J.J. Abrams To Direct Star Wars: Episode IX; Premiere Date Pushed To December 2019 (theverge.com) 221
A week after Jurassic World's Colin Trevorrow was ousted from the Star Wars: Episode IX director's chair, a familiar face has stepped in to replace him: J.J. Abrams, the man responsible for successfully rebooting the new trilogy in 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. From a report: Disney just pushed back the release of Star Wars: Episode IX from May 2019 to December 2019, Deadline reports. The news comes after an announcement today that J.J. Abrams is taking over from Colin Trevorrow as director of the movie. Episode IX, originally slated to premiere on May 24th, 2019, was supposed to be a return to May release dates for the Star Wars franchise. Back in 2015, The Force Awakens was also originally supposed to be released in the summer, but was moved to a December release after Abrams took over screenwriting duties with Lawrence Kasdan (The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) and needed more time.
Yay... Abrams (Score:3, Insightful)
Wars vs. Trek [Re:Yay... Abrams ] (Score:5, Funny)
Rehash is fine as long as you do it well. I for one would love to see a try at Star Wars vs. Star Trek. The culture clash of the different viewpoints and problem-solving techniques could make for fun drama. The movie doesn't really have to waste time setting up the culture context because most the audience already knows both groups: it can jump right into the paradigm clashes.
Imagine Spock and Yoda conversing:
Yoda: "Vulcan logic and the logic of The Force, same thing are not."
Spock: "Logic is universal until proven otherwise."
Yoda: "Universal assumption, logical it is not. Test entire universe you cannot."
Spock: "I've never seen good logic fail."
Yoda: "Get out more, you need."
Spock: "I think I've met enough Yoda's already, thank you very much."
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Star Wars vs. Star Trek
Well the first question is whether Star Wars species are advanced enough that contact by the Federation wouldn't violate the prime directive...
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Parsec was used by Solo as such a unit.
He used it (wrongly) as a unit of time. Or at least the scriptwriter did.
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I've heard that this wasn't an oversight, or perhaps was retconned into making sense, via the narrative that the run involves a loop around a black hole.
The logic here says that a black hole bends space around it, so a ship being able to navigate closer to the black hole means the run is made in a shorter distance than in a ship that has to stay farther away. Speed is a component in how close you can skirt a gravity well. In this scenario, the ability to reduce the distance of the run is in fact a noteworth
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Well, okay, but it still makes more sense that the scriptwriter thought parsec was a unit of time because it has "sec" in it.
The actual dialog was:
You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? ... It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.
Note the preposition in. Typically it is associated with time, not distance. If you found a shortcut for your commute, you would not say "Hey honey, I made it home in less than twelve miles!" That just sounds awkward.
Or maybe parsec really is a unit
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Spock: "I think I've met enough Yoda's already, thank you very much."
Yoda: "Thing that to me belongs left out you have! Outloudlaugh"
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There is a star trek vs babylon 5 movie
https://forum.gateworld.net/th... [gateworld.net]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
It was actually pretty good.
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Team Star Trek made that joke and then were shocked when their shields didn't work in that universe
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This would be interesting if we're talking about the Star Trek before Abrams transformed it into whatever it is now.
Re:Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Insightful)
Too much grrl power feminism in rogue one. She went from nobody to jedi master in 17 minutes.
Re:Yay... Abrams (Score:4, Informative)
> Too much grrl power feminism in rogue one. She went from nobody to jedi master in 17 minutes.
You're thinking of The Force Awakens.
In Rogue One she went from nobody to dead in 130 minutes.
Re:Yay... Abrams (Score:4, Insightful)
Um... No.
Sure, they made her kinda badass... justifiable, seeing as she was basically raised by a rebel fighter a bit too extreme of a fighter for the rest of the rebellion. But besides wearing a kyber crystal around her neck, there was nothing Jedi-like about Jyn Erso at all. The only one who displayed anything like force powers was the blind guy with the bo-staff. Well, him and Darth Vader, of course.
And strong females are hardly new to Star Wars. Yes, since it was basically "The Hidden Fortress... IN SPAAACE!!!", the narrative of A New Hope required Princess Leia to be in need of rescue. But did you forget that she was already a rebel agent using her senate position and diplomatic status as cover for espionage and started the movie off by:
1) Passing the Death Star plans off to R2-D2 so her mission would still be completed.
2) Gunning down Stormtroopers to create a distraction, and:
3) Telling off Darth Vader himself, before he knew he even had a daughter, and was very much in a larynx-crushing mood.
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Too much grrl power feminism in rogue one. She went from nobody to jedi master in 17 minutes.
Who did? Rey wasn't in Rogue One.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Informative)
You must not have watched Star Wars. Luke doesn't duel Vader until two movies in, and he loses. Rey not only duels Darth Teenage Angst, she beats him, in a single movie.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Interesting)
Yeah. But did you look at the how poor Darth Emo's form and technique were? He was a brawler, and not a very good one at that. He had no speed or finesse, and used nothing but power moves... which he telegraphed every time. If it weren't for the fact that his weapon of choice was a goddamned lightsaber, there are bars within walking distance of where I'm sitting right now that he wouldn't be able to enter without getting a serious beating and his ass tossed out into the gutter. (Before you fire off the snark, I'm not claiming to be badass myself. I'd get my ass kicked and tossed into the gutter if I were dumb enough to go to these bars too.).
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:4, Insightful)
Yeah. But did you look at the how poor Darth Emo's form and technique were? He was a brawler, and not a very good one at that.
Also, he had already been shot in the side by Chewbacca, a pretty critical wound. You'd think something like that would weaken a guy. He was still able to pretty easily handle Finn, but his second fight gets him into trouble.
I still feel like Rei developed mastery of The Force in a ridiculously short amount of time. Like... 5 minutes after she first learns she can use The Force she's already mind-controlling Daniel Craig.
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It's not exactly like Darth Vader is an impressive swordsmen in the original films either, you have to make allowances for the fact it's a film about fictional events.
Vader IS an impressive swordsman in the original films. It's just that Kenobi is also an impressive swordsman. You wouldn't expect Vader to just walk up and crush him immediately. Same for Luke, later. You don't find his style impressive, but he's able to crush people without fancy bullshit, or many of his internal organs.
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He's probably referring to the fact that the original trilogy was very basic in the "swordfighting" technique whereas the prequels/TFA are all fancy pants moves in CGI environments (flips, jumps, spins, 2 vs 1 fight, balancing over lava, fighting on an exploding planet, etc)
All those fancy pants moves are BS if they just lead to protracted fights. Those stupid spin and flip fight scenes are exactly what's wrong with the newer movies. Story? Fuck story! We've got super spinball Yoda!
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Fancy pants are best pants. :P
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All those fancy pants moves are BS if they just lead to protracted fights. Those stupid spin and flip fight scenes are exactly what's wrong with the newer movies. Story? Fuck story! We've got super spinball Yoda!
One of the things I hated about the prequels was that everyone strong in The Force was a master light-saber fighter (well, except for those numbnuts that the emperor slaughtered when Anakin and Windu came to arrest him..). Like.. there wasn't room for anything else, they were somehow all spinning, leaping fighters. I like Yoda's role as the wise elder teacher from Empire. He wasn't bouncing in and out of the swamp, swinging from the trees (and movies like Labyrinth showed that Jim Henson productions weren'
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Okay, mister internet tough guy... go ahead. Trot on down to one of the bars adjacent to, and mostly patronized by, the San Francisco chapter of the Hells Angels. Take a shot at one of them. I dare you. I double-dog goddamned dare you.
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Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. He aspires to be, but he's a long way from there in the movie. And don't forget that Vader lost to Obi Wan pretty decisively, losing three limbs and nearly dying, when a similar age to Ren. And Ren is already injured when the fight gets started.
I think the bottom line is that when force sensitive individuals start waving light sabres around, a weapon that will hack of a limb with a mere touch, all bets are off.
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Stimpy, on the other hand, pwned them all.
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You must not have watched Star Wars. Luke doesn't duel Vader until two movies in, and he loses. Rey not only duels Darth Teenage Angst, she beats him, in a single movie.
Yes, but since TFA was really just bits and pieces of the original trilogy all squished into a single movie, that doesn't really negate the point...Rey's 1-episode-transformation is just Luke's 3-episode-transformation squished into a single movie.
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Must not have watched Rogue One either... (Score:3)
Because I don't recall any girl becoming a Jedi master in Rogue One.
I do have to wonder if in The Force Awakens, Rey had been male instead of female if everyone's panties would be all bunched up about becoming a Jedi so quickly.
I actually didn't mind TFA that much. It was somewhat of a reboot, but it kind of needed that after all the other garbage Star Wars movies. (and by that, I mean everything since Empire Strikes Back)
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I do have to wonder if in The Force Awakens, Rey had been male instead of female if everyone's panties would be all bunched up about becoming a Jedi so quickly
Most the arguments seem to be that no male either has ever become a Jedi so fast either
But maybe the rules changed after the Empire collapsed.
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I do have to wonder if in The Force Awakens, Rey had been male instead of female if everyone's panties would be all bunched up about becoming a Jedi so quickly
Most the arguments seem to be that no male either has ever become a Jedi so fast either
But maybe the rules changed after the Empire collapsed.
I get it... I thought the same thing when watching it. But it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. I could imagine explanations for it - which hopefully will come to light in the next movie. Everyone seems to have the opinion that fighting with a light saber is something that only a Jedi can use. It's just another weapon! She didn't easily beat Ren... and what do we know of his training? He was definitely full of anger.. she was able to be calm and focus. If we're going to nerd out on it.
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Everyone seems to have the opinion that fighting with a light saber is something that only a Jedi can use. It's just another weapon!
Maybe only a Jedi can be really really good at it, but being able to use a lightsaber is certainly not exclusive to Jedis. Han used Luke's lightsaber in Empire Strikes Back, Finn used one in the Force Awakens though he certainly isn't a Jedi. The lightsaber just seems to be a weapon that the Jedis like, per Kenobi's musings of it being a more civilized weapon for a more civilized age, as opposed to Han's more crude blaster.
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Then Jedi are idiots. Imagine how much of a better fighter a Jedi (or Sith) could be if they mastered both lightsabers and blasters.
It seems like in a Jedi's hands, a lightsaber beats a blaster, every time.
But that doesn't mean that jedis only use lightsabers -- Luke did pretty well with an X-wing that didn't just have a lightsaber mounted on the front side.
Favorite Part of the Movie (Score:4)
My favorite part of the movie was where two anonymous Storm Troopers are walking down a corridor, and they hear Darth Teenage Angst having a fit in the next room, one signals to the other, and they immediately head in a different direction...
Why I like it:
1) Even with zero dialog it is hilarious
2) Typically in the past Storm Troopers were pretty much put in the movie to die, they are just hero cannon fodder, adds some humanism to them. Probably why they just went with Robots in the prequels.
3) I like to think with the story line of the ex-Trooper hero, that this was also done intentionally as a further device to show that Storm Troopers are individuals and not just clone robots, or brain washed cannon fodder.
That said, when the ex-Trooper goes rogue for his sensibilities about killing people, he does a pretty good job of mass murdering a lot of his comrades in arms on the way out and after...
Also on an somewhat unrelated note, I thought the plot device of the Super Death Star was a bit silly and anime. I mean what can we expect in the next one? A Super Duper Death Star twice as big as the last?
I'll pay a writer 100$ if they can sneak in a line for when the hero's scan the new Super Duper Death Star, when a screen starts flashing increasing numbers beyond 9000, that says something to the effect Ray: "This Cannot Be!. ... It's over 9000!" Luke: "No... no... that's not true!... that's impossible!"
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Also on an somewhat unrelated note, I thought the plot device of the Super Death Star was a bit silly and anime. I mean what can we expect in the next one? A Super Duper Death Star twice as big as the last?
According to fan parody "1000 Terrible Ideas for Another Star Wars Movie" the progression will go:
* An even bigger Death Star, built around the sun, that shoots planets at other planets.
* Traveling back in time to steal the original Death Star.
* Prequels reveal that the Emperor got the idea for the Death Star from a smaller, Death-Star-like space station that was blown up by the rebels.
* Another prequel reveals that Manny Bothans was kind of a dick, and there was a reason he got sent on that suicide mission
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2) Typically in the past Storm Troopers were pretty much put in the movie to die, they are just hero cannon fodder, adds some humanism to them. Probably why they just went with Robots in the prequels.
I think they were made robots in the prequels because the movie was aimed towards young children, so mass slaughter on the battlefield and seeing the "good guys" cutting people in half was a no-no.
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Was Darth Teenage Angst even able to fight ? (Score:2)
Rey not only duels Darth Teenage Angst, she beats him, in a single movie.
(First, small disclamer : I actually like the Darth Teenage Angst in this movie. I find that Adam driver's Kylo Ren would have been a much better Episode III teenage Anakin that what we ended up with)
The duel outcome isn't what disturbed me the most. :
When you look at the details
- Chewbacca has upgraded his weapon at some point of time between the 2 trilogies.
- This new version is so much better that even Han Solo is impressed when we borrows it, even if he's used to shoot at things (first).
- (I think we mi
bowcaster shots (Score:2)
except when he scratched Kylo Ren's side with the glancing shot.
I interpreted the scene differently :
- Chewie was not aiming to kill (couldn't bring himself to kill his "bestfriend's son almost godson")
- Kylo is so badass he withstood the (non-letalla aimed) explosive ammo without even flintching (but still left him wounded enough to be at disadvantage against the young untrained wannabe Jedi)
But yeah, I see your point : ... blabla)
- Chewie chose an ammo not to kill (couldn't bring himself to exploding his
- Kylo got a minor scratch from a glancing regular ammo (and some
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Informative)
Luke does not instaneously become a Jedi master. His development is clear and methodical over the course of years and three full length films. We also are given justification in ANH when Ben discussed Luke's heritage for why Luke might have potent sensitivity to the force. Despite that, he even fails at blocking laser bolts with his blast shield down to show us that he isn't picking it up immediately. He also fails at lifting the X-wing in ESB if you need additional evidence.
We as audience members are not given the same justifications with Rey. Aside from the title being TFA and it doing just that with Rey, we are given little else to help us understand her ability level. The concerns that Rey is a Mary Sue are valid, and covered in more depth by YouTube creators such as banditincorporated.
First time commenter here. I normally just watch from the sidelines but I couldn't let that comment stand on its own.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:1)
I'm also disgusted with the previous AC commenter mixing up Rogue One and TFA. This is news for nerds. Get it right or get off my lawn.
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While Rey's development is a bit rushed, it was probably a consequence of Mark Hamil getting old more than anything. If he were younger the central character would probably have been Luke fighting a resurgence of the Sith/Empire.
Having said that, what extraordinary abilities does she actually demonstrate during that film? She manages to pilot the Falcon reasonably well, and barely escape a fight with Kylo Ren without really beating him, and of course Ren's abilities are nothing like as developed as Vader's
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Drop your flamebait signature and maybe you won't get modded as flamebait. Whether you like it or not, it is part of your post.
By having that as part of your post, you make it a topic.
Up to you, just a suggestion. Might even be a bad one :)
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"The echo chamber is getting worse every day."
Kinda like Lando's deal with the Empire?
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Luke does not instaneously become a Jedi master. His development is clear and methodical over the course of years and three full length films. We also are given justification in ANH when Ben discussed Luke's heritage for why Luke might have potent sensitivity to the force. Despite that, he even fails at blocking laser bolts with his blast shield down to show us that he isn't picking it up immediately. He also fails at lifting the X-wing in ESB if you need additional evidence. We as audience members are not given the same justifications with Rey. Aside from the title being TFA and it doing just that with Rey, we are given little else to help us understand her ability level. The concerns that Rey is a Mary Sue are valid, and covered in more depth by YouTube creators such as banditincorporated. First time commenter here. I normally just watch from the sidelines but I couldn't let that comment stand on its own.
Dude, you hide your bias well enough but it;s clear that you are being sexist! Just because she's a girl does not mean she cannot go from starship dumpster diver to supremo jedi -The force was "calling out" to her. The bug-eyed lady said so! (And Kylo told supreme leader that she's powerful, more than she knows - although he didn't talk to her about how much she thinks she's powerful so it was a bit ???)
Anyways, you think it didn't have justification? That there's not enough development but in reality all
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Seriously why do I have to wait three movies for some wannabe jedi to master the force? Cant we just get to the cool part of the story where the force is actually mastered and proceed to kick all the baddies' asses and have like 13 Siths die every minute?
IOW, bad story telling and more lens flare? Part of what made the originals good is because they followed the traditional story arch that has been used for millennia. There is conflict, struggle and triumph. Why would you care about the characters if there is no struggle? Part of what made TFA a bad story was that there was nothing to challenge Rey. Nothing for her to struggle against. In the originals, Luke consistently fails but through struggle and training overcomes those failures. Everyone alive today
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Insightful)
But it's cool when Luke does the same thing.
Rei: Goes from no powers to mind control followed by using the force to fling things around before even getting off the planet they were fleeing, proceeds to kill a Kylo Ren who had been perfecting his powers for years under a Sith master.
Luke: Unable to sense bolt blasters for an entire space flight. Soon after being taught by the best Jedi master in the universe and spitting the dummy when unable to lift simple stones. Even after a few weeks of training his skill level is still basic. He then proceeds to get his arse kicked.
Yeah totally the same thing.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:4, Insightful)
Rei: Goes from no powers to mind control followed by using the force to fling things around before even getting off the planet they were fleeing, proceeds to kill a Kylo Ren who had been perfecting his powers for years under a Sith master.
Your argument would be more convincing if you managed to get basic details about the movie correct.
Rei's mind control powers only emerged after Kylo Ren had demonstrated them to her when trying to interrogate her. At the time she was strapped to an interrogation table waiting to be tortured, implying that the stress pushed her to use force powers. That's consistent with how force powers manifested for other users, e.g. Luke when he needs to make that critical shot, or contact his sister to be rescued after losing to Vader. It's well established that stress and powerful emotions like anger interact with force abilities.
Rei also failed to kill Kylo Ren. The battle ended in something of a stalemate, and Ren started out carrying an injury.
Ren's force powers seem to be relatively weak. He doesn't demonstrate anything like the power that other trained users did, and none of the typical dark side stuff like lightning or force-choking. His light sabre is also pretty poor quality, unable to form a solid steady beam. It's not clear how much training he has had, that hasn't been revealed yet, he seems to lack the discipline that Vader and other Sith had, being prone to emotional outbursts and still struggling with links to his family (which is why killing Han is so important).
Even after a few weeks of training his skill level is still basic. He then proceeds to get his arse kicked.
Right, because he didn't have enough training. After that he trains by himself, with no guidance, for an unspecified period of time but it only seems to be a year at most between ESB and ROTJ. At that point he has got good enough not only to beat Vader but the Emperor as well, at the same time.
Maybe, as every DBZ fan eventually realizes, power levels are bullshit.
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Rei's mind control powers only emerged after Kylo Ren had demonstrated them to her when trying to interrogate her.
That toooootally makes her less of a Mary Sue.
Rei also failed to kill Kylo Ren.
That was due to a deus ex machina in reverse saving the bad guy who just finished getting his arse handed to him.
Right, because he didn't have enough training.
Kind of my point and further highlighting the fact that Luke is a normal character while Rei is a Mary Sue.
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I would hardly say he beat the Emperor when it was Vader that made the killing throw. He refused to fight. Saying he beat the Emperor and Vader at the same time is just wrong. He beat Vader. He refused to fight Emperor. Vader has emotional break and betrays Emperor. Then they have roasted Ewoks for dinner.
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Ren's force powers seem to be relatively weak. He doesn't demonstrate anything like the power that other trained users did, and none of the typical dark side stuff like lightning or force-choking. His light sabre is also pretty poor quality, unable to form a solid steady beam.
Did you miss the beginning of the movie? Lena Dunham's boyfriend is shown burninating a village like Trogdor while stopping blaster shots in the air. He was clearly shown as having the strongest force abilities ever seen in the series*.
Kylo Ren's Super Vader 2.0 EX+ Beta level of power was offset by his absolutely awful angsty bitch personality. His light saber isn't a reflection of his abilities. Fucking light sabers aren't force controlled. They're just machines that run on a crystal. He picked a sh
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I seem to remember Finn being mediocre with the sabre. I don't think he won a single fight against anyone who had a weapon that could block, although I might be misremembering. He explicitly couldn't pilot, and his major surprise skill was...gunnery. It's plausible. He was a fine character.
I remember Rey was good at everything she attempted, and everyone she meets during the plot progression likes or is fascinated by her. "Force awakened desert mechanic" can perhaps explain her entire skillset if you wave y
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I seem to remember Finn being mediocre with the sabre. I don't think he won a single fight against anyone who had a weapon that could block, although I might be misremembering. He explicitly couldn't pilot, and his major surprise skill was...gunnery. It's plausible. He was a fine character.
I remember Rey was good at everything she attempted, and everyone she meets during the plot progression likes or is fascinated by her. "Force awakened desert mechanic" can perhaps explain her entire skillset if you wave your hand enough, but so what? Mary Sues aren't such because they lack an explanation but because they're too wonderful to be plausible protagonists.
Force-powers are basically magic so it kinda fits the universe.
But I think more to the point, in my experience JJ Abrams makes initially great TV shows and crappy movies.
When he gets a TV shows he actually builds interesting characters and universes until it gets away with him and starts going off the rails in latter seasons.
But in movies... he just seems to write fan-fiction. That's why Rey sucks as a character, she's not a Mary Sue or feminism gone awry, she's an underdeveloped character. Maybe Abrams doe
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"But in movies... he just seems to write fan-fiction. That's why Rey sucks as a character, she's not a Mary Sue or feminism gone awry, she's an underdeveloped character. Maybe Abrams doesn't think he has time to develop characters in film or maybe he's too awed by the franchises to take real creative decisions."
I couldnt disagree more. I enjoyed her character far more than Flin or really any new character introduced in the movie. She had some pretty alright character development in fact and I felt her chara
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Sorry, mind controlling some one when you don't even know you can do that. I could debate everything else you've said but that alone is ridiculous.
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The problem is Jar Jar Abrams is strictly second set, knows how to do actions scenes but is crap at telling a story and family connections gets him the work. In the end instead of the actions scenes just being bits to tell the story, the actions scenes become the story and the story are just same nothing bits used to try to stitch the action scenes together. Crappy action scenes that do nothing much for the story but they look OK. Jar Jar Abrams the franchise killer.
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You realize that Abrams directed the last one, and after it's massive success (one of the most profitable movies of all time) it's spawned not only two sequels but at least two spin-offs and likely many more.
If that's killing a franchise then what do you consider success?
Re:Yay... Abrams (Score:4, Informative)
Abrams directed Force Awakens. But Gareth Edwards directed Rogue One. Edwards normally directed monster movies in the past and in showed in Rogue One.
On a personal note, Rogue One was infinitely better to watch than Force Awakens.
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Nah I preferred the Force awakens. The beginning of rogue one was a complete mess, far too many places and people. Characters weren't great then has the classic everyone dies in reverse order of importance thing near the end.
Then oh hey look everyone's going to die! Who cares more lasers pew pew!
The ending was super hackneyed.
Just my opinion obviously. One can't logic someone into changing how much they enjoyed something :)
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Agreed there were things wrong with it ( Satellite not aligned annoying computer voice and only solution is across that rickety bridge overlooking vast scariness. the beginning did jump a lot), but overall it was a film I was wanting to watch again (unlike TFA). I also enjoyed the character archs of many in r1.
You didn't like the ending? I really liked it and it really played into what Edwards normally directs and I thought he did a great climax to the movie. Vadar was actually terrifying beyond reputation.
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Given that the stormtrooper Finn first fought with the lightsaber was using that weird club thing, I figured it's reasonable to assume that stormtroopers would have training in that kind of hand-to-hand combat, so that it was plausible for Finn to be able to wield a lightsaber with some proficiency. At least, that's my headcanon explanation.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:2, Funny)
I was (relatively) pleasantly surprised by Rogue One.
Ah, so you're the one.
Re: Yay... Abrams (Score:5, Insightful)
r1 was okay..
jj abrams however now has fucked plot sensibilities by screwing over several plot devices(by just being plain fucking stupid and inept at writing a plotline to fit the action he wants that wouldn't piss over everything) of TWO franchises.
he did it to star trek, he did it to star wars. and for those of not understanding what I'm talking about... force awakens provides a way to use hyperspace in a way that makes plotlines of pretty much all of the previous star wars movies irrelevant - and even force awakens itself!
the star trek reboot is full of gadgets that make the plotlines stupid, the traveltimes make NO SENSE at all and so forth. klingon homeworld is now literally 1 second or 15 minutes away, depending on your chosen mode of transportation. even fucking Q made more sense.
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even fucking Q made more sense.
Somehow I seemed to have missed that episode of TNG (thankfully...that's an image of Picard I probably could never get out of my head).
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basically.. the way hyperspace(used to) works in star wars is that you can't hyperspace through/into/near high mass objects like planets, suns and whatever. this makes it so that hyperspacing isn't simply a teleportation device, which would negate any usefulness of superweapons, large carriers, interdictors and whatever. you see back in the late 70's or 80's someone put some thought into this, unlike abrams.
okay.. ep1) the siege of naboo becomes irrelevant as you can just bypass it.
ep2 and ep3). okay.. t
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Since R1 did well and was good, I hope there will be more of these.
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"Reboot" is the right word for The Force Awakens. Are there any writers left in Hollywood these days or is it just a bunch of guys rehashing old material?
A reboot is exactly what the fans wanted. Don't blame the writers, The Force Awakens was a purposeful fan-service story produced by formula.
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Fine by me (Score:1)
As long as he stays away from star trek. Star Wars is just a logo people take selfies next to for imaginary internet points now anyway
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Seth MacFarlane seems to understand how the Trek tropes work.
I don't think the jokes in The Orville were that funny, but practically every scene had some reference that made me laugh out loud, right down to the musical motifs.
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Not convinced this is a good idea (Score:3, Insightful)
JJ is famous for settings things up and then spectacularly failing to follow through. I enjoy his work until it all falls apart because he doesn't know how to finish/close a narrative and that does not bode well for a trilogy.
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Re:Not convinced this is a good idea (Score:5, Insightful)
The rules for space travel in Star Wars are never really well explained, largely because they don't need to be, but those scenes seem to violate our understanding of how travel works from previous installments. Just the fact that you can communicate instantly in real time across those distances (and while traveling no less) pretty much makes the other movies make no sense since once you get the plans for the Death Star in the original movie, just instantly communicate them across the galaxy. Same shit with TPM, just instantly communicate that you're being invaded across the galaxy. But Abrams had written himself into a corner and logic had to die on the altar of the scene he wanted to happen.
I could overlook most of the criticism that were levied towards TFA when it came out as it was a generally well made movie, but that part just made me want to yell at the movie for being so stupid because the universe was no longer internally consistent. Him and Lindelof can fuck off of having anything to do with a script as they care far too much about the moment to the detriment of the whole. It was the same shit with new Star Trek films where who cares about any established rules of the universe, because it's time for this next really cool scene to happen now.
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I think the real problem with his work is that he's completely willing to sacrifice almost everything in favor of whatever scene in the movie he currently wants to happen even if it ruins other aspects of the movie. For example, in The Force Awakens I was generally okay with the story up until the attack on the Death Star (or whatever it was called, but it's the new Death Star so whatever) begins and it fires its huge burst of energy across the galaxy that is somehow going to hit the target in a small amoun
Re:Not convinced this is a good idea (Score:5, Funny)
Screw all that.
I'm still a bit annoyed that Nero bothered with the "revenge against Vulcan and Earth" thing at all; instead of flying off to Romulus and having a nice little chat with the Praetor:
"Hi there. I'm Nero. Like my ship? See how impressive it is and how it out-classes anything you, the Klingons, or the Federation have, even though it's really just a mining ship? Well, I'm from the future. More proof? Well, according to the copy of 'Grays Sports Almanac, Romulan Empire Edition' in my ship's computer, the Remans are going to win tonight's grav-ball game, 63-61. Let's chat tomorrow."
"Hi. Good morning. I'm still Nero. Did you enjoy the grab-ball game? Yeah, a real shocker. I bet everyone in the empire thought that Romulus was going to win, right up until the last pentameter. So yeah... Do you believe me about the whole 'being from the future' thing now? Great. Let's do lunch."
"Wow, I haven't had grilled trait that tender in ages. So hey... you know that red giant star over there, just a couple light-years away from Romulus, across the sector border? Yes, that's the one. You know how your neutrino detectors show that fusion has nearly stopped in its core? Well, that star's going to be a problem. It's going to go supernova in exactly 102 years 4 days 3 hours and 42 minutes. Woah! I must have a little bit of Vulcan in me. But anyway, since I'm from the future, I know that. When it explodes, the Vulcans are going to try to keep it from destroying Romulus by using something called red matter. It doesn't make any sense. But they're going to fail. So you should probably see about evacuating the planet. The more than a century of heads-up I just gave you should be more than enough time; especially seeing as I have this giant spaceship here filled with technology from your future."
"Hi. I'm still Nero. So... can anyone recommend a good tattoo-removal place?"
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That sounds like the plot of a TNG episode. I'd watch that.
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I will never be able to forgive him for what he did to Star Trek.
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Unlimited data plans have limits. Even in Star Wars.
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If Abrams touches something, I have no interest in it. He does exactly one sort of movie well, and every movie he is involved in seems to transform into a variation of that one.
I guess that's fine for lots of people, but the one movie he knows how to make is uninteresting to me.
That seals the deal. (Score:1, Troll)
I will definitely not be wasting money on it. After the total mess Jar Jar Abrams did with episode 7. Until Ep. 7, I never thought I'd be so disgusted with Start Wars that I wouldn't even want to see any more of it. They should have given it to someone who gives a damned about the Start Wars universe, and not trust that bozo. If we learned anything from the prequels is that Jar Jar can't be trusted with anything.
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I sense a disturbance (Score:5, Funny)
Jar Jar Abrahams again!?!? Noooooo!!!!!! (Score:3)
If his first star wars movie (or his second star trek one) is any indication of Jar Jar Abraham's ingenuity, I guess that Star Wars Ep. IX will go something like this:
In Ep VIII, Flinn was captured by some evildoer, so Rey goes to the bad guy's lair and pretends to be taken prisoner in order to free him with her Jedi Might, Cleansing the lair in the process by killing most of the evildoers and even making some of them be eaten by mighty giant lifeform.
Then we move to a new threat from the new order, a new spherical object of doom orbiting a sacred-forest-planet where a station is beaming a shield to protect it. A party composed of Flynn and pilot guy go there to deactivate the shield, and fins some utterly cute merchandiseable lifeform opressed by the new order, which help them deactivate said shield (and blow the unfinished evil spherical object of doom to smithereens), while Kylo Ren takes Rey to Face Snooke, resulting in redemption for Kylo and death for snooke...
If we are goin to recycle: Can I propose a better recycled idea for Ep IX?
Here it is:
While traveling throught the galaxy, the rebels encounter a planet, were they are attacked by a hermaphrodite local, are forced to kill this local using the force, orphaning his/her child named Fallom. They take Fallom with them.
After traveling some more, and arriving to a small planet with a single moon, RtwoDtwO speaks, not with beeps, but with a voice, reveals that his initials are RDO, that he is a telepathic robot created eons ago by Roj Nemennuh Sarton and Han Fastolfe, that he has been guiding the Galaxy behind the scenes, and that, since his positronic brain is failing, he needs to merge his consciousness with Fallom in order to continue guiding the Galaxy like a father figure, as he always has.
I mean, is at the same level of imagination as what Jar Jar Abrahams did in Episode 7!
Should have been released on May 4th... (Score:2)
Why would they schedule the release for May 24th?
ah.. (Score:2)
Months Matter (Score:2)
Movies they don't think will do as well are released in Dec. Ones they think will do well are released in May.
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Bannon turned down the part?
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Bannon's going to be in a different sci-fi movie:
http://statcdn.fandango.com/MP... [fandango.com]
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"Meesa besta, beleeba me! I knowa Forca better den Jedi Jedi and tall piles of Vaders. Ignore fakie forcy; bigly loser losers licky fakie forcy, so sadly. #MRGA!"
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Jar Jar is actually one of my favorite SW characters, but I know he's very unpopular, and I'd love to see all the fans sh8t their pants over him. Throw in Ewoks for good measure. Maybe if Binks is brutally and bloodily mauled by Darth Maul, fans would love it ... until he comes back as a glowing Force ghost.
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Sorry, I don't say this often because I believe in different view points but you have poor taste.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
Jar Jar was the worst pandering to children I've scene in a long time in a movie. Even George Lucas when defending him clearly stated he was there for young children and not adults. Of course Star Wars fans then avidly pointed out that the original trilogy didn't need such blatant pandering which is exactly why it appealed to both adults and children when those movies came out.
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All I'm getting at is that Jar-jar and the prequels in general are for children at best. Jar-jar is the kind of stupid most normal people go back to in their adult years and flinch at in a fond childhood memory ruined by the reality of the movie. Even George Lucas uses the "it's for children" excuse for his garbage.
I feel completely comfortable telling someone who finds the prequels entertaining that they have poor taste.
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I guess that's a start.
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Rake. The word is rake. Unless you have a really grim view of Disney (you might, and you might also be entirely justified based on their Star Wars track record so far).
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