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Lord of the Rings Media Movies

LOTR:Return Of The King Trailer 372

noda132 writes "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King trailer is now available! I just found it on It's only 9mb big, but it's a start." You can also get it from AOL as well. Update: 09/29 20:13 GMT by S : The official site now has the new trailer as well.
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LOTR:Return Of The King Trailer

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  • Obligatory analysis (Score:5, Informative)

    by TopShelf ( 92521 ) * on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:01AM (#7083514) Homepage Journal
    The frame-by-frame analysis can also be found here [].
    • by gowen ( 141411 ) <> on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:03AM (#7083526) Homepage Journal
      I'm not entirely sure thats frame-by-frame...

      Frame 2: Very like Frame 1. Everyone has moved very slightly...

      Frame 3: Very like Frame 2. The camera has started to move. Very slowly...
    • by Vindicator9000 ( 672761 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:32AM (#7083656)
      didn't seem like it had any shots of the Shire after the battle and the destruction of the ring... Does anyone else think that Peter Jackson is going to totally screw up the original ending *really bad*? I keep hoping that he keeps it more or less as written (I'd love to see a small army of Hobbits trouncing Sauruman's henchmen), but given what he has cut out already as "non-essential," I can't help but have some misgivings.

      Don't get me wrong, I actually thought the first two movies were quite entertaining. I didn't really mind him cutting out Bombadil, and I'm willing to overlook the horrible treatment of Treebeard, but something tells me that they're just going to totally screw up the beauty of the original ending.

      • by bzzzt ( 313005 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:37AM (#7083680)
        I believe it was announced 2 years ago that the movies would not contain the "scouring of the shire" chapter...
        • Prediction:
          Under the premise that "Scouring" scenes have been shot at all, some "Extended DVD Collection" will contain the "bonus" ending scenes.

          Short cuts fasing in and out with some slow happy music playing, and at the end a four-line dialogue when Frodo joins the elves and Gandalf leaving Middle Earth.
        • I was just thinking about that.

          Nooooooo! That's the best chapter. Whit Saruman being all old and stuff. It's hilarious.

          Hopefully they'll at least put it on the extended DVD version. They at least have to show the trip to the gray havens in some fashion. Ring falling in volcano != end of story.
      • I think it's fairly well accepted that there will be no "Scouring of the Shire". Oh well.

        Yes, cutting Bombadil was unfortunate. Not sure about the treatment of Treebeard, but Faramir's portrayal bothered me some.

        Oh well, it's just a movie. The book is still there...
        • Yeah, all the changes have been rather...too bad. But I can accept all of them, as much as it bothers me to see Faramir being...not so nice. In a movie, you really have to keep the action moving, and make the climax at the END, which means that the removal of Bombadil, and even the Scouring, are necessary. And I can understand why Faramir was changed, too. In the movie, it's far more difficult to show the ring as an evil thing. You can't just use subtleties, you have to come out and say it. And if Faramir h
      • Hello? (Score:3, Informative)

        Someone asks this in every LOTR article.

        For the last time, Peter Jackson announced years ago that there would be no Scouring. They included an homage to it in the Mirror of Galadriel scene.

        The reason is because he didn't want another story after the main climax.
        • One sequence that will not make it from the book into the film despite the hopes of many fans, according to repeated statements by Jackson, is the "Scouring of the Shire", in which the Hobbits return home at the end of their quest to find they have some cleaning up to do. The fall of Saruman originally takes place at the end of this scene, so it is not clear where it will occur in the movie.

          From: Wikipedia []

          I agree that it should have been filmed and put in an extended DVD version (if not the theatrical

      • by bziman ( 223162 )
        but something tells me that they're just going to totally screw up the beauty of the original ending.
        Dude, PJ has already said he axed the Cleansing. From what he said, they didn't even film it for the extended edition. Too bad. I'm looking forward to the "Phantom Edit" equivalent for LotR.
  • OneRing is /.'ed but AOL is tortoising along at 1.5kb/s. By 8:00am I'll be basking in the glory of the Return Of The King trailer.
  • Rumors tell that over 3 or maybe 4 hours? Anybody heard anything "official"?

    Regarding the trailer, I think that this will be the most fantastic part of the whole. My favorite scene from the trailer is when Aragorn reclaims the Narsil from Elrond ... man, that scene has some real power in it (if you read the books, ofcoz) :)

    • My favorite scene from the trailer is when Aragorn reclaims the Narsil from Elrond ... man, that scene has some real power in it (if you read the books, ofcoz) :)

      And having read the books, I can say it's about time that Aragorn gets Narsil. It would have been better if it was reforged by the Elves and then taken by him right after the Coucil of Elrond like it was supposed to, however. Oh well, better late than never.

      I hope they keep the part from the book where Aragorn uses the Palantir to contact Sau

  • by Davak ( 526912 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:07AM (#7083547) Homepage
    Am I the only one that saw the first LOTR movies before reading the book? What was I thinking?

    It totally destroyed the experience for me as the movie's images were stuck in my head as I read.

    At least I didn't screw it completely up and read the book before this last one.

    • Doh, typo.

      At least I didn't screw it completely up since I read the book before this last one.

    • by davebarz ( 546161 ) * <(ten.yalezrab) (ta) (divad)> on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:10AM (#7083565) Homepage
      It's much worse a phenomenon than that. Prior to the movies, I'd read the whole trilogy at least 5 or 6 times. Nevertheless, when I read it now, I still picture all the movie characters. I can't even remember how I used to picture them. On one hand, it's a testament to the quality and immersive brilliance of the movies. On the other hand, it's really annoying that they stole from me the images of characers I've treasured since childhood.
      • My internal images of the characters are still dominated by Ralph Bakshi's animated version, particularly the hobbits. Fortunately the narrative and charcterizations of that version have been wiped from my mind through subsequent readings.
        • My internal images of the characters are still dominated by Ralph Bakshi's animated version, particularly the hobbits.

          It could be worse. Your internal images of the characters could be based on the animated Return of the King, complete with that lovely Orc song, "Where there's a whip, there's a way".

          As an aside, it occurs to me that Hollywood, or New Zealand, really, could do a whole TV series based on the Simillarion alone.

      • I dont know why but i have always pictured Elrond as the green giant (


      • by robbo ( 4388 ) <> on Monday September 29, 2003 @09:42AM (#7084628)
        I agree completely. Now, whenever I read the Council of Elrond, I mentally insert a threatening "Mr Anderson" every time Elrond speaks.
    • Yeah, ditto.. :-P

      Although I'd prefer my own imagination, it's not too bad since I think the LOTR trilogy as movies were so good. Reading the books also feels like a super-mega-extended deluxe edition of the movies, so that's nice. :-)
      • They should just release a new printing of the books, and call it "The Author's Cut."

        As for myself, I've probably read LOTR 15 times or so, and have been blown away with how good a job they've done with the films. Sure, there are things to complain about (I'll reserve my judgement on the whole Faramir thing until I see the extended DVD this fall), but by and large Jackson took on a monumental task and succeeded admirably.
    • Am I the only one that saw the first LOTR movies before reading the book?

      No. Although I have no intention of reading the books so maybe I don't count. Actually I didn't even want to see the movies and were it not for their Xmas release dates I probably never would have (family gathering, pissing each other off, lets go to the cinema).

      I reckon I saved myself a lot of wasted hours reading by shortcutting the plot in a couple of movies. Wizards! Pah!
    • What really endeared me to the movies was how much the movie was like the images in my head. When I saw the shire in the first preview, it was as if someone had stolen my brain. The horsemen, Gandalf, Boromir, among others were all practically printouts of my mental imagery. The only exception was Gollum, who is close but I always imagined him a little darker and slimier and generally more evil.
  • Uff... I feel dirty....

    seriously though, I got the trailer in seconds fom there, one ring is only 1/4 through and I've allready watched it!

    now I just have to wait till december 17th :(
  • by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:09AM (#7083558) Homepage Journal
    Has anyone seeded this on a bittorrent tracker yet?
    • Re:Bittorent? (Score:2, Informative)

      by ob1knob777 ( 700881 )
      Yep, I spent awhile trying to d/l it on only to find out I could have got it through bittorrent a whole lot quicker. There are already 79 people seeding it over on suprnova. suprnova []
    • Re:Bittorent? (Score:4, Informative)

      by John3 ( 85454 ) <john3@cornel l s . com> on Monday September 29, 2003 @09:01AM (#7084238) Homepage Journal
      Available here. []
    • I would, but BT's banned by my university--they see it as one of those Evil Piracy Programs That Waste Our Bandwidth, despite efforts to educate them.

      Why we only have 7 Mbits/s of bandwidth for a university with 10k students is another mystery...
  • ONLY! 9Mb (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MosesJones ( 55544 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:11AM (#7083569) Homepage

    I know that isn't really very big, but it did make me realise how much the internet has kicked on in the last few years, and how high-compression technologies like Wavelets etc have been superceeded thanks to broadband connections.

    9Mb isn't huge by todays standards, but it is worth considering for a second how much our viewing habits have been changed. No-longer do we go to a movie JUST to see the trailer... we download it. We all know that soon you'll see 100Mb full quality trailers being available.

    Prediction of the day.... within 3 years someone will post on Slashdot that a trailer is "only" 100Mb.
    • Re:ONLY! 9Mb (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Epistax ( 544591 )
      You may be right.
      I open up MS Word XP. I create a new document and save it. File properties, file size? 24,064 bytes. That's right, a blank piece of paper has 24 pages worth of plain text in formatting.
      I, for one, do not welcome our bloated overlords.
    • Only 9MB??? (Score:5, Funny)

      by SteelX ( 32194 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @08:16AM (#7083908)
      I'm downloading your "only 9MB" file on 28.8Kbps dial-up, you insensitive clod! :-)
  • by mschoolbus ( 627182 ) <travisriley&gmail,com> on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:12AM (#7083576)
    Please do not put direct links to movies on slashdot...

    Unless you find some movies on SCO's page, then feel free.
  • Torrent here! (Score:2, Informative)

    Here's the .torrent for the new trailer [] as all the sites are bogged down already.
    Be sure to keep your download running to help others with their download!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The Japaneese version of this trailer (identical but with subtitles and ads on the side) has been available for weeks around the net.

    Also, the quality on this seems funky but if it's on AOL streaming, I guess it's for real.
  • by bigmouth_strikes ( 224629 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:21AM (#7083613) Journal
    Here's the torrent for a 12 min preview by Peter Jackson. It includes most of what is in the trailer and then some background goodies. 33 /ROTK_Preview_(12mins).torrent
  • Does anyone know which cities the re-releases (of FOTR and TTT) will appear?
  • hmmm (Score:3, Interesting)

    by fjordboy ( 169716 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:32AM (#7083653) Homepage
    Did anyone notice the reforging of the shards of Narcil in the trailer? I was under the impression that aragorn already had his sword, and jackson just cut it out...hmmm, is this anywhere near the chronology of the books? I thought his sword was reforged before this point...
    • Re:hmmm (Score:3, Interesting)

      by fireduck ( 197000 )
      no, it is no where near the chronology of the books. as i recall, in the text, Aragorn took the re-forged Narsil with him when he left Rivendell. The elves then don't show up until after the final battle when Aragorn and Liv Tyler get married. I think Jackson wanted to keep the love story at the forefront so the eowin (sp) storyline would be more bittersweet, and so shifted this aspect of the story.
      • The elves then don't show up until after the final battle when Aragorn and Liv Tyler get married.

        Elrond's two sons show up along with Aragorn's rangers after they visit Isengard. They accompany Aragorn down the Paths of the Dead.

      • Re:hmmm (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Angostura ( 703910 )
        Jackson has done a fair amount of tinkering with the chronology and action in other parts of the film. For the most part I think he has done a splendid job in bringing out aspects of the story which Tolkien left un-developed. It is rather like seeing the same story through the eyes of a different story teller.

        In this case, I think that the tinkerage with the chronology could be rather fine - in the books the reforging of Narsil is a rather ho-hum affair. But Jackson appears to be bringing it center stage

    • This apparently was why Peter Jackson felt he had to reorder so much of the content of the books so the film would be as chronological as possible. ::sigh::
    • Re:hmmm (Score:2, Informative)

      by ddimas ( 629883 )
      Narsil was reforged before the fellowship left Rivendell. Aragorn made a big stink about leaving it at the door at Edoras.
    • It was reforged and given to him when he left Rivendell, but I think what is seen in the trailer may just be part of a flashback. I don't think that is a terrible idea, because it is more topical in "Return of the King" anyway, especially when you consider that those who see the movies and don't read the book might forget the significance of Narsil.
  • Norwegian mirror (Score:3, Informative)

    by Stig_Soleng ( 584809 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:42AM (#7083712)
    You can get it from v []
  • Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait.

    If I could find some to hibernate betwen now and 17 December, I think I'd be a whole lot better off.

  • by kiddailey ( 165202 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @07:57AM (#7083801) Homepage
    There are at least three versions of the trailer floating around that are NOT the 12 minute preview or the short montage that was part of that preview (from TTT DVD)

    • There's a very poor quality, so-dark-you-can-hardly-see-it version with Asian type all over the frames (ROTK_Trailer.mpeg)

    • There's the better quality, 320x240 version that AOL released last night at midnight EST (

    • A Danish site released a BEAUTIFUL, 19MB, 480x280 version ( ... but it's downloading at 2.8k/s at the moment :(

    • TORN mirrored the file from the Danish site, but it was corrupt and was cut short at 11MB. They've temporarily removed the link.

    • There's a few Torrent links mentioned here for the 480x280, but it is a copy of the corrupt version. Make sure the one you're grabbing is 19MB
  • by cyranoVR ( 518628 ) <cyranoVR@[ ] ['gma' in gap]> on Monday September 29, 2003 @08:23AM (#7083945) Homepage Journal
    I started to watch the trailer, but I couldn't finish. I just couldn't...I want to save all my enthusiasm for the actual movie which - based on both the last two movies and what happens in the book - can't NOT be good. I was watching the trailer and I was like "I don't need a trailer to know that this movie is going to ROCK." So you guyz can have my bandwidth :)
  • Another mirror (Score:3, Informative)

    by Mayk ( 538523 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @08:27AM (#7083974) Homepage
    Another mirror to /. []
  • by epicstruggle ( 311178 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @08:32AM (#7084019)
    ... is the inclusion of any significant number of elves to battle sauron. The reason armies of elves should not be there for me, is that this is where humans are supposed to redeem themselves for the mistake of Isildur, who should have destroyed the ring when he had the chance.

    Does it bother anyone else? Its minor, but why not bring an army of dwarves too, if we are rewritting things.

    All in all, still a great adaptation. You go PJ.

    • FOUR armies?!?!? Look, it's the lake-men.

      I'm actually still pretty pissed about Faramir being a little bitch at the end of TTT. I think that was a bad decision. He's supposed to be an icon of nobility, and instead he's just Boromir Pt. 2. Nothing in the movie really annoyed me more than that. NOT IF I FOUND THIS THING LYING ALONG THE ROAD WOULD I TAKE IT, or whatever he was supposed to say right up front, something close to that. When I went to see the movie I had just read the book recently, and that sce

  • by galaga79 ( 307346 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @09:51AM (#7084716) Homepage

    Is it just me or does it look like the movie won't have the rangers of the north? I am making this assumption because the part of the preview (on the Two Towers DVD) that obviously shows them about to enter the Path Of The Dead has Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas but no rangers (or the two elves that come with the rangers).

    It will a real bummer if there are no rangers in the film, because not only did they sound like bad ass warriors in the book but they also give Aragorn something very important, which relates to Aragorn and Arwen love story which the movie makes such a big deal about.
    • Is it just me or does it look like the movie won't have the rangers of the north? I am making this assumption because the part of the preview (on the Two Towers DVD) that obviously shows them about to enter the Path Of The Dead has Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas but no rangers (or the two elves that come with the rangers).

      Not sure if the rangers will appear or not, but *somebody* has to accompany Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas through the Paths of the Dead. Those three alone can't possibly be enough to take the s

  • here is a working bitTorrent link to a .mov. The file is not of the best quality but it is all there.
    Click here []
  • ffmpeg workaround (Score:3, Informative)

    by noda132 ( 531521 ) on Monday September 29, 2003 @11:38AM (#7085777) Homepage
    ffmpeg's SVQ3 decompression seems to crash with the 19MB version of the trailer. The workaround: use the win32 dlls. For mplayer:

    mplayer -vc qtsvq3 -vf pp=al

And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
