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Homemade Star Wars Flick/Fanimatrix Movie 322

Geminus writes "There's a really cool fanmade Star Wars video called 'Duality' in the wild. The homemade video used only three props and apparently the quality was good enough that the makers were hired on by Lucas Films. The film was 90% made with Electric Image Universe, Adobe After Effects, FinalcutPro, and Commotion Pro. Of course the rest was the blood sweat and tears of the crew. I have to admit it is a very good example of what software can do today without million dollar render farms and special effects equipment." And as a followup to the Fanimatrix story the other day, the movie is now available: LarsBT writes "It's out. Get the full movie. Here's the torrents: normal mpeg version torrent (170 MB); Normal Divx version torrent (73 MB); and finally the High quality DivX torrent (135 MB)."
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Homemade Star Wars Flick/Fanimatrix Movie

Comments Filter:
  • Just watched... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by fjordboy ( 169716 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @07:48PM (#7081138) Homepage
    I just watched the fanimatrix movie..and I gotta admit, it was pretty impressive for a fan film. While the dialogue and actual acting wasn't all that great, the fight scenes were pretty creative and well done. The first fight scene at the goth/rave party thing started out great...the cell phone gag was clever and looked pretty sweet (the rest of that scene went downhill though). I liked the film..especially the anti-climatic ending. I recommend fan film I've ever seen. Anyone know how much they spent on making it?
  • Duality... (Score:4, Informative)

    by mnemonic_ ( 164550 ) <jamec.umich@edu> on Sunday September 28, 2003 @07:49PM (#7081139) Homepage Journal also 2 years old.
    • Re:Duality... (Score:2, Informative)

      by fitten ( 521191 )
      Yeah, almost 3 years old now I believe. It's still pretty darn awesome even without considering its origin. That some fans put together something of this quality on a low budget really is incredible. On the makers' site, they go into detail of how they made the costumes and such (like one of the Sith's mask is really a juiced up paintball mask and how they made the Emperor's clothes).
    • Already parodied... (Score:2, Interesting)

      by rhiorg ( 213355 )
      "Duality", perhaps one of the finest fan films ever IMHO, has already been parodied by the utterly hilarious "Twoness" []. A definite must-see for fans of fan films.

      Here's a short, totally unrelated "fanimation" [] if you just can't get enough fan action.
    • Re:Duality... (Score:5, Informative)

      by Stephen Samuel ( 106962 ) <samuel AT bcgreen DOT com> on Monday September 29, 2003 @12:52AM (#7082465) Homepage Journal
      In the meantime, it turns out that the best link to download duality is the the divx copy [] which is hosted by (they seem to like it).

      In the meantime I've set up a (temporary!) bittorrent for the duality divx video. []. Get it while it's up.

      People who already have the divx copy can (please) use it to seed the bittorrent feed (and keep my ISP from toasting me alive).

  • This is new? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by monofish_X ( 593804 )
    This is extremely old news. The website to the Duality fan film is
  • Dammit! (Score:4, Funny)

    by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @07:55PM (#7081173)
    Homemade Star Wars Flick/Fanimatrix Movie


    And as a followup to the Fanimatrix story the other day

    God damn it. I was half way through a bitter post complaining about inaccuracies in story titles and dupe posts after reading that story title, before I happened to glace at the middle of the blurb.

    What, now you expect us to read the whole friggin' blurb? Why can't you use less confusing story titles? First we had to 'read the stories' before we posted, now we've gotta read the blurb too?

    That settles it. I'm going over to Curl6fin, this place sucks.

  • by holzp ( 87423 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @07:57PM (#7081182)
    were any of their names Ghislain?
  • A few years late... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by i.r.id10t ( 595143 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @07:57PM (#7081183)
    It is a few years later than hyped, but I think this may be one of the first big examples (other than the machinima with teh QuakeX engines) of that "small/low budget production house music/movie/multimedia art extravaganza" that PCs, software, the 'net and broadband were supposed to enable.
  • Horray for BT once again! More people on the torrents and the faster we get the files! Slashdot effect averted..... unless you guys keep hammering away at the server hosting the torrent files...

    • Re:Victory for BT (Score:2, Insightful)

      by BagOBones ( 574735 )
      Yes, It all depends on if the tracker server can take the request load. But the chances of that are far better than the chances of any single server hosting the file normally.
    • Re:Victory for BT (Score:3, Informative)

      by CanadaDave ( 544515 )
      I'm getting just 14 kBytes/s download and 30 kBytes/s upload. Come on people, make sure to leave your bittorrent dialog open after you download it. Share the love!
      • UL rate averaging 40 kBytes/sec. 97MB ULed and counting.
        connected to 108 peers with an average of 23.3% completed.
        60 seeds seen recently; also seeing 13.998 distributed copies
      • Re:Victory for BT (Score:5, Informative)

        by 1000StonedMonkeys ( 593519 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:38PM (#7081373)
        140 down and 40 up here, though I'm posting 20 minutes later. Remember to forward ports 6881 through 6889 on your router or other people behind firewalls won't be able to send you blocks.
        • Thanks for the port forwarding tip... I'm behind a router, and I totally forgot that this might be necessary.
        • I opened up the ports and am forwarding them to my machine. However I still get:

          Problem connecting to tracker - (10061, 'Connection refused')

          I run into this problem about 70% of the time I try to download a Bit Torrent.

        • I opened the ports, but I am still only getting 1-2 k download, 10-20 k upload. What else might I be doing wrong?
          • Well, for starters, run netstat and make sure that other people are in fact connecting to your machine on 6881. If they aren't, check your forwarding setup (or maybe try reconnecting to the .torrent), but assuming they are, you might want to try limiting your upload speed. If you're on a cable modem/dsl and are uploading at full capacity, it will prevent ACKs from getting sent in time and hurt your download speed. You can restrict your upload speed in the bt client using the --max_upload_rate command li
      • ...there's a lot of new people coming in, which naturally can't send much to begin with. I doubt that many are finished yet, 4 hrs to go at this speed myself.

    • I dunno...all three of them had some obscene number of seeders (and a large number of downloaders) and I'm barely getting any throughput, well at least not downstream - plenty of people are using my upstream.

      Oddly though - when I first started, I was getting 44kbps+ and then it dwindled off. I would have thought I would be getting better performance...perhaps I am just getting unlucky and getting slow seeders :(
    • Re:Victory for BT (Score:2, Interesting)

      by KaiLoi ( 711695 )
      The webpage/files are being hosted by myself and a few friends and quite frankly BitTorrent is the _only_ way we could have survived this. The US http mirror melted down last night under the first slashdot posting (load of 60) But then it was only a little baby box anyway. The fall of this load onto the UK one pretty much killed that too. So we regrouped, replanned and spread things out a bit better. This time round the http is doing better... However the BT's have been going pretty much solidly since th
      • Whoever is giving me 80+ KB/s on a Slashdotted link is really impressing me. I'm using the direct http download from the second mirror site after trying bittorrent for half an hour and getting nothing but a segfault after several minutes of inactivity.

        The trailer was excellent - in about two minutes, I'm dimming the lights and watching the whole flick. Thanks, guys!


    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • The Star Wars Kid lost some weight...

    Great film!
  • Paintball (Score:2, Funny)

    by Tuffnut ( 618438 )
    I wonder where his apprentice got that paintball mask!
  • by Gay Nigger ( 676904 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:07PM (#7081227)
    Well, that certainly explains why LucasFilm liked it so much.
  • by ctrl-alt-elite ( 679492 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:10PM (#7081239)
    *Here be Duality spoilers*

    When the masked Sith gets cut in half at the end, he bleeds. Anyone else getting visions of a similar move in Episode 4 where Obi-Wan cuts off Ponda Baba's arm and he bleeds? Does this mean the masked Sith is perhaps Ponda Baba's father? That would explain his reaction to Kenobi in the cantina...
  • terrific... (Score:5, Funny)

    by iamhassi ( 659463 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:16PM (#7081276) Journal
    so this is the way to get a job in today's economy? Copy exactly what the potential employeer is doing and do it on a shoe string budget? So if I want to work at Microsoft I have to make my own OS?

    I have no answers, just questions.

    • Well, that would explain linux now wouldn't it?
    • Re:terrific... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Animats ( 122034 )
      so this is the way to get a job in today's economy? Copy exactly what the potential employeer is doing and do it on a shoe string budget?

      Roger Corman wrote, in "How I made a hundred movies in Hollywood and never lost a dime", that a woman once applied for a job with his film company, and his assistant told him that she'd already shot two scenes from his next movie on her own. He said "I have only one question. Did she shoot them in 35mm?". Told "yes", he hired her.

      So, yes, sometimes it does happen

  • Duality torrent (Score:2, Informative)

    by moltar77 ( 708055 )
    I posted a BitTorrent for the Duality 640 DivX here [].
  • Mirrors (Score:5, Informative)

    by baximus ( 552800 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:26PM (#7081317)
    Mirrors of both of these:

    Duality (HQ, DiVX and Mov*): HTTP [] | FTP []
    Fanimatrix (Trailer and Full, HQ DiVX): HTTP [] | FTP []

    * Note: This mirror is in progress now, a whopping 9k/s, so be patient!
  • by antdude ( 79039 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:28PM (#7081325) Homepage Journal
    The video is about 16 minutes long. It is actually decent. Don't expect it to have special effects out of this one. The only one I considered is the agent dodging bullets. There aren't any camera rotations.

    There are some cool run and fight scenes. Of course, there is the nmap reference like in Reloaded movie. Running Windows with a lot of holes in this fan flick. ;)
  • by Spacelem ( 189863 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:32PM (#7081349)
    My flatmate showed the duality movie to me about 2 years ago and burned it onto a tiny 5cm CD which I stuck in one of the folds of my wallet.

    I completely forgot about it and only rediscovered it 6 months ago. I then gave it to my sister who found it very amusing and said that the disc was "cute".

    It's now residing in my wallet again. Just for the sake of it.
    • Principal Smith: Johnny, what's that round thing in your wallet? It's not one of those "C" things is it?

      Little Tommy Anderson: Why no sir, Mr. Smith. It's a 5cm CD-ROM.

      Principal Smith: Bullshit, I'm calling your parents.
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:44PM (#7081401) Homepage
    Sorry but most everyone knew about that one almost 2 years ago. there is a much better fan film in the making (and with some clips available to be watched) at called heart of the rebellion.

    duality had some good parts, some of the CG was hokey not because of bad cg, but bad editing and acting.

    Dont get me wrong, it's cool, but hardly anything fantastic... while heart of the rebellion is unbelieveable in acting, props being made and the camera work by true masters of the art.
  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:52PM (#7081436)
    Heres the link for the bit torrent impaired The-Fanimatrix-(DivX-5.1-HQ).avi [ed2k]
  • Excellent! (Score:3, Informative)

    by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @08:54PM (#7081442)
    It's the Matrix meets Sam Raimi... which I like.

    One thing that got me. In that first "trinity" fight scene, was that white-haired security guard played by... TV's Frank? Wow - so, second-banana heaven is The Matrix fan movies!

    Definetly a perfect role for bar-dwelling goths. :^)

    Ryan Fenton

    • Re:Excellent! (Score:2, Interesting)

      by EvilLumpy ( 711553 )
      Actually, white haired security guard = me Erm, who's TV's Frank? I really wanna know!
      • Re:Excellent! (Score:3, Informative)

        by RyanFenton ( 230700 )
        One explanation of the wonder that was... TV's Frank. []

        Actaully, the actor has since moved onto working behind the scenes in such shows as Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, and the wonderful Invader Zim. Anyway - the character was mostly one of a parody of a stupid mad scientist sidekick. Most of the larger bittorrent sites will have a few MST3k movies available... see most any of the pre-624 episodes to see him in action. He was a great character. :^)

        Ryan Fenton
  • Art of the Saber (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Caraig ( 186934 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @09:13PM (#7081544)
    Sorry, guys, but this piece of work [] utterly destroys Duality. It's not strictly saber-fighting in the SW canon, but quite frankly I think it's miles better than Duality. (And for those of us who care, it uses a hell of a lot less CGI.)

    Frankly, I think these guys should have been taken on by LucasFilm, as fight choreographers.
  • DUALITY (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Azeem2000 ( 444834 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @09:53PM (#7081715)
    As someone who helped work on DUALITY, I can tell you neither Mark Thomas nor Dave Macomber went to work for LucasFilm after the movie.

    Mark is still an artist and Dave runs a dojo in the Santa Barbara, CA area. He is a retired National Karate Champion.

    SAD CLOWN KUNG-FU!!!!!!!!

    Man, do NZ goth clubs REALLY look like that? Yikes.

    Seriously though, aside from a bunch of dorky Crow-wannabes who seem to have mastered muy thai in between moping sessions, this is definitely worth the download. Much better Matrix-like fight choreography than I expected. Still a fan-film, but it shows what key elements fans can adopt (like light sabers in Star Wars) to capture the essence of a mythos' style.
  • Classic moments.. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by sudog ( 101964 ) on Sunday September 28, 2003 @11:01PM (#7082000) Homepage
    Top three moments in the movie:

    1. ..where Dante sits there and fervently prays before engaging the agent.
    2. ..where Medusa busily fiddles around with nmap. For a long time. Tickety tick.
    3. ..where the operator says, "Come on man, don't do this to me, pick up the phone," while Dante is off on an Agent-killing ego trip.

    What a great job! :-) Love the not over-used wire work. Not so much flying through the air as in the real Matrix movies. Seems very tasteful the way they've arranged it here.
  • Troops (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 29, 2003 @12:47AM (#7082451)
    Probably doesn't qualify as a fan work, but Troops [] is worth checking out.

A Fortran compiler is the hobgoblin of little minis.
