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Sci-Fi Media Movies

Another New Serenity Trailer 175

CABridges writes "Brand new U.S. trailer for Serenity debuted on the SciFi channel tonight, and went online immediately afterwards. A combination of the first trailer and the international trailer, with more new stuff lines. Spoiler virgins beware: some plot is revealed."
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Another New Serenity Trailer

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  • Can't wait (Score:5, Insightful)

    by TheShadowHawk ( 789754 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @08:41AM (#13201523) Homepage

    Can't wait for this film.

    I still put a weekly curse on the executives who cancelled the TV series before it could find it's feet.

    Serenity NOW!
    • by bigman2003 ( 671309 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @08:47AM (#13201547) Homepage
      I was in some stupid 'team building' meeting at work the other day. It was one of those things where they hired a motivational speaker to come in and tell us all how to be good people.

      At one point, the speaker was talking about the 'Serenity Poem' and asked if anyone knew it.

      So, I raised my hand, and I was sitting there thinking, "Oh yeah, I know that one!"

      The instructor called on someone else, and she recited the "God give me the serenity to accept things I cannot change...blah blah blah..."

      Whoops, I'm glad she didn't call on me...because I really thought she was looking for the, "Serenity Now, Serenity Now, Serenity Now" mantra from George's dad on Seinfeld.

      That probably would have looked stupid...
      • by Anonymous Coward
        > That probably would have looked stupid...

        You were in a rah-rah meeting, and worrying about looking stupid? Words escape me, I can't even think of a bod metaphore....
      • You could've taken it a step further even, after making the joke you could have gotten up and left. Just like George started doing after his one good joke.

        "Thank you and goodnight!"
      • Re:Can't wait (Score:4, Informative)

        by Pedrito ( 94783 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @09:44AM (#13201708)
        That's the Serenity "Prayer", not "Poem." The Serenity Prayer originated in an obituary in 1942 and was later adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous (and later, other twelve-step programs) as a part of the program.
      • Huh, I would have thought that the Serenity Poem would have started out with something like "Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand..." or "He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, stood up to the man and gave him what for..." or something along those lines. :)

        Obligatory fortune-mod firefly [] link.
      • I was in some stupid 'team building' meeting at work the other day. It was one of those things where they hired a motivational speaker to come in and tell us all how to be good people.

        I hate 'team building'.

        My personal favorite is the activity where you're supposed to image you are in a boat in an emergency and you've got a list of things to keep/discard. I always keep the most valuable thing and tell the others that I would eat them so that I would be both well fed and rich when I was rescued.

    • I personally think it's just one of those series with GREAT trailers and ads, but once they come out they're crap or just can't interest me.
    • I just recently started watching Firefly from the beginning on the Sci-fi channel (I missed it the first time around). I cannot believe that this show was cancelled! The writing is phenomenal, and the acting is great! Then again, Fox is the network of idiots that cancelled Family Guy. One can only hope that Sci-fi will pick it up if it does well in the Friday time slot. (And also that Fox lets them; isn't there some kind of legal crap there?)

      Regarding the trailer, the best line by far has to be (from mem
      • I rather preferred..."Define interesting." "Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die?"

        As for sci-fi picking it up...from what I read, which is based entirely off comments I've read in other threads, Fox has some kind of insane contract which makes picking ip Firefly impossible; it stipulates there being no new episodes. However, it didn't say anything about a movie, so, here's a movie!

        Someone more informed should correct me about the contract if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's not that far off the
      • One can only hope that Sci-fi will pick it up if it does well in the Friday time slot. (And also that Fox lets them; isn't there some kind of legal crap there?)

        Yep. Fox owns all the rights to Firefly on television, and likely won't give any other channel the rights to pick it up again without paying hordes of cash. Same thing happened with TNT and Babylon 5: Crusade: Sci-Fi wanted to pick it up, TNT demanded way too much money, so it didn't happen.

      • I just bought and watched (almost all the way through) the dvd series. That is the best television I've ever seen. I'm hooked and want more.

        Makes other television look like crap, which is most likely why they killed it. I mean come on, you air a series out of sequence and expect an instant hit? The promos alone killed it by making it look stupid.

        I remember watching 10 minutes of Mrs. Reynolds and thinking it was silly. But then I watch the whole thing and was blown away. The whole series was witty, sm
    • I agree wholeheartedly, I CAN"T WAIT !!! And, may I also point out that because it was at the end of another episode of Battlestar Galactica I am sorely pressed to find another hour of TV that was so richly stocked with EVERYTHING I wanted. Thank you Battlestar, thank you Joss. Yes, i'm a Browncoat... I admit it.
  • Anyone got a downloadable link?
  • Am I the only one for whom the video runs about double-speed while the audio plays normally? Any suggestions on how to watch the trailer with sync?
  • Downloadable link

    Right click 'Save Link As...' []

    To confirm you're not a script,
    please type the word in this image: arrack
  • by superid ( 46543 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @08:50AM (#13201553) Homepage
    "This is going to get interesting"
    "define 'interesting'"
    "oh god, oh god we're all going to die?"

    Loved the delivery, can't wait to see this :)

  • by WebHostingGuy ( 825421 ) * on Saturday July 30, 2005 @08:51AM (#13201554) Homepage Journal
    How much money does the film have to make before they bring back the series?
  • I would say it looks ok, the 'science' part seems (on the surface, pun intended) a little shallow - and the effects look like starwars episode 4 (the dodging of shots on the moving hover vehicles).

    But, that aside, I hope the acting and story can push this into a mainstream audience, and perhaps even entertain!

    Aside from this, the 'unique future' seems a little cliche actually, and tired formula, are there any new concepts in this?
    • The literal "Old West" motif intrigues me. Everything from characterization, to actions, and even the costumes. I watched the end of the series pilot on SciFi last-night and enjoyed it. Whedon's writing is still great ("You want to run this ship?"..."Yeah!"...."Well, can't") and the casting/acting are very good. I have high hopes, both for the movie, and that success will lead SciFi to add it to their catalog of great original shows.
      • Rent the DVDs. I cannot stress this enough. Even out of people who saw a couple out-of-sequence airings on Fox and were underwhelmed, I don't know anyone who wasn't blown away by watching the series on DVD. I mean, I'm sure it's not for _everyone_, but if you're reading Slashdot, it's probably for you.
    • The science part IS shallow and this is intentional. How the ship actually moves from star system to star system is not just totally unknown but utterly irrelevant to the story. All that matters is that it does - or sometimes, it breaks down, and they need spare parts. The emphasis of the story of Firefly is on the people and how they interact, not on scientific babble.

      In this respect it is, indeed, very much like Star Wars. There's been a lot written about "the science of Star Wars", but in the movies the

    • Except they get sound right. No sound in space/vacuum!
  • by The I Shing ( 700142 ) * on Saturday July 30, 2005 @08:55AM (#13201567) Journal
  • i guess it looks kinda fun

    it reminds me that one of the neat things about the movie Aliens was
    how the hero didn't overcome by some inherent, over even trained,
    super skills. in fact, it is the inherently skilled (the android
    bishop) or trained ones who all die. it's so rare to have superheros
    these days that overcome through perseverance and wisdom and intuition
    (not knowing fancy fighting skills like they show in the Serenity
    trailer, or how to build things or hotwire --- just knowing what makes
    sense to do at a
    • The above comment might look completely off-topic until you realize that he's
      1. actually talking about Alien Resurrection (also known as Alien 4),
      2. which was written (in part) by Joss Whedon, the creator of Firefly (and Serenity, the movie under discussion).

      And yes, Serenity is a lot of fun, right up until the last reel (6/23 preview), which I'm still kind of hoping was a Whedon/Universal fake-out, anyway.

      "Do you know what your sin is?"
      "No, but I'm leaning towards wrath."

  • by Ohmster ( 843198 ) * on Saturday July 30, 2005 @09:20AM (#13201643) Homepage Journal
    Serenity definitely looks cool. With a broadband internet, we may be entering a time when cool, emerging shows dont get cancelled because they cannot find a big enough audience on TV or cable. Remember Star Trek was cancelled in the sixties for that reason and brought back via movies because of a core, but economically small audience. With the internet, audiences can be smaller and still allow the producers and distributors to make a profit. The day of broadband doing an end run around cable and TV are near. More here: l []
  • I'm trying to play this on SuSE9.3 with mplayer and the codecs package. The video is perfect, but the audio is absent. Anyone have any suggestions?
    • Compile your own mplayer, or switch to a distribution that ships a non-crippled build. It's fine in mplayer 1.0_pre7 on Gentoo.
      • Re:No audio? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by unigolyn ( 901327 )
        "I can't play a movie trailer" "Compile mplayer or switch distributions" Well, that does it. Linux just hit critical desktop mass.
    • You need the correct codecs. In this case you need the windows codec pack from the mplayer homepage [] (there is an open source decoder for the video which is why you only lack sound). If SuSE's compiled mplayer with support for win32 codecs you only need to install the codec pack and it will play. If they didn't you'll also have to recompile mplayer.

      If you don't have a PC but something else you're out of luck afaik.

    • Try Totem? I use it for all my video needs on Linux, and it seems to work with everything but .wmv.
  • Huh? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by healy ( 234314 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @09:29AM (#13201671) Homepage
    Maybe it's time to turn in my Geek card, but I fail to see the appeal of this. I'm a sci-fi nut & tried to watch the show when it was on but I thought it was some of the lamest acting and plot I'd ever seen. It was like a really bad western in space. I can't see why people are drooling over this movie coming out. I liked Buffy as much as the next person, but this seemed really weak to me.

    People on slashdot have an orgasm every time this movie is mentioned...I just don't get it.

    • Re:Huh? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by PenguinOpus ( 556138 ) on Saturday July 30, 2005 @09:34AM (#13201683)

      Watch the DVD set in its intended order and the show is much easier to appreciate. The apparently really botched it when they aired it originally. Another reason to pray for the (corporate) deaths of the executives at Fox who managed this.

      (I watched 7 seasons of Buffy on DVD and the found Firefly on DVD and really enjoyed it)
      • Other than The X-Files, Fox couldn't sci-fi its way out of a paper bag! They've tried many times to sustain a sci-fi show and almost had it with "Millennium" and in the end screwed that one up too. Time slot is everything!!
        • I think the problem with Millenium was that it was based around Y2K . Once that passed it was doomed.

          Just started watching Firefly and am truly enjoying it. I suspect that we will see the movie as well.
      • Watch the DVD set in its intended order and the show is much easier to appreciate. The apparently really botched it when they aired it originally.

        This is one idea that I guess I don't share with many Firefly fans. I watched the series in its air-date order... and liked it.

        I liked the first episode. It was fairly light and action-packed. It introduced the characters, provided a bit of a feel for who and what they are, and also hinted at existing relationships between them. Why they behaved the way they

    • It was like a really bad western in space.

      I think the cross-genre campiness is part of the appeal.

    • I have to agree with PenguinOpus. I had the same opinion until I borrowed the DVD's from a friend. After watching them all in order I was hooked.

      The character development in this series was much more involved and enjoyable than some of the storylines. In fact, I can't think of any other television show that's had as many characters with as detailed (or mysterious) backgrounds. However, I think the network cut the series before anyone had a chance to get a feel for anything.
    • I thought the actors gave lovely downplayed performances. I thought the visuals were stylish and captivating. I thought the writing was sharp and incisive and funny.

      But hey, apparently there's no accounting for taste. Just skip all of the future Serenity threads.

      One thing I can say is that I felt that the earliest episodes were not the strongest. You could try Shindig, which was one of the funniest episodes, but whether it would work if you weren't already into the characters, I just can't say.
    • Re:Huh? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by mkv ( 174769 ) *
      Maybe it's time to turn in my Geek card, but I fail to see the appeal of this. I'm a sci-fi nut & tried to watch the show when it was on but I thought it was some of the lamest acting and plot I'd ever seen. It was like a really bad western in space. I can't see why people are drooling over this movie coming out. I liked Buffy as much as the next person, but this seemed really weak to me.

      Some wise guy once said "opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one" and I have to agree with the
    • Out of 100 people 1 doesn't like it - you are the one, just live with it :)
    • I felt similar but then I watched the show in order.

      It made a big difference for me and now I'm a fan.
  • never mind the effects and the acting, they're a minor distraction. If Joss didn't need actors and a set then you'd still get the best bits - the plot and the script. Joss really should try going to radio (whoops! I meant podcasts ;)
    The last bit of the first (?) trailer has a clue to the brilliance of his work. That's why we're all so excited about it.
    Wouldn't it be cool if the production team from the new Battlestar Galactica got together with Joss ...
    • "never mind the effects and the acting, they're a minor distraction. If Joss didn't need actors and a set then you'd still get the best bits - the plot and the script."

      So read the X-Men comics he's writing.

  • I think I was one of the whiners who complained last time that the first trailer gave away too much. I appreciate the warning this time around. Luckily I now forgot a lot of what happened in the first trailer. Good. I can't wait for the movie!
  • Is Shepherd Book in the movie?

    I had heard he wasn't coming back, but IMBD has him on the cast page.

    He also isn't in the trailers.
    • Yes, he's definitely in the new movie. Saw a sneak preview a few weeks ago. To say anything more on the subject would be a spoiler.

      BTW, I liked it, and was a big fan of the series, but it still was a bit of a letdown. One of the joys of the series was the way that Whedon was able to let some of the plot lines develop slowly. In the movie, it ends up feeling rushed by comparison.
      • I haven't seen the trailers or a preview yet, so this isn't a spoiler, just a guess. In fact, I'm only 3/4 through the DVDs.

        I'm betting we'll find out what was up with that ident card Book had in Safe. And it won't be good.
  • ... is that by the end of then DVD set; it was fairly obvious that the alliance was modding River into some sort of super assassin/warrior chick. This being something so overdone that it's cliche. That made Shepherd Book, to me, a much more enigmatic, and therefore more interesting, character.

    But he's, again, conspicuously absent from a trailer. Yeah, I remember a few trailers ago when someone claimed that you can frame-by-frame it, and see a shot or two of him. I didn't actually bother, because even if
    • was fairly obvious that the alliance was modding River into some sort of super assassin/warrior chick. This being something so overdone that it's cliche.

      Agree completely. I just watched this trailer with the SO, and I said something like "It's not enough that she's a Super-Genius with psychic powers? She has to know kung-fu too? Cripes, she's Superman! What does she even need the rest of the gang for?"

      Suddenly it the movie starts to look like Fists Of Buffy In Spaaaaaace!

      But that's what's selling
  • Eeeeeeee!

  • There's a cool chat room (*no* registration required) to chat about the movie. []
  • is that MPAA seems to have re-rated Serenity. The fan showings were all rated R, this is Rated PG-13. One of the things I love about the movie is how intense it is. Hopefully, it doesn't loose that intensity.
  • Is... is that Gravity Kills I heard in the background at the end of the trailer?

    Holy 1997, Batman.
  • Question. Why does every single link on that site insist on opening in a pop-up window? Christ that's annoying.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
