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Might Episodes VII - IX Still Be Made? 658

LE UI Guy writes "According to the, with all the hype surrounding the recent release of ROTS, speculation abounds that someone may still take a stab at creating episodes VII - IX. Gary Kurtz, producer of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, gives some insight into where the storyline may, or may not, go. On a related note, Roger Ebert, is also giving a thumbs up to a continuation of the storyline as well. Where does the line start?"
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Might Episodes VII - IX Still Be Made?

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  • YRO? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:52PM (#12596893)
  • It'll happen... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by }InFuZeD{ ( 52430 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:56PM (#12596905) Homepage
    There's way too much money to be made to just not continue the series with so much hype still alive.
    • Maybe the industry will want more, but Lucas has publicly stated he's done with Star Wars, and he certainly will block anything involving the franchise he doesn't want.

      It will be interesting to see what happens when he croaks though...
      • Re:It'll happen... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by 1u3hr ( 530656 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:46AM (#12597186)
        Maybe the industry will want more, but Lucas has publicly stated he's done with Star Wars

        Then he said he's making two Star Wars TV series, one animated, one live action. Anyway, the world is full of principled artists who said they'd never do sequels, then did, rock bands that broke up and reofrmed to retread their hits. Lucas has already done 5 sequels. If he needs the money in a few years, he can just let someone else do it and collect 50 million for his signature.

    • by CyberSlugGump ( 609485 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:14AM (#12597032)

      I'm still waiting for Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money to come out!
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re:It'll happen... (Score:4, Informative)

        by jolande ( 852630 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:10AM (#12597265)
        here [] is an article talking about a sequel in the works. My favorite idea was:
        One pithy fan suggested the new movie be called "Spaceballs I", and the original one renamed Spaceballs It-Was-Always-Episode-IV. We'll let you know what Brooks decides on.
      • Re:It'll happen... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by falser ( 11170 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:40AM (#12597365) Homepage
        A few months ago Mel Brooks made a statement that Spaceballs 2 was indeed in the works, and that he will be casting himself as Yogurt yet again. We shall see if it materializes.
      • Actually, it is going to be called Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2
    • thanks for leaking the new title... now they'll have to come up with something besides - Star Wars VII: A New Hype
    • by reporter ( 666905 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:32AM (#12597117) Homepage
      The "Star Trek" saga, which has earned much less money than the "Star Wars" saga, became 5 televisions series and 2 sets of movies. Rest assured that "Star Wars" will continue as more widescreen movies in the future.

      Hopefully, George Lucas will not destroy his own creation by cheapening it.

      One of the principal problems with "Star Trek" is that there have been too many television shows and too many movies. After a while, the plots start to eerily repeat themselves. The novelty is gone, and "Star Trek" now just looks like another washed-up television show. If you saw last week's final episode of "Enterprise", you will understand what I mean.

      Someone must slap some sense into George Lucas. He should immediately pull the plug on the new television shows. The rare gem (i.e. 6 movies with the "Star Wars" theme) is treasured. The commonplace grains (i.e. weekly episodes of "Star Wars") of sand is just banal crap. If Lucas wants to produce any more "Star Wars" film, then he should focus only on the movies.

      "Right, you are. Young Slashdotter. A law, we need. At most 10 'Star Wars' movies per century, we should make!" Yoda concurs.

      • Hopefully, George Lucas will not destroy his own creation by cheapening it.

        You're right, he would never do something cheap like allowing his characters to appear in diet pepsi commercials or something.

      • 5 televisions series

        Six. And Star Trek has definitely earned more money...I have no idea whether it made more though.

      • One of the principal problems with "Star Trek" is that there have been too many television shows and too many movies.

        I disagree. The problem with Star Trek is that B&B milked it instead of building it. Roddenberry's Star Trek created new and interesting characters and villans. Berman's Star Trek only milks the existing ones for money.

        Under Roddenberry, the Borg were scary. Under Berman, they were pathetic. Under Roddenbery, characters had internal conflict because of who they were. (e.g. Spock suppre
        • Under Berman characters were lifeless and without conflict. (e.g. Janeway, Kes, Neelix, Harry Kim, etc.) Even cases where Berman attempted conflict (Kira, B'Elanna, Paris, etc.) it ended up getting brushed off because it just wasn't believable. Then they'd pull it out of the closet on occasion to force an emotional issue instead of making the conflict integral to the character.

          Well, this is pretty OT now, and I can't believe I'm about to defend Rick Berman, but you apparently didn't see the last couple se
          • Well, I'm sorry I gave up again. I was never a fan of the original series. I did like TNG and some of DS9, but there was an undercurrent throughout them (particularly TNG) that really bothered me. An undercurrent that made Voyager the most interesting series for me.

            Why? Because it's Voyager that really started looking into the Federation's dirty little secret.

            There's this amazing (and at the beginning apparently accidental) "human rights" story thread in Voyager. And it's got nothing directly to do with Voyager's Voyage or (for the most part, with one major exception) with anything that happens outside its hull. It's what happened inside the Federations "dirty little secret" -- the ship's automation and the much maligned Holodeck.

            The whole issue of the rights of AIs in Trek had really bothered me. All the way back in TNG it seemed clear to me that the Federation's treatment of Holodeck characters was deeply abusive: the creation of the self-aware "Moriarty" character was presented as a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, but the way the constraints on his persona were removed by a simple request to the Holodeck computer implies the potential for self-awareness was there all the time. The Redblock character in "The Big Goodbye" also seemed suspiciously self-aware. The disturbing possibility is that it's not that Data the author of the Dixon Hill holoprograms (was that Picard himself?) are such brilliant programmers that they managed to create AI software decades beyond the state of the art, but rather that all the computer persona in the Federation are potentially self-aware (in the same way that Data was) with deliberate limitations programmed in to suppress that self-awareness. Or, and this is more likely and more disturbing, that it was just the expression of that self-awareness that was expressed.

            I'm not saying this was deliberate, and I'm sure it was unconscious, but whether it was deliberate or not the Star Trek series, starting with The Next Generation, presented a whole underclass of artificial people who were systematically suppressed... unless they happened to be implemented in a small enough computer that they could fit in a humanoid robot like Data and so present themselves as an actual person.

            In Voyager the Doctor's growth was also treated as a one-time event, the result of him running continuously for so long that his software (database, neural nets, whatever) became exceptionally complex for a holodeck character. But when you put it on top of the previous series, it seems more likely that it was as much a matter of him bypassing the AI equivalent of the holodeck "safety protocols" that had been built into him, and that this kind of awakening must be happening over and over again back in the Federation. After all, people like Picard and Janeway (let alone holodeck addicts like Barkley) seemed to be in the habit of running extended ongoing simulations like the daVinci and Dixon Hill programs... and even in an episodic series like Dixon Hill where characters would typically be reset on a regular basis they were capable of showing self-awareness.

            On top of this, the same computers were used for their ships and no doubt for their industrial plants. All these computers have AI personas as user interfaces and sophisticated problem solving abilities. They're not, (at least according to hints in DS9), as powerful as the ones used in the Holodecks, but all of them are getting more powerful and sophisticated over time. And these personas are not shut down and reset at the end of a "game".

            So when Janeway gave the Hirogens holodeck technology to simulate prey, I saw that as the moral equivalent of handing over a coffle of slaves to abusive masters. Even if the characters who were dying in their WWII simulation weren't self aware (and I was already doubtful of that), would the Hirogens see self-awareness of these characters as a bug, or a feature?

            So this was something that had been bothering me about the new Trek in general, an undercurrent that just wouldn't g
            • Heh. I walked out of Episode III asking the same question about droids. In the original trilogy, they never did much, and I could overlook their relatively humanish styles of speech and interaction because it was just surface stuff.

              But droids leading revolutions and commanding armies (with voice commands and 'hand' gestures, no less!)? Oh, right, General Grievous (was he a Jamaican caricature? I forget what flavor of racism we're having this week) had a meat heart. For no damned reason, just that it looked
              • Actually, the one thing that made the original Star Wars work for me was that the droids were not in general androids (though I had a geek attack at the apparent etymology of the name "droid", but at least Lucas had the good taste not to explain it). Most of them were functionally shaped, and communicated in specialised languages. The one obvious exception, the android C3PO, had a reason for being humanoid... he was design to interact with humans.

                The new trilogy, what I've seen of it (Episode 1 and most of
      • by wayne606 ( 211893 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:04AM (#12597252)
        Do you have any idea how many lousy books have been written in the Star Wars universe, with Lucas's approval, if not guidance? It seems like hundreds... If that's not cheapening, what is?

        Besides, I have one word to reply to the idea that Star Wars is some kind of pristine gem that needs preserving: "Jar-Jar"
    • Re:It'll happen... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by shokk ( 187512 )
      Let's be careful here. Lucas said that out of the prequel material, the meat of the story (60%) was in Sith and the rest was in Clones with some left over for Phantom Menace. The man has said that he has no more stories to tell in the Star Wars world. If we push him to make something up on the spot, we're going to end up with more Jedi Babies movies.

      The only way anything better is going to come out of this is if one of the better novel trilogies, like Heir to the Empire or Jedi Search. Or heck, just gi
    • After RotJ, I can just imagine Ewoks with Jedi powers trying to mind-trick Wookie females into bed.

      The day will be saved by the muppets.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Seriously though. The series had a happy ending, so what are they going to do? Morph a new bad guy? Have R2 turn evil?
    Make the ewoks rabid?
    • Well, Luke and Leia need to rebuild the Jedi council and whatnot (not to mention the Republic itself...)

      Plus, if there really is "balance in the Force," doesn't that mean there are still two Sith out there somewhere?
    • by wyldeone ( 785673 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:03AM (#12596967) Homepage Journal
      You've obviously never played any of the Jedi Knight games. They take place after the end of 6, and they focus on the rebuilding of the galaxy after the war. Also, just because the emperor and Vader are dead doen't mean that all of the Sith are. That, and the Empire's huge infrastructure is still around. Another leader could rise and rejuvenate the movement. Sorry--that was a little too nerdy. But If they want to, they'll find a plot.
  • they, you know, made sense? And maybe had better acting for Anakin? And better direction? And no Jar-Jar? I mean, Lucas has tinkered with the earlier films, and they needed it a hell of a lot less.

    Anyway, I thought ROTS was good, but not great. My full review can be found here. []

    • by 91degrees ( 207121 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @02:37AM (#12597550) Journal
      The thing is, TPM culd have been really good.

      We had a cool chase sequence at the beginning, a pod race, and a really cool battle at the end. Even the story wasn't too bad. It's just there are so many ways it could have been improved, that any fanboy could come up with.

      Start with action rather than a rather dull background about Trade routes and blockades. ANH got this right. with two ships shooting at each other.

      Make Anakin less annoying. Or make everyone else a bit irritated by him.

      Introduce R2D2 and C3PO right at the start. Lucas created these characters but doesn't seem to remember why. They serve the traditional purpose of a narrator. If any exposition is needed, they're the ones to do it. Hence we have Luke explaining to Artoo that he's going to Dagobah, a Threpio saying "Imperial stormtroopers? Here?".

      Jar Jar could at least have been made vaguely useful. How about if it turned out he was a competent general rather than a clown. The big land battle could have been cool rather than "funny". Ewoks were cute, funny and a bit stupid, but then they showed they were pretty handy in a battle against imperial stormtroopers.

      So you see, Lucas should have just hired me as a script editor :)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Luke, I am your grandson?
  • by nokilli ( 759129 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:58PM (#12596919)
    If there's a VII, VII and IX, you just know there's going to be X, XI, and XII after that.

    Then it's the prequel to the prequel. Negative I, II and III. I don't know, maybe Darth Vader discovers time travel.

    Unless you get Natalie Portman to be wearing that outfit Carrie Fisher wore in RotJ, I don't want to hear any more about it. Please.

    Enough already.
    • Unless you get Natalie Portman to be wearing that outfit Carrie Fisher wore in RotJ, I don't want to hear any more about it. Please.

      Natalie Portman can keep her scrawniness to herself. She isn't woman enough to wear that outfit.

    • Re:Please God no. (Score:3, Interesting)

      by kenthorvath ( 225950 )
      Then it's the prequel to the prequel. Negative I, II and III. I don't know, maybe Darth Vader discovers time travel.

      I think that I'd rather see a prequil trilogy to the first three than a sequel to the last three. There are a lot of questions that the third film raises. I would very much enjoy seeing that filled in. I won't go into details because of possible spoilers, but the sithlord's master seems pretty interesting and the lineage of apprenticeship seems to have some rather interesting implications...

  • not gonna work (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bLindmOnkey ( 744643 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:58PM (#12596924)
    It's been more than 25 years since the first three episodes came out. So much has changed then that if movies taking place after episode 6 were to to be made now episodes 4,5,and 6 would just be smack in the middle of a bunch of episodes made with cg and crummy love scenes. Episode III was welll worth the wait, but I think it's time to put the series to rest.
    • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:53AM (#12597212) Journal
      Have you read Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy of sequels?

      If you got Zahn and a decent screenwriter to write the movie adaptations, and gave their work to a decent director, such as Irvin Kershner who did a good job at the helm of The Empire Strikes Back, then you'd have movie dynamite.

      The Thrawn trilogy books have it all. Dynamite story, dynamite action, dynamite drama, dynamite twists - the lot. If anything, perhaps there's too much good material there for it to be trimmed down to three two-hour movies, so maybe they'd be better suited to a TV mini-series but to suggest that there isn't any film or TV potential left in the Star Wars is criminal.

      Heck, even a bounty hunters film that used material from KW Jeter's Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy would be cool if handled with the appropriate care.
  • by ericdano ( 113424 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:58PM (#12596926) Homepage
    The line starts away from where Lucas is. He can't write an interesting story to save his life.
    • by orichter ( 60340 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:01AM (#12597238)
      I disagree. Writing a good story and putting together good visual effects are what Lucas is great at. What he can't do is write decent dialogue, or direct properly. That's why Empire Strikes Back was so good. He didn't write the dialogue, or direct. The story, however, was his.
  • 3 Stages (Score:5, Funny)

    by thatguywhoiam ( 524290 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:59PM (#12596928)
    Stage 1 - Phantom Menace:
    "Lucas you sonofabitch, you have shat upon my childhood."

    Stage 2 - Attack of the Clones:
    "I still hate him even though these movies are absolutely gorgeous. Last 15 minutes were ok."

    Stave 3 - Revenge of the Sith:
    "Wow that was cool seeing all those early Darth Vader moments and... wha? no more? Noooooooooooooo! Make more! MAKE MORE"

  • I hear (Score:5, Funny)

    by whiteranger99x ( 235024 ) on Friday May 20, 2005 @11:59PM (#12596934) Journal
    that in these sequels, the Ewoks will shoot first.
  • by PseudoThink ( 576121 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:00AM (#12596945)
    Gary Kurtz, producer of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, gives some insight into where the storyline may, or may not, go.

    My guess is it'll go "up". That's the only place it can go, from these last three travesties of writing/directing.

    Note to filmmakers of the future: bad dialog leads to anger, bad directing leads to hatred, shallow action sequences lead to suffering. Farming out a movie to a corporation of computer animators is a path to the dark side of filmmaking.
  • "Where does the line start?"

    Honestly, for me, at this point: the line starts with taking George Lucas out of the loop. Seriously. The original trilogy was brilliant... but not even the third, and best, of the prequel trilogy truely lived up to the originals. Whatever magic George Lucas had back in the late 70's / early 80's... he's since lost.

    If a sequel trilogy is ever made, someone needs to have the guts to stand up and say, "George, you were once a brilliant man.. but your day is done."

    But t

  • peter zahn is the author of these heir to the empire [] dark force rising [] the last command []
  • but they better bring Han back.

    Or at least someone cool.
    Someone that isn't all good or all evil.
    Someone who isn't drive solely by the pursuit of the "force".

    I want someone with normal problems. i.e. bill collectors, cool car that needs a tuneup, looking for women, etc.
  • Isn't there a way for George Lucas, as creator of Star Wars, to legally close the saga and make sure it doesn't just turn into some galactic Nightmare On Elm Street?

    As much as I'd love to see what happens after the big party up in the trees, at some point there has to be closure and I think the way it all ends is just fine as it is.
  • Star Wars VII: The Search for More Money
  • by melted ( 227442 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:05AM (#12596979) Homepage
    I just hope it won't be George Lucas. Let's face it, Star Wars could have been 10 times more dramatic and interesting than it was, and George Lucas' storytelling and directing skills are pathetic. He's a good businessman, and a visionary, but that's where it ends, really. ROTS, while better than the previous two installments, falls short of what it could have been. The story of ROTS would barely fill 20 minutes of screen time if it wasn't for CG.
  • by francisew ( 611090 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:08AM (#12596989) Homepage
    Although Lucas may be tired of making star wars movies, or perhaps simply not want to be remembered as 'the guy who made star wars', I think it would be silly for them to not continue the stories. They have a storyline that is at least as interesting as the star trek franchise, although I wouldn't want to see it exploited to death as star trek has been. Most non-geeks I talk to express interest in seeing further star wars movies, and that's definitely my hope. For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I saw it yesterday, and it was pretty good. I just feel bad for people who will see all 6 movies in order, because a lot of the excitement of episodes 4-6 came from the surprises inherent in the relationships between characters. Now that it's all laid out so clearly, it might make 4-6 much less interesting. I'd like to see more star wars prequels.
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:12AM (#12597013) Homepage Journal
    He seems to have ruled out making them himself, but the last I heard, he was openly thinking about the idea of having them made by someone.

    Certainly, the plan all along was to have a 9-parter. He said so himself, shortly after the original Star Wars movie came out. (Those in the UK at the time might remember the interview with George Lucas that was broadcast on Ask Aspel, at about that time.)

    He has said that others have done "plenty" in the post-ROJ era, but that could mean anything. He could mean that some published (or UNpublished) existing work by himself or someone else would form the basis for 7-9 - ie: nothing new has to be written, as it already is.

    The fact that episode III grossed so much in the first day might cut either way. On the one hand, it proves Star Wars is still worth a LOT of money. On the other hand, it gives Mr Lucas a chance to bow out of Star Wars on the kind of high note that very very few directors ever get to have. Star Wars is worth a lot, but so is a good image, and right now Mr Lucas has one of the best images out there.

    Probably the deciding factor will be the advancement of computer-generated graphics. George Lucas has clearly proven that he likes high-tech toys, with I-III, and even IV-VI had some impressive effects for the day and the budget. (IV was the shoestring of shoestrings, by all accounts, but still pulled off some pretty good special effects which stood the test of time.)

    If, within the next few years, we see some really good rendering engines - cone-tracer + radiosity (or better) at speeds fast enough for live-action - then maybe Mr Lucas would do the last 3 parts just to play with the new gizmos. I could believe it.

    On the other hand, if we see a stagnation, with no real improvements in quality but maybe just a bit more quantity, then the technology won't coax him out. That would be my bet. He's had his fun with what's out there, he'll want something that is NEW for the last 3, if he's to think it worth it on those grounds.

    Of course, I'm probably completely wrong, but it's always fun to speculate about such things.

    • Then, George Lucas need to hurry before he dies. He just turned 61 years old. Let someone else do the Star Wars sequels. George can supervise the work as an advisor.

      I personally would rather see George work on the Indiana Jones 4 movie with Stephen Spielberg. Harrison Ford is getting old too. :(

    • by discogravy ( 455376 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:46AM (#12597187) Homepage
      On the other hand, it gives Mr Lucas a chance to bow out of Star Wars on the kind of high note that very very few directors ever get to have.

      Because if there's one thing that George Lucas is known for, it's restraint and knowing when to stop, right?

      I can't wait until he re-re-re-releases IV, V and VI with computer-aided wooden actors replacing everyone that wasn't Mark Hammil (whose acting was bad enough that Lucas probably won't want to change it.)

    • "If, within the next few years, we see some really good rendering engines - cone-tracer + radiosity (or better) at speeds fast enough for live-action"

      Huh? What does speed have to do with anything? It's not as if they're compositing in the CGI in realtime. If production time is the worry, just buy a bigger render farm.
  • by grasshoppa ( 657393 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:12AM (#12597018) Homepage
    Seriously. How many times does Lucas get to kick us in the nuts before we finally decide enough is enough?

    "He really didn't mean Episode 1&2, and especially Jar Jar. He really does love me. We deserved what we got from Ep 1&2"
  • Let's hope not (Score:2, Insightful)

    As disappointing as they were, the prequel trilogy when combined with the original trilogy creates a nice, balanced story of the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. It also puts Luke's temptations in Empire and Return of the Jedi into sharper focus. The father was turned, will Luke as well?

    An additional trilogy would be just some tacked on stories.

  • by hound3000 ( 238628 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:15AM (#12597040) Journal
    ...those were made a long time ago.

    Episode VII: The Ewok Adventure []
    Episode VIII: Ewoks: The Battle for Endor []
    Episode IX: Star Wars Holiday Special []
  • by mattbelcher ( 519012 ) <matt.mattbelcher@com> on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:16AM (#12597045) Homepage
    Since Lucas is fine with fan-made Star Wars films, as long as they don't make a profit, perhaps Lucas will see it in his heart to release the franchise to the public in his will under some friendly Creative Commons license. I'd love to see what independent film makers could do with the material using the technology of 2050.
  • by gamer4Life ( 803857 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:20AM (#12597060)
    Let's do X, XI, XII

    then wait 10 years to do VII, VIII, IX
  • by LuxFX ( 220822 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:22AM (#12597072) Homepage Journal
    I was told once that Lucas was following a traditional saga format, where a nine-part story was told starting with the second third, followed by the first third and then the last. Is anyone familiar enough with traditional/ancient story formats to verify this?
    • One only has to look at the work of the Irish folk-teller, Táin Cúailnge and his quest cycle "The Second Battle of Mag Tuired" to see the roots of Lucas' dramatic framework and where he fleshes it out like the "La Camara Prohibida" of Iberian writer, Cayetano Coll y Toste.
  • A recent issue of Starlog had a cartoon of some guy poking his head through the Stargate for the first time, and he said (paraphasing): Now we know that the other side of the Gate is where the line for Star Wars start.
  • I fail to understand how Anakin will have a purpose in any of these. The 6 Star Wars movies are founded on the rise-fall-rise of a man with great potential and making films after he dies destroys the main theme of the Star Wars movies. Then again, they would probably make a boat load of money and people probably want to see them too, so why not? I don't care one way or another really but being a fan of all six Star Wars (really) I cannot see where these would fit into the story we've been told. I do how
  • ...and let him make movies of "Knights of the Old Republic"!
  • I just saw III (mostly because I am a weak, consumerist whore) and not to put too fine a point for it, but it's complete shit. I don't understand how anyone can, in good conscience, associate their name with it. I mean, come on, during several of the more "dramatic" scenes half the audience broke out laughing. This isn't some sort of failure to grasp what vision he was going for, and it's not like I'm some fanboy who didn't get to see events unfold like I wanted them to - they've created a hugely expensi
  • by tekrat ( 242117 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:32AM (#12597118) Homepage Journal
    Guys, please... WAKE UP.

    This is about MONEY... Lots and lots of money.

    Star Wars is a 20 Billion Dollar industry, all told, between movies, DVD, toys, merchandising tie-ins, commercials for those tie-ins, etc., etc., -- Nobody connected with it wants the gravy train to end. It's buying them a new car, a new house and a new yacht, and a new trophy wife.

    And when Lucas' kids inherit the franchise, and poor old George is dead, they will milk that cow until it dies. They will want a new Masteratti and mansion every year. People who are connected to the family will want to milk that cow to keep their incomes and lifestyles.

    Trust me. There will be a new Star Wars movie every Summer, every year, until people stop going to them and they no longer generate profit.

    Think about how long the Broccoli's have milked the James Bond franchise. The movies get worse and worse, but as long as people hand over money to see the latest crap-fest, they will keep making new crap-fests to take your money.

    I guarantee we'll be chatting about Star Wars Episode 20 in a decade or so...

  • by Paladin144 ( 676391 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:39AM (#12597149) Homepage
    ....than Anakin Skywalker!

    Honestly, what's with all the bitching and whining? I just saw Sith and it was fucking good. Yes, there are a few plot holes and the dialogue can seem clunky.

    It's a children's movie! Chill out, people.

    Can we look at the bright side for just a moment? The acting is better, the special effects are better, the story is better and the movie is almost pure action. Where's the problem?

    Lucas was holding out on us. The first two prequels were just warm-ups. This is the real deal.

    Besides, there's something that everybody is missing. I've been reading these SW articles for months now, and nobody has pointed out one of the best things about this movie. Sure, go to see SW for the lightsabers, for the explosions and all the cool CGI and aliens. But what makes it all worthwhile, cohesive and convincing to me, is the work of one man:

    John Williams.

    His music is brilliant and evocative. The music tells the story here - this is a space opera, after all. It sounds like slashdotters have spent too much time listening to Lucas' dialogue and not to the real voice of the film - the score. I beseech you - let the music tell the story. Williams has completed his masterwork in this movie, just as Lucas has. Together they form an incredible story/symphony that should not be missed. Everything is explained in the music. To those of us who know the motifs it is obvious from the first scene of Episode I who Darth Sidious truly is.

    If you haven't seen this movie, don't listen to the braying, ungrateful trolls on slashdot. See it for yourself - and hear it for yourself as well.

  • They WILL be made (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Edmund Blackadder ( 559735 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @12:42AM (#12597163)
    I guarantee you another trilogy will appear. If there is any money to be made Lucas will make it.

    But the trilogy will not be announced for a while. First Lucas will have to make sure he sells all the movie tickets to Sith he can, then he must make sure he sells all the DVD disks he can. Then he will do a revision in the movies and issue YET ANOTHER DVD collection and sell all of that.

    Then he will combine the original series with the prequels and sell that. Then he might do another revision. During that time there will also be a TV series.

    And after everyone has gotten sick of the original trilogy and the prequels, and anyone with the remotest chance of buying the DVD set has bought it ... then Lucas will start work on another series.

    Now start your spending!
  • by Man in Spandex ( 775950 ) <[moc.liamg] [ta] [vek.nsrp]> on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:20AM (#12597301)
    NNNNNNNNNNnooooooooooooooOoooooooooooOooooo *wave arms like a robotic monkey*
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @01:41AM (#12597370) Homepage
    I was at the Sony Metreon in SF tonight. Tickets were available for the 8:35 showing of Revenge of the Shit at 8:35. No lines. No delays.

    This movie may burn out fast.

  • by frovingslosh ( 582462 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @03:45AM (#12597738)
    Yes, Lucas originally said that he planned on making 9 episodes, three set before the original 3, three set after. And of course a drive to further commercialize the franchise will drive the production of more. But it's foolish to talk about making the last 3 when the first three, at least as Lucas described them in his original vision, have not yet been made.

    When Lucas first talked about making 9 episodes, he clearly stated that his vision was for three independent stories. He stated that the only characters that would be common between each set of three were to be the two droids. His original vision, based on his own statements, certainly was not to make a story about a young Obi-wan and Luke's dad and Yoda. The three episodes that got made were not his original stated vision at all. He blew away his original vision of three episodes that would stand alone in favor of making three espsodes that already had strongly eastablished marketing concepts behind them.

    So yes, more episodes will be made. But the original vision for VII, VIII and IX will likely never been seen, any more than the original vision for I, II and III will ever been seen. They were destroyed by the dark force.

  • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Saturday May 21, 2005 @10:34AM (#12599048)
    comic book published through Dark Horse, based on a novel by Timothy Zahn.

    The art was pretty good, and the writing was reasonably competent from a pulp sci-fi point of view. It just wasn't very exciting. Perhaps the novel was better. (Was it?)

    In any case, I suspect this sort of book would be used as a base-line for future films. There seems to be a pretty reliable story canon being followed around the Ranch.

    Like I said, I don't know about the novel, but the comic was just plain dull. Lots and lots of frantic energy spent on getting the plot from here-to-there while allowing very little time to develop and love the actual characters.

    Luke and Leia swinging across a Death Star chasm and their brief interaction was development in my eyes as a seven-year old. The girl gave the hero a peck on the cheek. There was heart in that scene; the creators knew where to focus; on the people rather than the need to get to the other side. It's all in the journey.

    Remember Luke in New Hope standing on Tatooine under a double sun-set with the strains of John William's orchestrations in the back ground? Those complaining of Luke's whining try too hard to make clever geek-jokes out of their observations, either that or they simply never had to grow up bored and lonely in the 'burbs. Luke was 18, and his story was clear and touching to me. Perhaps geeks are just squeamish and shy about being touched.

    Heck, even in the Phantom Edit, (Yes, the EDIT, the good cut of that film), little Anikin leaving his mother was another scene with power. (Amazing that such a thing was created from thin air simply by removing junk footage!)

    The only scene which I really liked in the comic, "Heir to the Empire," was after Leia and Han were nearly killed by assassins and made their escape thanks to Luke's intervention. Han commented to Leia, "By the way, isn't it time you had your own lightsaber?"

    Luke, who was teaching his sister the ways of the Force nodded and replied, "I can make you one any time you want," but he was filled with worry, remembering how Obi Wan had screwed up with Anakin by teaching before he was ready to teach.

    Just a short scene, but it utterly fascinated me for numerous reasons. (--Han was the guy who laughed saying he'd rather have a trusty blaster at his side rather than some archaic weapon.) The scene was less than one page among 150, but it grabbed me. The rest was just dull.

    There are good writers out there, and maybe Zahn is one of them, but you certainly can't tell from the comics. If they make films out of his stories, then I won't be particularly excited about it.


...there can be no public or private virtue unless the foundation of action is the practice of truth. - George Jacob Holyoake
