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2001: a Space Odyssey's Dave Returns To Sci-fi In New Film 77

An anonymous reader writes "Indie Kickstarter-funded short HENRi stars a sci-fi legend in a role very much like HAL-9000 — with a twist. Wired writes: 'If it sounds a little bit like 2001: The Later Years, then here's the real twist: HENRi, the ship/body, is voiced [by] Dr. Dave Bowman himself, Keir Dullea.' In a making-of video for the film, Dullea says, 'I guess you could say the character of HENRi was a sane version of HAL.' The film itself utilizes a mixture of the old and the new — combining live-action sequences with puppetry, quarter-scale miniatures, and modern CGI. The official trailer has just been released."
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2001: a Space Odyssey's Dave Returns To Sci-fi In New Film

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  • by spokenoise ( 2140056 ) on Thursday February 28, 2013 @04:31AM (#43032215)
    I'm afraid I can't do that
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 28, 2013 @04:46AM (#43032257)

    HAL was the very definition of sane. Lacked a bit of compassion though

      - Anonymous Robot

    • by Anonymous Coward

      If given conflicting goals, with no guidance on how to resolve which one is more important, is it insane to choose one?

      Rational behaviour is not necessarily nice behaviour. If you are lazy in setting goals for your AI, do not complain when it finds creative solutions to implement them, completely ignoring your original intent.

  • Uhm... GERTY? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    This sounds interesting and all, but I can't help but point out that a 'sane/friendly' HAL was already done in Moon... and I find it hard to imagine a better anti-HAL than GERTY. GERTY FTW
    - X0mbiRapt0r (not Anonymous Coward, just at work without proper access required to create account/profile... also slightly lazy)

    • by Anonymous Coward
      I agree with you about MOON / GERTY. However, after I did a little more digging, it seems the HAL comparison in this isn't really the main focus. It looks like it's mostly about a robot becoming sentient - also been done before plenty, but what hasn't? I'll give it a shot.
    • Was I the only person who spent the entire movie on pins and needles waiting for GERTY to do his heel turn? He even had a big smily face for crying out loud! There's no way he could be anything *but* evil, right? Right?

      Rather showing of audience expectations nowadays, and part of the reason I so adored Moon.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    If Keir Dullea is getting to play HAL's part (sort of), they should get Douglas Rain to play the "Dave Bowman" counterpart so that *he* can get shut out of the airlock this time round. :-)

    • by moeinvt ( 851793 )

      LOL That would be awesome!

      The only good actor revenge case I know about is Frank Vincent killing Joe Pesci in 'Casino' to take revenge for the fact that Joe Pesci had killed him in "GoodFellas".

  • by braindrainbahrain ( 874202 ) on Thursday February 28, 2013 @08:22AM (#43033019)

    Is it too soon to believe that renaissance in science fiction films is underway via Kickstarter?
    I say this having recently funded and watched "C 299792 km per second". Granted two films don't make a "renaissance" but I can hope... []

    • Hardly surprising. Genre films are very popular among geeks on the tech cutting edge. But don't worry. If the "Funding a movie via Kickstarter" thing catches on, you can expect the shitty romantic comedies and godawful cop movies to follow soon enough.

    • by Raenex ( 947668 )

      Seems more like a start of a movie than an actual movie.

  • You can buy a link to a digital copy of this 21 minute movie from the film's website for about $3 via Paypal/credit card/whatever. Please consider dropping a few bucks their way if you watch this film. This is an independent short film, not a piece of shit from the corrupt Hollywood machine, and its creators deserve monetary recognition from those in society who appreciate the film.

    By all means continue to pirate Hollywood movies, however.

    • by deroby ( 568773 )

      By all means continue to pirate Hollywood movies, however.

      I wonder if Comcast users will get reprimanded for watching this ...

    • You can buy a link to a digital copy of this 21 minute movie from the film's website for about $3 via Paypal/credit card/whatever. Please consider dropping a few bucks their way if you watch this film. This is an independent short film, not a piece of shit from the corrupt Hollywood machine, and its creators deserve monetary recognition from those in society who appreciate the film.

      By all means continue to pirate Hollywood movies, however.

      I bought a copy a few minutes ago! I hope they make a pile of cash just because they're selling and distributing it in what I call "the right way".

  • Just bought and watched it on the strength of this post, glad I did, the film is its well done, haunting, and memorable. There are a lot worse ways to spend $3.
  • So does it ignore, or even retcon, the 2010 and 3001 books?

    • by 1u3hr ( 530656 )
      Ignores, since it has nothing to do with those films, aside from having one of the same actors.
  • From what I can see of the trailer, this looks to have several elements from the old Infocom text adventure "Suspended". A human (brain) connected to a cybernetic network maintains a a city (ship) exclusively through the use of robots. If memory serves you even had to build a sixth robot out of spare parts.

  • I didnt realize that Lockwood had done the 2nd Star Trek pilot shortly before 2001. One of my favorite episodes with the guy who acquires godly psychic powers and eyes turn silver.
  • still a better love story than Twilight
  • before I RTFA'd I thought this was going to be about plans to remake 2001. That would be going too far.
  • ...we're another step closer to the reboot of Starlost...

  • "My God, it's full of hype!"

  • "Open the Depends cabinet bay door and git off my lawn, Hal!"

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
