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Uwe Boll To Quit Making Movies With 1M Signatures 355

An anonymous reader writes to mention that Uwe Boll, the infamous German director behind such video game adaptations as House of the Dead, BloodRayne, Dungeon Siege and Postal, has recently admitted that he would retire from making movies if enough people want him to stop. When FearNet mentioned to Boll a petition online signed by 18,000 people requesting that he cease making films, Boll responded that '18,000 is not enough to convince me.' So how much would be enough? 'One million,' Boll said."
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Uwe Boll To Quit Making Movies With 1M Signatures

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  • by OMNIpotusCOM ( 1230884 ) * on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:20PM (#22992916) Homepage Journal
    Where do I sign? Do you need blood? Money? A donation? How many times can I sign? Fucking I'LL SIGN!
    • by Androclese ( 627848 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:34PM (#22993116)
      Petition Link []
    • by eldavojohn ( 898314 ) * <<eldavojohn> <at> <>> on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:38PM (#22993188) Journal

      Where do I sign? Do you need blood? Money? A donation? How many times can I sign? Fucking I'LL SIGN!
      I reacted slightly differently. At first, yes I was eager to sign this ... but then I paused ... what about the Mystery Science Theater 3000s and Cinematic Titanics of the future? Where will they buy the rights to destroy movies for a couple thousand dollars?
      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:08PM (#22993512)

        what about the Mystery Science Theater 3000s and Cinematic Titanics of the future? Where will they buy the rights to destroy movies for a couple thousand dollars?
        Obviously you haven't been keeping up with Hollywood's latest technology. At this point you could do a whole season of MST3k just by hitting IMDB and doing a search for any movie featuring a dragon.
      • by glwtta ( 532858 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:18PM (#22993616) Homepage
        what about the Mystery Science Theater 3000s and Cinematic Titanics of the future?

        The problem is, there's nothing "so bad, it's good" about his movies, they are in what I like to call the "Shat Out With the Least Amount of Effort" category - not much MST3K can do with that.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Psmylie ( 169236 ) *
        And won't someone please think of all the B-movie actors who would be out of a job?
      • by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @06:22PM (#22994228) Homepage
        I reacted slightly differently. At first, yes I was eager to sign this ... but then I paused ... what about the Mystery Science Theater 3000s and Cinematic Titanics of the future? Where will they buy the rights to destroy movies for a couple thousand dollars?

        Nothing wrong with him making crap films. The problem is with making crap derivative works. Crap derivative works that the original artists in most cases are opposed to.

        But, then, that's more a problem with copyrights being owned by corporations. The artists get boned and the lawyers and MBAs get paid. And oh how those (sociopathic, since we increasingly select for that in the corporate world) lawyers and MBAs love to sell their children to cannibals for a few bucks.

        Copyright to support the progress of the useful arts? If that is truly the goal (and I'm not saying it is, or should be, just if it is), then give the artist more non-transferrable authority.
    • by Hoi Polloi ( 522990 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:37PM (#22993834) Journal
      Come on spammers and botnet scammers, we need your l33t skills to get 1 million names entered in. Just use the ones you put in the "from" line.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Can you say publicity stunt?

      For fuck's sake, don't give this clown any more publicity.It's all he lives for.
  • Sign the petition! (Score:5, Informative)

    by JediLow ( 831100 ) * on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:22PM (#22992928)
    Over 60k signatures already! []

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Its just a PR stunt. Stop pandering to the tax-loophole-exploiting jerk.
      • by sherpajohn ( 113531 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:06PM (#22993502) Homepage

        Its just a PR stunt. Stop pandering to the tax-loophole-exploiting jerk.
        A PR stunt it may well be, but I take exception to your characterization of his financing methods. At least according to his Wikipedia entry, he is one of the few people in Germany using the German tax laws in regards to German film fiancing on the way the German government intended it. the article states most "German" film financing using these "tax-loopholes" are mere exploits used to finance American films.

        His movies may suck, but at least he is using the money and tax laws as they were intended!
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by dvanduzer ( 563848 )
      He can't possibly challenge all of us to boxing matches, right?
  • by oncehour ( 744756 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:23PM (#22992946)
    Having never seen a Uwe Boll movie, can someone tell me what's so bad about him? He's got some serious hate going on on the internet, and I'm just a bit curious as to why?
    • by JediLow ( 831100 ) * on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:25PM (#22992974)
      He makes your eyes bleed... seriously. (I've tried to watch some of his stuff, I couldn't take it)
      • by XxtraLarGe ( 551297 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:40PM (#22993220) Journal

        He makes your eyes bleed... seriously. (I've tried to watch some of his stuff, I couldn't take it)
        Maybe he should change his name to Ewe Bola!
        Thanks, I'll be here all week!
      • I saw BloodRayne.. I didn't think it was that bad. It was at most ok, but I've seen far, far worse movies than that.
        • by Otto ( 17870 )
          BloodRayne was probably the crowning achievement of his career. Then he followed it up with BloodRayne 2 and Postal...

          Seriously, this guy has made his name by taking decent games and making completely shit movies out of them. I'm saddened to learn he's been working on an adaptation of Far Cry.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by downix ( 84795 )
      His non-videogame based movies aren't bad. The problem is he tries his hand at videogame adaptations and they always turn out the same, overpriced and underwhelmed.
    • by Svenne ( 117693 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:28PM (#22993016) Homepage
      His movies are bad. Really, really bad. Unfortunately, they're not bad in the kind of way that they become unintentionally funny, they're just mindnumbingly bad.

      Please, take my word for it. Don't watch any of them just to find out. I'd hate to have another human being waste 2 hours on that dreck if I can help it.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by cgenman ( 325138 )
        Watch This []. I challenge you to watch the whole thing without skipping. Yes, that includes the part where they recap the current scene twice.

        Now realize that this is probably the *best* scene in the movie, mainly because it isn't filled with lines like "Guys, check out this book. Looks pretty old, maybe it'll help us!" and "We finally got to the boat but it wasn't there."

        Avoid at all costs.
    • Uwe Boll is the worst director EVER.

      Which is why you shouldn't sign the petition. His films are so bad that they're wonderful. Don't listen the gamers.
    • by jollyreaper ( 513215 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:31PM (#22993074)

      Having never seen a Uwe Boll movie, can someone tell me what's so bad about him? He's got some serious hate going on on the internet, and I'm just a bit curious as to why?
      Imagine a modern hog factory farm, imagine the veritable rivers of semi-liquid feces squelching downhill from the oinking, shuffling pigflesh. Imagine a rope around your leg, the far end attached to a speedboat. Imagine being pulled backwards through that stinking mass, mouth clenched tight against your bile but still the runny shit makes it up your nostrils and down your throat, between your eyelids, burning your retinas, the impact of the brown waves against your body like sledgehammers.

      If you can tell me what's so bad about that, I can tell you what's so bad about Uwe Boll movies.
      • by phallstrom ( 69697 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:13PM (#22993590)
        You work for the US Government's Torture Oversight Committee don't you?
      • by OldManAndTheC++ ( 723450 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:23PM (#22993674)

        Imagine a modern hog factory farm, imagine the veritable rivers of semi-liquid feces squelching downhill from the oinking, shuffling pigflesh. Imagine a rope around your leg, the far end attached to a speedboat. Imagine being pulled backwards through that stinking mass, mouth clenched tight against your bile but still the runny shit makes it up your nostrils and down your throat, between your eyelids, burning your retinas, the impact of the brown waves against your body like sledgehammers.
        Or to put it another way, if you were to take the paragraph above and adapt it as a screenplay, the result would be better than any Uwe Boll movie.
        • by _Sprocket_ ( 42527 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @08:49PM (#22995472)

          Or to put it another way, if you were to take the paragraph above and adapt it as a screenplay, the result would be better than any Uwe Boll movie.
          Unless that screenplay was then given to Uwe Boll.

          OK. That's not fair.

          Unless that screenplay was used for the basis of a video game which in turn was the basis for a Uwe Boll movie.
      • Heh, brings to mind a description on a torrent site of the first (and co-incidentally last) I ever saw. I had to download it after I saw this. I thought it couldn't be that bad... I was wrong. Here's the quote: "Without doubt, this is the worst film ever made, and probably that will ever be made. It is not worth the cost of a cinema ticket, it is not worth the cost of the power it took to keep my computer running to download it, it is not worth the cost of the power to keep your tv on as you watch it. It is not even worth killing the electrons that power that tv's tube, infinitesimal though their brief, tortured lives were. Avoid."
    • Having never seen a Uwe Boll movie, can someone tell me what's so bad about him?
      • -His movies are bad. Really, universally accepted as terrible.
      • -He keeps getting handed video game franchises to make movies out of, which is problematic because video game fans hate to see their favorite franchises turned into crappy movies, but it has further reaching implications in that it states, essentially, that the movie industry has no respect for the video game industry since they keep letting this man make shitty movies (that lose money, no less)
      • -His initial career was only made possible due to a loophole in German tax law which allowed him to spend other people's money on his bad movies since they could write off the loss for tax purposes. Once that loophole was closed, he decided to stop making expensive ($1M+) movies
      • -He's quite arrogant and usually pretty angry (which you might be too if people kept shitting on your movies
      • -He lured critcs out to a charity fight [] and then beat the snot out of them, sending one to the hospital
      On a deeper level, whereas people like you and me have to work our asses off, he's rich off his no-talent works because of a (now closed) loophole. He wipes his asses with video game franchises (the Postal movie actually made 9/11 jokes) and he's a pretty despicable human being (see the Wired article above).
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by dougmc ( 70836 )
        Nothing wrong with 9/11 jokes. A Postal movie *should* be un-PC.

        (Not that I'm saying his movies haven't sucked. Or that video game movies didn't have a history of suckage even before he started making them.)

      • -He lured critcs out to a charity fight [] and then beat the snot out of them, sending one to the hospital

        It's a bit worse than that, from the trivia page of Postal [], he had also planned on capitalizing off of that by using it as footage in the movie:

        In June of 2006, Uwe Boll publicly announced a challenge to his numerous critics to "put up or shut up." Based on certain criteria, Boll will select five of his harshest critics to fight in a series of multi-round boxing matches to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia that will be broadcast over the Internet. He planned to use footage from these fights in this movie, but it was soon discovered that they don't fit into the plot of the movie, so the idea was dropped. Itâ(TM)s claimed that they might be part of the DVD when itâ(TM)s released.

        Is it a "charity" fight when you are planning on making money off of it?

        Also as further proof, I offer up another bit of trivia from Postal:

        Uwe Boll only shot 3 to 5 takes of every scene in the movie. He thought that the biggest strength in comedy is the emotion behind the acting, which cannot be kept when trying the scenes too often.

        That little snippet may remind you of Ed Wood [].

        I assure you, I watch a lot of movies. He is up there in the worst director/writer category. Thank god Germany got its laws straightened out!

      • by kabocox ( 199019 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:12PM (#22993578)
        His initial career was only made possible due to a loophole in German tax law which allowed him to spend other people's money on his bad movies since they could write off the loss for tax purposes. Once that loophole was closed, he decided to stop making expensive ($1M+) movies
        He's quite arrogant and usually pretty angry (which you might be too if people kept shitting on your movies
        He lured critics out to a charity fight and then beat the snot out of them, sending one to the hospital

        This guy is my new hero. WTH does it matter that you or I don't like his movies or that they were funded by a tax loop hole? Nada. There are similar tax loops here in the US. One of my college professors made movies using the US version of this. He was pretty up front about all of it. Yep the people who fund him don't care about money or where their money is being spent because they just need to lose some for tax purposes.

        I'm impressed that this guy had the guts to beat the snot out of his critics. Most of us would B.S. about it or try to bluff our way out of something, but we just wouldn't have the balls to do that. I'm sorry, but that's great. It doesn't matter how bad his movies are. He's defending them and some one is obviously paying him to make them. This guy now ranks above Cmdr Taco in my people that deserve respect for doing something that I should have done/would like to do book.
        • by commodoresloat ( 172735 ) * on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:39PM (#22993848)

          I'm impressed that this guy had the guts to beat the snot out of his critics. Most of us would B.S. about it or try to bluff our way out of something, but we just wouldn't have the balls to do that. I'm sorry, but that's great.
          It doesn't take a whole lot of guts to beat up a guy with no fighting experience who gets lured into the ring thinking the whole thing is a publicity stunt rather than an actual fight.
          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            A publicity stunt where you're getting into a boxing ring and punching each other? Come on--Uwe Boll isn't a champion boxer or anything. You take a man up on a challenge, at least put in some time learning how to throw a punch.
          • by MukiMuki ( 692124 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @08:52PM (#22995492)
            Never mind that once someone with actual fighting experience stepped up to the challenge (and barely weighed less than Uwe), the fight was denied. Boll only accepted entrants who weighed significantly less and had no idea what they were doing.
    • by goldcd ( 587052 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:37PM (#22993168) Homepage
      He makes averagely bad straight-to-video style films - yet rises above the mass of other jobbing directors with his ability to drum up publicity. FFS - how may other 'directors of his calibre' can you name? Reason he's working (putting aside tax breaks), is that he takes a relatively small amount of money from producers, rights for a computer game and makes them all money on the film he produces.
    • by Coryoth ( 254751 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:38PM (#22993184) Homepage Journal

      Having never seen a Uwe Boll movie, can someone tell me what's so bad about him? He's got some serious hate going on on the internet, and I'm just a bit curious as to why?
      He engenders the degree of hate (particularly on the internet) that he does for a couple of reasons. The first is that his movies are bad -- and I mean really, painfully, teeth-grindingly bad. Of course that alone doesn't generate that much hate; there are, after all, an endless supply of incredibly bad movies and abysmal movie makers in the world. The second point is that Uwe Boll has a great love of "adapting" computer games for the screen, and he is highly prolific at doing so. This manages to piss of geeks by raping their fond memories of games (Boll has a habit of going after older games, as far back as the 80s) by butchering what made the game good and simultaneously making something that, while attractive from the title, is painful to sit through. For those who have wised up and don't attend his films, there's still the niggling fact that, by producing so many video game based films that are so very bad, Boll has gone a long way toward discrediting both video games, and the idea of making films based on video games (in this latter point he is hardly alone of course). Since internet geeks and video game geeks have a nice large overlap, this makes internet based Boll hate something that gets noticed.
    • by norton_I ( 64015 ) <> on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:41PM (#22993228)
      His movies are really, really bad. But I would never sign the petition. Better to try making moving and totally suck that be a bunch of whiny jerks on the internet who can "hate" someone for simply making movies which they can choose not to watch.

      As for "loophole tax shelter"--it was never a loophole, it was an incentive to get people to make movies in germany, which he did. If I were a tax paying german, I could see being upset by this, but since I am not, I don't really see any reason to do this.

      Yes, I am being whiny jerk on the internet. That doesn't affect whether what I say is true or not.
    • by iluvcapra ( 782887 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:50PM (#22993316)

      As someone who actually works in the film industry, I'm not too quick to complain, since all of his films generally result in people working....

      But on the other hand, his films are some of the most cynically exploitive junk you've ever seen. He uses a provision in the German tax code to get tax credits and free money, and uses those to bootstrap foreign distribution pre-sales and video-game tie in deals. In effect, he's made money before he even starts rolling the camera, and so the quality of his film itself is irrelevant as long as it cuts a good trailer, will have a good poster, and has enough "bankable" stars in the project to stimulate box office. It's essentially the Roger Corman model, just without the class and punk authenticity.

    • by Mr. Bad Example ( 31092 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:02PM (#22993462) Homepage
      > Having never seen a Uwe Boll movie, can someone tell me what's so bad about him?

      Perhaps this review [] of his version of Alone in the Dark will be instructive (as well as entertaining).
    • I'm with you... I haven't seen any of his movies either... but then again, he has yet to make a movie based on "The Legend of Zelda," "Super Mario Bros.," or "Tetris" - at least not that I know of.

      A Zelda movie... now that would get me to go back to the theater instead of waiting for DVD releases!
    • It just takes one. I had no idea who he was, and innocently walked into island of the dead. It was horrible, just amazingly bad. I've never felt so disoriented after watching a movie. It was like this giant vortex of suck and fail. It's as close as a person can come to actually being mentally attacked by a movie. I know how it sounds, but I can understand how people could carry a grudge.
    • by Pojut ( 1027544 )
      I personally don't think his movies are all that bad, to be's his bastardization of the original story and events that happen within a video game that make him such an ass.

      Most of his movies are merely ok...but considering they are supposed to be based on video games, they tend to have only the name in common. I can't speak for others, but that is why he pisses me off.
  • Does this guy know about the Internet, and the fact that there are millions of people using it, including people who do random things such as siging online petitions?

    I don't care about his movies, but like many, it would be fun to see someone give up his job just because a million people clicked a button on a webpage somewhere..... such a feeling of power!
    • I have seen a couple of his flicks. it is time I wish i had back. For the record I signed three times, one with each of my email addresses. Of course even if the petition gets two million signatures he won't quit.
  • How come the studios don't stop him from making movies? It's not like they're drowning in the money he's raking in with Bloodrayne. They have focus groups that must be universally telling them that fans of the original property don't want to see his movies. And the reviews, well the reviews speak for themselves.
    • Actually, his films *did* make money. They just didn't make money in the *ahem* "traditional" way. He made money off his films by using creative accounting and German tax loopholes...basically the more money his movies lost at the box office, the more everyone could write off on taxes and make a profit (well, simplified explanation). []
    • by Coryoth ( 254751 )

      How come the studios don't stop him from making movies? It's not like they're drowning in the money he's raking in with Bloodrayne.

      I have asked that question of people in the know some time ago, and as I recall it had something to do with German tax loopholes. This meant that the movie could turn a profit (for the right people, presumably it was a huge loss in many books) no matter how badly it did. Have a look at Boll's IMDb entry [] and note how many films he has in production or post-production right now. He's not slowing down, he's speeding up.

  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:27PM (#22992994)
    Boll is actually quitting because the German government recently closed the tax loophole [] that allowed Boll and other German filmmakers to set up their "films" as tax shelters for businessmen (with no intent of ever making any money). The gravy train has dried up and the scam is over.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Sam1230 ( 1265736 )
      That link doesn't say anything like that...
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      This is a better article explaining the loophole. []
    • I never realized that the "Springtime for Hitler" scam in The Producers was for real!
    • If the German government kicks in x% for a film, that means that they believe that producers can't break even if they have to pay those x% themselves. That's not a "tax loophole", it's government subsidies working as intended, keeping the German film industry in business and keeping actors and film crews from starving between the occasional blockbuster. Of course, most of the subsidized movies will be trash, but it's either lots of bad movies with the occasional good movie, or just commercial, generic US
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by kesuki ( 321456 )
        no no, it's a 'tax shelter' if you donate 12 million of your 'income' to this 'tax shelter program' they reduce the amount of tax you owe by 6 million.

        you don't really make a whole lot of money doing it that way, but consider this, if you're $5,000 into the next tax bracket, and you donate $10,000 to drop you down to the next lower tax bracket, and dropping yourself down to the next lower tax bracket saves you from paying $20,000 in taxes total, you would do it in a heart beat.

        and the worst of it is as long
        • consider this, if you're $5,000 into the next tax bracket, and you donate $10,000 to drop you down to the next lower tax bracket, and dropping yourself down to the next lower tax bracket saves you from paying $20,000 in taxes total, you would do it in a heart beat.

          That's not how it works. Tax brackets mean the first X dollars of your income are taxed at A%, the next Y dollars are taxed at B%, the next Z dollars after that are taxed at C%, and so on.

          If you have $5000 of your income in the C% bracket, and you donate $10,000 to drop down to the B% bracket, your net income after taxes will decrease, not increase -- because the higher C% rate only applied to that last $5000, not your entire income.

  • A Challenge (Score:5, Funny)

    by whisper_jeff ( 680366 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:29PM (#22993032)
    Bad move. Never challenge geeks. We'll always find a way to overcome.
  • It's Like Wrestling (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dcollins ( 135727 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:33PM (#22993102) Homepage
    Yeah, yeah, I've seen this a bunch of times when pro wrestling is promoted. The heel "retires" and then comes back as a celebrity referee or manager, so he's still in your face all the time. C'mon, people!
    • by esocid ( 946821 )
      Exactly. If he does in fact "retire," I want a contract that gives his firstborn up for sacrifice if he doesn't keep his word.
      • Exactly. If he does in fact "retire," I want a contract that gives his firstborn up for sacrifice if he doesn't keep his word.

        That wouldn't stop him - he'd just film it.

  • just let him be (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nguy ( 1207026 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:33PM (#22993104)
    I don't get it. Why petition the guy to stop making movies? Maybe his movies will be quickly forgotten, maybe they'll be cult classics 50 years from now. As long as he manages to finance them somehow and stay in business, who cares? If you don't like his movies, do what I do: just don't go.
    • Re:just let him be (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:51PM (#22993324)

      I don't get it. Why petition the guy to stop making movies? Maybe his movies will be quickly forgotten, maybe they'll be cult classics 50 years from now. As long as he manages to finance them somehow and stay in business, who cares? If you don't like his movies, do what I do: just don't go.

      You're missing the point. As long as he's in the business, no one's favorite videogames are safe from being turned into horrible movie adaptations, preventing decent adaptations from ever being made. It's self defense. ; )
    • by esocid ( 946821 )
      I don't go. But I'd rather he stopped shoveling filth onto the screen and perverting the video game industry. He already has 3 new movies in production, and 3 in post-production according to imdb []. His newest:

      "Zombie Massacre", based on a Wii-Action Shooter, revolves around three punk rockers and a police officer. They have to fight their way to a city - filled with zombies - with their old-timer, on which they transport a nuclear bomb, which should detonate in the city, to destroy the zombies.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by SydShamino ( 547793 )

      As long as he manages to finance them somehow and stay in business, who cares? If you don't like his movies, do what I do: just don't go.

      I've seen Uwe Boll but never a Uwe Boll film. The problem as I understand it is that he doesn't write original scripts. Instead, he is often handed a gaming franchise, which he then proceeds to shit upon.

      So, if you've played a video game and loved the story, environment, characters, you're already invested in the franchise and, bluntly, "care". To see Uwe Boll shit on something you care about makes you angry. Plus, it is very unlikely that a video game whose movie fared poorly in the theater will get a

  • That's got to hurt (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Devin Jeanpierre ( 1243322 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:35PM (#22993120)
    I'd never sign such a petition. He can make whatever films he wants, so long as people are willing to pay. It's a lot more hurtful to try to convince him to stop with 1 million people asking. That's... well, that kind of thing hurts. The only thing that could lessen it is the whole idea that, chances are, the petition wouldn't really have had 1 million people sign it, but maybe 300 000 sign it 3 or 4 times on average.
  • Free publicity (Score:3, Insightful)

    by HexRei ( 515117 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:42PM (#22993230)
    This is nothing but a scam to get Uwe more publicity. Right now he's a hack director, I doubt a million people are even really all that aware of him.
    • by shrikel ( 535309 )
      Maybe not, but I'd guess a million non-existent, script-generated names may nevertheless end up on the petition, after this slashdot posting.
  • In All Fairness... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sking ( 42926 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:43PM (#22993250) Homepage Journal
    This only makes sense if there is a petition to sign asking him to KEEP making movies.

    And does it really matter? Nobody has to watch the movies he makes. Let the market decide.
  • He's holding the world hostage for... one million dollars!

    bwuaahahahaha... bwuahahahaha... BWUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. *cue austin powers music*
  • by jandrese ( 485 ) <> on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:51PM (#22993326) Homepage Journal
    If my grandmother rolls her eyes at the idea of internet petitions, what reason is there to think that Uwe would stop making movies from one? Just because someone name Soukin McCocksoff said he's a bad man and should go away on the internet means he'll do it.
  • by Herkum01 ( 592704 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @04:56PM (#22993388)

    I would think the fewer number of signatures would result in him having an increased chance of quiting. If they got 1 million signatures, that would mean that nearly 1 million people actually heard of him! He could claim that he has the presence to draw large numbers of people to his movies!

    If he was only able to get 20~ 25,000 signatures no studio is going to look at and say "His works are so beloved that they are not complaining about him!" His career would be over.

    The opposite of love is indifference. If you want his career over ignore him.

  • I wouldn't do it (Score:3, Insightful)

    by blind biker ( 1066130 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:01PM (#22993448) Journal
    I don't care what kind of movies he did - it doesn't really matter. What matters is to have self-esteem, and that means noone is going to tell me what I should or should not do. It's not a democracy; when it comes to my life, I am the only one responsible to make the decisions. If I feel that my movies have a value, then just because there's lots of people who disagree doesn't mean much. You know the saying: eat shit - one billion flies can't be wrong.
  • LOL... I doubt he'd stop anyhow, but I signed. What a tool that guy is.
  • by edwardpickman ( 965122 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:15PM (#22993600)
    It's a lot of work but worth it.
  • by kentrel ( 526003 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:19PM (#22993638) Journal
    This kind of hatred over a filmmaker who's creating something is really sad, pathetic and unhealthy. No, his movies might not be very good, and yes they are in fact terrible, but they're hardly the worst films ever made unless you've never seen 90% of the horror\musical genre, or anything made for youtube.

    Filmmaking was and never ever has been a democracy. This idea of writing petitions to DEMAND that he stop making movies that you don't ever have to watch or think about is pathetic. 99% of movies are released weekly around the world that you'll never ever know about, simply because you don't care enough. His movies aren't mass-marketed, they're not shoved in your face on TV or fast food restaurants. The only people who are shouting about Uwe Boll loud enough for ANYONE to hear are the people who hate him. Stop hating him, stop shouting about him, and he'll likely go away a lot faster. In fact, if he had been ignored like most other filmmakers he may have gone a long time ago.

    No member of the public has a say in who gets to make movies. It's not a democracy. If they want to vote, vote with their dollar. If enough people still pay to see the movies, such that the filmmaker is still in work, then nobody has a right to demand that he goes, except his business partners. That's life. Suck it up. There are bigger injustices in the world to worry about.

    Signing a petition is just hilarious and pathetic, and will probably have the opposite effect people intend. This kind of hatred is unhealthy. Have some perspective people. He's not answerable to any of you. Fanboys need to stop kidding themselves into thinking that they have any say in what filmmakers do. They don't. Filmmaking has been a business since its inception, and still is. Even if there were a million signatures he's under no obligation to do anything that a bunch of deluded movie geeks "demand" of him.

    He could make a movie where he prints those signatures out, laughs at them, tears them up, and posts the resulting video on youtube. Don't fanboys ever see that the more they are outraged at something inconsequential like this the more ridiculous and hilarious they appear to the rest of us? Pick your battles.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      You are forgetting one thing....he's the one that brought it up first. He said he would stop making movies if enough people wanted it to, it was at *THAT* point they mentioned there was a petition out there already, and then he made the comment about it would take a million signatures, that 18,000 was not enough. BTW, that number has jumped to over 65,000 as of a few minutes ago. It's not that his movies are the worst ever made (although some might be close) it's that he insists on taking video game fran
  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Monday April 07, 2008 @05:40PM (#22993866)
    ... will it take to stop Vista SP2?

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