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'The Big Bang Theory' Is Finally Ending (theguardian.com) 441

"The Big Bang Theory is dead. If you need me, I'll be dancing on its grave," writes a TV columnist for the Guardian: The inexplicably popular geek sitcom has announced that its 12th season will be its last. Its demise should come as a relief to everybody... Producers have promised an "epic creative close" when the series ends in May. After that, The Big Bang Theory will be dead, and nobody will be sad. Except, of course, they will. Because, inexplicably, The Big Bang Theory is still one of the most-watched shows on U.S. television. It regularly gets more than 15 million viewers an episode, and, statistically, not all of them can be incapacitated to the point of being unable to change channels whenever it comes on.

Nothing confuses me more than The Big Bang Theory's success. It has always been markedly less smart than it thought it was; the TV version of someone wearing a "GEEK" T-shirt because they liked a Facebook post about the moon once.... Watch any recent episode of The Big Bang Theory and you'll see that it is barely even a sitcom at this point. It has been going on for so long that the writing, presentation and performances are more or less autonomous. Everyone is just glumly going through the motions, stuck in the tracks they've carved out for themselves over the years. It's like watching a museum exhibit of a sitcom made with mannequins and miserable circus bears.

The actor who plays Sheldon will be 46 when the show ends, the columnist points out, adding that for 12 years he's been playing "a weirdly ageless man-boy trapped in a developmentally arrested closed-loop flatshare scenario more suited to somebody half his age." The Guardian titled their piece "Our Long Nightmare is Finally Over" -- but leave your own thoughts in the comments.

How do you feel about the ending of The Big Bang Theory?

Update from msmash: Two suggested readings, one from The Guardian itself, Critics be damned -- here's why The Big Bang Theory is an unstoppable force with fans, and this four-year-old article from Vulture, Why Are 23.4 Million People Watching The Big Bang Theory?
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'The Big Bang Theory' Is Finally Ending

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  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @12:40PM (#57192716)

    That show was never laughing *WITH* us. It was laughing *AT* us.

    • by jc2000 ( 532814 )

      This is a pet theory of mine. The things that geeks liked about the show are NOT the things that made it number one among regular people.

    • This. is the reason why TFA's author says "Nothing confuses me more than The Big Bang Theory's success".
      • by elrous0 ( 869638 )

        Nothing confuses me more than The Big Bang Theory's success

        Dumb people like laughing at smart people. Film at eleven.

        • Well, what the hell, turn about is fair play.
        • It has nothing to do with "dumb" and "smart", it's people who perceive themselves as socially well adjusted laughing at characters who are not so socially well adjusted trying to navigate through life.
    • by Kenja ( 541830 )
      Yeah... I tried to watch it, but couldn't stomach laughs at the expense of those with autism and/or OCD.
    • by El Cubano ( 631386 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @01:22PM (#57192970)

      That show was never laughing *WITH* us. It was laughing *AT* us.

      More likely that the portrayal of a given group in an entertainment setting rarely sits well with the group being portrayed. It is why there are doctors who refuse to watch ER and House, cops who refuse to watch NYPD blue, etc.

      The artistic license required to make something entertaining is what makes people knowledgeable about that something scream, "that's not how it works!" at the screen when they are watching. For example, police work is not all high speed chases, kicking down doors, and arresting suspects. It is like 95% boring paperwork. Medical diagnostics is not some sociopath verbally abusing a group of medical students into committing crimes because they are too afraid to stand up to him.

      To look at two movies that I think most people just assume all geeks like, take Hackers and Sneakers. Both were based on somewhat flimsy premises, thought Sneakers was more believable. Hackers was all about hacking itself and showed that activity like it was some sort of real-time battle between the attackers and the defender. It normally doesn't work like that. Sneakers was all about the social engineering. It turns out, that hacking tends to be far more about social engineering that actual technical exploits (though those do play a role). That is why, to me as a geek, Sneakers was so much more appealing. Despite the plot holes and other flaws, it felt more believable than Hackers.

      Probably why shows like Star Trek and Firefly were much more appealing to geeks that BBT. They go off into territory where believability is much less important and they generally do a good job of making the unbelievable believable.

      • Every single character touched on my nerve because it seemed partially about me. That's why I laughed so hard.

        Inability to understand female irrationality was perfectly captures in the pilot where Penny is having typical breakdown and Sheldon and Leonard are silently gesticulating expressing utter inability to understand what is going on. This is spot on.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The whole thing was pretty toxic.

      Take Howard. Especially in the early series he was really creepy. That was his entire character: being a creep. Harassing and stalking women, creeping them out. And it was supposed to be okay because he was a socially awkward nerd or something.

      Raj's mental illness was played for cheap laughs. Then there is the whole "Raj being camp" thing. They didn't know what to do with Penny after the first few episodes, and Bernadette quickly got boring too.

      Mayim Bialik (Amy) is by far t

    • by radarskiy ( 2874255 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @03:27PM (#57193720)

      "It was laughing *AT* us."

      It was laughing at the characters, because it is a sitcom. Are you familiar with the genre?

      It wasn't laughing at geeks, because it was pointing out that the problems that geeks have are the problems that *everyone* has[1] sch as:
      Spouses with significantly different earnings.
      Involuntary career changes.
      Self-sabotage of relationships
      Dealing with parents as fellow adults.
      Workplace rivalries.

      Note that the only character who has not had at least one long term relationship in the show is the guy with the art degree who had a business that failed once.

      It was also laughing at you you.

      [1] One exception: how PhDs view those with a terminal masters. But even there, that's just because a PhD is a requirement and still it includes any field where PhDs are awarded.

    • by TeknoHog ( 164938 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @04:19PM (#57193928) Homepage Journal

      I'm sure there will be laughing stock nerds in many a series to come. That's the way it has been in American media for as long as I can remember. BBT put these nerds in center stage, but didn't change anything essential about their portrayal.

      No matter how smart the nerd characters are, they are always downplayed in the end so that the average guy can be the hero. Their intellectual abilities are often balanced by childish obsessions with comics etc. or being socially awkward. It doesn't help that in the recent decades, very different interests such as watching anime and programming have been conflated into the same "geek culture".

      • "the average guy can be the hero"

        What "average guy" on BBT was the hero? Penny? She was often getting bailed out by the "geeks"... and then every now and again she could offer some "normal" insight to clear up a geek problem.

        I don't buy this one at all: one of the more interesting things about TBBT is that the geeks largely had to resolve their own issues. Being very geeky myself and knowing many others that fit the stereotypes portrayed on TBBT... I always found it funny to watch them work their way out

    • Cultural Zeitgiest (Score:5, Insightful)

      by TiggertheMad ( 556308 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @04:57PM (#57194096) Journal
      This was a shitty show, they actors were little more than mean caricatures of nerds and geeks. They were doing the equivalent of wearing 'geek blackface'. If the show was focusing its humor on black people instead of nerds, the studio would be firebombed the day the first episode aired. It was a shitty show, and it belongs in the same category as 'Song of the South' - if not actually truly offensive, pretty tasteless none the less.

      But, it is hugely popular in America, because for the past 20 years, we have been going through a profound cultural and economic shift. The nerd has gone from the mocked and outcast spaz of the 80's comedies (Revenge of the Nerds, various John Hughes movies) to ruling every aspect of modern life. (The founders of Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, etc.) The common blue collar worker has been utterly crushed by nerds and geeks, his work is being threatened by automation and disruptive startups, and he is slowly being gentrified out of house and home as the middle class is crushed by the new class of tech workers made up of these strange spastic twerps that he picked on in high school. This is no less than a dimly veiled mocking of geek culture, and emasculation of their threat to middle class America.

      "Oh look, they aren't going to create a new start-up that shuts down the plant and puts me out of work, they are just a bunch of stupid gits that are scared of girls"
  • by pjt33 ( 739471 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @12:43PM (#57192736)

    I enjoyed the first two seasons, thought the third was already too much, and dropped out after a couple of episodes of the fourth. I found that as they piled more and more geek stereotypes onto the same four characters it eventually broke my suspension of disbelief.

    • I tried watching on Netflix a couple of years ago. Watched maybe two episodes and gave up. For one thing I couldn't stand the laugh track. I thought those went out in the 60s.
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        It's not a laugh track, it is a studio audience.

        Laugh tracks are cheesy, but very rarely used. It is quite common for sitcoms to be filmed in front of an audience though. But whether or not you find it offputting is a matter of taste.

        • by kackle ( 910159 )
          The laughing bothered my mother, she mentioned, and I didn't really notice its volume until she pointed it out. Coincidentally, she took a trip to the studio where it's shot, and they said during the tour that they have microphones all over the audience and use the 'best' laughter during the show.
    • I wouldn't go that far, especially since the series improved after the first few seasons when the worked off some of the more obvious cliches and built the stories more around the characters.

      But, as a fan of the show, I have felt that the last few seasons were tired, well past their prime, and have actually been hoping that they would give the show a good wrap-up.

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      I enjoyed the first two seasons, thought the third was already too much, and dropped out after a couple of episodes of the fourth. I found that as they piled more and more geek stereotypes onto the same four characters it eventually broke my suspension of disbelief.

      Maybe the problem was that you wanted realism. I thought it was more like the nerd version of Mr. Bean doing comedy, like there is no over the top acting. There's a reason it almost ended up like the Sheldon show for a few seasons, he was the exceptionally most dysfunctional and the ways he managed to always take it to the next level was hilarious. But you should not try to binge watch it, just like a Mr. Bean movie is too much so is more than two episodes in a row.

  • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @12:47PM (#57192756) Homepage

    How do you feel about the ending of The Big Bang Theory?

    I may have seen half an episode once.


    • It seams like its only reruns because it's one of CBS' most popular shows. So rather than releasing new episodes on multiple streaming services, it's an exclusive to CBS's streaming service. Oh, you didn't know CBS had its own streaming service? Yeah, that's the problem. So the only time you'll see new episodes on TV is during live broadcasts. Everything else is reruns.

      I ran across clips of the show on YouTube and found it amusing enough that I searched for a way to stream it legally. Aside from th
  • It's about time... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by QuietLagoon ( 813062 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @12:49PM (#57192770)
    The Big Bang Theory took a nosedive in quality around season 5, and has been gliding in for a landing ever since. The cast did not seem to have their hearts in the characters they portrayed, and the Sheldon character has become most annoying. The show should have ended four seasons or so ago...
    • I think that is about right - I think Season 5 was actually its high point, and was still going strong in Season 7, with the passing of Professor Proton. But the last 4 seasons have been feeling like the "dark energy" has gone away.

  • I never got this show. At the urging of co-workers i made it through about 2.5 random episodes and just could not get into it. All the characters felt whiney and neurotic but not in a funny way (or even in a way I sympathize with) as I've seen other shows pull off, just pathetic and incredibly stupid. Really, I didn't find a single character likeable and the show didn't seem to be structured for "fun to hate".

  • Used to be good (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I used to like it, partly because it didn't take itself seriously - the characters were caricatures, but I could see aspects of myself and geek friends in the caricatures and laugh at them. Somewhere around season 5 all the characters started getting girlfriends and having semi-normal relationships and it wasn't funny anymore.

  • Meh (Score:4, Insightful)

    by gander666 ( 723553 ) * on Saturday August 25, 2018 @12:53PM (#57192806) Homepage

    When people learn that I have a degree in Physics, they almost instantly assume that I am a fan of The Big Bang Theory". Alas, it is painful to watch, it never was very written, and the obviously fake laugh track makes me cringe.

    Yes, I tried to get into it, but even early on, it was, well, awful. As in unwatchable for me. I am surprised (or perhaps I should be surprised) that it lasted as long as it has.

    • Re: Meh (Score:5, Informative)

      by DatbeDank ( 4580343 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @01:28PM (#57193004)

      The laugh track isn't fake. I know because I was in the audience.

      Totally wasn't worth the whole day wait to get on the show. Taping lasts at least 5 hours. Way too long. The show wasn't funny after hour 3 and the pizza they gave out sucked.

    • by fuzzyf ( 1129635 )
      Totally agree on the laugh track. It complety ruins pretty much any show.

      Fake laugh track can work if the jokes are funny and/or they adjust the laugh-intensity to fit the joke. The problem with Big Bang is that after 2 seasons the jokes are so predictable it's just sad. Adding a hysterical laugh after each lame punchline just makes it that much worse

      Laugh track didn't really bug me much until I watched Better Off Ted. It doesn't have any laugh track at all and I'm lauging because of the show actually
  • Its obvious theres a LOT of people who like it, I, being one of them.. If it wasn't so well-liked it wouldn't have lasted 12 years, I, for one, will be sad to see it go...

  • by Tomahawk ( 1343 )

    As a geek and a nerd, I love that show. It always makes me laugh.
    So, yeah, I'm sad that's it's ending. I think the use of the term "is finally ending" is harsh. Makes be dislike the Guardian's writer. If he didn't like the site, he didn't have to watch it. But lots of us love the show.

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @01:13PM (#57192916)
    It was even hard for the laugh track to laugh. Btw, have you ever seen an episode with the laugh track removed, like this:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs [youtube.com]
    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      It was even hard for the laugh track to laugh. Btw, have you ever seen an episode with the laugh track removed, like this:

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs [youtube.com]

      I'm thinking that this a strawman argument as I bet you can engender the same negative reactive by listening to *any* sitcom without a laugh track.

      • Just watch any episode of All in the Family - no laugh track, just real people laughing.
        • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

          Just watch any episode of All in the Family - no laugh track, just real people laughing.

          And that is a false equivalence. You want me to compare listening to TBBT with zero non-cast generated sounds, and compare it with All In The Family with laughter sounds from a studio audience. (BTW TBBT is recorded in front of a studio audience https://the-big-bang-theory.co... [the-big-bang-theory.com])

          • TBBT is filmed in front of a live studio audience but a laugh track is added, so it could be filmed in front of a stable of horses with minimal effect on the resulting product. And I don't see the false equivalence you're claiming - a sitcom is either funny or not on its own.
      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        I bet you can engender the same negative reactive by listening to *any* sitcom without a laugh track.

        The Simpsons doesn't use a laugh track.

    • That was angsty and existential, like watching Garfield without Garfield.

  • There's a leaked pilot for BBT floating out there. The setup was somehow way better relationship wise and not as much a caricature as the final product.

    The actual series had up until season 4 or so a few things going for classic nerddoms: you could spot cool stuff in their cupboards (an idea taken from the IT Guys), the running gag often was nerdy (sheldon not getting over the girl beating him at halo) and such. Also, they had regular visits from different nerddoms (Summer Glau, Geaorge Black, that star tre

  • by petes_PoV ( 912422 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @01:18PM (#57192946)
    There seems to be a rule about TV, that a person - a man at least, unless he is cast as a villain - cannot be both clever and attractive. Although all I have watched of TBBT is a youtube compilation of the "best" bits (a friend couldn't understand why I had never watched it. I have a physics degree so the reasoning went I had to like it).

    There were some actually funny scenes in it, but overall I just felt it was a programme about OCD and autistic spectrum disorder.

    My impression is that the show depicts what dumb people think smart people are like (a cliche, I know. But it seems to fit). And it makes the audience of "ordinary" people feel good about themselves by showing that smart people are worse than them in most of the ways that are important.

  • > How do you feel about the ending of The Big Bang Theory? Silicon Valley is funny, well written, accurate, and well acted. Big Bang Theory was none of those things.
  • Maybe now people will stop telling me “you HAVE to watch this!”

    A couple years ago we had a higher-up at work who based what she thought of IT people on what she’d seen in Big Bang Theory and Silicon Valley. But, based on that second-hand experience, the shows seemed to be mostly based on tired geek stereotypes than anything else. I have known IT folks who do fit those stereotypes to a “T”... but they’ve been the exception rather than the rule.

    If you’re someone who l

  • You missed the point. The Big Bang Theory is about science. To make it completely and totally about science we employ AI's to write the show. You must admit for the current level of AI the show is very good. :)

  • Echoing across our solar system (and beyond) are reverberations of every BBT episode... never to die, just to fade and fade into the background noise. Shows like BBT will never go away, they just fade into syndication. The A-Team is still being broadcast by DirecTV! I wish I could find the old Gumbys.
  • Especially stopping at ~24 episodes before it exhausted its premise.

    TBBT is its shite American ripoff, missing the point entirely, just selling nerdface with a laugh track.

  • by cyber-vandal ( 148830 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @02:19PM (#57193336) Homepage

    If you don't like it, don't watch it. Works for me. No need to get all melodramatic.

  • I was on a cruise back in March, and one of the in-stateroom TV channels showed random TV shows and their actual runtime, minus commercials. Most 30 minute shows had about 22 minutes of runtime. Big Bang Theory was at about 17 minutes. Literally half of the show's scheduled runtime is taken up by commercials.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @03:45PM (#57193792)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by smallmj ( 69620 ) on Saturday August 25, 2018 @04:31PM (#57193982)

    I admit that I only saw one episode about ten years ago, but what I saw was just plain awful. Canned laughter and tired geek stereotypes. What about this show was funny?

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