Buy Vista or Else 539
theodp writes "Upgrade or keep crashing was the tagline when Windows XP was introduced. So how will Windows Vista be marketed? 'I'd hate to see something bad happen to your PC,' seems to be one pitch. Even if new features won't get you to upgrade to Vista, you should buy Vista for the security, urged Windows Chief Jim Allchin. Are commercials featuring Tony Soprano next? Bada Bing!"
Security (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Security (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Security (Score:2, Insightful)
No thanks. I'll trade a little bit of security for a computer I can actually *use to do things with.*
Re:Security (Score:3, Funny)
Sure, but at least it won't get a Virus and send a picture of you in your undercrackers to Paris Hilton's cell phone.
Re:Security (Score:5, Insightful)
It's based on BSD, yes. So's OpenBSD. Vista and XP, similarly, are based on the same thing. The basis is not the point here.
Re:Security (Score:4, Interesting)
You misunderstand, sorry my wording was ambiguous. OpenBSD and OSX have the same roots, XP and Vista have the same roots, was my point. The point that the article was trying to get across is that these two systems with the same roots have different characteristics in terms of security, which is also the case with OSX and OpenBSD. Of course, I'm not saying that OSX is as insecure as XP, however.
Re:Security (Score:3, Insightful)
I sincerely hope you're wrong about that, but I fear you're probably right. My hope is the fact that they're calling the feature "optional" will allow me to get away (since I don't intend on using DRMed media), but it might lead to more widespread adoption of such nonsense technology.
Re:Security (Score:4, Informative)
At one point there was a BSD-derived networking stack included with Windows. However, it is reported these days that a new implementation was written.
Re:Security (Score:3, Informative)
Turn on the Safari debug menu and get Safari to lie to the offending website. It may display screwy, but it will get you in every time.
Re:Security (Score:3, Interesting)
I spent over 16 hours *attempting* to install IVTV (the "official" Linux drivers for the Hauppauge capture cards) before giving up.
During this period of time, I had help from two Linux experts. The best output I ever got from the cat was a postage-stamp-size mpeg2 movie with no sound and no way to change the c
Re:Security (Score:3, Interesting)
I built 2 64bit AMD boxes, and purchased WinXP X64 for both. I figured one would be a Win box for my wife, the other would be dual boot, Win for games, Fedora Core 4 for development.
I spent about 2 weeks finding and downloading drivers for the Windows installs. Everything on the motherboard (including 1Gb network card), the DVD RW, video card...
I was ALMOST afraid of putting Fedora Core 4 64bit on it, but figured I could get it working with some work. So in
Re:Security (Score:3, Interesting)
2) The computer didn't freeze, and it wasn't a hardware error. (The hardware works flawlessly in Windows.) It was the TV viewer application that froze.
3) Hauppauge cards don't work on OS X. But at least OS X doesn't *claim* that they do, unlike SUSE.
Re:Security (Score:3, Informative)
The other thing don't install any other sofwtare until you have completed all the hardware driver installs and applied all the windows patches. Slips
Re:Security (Score:2, Interesting)
I mean, seriously, just who is your post directed too? I can tell my clients: Use Firefox instead of IE, I sometimes tell them use OSX instead of XP. I even see situations where I might suggest Linux over XP or OSX.
But for the life of me, I don't ever ever see a situation where I go: " Yeah!, use BSD - it's a viable alternative to XP or OSX".
Re:Security (Score:5, Interesting)
I worked at one firm that was having problems with the computer systems their secretaries and finance department were using. Many of the workers would play games, or worse, they'd manage to infect the existing Windows XP systems with spyware.
Considering they were doing basic word processing, spreadsheet and web-based data entry tasks, we decided that Windows XP was excessive. OpenBSD, OpenOffice, and Konqueror would be sufficient.
The main benefit was that the systems just plain didn't get infected with viruses, spyware, and some such software. The price was a big benefit, too. And the ignorance of the general staff towards OpenBSD, and UNIX in general, helped. Instead of playing games and chatting, the employees had little to do but work. Productivity rose significantly within the weeks after switching over to OpenBSD.
Re:Seamless switch? (Score:5, Interesting)
We labelled the OpenOffice Writer icon as "Microsoft Word", for instance, and people didn't know the difference.
We imported the Word templates and Excel spreadsheets they were using, tested them out with the OpenOffice equivalents, and for the most part they worked. The one problem we ran into was the font on the standard company letterhead was a bit too large under OpenOffice. That took about a second or so to remedy, of course.
When they asked about the games and MSN, they were simply told that they were deleted.
A little bit of preparation, forethought, and the use of quality software lead to a transition that went very well.
Re:Seamless switch? (Score:5, Funny)
We labelled the OpenOffice Writer icon as "Microsoft Word", for instance, and people didn't know the difference.
We need to talk.
Microsoft Legal Dept.
Not just social problems, my friend. (Score:3, Informative)
It was indeed the higher security of OpenBSD, Konqueror, and the other software we used that helped improve the problem of malware. Blame it on the popularity of Windows all that you want; since the transition, we have not had to go back and clean up an infected system yet.
You must not have worked in a real office of any significant size. Policy rules like you suggest
Re:Security (Score:4, Insightful)
FreeBSD *is* viable alternative to XP.
Today I have even installed Windows-only Tutenstein game from kids.discovery.com on it for my little daughter using wine. A few days ago I have installed Linux binary Fentun to open winmail.dat file I have received form an Outlook/Exchange user.
FreeBSD has more then 14000 ports available.
It has got everything an ordinary user needs.
Office, mail, browsers, chat, much greater number of supported media files than most Linux distros
I know, It is comon belief FreeBSD is more difficult to install than XP.
Well, Joe Sixpack isn't able to install Windows either.
And tell me, how many users can remove dozens of malware, viruses, rootkits and other unwanted crappy applications from Windows?
You install FreeBSD for a non-technical user once, and you do not have to come back to clean it up.
Re:Security (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyhow, the point of the post, is that if you seriously would like to be able to migrate away from Windows, and need to be able to maintain compatablilty, then look at VMware. Unlike some of the other virtualization solutions, VMware is extremely professional, polished, and does a slick job. I am the president of a Linux and Unix User group and we distribute VMware disk images for use in VMPlayer (which is free) to help people get farmiliar with Linux. The quaility of VMware is such that after using a beta release for two months I couldn't help but buy it after the beta expired -- their beta was so professional, I was really impressed.
And no, I don't work for VMware.
Re:Security (Score:5, Interesting)
What worries me more about rebuilding any codebase is the possibility of introducing whole new categories of bugs.
Re:Security (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Security (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Security (Score:3, Informative)
Vista had the same flaw because it's got the same Win32 code. Vista is not a rewrite of Windows. It's based off the Windows 2003 code, which was based off XP. It's the same Windows as before but with some new rushed 1.0 APIs for hackers to crack. WinFX is just a layer on top of Win32. It's the same Win32 Windows we've known all along with some internal updat
Not even the same code lines (Score:3, Insightful)
Nice FUD, though...
Re:Security (Score:5, Informative)
TFA describes many ways in which Vista will be more secure by design than the security-patched XP. For example, more attention to user privileges, sandboxing IE, a firewall that looks at outgoing traffic, integrated spyware checking.
I could pretty much care less about Vista until the games I want to play won't run on anything else, but you can't doubt that M$ will be paying more attention to security in the fundamental design of Vista than they did in XP.
Re: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Security (Score:3, Insightful)
I think you could extend that to "if you want security you must never run any executable file that didn't come with your OS outside of a VM sandbox".
Anything that can be executed is a security threat. Random executables received from mails with "3bl4rg3 yu0r p3n1s" more than others, but few softwares actually have a bug/issue count of 0.
Re:Security (Score:3, Informative)
Anything that can be executed is a security threat. Random executables received from mails with "3bl4rg3 yu0r p3n1s" more than others, but few softwares actually have a bug/issue count of 0.
There are things that can be done that allow for significant improvement over the current situation. The only catch is that it requires significant change to the base system
Re:Security (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, I assume it'll be more secure against you. It is pure doublespeak because it has nothing to do with user security and everything to do with content security. But I assume they'll try to market it as "security", because everyone wants security right?
Re:Security (Score:2)
Re:Security (Score:4, Insightful)
Previously my attempts to move to Linux had been unsuccessful because I had problems getting certain hardware working (video capture, RAID) and was concerned about what software would be available (certain emulators I had grown fond of, video codecs, VirtualDub and other transcoding software), but even Windows 2000 was giving me some problems, such as booting into a blue screen telling me my registry had become corrupt, and also actually getting infected by viruses such as Blaster.
I had everything up to date, all patched up, antivirus installed, etc, but still contracted the virus. A few reinstalls later and I just figured it wasn't worth it putting up with all the headaches.
When I started running Linux, I quickly saw the advantages... Installing software didn't require the usual "Next, Next, uncheck every checkbox, delete desktop and quicklaunch icons, uninstall additional software installed along with the software I actually wanted, check for hidden startup items, make sure program doesn't phone home", when I started my PC I wasn't greeted by millions of splash screens, applications that couldn't make a connection popping up and letting me know, I didn't have to readjust settings that kept resetting for some reason (volume levels, icon positions on the quicklaunch)... GNU/Linux is about using your PC and not just working around problems to get what you want... and then I realized that upon discovering all this I didn't even have to worry about viruses at all, and I had no problems with crashes at all! Even if programs didn't behave in a way I expected I found it simple to find solutions, the error messages meant something and I could see exceptions thrown if I launched an application from a terminal, etc...
Re:Security (Score:2)
Server admins usually don't execute the files attached to the random mails they receive from unknown sources on the servers.
In fact, server admins (or knowledgeable IT guys un general) don't execute the files attached to the mail they receive unless they need to execute them, and it comes from a trusted source, and the AV didn't find anything when scanning the file.
And the truly paranoids execute said files in virtual instances (e.g. a junk VMWare session that'll be trashed immediately after that)
linux? OS X? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Interesting)
It may be underground marketing, but it is still marketing.
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:2)
but a mac is still more secure than windows. it has a proper (DEFAULT) security model for one. here's hoping vista will have it too.
also, it doesn't run (as far as i remember) all of the useless services windows run, and there isn't as much badly designed backward compatibility cruft by default (SMB anyone?).
im not saying you can't make macosx insecure, but at least it is by default... more than windows in any case (don't forget to patch)
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:2)
Mostly because it's harder to write an effective virus for Mac OS X, along with availability of hardware to test assembly code. I wonder if we'll see more viruses popping up with Apple moving to Intel CPU's and machines that may run Windows.
but a mac is still more secure than windows. it has a proper (DEFAULT) security model for one. here's hoping vista will have it too.
Yeah, one of the reasons why there are so few virii targetti
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
The problem is implementation rather than design (Score:5, Interesting)
Microsoft frankly can't be arsed and there's no profit in a secured system when they can instead continually be selling you upgrades as security fixes.
It isn't rocket science, it's just segregation of responsibility. Unix has been doing it for 30 years. No wait, it must be closer to 35 now.
Re:The problem is implementation rather than desig (Score:5, Insightful)
I think Windows with passwords is going to be a bit like a pale imitation of KDE.
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:5, Informative)
Lemme guess... you are basing that solely on what you've read on
Allow me to list a few features coming in Vista that I am looking forward to:
Take a look at this MSN Spaces post [msn.com] which has some links to some videos on some of these improvements and more on Channel 9 [msdn.com].
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:2)
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:2)
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Informative)
Why does everyone continue to buy into this BS? Point sizes have absolutely nothing to do with your screen resolution if your display is set up correctly. An 8pt font should be the same size whether your res is 1024 or 1600x1200. If you're having trouble reading text on a high res screen, do this: on windows:
display properties, settings, advanced, then choose custom setting and adjust the ruler until the distance displayed is correct. Reboot.
On Linux, set the DisplaySize (or something like that, I
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Interesting)
There's lots of things in Vista that nobody has even started talking about yet, particularly in the area of mobility.
- Laptops will start shipping with a secondary LCD screen that's accessible when the machine is closed. So you will be able to do things like checking the status of your e-mail, IM, stocks, weather, whatever -- without taking
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Funny)
But wouldn't someone then stab you to death for using Powerpoint? I don't see the advantage in being dead.
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Informative)
What the hell are you talking about. That LCD would be a *second screen*. Windows as-is already supports multiple screens, so add a driver for the LCD! I don't consider that a change to the OS. A slight change so that the user can make a program go to that screen without dragging it is, I guess, a change to the OS, but har
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:5, Interesting)
"New printer technology (way beyond postscript)"
This is interesting. What could be "way beyond Postscript"? Postscript is a general purpose language, with rendering support. It has even been extended into a GUI (although that is irrelevant from the perspective of printing). By utilizing a common language for print rendering, different vendor OSs and systems can actually share printers. The reference implementation of Postscript is now (arguably) Ghostscript, which is Open Source. Postscript is also behind PDF technology.
If there is a new rendering technology, how will it be incorporated into heterogenous network?
"Support for user mode drivers"
Is this a good thing? I know that there have been attempts at providing "user mode drivers" to Linux, and other OSs, but that is a REALLY BAD thing to do wrt security. Transitions from less trusted code to more trusted code are ok, because the more trusted code can check its inputs. The reverse transition is not ok -- simply because the code is less trusted.
Of course the "user mode driver" may require signing, but then why not test it and put it back into kernel mode? The only other reason I can see for "user mode drivers" is that you want the driver code and data to participate in standard OS semantics (scheduling, swapping, etc.). Which may be a good reason to do it. But the security implications are immense: maybe front layer drivers only, that cannot do anything with the OS core or data, and where data only flows "user->user driver->kernel" -- you get the idea.
Still, I was under the impression that Windows was a micro-kernel (in some sense), which is supposed to eliminate the need for this hack.
"Application level audio control"
Can you elaborate on this? I was under the impression that that was ALREADY a feature (or are you referring to OS control on the application audio, which is more interesting - specifically, the ability to route the audio output from an application to another application which can provide filtering: say, low-pass. Of course, this provides a security hole for the media, and so I doubt that this will be implemented).
The other features will be welcome.
Re:linux? OS X? (Score:3, Insightful)
Second, the "user mode drivers" have a rather obvious use: coupled with the plans for "trusted computing" style authentication of software, they provide a ro
quote? (Score:5, Funny)
People actually pay for articles like this (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, Winblows security? They haven't reimplemented enough of Unix to be secure yet.
- or -
Sure, it's secure - it can't be pwned when the new RSOD feature is active.
Well, I've shot my wad.
Re:People actually pay for articles like this (Score:3, Funny)
Secure? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Secure? (Score:4, Informative)
Or we will shoot this dog (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Or we will shoot this dog (Score:2)
Re:Or we will shoot this dog (Score:2)
Anything else that's stunningly obvious for us? Anything juicy about bears or the Pope that we might already know about?
Upgrade! (Score:5, Funny)
Lost trust (Score:5, Interesting)
But we've all seen how Trustworthy Computing didn't really change things. New products came through that obviously weren't vetted, and plenty of legacy problems remained. I don't know who's really going to buy Vista because they'll believe the security "threat" perpetuated by MS.
Re:Lost trust (Score:2, Interesting)
The problem isn't that no one says this, it's that they've been saying it about every version since Windows 95. They constantly spread FUD about using their old versions so that people will upgrade.
MS aren't the only people guilty of this though. Every try to ask for help on a slightly older version of an open source application? You'll most likely get 10 people bashing you for running a versi
Re:Lost trust (Score:2)
That said, XP *has* been considerably more stable than 9x, as they said it would be...
It could get worse? (Score:5, Funny)
Jeez, if it's alredy got windows on it, how much worse can it possibly get?? *ducks*
Re:It could get worse? (Score:3, Funny)
Vista will not be secure (Score:2, Insightful)
So, try out MacOS X, or Mepis Linux.
The jokes keep on coming. (Score:5, Funny)
In Soviet Russa, Windows Vista pays you protection money
Take your pick folks, I'll be here till Sunday.
Re:The jokes keep on coming. (Score:5, Funny)
I knew it! (Score:4, Funny)
Talking out of both sides of his mouth (Score:5, Interesting)
"Even if they are not into home entertainment or in any of the specialty areas, they are just going to feel safer and more secure by using it."
"...[Alchin] demonstrated a collaboration tool that uses a "People Near Me" feature, which searches over a Wi-Fi connection for other Vista users nearby and then sets up a peer-to-peer network with them."
Your computer must be more secure -- it can automatically network wirelessly with other computers to share your files.
Its your choice (Score:5, Insightful)
I have for the last two years officially told people - i cannot and will not help you if you are running Windows. I am too busy accomplishing things (photography, videographic analysis) to be bothered with tools that do not just work. I don't care that there are millions of Windows viruses, i don't care if your webpage doens't work with anything but IE and Active X, i just have stopped caring.
I am getting older - i have a family, and i want to create and do things which are special, and i no longer have the time nor the incination to either myself, or have to deal with others who's job it is to spend all day and night defending computers from themselves. I am the architect who doesn't want to deal with the knock-off cheap Chinese crap powertools and hear all the workers bitch about them, or hear about the foreman that tells me i have to keep taking apart all the power tools and putting them back together again... build the fscking house - go get the tools that WORK - and pay more for them if you have to.
The simple fact is - its totally irrelevant to me if a Mac costs $1000 or $3000. If it does what i need - and prevents me from having to fix my tool all day long - the $3000 tool will be far more vaulable in just a week or two. Theoretical, imaginary, or otherwise fantasmic notions that Macs are just as insecure as Windows are irrelevant to me - i work today, and i work now. (well, its saturday, i'm only working a few hours today).
But the flip side of that is - i no longer give a shit what anyone uses. I don't care. Do not bother me or hassle me or get in my way if you can't keep up with me. My friends and family no longer bother me - i bought my family Mac minis, and my friends are all switching.
The world uses Windows?? I'm fscking George Bush of the Mac - i don't give a shit if every person on earth said "jump off this cliff, its the industry standard"
i'm not a lemming - i have things to get done. Whatever you want to do is fine with me, you're out of my "circle of give a shit".
You run Windows. I'm getting things done.
Re:Its your choice (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm in the same boat--After spending 20+years eating, sleeping and breathing computers, and acting as the reisident expert in my family/circle of friends/global village/whatever, I no longer support/advise/provide a shoulder to cry on for any one I know who uses a PC. I switched as many family members as possible over to iMacs, and so I now no longer get those late night calls (my screen is blue, what do I do?).
I now claim total ignorance of all things PC, so when someone asks me "is this $399 laptop from Costco a good computer?", I tell them to buy a Mac, 'cause it's all I know. I also tell them to make sure they buy an extended warranty , because they will Sure Need It.
I view the legions of unofficial Windows Support Staff--your Brother-in -law, neighbor, whoever--as part of the hidden cost of running crappy software.
Shiny shiny! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Shiny shiny! (Score:2, Funny)
Upgrade or keep crashing (Score:5, Insightful)
Why was it developed? Compatibility. People wouldn't really drop all their DOS and Windows 3.11 programs, so 9x was the bridge that allowed the smooth transition that ultimately brought the consumer to the NT platform.
The plain logic basically was "we have the better platform, but you want compatibility, so here's a compromise".
Now that 16-bit is a thing of the past, the DOS layer could be removed ultimately resulting in a fully 32-bit protected environment that is Win 2000 and XP. Is Microsoft to blame they sell XP as more stable OS?
Could they have success with any other strategy? I'd say unlikely.
Vista is the next step in improving security and it took a lot of effort to develop this OS, the entire submission is a flamebait: if you were Microsoft, would you work 6 years on a new product and give it for free? Yes, imagine, you have to pay for the updates, and yes the purpose of updating is improved security, new features and modern hardware support.
Microsoft isn't forcing anyone to upgrade. It just does its best to demonstrate the benefits of its latest offering, because this is what software companies do with new releases.
Now get over it, and stop ranting.
Re:Upgrade or keep crashing (Score:5, Insightful)
Why not? Linus Torvalds did
All joking aside, I agree with you insofar as no-one's giving away major upgrades to commercial operating systems. But you've sidestepped the issue which was first raised by Douglas Adams in 1995 and AFAICT still exists:
"The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead all his customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who by peddling second-hand, second-rate technology, led them all into it in the first place."
Yes, they charge for it. However... (Score:3, Interesting)
So... for most people (no, not slashdot readers), this will just happen as a new machine rotates into their life anyway. For a lot of users, "Oooh! Shiny!" is a reason to spend +/-$100. But upgrades are disruptive for people (not slashdotters) who don't actively like doing them, and the Grandma You've Talked Into Using Mandrake Who Probably Should Be Using Mandriva vX.whatever Which Means New Hardware And That Means While We're At It Let's Change Some Apps scenario is just as ugly. Never mind the dollars.
Of course... (Score:3, Insightful)
I guess this is why MS doesn't listen to /. for advice on how to build their new product.
Microsoft to support file sharing? (Score:2, Interesting)
In particular, he demonstrated a collaboration tool that uses a "People Near Me" feature, which searches over a Wi-Fi connection for other Vista users nearby and then sets up a peer-to-peer network with them. The tool is meant mostly to enable laptop users to share applications and files, among other things.
So Microsoft is, in effect, creating its own file sharing network? I wonder how the *AA will react?
Re:Microsoft to support file sharing? (Score:2)
Market Opportunity for Macs and Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Market Opportunity for Macs and Linux (Score:3, Insightful)
Just say it. Apple... You think cool, sleek, well designed, pretty, elite, hip, trendy...
Now say Microsoft... You think Buggy, Bland, Unrealiable, spyware, virii, adware, trojans, security holes, ugly ui, boring, and the biggest thing is... NOTHIng HAS CHANGED.
When you think of Microsoft, you realize that nothing has really improved. Think of their media player? Media Player Classic is better. Think of IE...
Re:Market Opportunity for Macs and Linux (Score:3, Informative)
Microsoft, for example, currently owns and sells "VirtualPC" - which is pretty much the only way a Mac user can install and run Windows on a Mac. But with new Macs being Intel-based, it seems logical Microsoft might up
Buy Vista or Else.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Violin cases (Score:2)
Read this or the terrorists have already won . . . (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally I am more afraid of deploying Windows Vista than not, and Microsoft can stick the DRM in the orifice of their choice.
Or else what... (Score:2, Funny)
Trying to be fair about it (Score:5, Interesting)
Of what I have read, there will be, at least, one thing that could improve Vista's security. Also, several people have commented on it without having read anything about Vista. Users will login to a limited access user account, rather then an administrator account as the default.
Unfortunately, there are several bad points with Vista that will make me hesitate on upgrading:
A really sad commentary... (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think your position makes any sense.. (Score:4, Interesting)
I don't think so.
I think "security" is a blend of many things.. the _correctness_ of non-security features, the selection and depth of security-focused features, the process around resolving defects (because there will be defects), and the conditions under which a user can use the machine.
Even if Microsoft had done everything they knew how to do to make XP "secure" when they had made it, would it be secure today? No. Because today new threats are understood and being used that weren't in existance when XP was designed and shipped. Is XP retroactively insecure? Or it just less secure than something newer, all things otherwise equal, that was developed with the context of the threats that have emerged since XP was released?
In the specific case of Vista vs XP, some of the things that are "better" this time around are
- more credible run-as-non-admin story
- better sandboxing and least-priviledge stuff, even within a normal user account (i.e. its not necessarily true that IE running as you can do anything you can)
The run-as-non-admin thing "worked" in XP, but with enough caveats that it was hard to credibly say "everyone, do it that way". The POR for XP was to ship with non-admin-by-default until very, very late in the ship cycle, where there was just too much stuff that didn't work as non-admin. They made the hard decisino to make users=admin by default, and nobody was happy about it. This is a problem that Microsoft has been chipping away at for a while now, because the goal is "let everyone run with as few permissions as possible" and it often conflicts with the other goal of "20 year old software written by 3rd party people needs to keep running"
I have no problem buying that Vista has more security-focused features than XP. I have no problem buying that Vista has better code correctness in non-security features than XP. I don't think the security response process will be any worse in vista, infact, i know of at least one technology that makes it better (but im not sure if its public yet?).
Will Vista be "more secure" than XP? I think so. Will it be "as secure" as OpenBSD? Probably not. Will it do more things that more users want than OpenBSD? Definiately. Will Vista have a better intersection of practical security vs functionality than OpenBSD?
Microsoft thinks so, and I think I agree with them.
Take a page from Apple (Score:5, Insightful)
It's pretty clear to me that the main reason that Windows has so many security problems is that there is something inherently broken in its design. Remember: when Microsoft first designed Windows, no one was using the Internet, office LANs were pretty much the most networking you were likely to find. So Microsoft didn't have to think about network security back then. Now that the world of computing is increasingly connected to a high-bandwidth Internet connection all the time, it's clear that the model that Windows is built upon is broken.
I think it would benefit Microsoft to do a fundamental redesign of Windows. Apple did this about five years ago when they made the transition from Classic Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X. They designed an API that permitted developers to write software that ran natively on both operating systems (Carbon) and gradually phased it out in favor of an API that was completely native to Mac OS X (Cocoa). At the same time, there were many applications that would only run on Mac OS 9 -- i.e., those that were not Carbonized -- that ran in a (mostly transparent) virtualized environment. Microsoft could follow the same pattern as Apple and redesign their operating system from the ground up with security as a primary focus.
The thing that's going to get people to upgrade to Vista isn't the desktop search or any new multimedia features. It's the security and the performance. Right now, Microsoft keeps tacking on bloat after bloat to the existing Windows codebase. This has the effect of making Windows slower. Also, these "ad-hoc" additions, I think, have a tendency of opening up security holes. Microsoft, it's time for you to reevaluate the design of your operating system. Instead of focusing on devising as many different editions as you can for Vista -- which, by the way, baffles the hell out of a lot of your customers -- it's time to wipe the slate clean and start over.
I know we've all said at one point or another, "if I'd known then what I know now, I would have done things completely differently." Well, Microsoft, you do know stuff now that you didn't know 20 years ago. It's time to do things completely differently. Your model no longer works; find a new one.
Comment removed (Score:3)
MS Has Gone Backwards Since Windows 2000 (Score:4, Interesting)
Or, (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Slow news day (Score:2)
SECURITY!?! (Score:3, Insightful)
Security is by design, not as a friggin' afterthought.
This has little to do with MS bashing- it's just that MS doesn't think much about security and everyone knows it (Well, everyone but you, it seems...)
Re:SECURITY!?! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:NOT A Selling Point-But a "must have" for secur (Score:2, Insightful)
I've found a relationship (too bad slashdot doesn't do math symbols):
x = the cost of the software product that runs on Windows
y = the chance the software requires everyone using it to log in as administrator
As x -> infinity, y -> infinity
Seriously though, too much windows software, especially vertical apps or expensive commercial apps, still require every user to log in as administrator.
MS should force thi
Re:NOT A Selling Point-But a "must have" for secur (Score:3, Informative)
Also it said that there are lots of apps out there tha
Also comes to mind is... (Score:5, Funny)
"Fucking XP users are fucking pussies. I'm going to fucking bury them, I have done it before, and I will do it again...I'm going to fucking kill anybody that doesn't upgrade."
Re:Linux is doomed (Score:3, Interesting)
* A monolithic kernel
You're kidding, right? Microsoft has pretty much gutted Cutler's NT microkernel design, what with moving so many subsystems back into the kernel and all. And OS X? It's a full fledged BSD kernel running on top of a Mach microkernel - really, a microkernel arrangement in name only. The only reason they keep it around is because Mach provides some... interesting IPC facilities, which OS X exploits heavily. Ev