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Star Wars Fans in Line... at the Wrong Theater 618

Rollie Hawk writes "More than a month before the premiere of Revenge of the Sith, fans are already lining up. Outside Grauman's Chinese Theater, eleven diehard Star Wars fans (i.e. lifelong virgins) are waiting for tickets to go on sale. Unfortunately, it appears that the guys with girlfriends will have the last laugh as the Chinese Theater isn't even premiering the film."
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Star Wars Fans in Line... at the Wrong Theater

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  • Triumph (Score:5, Funny)

    by The I Shing ( 700142 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:04AM (#12152947) Journal
    I can only imagine what Triumph the Insult Comic Dog would to have to say about this group.
    • Re:Triumph (Score:5, Interesting)

      by shotgunefx ( 239460 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:16AM (#12153034) Journal
      That segment was so damn funny.
      "Which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?"

      Except for the LOTR kid. That was just kind of sad.
      • Re:Triumph (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Golias ( 176380 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:28AM (#12153141)
        Except for the LOTR kid. That was just kind of sad.

        Blackwolf the Dragon Master was hilarious!

        Besides, as weirdness goes, that kid's quirks were relatively harmless. It's not like his wizard robes were made out of human skin or something.
        • Re:Triumph (Score:3, Insightful)

          by shotgunefx ( 239460 )
          His part was funny at first until I realized, this kid will probably never get laid, EVER.

          Spock flipping them all of was pretty damn funny too.
          • Re:Triumph (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Golias ( 176380 )
            I dunno. He's excactly the sort of nerd who other nerds look up to. A sort of "alpha nerd" if you will. The more crazy and over-the-top a guy is, the more the "nerd-hags" (yes, just as "chubby chaser" men exist, so too do women who fetishize nerds) will tend to flock to him.

            I'm guessing he can get his share of wicca trim at a typical Ren Fest.
            • Re:Triumph (Score:3, Interesting)

              by shotgunefx ( 239460 )
              I hope so for his sake. He's definitely an "alpha nerd".

              I dunno, a lot of "embarassing stuff" other people find funny, I don't because it's painful to watch. Almost like I'm doing it. Same with rage. I watch something were someone is screaming and my body gets all worked up like I was mad, but I'm not. I watch someone holding their breath underwater and my breathing just tapers off. Maybe I'm the weird one :)
              • Re:Triumph (Score:5, Interesting)

                by Golias ( 176380 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @10:16AM (#12153590)
                Actually, there was a study (which I saw a bit about on PBS... "Scientific American Frontiers" I think... anyway, the one with Alan Alda hosting it) which showed that when you watch somebody experience something, your brain reacts in almost exactly the same way as if you experienced it yourself.

                This function of the way our brains are wired is what allows us to feel empathy.

                The corollary to this phenomenon could also be the reason why voyeurs often become crossdressers.
            • I hhave this friend, He um, could really, you know, would like to know more about these "nerd-hags". Where would I, um, He go to meet one.
    • Indeed, in line for ages, pulling their own Chuck Norris Texas Ranger lever.
    • Re:Triumph (Score:5, Funny)

      by TrippTDF ( 513419 ) < minus author> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:18AM (#12153050)
      That reminds me- Remember the wizard that shows up in the clip of Triumph making fun of the Star Wars geeks? I was on the subway coming back from Coney Island one day last year (after the Mermaid Parade) and that guy was on the car with me

      All I could do was chuckle to myself while he read proclimations from scrolls.
    • Re:Triumph (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Golias ( 176380 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:24AM (#12153102)
      What kills me about the "nerds" waiting in line for Star Wars prequels is they are such posers.

      When Empire came out, people waited in line days in advance because it was the only sure way to get in on opening night.

      Today, you can buy your tickets on-line in advance and show up just as the previews are starting. There is no reason to camp out for seats other than pretending to be as "hard core" of a fan as those who slept out for the original movies in '77, '80 and '83.

      Hey, you in the Jedi robes! Here's a clue: Real nerds will have already seen the illegal torrent file of the movie before you even get in the theater anyway. There's no geek-cred to be won simply by being the "first" to see the new movie, and all of the prequels are lame anyway. Go home and take a shower.
      • Re:Triumph (Score:5, Insightful)

        by wwest4 ( 183559 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @10:32AM (#12153787)
        So let me get this straight -- if you camp out because you must, you're a "real" nerd, and if you have time to do it out of a sense of nostalgia you're... what, cool? I can't think of anything nerdier than those dudes in the Triumph video. Modern-day Star Wars sidewalk campers are the benchmark standard for nerds everywhere.

        > There is no reason to camp out for seats other than pretending to be as "hard
        > core"

        Except, you know, because they want to socialize with Star Wars fans and play with lightsabers, and they think that's cool, despite the fact that it's not cool to the rest of us.

        News flash: "geek cred" is a worthless currency, and has been ever since the dot-com bubble burst. It's now back to just being an oxymoron. You've reached a crossroads: If there's a group deriving value and status from somthing that you deem worthless, and then you proceed to deride them for not sharing your sense of what's worth doing -- then congratulations, you're no longer a nerd. You're a cool person.

        > Go home and take a shower.

        If I stay home and torrent the prequels I already know I'm supposed to hate, why bother showering?

      • Re:Triumph (Score:4, Funny)

        by FuzzyBad-Mofo ( 184327 ) * <[moc.liamg] [ta] [dabyzzuf]> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @10:53AM (#12154075)

        According to the article, these fans are more interested in standing in line than seeing the movie itself:

        "The telling thing is -- for me, at least -- if the film is not playing at the Chinese ... I have zero desire to see it at all," a fan who calls himself Obi Geewhyen posted on the message board at "I'm in it for the lineup only and don't give a darn about the conclusion of this lackluster, so-called 'Star Wars' series."

        Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found the Comic Book Guy!

    • This must be the highest concentration of nerd on earth. 11 grade A StarWars nerds...20 feet...My god, they are going to bend the space-time continum or something!
    • by ArcticCelt ( 660351 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @04:29PM (#12158469)
      I like science fiction but I have never dressed like a character or joined any fan club on the subject.

      Still, I don't understand why people find it so strange that a small amount of hardcore fans dress each two years like their favorite hero but then, never make fun of the thousands of stupid jocks that paint their faces and go dressed in a clown looking way to their favorite football game every Sunday.

  • Suckers (Score:5, Funny)

    by chrispix ( 624431 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:04AM (#12152948)
    Take that for not having a girl friend!
    • Re:Suckers (Score:2, Funny)

      by Suhas ( 232056 )
      How can they be "Suckers" if they do not have a girlfriend.

      pssst... having a boyfriend, while technically correct, does not count.
    • I've been suspecting this for years. Fandom itself is more important than the thing you're a fan of.

      People think geeks aren't social, but it's absolutely not the case. Why else would standing in line be more important than the thing you're standing in line for?

    • Re:Suckers (Score:2, Insightful)

      Although I love watching star wars, I would never be so crazy enough about it to queue 40 days early, just to be one of the first.

      I would rather spend some time with my wife, who has been abroad for two weeks on business. When she got back on Monday, we really enjoyed being back with each other.

      Even if someone GAVE me a ticket to watch Starwars on a preview, but would clash with the time my wife returns from her trip, i would not give up being with her.

      The way I look at it, Starwars is a plain story, a f
  • HA! (Score:3, Funny)

    by 2.7182 ( 819680 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:04AM (#12152950)
    That's funnier than any joke I could attempt to post here!
  • by Flaming Foobar ( 597181 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:05AM (#12152952)
    You are confusing Star Wars fans with Slashdot posters. I know quite a few female SW fans. Many of them even have kids.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:09AM (#12152982)
      Well, they had to do something while waiting in line.
    • I know quite a few female SW fans. Many of them even have kids.

      Hell, quite a night when you play Luke for your gal while she playing Leia :] Just hope your kids won't be wookiee rookies, 'cause you'll have to slash the mailman :) Well, tastes, tastes :)

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Hell, quite a night when you play Luke for your gal while she playing Leia :]

        Um, you have incest fantasies? Ewww.
      • by Golias ( 176380 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:53AM (#12153315)
        Hell, quite a night when you play Luke for your gal while she playing Leia

        What people do at home is their own business.

        Hopefully your self-esteem can handle it when she asks you, "aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"
        • Considering... (Score:4, Informative)

          by Svartalf ( 2997 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @10:34AM (#12153829) Homepage
          ...that Luke and Leia are brother and sister, wouldn't playing Luke and Leia would be know...

        • Hopefully your self-esteem can handle it when she asks you, "aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

          Or it could get worse! "she" could make a comment along the lines of:

          I see that your schwarz is as big as mine!

          oh! wait a minute... wrong movie! Sorry about that. Nothing to see here... move along... move along.
    • Yeah, they're nerds, and we're geeks. There's a difference ya know!

  • by Kimos ( 859729 ) <kimos DOT slashdot AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:05AM (#12152953) Homepage
    Evidently the author of the article isn't aware of how desired the Star Wars Kid [] is...
  • by lucabrasi999 ( 585141 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:05AM (#12152955) Journal

    In other news, 600,000 Catholics are in line at the wrong basillica....

  • haha (Score:5, Funny)

    by Cruithne ( 658153 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:06AM (#12152963)

    ... so wait, are they still waiting?
  • by Blapto ( 839626 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:07AM (#12152967)
    From the article:
    "The telling thing is -- for me, at least -- if the film is not playing at the Chinese ... I have zero desire to see it at all," a fan who calls himself Obi Geewhyen posted on the message board at "I'm in it for the lineup only and don't give a darn about the conclusion of this lackluster, so-called 'Star Wars' series."

    Not only does he have a bit of a geeky tag, the reason he's waiting isn't to see the films but, well, to wait.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:28AM (#12153138)
      Obi Geewhyen?

      Either he's a doctor of the female arts and nerd...

      Or else he's a nerd +5 with absolutely no hope of ever glimpsing what a Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology sees all day long... ObGyn indeed!

      Nice job getting his handle into print though! ;)
    • by Golias ( 176380 )
      The lines at the Chinese for the original film have ascended to the status of pop culture legend.

      People who wait in line outside the Chinese for the (shitty) prequels are doing so for the exact same reason kids went to "Woodstock 2" in spite of the fact that nearly all of the bands at the show sucked. They want to feel somehow connected to the phenomenon.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:07AM (#12152971)
    if I feel a little better about myself after reading that?
  • by jeffy210 ( 214759 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:07AM (#12152972)
    If they don't have internet access, and no one tells them... how long will they sit out there?
    And then what type of a fit will they throw when they go to the correct theatre and there's already a line.
  • by Minute Work ( 749085 ) <ipirate&yahoo,com> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:09AM (#12152980)
    Maybe they are doing this just for the sheer enjoyment of it?

    I saw Episodes 1/2 on opening day and waited in line about 6 minutes combined. So it's not like they NEED to camp out to get tickets. Which come to think of it makes the whole idea of them standing in line for tickets anywhere, let alone a theatre that isn't even showing the movie... downright sad.

    What I'm looking forward to more than the movie is the comedy bit where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog shows up and tells the line camping nerds how nice they are... FOR HIM TO POOP ON!
  • They were already waiting in line for the sequel to two rather lackluster movies. I'd almost say that that standing in line at the wrong theater pales by comparison to standing in line for the wrong movie.

    Almost, because God help me, I'm looking forward to this one too.
  • by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:11AM (#12153003)
    eleven diehard Star Wars fans (i.e. lifelong virgins)

    Uh, hello, Kettle? This is Pot, returning your call....

  • by DogDude ( 805747 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:13AM (#12153017)
    ... in a way. I just played the PS2 game Star Wars: Lego, which lets you play a very accurate game based on episodes 1-3. Episodes 1 & 2 were very accurate, so I'm assuming that Episode 3 was accurate, too. If that was the case, then Obi-Wan follows Annakin to some volcanic planet, where they have a fight, and Annakin ends up losing and falling into lava. Obi-Wan thinks that he's dead. The Emperor finds him, and restores him as Darth Vader. Darth Vader gets pissed as soon as he wakes up with his new body, and smashes all of the machines. There was quite a bit more, too. All in this game that was released some time back. I thought it was one hell of a slip on somebody's part.
  • Haha (Score:2, Funny)

    by Jakhel ( 808204 )

    Han SolOWNED
  • by R.Caley ( 126968 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:16AM (#12153035)
    The best place to be when one of Lucas's abortions is released is in a cinema showing something else.
  • rotflol (Score:3, Funny)

    by http101 ( 522275 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:18AM (#12153046) Homepage
    "The force is EXTREMELY WEAK with this crowd!"

    Are you sure the Chinese theatre wasn't showing Space Balls or something??? I mean, really, this is something QUITE obvious. You'd think these people would at least make sure they're at the right theatre!

    {shakes head} Damned Lemmings...
    • STFU (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I mean, really, this is something QUITE obvious. You'd think these people would at least make sure they're at the right theatre!

      Please RTFA.

      The Chinesse theatre has shown all of the previous star wars movies. When the last movie came out there were rumors it wouldn't be playing at the Chinese theatre, but it ended up premeiring there despite those rumors.

      AFAIK, the Chinese theatre is a single screen theatre a few blocks away from a huge super-mega-multi-omni-ultraplex. Said plex is trying to work a deal
  • It's sad... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ral315 ( 741081 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:19AM (#12153058)
    When we're mocking stupid Star Wars fans while we all wait on bated breath for the next story to appear, so we can karma whore.
  • erm (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:20AM (#12153069) Journal
    Is it me or is this one hell of a frontpage troll? It reads likesome jock found a news story and thought he'd put the boot into us geeks.

    If this is the case then please fuck off to somethingawful or whatever the hellhole is you hang out because here we're beyond judging people on how many women they have fucked or gone out with.
    • Re:erm (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cliffski ( 65094 )
      Amen. Its pretty tragic when people rail against some harmeless kids just because they love star wars. Would these kids be 'cooler' if they were selling cocaine or heroin on the same street instead?
      People have a fucked up idea of who to slag off.
    • Re:erm (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Headw1nd ( 829599 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @11:23AM (#12154425)
      When I saw this headline, it really made me wish there was some way I could mod the article itself down.

      This is really a sad commentary on the position of slashdot readers in the social order, and I'll illustrate why with a anecdote from middle school: At recess I often used to watch the field behind the soccer goals, because it's where the social outcasts would go to pick on each other. Day after day they would battle to determine the pecking order of the bottom 5th percentile. Fights like those didn't go on in the upper levels, where looks, money, and prestige determined social rank. It was fascinating, and tragic. In the end, the winners gained nothing, and the stuggle only served to make their lives that much more miserable.

      Now for those that didn't understand the moral, here it is; If you pick on the weakest people you can find, it is because you are yourself weak. If you are actually important or noteworthy in some way, you wouldn't have to point out failings in others to try and aggrandize yourself. Hugh Hefner doesn't need to scoff at other's sexual exploits, because he is legendary in that regard. If you do, you are obviously not.

      So for everyone out there who felt the need to say, "har dee har, at least I'm not those guys", congratulations, but recess is over. So point your eyes back down at the floor and don't bump into anyone in the hall, because to everyone else, you're still at the bottom.

      • Re:erm (Score:3, Insightful)

        by deft ( 253558 )
        Dear lord those days on the side of the soccer field really sucked the sense of humor out of you.

        It's funny that they could do so much planning to go see a movie, and completely fail to check to see if the movie was showing there. It just is.

        Oops, everyone laughs, and if they have a sense of humor, they will laugh as well and move to the right theater.

        You'd probably be right there to make it a big f'ing deal though, and try to throw your baggage on top of them.

        You think the people waiting for months out
      • Re:erm (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Quinn ( 4474 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @05:08PM (#12158967) Homepage
        The "insult" itself was innocuous, but the comedic impotence of the stale "nerds are virgins" commentary was aesthetically offensive.
  • by freaksta ( 524994 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:20AM (#12153070) Homepage
    Thats not very appropriate.
  • Line Films (Score:5, Informative)

    by zoomba ( 227393 ) <.moc.liamg. .ta. .131cfm.> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:21AM (#12153079) Homepage
    This will be the first SW Movie since they started the re-releases I won't be in line for. Though that's more due to work than a lack of desire to be out there camped in front of the theater. Though my stays (2 days 1 night) were never as long as these guys out in CA, they were long enough to get the most enjoyment out of the experience.

    The line is more fun than the movie, by far. Everyone out there is there because they're dorks, nerds, geeks. They enjoy Star Wars, and a film premier is likely one of the few times they get to gather with other fans and geek out about their hobby. It's always a good time with people sitting around playing cards, eating pizza, drinking soda, playing board games (video games one year when the theater owner rolled out a TV on a cart for us to use) etc. Essentially the line ends up being a day or two long party.

    So many here love to mock the line goers, but how many of those people have been to a Linux, gaming or hacker convention? How many have gone to some sort of industry conference? It's the same thing. Lots of geeks gathering in one place to talk about the stuff they enjoy.

    The line is more fun than the movies ever are. By the time the opening crawl starts on the screen, I've been awake for 2-3 days and soon I'm nodding off. I don't care though cause I know I'm not missing anything, I already experienced the most fun part.

    While I won't be in line this year, I will be thinking of my friends back home who will be.
  • by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:21AM (#12153080) Homepage
    This not the theatre you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along...


  • hmm (Score:3, Funny)

    by Joe the Lesser ( 533425 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:22AM (#12153088) Homepage Journal
    Difficult to see, the future is.
  • Their response (Score:4, Informative)

    by Vamphyri ( 26309 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:23AM (#12153090) Homepage Journal
    The fans in line have heard your pleas and have answered with the following rfom [] : is staying in the spot where we have great relationships with the theatre, the local businesses, and the Hollywood Division of the LAPD. We are lining up at the theatre where the first Star Wars premiered in 1977, where all of the prequels have played, where George Lucas, R2D2, Harrison Ford, and Darth Vader have their footprints in the world-famous "Forecourt of the Stars".

    We are raising money for an amazing charity, Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation, that works to brighten the lives of seriously ill children. We've only been in line for 3 days and we have already topped more than $6200 in donations, with hopefully tens of thousansds more to be raised.

    Twice before we've lined up at Grauman's Chinese Theatre without confirmation that the films would play there. Twice before, we've been told it was going to play somewhere else. Hopefully, our luck holds out for a third time. If not, we'll still have an incredibly fun time relaxing with other Star Wars fans and raising both funds and awareness for the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation.
  • by huphtur ( 259961 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:54AM (#12153327)
    star wars line []
  • by catdevnull ( 531283 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @09:54AM (#12153331)
    -You spend 6-8 week in line for movie tickets to Star Wars and no one at work really misses you.
    -While you're in line, your mom is just glad to have your ass out of the house so she can fumigate your room.
    -In your zeal to be "first" (you're probably the same geeks that post "first post" trolls on /.), you overlook the possibility that this theatre may not premiere your beloved movie.
    -Even slashdotters make fun of you.
  • Not so bad (Score:5, Funny)

    by sjonke ( 457707 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @10:04AM (#12153461) Journal
    They could actually end up seeing a decent movie.
  • by SiliconEntity ( 448450 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @12:24PM (#12155265)
    I know you guys like these old timer stories...

    I saw Episode IV (the first one, at the time just called Star Wars) on its premier at the Chinese Theater (then called Mann's before the name went back to Graumann's). We didn't camp out but we did spend a couple hours in line.

    Science fiction wasn't a big deal in those days. Probably the biggest sci fi film previously was 2001 from almost 10 years earlier. The last "line around the block" movie was Love Story. I was hoping it wouldn't be too crowded, but the weekend before it opened Time magazine had a big spread on the movie, with pictures that made it look fantastic. So we did have to wait pretty long.

    But we got good seats, and as the lights went down I heard a couple of guys talking in the row behind us. Apparently they were in the industry and had already seen the movie in pre-release.

    "I really envy the people here," he said.

    "Why?" asked his buddy.

    "Because they're about to see Star Wars for the first time."
    • I can relate to what the industry folks were talking about. As a fellow old timer, I saw Star Wars for the first time (first 10 times, actually) in the theatre in 1977 and was absolutely blown away by the special effects. When the Star Destroyer flew overhead in the opening scene, the entire audience gasped in astonishment, and everyone was wondering just how BIG that thing was. First (and only) wait in line for the premier was for Return of the Jedi - My friends and I got there at 8:00 AM the day of f
  • by cei ( 107343 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @12:26PM (#12155288) Homepage Journal
    Since moving to LA I've enjoyed many films at the Chinese Theater. In my opinion, it's still the best screen and auditorium in town. It seems like at the Chinese you're more likely to have a good crowd that's really into the film and having a good time. (The room holds close to 1500 people and the energy levels can be contagious... I always get a smile on my face when people start cheering the THX trailer before the film even starts...)

    The one downside is, sometimes they book utter crap onto their main screen. A showing at the Chinese should be about spectacle. It's not where you want to see a small, intimate romantic comedy. It's where you go when you want to see things get blown up and have the speakers blast you out of your seat. As much as the Arclight tries, it really doesn't have the same impact as the Chinese, IMHO.

    If Paramount is indeed a co-owner of Mann's, as the article mentions, that might explain some of their poor booking choices. No, I'm not in line, but I kind of agree with the guy interviewed. If it's not going to show at the Chinese, why bother seeing it on the big screen at all? Any other theater would pale in comparison and not be as enjoyable a movie-going experience.

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
