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Principal Photography on Star Wars III Complete 391

An anonymous reader writes "Principal photography for Star Wars III ended yesterday, and they're starting up on the 18 month post-production. Although denied by ILM, here is a quick taste of what the story for episode III might be like (either taken from Lucas' journal in 1983, or just a fake from an insider way back then)."
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Principal Photography on Star Wars III Complete

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  • BAH! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bluethundr ( 562578 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:30AM (#7005051) Homepage Journal
    here is a quick taste [] of what the story for episode III might be like (either taken from Lucas' journal in 1983, or just a fake from an insider way back then)."

    Hmmm...Where have I known that taste before? Ah yes! The well familiar taste of bullshit! [] And when this guy was done writing "Ep III" he might well have tried his hand at another brand of fan fiction. []

    Lucas' stroytelling prowess seems to have diminished with the ensuing decades after Jedi, but have they diminished this much? I sincerely doubt it. Even taking Ep I into consideration.

    Face it folks. We're waiting until the release date.

    AS much as my enjoyment of the franchise has diminished with age (damn you adulthood!!!) I am intrigued to see how the movie franchise will end.

    Until Lucas changes his mind and decides once more to make the last trilogy
    • Re:BAH! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by liquidsin ( 398151 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:36AM (#7005138) Homepage
      We already know how the movie franchise ends. Vader dies, balance is restored. See this link [] for more about it.
    • Re:BAH! (Score:3, Informative)

      by Edgewize ( 262271 )
      First of all, a 26 page "script" does not translate to a full movie's worth of run time. It doesn't even translate to a 30 minute HBO special. I've see longer first-draft plot treatments. And yet this thing includes camera directions and postproduction notes, like specific dissolves and cuts.

      That this "script" has got to be some fanboy's interpolation between Ep II and Ep IV, cobbled together out of famous epics and the author's (somewhat lacking) imagination.

      Even Lucas is not egotistical enough to red
    • Anakin (Score:5, Funny)

      by GuyMannDude ( 574364 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:51AM (#7005310) Journal

      On the molten, volcanic world of Sigma Vulcanus, Anakin Skywalker, a handsome, swarthy man with a dignified stature, makes an important discovery.

      Wow. What a picture-perfect description of Hayden Christenson...

      Now if the script described Anakin as a punk-ass little pretty-boy shithead with a dippy smile, I'd be more inclined to believe this "script" :)


    • Re:BAH! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jtroutman ( 121577 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @12:01PM (#7005407)

      Seriously, if you think this is bad you should track down an early draft of Episode IV...Luke had brothers, all of whom had gone off to fight the Empire. The Sith were mentioned. Meticlorians (sp?) were brought up. I first found a copy of the 2nd draft online about 1995. All the things that I thought were complete dreck, that I was so glad were cut from Ep. IV, ended up making it into I and II...

    • Spoiler (Score:2, Informative)

      In episode 3, anakin becomes an evil man known as darth vader, after making padme pregnant with twins.
      Palpatine becomes the Empreror, and the Jedi are hunted down, with only a few escaping.
      Yoda lives through it, and so does Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda goes to Dagobah (though it might not be revealed in the 3rd movie) and ObiWan goes to live on Tatooine, where Luke is left with his uncle Own Lars.

      • Re:Spoiler (Score:5, Funny)

        by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <> on Friday September 19, 2003 @01:25PM (#7006286) Journal
        Further spoilers:

        Anakin IS LUKE'S FATHER!

      • Re:Spoiler (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Waldmeister ( 14499 )

        You wrote:
        In episode 3 [...] Yoda goes to Dagobah (though it might not be revealed in the 3rd movie) [...]

        I'm pretty sure, it will be shown. (I don't expect much new stuff in Episode III, BTW.) You remember the old tree on Dagobah, where Luke had his first "date" with the dark side of The Force? :-)

        In Episode VI it is explained, that Yoda was able to hide on Dagobah, because he killed a Sith Lord there, exactly where that tree is, and whose left behind aura saved Yoda from being found by the emperor.

    • > Lucas' stroytelling prowess seems to have diminished with the ensuing decades after Jedi, but have they diminished this much? I sincerely doubt it. Even taking Ep I into consideration.

      That's what I thought. Then I saw Star Wars Galaxies!

    • Re:BAH! (Score:3, Funny)

      >>Until Lucas changes his mind and decides once more to make the last trilogy

      The prequel trilogy concentrated on the backstory of Anakin Skywalker.

      The original trilogy concentrated on Luke and his relationship with his father

      The sequel trilogy will concentrate on the last piece of the puzzle - Jar Jar. George will get his ultimate revenge on the fanboys and will create an entire sequel trilogy focusing on our favourite bumbling hero.

    • Re:BAH! (Score:5, Funny)

      by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @04:35PM (#7008198) Journal
      Regarding the "quick taste" linked to in this article:

      "Fall of the Republic mini-FAQ" version 1.0, January 1995.
      by David Hines,

      Questions answered in this FAQ:

      1. "Hey, everybody! I've got this thing called "Fall of the Republic -"
      2. "Why are you guys screaming like that?"
      3. "What's a FAQ, and why does FotR need one?"
      4. "Okay, so what's the deal with FotR?"
      5. "What do you mean, it's not real?"
      6. "Yeah, what's this about the third episode? Wasn't that Return of the Jedi?"
      7. "Okay. FotR is a fake, but where did it come from?"
      8. "Where is FotR available on the Internet?"
      9. "Okay, I've got FotR. How do I convert it into something I can read?"
      10. "I don't have ftp access. What do I do?"

      1. "Hey, everybody! I've got this thing called "Fall of the Republic -"


      2. "Why are you guys screaming like that?"

      Well, you see, some topics get rehashed quite a bit on this newsgroup. That's understandable, since more people come on to usenet every day. Even if, as is recommended, you lurk in a new newsgroup [lurk: read without posting] for a whole week before you make your first post, you'll miss some of the discussion that's gone before.
      Some topics get endlessly rehashed. Topics like bloopers and Mark Hamill's car accident have been brought up over and over, until most people are heartily sick of them.
      "Fall of the Republic" [hereafter FotR] is one of those topics. People keep bringing it up when they join the newsgroup. Recently, there has been a huge surge of folks pointing out the existence of FotR. As a result, this mini-FAQ was composed.

      3. "What's a FAQ, and why does FotR need one?"

      FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ lists the questions and their answers. FotR needs a FAQ because so many people have questions about it.

      4. "Okay, so what's the deal with FotR?"

      It's not real.

      5. "What do you mean, it's not real?"

      Well, it is real, if by "real" you mean that it really exists, and has been written by somebody.
      However, FotR is not "real" in the sense that it is not a real story treatment for the third episode of the Star Wars saga.

      6. "Yeah, what's this about the third episode? Wasn't that Return of the Jedi?"

      No, that was the sixth episode. RotJ was, however, the third film to be released. Basically, the Trilogy we know is composed of episodes four through six. Lucas is now working on the scripts for episodes one through three. The films are due out in 1998; for more information, see the New Movies FAQ, kept by Aditya Sood.

      7. "Okay. FotR is a fake, but where did it come from?"

      Good question. "John L. Flynn" is listed as the author, but no one really knows who wrote it, except perhaps the author himself.
      Before it was made available on the Internet, most people picked it up at conventions. Dealers sold it at their tables; as far as we know, the story treatment (it's too brief to be a script) made its debut around 1983 or so. It may have been around earlier.
      The earliest possible date for it is 1979, which is when "Star Wars" was rereleased with the subtitle "Episode IV: A New Hope." Before then, "Star Wars" was just "Star Wars;" no one could have known about Episode III being a prequel. Most reports, however (I'm using hearsay, admittedly, from reports of people on the group who remember FotR from *way* back) place it at about 1983.

      8. "Where is FotR available on the Internet?"

      It's at, in the directory starwars/stories. Log in with "anonymous" as your username and your email address as your password.

      9. "Okay, I've got FotR. How do I convert it into something I can read?"

      To quote the wpi server itself:

      250- All ascii text files are compressed (.Z suffix) to save on room. On
      250- Unix systems just type - uncompress file.Z - to uncompress it.
      250- MAC user can use the program maccompress-32.hqx - It
  • WOW (Score:2, Funny)

    by snatcheroo ( 576329 )
    Wow that went down fast!!! Hopefully the story has more strength!
  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:30AM (#7005061) Homepage Journal

    Scanned script direct from George Lucas' desk:

    (Young Skywalker stares at the horizon, he has a look
    of discontent on his face.)

    [coffee stains mar several paragraphs]

    Skywalker: I sense the dark side..

    Kenobi: Yes, you must resist it, young one.

    [smeared pizza grease soaks and obscures many pages]

    (Skywalker stands over JarJar's body)
    Skywalker: A-ha! Who's the master, *now*!

    Kenobi: The dark side has taken hold, fight it!

    R2D2: >click!< >beep!< >brappp!<

    Kenobi: No, my droid friend, it is too late. He has been

    R2D2: >booooooooop<

    [Dried Pepsi ruined the ink for many more pages here]

    Kenobi: We will meet again, dark one!

    Skywalker: And then I shall show you that the dark side
    is stronger! Go! Go! Live in your cave on a desolate
    rock! HA ha ha! The dark side makes you live in fear!

    Yoda: Evil you are, good you will not.

    [Cheeseburger grease ruin most of the rest]

    (The village of small furry bipeds rejoices, fireworks
    fill the sky. An image of JarJar appears among the light
    show. The furry bipeds wave. Roll Credits.]
    There, I've save you $8.00.
  • The Big Question... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The_Rippa ( 181699 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:30AM (#7005062)
    Will we be seeing the Star Wars Kid?
  • by r_glen ( 679664 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:30AM (#7005063)
    Did the Star Wars kid [] make it in?
  • by jensend ( 71114 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:31AM (#7005068)
    "The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information." Slashdot should be more responsible than to post links to personal sites with low bandwidth quotas.
    • why doesn't slashdot just mirror these files on their own site?
    • Slashdot should be more responsible than to post links to personal sites with low bandwidth quotas.

      This is the dumbest thing I've heard here in awhile. Typically, the sites that have high bandwidth quotas are the already-popular, mainstream crap that I am inundated with from every other source. One of the reasons I come here to slashdot is to discover some little-known, alternative-viewpoint material on the web. They typically do not have large bandwidth quotas because, let's face it, they languish in

  • by phraktyl ( 92649 ) * <wyatt@drag g o> on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:31AM (#7005079) Homepage Journal
    Natalie Portman gets herself into a gritsy---er, I mean gritty situation.
  • by the_riaa ( 669835 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:31AM (#7005080) Homepage
    Okay, you can't even pretend like that's a good idea.

    Damn thing's slashdotted before a comment's posted. Fortunately, Google's cache [] is on the case.

  • Good old google! (Score:4, Informative)

    by starcraftsicko ( 647070 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:33AM (#7005101)
    Google Cache []
  • by Edgewize ( 262271 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:33AM (#7005102)
    Last time I checked, Geocities still sucked, and Slashdot still had a million visitors. So please stop submitting stories with Geocities links because they WILL NOT WORK. Ever.
  • Mirror (Score:5, Informative)

    by WndrBr3d ( 219963 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:33AM (#7005105) Homepage Journal
    Here's a mirror of the dead link:

    mirror []
  • by r_glen ( 679664 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:35AM (#7005127)
    There's a great picture of Anakin/Vader [] still floating around (hi-res one was taken down).
  • by Deathlizard ( 115856 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:36AM (#7005139) Homepage Journal
    The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information. Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again Later. Need extra data transfer? Sign up for GeoCities Pro or Webmaster. Learn more.

    Some Of Lucas's best work yet :)

  • I got here when there were only 2 comments posted, but already the poor link was slashdotted. Nicely done.

    Not that I expected the link to be legitimate anyway. Although, I did read a plot synopsis of Episode II a few months before it came out that turned out to be 100% accurate. Nevertheless, it's way too early for "leaked" summaries on this one.

  • by *weasel ( 174362 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:37AM (#7005151)
    ..this thread's gonna get bumpy.
  • by PhukLunix ( 692107 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:39AM (#7005178)
    DARTH SIDIOUS I find it amazing that your overwhelming stupidity is only offset by your incredible ability with a lightsaber. You've come a long way from those days on Naboo when you were tripping over every single available object.

    DARTH JAR JAR Mesa not cuttin' off mesa arms, mesa not cuttin' off mesa legs! Mesa muy good with a lightsaber, Darth Sidious!

    DARTH SIDIOUS (massaging his temple) Christ, I need a Tylenol.

    DARTH JAR JAR Whatsa bein' wrong, Darth Sidious?

    DARTH SIDIOUS Jar Jar, please, don't talk again. Just listen to me.

    DARTH JAR JAR Okieday! Mesa listenin' to you now!

    DARTH SIDIOUS God, I need a drink, too. Look, Jar Jar. I'm going to take you to fight the Jedi. We're going to lure Anakin to the Dark Side, and...

    DARTH JAR JAR (interrupting) Nooooo! Little Annie?

    DARTH SIDIOUS Jar Jar, I'm serious. Shut your stupid mouth and listen to me, or I will make you suffer as you've never suffered before, all right?

    DARTH JAR JAR Okieday, mesa shuttin mesa mouth now!

    DARTH SIDIOUS Jesus. All right, here's the deal - we lure Anakin over to the Dark Side, which should be easy to do. I'm surprised he hasn't drifted over here yet of his own free will. He was a little pouty brat of a kid, and he was a surly, rude, angry teenager who pouted and got all pissy when he didn't get his own way. Now he's a little older and he's still acting like a petulant teenager. I will simply have him embrace his rage, and he will join us.

    DARTH JAR JAR But Darth Sidious, if Annie besa joinin' us, doesn't that mean hesa goin' to have to kill mesa?

    DARTH SIDIOUS (hurriedly) No, no, of course not, Jar Jar. We' those usual rules. Yeah, that's right. Now there can be a master and two apprentices.

    DARTH JAR JAR Oooooohhhhhhh. Okieday! Mesa ready to besa killin' the Jedi!

    DARTH SIDIOUS (quietly) I can't wait until Anakin joins us.

    BOBA FETT steps out on to the balcony. SIDIOUS and JAR JAR turn to look at him.

    DARTH JAR JAR Hey there, little Boba! How's yousa doin' today?

    BOBA FETT Shut up, Jar Jar.

    DARTH SIDIOUS Now, Boba, is that any way to talk to a Sith Lord?

    BOBA FETT (his mouth hangs open in amazement for a moment, but then he composes himself) You've got to be kidding me. Tell me that's a joke.

    DARTH JAR JAR Nonono, it's not bein' a joke! Mesa a Sith Lord! Mesa havin' mesa own lightsaber!

    BOBA FETT This has got to be the stupidest damned thing you've ever done, Palpatine.

    DARTH SIDIOUS What did I tell you? When I'm in the robes, you're supposed to call me Darth Sidious.

    BOBA FETT Oh, blow me.

    DARTH SIDIOUS Boba, you will maintain a tone of respect with me, or I swear that I will...

    BOBA FETT (interrupting) You'll what? Oooooh, more threats. I'm really scared of you, "dad."

    DARTH SIDIOUS That's it! Go to your room!


    DARTH SIDIOUS Go to your room, Boba, or I'll have Jar Jar here cut off your head.

    BOBA FETT If he doesn't cut his own head off first. Stupid, clumsy idiot.

    DARTH SIDIOUS That's enough, Boba! Go to your room!
    • by PhukLunix ( 692107 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:41AM (#7005211)
      INT - MOS EISLEY CANTINA (Hand written in ballpoint, in crabbed, small letters) No point in reinventing the wheel or paying out our asses again for thirty midgets and a small army of makeup artists and top-ranked FX crews, guys. CGI this in its entirety. Get me some of those Japs at Circlehard or wherever. People love repeat themes and babies too- so we'll just have the Cantina band all be a bunch of toddlers, since this is all maintaining the prequel theme, which should go well for our Huggies Pull-em-ups! plug spot. I can just feel the Baby Snoots dolls flying off the shelves at Target and Wal-Mart now. Oh, squeeze in that Britney Spears-as-Twi'lek-dancer cameo we promised if possible too. - George
      YODA and ANAKIN sidle up to the bar. The BARTENDER eyes the sabers on their belts suspiciously.

      BARTENDER: We don't serve your kind here.

      ANAKIN: (Gestures in some arbitrary, mystical manner) You need to go outside now and shave a bantha. We should serve ourselves.

      BARTENDER: I need to go out back and shave a bantha. Why don't you two gentlemen serve yourselves.

      ANAKIN Force-pours himself and YODA a couple of tall, stiff drinks.

      YODA: (Shaking his head remorsefully) Strong in the Force you have become indeed, Anakin. Powers you are not using responsible. (YODA grumbles) Not responsible. Not responsible.

      ANAKIN: With all due respect Master Yoda, coming here was at your request. Not only have I prevented a conflict, but now we have an open bar.

      YODA: (Sighing in resignation) Then knocking a few back, we will be, and explaining I will the reason of this meeting.

      TRANSITION- Now ANAKIN is Force-pouring rows of drinks, sloppily, for a garrolously cheering crowd of CGI, puppets, and whatever monster suited extras we had in the closet. 'Friends' cast cameo.

      ANAKIN: Woohooo! Make mine a Force Light!

      YODA: Talking we must.

      ANAKIN: Okay. But do you gotta keep talking like you learned your grammar from an electrocuted Wookiee?

      YODA: Comment sliding I will let. Talk to you of Amidala, I must.

      ANAKIN: Awww you're not going to start coming down on me like the Jedi Council, all, 'marriage is forbidden' this and 'we're throwing you out' that are ya?

      YODA: Spending too much time from Amidala you have been. Speaking with Master Yoda she has.

      ANAKIN: (briefly sobering up) WHAT? The bitch lies! I never laid a hand on her!

      YODA: Calm, young Anakin. She is lonely. Only seeking companionship she was. Busy you have been.

      ANAKIN: (Glowering) What I do wi' my time is my bi'ness.

      YODA: Indeed it is... indeed it is.

      ANAKIN: Will you drop this pretentious, ancient green sage midget nonsense for one minute and get to your point?

      YODA: As you wish. Lonely woman, this Amidala. Seek comfort with old Jedi she did. Leads to other things, one thing does. (YODA giggles impishly) Little Yoda needed some comforting too.

      ANAKIN: (Sputtering) You... she... WHAT?

      YODA: Woman with needs, Amidala is. Old Jedi knows more tricks than just lightsaber.

      ANAKIN: (Staring a moment) How is that even possible! WAIT, don't even respond. You're supposed to be a Master! You're not supposed to be doing that anyway!

      YODA: Falling in love is expressly forbidden, but love in general is not. Besides. Jedi Master I am. Jedi Monk I am not.


      YODA: Find her, you will not. Hidden from you she is.

      Queue the Linkin Park plug music. ANAKIN howls all angsty, Force-smashes a bunch of bottles and cups into the wall. The crowd gets upset and starts booing him. ANAKIN, knowing his kung fu is inferior to YODA's, pouts and then jumps out a window, bawling the entire way. YODA calmly finishes his drink.

      YODA: Never trust a politician, told him I did.
    • I'm just glad I wasn't drinking my usual coffee this morning, or I'd be scrounging for a new keyboard. That was muy funny.
  • by wrinkledshirt ( 228541 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:39AM (#7005184) Homepage
    ...when most of the acting is going to be done by the CGI characters anyway.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm trolling. But Episode 1 was so disheartening that I didn't even bother seeing Episode 2, and Episode 3 has elicited zero excitement from me. So, whoopeedoo, we've got the stonefaced lines-reciting from Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman. Big deal.
    • ...Episode 1 was so disheartening that I didn't even bother seeing Episode 2, and Episode 3 has elicited zero excitement from me.

      My feelings exactly. How anybody can get excited over the bullshit Star Wars "philosophy," terrible scripts, poorly directed actors, boring storytelling, and average special effects is a mystery to me.

      If Ridley Scott, Spike Lee, or the Wachowski brothers were to do it, with no intervention from George Lucas, that would be another story.

  • by goon america ( 536413 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:39AM (#7005185) Homepage Journal
    I bet baby Luke Skywalker and baby Han Solo will have a chance meeting! Maybe baby Han Solo will throw a tater-tot at baby Greedo
  • by BigGar' ( 411008 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:40AM (#7005188) Homepage
    our efforts to get "The Star Wars Kid" into the film have failed?
  • As If.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Dark Paladin ( 116525 ) * <jhummel&johnhummel,net> on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:41AM (#7005202) Homepage
    A million fans are about to cry out in terror - and are suddenly silenced.

    Episodes 4-6: I liked them. They were the cowboy fantasy with a tale to tell of redemption, growing into an adult, and the small, plucky rebellion beating the odds against an Empire of British accented bad guys.

    Episodes 1-2? We've got some of the worst scripting that has ever happened. Episode 2 alone was nearly a black hole in a craptastic display that was barely saved by the precense of Ass Kickin' Yoda. (And it still had the stupid heroes who couldn't seem to figure out how to roll out of the way of a falling hunk of metal so Yoda had to save their dumb asses rather than taking out the "Bad Guy".)

    So unless Episode 3 has a huge song and dance scene with a whole parade of digially generated Natalie Portmans in that super tight white Princess Leia like outfits singing "You Are My Sunshine", I'll just wait until it shows up as a special on Fox.

    With plenty of commercial interruptions so I can have a time for hurlage.
    • So unless Episode 3 has a huge song and dance scene with a whole parade of digially generated Natalie Portmans in that super tight white Princess Leia like outfits singing "You Are My Sunshine",

      Word has it that no late audience members will be admitted during the breathtaking hot grits scene.
  • by Javagator ( 679604 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:43AM (#7005229)
    Here's why Anakin goes bad.

    "Anakin, Meesa your father."
  • Episode VII (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bluethundr ( 562578 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:46AM (#7005261) Homepage Journal
    Apparently, [] has taken it upon themselves to produce Episode VII. [] After the prequels, how badly could it suck? Might be worth a read for the diehard...
  • by Murmer ( 96505 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:48AM (#7005280) Homepage
    Not Lucas' fault, mind you. The person responsible is my buddy Sean, who part way through The Phantom Menace turns to me and says "I've figured it out. When they say 'midichlorians', the mean 'semen'."

  • by Vespillo ( 304684 ) <vespillo&canada,com> on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:49AM (#7005284) Homepage
    First the plot of EP3 is leaked across the net, what is next? where will the madness end!!

    Luckly the plot for Return Of The Kind is kept under lock and key :)

  • The key scene to Episode III, of course, is an action sequence consisting of Natalie Portmen pouring hot grits down Darth Vader's pants during a sword fight with yoda. But yet this wasn't represented in any of the pictures...Okay nevermind.
  • So I guess that means no SWK now? Who knows, since Lucas loves CG so much, perhaps he can digitally insert SWK into SWIII. Couldn't be any worse than Jar-Jar.
  • Two words. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Mr_Icon ( 124425 ) * on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:53AM (#7005330) Homepage
    Mannequin Skywalker
  • by Valarauk ( 670014 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:54AM (#7005338)
    the odds of me getting to see Jar Jar die in a wash of gore that would put the best of "Starship Troopers" to shame are?
  • who cares (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SethJohnson ( 112166 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @11:58AM (#7005383) Homepage Journal

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that Lucas has completely fumbled this franchise. I could really give a crap that the third movie is finished. He had a few flashes of brilliance when he was young, but lost it.

    Hopefully Tarantino won't suffer this fate.
    • Re:who cares (Score:3, Insightful)

      by inkswamp ( 233692 )
      I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that Lucas has completely fumbled this franchise.

      Then I must not be considered part of "a lot of people." You don't speak for me. Then again, I understand that the films are meant to be fun and enjoyed purely on that level alone. Apparently some of you are looking for a life-changing experience. Tell you what--go read a Shirley Maclaine book and leave the rest of us the fuck alone, okay?

      Hopefully Tarantino won't suffer this fate.

      When Quentin "steal ever

  • Say it with me

    Episode III spoiler FREE
    • Re:My Vow... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by jdavidb ( 449077 )

      Me, too! There's only one more chance.

      And, despite what people say, I think all five movies so far have been great.

  • Look, rebel scum, I know you're all up in arms about how bad the last two were and how bad this ones going to be, and you're all talkin' 'bout how you'll wait until it comes out on TV, blah, blah, blah.

    But let's face it - nothing any better is going to be on at the theater, and you've seen all the other ones, so you're gonna go see this one as well. You know it, I know it, the dark side is calling and you're gonna suck it.

    Then you'll complain in the following 'review' story on slashdot about how you were right, it sucked, and you wasted money and time.

    Let's just cut to the chase. You're most likely a guy. You like action scenes. The movie could suck, the characters and plot could suck, but as long as it has one or two good fight scenes, you'll be all over it.

    Nothing to be ashamed of. Go to the theater (because you don't have the big screen and kick-butt sound system you are planning on building someday), pay up, enjoy the fighting, and go home and then complain about it.

    • Disgruntled by the piss poor Ep1, ever increasing ticket prices, half an hour of TV commercials in the theater before the movie (despite the high ticket prices) and the MPAA's increasingly obnoxious tactics, I stayed home for Ep2. I also stayed home for the Matrix 2, Spider Man, X-Men 2 and the Hulk. In fact, the last movie that I actually went to see was "Bowling for Columbine." For not much more than it costs to take in a movie (Especially if you count the ad revenue from the half hour of TV commercials)
  • by kurosawdust ( 654754 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @12:08PM (#7005484)
    In case you are unsure about dropping $8 to see this movie, but don't want any spoilers, I offer the following objective test of this installment's worth:

    $ grep "Jar Jar" episodeIII.txt


    I'm sold.

  • Lucasfilm (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Animats ( 122034 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @12:18PM (#7005580) Homepage
    Yeah, that's Lucasfilm. Two years of preproduction, three months of principal photography, two years of postproduction.

    If only they had some good writers. As Harrison Ford once said, "George, you can write this stuff, but nobody can say it."

  • Will Jar-Jar be back in Episode III? And will ILM insert him into episodes IV, V, and VI??

  • by giminy ( 94188 )
    In another part of the galaxy, on the capital world of Jhantor, Palpatine enters his senate chambers - followed closely by a brash, young courtier named Prince Valarium

    I think they meant Prince Valium. Either that, or Mel Brooks is psychic in his parodies...
  • Old Book (Score:4, Informative)

    by strider( corinth ) ( 246023 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @12:33PM (#7005734) Homepage
    Anybody read Splinter of the Mind's Eye []? This plot seems to borrow fairly heavily from it. Its initial publication was after A New Hope and prior to Empire. Chances are Lucas didn't (and won't) use large portions of the plot from that book as the basis of the next movie. Also, I was pretty young then, but I'm pretty sure "genetic engineering" wasn't a household term in 1983.
  • by jafuser ( 112236 ) on Friday September 19, 2003 @01:00PM (#7005998)
    A short animated series on Cartoon Network: Star Wars: Clone Wars on Cartoon Network []

    Here's a picture of Anakin/Vader [] in Episode III.

    Finally, if you're into minor spoilers, head over to the IMDB record for Episode III [], and you might recognize some interesting character names in the cast list...

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