Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence 344
timbloid writes "I spotted on Ain't it cool news that Mamoru Oshii's new anime Innocence Ghost In The Shell 2's website is now open! The trailer is beautiful! But I can't help thinking a translated version is some time off from the 2004 Japanese release... Maybe it would be faster for me to learn Japanese?"
Why learn Japanese? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Why learn Japanese? (Score:4, Informative)
Batou is a living doll.
His arms, his legs, everything in his body was made.
all that is left is a little brain and, the memory of a woman.
A lonely soul's promiscuity.
Directed by Oshii Mori. (I think... not too good with names yet.)
This is life.
Spring 2004
(Yes, I am a karma whore)
Re:Why learn Japanese? (Score:2, Informative)
Translations... (Score:4, Insightful)
I think it's better to watch a film in the language it's created in [planetmirror.com]. Who knows if the translation is correct? Isn't it better to hear the real actors, and listen to the sounds they make, as opposed to some translated version?
A large piece of the meaning and fluidity of a film is lost in translation.
I can remember sitting around a table of French friends of mine, not knowing a word of French myself, and it was still interesting to listen to them, like a fly on a wall. You don't know what's being said, but the experience has it's own merits.
There's something really cool about watching anime in Japanese that gives a kind of simplicity to the plot and idea of the film. Because you have no idea what's being said, you can kind of guess, and that adds some of your immagination to the mix. It delivers a kind of Zen, IMHO. And with the visuals in the trailer of Ghost In the Shell 2, who cares what language it's in!! Gimmie!! Gimmie!!
Re:Translations... (Score:3, Funny)
I think it's better to watch a film in the language it's created in... A large piece of the meaning and fluidity of a film is lost in translation.
But if you can't understand a single word, everything is lost in the translation.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
An Example... (Score:2)
I direct your attention to the movie: Koyaanisqatsi [imdb.com]
You won't be disappointed.
Re:An Example... (Score:2)
Baraka [rottentomatoes.com] is better.
Hypnotic. Depressing. Uplifting. Thought provoking. All at the same time, and without one word of dialog.
Re:An Example... (Score:2)
Uhhhhhhh RAT! tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, UHHHHHHH, RAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT...
Re:Translations... (Score:4, Funny)
The following link [americakokki.com] should give you a kick start on learning Japanese, uh, I mean English.
Re:Translations... (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, hopefully the translator.
> A large piece of the meaning and fluidity of a film is lost in translation.
Well, it depends, who guessed it, on the translator, and the voice actors.
IRC, there are even some films out there, which were more successful in a different language, because of the translation.
The translation is a work in itself, which, depending on the ability of the translator, can be a shallow copy of the original, or even better than the original (Especially, if the original is of poor quality)
I can undestand the other reason, but how can you prefer the original in a language you do not understand over a translated version, on the reason of loss in fluidity and meaning?
I prefer to watch english films in the original, although I have some problems understanding the spoken word. But still, I have the feeling, I'm not quite getting some details of the film. Most problematic are jokes. Partly because of cultural discrepancies, partly because I'm busy understanding the language.
In other words, I'm experience a loss in meaning and fluidity. And I guess that will always be the case, unless one lived a while in that nation, so one has a better grip of the language and culture.
A grip, a translator surely has.
Considering the two or three english dubs of Anime, I've seen, I can understand, why some people are avoiding them. But I wouldn't consider Ghost in the Shell as one of them.
> And with the visuals in the trailer of Ghost In the Shell 2, who cares what language it's in!!
Well, as long it isn't Polish, I'm fine with it
Considering the previous Ghost-in-the-Shell film, I'd say it'd be a loss missing the monologues.
Re:Translations... (Score:2)
Re:Translations... (Score:3, Insightful)
Somehow, I think that if you were a Spanish-speaking native who wanted to enjoy television and movies as a new citizen of the United States, you wouldn't be quite so elitist.
Re:Translations... (Score:2)
Chihiro asks her mom what they are, and her mom responds, in the English translation, "Some people believe spirits live there."
Whoever translated that line should have been shot on the spot, or at least blacklisted. It totally missed the whole point of that dialog, which is to show that Chihiro's mom is 'hip and trend
Re:Translations... (Score:3, Insightful)
Dialog is also sometimes stretched or summarized to match the talking heads on screen... ie, in Japanese it might take 10 seconds of screen
Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course, it isn't for the squeamish...
Re:WTF are you talking about? (Score:2)
Perfect for any generation that's grown up on Hollywood pablum.
It still gives them a sense that there's something better out there.
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:3, Interesting)
Really, there are as many subgenres in anime as there are in traditiona
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:3, Insightful)
There are people who will watch anime just because it's anime. Me, I watch good anime, because it's good.
Watch Grave of the Fireflies and tell me that anime not a serious artistic medium. After you stop crying your eyes
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:5, Informative)
Just about anything here is good, but Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away are two of my favorites. Kiki's has fantasy only insomuch as Kiki is a witch, but the storyline (something which American entertainment has forgotten about) is one of coming to terms with oneself.
Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most heart wrenching stories ever told in any style.
As for the overweight white guys: they are called otaku (fanboy) and are a part, but not the whole, of those who love the style. I'm in my mid thirties, married with a son, own my own company, am part owner of another and rock climb so I don't *get* fat. Not all those who watch anime are otaku.
To finally answer your question: animation allows for stories that would be difficult to tell in another way without breaking a budget. It also allows for artistic expression and styles that can't be captured with a camera. If American animators were blinded by the "for children only" mindset, amazing stories could be told here as well.
The Simpsons and the other "adult" cartooning have raised the bar a hair, but it only raises it to "sitcom" from "child humor". I would love to see an home grown cartoon that explored storylines written as well as those in good anime. (And no, Heavy Metal's psuedo porn doesn't count).
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:2)
Plot summary: two kid brothers starve to death in post-nuke Japan.
There's only a couple movies that managed to jerk a tear out of me, and this is one of 'em. The others on the shortlist (from recent memory) are: Blackhawk Down, Braveheart, Shawshank, Tears of the Sun, Thin Red Line, ... Dumb and Dumberer.
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:2)
It's a safe bet few of the female anime fans own any tentacle porn - and there are quite a lot of female fans since so much of anime is targeted to them. But personally, I don't know of any anime fans that own tentacle porn at all. Still, this is /. where broad stereotypes are to be e
Re:Ghost is great non anime lovers. (Score:5, Insightful)
Not a single one. I've seen a few, but they simply don't cut it for me.
The anime target consumer is a child. The reason full-grown adults in America flock to anime is unknown at this time.
The reason "full-grown adults"--which is, of course, a misnomer; we're really talking about 20-30 somethings--flock to anime is threefold.
Firstly, it's originaly targeted at or near the comparable market in Japan.
Secondly, a good portion of the anime watching crowd grew up watching imported animation from Japan, and so it's logical that they'd move on to more complex stories in the same medium.
Thirdly, anime's been a trendy thing on college campuses for years now.
And, of course, there's always that "do something that's not stupid but that mom & dad won't get" drive.
Learning Japanese (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Learning Japanese (Score:2, Interesting)
Not in my experience -- Japanese (under 35, anyway) are huge! Not huge like Dinkas or Hutus, but my impression is that they're much taller than Asian-Americans, on average.
Other than that, though, that
Re:Learning Japanese (Score:5, Funny)
That's because they're all wearing powered combat armour. The people inside are actually quite small.
Re:Learning Japanese (Score:2)
It has the advantage of sporting almost the same character-set as english.
Maybe it would be faster for me to learn Japanese? (Score:2, Funny)
So long as you are not turning Japanese [lyricsxp.com] that will be fine.
GITS:Innocence (Score:3, Informative)
Also, I would say that the US will not be seeing the movie until sometime in 2005. I personaly am looking forward to GITS:Stand Allow Complex, both the series and the manga.
Re:GITS:Innocence (Score:4, Informative)
Then GITS:Stand Alone Complex is the one for you! 26 episodes in the current run, and was renewed for another 26. Fansubs currently only exist up to 22 because the title was licensed for translation and distribution recently. No idea what the timeline is for release, though.
Episde Guide [destroy-all-monsters.com]
Re:GITS:Innocence (Score:2)
Not that far off? (Score:3, Informative)
The original GitS had a simultaneous theatrical release in Japan, the US and the UK. So, you might not have to wait that long after all. Oh, and I'm sure the fansubbers will be all over it as fast as possible. I saw a TeleSync of the Cowboy Bebop movie two weeks after its Japanese premier.
Learning Japanese (Score:4, Interesting)
I would say that you can't really grasp Japanese language without living in Japan for a while. I can say that after taking Japanese in High School and College and getting top marks in both, my Japanese skills turned out to be pathetic when I finally got to Japan.
That being said, after a few years of diving into the language (by which I mean being thrown in the deep end of the pool), I could function fairly well as an interpreter.
The big thing is to go to Japan and speak Japanese, even if you can't. Hanging around with other English speakers all the time and/or copping out and trying to get them to speak English will get you nowhere. The average english teacher I see in Japan can't speak a lick of Japanese even after several years. Why? because they either do not want to learn or constantly take the easy way out.
Learning Japanese (Score:2, Informative)
If you arent american? (Score:2)
Re:If you arent american? (Score:2)
Also, if you're a U.S. citizen and you want to go to Japan for sightseeing, shopping, recreation, et cetera, you can just take your passport, get on a plane and go. You'll be given a 90 day temporary visa at customs in Japan. If you want to work in Japan though, you'll need to apply for a working visa.
This "
Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Project (Score:3, Informative)
It has been fansubbed by a few groups and I believe it is licensed for US release as well.
Subtitles (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Subtitles (Score:2)
Damn... (Score:2)
Biggest problem with anime (Score:4, Insightful)
People expect anime to be childrens cartoons, because that's all american cartoons are (in general)
People look for a traditional western storyline, and they can't handle characters who are both good and bad, and stories that deal with multiple social issues, without offering panaceas at the end.
It takes a unique type of American to enjoy an anime, and until the rest of the country realizes the walls they have up, and takes them down, and appreciates anime for the beautiful deep art it is, anime won't be widely accepted.
What does this have to do with GITS? I would love to see that movie on a big screen, but unless I catch it at a local college, I've got no chance. We need to change American preconceptions so that we can watch our movies the way they were meant to be watched!
I often show friends the movie Princess Mononoke(sp?), and they say, "Wow, that was incredible!", and I tell them, "There are more movies like that, and a lot that are better than that." But no one has ever heard of it, because the american public can't understand or be bothered to try and understand an animated cartoon not aimed at children, or that doesn't hinge on humour. Sure, Pixar has gotten animation into the mainstream, but all of pixars movies are considered "Funny" and "child-safe".
Just my 3.5 cents.
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:3, Insightful)
A prime example of this would be the Final Fantasy movie that came out a few years ago. All of the characters were stock Anime characters (older male scientist/wizzard, disbelieving male action hero, lead female
Satirical anime busting on the "bad cliches" (Score:2)
Just wait for the "All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku" TV Series to come out from ADV Films. This is different from the OAV "Nuku Nuku DASH!" of which the first DVD was released about a week ago. It's also different from the original APCCNN OAV which ADV released on DVD last year, and very well for that matter. (It's only one DVD, buy it!)
ALL the bad cliches you speak of get clobbered with tons
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Ironically, one of the biggest reasons I dislike Anime is it's lack of subtlety. I've watched GitS, Cowboy Bebop, and various others that people have recommended to me as the "cream of the crop", and the aspect that stuck with me more than anything else was just how one-dimensional the characters were. Anger,
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2, Insightful)
People do understand that anime is "for adults". They understand it just fine.
Many people don't like anime because, frankly, a lot of anime sucks. The ratio of shitty japanese entertainment to good japanese entertainment is probably about the same as its american counterpart.
For instance, what Cartoon Network tries to pass off as adult swim. I like Bebop, I can watch Trigun, and FLCL is visually stunning, even if the wackiness made it almo
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Or maybe its the fact that 90% of anime is the same story over and over and over.
Today on anime. Guko is going to avenge his fathers death, but first he has to conquer his self doubts, but then his realizes he has a great power hidden within that he can unlock if is truly believes in himself. All the while his
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
90% of everything is crap. [jargon.net]
don't get me started with anime writers obsession with young women
I think it's because they haven't grow up yet ... into pussywhipped hypocrites who are supposed to deny biology and thousands of years of history where age ~15 was ripe. Not that I'm defending that borderline pedocrap in todays society or anything, as I find it highly annoying for another reason: I can't stand the way characters in most jap anime always act
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
Anime has some of the most relentlessly overdone gore to be found in any medium. And often, it seems, for no real purpose. Akira, one of the first movies Anime newbies generally see, is a perfect example of this. As is Princess Mononoke, for that matter.
There's a japanese fixation with biologically disturbing imagery that just doesn't fly with large numbers of people in the States. Violence, sure, b
Re:Biggest problem with anime (Score:2)
And anime is for children. Its target market in Japan is kids. Ever been to an anime shop in Japan, or watched Japanese TV?
Don't forget OZ (Score:2)
Huh? (Score:5, Funny)
For me, you still can't beat Bourne.
A Sequel? (Score:2)
Re:A Sequel? (Score:2, Informative)
Soon after there is a Japanese video release (Score:2)
Re:Soon after there is a Japanese video release (Score:2)
Yay for greed, it works both ways.
Re:Soon after there is a Japanese video release (Score:3, Insightful)
yes, indeed. (Score:2, Interesting)
trailer is beautiful!
Looks like there's a lot of computer graphics in it...
BTW, Lots of us see the original GITS as the movie that got plagiarized by the Wachowskis.
It's nice to see an incoming sequel of the original thing.
Re:yes, indeed. (Score:2)
Sorry, how does it follow that Wachowskis plagiarized GITS? I'm not defending the Wachowskis -- Matrix is already a rip-off of about a dozen schools of western, eastern, ancient and modern philosophy -- but the storylines seem largely divergent.
Re:yes, indeed. (Score:2)
The whole "shooting at the thermo camo felon and hitting the watermelon" scene is almost identical to morpheous getting shot in the leg in the first movie as he is trying to escape the building.
Re:yes, indeed. (Score:2)
GitS and the Matrix flicks are what they are, and that is reflective of the society and cutlure around them at that time. I have no doubt there are anime pieces picking up on things the brothers have done in the Matrix flicks.
Re:yes, indeed. (Score:3, Insightful)
On the other hand, your plot summar of GITS is somewhat flawed. "The chick" hardly think
Interesting choice of music... (Score:3, Informative)
Concierto de Aranjuez (Score:2)
and Aranjuez sounds like 'Aran - hoo - eth', while
Aranguez sounds like 'Aran - guess'
Trailer Bit Torrent Link (Score:5, Informative)
Wait for fansub (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Wait for fansub (Score:2)
Almost all of the decent fansubbing groups now have the romanji (transliterated japanese) on the top, the kana (japanese characters) below that, and then on the bottom of the screen they have the english translation.
I've been tea
Re:Wait for fansub (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Wait for fansub (Score:3, Insightful)
You know, I really hate this attitude. Just because you've seen it by fansubbers first, or they are doing it "for love," doesn't mean it's always better. I have seen fansub with atrocious spelling errors and mistr
Re:Wait for fansub (Score:2)
Already Licensed (Score:2)
And I'll contest the accuracy of any fansubber and their notes, especially the loads of crap groups that are out there today. Maybe we'll get lucky and get another "mass naked child event" just like we got in GitS: SAC! Yay for fansubbers!
Ghost in the Shell (Score:2)
You know... I haven't updated one my sites in EONS... I wrote a document called 'Ghost in the Shell [antioffline.com]' that surprisingly gets about 3000 hits a week on Google searches. Not much, but certainly enough to know the interest GITS generates. I've done the anime thing a while back, now I only have time for Jenna, Chasey, and other starlets
I sure hope it's better than the manga... (Score:2)
Instead of brilliant mecha design and architecture, we get variations on "butt floss girl floating in cyberspace." Which I guess is his new variation on "butt floss girl climbing out of mecha." It's like "Cable Porn: The Manga."
I actually cancelled my order at the local comic shop after issue 3 came out.
I've talked to other people whe have also been turned off of Shirow recently because of the cheese. It's kind of sad, he's
Re:I sure hope it's better than the manga... (Score:2)
Basically, the director (Mamoru Oshii, of Patlabor, Jin-Roh and the original GITS movie fame) wanted to write his own story within the universe of GITS but not involving the manga's plot or characters. It's basically a complete spinoff, focusing more on drama and science fiction than on police action and Motoko's buttfloss.
Folks who liked the CONCEPTS presented in the first movie but felt the plot was a little thin (w
Re:I sure hope it's better than the manga... (Score:2)
I haven't read past #4 or 5 I think of GiTS2:MMI so I can't really pass judgement on it...but it didn't seem quite as readable as the first one.
Fansub? (Score:2)
"Ghost in the Shell" Mouse -- Obligatory Link (Score:3, Informative)
US Release by Dreamworks (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/3341.html [icv2.com]
Dreamworks To Distribute Ghost In The Shell II
In Spring Of 2004
August 14, 2003
Screen Daily reports that Dreamworks SKG has formed a specialty distribution arm, Go Fish, which will distribute its first film, Satoshi Kon's Millenium Actress, on September 12 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco. Dreamworks set up Go Fish just after Warner Bros. announced the launch of Warner Independent Pictures, which will release films from independents and small production companies. While Go Fish will undoubtedly release its share of indie films, the second film announced by Dreamworks was Ghost In The Shell II: Innocence, the follow-up to the extremely successful science fiction anime feature, Ghost In The Shell, which was directed by Mamoru Oshii and based on the manga series by Masamune Shirow (published in the U.S by Dark Horse). It should be interesting to see if Dreamworks primarily uses Go Fish to compete with Warners for indie films or to gain a beachhead for anime feature films in the rough and tumble arena of theatrical exhibition.
Ghost in the Shell II is in the final stages of production in Japan, and Go Fish plans to release the feature film late in the first half of 2004. Back in 1996 the original Ghost In the Shell film made a major impact in the U.S. and launched a plethora of successful tie-in products including posters, statues, art books, manga, and action figures. With a Ghost in the Shell TV series (see "Bandai Gets Ghost In the Shell TV Series") set to debut in the U.S. and the merchandising potential of a second Ghost In The Shell movie (see "New Ghost In The Shell Movie"), this property is poised to take off once again.
GitS Already Licensed for US (Score:2, Informative)
In addition, the aforementioned TV series, GitS:Stand Alone Complex, has also been licensed by Bandai Entertainment USA, which actually helped finance it. It should see domestic DVD next year, probably about the same time as the movie is released to theatres.
fansubs (Score:2)
No, it would be faster to wait a couple hours for the fansubbers to do their subtitle translation on the pirate version of the movie (that you'll obviously replace with the official DVD when released, right?). fansubs are very often better than the official translations anyway, and include handy cultural notes.
Song? (Score:2)
Anyone know the name of the song used?
Re:Anime Sucks.. (Score:3, Insightful)
There are some great and funny, not to mention hardwarming movies and series in this genre. Open your eyes, and stop being so discriminating.
Re:Anime Sucks.. (Score:2)
Re:Anime Sucks.. (Score:2, Funny)
what's with the continued fascination with anonymous posting?? Aren't you too old for this now?
I got over it once I learned it was a lot more fun taking responsibility for my posting, than hiding behind my mommy's skirt as I post tr
Re:Anime Sucks.. (Score:5, Insightful)
My personal preference of Anime is that I feel animation is a more solid medium to present a story. And japenese animation has historically been better than many of the US attempts. Likewise, Japenese animation is more likey to show the darker side of things: people die, blood is spilled, war, etc. Meanwhile, US animation is too "Disney-esque", pandering to the G-rated demographic, or trying to get kids to buy their merchandise.
Some people prefer black-and-white films, other like musicals, and I even know a few people that like silent films. It's just a preference on how the film is portrayed, and I personally like a WELL drawn animation so long as it has a good story and isn't some lame kids show.
In movies, you have wooden actors playing the lead roles because teenage girls think they are cute, and a bimbo playing the leading lady because she has big cleavage.
And most importantly, there are some things that actors can't do (mostly stunts). Sure, you can add special affects, but they sometimes don't look too special.
The settings are another benefit. Some of the greatly drawn anime has settings that you cannot replicate on a stage without it looking "tacky" or fake (CGI), and in some cases look almost heavenly. Lush forests, planet-scapes, buildings, some of it are works of art.
Animation CAN allow a story to be truly delivered the way it was meant ot be delivered. The character can look exactly like the author originally imagined him/her as. The stunts can look more fluid (all-be-it impossible to perform in real life). Essentially the entire film can be presented in a pure unadulterated form.
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bad animation out there. And, like anything else, it can be watered down to some fluff that only kids like (such as Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc). And the tentacle thing (while a stereotypical description of anime) occurs in more "shady" shows, it's not like its everywhere. You must just be downloading some porn like "La Blue Girl" or something.
All I ask is that some of you people not just label it as some kiddy-show or porn. There's a lot of anime out there that's deep and meaningful, all-the-while being beautifully drawn.
Slashdot WAS dying this am. (Score:2)
Re:A Friend Suggested GitS as Example of Good Anim (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm particularly bemused by your criticisms of "iconic visual styl
Re:In other news.... (Score:4, Funny)
I get the impression that when fans sit down to look at a painting, all standards which they might otherwise apply go right out the window...because it's ART!!
Losers. I'll keep my pixel perfect interpretation of the world. thank you very much
Re:A Friend Suggested GitS as Example of Good Anim (Score:2)
As for your complaint about story line and it being too wrapped up in its own visual beauty. Yo
Re:A Friend Suggested GitS as Example of Good Anim (Score:2)
I used to have an opinion along these lines, however after watching the movie several times I've found the plot to not only make sense but often do it in suprisingly subtle and intricate ways.
Re:A Friend Suggested GitS as Example of Good Anim (Score:2)
Re:Foreign Language and Computer Programming? (Score:2)
Re:Flash (Score:2)
Re:Fansubbing (Score:3, Interesting)
The only groups that will be doing the new movie are warez groups, because all the respectable groups won't touch it because its licensed.
Right now fansubbing groups do work that far surpasses commercial releases in terms of translation accuracy and subbing quality.
Right now fansubbing is at its lowest point since its inception, focusing on SPEED and quantity over quality. As I've said before, fansub translations these days are equal or poorer than any official translation.
I've heard no ar
Re:Learn Japanese (Score:2)
"Spend a few years learning English first", that was good.
Hey, I'm 13! (Score:2)
Re:STAND ALONE COMPLEX (Score:3, Informative)
Check out animenfo.com [animenfo.com] for all your anime/manga info needs, and MangaNews [manganews.net] for the latest scanslation releases (think scanslation slashdot.)