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Star Wars Kid & Episode III? 381

samsarajr writes "Many of you would have seen that homemade yet ever so embarressing video of 15 Year old Ghyslain jumping around with a pretend lightsabre. Well - he's back and I think we all agree that Lucas should put the kid with the lightsabre into Star Wars III." I tell you this is the story that just won't die. But in all fairness, some of those re-edits were hysterical.
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Star Wars Kid & Episode III?

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  • Petition (Score:5, Informative)

    by Psychic Burrito ( 611532 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:06AM (#6892336)
    If you wish to sign, too, do it here [].
    • Re:Petition (Score:3, Insightful)

      by jellomizer ( 103300 )
      Lets hope this post will stay on top of the messages for most people. Actually it would be really cool to put that link in the main story as an update (or a dupe)
    • Re:Petition (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Blue Stone ( 582566 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:39AM (#6892456) Homepage Journal
      Well I certainly won't be signing it. All my sympathy evaporated when the word "litigation" entered the fray.
      • Re:Petition (Score:5, Interesting)

        by cethiesus ( 164785 ) <(cethiesus) (at) (> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:09AM (#6892576) Homepage Journal
        Most stories have his parents doing the suing on their own accord. I haven't heard a word about how the kid actually feels or if he even wanted to take legal action. My thoughts are that he didn't, because it would give his already-trampled private life that much more public exposure.

        I could very well be wrong, so anyone have any info about the kid?
      • Re:Petition (Score:3, Interesting)

        by stuntpope ( 19736 )
        Yes, the lawsuit by the kid's parents made me roll my eyes at first, but you know what? (quick IANAL here) - there's such things as photo releases, and the parents may have grounds for action here. I was at a festival where a photographer took a pic of my kid and then approached me to sign a release in case they wanted to put the photo on their website. If you aren't a public figure, you can take legal action if a photo of you is published without your consent (and in the case of minors, a parent's consen
        • Re:Petition (Score:2, Funny)

          by azzy ( 86427 )
          > Makes me wonder about the validity of those porn sites whose angle is "we fooled these girls to have sex then put the pics on the Internet against their wishes."

          OMG, good point! I'm gonna ask for my subscription money back!
        • Not at public events in the context of news reporting.
      • Re:Petition (Score:2, Insightful)

        by dave420 ( 699308 )
        The kid made a tape of him pretending to be a jedi. It's something we can all relate to (I mean, how many of us at one point in our lives wanted to be jedis? :)). Then, he put it in a locked filing cabinet.

        Some kids then stole the video, digitized it, and put it on kazaa.

        Now, please tell me, where those kids haven't done anything wrong? They stole a PRIVATE video and released on the internet, for the purpose of embarassing the kid (who, is now receiving therapy at a mental health institute.)

        Sure, the k

        • From what I've seen, the kid runs a "Ninja" website, where he goes on and on about how Ninjas rule, and his awesome skills in Ninjitsu. Somebody asked him to prove it, and he posted that video, showing off his skill with the "bow (sic) staff."
      • by Music To Eat ( 594768 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @12:31PM (#6893534)
        Are all lawsuits evil? According to this article [] these kids did a lot more than just hurt this kids feelings. They stole the video from a school filing cabnet. Posted it to the internet with messages encouraging people to make fun of it. Conspired to hide the fact they stole the tape from school officials. Plotted to have the iPod and money that were raised for him sent to a different address, so they could keep them. Ghyslain was so widely mocked at his private high school that he dropped out. He had to finish the session at Pavillon Arc-en-ciel, a ward specializing in child psychiatry at the Trois-Rivieres Regional Hospital Centre. They didn't just hurt his feelings, the tried to ruin his life. Surely theres a lawsuit in there somewhere. I hope they take these punks to the cleaners.
  • Go for it! (Score:5, Funny)

    by RinzeWind ( 413873 ) <chema AT rinzewind DOT org> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:06AM (#6892339) Homepage
    That would really improve the quality of the new series!

    I joke, therefore I am
  • by betanerd ( 547811 ) <> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:08AM (#6892344) Homepage
  • If he gets in... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by xTBDx ( 704995 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:10AM (#6892349)
    It would be, and probably only should be, a short cameo appearance, maybe as a young jedi in training.
    • by dave420 ( 699308 )
      I'm not being rude, but obviously. I mean, he's not exactly going to be playing Yoda, or be the Millennium Falcon now, is he?
    • by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @03:41PM (#6894701) Homepage
      " It would be, and probably only should be, a short cameo appearance, maybe as a young jedi in training."

      Perhaps of him flailing around with a double ended lightsaber and crashing into the walls like he does in his video! If he makes it in, I give him 1 week until its clipped, remixed, and put on the web all over again.

  • Before anyone asks (Score:4, Informative)

    by Jesus IS the Devil ( 317662 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:10AM (#6892350)
    Here's a link to the original video and a later-remixed video: ar s
  • Video? (Score:2, Redundant)

    Does anyone have a link to the original video? I'd like to at least see the kid's talent before signing anything.
  • by azaris ( 699901 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:11AM (#6892356) Journal
    I hear he's going to be cast as Jar-Jar Binks.
  • by Faust7 ( 314817 )
    I think we all agree that Lucas should put the kid with the lightsabre into Star Wars III.

    As what? Anakin's metabolically-challenged clone?
  • 83000 votes (Score:5, Insightful)

    by fredrikj ( 629833 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:14AM (#6892368) Homepage
    83000 votes, that makes this matter 1/3 as important as the question of software patents in Europe.
  • by acehole ( 174372 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:15AM (#6892370) Homepage
    Let him be the one to take the head of jarjar

  • by Faust7 ( 314817 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:15AM (#6892371) Homepage
    So far more than 83,000 people have put their names to an online petition that they're planning on sending to Star Wars director George Lucas.

    Yes, and how many people do you think petitioned Lucas to put the original versions of the trilogy on DVD?
  • i was already debating whether or not to see episode 3 at all, considering my disappointment with Ep 1 and 2...

    i guess i'll still go see it just because it s the end of that trilogy, and on the off chance that Lucas might save the day with an incredible movie, but i'm not holding my breath.

    having ghyslain in it would be great poetic justice for the ppl who made fun of him, i suppose, but that would require ghyslain to actually want to be in it too...
  • That's not all... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pdaoust007 ( 258232 )
    The guys at [] also used donations [] from the public to buy the guy a 30G iPOD and $3600CDN worth of Future Shop gift certificates.
  • by stephenry ( 648792 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:22AM (#6892397)
    I think it's pretty likely that he'll get a place in Star Wars 3. I mean, he's got about as much talent as anybody else in it.

    I'm just waiting for the action figures!
  • by IIRCAFAIKIANAL ( 572786 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:23AM (#6892399) Journal
    To appear in episode 3 would undermine his whole lawsuit, no matter what his motivations (whether he truly is suffering or if he is greedy).
  • Poor kid? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by rikkards ( 98006 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:25AM (#6892406) Journal
    It sucked what happened to him but since then he has had some good things happen to him:
    1. He got an ipod from sympathetic souls which was nice and
    2. His parents are suing the family of the kids who uploaded the movie to the net for everything they've got
    3. He learned something Pam and Tommy should have learned: be careful what you video tape because someone could end up exploiting you for it.

    I think it would be nice if he got a walkon but I don't really feel sorry for him anymore
  • Nah. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by TragicAnt ( 247687 )
    Maybe if he hadn't gotten lawsuit happy [], I'd still have an ounce of sympathy for him. As it stands, I couldn't care less about poor little Star Wars Kid's hurt feelings. If acting like a retard made one eligible for a Star Wars cameo, I'd be popping up the the background of nearly every scene.
  • by Bakajin ( 323365 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:29AM (#6892423) Homepage Journal
    Instead of collecting money to buy this kid an iPod or signing petitions to put him in the movie, we should be collecting money to buy him a therapist, some cool clothes, and a personal trainer. I suffered a lot from 6th grade to 8th grade. I always felt very awkward and unpopular, painfully afraid of girls, and never having more than 1 or 2 friends at a time. Some kids picked a nick-name for me I really hated. As stupid and silly and not really all that bad as it was, it still ate away at me, and I wasn't at the disadvantage of being overweight and the center of a world-wide joke. The kids in his school are probable calling him the Star Wars kid. As much as we empathies with this kid, I'm sure there is no way this joke is helping him. Getting in the movie isn't going to help either. It will just help reinforce the joke further. Hopefully Lucas will let the kid *privately* visit the set and meet the stars and get some value out of this phenomenon. But it is shortsighted to expect the kid to become fond of this attention anytime soon. Lets be honest, we don't want the kid in the movie to help him, we want him in it to further our own ejoyment.
    • I'd be surprised if he *wasn't* fond of it already at this point. He got an iPod and a ton of cash out of it. This whole thing has probably been a tremendous growing experience for him.

      I would not be surprised, either, if Lucas did precisely as you suggest. He will more than likely not violate the "sanctity" of his movies, lame as they are, but some exclusive private visits would definitely be in the spirit of making the kid feel better.
      • He got an iPod and a ton of cash out of it.

        That doesn't change the fact that he's still the butt of a cruel joke that has gone internet-wide.

        I'm sure he would gladly trade in his iPod and cash to get rid of the humiliation.
    • by Mitreya ( 579078 ) <> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:12AM (#6892595)
      Some kids picked a nick-name for me I really hated. ... The kids in his school are probable calling him the Star Wars kid.

      I admit that I am not really familiar with the story... but if he is 15 and overweight, when "Star Wars kid" is a big, big improvement over *any* nickname he originally had.

    • by swillden ( 191260 ) * <> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:54AM (#6892806) Journal

      The kids in his school are probable calling him the Star Wars kid. As much as we empathies with this kid, I'm sure there is no way this joke is helping him. Getting in the movie isn't going to help either. It will just help reinforce the joke further.

      Oh, yeah, kids are really going to look down him for being the only kid in school to appear in a blockbuster movie seen by a significant fraction of the population of the PLANET.

      Are you nuts? Although they may still think he's a dork, he'll be a *famous* dork, and in modern western culture famous == successful, regardless of why. The other kids are going to be wondering if they can get similar mileage out of acting stupid in front of a camera.

      • Oh, yes. He get a minor role in the movie for being so pathetic and for acting like a dork in front of a camera. That's going to make it better.

        If Lucas himself went out and said: "Hey son, that's some fine handling of the ol' lightsabre. We could really use someone like you in the movie!", that's one thing.

        Getting a role because someone let out a video of you, being a complete dork and then whining all the time is not the way to get the respect of your peers. He could have dealt with this in a self-iron
      • The other kids are going to be wondering if they can get similar mileage out of acting stupid in front of a camera.

        They should ask Johnny Knoxville.

  • forget your Slashdot user number; what's your SWK petition signature number?

    Go on, sign it already.

    When you're done, go sign the Battlestar Galactica petitons, too! Support the remake, oppose it, it doesn't matter. Just let them know the fans still exist.
  • I think we all agree that Lucas should put the kid with the lightsabre into Star Wars III

    why? Whether you like it or not, episode 3 isn't going to be like a Kevin Smith movie where he casts his buddies and friends and has them smirk and mug up a storm. Despite what the end results show, George Lucas takes movie making very seriously, and putting the Star Wars kid is only going to hurt his chances at recovering the respect he lost for episodes 1 & 2.

    • I know its not quite the same thing but I watched ep2 with the directors commentary the other day and apprently there is blink and you'll miss it shot during the coruscant chase sequence of an xwing being chased by three tie fighters. Course their is other stuff a bit like this, in ep1 there is some ET's in the senate, and wasn't mark hamhil's son in TPM as well ?.

      Obviously this kid is not going to get a major role, but I don't see the harm in sticking him in the background somewhere just so long as he ac
    • He was seriously going to put N'Sync in the last movie, I believe. They filmed it and everything. If he'll go that far with them, I don't see any problem with adding some little kid that loves Star Wars into a small scene in the film.

      Anyway, little guest appearances and director's-friend-cameos happen all the time in major films. They're just not played up like they are in Kevin Smith movies.
  • Um... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Distinguished Hero ( 618385 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @09:34AM (#6892440) Homepage
    from the to-stupid-for-words dept.

  • Naive (Score:2, Informative)

    by Ironpoint ( 463916 )
    I can't believe people are so naive. Give him a part in a movie? Are you sure just because that is your fantasy that it is everyone else's fantasy? You already think of the guy as someone to be pitied, which is easy since you've already had your fun and yucked it up with your friends sitting around the monitor. You think that once he makes it to the set, dressed up in glorious Star Wars regalia, standing next to Mace Windu, it will be a euphoric triumph of this kid's narrow starwars themed universe. Wh
    • Re:Naive (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Much anger I sense in this one. Ready for the Jedi, he is not.
    • I would buy a porche with their money and drive it to school everyday, passing by the kids new getto digs just out of spite no matter how far out of the way. I would buy a video camera and set it up across the street from their apartment, and put the video feed on the internet. I would start a corp and hire a team of lawers to sue the fuck out of every radio station that so much as mentioned the video on the air. You would do all this too, this is real retribution.

      Aha... and that, no doubt, will help in b

      • I bet he could use all that fame to his advantage instead... I mean so many actors started from various forms of porn, so what could be more embarassing than that...?

        Maling the same film 5 times in a row and then seriously thinking about coming back for a sixth ? (yes I am talking to you mr stallone).
        • I bet he could use all that fame to his advantage instead... I mean so many actors started from various forms of porn, so what could be more embarassing than that...?

          Maling the same film 5 times in a row and then seriously thinking about coming back for a sixth ? (yes I am talking to you mr stallone).

          Freudian slip, anyone?

    • I don't understand your logic here. I mean, the kid is famous on the net for taping himself in his basement pretending he was some Jedi knight or something running around with his lightsaber. Then he brought this tape of him flailing around to his school to show off to his friends. If you need to refresh your memory on this, download the video and watch it again. Then tell me what makes you think this kid wouldn't absolutely love being in a Star Wars movie. Hell, I think it would be pretty cool to be in a S
  • I don't think Lucas Arts is going to ask a kid that sues his own friends for unwanted attention to be in their movie. What kind of attention do you think the kid is going to get if he's in the next Star Wars movie? Never mind a little quicktime video clip on the net. And if he can sue his own friends, a commercial corporation worth 100's of millions of dollars isn't going to want anything to do with him.
    • by EpsCylonB ( 307640 ) <.eps. .at.> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:15AM (#6892607) Homepage
      And if he can sue his own friends, a commercial corporation worth 100's of millions of dollars isn't going to want anything to do with him.

      I've got a feeling that these people were probably never his friends...
      • And I've got a feeling a 15 year old kid can't file a lawsuit in Canada.

        You really have to wonder just what kind of example his parents are setting for him: someone hurts your feelings, let's sue!

        Maybe the kid is being groomed for CEO of SCO.
    • Alledgedly [] the video was stolen out of a filing cabnet at school. The "friends" conspired to hide the fact they stole it. Then even tried to scheme to have the iPod and money that was raised for him be sent to a different address, so they could keep it. Some friends, huh? Actually in a phone interview [] when asked "I guess it wasn't a friend who did this, more of an enemy?" He replied, "More or less. It was someone I knew.". He should sue them, and I still want to see him in Ep. III.
  • If we are going to do this, we need a petition for Libby Hoeler! She is WAY more famous on the internet than some punk with a lightsaber. Get her into a scene with Natalie! Heck, Darth can watch.
  • Psychiatric care (Score:2, Informative)

    by upmufa ( 702569 )
    Apparently the kid is under psychiatric care and his parents are suing. I wonder if being in the star wars movie would help. Here's the story. []
  • Hi did his light-sabre fight [] in June 2000! Later he did with friends whole new SW episode. []
  • So what he did something.
    I've fought with lightsabers when I was 10 years younger, and 10 years older.

    Okay not lightsabers, but thin PVC pipe we'd break on each other, and it bruised like a bitch.

    This really isn't a big deal, he shouldn't let it bother him. And if he does, no amount of pity from the world will make it better, it will just emphasize it.

  • Online petitions? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by patro ( 104336 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:13AM (#6892598) Journal
    Is there really a point in online petitions? Only a name and an email address is required and one can come up as many false names and free mail addresses as he wants to.

    Why should Lucasfilm take this petition seriously? Is there any method to test the validity of the signatures?
  • I'll put frilly panties on my head and jump around naked with a fake lightsaber if it'll get 85,000 people to sign a petition for me to be in a scene with Natalie Portman.

    In fact, lets get 85,000 people to sign a petition for me not to dance around naked.
  • Fatakin (Score:5, Funny)

    by donnacha ( 161610 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @10:35AM (#6892687) Homepage

    They should cast him as Anakin's long lost brother, Fatakin.

  • This treads the line between laughing with somebody and laughing at somebody.

    When I was in high school, the biggest school nerd was elected homecoming king (In a high school with 2000 students). It was all a big joke put on by some of the jocks & cheerleaders.

    During the Half-time show during the big game, as the King & Queen walked across the field, half the crowd was laughing and jeering at him-- including the very people who put him on the ballot.

    What horrible humiliation.

    This is just to simil
  • Back in late July, I submitted (and had rejected) this story:

    Possible "Star Wars Kid" cameo in SW3?
    10:30 PM -- Friday July 25 2003

    WCityMike [] writes "One of Lucasfilm's official webcams caught the Lucasfilm crew watching [] the infamous "Star Wars Kid []" video (who, coincidentally, just filed suit [] against the bullies at school who posted the video to the 'Net). Fourteen minutes into the feed, the crew held up a sign that said, "We Love Ghyslain. You Rock!! Jedi Kid." A moment later, she held up a sign that

  • This kid aka little shit lost all my pity when he turned around and sued the kids and their parents for some ungodly amount. This kid could have milked this thing really well but instead his parents got all lawyered up.

    Great lesson they are teaching their son. Someone is mean to you so you turn around and sue them.
  • By joining forces with the MPAA in their attempts to shut down KaZaA, et al, since that video's the easiest one to get using P2P.
  • Has anything started on actually been successful before?

    I recall an Internet petition convinced the Princess Mononoke DVD producers to include Japanese audio and subtitles, but I think that was on Usenet.
  • You made us suffer through Jar Jar; this will work towards your restitution.
  • What use is there in putting thousands of names on a petition if the guy doesn't want this at all?
  • by bogie ( 31020 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @12:49PM (#6893685) Journal
    He could have started up a gone public and cashed out as a millionare.

  • by Lodragandraoidh ( 639696 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @01:00PM (#6893770) Journal
    I realize he is 15 - but come should be water off a duck's back.

    Many kids his age lied about their age, and were fighting in WWII - I don't buy the 'pain and suffering' he is experiencing from this. The litigation sounds like greed to me.

    That being said, I think he should be in the movie, or at least give him a tour of the set. He is an internet icon now - his fans will enjoy seeing him on the big screen.
  • I know (Score:3, Funny)

    by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland @ y a> on Sunday September 07, 2003 @01:13PM (#6893865) Homepage Journal
    he can be storm trooper #12983
  • by LostYouth ( 704893 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @01:32PM (#6893970) Homepage
    This has always bothered me when parents try to go this far with protecting their little boy from humiliation. Everyone has to deal with it so deal with it. This kids situation might be a little different from us, but in a way it isnt. This will go away in a very short time now just like everything everyone has had to deal with, unless of course he's offered and takes a movie part. The fact that this kid's parents are going after everything the posting kids families have is NOT justifiable. Anyway, maybe Im the only one who feels this way. Someone should be hired to video tape something embarassing that the parents are doing and post it the day the parents lose in court.
  • by Salsaman ( 141471 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @02:02PM (#6894167) Homepage
    Crowd: The Star Wars kid! Show us the Star Wars kid!
    Mother: Now you listen here! He's not the Star Wars kid, he's a very naughty boy! Now go away!
    Crowd: Who are you?
    Mother: I'm his mother, that's who!
    Crowd Behold his mother! Behold his mother! Hail to thee, mother of Ghyslain! Blessed are thou, Hosanna! All praise to thee, now and always!
    Mother: Well... Now don't think you can get around me like that! He's not coming out, and that's my final word! Now shove off!
  • It's obvious (Score:3, Interesting)

    by falsification ( 644190 ) on Sunday September 07, 2003 @03:01PM (#6894508) Journal
    It's obvious. Ghyslain should be cast as the young Wedge Antilles.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
