5-Year Mission Continues After 45-Year Hiatus 283
Okian Warrior writes "Hackaday brings us news about a continuation of the original Star Trek series. The Kickstarter-funded project is attempting to complete the original 5-year mission, which ended after only three seasons on the air. The fan-based and fan-supported reincarnation is cleverly titled Star Trek Continues and has CBS's consent. Check out the first episode, Pilgrim of Eternity. For being fan-made, it's actually pretty good."
The attention to detail in the sets, costumes, and even lighting is incredible. It's far and away the most faithful re-creation of the original series I've ever seen.
45 years ago... (Score:3)
I can think of a few other things from 1968 that we'd like to get back...
Re:45 years ago... (Score:5, Funny)
I miss Richard Nixon, too.
Re:45 years ago... (Score:5, Funny)
We already got him back... he's a black Democrat.
*ducks downmods*
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You can duck but you can't run - apparently. It's worth considering though. This guy tried it. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2011/07/22/Barack-Obama-The-Democrats-Richard-Nixon#page1 [thefiscaltimes.com]
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Interesting)
I guess I'm a younger trek fan myself (started with TNG,) as I was never into the original series. I kind of forced myself to watch it while I was sick once (every episode) and didn't really think it was anything special.
Modern references to star trek make kirk out to be this player who always gets laid, getting into fights, and talking like he was in the middle of a stroke. I never saw the getting laid, and the fights weren't anything spectacular like the JJ Abrams movies, and while he did talk like he had a stroke on occasion it isn't as bad as they parody it. Could be one of those things where you just had to be alive during that era to appreciate it (I was born in the 80's,) as I guess the getting laid part would have to be implied in more subtle ways than they were able to do with e.g. Data and Tasha Yarr in TNG as it was probably illegal back then.
I did watch the first few minutes of this fan fic, and it does seem pretty true to the original. That said, I think if you're a fan of the original this is probably for you, but I couldn't remain interested for very long.
Re:45 years ago... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:45 years ago... (Score:5, Insightful)
The plots on the original series were more about cultural & human phenomenons that Roddenberry wanted to point out as things we need to overcome as a species. Later inclusions became more about the "gee whiz, rocket ships and 'splosions!" Perhaps you were expecting more the latter with none of the former?
Exactly. A lot of what we think of as original Star Trek was implied. These days every last detail has to be spelled out in the name of characterization. The cultural references shouldn't be glossed over either. The Klingons are the Russians. They are NOT bumpy headed violent killing machines. They are just the other guys out there who we compete with idiologically. In other words, it's best to ignore TNG et al, since they depart drastically from TOS.
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I didn't take it that way. They added that stuff in but it was intermixed. For example in the mirror episode (one which to this day receives very iconic lampooning via the infamous Spock gotee) was halfway through the airing and was obviously about the folly of Nazi style regimes, as well as the episode with the two aliens with opposite color skins was one of the last episodes, and it was clearly about social issues - i.e. race relations.
I think they just added the bumpy heads to the klingons because they w
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Insightful)
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I don't know what you mean? I was born and raised in the 80s with TNG, and Kirk always came across as he did in the canon proper.. as a man who's legend preceded him due to circumstance and valor, like any legend. Even the womanizing thing is more of a bit of pop culture parody than canon.
I don't know about my generation's fixation with fight scenes, but Abram's doesn't do it for me. I'll take a badly-staged Kirk vs Kahn fight scene over what I saw in the new films any day, because I managed to invest in th
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I grew up on TNG, though I watched a ton of TOS thanks to reruns as a kid.
Recently, when Netflix made them all streaming I rewatched both of them again in pretty much a marathon. TNG didn't age well, and get bit boring in the end. TOS was fun to watch. Even my girlfriend (not a nerd, no experience with ST) had a blast with TOS. TNG was a better show, and better written, but TOS is just plain fun. TNG didn't age well thanks to its special effects and long form plots. TOS has Kirk kirking things with hi
Did you come to it as an adult? (Score:5, Informative)
It's different if it's something you grow up with.
Its place in history is easier to understand if you look at how awful mass media sf was in 1966. They were groundbreaking. Others later were able to do cathedra building.
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I guess I'm a younger trek fan myself (started with TNG,) as I was never into the original series. I kind of forced myself to watch it while I was sick once (every episode) and didn't really think it was anything special.
I was in high school when Star Trek first aired and watched it every week.
I was just the opposite watching the first Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG). I was very disappointed that they
didn't keep to the original series, and refused to watch any other TNG.
At the time people stopped by every Friday for cards, many would come early to watch TNG
again I'd ignore it, "wow, the Enterprise was destroyed!", I just thought big deal and back
to my computer (game).
Much later a friend of mine never missed an episode
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I admit I can't think of too many examples off the top of my head, but didn't he definitely at the very least get very flirty with most of the women he ran into?
There is one example that I remember that is much more subtle, however. I don't remember which episode it is... But you do see Kirk sitting on the bed and putting his shoes on. From e
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Funny)
Don't sugar coat it; tell him how you really feel.
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Yes, I enjoyed that one...and agreed.
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I can think of a few other things from 1968 that we'd like to get back...
But not the tank invasion, please...
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This "un-boot" has everything of the original - except for the charm of the premise, the ethic of storytelling, and the charisma of the players.
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Does it have shite acting?
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As I said, everything, without the charm.
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Insightful)
This "un-boot" has everything of the original - except for the charm of the premise, the ethic of storytelling, and the charisma of the players.
True, the charisma is missing, but the story is there. It's not as good as what Mr. Roddenberry wrote, but it is close. They got the good natured ribbing of Spock by McCoy and Kirk, they got their ethic and moral point across, and they created a drama that brought about the reveal of the moral. All in all, I thought it was good, now just replace Bones with a better Bones, hone the characters a bit more and you have a decent series.
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Insightful)
Let's not get too hasty! Wandering in the wilderness is not to everyone's taste
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Insightful)
Look at some good old, 70's pr0n....Debbie Does Dallas or the like, man...if you wanted to go down on one of those ladies, you'd better take a machete and a sherpa with you if you wanted any hope of ever returning alive!!
Seriously, I don't like mandatory flossing after eating....
Re:45 years ago... (Score:4, Funny)
Look at some good old, 70's pr0n....Debbie Does Dallas or the like, man...if you wanted to go down on one of those ladies, you'd better take a machete and a sherpa with you if you wanted any hope of ever returning alive!!
Seriously, I don't like mandatory flossing after eating....
Whoa whoa, 70's porn actually had good stories, today its all about 2 minute video clips on your phone.
This younger generation will never know about classics like Deep Throat. A woman who could not orgasm until a Doctor told her, that her clitiorous was in her throat.
Thats some brilliant writing right there.
TAS (Score:4, Informative)
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ib4 someone uses the word "canon."
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Didn't The Animated Series finish off the last two years of the five year mission? With the original cast and everything.
I always figured the Animated Series most likely covered the 4th year, still leaving the adventures of the 5th untold.
Re:TAS (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh. All this time, I figured that with only 22 episodes, that would have only been a single season.
Still, despite the typical craptacular Filmation art and animation, it did have some decent writing to carry it where the visuals failed.
And a big thumbs up to Roddenberry for refusing to let Filmation assign a kiddy cadet to each senior crew member.
Re:TAS (Score:5, Funny)
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The Kzinti were cool.
Please let the "Star Wreck" guys get in on this (Score:4, Interesting)
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Additional: random coincidence. The new film was funded with help from Kickstarter, Pirk's ship in Star Wreck was called Kickstart.
Faithful (Score:3, Funny)
If it's faithful to the original then it's going to suck. A lot.
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So does your mom but we don't complain. Some of us even enjoy it.
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If it's faithful to the original then it's going to suck. A lot.
You know, considering what a hatchet job Abrams has done to Star Trek, I'm surprised it took this long for the fans to come together and do something like this. I mean, there's Original Series, and then there's Abrahams Extra Crispy recipe... just scorched earth policy on everything you ever loved. Original is an acquired taste; It's atonement for a non-specific kind of sin. You know, you feel bad but you can't put your finger on it. Abrahams Recipe is when you have a specific sin in mind and wish to atone
Re:Faithful (Score:4, Informative)
I'm surprised it took this long for the fans to come together and do something like this.
Then be surprised no more, it's been done [wikipedia.org] before. I think I watched part of an episode when it first came out, but I don't remember my impression of it. Obviously, I wasn't impressed enough at the time to continue.
Re:Faithful (Score:5, Informative)
Baseline: I am a trekker; I really, really like all of Star Trek, old and new.
For all that it was the genesis of all things Trek, TOS is terribly painful to watch these days. Not an auspicious starting point for a fan-made series.
What's funny is that they managed to write a story that was the same quality as most of TOS stories--mostly low; the actors reproduced the acting "skills" of the originals (especially Kirk! Wow!); and it was just as cheesy as the original show. I fully expected it to be hard to watch.
But it wasn't! It was a labor of love, but they managed to go above that, and actually make an enjoyable episode, one that can hold its head up with the all but the best TOS episodes.
Hats off to them all, and I think I'll open my wallet.
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Amusing fact about that - the guy that plays Scotty is actually Jimmy Doohan's son [imdb.com].
I personally couldn't watch it because I was never a fan of TOS. It definitely succeeded in emulating it, though.
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Yep, wondered if they were going to try some kind of voice synthesis using Majel's samples but they did one better.....Lwaxana's daughter.
It really wasn't bad at all, a little cheesy, but TOS was a little cheesy. And how did they get the set to look so perfect, the lighting was spot on. Did they gaussian blur the ladies?
I was not, however fond of the Bones portrayal, not curmudgeonly and gravelly enough. Also Uhura seemed a bit off...until she sang, then I realized why they went with her....she can sing
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I think they should bring back Abraham Lincoln as a permanent character.
Good effort (Score:2)
I've followed this and other projects for a while and the quality of the sets, costumes and SFX are right up there. Sadly, the acting is poor at best. I hate to single anyone in particular out but the main three characters really don't work. It isn't just that they are different people, it is just bad acting. I actually haven't had such a problem with the Abrahms reboots despite there being new actors because the standard has been decent so it isn't that. Of course, when you get the odd trek alumni in
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But bad acting was part of the charm of the original series.
And no one in their right mind with a shred of honesty would ever claim that the acting was good on the original series.
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Re:Good effort (Score:5, Funny)
Sadly, the acting is poor at best.
So ... you're saying ... it ... is ... very much .... like ... TOS? Damn it, GreatDrok, I'm a doctor not an acting coach. I canna give you more than 100% out of the dilithium, GreatDrok, she'll not take it. Fascinating.
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No mod points but I have to agree. For all that people (rightly) make fun of the "bad" acting in the original, the actors were by absolute standards not that bad. The fan remakes I've seen have acting that seems really amateur. Are they hiring professional actors for these?
Like lots of skilled jobs, professional acting is a lot harder than it looks.
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Are they hiring professional actors for these?
This information is right on the Kickstarter, you can see everyone's bio. With the exception of Grant Imahara (from Mythbusters) and the fairly minor Security Chief they are experienced, professional actors (some are degreed) with plenty of stage and/or screen credits.
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May be, but "Apollo" is the only obvious, seasoned actor in this thing. And it's obvious the minute he starts talking. Everyone else is trying too hard to be their TOS character, or too rigidly just reading their part.
Jesus, since when does Kirk take a freakin' vote?!?
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I think the biggest problem is the enunciation. Few of those actors can do it right.
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Larry Nemecek as Dr. McCoy A native of Norman, OK, Larry is author of the best-selling “ST: The Next Generation Companion” and “Star Trek: Stellar Cartography,” with editor/producer credits on Communicator magazine, Star Trek Fact Files, startrek.com and now his column in Star Trek magazine and his own TREKLAND vidchat/blog site. His BA and MA in theatre sparked a host of stage credits, and recently he guest-starred in the "Divine Whit
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Yes, but his voice is all WRONG! And he didn't do the eyebrow thing! Eomer in the Abrams films did a better job of portraying McCoy's curmudgeonlyness.
Very good. (Score:5, Interesting)
It looks far better than the passable recreation "Star Trek Of Gods and Men" (with Koenig, Nichols and Russ in it). http://startrekofgodsandmen.com/main/ [startrekofgodsandmen.com]
But I have much better hopes for the upcoming Star Trek Renegades (Koenig, et. al. second, better funded attempt) http://startrekrenegades.com/home/trailers-and-videos/ [startrekrenegades.com]
So, did Star Trek have a planned story arc? (Score:3)
Just curious if there was ever any info released about where the show planned to go in the short or long term.
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Just curious if there was ever any info released about where the show planned to go in the short or long term.
Short term, they'll probably all meet at the Pizza Hut tonight and then go to a local brew place for a couple of beers.
Long term, I think most of them will eventually move out of their parent's basement and go to college, and then probably move back. I think some of them are saving up for a PlayStation 5.
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Wrong stereotype, actors work as waiters.
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CBS's consent (Score:2)
The fan-based and fan-supported reincarnation [...] has CBS's consent.
How did they manage to negotiate this?
Re:CBS's consent (Score:5, Funny)
I'm guessing Grant built a killbot and threatened to activate it in their lobby.
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Exactly. Same goes for Phase II (some eps are pretty good actually)
Re:CBS's consent (Score:4, Interesting)
Maybe because CBS "gets it"?
It's true this would never have happened back in the Viacom/Paramount days (Viacom actually threatened Star Trek fansites back in the day with C&D's) and back when the sole goal of Star Trek was to exact the maximum number of dollars available, even if doing so required being extremely petty. (They still do to an extent, given that Star Trek DVDs and Blu-Rays are twice the price as normal TV box sets).
But I suppose CBS realizes that fandom is real, they can't control it, and if someone wants to make something that potentially could help them (since they own the rights to it and the movies are popular), well, it costs them nothing and gains them everything.
I'm sure they also retain a lot of the rights - e.g., DVD and Blu-Ray
Star Trek: Renegades (Score:2)
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Great! (Score:2)
If the whole thing is as good as the first ten minutes, I'm in. The actors for fine (Scotty is excellent) and it's leagues better than the crap JJ Abrams is putting out.
Holodecks were supposed to be new tech in TNG (Score:2)
That kinda bothers me the first thing I see is Holodeck technology in that vid. In season 1 of TNG, it was described as fairly new tech, of course that got retconned in Voyager as Janeway reminisces about using one as a child. Now it's in TOS era? I'm one of the few that actually liked Enterprise but even there it bothered me how they didn't make things primitive enough (having a transporter for one, no matter how leery of it they were) because it feels like the writers can't make do without these toys o
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If you watched Enterprise and--okay, okay! I know most people hate it but please, hear me out...
If you watched Star Trek Enterprise, they met an alien species who had holodeck-like technology in their era. But they didn't give them the technology or anything.
Even if you totally dismiss the Enterprise episodes, this is a plausible explanation. That Janeway and others could have used a holodeck made by a different species outside the Federation, and it wasn't until a few years later that the technology was
Re:Holodecks were supposed to be new tech in TNG (Score:4, Informative)
Crown me king of the dorks but... I gotta correct you on this one.
TNG says the Enterprise holodecks are much better than previous versions. (And they get better still after the Binars work on them in that one episode, which is presumably also where it gets the magical ability to make a super-genius Moriarty due to a misspoken command.) They never say or suggest that the holodeck technology is brand-new in TNG.
And people wonder... (Score:2)
And people wonder why the entertainment industry keeps producing sequels, remakes, rehashes, and re-imaginings...
What about "Star Trek New Voyages/Phase II" thing (Score:3)
What about "Star Trek New Voyages/Phase II" thing that has James Cawley as Kirk? (http://www.startrekphase2.de)
Looks like we might have 2 groups creating Star Trek episodes.
Chris Doohan & Grant Imahara (Score:3)
I'm not much of a celebrity wonk, but Chris Doohan (son of James Doohan) playing Scotty, and Grant Imahara (from Mythbusters) playing Sulu -- nice.
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My brother in law was in a band with Chris. Nice guy.
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And don't forget Jamie Bamber as Simone. I didn't recognize him in his spacesuit. When I saw his name in the credits I went back and looked again. Sure enough, another Apollo. Deep stuff -- one Apollo dies, another lives.
Big shoes to fill (Score:2)
Watched a bit of it. The kind of nailed it. The effects, lighting, swelling music - a lot of talent went into this and that should be recognized. If you're looking for an exact duplicate of TOS you will be disappointed. Try to keep in mind these enthusiasts have big shoes to fill. The other Star Treks were not able to fill those shoes either and they knew it. That's why the cast and set was so different.
From the site (Score:2)
"I watched with pleasure the first episode some time ago and it stirred a lot of memories." - Rick B.
You had your chance, Berman...
MOAR of the hot redhead (Score:3, Funny)
I just hope we get to see more of the buxom Dr. McKennah in these episodes. I mean see her in more episodes. Not her naked. Or naked is fine too.
Her IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1073676/?ref_=tt_cl_t8 [imdb.com]
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All captains should have a hot redhead...or be a hot redhead (in Janeway's case)
Bad Idea (Score:2)
Give us trek that none trekies at least has a chance of liking.
Being faithful to the original series is all well and good, but your market is extremely limited. Far far more limited than just producing good modern Trek. I love TOS, but even most trekies do not consider it the best series.
We need to reclaim Trek from the horrible things JJ has done, and you are not going to do that with something that 10 thousand people are going to watch.
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Can't Stand (Score:3)
Re:Can't Stand (Score:4, Interesting)
I don't feel like the acting is weak. Allow me to delve into details.
Spock's nasal voice instead of the deep register we've come to expect from Nimoy struck me as "off". I immediately expected that I would come to find it annoying. However, the actor faithfully captures the Vulcan's calm, direct demeanor. I chalked the nasally, nerdish voice of Spock's actor up to an "interesting actor flaw".
Then there's McCoy. I could easily imagine Kelly sitting down with a nice young girl or two in the woods, playing acoustic guitar. He was kind of one of those rustic hippy sort of personalities. Grating and sensible, but romantic and passionate. Yeah, well, this new guy is a tad overweight and smacks a tad of "gay". However, I think he perfectly captures the McCoy character. We can chalk up what's lacking to Kelly's interpretation. This new guy delivers perfect deadpan, which is pretty important for McCoy's sarcastic and wise wit.
Kirk was a good Kirk. As others noticed, he obviously studied the hell out of the part.
Scotty's, well, original Scotty's son apparently. He obviously enjoys the part and puts a lot of emotion into it. He almost looks like he's going to break into tears out of love for his precious Enterprise and the illogical and unnecessary danger she's being put in. He's the consummate engineer.
And there's Sulu. That guy delivers with so much arm-swinging gumption it's hilarious, but he keeps it so muted! He never crosses the line into cheese-land! And did you see him almost cracking up on the bridge? It's obvious that Sulu's actor will be able to deliver with just as much subdued grinning as the original.
Uhura obviously loves her part, as well. She really shined during her delivery in the opening of the "rec room 6" scene. I think the way she held herself on her forward foot was a slight bit ungraceful, but wow, what shoes to fill. The original actress for Uhura was a real smooth woman. I think this girl does great, most importantly she gets into the part. Maybe when her hair gets longer, she'll put it into a more 70's do.
Everybody else was pretty much carbon copy of the original.
Somebody mentioned the sets being CGId to look plastic-textured. I beg to differ. I think some of those sets were built with a lot of plastic. It's not like they don't have access to it -- obviously they built the space suits. The hallway leading to the recreation room, check out those joist panels coming down from the ceiling. That hallway is definitely built.
The lighting was really picturesque, too. No moment was wasted with washed-out effects.
Personally, having seen the recent big-budget reboots with all the camera lens flare covering everything up, and having seen this other fan-made thing "Phase II" that seems to prefer dark and blurry shots, I think there's apparently a sort of guilt complex hazard in making a remake of such a famous show. I'm sure the directors feel like they can't live up to it and so the lens flares and blurs and darkness are supposed to offer the audience a chance to suspend disbelief for fleeting moments.
That approach doesn't work for me. This approach that "Continues" is using, where everything is well-lit and filmed in classical style, it spot-on. It allows them to go a step further and showcase that actual thing called The Writing.
Galaxy Quest (Score:2)
Was a great parody of star trek and darn good video. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtHM77IRkus [youtube.com]
Excellent. (Score:5, Interesting)
At the risk of sounding like a damned space hippy [memory-alpha.org], I've missed Star Trek's fundamentally positive outlook towards the future of humanity. Trek gave a really strong feeling that we'd end up overcoming a lot of our problems as a species. I like that sort of utopianism, so any new series of Trek is good by me.
TOS seems much maligned, and 40 years later it does seem rather awkward and dated, but there's some good episodes in there. Besides, who doesn't love some serious acting. [youtube.com].
As an aside, this would be a good time to recommend the Post Atomic Horror [wordpress.com] podcast for anyone re-watching any of the series.
New Voyages/Phase II is dramatically better (Score:5, Informative)
Somebody's never heard of Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II, in spite of one episode nearly winning a Hugo Award and nearly a dozen actors from TOS contributing to various episodes, and even some of the original writers on board contributing new scripts? I hope it's just ignorance that motivated the OP and Soulskill to promote this to the exclusion of ST:NV and all the other Star Trek fan productions in active production. This is not "the most faithful re-creation of the original series".
series site [startreknewvoyages.com]
Wikipedia [wikipedia.org]
list of episodes [wikipedia.org]
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It looks like they were trying to show that Scotty invented or at least had a hand in creating holodeck technology. I don't remember TNG ever discussing the origins of the holodeck. Besides, TOS used left over costumes from bad westerns and gladiator movies to move their plots along. Not much different from what the holodeck was used for.
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From: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Holodeck [memory-alpha.org]
By 2364, the Federation Starfleet had begun installing holodecks aboard their vessels. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
During the 2360s and 2370s, a starship could have one or more holodecks depending on the vessel's size or purpose. For example, Defiant-class starships did not have a holodeck, while Galaxy-class vessels had several. (TNG: "11001001", "Homeward")
The two holodecks of Intrepid-class starships were the only places other than sickbay where the EMH was able to exist (without a mobile emitter) after the crew modified his program so it wasn't as tightly integrated into the sickbay's systems. In Prometheus-class starships, the EMH could move more around the ship freely because all decks were equipped with holoemitters. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
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Darkstar remake would be cool
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nuts to these handful of Trek rehashes, I want to know why Man Conquers Space [wikipedia.org] can't seem to make any progress.
I'd love to see Man Conquers Space [manconquersspace.com] finished!
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Interesting thing I saw was that this is being made by the folks who did Starship Farragut [starshipfarragut.com], which was another "in the style of the original" web series. As I recall, they even had a call out on one episode to the folks doing New Voyages.
I actually thought the New Voyages episodes were pretty good.
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Yeah, only nerds would like something like this.
Still, Star Trek is the new Shakespeare so we 500 more years of this.
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the incredible numbers of ways death stalks so many of them
holy cow, I never thought of it from that angle. It really is "Voyage of the Space Beagle" to some degree. Ok, not Lovecraft, but still -ish.
sciencefiction in particular seems to get caught up with superficial things like spectacle and shiny new effects. I like to think of TOS as being a stage play, with similar production values. The ideas and stories have to be more able to stand on their own feet. Yeah, that's filthy cherry-picking retconning, but it helps me to make it through the day in this wor
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yes, but he does have the Shatner Softness in the voice...that sort of compensates. And he's the right height. I must admit I was looking for the girdle under the uniform.
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JJ Abrams is a douche, for picking someone else, instead of the authentic deal, here.
To be fair, he'd have to have actually watched 'Star Trek' to know what Scotty looked and sounded like.