Disney Plans Tron Remake 434
blkmagic writes "Sci Fi Wire is reporting that Disney will remake Tron. The original article was in Variety, but requires a pay subscription, unless you want to sign up for a 14-day free trial. The article didn't mention what stage they're at, but sounds like they're changing the story a bit (surprise). I loved the original when I was younger (and still watch it again once in a while), so I don't know how I feel about this one!"
Disney to Fuc^H^H^HRemake Tron (Score:5, Funny)
I don't like to think of myself as a snob, but I was tech savvy enough back at that time that the dumbing of computer terms (and the preposterous fantasy) tried my patience. The graphic effects were good, but that was about all there was for me to enjoy about the flik. So let's speculate about what could be put into such a remake of the film...
Worms and Virii infest the computer and are blasted with some McAfee ray
An evil spam king is sentenced to /dev/null until 0>1
The conceptual depiction of Microsoft Windows security is a hole Rama could pass through with a defaced tin sign by the entrance saying [UNAuthorized Proceses Only Beyond This Point]
Dee Arrum is a cute, cuddly Pooh-bearish creature who befriends the intrepid party and only wants what is best for everyone
Bugs will only be the result of users installing unathorised software
The central processor will have a huge ice pack on its head and complain of constant overclocking pains
Plugs for Disney partners will be throughout (i.e. Intel Inside)
Re:Disney to Fuc^H^H^HRemake Tron (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah - MST3K Material (Score:3, Interesting)
BTW: Great job, [livejournal.com] guys.
Just Make a Reboot Movie (Score:5, Interesting)
I liked tron, but I can't see how they'll retain the "feel" of the original. I won't say it's impossible, but it just seems like they're setting people up for disappointment.
Warning: incoming court battle. (Score:2)
Warning: incoming game. Warning: incoming game.
The computer animated series Reboot was the first to introduce the purple game cube [google.com]. It appears Mainframe let the rights to that phrase slip away to Nintendo [google.com], and Nintendo might sue if any future Reboot has a "game cube".
Re:Just Make a Reboot Movie (Score:2)
Re:Just Make a Reboot Movie (Score:3, Funny)
Microsoft sponsored and approved! (Score:3, Funny)
"It looks like you're trying to stop the evil chess program, would you like to..."
I wonder if he'll be voiced by the same guy that did Jar-Jar.
plugs (Score:4, Informative)
You know the scene where Tron is on that boat-like thing that rides the laser? if you watch the landscape you can see a GIANT mickey mouse head outlined. It's bigger than the screen; it moves from right to left and it's a lighter blue than the ground. It's just a big circle with two smaller circles but it's definitely mickey's profile.
Re:plugs (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Disney to Fuc^H^H^HRemake Tron (Score:2)
What a piece of crap!
The plot was total jibberish. The techno was all babble. All it had going for it was the look, and the look had become pretty dated. If they're going to redo TRON, they're going to have do a pretty extensive re
Re:Disney to Fuc^H^H^HRemake Tron (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Disney to Fuc^H^H^HRemake Tron (Score:4, Informative)
Watch the 20th anniversary DVD for the story.
Personally, I watch Tron and I still find it visually impressive - the artwork doesn't date that badly because its so abstract. Still, its a shame that it didn't recieve an award for the visual effects (using computers and post-prod stuff for effects was considered "cheating").
Yes, the plot is a joke and the technical details are absolutely monstrous to geeks like us, but the movie is still visually neato, and the acting is passable.
Poor choice for a remake. (Score:5, Insightful)
With all of the CGI enhanced movies being done today, great special effects won't have the same impact.
There will certainly be some draw based on nostalgia, however I think that will lead mostly to disappointment.
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:2)
Seriously though, how often are remakes not big huge disappointments? Hollywood will only stop making them when people stop going to see them. I think people who go and see a movie that is a remake or a sequel for nostalgic purposes are the reason we have so many bad movies in the theater right now.
BTW, I'm guilty. I went to see Ocean's Twel
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:2)
For remakes, the name is often the same as the original film, so I can imagine that quite a few people just see the title of the original film in the cinema programme, think that's what they'll get, and only find out the mistake after the film started.
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:2)
Don't beat yourself up too much, 12 was not really a remake but a sequel. Ocean's 12 was a sequel to Ocean's 11, which was a poor remake of the original Ocean's 11, which was a pretty lousy movie. Although the 11 remake did capture well the concept of "bunch of popular older actors with little screen chemistry and random scenes with little plot to tie them together."
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:2)
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:5, Insightful)
You put your finger on it. I remember hearing on the Tron DVD that they were wanting to do "Tron 2" (as a movie) and thinking "what is the point?"
Tron was never a great movie; visually it was outstanding (I don't want to repeat myself, so click here [slashdot.org]), but if they were to do a sequel it would have to replicate the visual impact. The still images of the proposed "Tron 2" looked like pretty computer graphics that could have been done anywhere.
A remake or a sequel would have to try very hard to do justice to the original and be fresh and innovative; the best way to do that would be to do some great visuals, combine it with a more sophisticated (for todays' audiences) computer-based plot, and create something like.... 'The Matrix'. Oops.
I agree 100%. Tron was a landmark movie in some ways, but things have moved on, and I'm not sure what they want to get out of this. People *will* be disappointed, and kids will wonder what the deal is.
Tron 2 already exists... (Score:3, Informative)
The game is over a year old, so new video cards can easily handle it 1600x800.
The game has a decent story and lots of Tron nostalgia. To me, the sequel will have to compare to the game more than the first movie.
Yah, they should do Logan's Run (Score:2, Interesting)
Did APC samples images for one their videos?
Re:Poor choice for a remake. (Score:2)
I'm surprised some of these movie makers don't realize that a remake like this is going to get most of its support from the nostalgia (IMHO).
The Doom movie had always interested me because I would throw my $7 at someone showing a Doom movie in a microsecond. Then I heard that they were bastardizing the plot, from fighting demons from hell on Mars to fighting mutants from Earth on Earth. Needless to say I don't have any interest in the project anymore.
...hm (Score:5, Insightful)
A new movie. Like with new ideas. That'd be crazy.
Re:...hm (Score:3, Insightful)
You know what'd be crazy ? A new movie. Like with new ideas. That'd be crazy.
Well sure, but Disney's not talking to Pixar anymore... :-(
Re:...hm (Score:3, Informative)
this? [imdb.com]
or this? [imdb.com]
possibly even this? [imdb.com]
And those are just the good movies. But you're right.. generalizations are fun.
Re:...hm (Score:3, Insightful)
however, I think the parent is getting at lack of original sci-fi in film, which there is a lack of. The only thing jumping out at me right now as original is Sky Captain, which wasn't a juge hit.
I'll get flamed for saying this I'm sure, but Sci-fi does not have the same wide appeal as any of the movies, for example, you just named... You need something to hook people, something they can relate to based on something they have already se
Re:...hm (Score:2)
It makes sense... take a book with an established fanbase that's exciting and well thought out, and make it into a movie. That way the studio doesn't have to worry about the story being plausible, since the original author did that. They just nee
Re:...hm (Score:2)
Sure, most of the science fiction that hollyw
Re:...hm (Score:2)
But, the comic-book genre hasn't been milked to depletion yet! The sheep are busy grazing on Daredevil and Elektra at the moment, and there are dollars that need to be extracted before any other marketing efforts can be coordinated... please try again later.
Re:...hm (Score:3, Funny)
Sure, this is a movie, but you get the point.
Re:...hm (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:...hm (Score:2)
I'm wating for "Wargames 2" next.
Didn't you read the leaked memo? (Score:2)
Re:...hm (Score:2)
unusual amount of remakes, sequels, comic books, (Score:3, Informative)
Looks at what hollywood is churning out:
- fat albert
- fantastic four
- electra
- charly and the choclet factory
- harry potter
- flight of the phoenix
- lord of the rings (?)
- starwars (okay, prequel)
- another spiderman
- another batman
- another blade
- meet the fockers
- polar express
- lemony snickets
- ocean's twelve
- I Robot (?)
Hardly a new idea anywhere. I guess there are a few original ideas, but there does seem to be a lot of re-hashing of old ideas.
Re:...hm (Score:3, Funny)
Classic (Score:2)
Oh yeah, and f/p
Yay for Disney, you rock! (Score:5, Funny)
I think this is an excellent idea, another example of Disney's new groundbreaking philosophy. A groundbreaking... sequel. Get Eddie Murhpy in to do some voices, add a breakfast cereal tie-in, a trailer that only airs in front of one of their other loser movies, a McDonald's meal toy, and you're well on your way to a Disney classic!
Almost forgot, better hire Pixar to do the actual movie itself, Disney only does cross-promotional advertising now...
Funny? or add sarcasm and call it "Insightful" (Score:2)
And yeah, Pixar. But these intelligent chimps already decided not to keep distributing Pixar's product. I'll bet the re-sign bonus would break Disney's reserves.
Re:Yay for Disney, you rock! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Yay for Disney, you rock! (Score:3, Insightful)
One word: Fastpass.
(I'm only semi-serious)
And CGI? (Score:3, Insightful)
Will Jeff Bridges be in it?
Re:And CGI? (Score:2)
So confused (Score:2, Troll)
On the other hand Tron is still a great movie to watch. A decent storyline, very good graphics (even by todays standards), action, mystery, the works.
I'm so confused.
Evil Disney details (Score:2)
If you're new to Slashdot:
To learn more about why 'smooth wombat' included The Walt Disney Company in an "Evil Trinity", you can read some background information at Losing Nemo [losingnemo.com].
Re:Evil Disney details (Score:2)
Search for "Miramax catholic" on google to get an idea. Of course, this only shows more of disney's hidden agenda [geocities.com].
Re:Evil Disney details (Score:2)
Miramax Films, property of Disney, has made many anti-catholic movies, or movies that go against catholic morals
I used to have some right-wing arguments on Losing Nemo, but then people claimed that despite what Disney has done to the intellectual commons, they would support Disney because they like Miramax's anti-Catholicism and Disney's "Gay Day".
Disney product placement (Score:2, Funny)
"Hey, this Frisbee brand disc really gives me the game I need to win! All kids should have one of these!"
"This re-engergizing river takes just like crisp refreshing Sprite!"
"Back home, I had a game on my Microsoft X-Box 2 that was just like this Tron bike race!"
Hey, Disney, lay off for a while, so our kids can grow up!
Enough with the remakes already! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enough with the remakes already! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Enough with the remakes already! (Score:2)
Tron (Score:5, Funny)
Looking at the current situation, will Disney call it Pr0n?
Re:Tron (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Tron (Score:2)
Tron 2.0 -- the game (Score:2)
Although the 3D engine is the HL engine (not sure though), they spent a *lot* of time on the solo-play story line, a very unique gameplay feel, and visual detail. If you look at some of the scr
Re:Tron 2.0 -- the game (Score:2)
It's even more worth the $10 or $15 you can find it for online these days. Check it out.
Re:Tron 2.0 -- the game (Score:2)
I liked how the game incorporated newer technology ideas that weren't around back then, yet stayed truthful to the Tron universe.
The bit that does worry me is the mention of wanting to appeal to a younger audience. I really hope they don't dumb it down, or add some goofy sidekick product-tie in character.
I wish Disney could make animated films without demanding that at least one character is there to hold
I hope the graphics are low-tech cool (Score:5, Interesting)
Now we have movies like The Matrix, where they go inside a computer and it looks like San Francisco.
I hope the new Tron remake doesn't got too overboard and make things look too 'realistic.' I'm kind of sick of CGI that looks real. I have real every day.
New plot (Score:5, Funny)
From Disney's Golden Period (Score:3, Funny)
Tron is a great metaphor (Score:2)
Hey if the Hollywood mincemeat machine has it's way, a game would come out and it would probably look just like Armagetron.
Bill Gates should play MCP. "MCP" sounds alarmingly like a Microsoft "Cert" doesn't it?
Re:Tron is a great metaphor (Score:2)
It is.
Microsoft Certified Professional.
End of Line.
Pixar involvement? (Score:2, Informative)
I dunno if that'll happen, but I think there's a good chance it would end up a much better flick if Pixar ran with it. I'd be very curious to see what they could do.
what's wrong with the original? (Score:2)
But, c'mon, Tron stands just fine on its own. Watch the 20th Anniversary DVD and tell me, really, is it so out of date? Does it make you cringe? Or is it a perfectly fine movie?
So why remake it? Why not do a sequel instead? Is that so far-fetched?
Syd Mead (Score:3, Interesting)
It won't be Tron without light cycles, Recognizers and those nifty asymetric tanks!
Not as bad as other /.ers think (Score:2)
A few thoughts on how the update could work.
Re:Not as bad as other /.ers think (Score:2)
Tron 2.0 the MOVIE (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm confused. Hollywood Stock Exchange has been selling Tron 2.0 stock [hsx.com] since September '99.
That's 2.0, not a remake.
They claim the director of Tron is writing the screenplay.
I really hope the HSX is right. Especially since I bought 50,000 shares @ $4.29.
Maybe they can call it . . . (Score:3, Funny)
I'm Looking Forward To It (Score:3, Informative)
However, if it does end up being good and have a halfway decent story, it will bring a story that many of us have enjoyed for a long time to a new generation of fans. How many kids out there do you know of that have watched Tron? What about Cloak and Dagger? D.A.R.Y.L? These are classic movies that most people won't see unless they're redone and released again in theaters.
I'm looking forward to taking my niece to the movie, and having another 'geek' movie to watch with my wife (she LOVES LoTR). It's going to be tough to make it as good as the original, but I think that's fine as long as it's not completely awful.
Watch out for the MCP (Score:2, Funny)
Tron was crap. (Score:2)
Tron was a really sh1te movie with a few nifty ideas - that was it. It was a sign of it's times, but was in no ways "revolutionary" - it was lame.
Re:Tron was crap. (Score:2)
What made it truly interesting is that it hit on the idea that the creators don't have a uniformed plan, they were just do
Re:Tron was crap. (Score:3, Interesting)
You've nailed the underlying metaphor of the movie (the champion or messiah myth) almost spot on. There was a novelization of the movie released at that time that included more explict content related to the programs' religion. The only real difference between the user/program relationship and the god/worshipper relationship in Christi
Ouch! (Score:5, Funny)
"Doc, I've been having big headaches ever since my computer tried to suck me in and I smacked into ZoneAlarm. I immediately turned around, phoned a Gateway rep, and while very helpful, said I should talk to Verizon about the rogue worm that sucks people into mainframes. I mean, you can only imagine if I'd ended up in a Windows 2003 cluster. Thank goodness Cisco routers stand as a line of defense between me and the electroworld, dominated by evil Open Source communists."
It will be a much more interesting story of (Score:2)
in Pixar was pretty much a gleam in Ed Catmull's eye [pixar.com] back then. Tron [osu.edu] was a technicolor collage of animation from a whole zoo of hacked grap
the other mouse (Score:3, Interesting)
But who better to remake it? (Score:5, Funny)
If there's a studio more qualified than Disney to write that story, I don't know who it is.
Disney? (Score:2)
I wish they ... (Score:2)
Disney could do geek humour, back then (Score:2)
Pefect for a SQL NOT a remake (Score:2)
I thought they did this (Score:2)
Now when they make "Old Yeller and the Black Hole" then I'll get excited.
A Simple Bit of Disney Flame (Score:2, Funny)
Remake not needed! (Score:2)
My favorite scene is at the end when the helicopter takes off above the lit-up city and the whole thing turns into a circuit-board looking schematic. I still have a thing for looking at cities at night out of tall buildings
(Best view: Bathroom at the Signature Lou
The new Tron story (Score:5, Funny)
With "talent" like this, it has to be good (Score:3, Informative)
I saw the names of the two writers credited with getting the screenplay gig, and figured I would look them up in IMDB to see what else they have written. That ought to be a pretty good predictor of what to expect, right?
Well, here's the results:
So Disney is hiring two writers with practically no experience to work on a property that has been dead for 20+ years. My guess is that you should not expect the finished product to rival the LoTR trilogy :-)
You can't "remake" a work of art (Score:3, Insightful)
"Sternthal told the trade paper that the new conceit is that the computer programmer gets trapped in a cyberworld, so that the film can utilize the Internet."
That's not TRON. That has nothing to do with the movie TRON. If they call it TRON, they're retarded.
Re:Tron Redux (Score:2)
Re:Tron Redux (Score:2)
Original Stories? (Score:2)
How about doing orginal stories? Seems those have done fairly well, particularly for Pixar, which when well done lead the audience into uncharted territory and are far more interesting.
Re:I know what you're thinking (Score:2)
Re:Obligatory (Score:2)
I'd kill to have a part, though.
Re:Obligatory (Score:2)
Re:Maybe they can add some cheezy singing and musi (Score:3, Funny)
And don't forget a heroine who's a)drop dead gorgeous, b) possessed of a massive rack, and c) has at least one dead parent.
Re:Variety text (Score:2)
This is supposed to be a writer speaking?
Not for kids -- for adults (Score:3, Insightful)
Danger, Will Robinson!
Brian Klugman, if you're lurking, take a page from the Pixar notebook, and write a movie that will appeal to adults. The kids will get it, really. They're a lot smarter than most people in Hollywood give them credit for.
Chip H.
Not man into hell, but god into earth. (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, in many more ways it was a movie about a god venturing incarnate into the world.
"Do you believe in the users?"
"Of course! I mean, if there are no users, then...who wrote me?"
The oh-so transparent metaphors of atheism versus belief in a higher power are draped all over the movie.
Re:Disney Presents Tron-- Starring... (Score:2)
Now, there's a thought: Have Tarantino direct. That would be...uhm...interesting.
Re:Sing after me... (Score:2)