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Elon Musk's Dream of An Onion-Like Media Empire ( 55

"Elon Musk wanted The Onion; he got Thud," reports the Verge, telling the wacky story of how Elon Musk gave $2 million to two former editors from the Onion to create "an ambitious, offbeat satire startup" that would focus on the real world instead of online, "with fake brands, fake products, and fake museum installations." To Musk, satire is almost a "public good," [former Onion/Thud leader Ben] Berkley said. It's something that can be used to nudge people in the right direction and make life a little more tolerable, and that may have been what really drew him to the project. "If it's on a global scale and it convinces people to change their mind about something or reconsider something," Berkley said, "it might have a small impact that could have a larger effect down the road...."

Unlike The Onion, Thud never planned to have a regularly updating homepage where all of its work came together -- its projects were all envisioned as being independent, floating out on the internet for you to stumble across. That's where part of the trouble lay. Thud came together in large part around the idea that it would have Musk behind it: both as a backer and a promoter. Berkley notes that Musk has a huge Twitter following of nearly 27 million people; losing him meant losing an enormous avenue for distribution.

Without a homepage for repeat visitors, Thud also lacked anything that could even begin to resemble a traditional business model. There was no subscription to sell and no articles to run ads on. Only one of Thud's first four websites -- for a fake, always-firing gun -- sold merch: T-shirts and hats that went for up to $30 a piece. The option to buy them was later removed.

Musk pulled his funding in December, the article reports, and by May, Thud had shut down for good. Though early on Musk at one point "floated the idea" of hiring former Onion editor Cole Bolton at SpaceX, towards the end Musk "was starting to get worried about how [Thud's projects] could reflect on him during critical times for Tesla and SpaceX," Bolton tells the site.

"You know, his companies that are obviously quite a bit more large and, I would say, important than Thud."
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Elon Musk's Dream of An Onion-Like Media Empire

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  • It's going to be awesome reading story after story about being attacked by pedos and fighting them with flamethrowers. Classy stuff.
    • It's going to be awesome reading story after story about being attacked by pedos and fighting them with flamethrowers.

      During WW1, both sides tunneled underneath each others' lines and planted explosives . . . to hurl their trenches to heaven.

      Has anyone seen Elon Musk . . . or O.J. Simpson . . . in the last couple of days . . . ?

      I think that the Boring Company might have something to do with the earthquakes in California . . .

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You don't know the whole story. He built a giant drill to save a dozen scrawny kids from pedo frogmen in a jungle cave. Then he chased them on Mars in an electric car, but the autopilot fucked up. The twist is that he has a frog face himself.

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Saturday July 06, 2019 @11:56AM (#58882238) Homepage Journal

    When you friend told you how amazing his home page was going to be, but he never got around to making it?

  • that they started in 2015 and hired a guy named Donald Trump as the living representative of their idea. That would indeed explain a lot of things.
  • They were the first to do that kind of humor on the internet (at least, in a big way), but now it's everywhere, and nobody cares.

    As for "Thud"...never heard of it. Ever.

    • I still peruse the Onion occasionally, but prefer the Oatmeal (he's making movies now though). It's more nostalgia now, the 4,096 team NCAA tourney video, HP's Cloud video (How much cloud will everyone get? 1,000). 30 liter Coke. Chevy's neckbelts.

      Short story: We subscribed to the physical newspaper version in the 1990s. My mom is visiting, there's a copy on the table. She picks it up and reads the headline aloud: Area Man Goes and Gets Himself Hit by a God Damned Bus. She thought it was real. Here

  • It perfectly describes the sound the would-be humor made when it hit the floor.

  • Even the Onion never came up with something as ridiculous as taking over the airports during the war of independence. Trump clearly has dementia and will be removed under article 25 - a convenient way to avoid an impeachment trial by the senate, since he won’t be mentally fit to stand trial.

    How can satire keep up with, never mind compete, with the idiocracy of Washington?

  • by imperious_rex ( 845595 ) on Saturday July 06, 2019 @12:54PM (#58882478)
    Thud [] may have been an ill-conceived venture, but Musk's sense about the need for good satire is absolutely correct. With the unfortunate, but unsurprising, demise of Mad Magazine [], we as a society really do need a quality satirical venue either online or offline (but given the downward spiral of magazine readership across the board, a dead tree format probably won't last long). The Onion is good, but its format is limited to satirical commentary about today's news or current culture, which is a roughly similar problem with the Daily Show. Satire is a necessary tonic and counterpoint to all the seriousness in today's media, and learning not to take everything at face value is a vital part of growing up [] and being more aware. Mad Magazine may be gone, but a new breed of the usual gang of idiots is needed now more than ever.
    • My favorite satire site is Babylon Bee. Not every posting hits the spot, but overall is very good

    • "Local woman and self-described feminist Ruby Alexis decided to temporarily shelve her firmly held belief that gender is nothing but a social construct while her boyfriend changed her car's flat tire on the side of the road, sources confirmed Tuesday."

  • Perhaps it is working exactly as it was meant: no central website, no ads, no money, outside of what everyone thinks it should be. Maybe the point is for it to live outside the norm. Maybe you have to work to find it and all you get when you do is the fun of enjoying it and seeing a little light from outside thrown on the tiny cognitive world which we inhabit most of our lives controlling what is and what is not, what is possible and what cannot even be imagined.
  • It was set up to fail. Why? Musk needed a loss for his balance sheets so he could get the tax write-off he needs. Things like this are done all the time by the rich. That's the charitable interpretation. The uncharitable one is money laundering. Prove me wrong.

  • They had many Satirical brands and was funny as hell, They should have taken inspiration from that. The guy just wanted the 2 million.

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
