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Star Wars Uncut Project Complete 175

An anonymous reader writes "In 2009 we discussed the Star Wars Uncut Project, a crowd-sourced effort to re-create the entirety of Episode IV as series of 15-second clips filmed and submitted by fans. Well, it's done at last, and CmdrTaco has written his review of the two-hour film. He says, 'A great number of shots demonstrate technology well beyond what was available when the original Star Wars was made. Other shots are stylishly animated in CG. Others are rotoscoped in mediums from chalk to pencil to marker. There’s also a plethora of stop motion, claymation, and even some puppetry to go around. [A] few shots are only slightly modified from the originals, but those are the rarity, and generally done to pull off a specific joke. ... It's a glorious achievement.'"

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Star Wars Uncut Project Complete

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  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:09PM (#38796355)
    Early reviewers say that the result is worse than the original, but much better than the Special Edition.
    • Re:Early reviews (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:16PM (#38796463)

      I realize you were joking, but to be honest, it's a really cool idea that produced something completely and totally unwatchable. I made it through less than five minutes, and that was extremely painful.

      • I realize you were joking, but to be honest, it's a really cool idea that produced something completely and totally unwatchable. I made it through less than five minutes, and that was extremely painful.

        Well, the first thought that came to my mind was "wait, this is not unlike Plan 9 from Outer Space with two actors alternating for a single character"...only this is even worse. ;)

        • by Niedi ( 1335165 )
          So then I guess I don't need to be THAT upset that youtube blocked this video in Germany due to licensing issues with the music :/
      • Re:Early reviews (Score:5, Interesting)

        by LateArthurDent ( 1403947 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @05:24PM (#38797313)

        I realize you were joking, but to be honest, it's a really cool idea that produced something completely and totally unwatchable. I made it through less than five minutes, and that was extremely painful.

        I personally had the exact opposite reaction. I thought it would be completely unwatchable, but once I started watching it, I couldn't stop, because it was awesome.

        I plan to watch it again with a group of friends.

        • by trawg ( 308495 )

          I personally had the exact opposite reaction. I thought it would be completely unwatchable, but once I started watching it, I couldn't stop, because it was awesome.

          Exactly the same here. I planned to give it a few minutes before the inevitable closing, but it was just so creative, so different and so hilarious in parts I couldn't stop.

          One of the best things I've seen on the Internet and such a great example of the culture of the remix and why it is so important that copyright is not further bastardised so that projects like this can not go ahead.

          It was so great to see such a wide range of people involved too - young kids to the elderly. All having a blast making it.

        • I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'awesome' but I enjoyed it. A good laugh. Some people take this kind of thing too seriously and what was fun and successful about this is that almost all of the input was deliberately humourous/tongue in cheek/satirical. It would probably be even more fun to watch with friends, beer, pizza...
      • by funkatron ( 912521 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @07:08PM (#38798465)

        I realize you were joking, but to be honest, it's a really cool idea that produced something completely and totally unwatchable.

        So it's art!

      • The trick is to watch it with someone else, same tactic as watching (and enjoying) B-grade films
      • by sootman ( 158191 )

        Depends on who you are. I'm not even 4 minutes in and I've laughed out loud repeatedly, most recently at a perfectly serious-looking Rebel soldier wearing a newspaper hat. Obviously, anyone looking for Oscar-winning cinematography throughout will be disappointed, but it's thoroughly entertaining.

    • I don't see why they didn't bother redoing episodes I,II, III. by redoing everything... I think Fan Fiction of what happened would be a better story then the Cannon version. Even if it does mean that Skywalker will befriend some quite backroom guy who wants to be a writer to join him on his amazing adventures, heck that is still better then Jar-Jar.
      • Episode I:
        "So who is this pilot, master?"
        "His name is Skywalker. He's an ace for the Republic, amassing an incredible array of kills. We're to award him a medal."
        "Sending two Jedi is a great honour."

        Then the two Jedi meet the adult Anakin, realize he's force sensitive and off the charts, so they start training him in secret. Darth Maul kills Liam Neeson.

        Episode II:
        Anakin falls in love, Jedi council encourages the marriage. Padme gets assassinated and then Anakin finds out there's a Sith way to bring peo

        • by jdgeorge ( 18767 )

          Uh-huh.... Thus demonstrating that it's still impossible to reconcile Episode IV with Episode V and all the crap that followed without rewriting Episode V. And, of course, all the other crap that followed.

          Or, we could just turn our attention to a prequel that's not doomed to utterly suck [imdb.com].

          • What about IV is impossible to reconcile with V? I'm just curious, not trying to say you're wrong. Did you mean the 4th and 5th movies made? (I and II ?)
            • The most obvious problem is that in Episode IV, Darth Vader killed Luke's Father. In Episode V, it's "revealed" that Darth is Luke's father. It's not "impossible" to reconcile, but Obi-wan saying "what I told you was true, from a certain point of view", is an obvious attempt to wallpaper over this inconsistency. Best case, it just makes Obi-wan look like a liar and untrustworthy.

              Another issue comes up when Obi-wan's ghost and Yoda are discussing Luke's running off to save his friends at Cloud City:
              Yoda: Tol

              • The way I interpreted it was, he was trying to avoid Luke following in Anakin's footsteps. So he made up the story that his father was this great jedi who was killed by Vader. Yeah, it was a bit of a retcon, but hey, in the original draft Darth Vader was Grand Moff Tarkin, so whatever. (Also, he probably should have seen coming that this was going to inspire him to dedicate his life to slaying Vader, thus putting him up to join the dark side just as much, but I guess that was Obi-wan's plan)

                Yeah, Obi-wan
              • That Vader killed Anakin is hardly unknown in story telling, in fact quite a few stories tell that of the adult version killing the child version of the same person.

                In Red Dwarf, Rimmers lost good points are shown as graves in his sub concious.

                It is a pretty weak attempt to show a loop hole just because someone uses a bit of flowery language. What next, if you found out your grandfather didn't really go to sleep but croaked you are going to claim you parents lied as well? Really kid, read a book. Just one.


    • by jd2112 ( 1535857 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @06:20PM (#38797951)

      Early reviewers say that the result is worse than the original, but much better than the Special Edition.

      So, Han and Greedo shoot at the same time?

    • by gnalre ( 323830 )

      Early reviewers say that the result is worse than the original, but much better than the Special Edition.

      But still better than Red Tails

    • The original was the result of a lot of talented people, many barely recognized by the casual fan, coming together and doing what they do best without to many pressures to deliver because nobody expected a Sci-Fi movie to do all that well in the late 70's.

      The next two movies were made with bigger budgets but also greater expectations, partly this was delivered on with greater special effects and better writing in the second, even better special effects in the third but at that time the demand for merchandis

  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:12PM (#38796401)

    Next edit will replace everything with bad CGI, have a crying Han Solo beg Greedo for his life, and feature an extended 3D sequence of an aged Jar Jar Binks dancing a jig and flipping off the camera.

  • by Baloroth ( 2370816 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:14PM (#38796421)

    Does Han shoot first?

  • by oodaloop ( 1229816 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:16PM (#38796471)
    Overall, I found it hysterical and very creative. 2 of my favorite parts: After the initial iconic text scrolls off the screen, there appear several Facebook-like comments, one of which is by Alderon_Dude, "Thank god I live on a peaceful planet!" The other is when Obi Won first shows Luke his father's lightsaber, done in a noir setting, apparently done just so he can say, "in a more civilized age" like Humphrey Bogart. There's a few Kill Bill references sprinkled here and there, a scene done like The Big Lebowski, etc. I loved it.
  • Link to the project (Score:5, Informative)

    by sirdude ( 578412 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:18PM (#38796505)
    Here's the link to the project [starwarsuncut.com]. Very considerate of the OP and SoulSkill to not provide it with the post :S
    • Hey, the link doesn't work! What an unfortuante concidence. This happens to me all the time!
      • by sirdude ( 578412 )
        Your situation explains why there are so many /.-ers obsessing over FPS rates. They're all wasting away from First-Post-Syndrome, a malaise that is triggered by the need to be the first to access a new /. post in order to experience functioning links.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:19PM (#38796527)

    "This video is unavailable in Germany since it might possibly contain music for which the necessary rights have not been granted by GEMA" (my translation).

    • by devent ( 1627873 )
      Yupp. Fuck GEMA. Make sure to never buy any GEMA music, instead you could just pirate the music and give the musicians a donation.
    • by Mista2 ( 1093071 )

      Interesting, as this could be considered fair use, as parody. It's not like anyone is making money off it!

      • To what extent does German copyright law permit parody? U.S. fair use originally developed as a judicial reconciliation of copyright with the First Amendment; is the free press guarantee under German law as strong as the First Amendment?
    • "Im Urheberrecht versteht man unter ``Parodie'' die antithematische Behandlung eines vorbestehenden Werkes wobei dessen Elemente zwar aufgegriffen, aber in einen anderen Kontext gestellt werden mit dem Ziel, die übernommenen Werkteile komisch oder satirisch wirken zu lassen. Die Parodie stellt eine ``freie Benutzung'' des Ausgangswerkes im Sinne von Â24 Abs. 1 UrhG dar und ist bis zur Grenze der Entstellung auch ohne Zustimmung des ursprünglichen Werkes zulÃssig. "

      freely tr
  • by Greyfox ( 87712 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:25PM (#38796615) Homepage Journal
    Does Hans shoot first in this version?
  • So where do we get it?
  • by jdavidb ( 449077 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:37PM (#38796763) Homepage Journal
    I knew it! I knew you couldn't stay away! Thanks for stopping by to be part of the omelet today!
  • by MikeTheGreat ( 34142 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:39PM (#38796789)

    ...and why do his posts jump to the front page?
    Man, how many more people is Slashdot going to auto-post (I mean, how many more people beyond Ian McAllister and this "CmdrTaco" )?

    This is totally unfair

    *ducks*runs* :)

  • by wbr1 ( 2538558 ) on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:42PM (#38796829)
    At 6:33 there is a poster in the background:

    [starfleet logo]
    We Don't Choke Minions


  • SOPA (Score:4, Insightful)

    by gmuslera ( 3436 ) * on Monday January 23, 2012 @04:53PM (#38796955) Homepage Journal
    Is a great example on why SOPA, PIPA and all the bunch should not exist. There is a whole world of crazy things like this that could be done and won't because this kind of laws, that could enrich us all (and yes, i saw it). I think that George Lucas approved that this could be done, but there are too much other things that this kind of idea could be applied.
    • The laws that limit how much of this can be done are hundreds of years old. There is only so much you can do without the copyright holders permission. PIPA and SOPA are objectionable not because they are protecting copyright holders but because of how they are trying to do it.

    • Just IMAGINE if Disney hadn't lobbied nonstop to get patent law extended time and again. Star Wars would be in the public licence, and all manner of aspiring directors could make their own episodes set in the universe. Creativity could flourish in the land of the free...

      Except that once you become rich, you use your power to make sure nobody else does the same thing. Disney profited on public works when they were getting started and had a hard enough time just doing the animation. Now others can't use th
  • Turns out in relative terms not so much.

  • by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) * on Monday January 23, 2012 @05:44PM (#38797535)

    In the Star Wars Uncut: Special Edition, not only does Han shoot first, he then goes on to shoot George Lucas several times, and then fits Lucas with a Colombian Necktie. Like a boss!

    Alternate ending: Han Solo teams up with Boba Fett and Darth Maul to hunt down Lucas and toss him in the Sarlacc, after fitting him with a restraining bolt.

  • Nerds!

  • I watched the first 30 minutes of this over the weekend.

    Having done a few film projects of my own, including a parody of The Twilight Zone, I appreciate the efforts of all involved.


  • ...shouldn't even be an issue. Episodes 4-6 should already be in the public domain. And would be, if it weren't for infinite copyright.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 23, 2012 @07:42PM (#38798833)

    And if you look closely at the background in my scene, you'll find a disk, a back flap, and a scorpion.

  • I think the project could evolve to true greatness if the individual scenes could be put into competition, with the highest voted scenes making the final cut in a monthly release...

  • . . . that if an infinite number of nerds were given an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of bandwidth, they would eventually produce the works of George Lucas.
  • I just watched the whole thing. I really thought I'd just watch a few minutes and give up but I was charmed by the efforts of the contributors. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, so I had no concern about the treatment the film got in this piece. The scenes range from the obviously talentless (but usually funny), to the tongue in cheek all the way through to genuinely accomplished. If something like this gets shut down it would be a giant fuck off to the fans of the film who contributed and anyone else who wa
  • to do with my time tonight. Just watched the original film and frankly I enjoyed the recut more! Episode IV, A New Hope, Star Wars, whatever it is called is a big ball of cheese. The effects are great fun, the script is functional and the acting is mediocre at best. There is really not much in it. The story is garbled and much of it doesn't really make sense.

    It doesn't matter because of the kind of film it is, but it really amazes me that there are so many that think there is some depth, importance, signif

Chemist who falls in acid is absorbed in work.
