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Sci-Fi Media Movies

Star Wreck 6 Finally Complete 376

EvilNTUser writes "Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning can now be ordered on DVD, and will hopefully be shipped before 2005-09-06 unless you slashdot them (the link uses Coral). The independent movie is a 103 minute parody of Star Trek and Babylon 5, with all special effects rendered by the makers themselves. It looks like all the delays were worth it, so make sure you don't miss Captain Pirk's quest for world domination."
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Star Wreck 6 Finally Complete

Comments Filter:
  • This doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who's been following Star Wreck. They announced that the 20th would be the release date a while ago. It was even the first thing [] I blogged about.

    The english order page is here [], but the darn thing is quite expensive. It's listed as 24 euros, which is $29.35 [] in American money.

    Also, the release date for Internet distribution is October 1st.
  • Why should anyone care about this? Hemos should be bashed around the head with a very large cluestick.

    The job of editors is to make good articles better, and bad articles go away, dig?
    • Re:Shameless plug. (Score:5, Informative)

      by EiZei ( 848645 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @12:33PM (#13372544)
      Yes a totally shameless plug of A FREE HOBBYIST MOVIE.

    • Re:Shameless plug. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ultranova ( 717540 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @01:06PM (#13372743)

      Why should anyone care about this?

      Well, because this

      1. Involves computers (to render the special effects),
      2. Is scifi,
      3. Involves Star Trek,
      4. Involves Babylon 5,
      5. Is basically a story about amateurs using technology, intelligence and determination to product the kind of things normally thought to require a multi-million dollar budget (basically the same story as with too many open-source projects, case mods and homemade gadgets that have been mentioned in Slashdot to count).

      I find the idea of homemade space battle movie very much in line with "News for nerds, stuff that matters". Everyone is complaining about the (low) quality of stuff that Hollywood produces; suppose every hobbyist with a computer could make professional-looking special effects ? What would that mean about indie movies ability to compete with Hollywood ones ?

      Think about it - a virtual movie studio right in your own computer, complete with virtual actors (because, lets face it, keeping several people working on a project like an indie movie is propably going to be the hardest part - it's not nice if the main character walks away halfway through), costumes, sets, semi-automatic cameramen...

      What kind of movie would you want to write and direct today ?

      • What kind of movie would you want to write and direct today ?

        A pr0n movie, of course!

        • What kind of movie would you want to write and direct today ?

          A pr0n movie, of course!

          There biggest problem with making porn movies with a computer is aiming. Porn requires close contact, which means that you need to be very carefull to place everything so that there won't be any interpenetrations except where they should be. Of course a proper movie studio will take care of this, but todays programs don't (or does someone know any that do ?).

          That said, you could always get Poser [] and start producing

      • Is basically a story about amateurs using technology,

        They're charging about $30 for the DVD, right? Doesn't that, by definition, disqualify them from amateur status?
        • If the price of the DVD is too much, then just download it for free... According to the site it'll be available 1st of October, so you'll have to wait a bit for a real legal download, but that's fair enough in my book. Just compare that to what MPAA&co think about putting Hollywood movies available for free about 1 month after the release...
        • Re:Shameless plug. (Score:3, Insightful)

          by ultranova ( 717540 )

          They're charging about $30 for the DVD, right? Doesn't that, by definition, disqualify them from amateur status?

          No. An amateur, in this context, is someone who doesn't make his living from whatever it's he's amateur at. SW6 was 5 years in production and cost thousands of euros; there's no way they will turn a profit, much less cover their living expenses from the past 5 years. Besides, the movie is supposed to become a free download after a while. Check also Elfwood [], and see how many people have mention

  • can we post at all?
  • by gowen ( 141411 )
    Slashdot has found a way to sneak adverts past AdBlock... Disguise them as articles!
  • Starting 1.10.2005(or 2005-10-01..which ever way you mark your dates) the entire thing should be available for download from their site.
  • Well.. Posting something containing both babylon 5 and star trek on a site like slashdot sure doesn't cause /.-ing...

    Good luck ;)
  • Second: How can they sell this and not get eaten alive by MPAA?
  • by Culture ( 575650 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @10:22AM (#13371408)
    is powered by at least a million tribbles because they're going to need it.

    Cap'n, I canna' give ya 'ny more pageloads, tha' tribbles are typin' 'a fast a they can!
  • by mikeophile ( 647318 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @10:28AM (#13371490)


    It's got some really hot Finnish chicks in it.

  • Is it just me, or does it seem that nobody has anything to say on /. this morning?

    Did /.'s DB get /.ed?
  • Finnish media has been all over the film, calling it "The first Finnish Sci-fi movie." I just hope "normal" people are not going to see the film expecting to see good acting, because if you've seen the previous parts and the trailer, you can tell they are terrible actors.

    I'm sure people who have liked the previous parts will like the film however.
  • First post?

    What happened? The comment system isn't working anymore. Don't mod me down, it's really broken. No comments since the last three stories.
  • ...where the scroll bar is set to the same color as the background (*) - hell no I'm not going to support them - I hope they go out of business.

    (* Some browsers, like Firefox are not able to render all stylesheet commands, such as scroll bar color)
  • Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning finished! Saturday August 20, @08:38PM Rejected
  • by jwriney ( 16598 )
    After seven long years, the first Finnish science fiction comedy, Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, is finally finished!

    Christ. With a description like that, I am positively overflowing with excitement.

  • Do comments work yet?

  • by hobotron ( 891379 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @10:44AM (#13371702)
    no comments yet?
  • Used to be a fan... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PsiPsiStar ( 95676 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @10:49AM (#13371748)
    I used to be a huge fan of ST TNG but the movies that they made after the series were sub par.

    The thing that pisses me off most, is that they turned the Borg into frigging vampires. This, in my opinion (as an American) is the standard American moral cop out. The Borg were evil because of their evil queen leader. Kill the evil leader and the people are cured. The Nazis were evil because of Hitler. The Chinese were Communists because of Mao. At least the series had members of the Borg Collective in thrall to a fascist leader (lore) after their destruction, so it wasn't like everything was a-okay.

    While I have my problems with The Matrix (I could believe in humans being enslaved in the Matrix in order to use their neural nets for the purpose of the Machines, but for energy? Too inefficient), it was one of the few films which didn't fall back on this cliched notion of evil. It showed people fighting because they were nations and because of economic reasons. It even had the guts to blame humans for the war. I wish Star Trek would have taken a similar tack, showing how the Borg were formed, not by some evil leader, but by economic conditions and competition, and by their own 'free' will.

    After all, eventually Borg style networking will be more efficient than going to school for 16 years to learn what you need to know. It'll be like an instant college degree. Economics and the race to the bottom as people compete tends to compell certain life choices and the use of certain technology. And those choices change us as humans and as a society.

    I suppose that's the theme of GATTACA, to a degree. I think Star Trek would have been better off using The Borg to the same effect.
    • After all, eventually Borg style networking will be more efficient than going to school for 16 years to learn what you need to know. It'll be like an instant college degree. Economics and the race to the bottom as people compete tends to compell certain life choices and the use of certain technology. And those choices change us as humans and as a society.

      True but scary, picture any extremist(left or right or up or down) you know, chances are their children have a slightly different view, sometimes even thei
      • Now imagine your knowledge being implanted at one time without a chance to challenge and discover for yourself. Clones.. Scary..

        You have a point, but there are some things I just don't want to discover for myself.

        -The proper way to configure an NIS+ domain. Who cares. I just want my desktop from any computer in the house.

        -The intricacies of filling out income tax return form. Just tell me how much I have to pay so that I don't have to go to jail. OK. I already concede that I'm going to lose, and the rul
  • a 103 minute parody of Star Trek and Babylon 5

    How Timely.

  • "(the link uses Coral)."

    Woah, really spooky... Just had a little deja-vu a few minutes ago, but never thought reality would have actually been altered. Obviously, I was wrong... What's next today, Hell freezes over or something?

    All jokes aside, big congrats to EvilNTUser!
    • So this is a coral link. Great. Now, do I trust that the system does the right thing if I put my credit card number in to actually order the DVD?

      One of the few coral links in a writeup, and it is one of the few stories that should really be linked directly to the site.


      • "So this is a coral link. Great. Now, do I trust that the system does the right thing if I put my credit card number in to actually order the DVD?"

        I thought it would be a good compromise to just warn about it, like I did. Now it won't be melted by everyone who just wants to see the website, and people who actually want to order it still have a functional form as soon as they edit the url.

        • Oh, I know - I just find it amusing that one of the very very few coral links is to announce that something is for sale... a sale that can't be done through the coral link.


  • by samdu ( 114873 ) <samdu AT ronintech DOT com> on Monday August 22, 2005 @11:00AM (#13371886) Homepage
    From the trailer, it looks like they're headed for some serious lawsuits for selling this on DVD. Paramount is not exactly known for playing nice with fan sites, much less fan flicks that use their IP. And I doubt WB is all too pleased, either.

    And where are all the comments? This is like the fourth /. story with NO comments. O.o
    • by ZosX ( 517789 ) < minus punct> on Monday August 22, 2005 @12:43PM (#13372608) Homepage
      In case you did not know, Satire is entirely protected by free speech in the United States. Since they changed the names of the charachters, they should be even more protected from the lawyers. For what it is worth, however, they could have used the USS Enterprise and everything else as long as it was satire. How do you think TV shows like Saturday Night Live and MAD TV get away with it all the time?

      Thanks to Jerry Falwell vs. Larry Flynt, satire has been protected by a landmark supreme court decision. A fan flick is not satire, in case you didn't know. Fan flicks are not protected free speech, though, personally I think anything you can create whether it be music, speech, or video should all be protected under our first amendment rights. Blatant plagurism is one thing, but creating something new based upon an existing concept should be protected, especially when there is no financial gain to be made, as in fan flicks.

      If the republic represented people instead of corporations, this would be the case. A good idea to see who your congressperson represents would be to look at their campaign donations. Too bad so much soft money gets unrecorded, not to mention people in congress who likely line their pockets for pushing through pro-corporate legislation. How do you think the Senators get to be the rich white men they are?
      • Even more importantly, the film is made in Finland, where we have a nice and clean justice system aimed for punishing the criminals justly, not just the poor one that can't pay the legal fees. Even a confession isn't enough to get one conviced in here, you still need proof to go with it. And besides the same group has made several star wrek movies already, this is just the sixth and by far the best.
      • Satire is entirely protected by free speech in the United States. Since they changed the names of the charachters, they should be even more protected from the lawyers.

        Use of the original material for parody and satire is generally Fair Use. But not all satire is necessarily protected speech by the Bourne Convention (which, btw, Finland is almost certainly a participant). Specifically, non-parody Derivative Works are probably *not* protected.

        This particular implementation sounds very much like a parody, ho
  • Eerste post! (O.k., zodat de bable vis doen geen Zweeds)
  • nothing to read here.
    Still waiting for the trailer to download.

  • I'm quite interested to see how the Finns pull of full-length sci-fi comedy, considering very few other countries seem to have even got close to making it funny.
  • No comments, and it's already slashdotted...
  • Just wish it was in english -- Hearing Klingon in Finnish is interesting, even though you can still tell its Klingon ....

  • Slashdotted already?? And to think I was all ready to fork over some money for an unseen movie, too!
  • For years we filmed terrible fan films knocking off Star Trek with our inside jokes. Bad editing, horrible lighting and desperate acting, but more than 15 years later we'll still quote the movies and laugh.

    I'm buying this for sure, only because someone else put on DVD what we only dreamed of. I haven't gone to a movie theater in years but I'll happily support those who can do so much for so long.

    Also thanks to the article poster or editor who used Coral for the link. Is the /. effect soon to be history?
  • I had never heard anything about this, but dang, those are some nice looking special effects! It's hard to tell if the acting is decent or not due to the language barrier, but it seems like a fun movie anyway. I might have to order it...
  • Is this parody downloadable too? Or only on DVD?
  • Star Wreck series must be among the best movies ever come out of Finland. These guys have really worked hard on the latest. My hat is off to them.
  • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @11:35AM (#13372226) Homepage Journal
    A question for someone who speaks both languages.

    In the trailer there are a lot of seemingly bizarre translations. Twinkler Banks is a great example. Was that a translation made on the word or the meaning of the words? Or was it just wrong altogether? While I understand it is a parody, foreign humor can be difficult to understand at times. Fortunately special effects usually are not confusing.

  • Special effects... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by spineboy ( 22918 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @11:38AM (#13372258) Journal
    I'm just really getting tired of special effects movies. I went and mistakenly saw "War of the Worlds" and it was just horrible!. Yes, I know you can make giant spaceships look real, but so what - I'm bored of that. As long as a special effect is about as good as the OLD Dr. Who, then that's all you really need, because it was the storyline, the plot and maybe the acting which made it good.

    If you spend $50 million on polishing up a piece of dog crap, you still have a piece of crap, nicely polished in the end.
    Let's hope that these guys (please, please) spent a lot of time on the script, story, etc, which will make a good movie/story. Independent films are often much better than those big over-produced films. These Hollywood monstrousities often have 10 producers, all adding their various formula of bells and whistles, that they think some standard audience will like. That's why there are so many sequels out there - it's a "safe" gamble for the studio, and usually BORING.

    • You independent movie fans always come off as so conceited. Just because you didn't like the movie doesn't make it a bad movie.
      In fact lots of people think your wrong about 'War of the Worlds'. []
      If you really want to pick on a movie that is all flash and no substance try picking on a real bomb like 'Stealth'.
    • I'm just really getting tired of special effects movies. ..."War of the Worlds"...was just horrible! ... As long as a special effect is about as good as the OLD Dr. Who, then that's all you really need...

      A movie that's only effects isn't much, true. But remember that, especially with something like War of the Worlds, the movie itself is already an "effect", i.e., an attempt to render a literary concept into a visually believable form. If one's willing to settle for the mere narrative adequacy of "placehol

    • Actually, the sad truth is that very often (at least in the sci-fi genre of fan films) special effects movies are all that's made. Independent SF films are for the most part derivative, poorly written and poorly acted vehicles to show off home-grown special effects.

      That said, they have three saving graces: 1) They're usually free, 2)They're short, which makes all of the above bearable and 3) Most of them show a lot of passion, if not a little originality.

      The ideal would for these untrained, passionate p

      • The ideal would for these untrained, passionate people to be linked with mentors who could teach them the craft of visual storytelling. This is what Lucas has suggested he'll do post-Star Wars

        About time. Lucas could really use a lessons or two.

  • Mind you, the language barrier might have something to do with it, but even the English trailer makes it look much more tragic than comedic. I expected to be laughing. Instead, it all just seemed so sad to me. I guess I don't get it.

    The special effects are incredible, though.
  • To whoever used a Coral link in the submission, nice one. If Slashdot could either automatically do that, or have the editors change links to point to a cache, the Slashdot effect could be minimised quite considerably.
  • Um... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by rbanzai ( 596355 ) on Monday August 22, 2005 @11:43AM (#13372294)
    This appears to be the end result of an awful lots of work.... and absolutely no sense of humor.

    As usual, cheers to the CGI and OMGZ to everything else.
  • Well, it's been an hour and a half since the story has been posted, and there still isn't a single comment... So I might as well pitch in...

    This movie looks awesome. Production quality looks great for a no-budget fan film. From the article:

    "The truth is, however, that In the Pirkinning will be the first movie produced in Finland to contain lots of high quality special effects, space combat and no-holds-barred action in a science fiction environment."

    I also hope they'll be the first feature-length movie

  • I would have expected less from some independents but I guess maybe I need to start raising the bar for what I should start expecting from independent film makers in the effects arena. I have to check this out if only for the effects.

    Thankfully this is a parody or I could only imagine the pain and suffering that would come from all of the IP (ship designs) that they borrowed :)
    • Actually I wish they'd spend less time on the CG and more time on acting.

      Most independents have acting so bad you want to gouge your eyes out with a spoon. Acting so bad that it makes william shatner's TOS appearances look like shakespeare in comparison. :P
  • Did anyone else notice the Kestrel from Ambrosia Software's Escape Velocity [] in the background in the trailer? No? Oh, well.
    • I believe the ship in the trailer is one of the Destroyer-class starships, in Babylon 5. Check out "Babylon 5: Crusade" [] to see a picture. There is, though, a likeness between the Excalibur and the Kestrel (which came 3 years before the series). Mind you there are MANY similarities between EV and B5 that go the other way ;)
  • least I now know the Finnish word for 'fragfest.'

    Too bad there is no Finnish word for 'comedy.'
  • until later.

    the downloads are breaking up, captain.

  • Did they make 5 films before this one?
  • What is the sense of titling the movie in english if if all of the script/speech inside is giberish(ie unknown foreign language)? Secondly, I personally love to watch foreign language movies so I can miss everything that is going on in the movie because I have to read subtitles, NOT! Even some lousy japanese voiceovers would have been better than that crap.
    • If you would have seen subtitles since your childhood in most movies, you would not need to concentrate reading them. Even though I understand English, I often prefer to use the subtitles unless the translation appears to be lousy. (I even occasionally follow the subtitles in Finnish movies spoken in native language) The main thing the speech provides to me is the mood of the characters, the text gives me the abstract information. And for movies where characters talk French, Germany or other languages I do
  • Best screenshot ever []

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