, except they simply couldn't buy enough trans ams for all the stunts.
  • No word yet on who will play the hero this time around, but the Peacock is looking for some new blood.

    Why do I have a gut feeling that this movie will star Ben Stiller with an afro wig, and will be directed by Uwe Boll?
  • Dave did such a great job in the SpongeBob movie that they called him back. Eventually.
  • by tmk ( 712144 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @03:38AM (#20791905)
    ...for Baywatch: the Movie. It will be the first movie shot entirely in slow motion.
    • by Jonboy X ( 319895 ) <> on Saturday September 29, 2007 @04:28AM (#20792053) Journal
      Please, cite your Futurama quote []s...
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 )
      It would be the first movie for ages where people don't care if the sound is in THX or not existing at all. I mean, who watched Baywatch for the dialogs? The same people that read Playboy for the articles?
    • ...for Baywatch: the Movie. It will be the first movie shot entirely in slow motion.
      I thought that was the Fountain. Oh, no, wait, it only felt like it was in slow motion.
  • Car (Score:2, Interesting)

    by SniperClops ( 776236 )
    What car will they be using as KITT?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      What car will they be using as KITT?

      Toyota Prius, it's also being renamed to 'Eco Rider'. It'll be like Knight Rider, but more environmentally conscious. The car will also be blatantly homosexual, saying things like: 'Ooooh, I hope he planted a tree to offset those carbon emmissions!' when one of the bad guys appears in a big truck or tank.

      To appeal to minorities, 'The Hoff' will be replaced by an Asian lesbian, wearing a Burka, in a wheelchair. Don't worry though, the wheelchair will be capable of spee

    • by mh1997 ( 1065630 )

      What car will they be using as KITT?
      A show as cool as night rider deserves an equally cool car...1985 Yugo. NBC has financial problems and at $3990 and $99 per month it was all they could afford.
  • "My Mother the Car" Version 3.
  • by phalse phace ( 454635 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @04:12AM (#20791999)
    Hollywood. Please stop with the remakes. Let's see something original.

    How many remakes have they done over the past ten years or so?

    Charlie's Angels
    Bionic Woman
    Alvin and the Chipmunks
    Starsky & Hutch
    Lost in Space
    The Dukes of Hazzard
    Fat Albert
    Miami Vice.....

    the list goes on and on.

    Can't wait for the Thundercats and Get Smart movies.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by TrekkieGod ( 627867 )

      Can't wait for the Thundercats and Get Smart movies.

      Don't know if they're making a Thundercats movie, but you haven't seen the Get Smart trailer []?

    • I hear that there's a growing consensus that the only remaining 1970s television show that the public is begging to see remade is "Good Times", so a darker revisioning of the old 1990s show "Friends" is in production.

      In the revisioning, "Phoebe" has been renamed "Geraldine" and is a serial killer who is hired by the Pentagon to do performance evaluations. "Joey" has been renamed "Angelo" and is in contact with a seductive alien who is trying to decide whether New York is a strange experiment and will destro
    • Trying to capture the 2000s youth market with a staple of 70s

      Why can't they bring back or remake good shows like B.J. And the
      bear ?

      Now, there's a concept I can't get enough of; a man and his
    • You didn't see the Get Smart trailers. Steven Carell
  • Might as well be if you take a look at the typical dialogue from the original knight rider.
  • I loved the show years ago, but these days people are used to their cars talking to them, so the novelty is kind of eroded. With good stories it could work, but I hope they don't rely on effects to drive interest.
    • With good stories it could work

      but I hope they don't rely on effects to drive interest.
  • Team Knight Rider (Score:3, Informative)

    by deniable ( 76198 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @05:00AM (#20792147)
    I thought they already had a remake. I guess they just needed to rehash this one more time. Oh well, let's hope it's not another Flash Gordon.
  • by BlahSnarto ( 45250 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @05:09AM (#20792171)
    Anyone else tired of these retreads?

  • "Ah, every week there is a canal" "Theres no need to yell Michael, im all around you"
  • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @05:18AM (#20792199)
    We've grown some as a species in the last couple of decades.

    I don't think robo-cars are really all that interesting now. With stuff like Battlestar Galactica, and Heroes and Dr. Who on the air, and with the whole Star Trek franchise come and gone since Knight Rider, people have a somewhat higher expectation of quality from their sci-fi adventure. Knight Rider is a relic from the hair spray decade, when culture rarely elevated above space invaders and bimbos. I mean, we were listening to "Thriller" and "Devo". --Which yes, I realize aren't much more advanced than the latest. . , what the heck are kids listening to now? But still. There was a highly plasticized happy-happy fakeness to everything. A bullet-proof talking car which could jump over trucks? That could work in such an environment. But now? No chance.

    I'm not claiming that people today are any smarter than they were in the 80's. --We've got legions of cynical, drooling game-box junkies who are plenty dull, but that kind of stupid is incompatible with the stupid of the 80's. Our culture is too firmly tuned to violence to give a hoot about such a childish formula as a talking car. --Remember, fun in the 80's involved little multi-coloured cube puzzles and video games where you shot alien space ships, jumped over barrels and ate dots. Today we gun down simulated fellow humans for fun and pretend it hasn't changed us. We've become a race of fat, dull-witted warriors who barely blink when civilians are murdered by our troops. Our reaction to the present events going on in the world would have been very, very different in the 80's.


    • by pimpimpim ( 811140 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @05:32AM (#20792249)
      Wow, but errr, knight rider was a show for kids mainly, no wonder it seems dull to you 20 years later, with also you about 20 years older.

      Other remake idea from me, free of charge for anyone to use: blue thunder! But that one was actually about a guy who was disobedient to his boss, not the kind of story that is popular in this patriotic day and age. So was the A-team BTW, didn't they quit the army? Maybe the 80s did have a good thing to it, it just got obfuscated by the giant haircuts.

      • by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @08:20AM (#20792591)
        So was the A-team BTW, didn't they quit the army?

        Quit the army? They were sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. Then they promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.

        I'm also told that for quite some time, still wanted by the government, they survived as soldiers of fortune. And that if you had a problem, if no-one else could help, and if you could find them, maybe you could have hired the A-Team.

        • I'm also told that for quite some time, still wanted by the government, they survived as soldiers of fortune. And that if you had a problem, if no-one else could help, and if you could find them, maybe you could have hired the A-Team.
          [gunshot noises]
        • err.... +1 creepy.
      • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 )

        There's truth to what you say, but the oppression was still there. Do you remember the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon? Do you remember the Eric character (Cavalier)? He was deliberately done the way he was to reinforce the message that those who go their own way suffer and are better off following their leaders. There's an interview with one of the creators here [] where he talks about how he was forced to put this message in. If you don't want to read the whole article (though it's funny), just search for the
    • I don't think robo-cars are really all that interesting now. With stuff like Battlestar Galactica, and Heroes and Dr. Who on the air, and with the whole Star Trek franchise come and gone since Knight Rider, people have a somewhat higher expectation of quality from their sci-fi adventure.

      Well, 3 of 4 shows you mentioned are essentially remakes that have been updated for modern sensibilities. Don't you think the Knight Rider could also be a remade and updated in a similar fashion?

    • Remember, fun in the 80's involved... video games where you shot alien space ships, jumped over barrels and ate dots.
      Hey now, those are still fun today.
    • by flyingsquid ( 813711 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @09:28AM (#20792853)
      Today we gun down simulated fellow humans for fun and pretend it hasn't changed us.

      I doubt it really has. We've always been violent monkeys, interested in violent entertainment. Before CounterStrike and Halo 3, kids pretended their sticks were guns or swords. Adults blasted the shit out of some deer, watched the hockey game, or watched Hamlet. Even by modern movie standards, Shakespeare closes the curtain on a decent pile of corpses. And hell, there was a time when public executions used to be a spectator sport, and let's not forget that before the movie "Gladiator", there were the real gladiatorial games, where people watched real human beings kill each other. And because they couldn't rent "Predator" on DVD, the Vikings sat around, got pissed on mead, and listened to "Beowulf". "Whoa, totally awesome! Grendel like ripped fifty guys to shreds, but then Beowulf comes in and like rips his whole freakin' arm off, and there's blood everywhere!"

      As for nobody caring about the death of civilians in Iraq, go back to World War II, when strategic bombing campaigns deliberately started firestorms in Dresden and Tokyo, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. I could be wrong, but I don't think there was a massive public outcry over it. It was war, and they were on the other side, so who gave a shit? I think we've come a long way, that people even stop to think about the Iraqi dead and what we've done to their country, not that it's much consolation for the Iraqis.

    • I'm not claiming that people today are any smarter than they were in the 80's. --We've got legions of cynical, drooling game-box junkies who are plenty dull, but that kind of stupid is incompatible with the stupid of the 80's. Our culture is too firmly tuned to violence to give a hoot about such a childish formula as a talking car. --Remember, fun in the 80's involved little multi-coloured cube puzzles and video games where you shot alien space ships, jumped over barrels and ate dots. Today we gun down simulated fellow humans for fun and pretend it hasn't changed us. We've become a race of fat, dull-witted warriors who barely blink when civilians are murdered by our troops. Our reaction to the present events going on in the world would have been very, very different in the 80's.

      Yeah, but this time the car's voice is going to be done by Snoop Dog and the driver is going to be some totally hawt hoochie in hooker threads who will still be a strong woman who demands respect from men. Trust me, it's going to be so shallow, even your hovercraft will get stuck.

    • by BananaBender ( 958326 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @11:31AM (#20793623)
      Hmm, thank god, the current Battlestar Galatica and Dr. Who series are new, original ideas...errh, wait...: Battlestar Galactica first aired on September 17, 1978 Dr. Who started back in 1963 If those two series can be reanimated to be meaningful for today's generation, I am sure Knight Rider has a second life, too.

    • We've become a race of fat, dull-witted warriors who barely blink when civilians are murdered by our troops. Our reaction to the present events going on in the world would have been very, very different in the 80's.

      Why does every generation have to have some kind of Golden Age? I'll readily admit that the television landscape has changed drastically, mostly from the specialization and diversity offered by cable. But if you think there was some great age in the past where people stood up for injustice, def
  • by stretch0611 ( 603238 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @05:21AM (#20792213) Journal
    He is busy. I saw him do some his best work ever. It was a recent project produced and directed by his daughter. He was *playing* the role of a drunk...
  • by dgun ( 1056422 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @06:39AM (#20792401) Homepage
    A picture for your lolz. []

    Hey, maybe they can have a reality show to see who gets the part of Knight Rider?

    *crosses finger*

  • by CFBMoo1 ( 157453 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @06:52AM (#20792433) Homepage
    What OS will KITT run?


    KITT: Micheal look out! The bad guys have guns! I'm opening the door for you to get in and be safe.
    (C)ancel or (A)llow?

    MAC OS

    iKITT: Micheal look out! The bad guys have guns! I'm opening the door for you to get in and be safe.
    *iKITT shuts down because Micheal fixed iKITT to go with a different cell phone provider.*

    LINUX /dev/KITT: I'm sorry Micheal, I just don't think you realize the power of EMACS no matter how much you tell me VI is better. I think you'll have to deal with the bad guys on your own.
    *Drives off in a huff*
    • FreeBSD

      "Jump KITT"
      "Michael, I cannot comply right now. Do you wish for me to download the source and compile kittJump_8.2.1_1?"

    • Old Mac OS:

      The Hoff: KITT, I need ya, buddy!
      KITT: I'm sorry, Michael, but an error of type -37 has occurred.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @08:51AM (#20792683)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • "Rather than making the car intelligent through electronic & computer wizardry, they should instead make the new car "alive" as though it's posessed by a benevolent demon."

      Actually, this is probably a more extreme version of KARR, similar in design to KITT but lacking KITT's compassion for living things.
  • ... KITT was still in rehab following a bad acid trip.
  • by Geekbot ( 641878 ) on Saturday September 29, 2007 @12:13PM (#20793899)
    The show is dated. It was great at the time. I loved it. 25 years ago they only made shows about cars (Dukes of Hazzard and A-Team) and about computers with lifelike AI, normally brought to life by a power surge or spilling coke in a computer (Automan and Electric Dreams) or sometimes unlikely crime-stopping heros (miami vice or Greatest American Hero or again A-TEAM). Knight Rider was the ultimate 80's show because it took all 3 of these things and turned them into one show. But, 25 years later a show like any of these things just doesn't work so well. We are more jaded and this would just seem silly. I'd still love a reunion show, but I don't think the premise works any more.

    We've moved past an age where computers were mysterious, dangerous, and somehow held the key to the salvation or the damnation of the human race. Now we accept them as what they are, another tool that people use or misuse. They are not mysterious and no one imagines that they are going to start talking to you. They'd have to do some serious revamping to make me suspend belief enough to get into this show or to not hate it for making my precious childhood memories seem ridiculous.
  • idiotic talking car, at least one blond per show which could hardly act, and of course Hasselhoff... I wonder how they will keep up with this.
  • The show was a success for two reasons:
    a) KITT
    b) The Hoff

    If they manage to find both a car and a dude that would be able to have the same impact on popular culture as
    those 2 did in the 80's, they will have a success. Otherwise, it will be lame.

    I hate to admit it, but Hasselhoff was brilliant in that show and it would be difficult to find someone up to par (by today's, not 80's standards of course)
  • has remained 'up on chocks'

    The correct phrase is 'up on blocks', a reference to an automobile being jacked up and suspended by solid objects (traditionally, cinder blocks or wood blocks in poor areas) contacting the undercarriage or frame to either allow free access to all four wheels or to take the strain of supporting the vehicle off the suspension for long term storage.

    Wheel chocks, on the other hand, are wedge shaped items inserted at the front and/or back of a vehicle tire to prevent the wheel from turning and stop the vehic

A successful [software] tool is one that was used to do something undreamed of by its author. -- S. C. Johnson
