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Lord of the Rings Television

Comic-Con Gets Clips and a New Three-Minute Trailer for Amazon Prime Series 'Lord of the Rings' ( 120

The San Diego Comic-Con is "back in full force for the first time since 2019" reports the Associated Press. And Amazon's Prime Video used the occasion to unveil a lush new three-minute trailer for their upcoming series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. ("If the evil rising is left unchecked, it will take us all...")

Over the weekend it's already been viewed nearly 7 million times.

"Beginning in a time of relative peace, the series follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth," explains the video's description on YouTube. "From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of the elf-capital of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone."

Comic-Con also hosted several panels on Amazon's Lord of the Rings series, including an 80-minute cast Q&A hosted by Patton Oswalt, Felicia Day, and Tiffany Smith. And the Associated Press reports that Stephen Colbert, "a self-proclaimed Tolkien fan, was also on hand to moderate a panel teasing the series on the fan convention's biggest stage," interviewing showrunners and executive producers J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay: The eight-part series will debut on Prime Video on Sept. 2, with new episodes arriving weekly. It is said to be the most expensive series ever made, with a reported budget of $465 million.... Jennifer Salke, the head of Amazon Studios, told The Hollywood Reporter last year that while the number is a "crazy headline that's fun to click on," "that is really building the infrastructure of what will sustain the whole series" which she called a "huge, world-building show."

Salke also said that a "giant, global audience needs to show up to it as appointment television" but that they were "pretty confident that will happen."

Five clips were also revealed to the Comic-Con audience and were "very well received by the crowd," reports USA Today. "They featured Galadriel and Elrond; Elrond and Durin getting ready for a friendly fight; hobbit ancestors the Harfoots; the Atlantis-like kingdom of Numenor; and an elves-versus-orcs battle." "It's a human story: We want you to take a step back and imagine your home .. and imagine that it's about to be taken away, that it's under threat," Payne said. "How far would you go" to protect that?"

When asked how they approached bringing characters to life that hadn't been described by Tolkien, Payne said, "We had the privilege of working with Tolkien scholars. Tolkien gave us all these amazing clues about characters in the Second Age. When Tolkien was silent, (we) try to invent things in as Tolkienian a way as possible." The producers and cast were quick to express respect and admiration for Jackson's films, but firm in their conviction that the show is something very different.

One important distinction was about dwarves. "We feel like dwarves are the butt of jokes, but we're going to take dwarves really seriously," Payne said.

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Comic-Con Gets Clips and a New Three-Minute Trailer for Amazon Prime Series 'Lord of the Rings'

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  • by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Monday July 25, 2022 @09:39AM (#62731482) Homepage
    For me the best Lord of the Rings adaption is the 1980 radio series. The films are superb in lots of ways, but their let down of the core seriousness is my major criticism. Surfing elves and dwarf-tossing jokes might get a laugh in the cinema on opening night, but they're not exactly standing the test of time here.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      For me the best Lord of the Rings adaption is the 1980 radio series.

      Do you mean the 1981 BBC one [], or the 1979 NPR one []?

    • Oh, for me the ents were the deal breaker. Treebeard doesn't know his forest is being cut down? The oldest living being in Middle Earth is a senile bumbling boomer that needs hobits to point him the way? Right!

      That, plus the denigration of Legolas, Gimli, Denetor and Faramir was too much. And shoving Arwen instead of promoting Eyowin more.

      Many people will state that the first one is among their most favourite films of all time. It's quite telling that they don't list the second and the third.

      Now, this new t

      • by mccalli ( 323026 )
        Or the Nazgul who, on finally getting about 10 feet from the ring after multiple centuries of looking for it, gets confused when someone hides behind a convenient wall. I've always had an internal head-cannon monologue about that: "Oooh look! It's that there Ring we've been told to look for all these year. I'll just go over and, and...well blimey dobbin, it's gone again! Alright, I'll just fly over that incredibly obvious wall and go and do something else, no point looking now is there?".
        • In the novel, the Nazgul was frightened away by an approaching troupe of elves who were heading for the Grey Havens. The hobbits actuallly spent the night with them and continued on their journey the next morning.
    • Those things annoy me too, but the films as a whole were a miracle. Peter Jackson was nobody at the time, and there was plenty of opinion that LOTR was unfilmable in practice. But somehow a legitimate Tolkien fan who understood the spirit of the work convinced a major studio to back the entire trilogy all at once.

      Jackson's work isn't what I see in my mind when I read (just Google random people's artwork about it to find your own perfect style for it), but it is a valid interpretation for sure. Since t
    • Surfing elves and dwarf-tossing jokes might get a laugh in the cinema on opening night, but they're not exactly standing the test of time here.

      The worst of this was all the horribleness of Gimli in the movies. When I talk to people today about how the movie completely destroyed his character I'm so often met with looks of doubt because "Dwarves arent badass warriors, they're Scottish (no they arent) and funny". Peter Jackson relegated one of the finest warriors of Middle Earth to comic relief and by extension the entire Dwarven race and it sucks because they're so awesome in the books.

  • Hope this is good (Score:4, Insightful)

    by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Monday July 25, 2022 @09:51AM (#62731512)

    It would be nice if it was good.

    This trailer looks better than the previous ones they released but that's no sign of if it's good. No amount of millions can make up for good writing and good characters. I also wonder with how much restriction they received from the estate if they have the freedom to really develop a new plot. Prequels are already hamstrung being the audience kind of knows how things end up but it can work (Better Call Saul).

    I am not going to comment before seeing it but Amazon already took one fantasy property and put a lot of money behind (Wheel of Time) it but ended with pretty flat characters and was basically "pretty but boring".

    I think a lot of this is going to hinge on Sauron being a compelling villain.

    • by Evtim ( 1022085 )

      Your hopes would be dashed, unless you're a rabid wokster.

      Look, I grew up in a society where art and entertainment were serving political agenda. The result is always, 100% crap. Yes, we had a few artists and entertainers that dared to speak out. They ended at best with ruined carreers and at worst in a labor camp. One was even killed in a manner that made the case textbook. See the Bulgarian umbrella.

      Seeing what's happened in USA in the last twenty years what gives you any hope that suddenly there's a cour

      • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Monday July 25, 2022 @10:40AM (#62731664)

        What about this trailer tells you it's going to be "ruined by wokeness" especially when you or I haven't seen it yet.

        Can you give me some examples of media that were "ruined by wokeness" and how the "wokeness" ruined it specifically?

        Either it's well written and well made or it isn't. Looking for agendas under everything feels like a pretty depressing way to experience the world to be honest.

        • by Dracos ( 107777 )

          Wokeness doesn't ruin properties, at least not directly.

          Woke writers with limited world experience, aggressive opinions, and poor writing skills ruin properties. They get hired because executives feel compelled to pander to the trendy/vocal audience rather than create a viable product.

          tRoP will be a disaster (not that the astroturfed "superfans" reaction campaign will make it easy see through the gaslight), and I can't wait to watch this half billion dollars of Bezos' money go up in flames.

          • I mean the decades of Hollywood history are littered with braindead executives pushing bad ideas onto creators to gain mass market appeal at the expense of creative vision. This isn't really new by any stretch, just who those executives pander to changes over time.

            Some seem to forget that Hollywood used to be very conservative from a cultural and social perspective because that was most of America at the time so that was the audience they pandered to. I don't think there's anymore agenda than what they th

            • >decades of Hollywood history are littered with braindead executives pushing bad ideas onto creators to gain mass market appeal at the expense of creative vision.

              What is new is that the "pushing of bad ideas" in terms of going woke is only appealing to a very small percentage of people who are activists on social media.

              How many Americans are asking for interracial couples in movies and TV? How many Americans are asking for bad ass/damaged female characters, probably not even 20% but you wouldn't know fro

              • How many Americans are asking for interracial couples in movies and TV?

                Maybe the ones with interracial marriages, which is a growing demographic.

                How many Americans are asking for bad ass/damaged female characters, probably not even 20% but you wouldn't know from the latest crop of movies and tv shows.

                You do know women makeup like 51, 52% of the population and are a huge market to reach out to.

                The mass market was not asking for a Captain Marvel, or female Ghostbusters or Fascist Klingons.

                Ghostbuster 2016 is everyones go to but putting 4 men in that movie does not make it good.

                Captain Marvel I found flat all around but it made $1.3B

                Did you ever watch ToS? The Klingons were stand ins for cold-war-era USSR. Trek has always been political and woke.

        • You might find some good examples (or reasons) to be worried in this video discussing the trailer.
          (The Critical Drinker)

          • I don't mind his videos, he makes some good points sometimes but I don't watch or listen to things like that because he's only seen the trailer I have seen, neither of us have seen the actual show so why should I be "worried" about anything. I'll watch the first couple episodes and if the show is bad I will move on with my life and if I want LOTR the books still exist.

            There's bad shows released all the time. I was excited to watch "Picard" but was pretty turned off by it, so I can still watch TNG. It's k

            • I disagree with you on what you consider woke.

              That said, I do agree that even without wokeness, Picard would have been terrible.

              TNG had a hopeful message of the future. Picard was the exact opposite showing that even in the future, we will still be isolationist, selfish, bleak, and miserable. There was nothing hopeful or uplifting about the show.

              You have to know you audience. If you want a bleak, dispoian sci-fi show, then do the work and create the universe and show. Don't hijak an existing, optimistic

              • Thank you, that is a perfectly valid criticism of a work of creative art and fiction on it's merits.

                Like with Picard Season 2 with the "illegal immigrant" plotline with boring-ass captain-guy, like i don't think that plot was bad because it was "woke" but it was written by someone with literal fists of ham and was so over the top and ridiculous to be an example of cartoon-supervillainly. There's a way to write that story, and that type of content is very very Trek, but it seems like Kurtzman and Goldsman a

          • I love the Critical Drinkers videos!

        • Either it's well written and well made or it isn't. Looking for agendas under everything feels like a pretty depressing way to experience the world to be honest.

          Unfortunately, that's almost all Hollywood has been putting out lately...messaging in everything.

          I'm like sure, show me a movie to entertain me, I don't need to know about 72 genders of dwarves.

          • In this case we have 2 genders of dwarves we have seen so far and that was already established in the source materials.

            Has anything in the trailer shown us 3+ dwarf genders? Even if there were does that make it bad in and of itself? I am sure someone can write a good story about the dynamics of a culture that has 72 different genders, that shit would get complicated and look nothing like our own.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Can you give me some examples of media that were "ruined by wokeness" and how the "wokeness" ruined it specifically?

          The New Warriors.
          Snowflake. Safespace. Internet gas. Dora the Explorer.
          And they're proud of what they've created:

          • Did you read it? What about those characters are bad?

            Also as I just do not know, was there an older version of "The New Warriors" that this is impeding on or are the characters derived from something else?

        • I'll bite. Let's take a very old example of a "ruined by wokeness", take the film "11 angry men". When you watch, you realize that the entire film is just a long educational movie, it doesn't try to show you a human story, it tries to preach. If you want a more right wing example of this, there's "south park" or "team america" which are filled with libertarian/patriotic propaganda.

          Lately, it feels to me like lots of USian films that I see are either propaganda (usually left, but not always), or very shallow

          • I'll give you credit, I would not expect someone to come at wokeness and throw out "12 Angry Men" (I assume thats what you mean) the 1957 Sydney Lumet stone-cold Ameican classic with an almost unanimous approval rating and on the AFI 100.

            If you find it preachy that's an opinion to be sure, and if you find the pacing slow I might suggest the William Friedkin 1997 remake which is just stacked to the brim with great actors as well. However if that is your bar for woke, I can't really argue but I mean, we can

      • by RobinH ( 124750 )

        Hollywood is waking up (pun intended) to the fact that there's room in media for everyone's tastes, but it's taking a painfully long time. Maybe you want to see gritty crime dramas, or period pieces from the 50's, or maybe you want to see Tom Cruise pulling high G's in an F-18, or maybe you want to see gender bending elves or gay cowboys. The vast majority doesn't actually care so long as there's something they'd enjoy seeing at the theatre too.

        It's shitty if you're in a minority and Hollywood deliberatel

      • Yet another wise individual to warn of of the dangers of wokeness from something they havent even seen. If only you'd turn to stone when the sun shown on you so we'd all be spared this tired nonsense...

    • by quall ( 1441799 )

      Most likely set up for a bait+switch. The first trailers/teasers were likely more accurate to the tone and how things will play out. Especially their fake "super fan" reactions. Those had bombed so badly, and are hated by Tolkien fans, that at this point they're in damage control to combat the backlash. You can't put the cat back into the bag. If you're going to buy rights to a franchise due to its huge fan-base, then why would you change it into something they hate?

      I've seen enough woke shows. I am watchin

      • I have not seen or sought out anything other than the official trailers, the first couple seemed pretty dry and overwrought, this one at least fleshed out a bit more of the story they are trying to convey and seemed more visually cohesive.

        People keep commenting on the politics but I didn't really pick up on any of that in the trailers, I don't really care about "super fans", the super fans of every franchise today are essentially worthless in evaluating media. I'm not going to ask the Marvel or DC or Star

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • “Tolkien is for everyone,” said executive producer Lindsey Weber. "It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like."

          Yes, because a fictional work of medieval fantasy should "reflect what the world actually looks like". I wonder if the audience agrees about that, I guess we'll see. (I'm probably not watching. I can't imagine that a PC LOTR would have anything interesting to say)

          • It's like something tells me that middle schoolers in Broklyn NY are not going to be huddled around their "latinx" dwarve action figures, but also the white middle-aged manager who used to geek-out to Dungeons and Dragons as a kid is going to stay away from it as well.

            • I mean assuming you are a white male (I am) then I agree, it's hard for us to understand that representation in popular media actually does mean something to some people. When we are the "default" representation it's kinda strange to think otherwise, but this does matter to some people.

              If I were to show you a hispanic kid in brooklyn who was excited to see a latino dwarf character would that change your mind? If the ethnicity of the actor doesn't affect the performance does it really matter? Does it matte

    • One should think that a couple millions should be able to buy good writing and good actors.

      Then again, as long as checkbox writing happens, we won't get anything worthwhile. No matter the amount of money thrown behind it.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Lindon is a region (Score:4, Informative)

    by Chris Mattern ( 191822 ) on Monday July 25, 2022 @10:03AM (#62731554)

    Not a capital. The main city of Lindon is The Grey Havens. Fun fact, the ruler of Lindon, Cirdan the Shipwright, is the oldest elf in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age, being one of the first elves who awoke beside Lake Cuivienen.

  • by otherPerry ( 7923366 ) on Monday July 25, 2022 @10:11AM (#62731590)

    the comments on that video are epic.

    • Thanks for the tip. I went to look after reading your note. Very funny! Some examples:

      The bit when Galadriel jumped on the back of a dragon and said 'I feel the need, the need for speed' was so stunning and brave that I LITERALLY started to cry.

      I have to be honest, that made me feel like an empowered woman, and I'm a guy.

      When Sauron clinked the bottles and said, "Numenoreans ... Come out and play!!!", I got literal chills, literally.

    • And as genuine as the superfans reactions.

    • Oh my god, thank you! lol this is epic

    • "The part where Jenny says to Treebeard “Run, forest, run!” was without a doubt a triumph in cinematography!"

  • Tom Bombadil was there at the start. Tom Bombadil will be there are the end. And all the while middleearth is burning once again, he'll laugh and draw patterns in the smoke.
  • For woke garbage. This is peak TV right here. I have a feeling a lot of this money sloshing in Hollywood is coming to an abrupt end really soon.
  • One important distinction was about dwarves. "We feel like dwarves are the butt of jokes, but we're going to take dwarves really seriously," Payne said.

    Does that include giving the female dwarves fucking beards like they're supposed to have?

  • Every single thing in the trailer looks like crap. The colors look like an episode of Xena: Warrior Princess; the costumes look like they raided a community theater department; the cast look like they were chosen to be as minimally charismatic (i.e., maximally replaceable) as possible; the allegedly great visuals look like every big-budget fantasy game ever, with no evidence of wanting to be taken seriously beyond flashing money; and there's no evidence of an actual story beyond a bunch of half-assed "girl

If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
