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Julianne Moore to play Dana Scully 113

slashdottit! tm
An anonymous reader writes "Hot on the heels of the news from David Duchovny that FOX and Chris Carter are finally producing the long-awaited sequel to 'The X-Files: Fight the Future', actor Gillian Anderson has announced that she will not be returning as geek fav, the delectable Special Agent Dana Scully. Instead, Julianne Moore will be portraying the hot science babe G-woman. "
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Julianne Moore to play Dana Scully

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  • First post! (Score:5, Funny)

    by xaxa ( 988988 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:11AM (#18566079)
    Erm... but I don't know what I'm commenting on... makes it hard to be funny y'know.
    • by xaxa ( 988988 )
      Why did I just do that? Do I care nothing for my karma? Hmm... 2pm. Really sunny day. I'm going to leave the house.
      • by b4stard ( 893180 )
        Sorry mate, still not funny.
        • by xaxa ( 988988 )
          A first post was never going to be funny was it? Whenever I try and be funny it fails. Then when I'm just being normal^H^H^H^Hmyself, people video it and threaten me with Youtube until I buy them drinks; but I don't mind really :).

          Being funny online is so much harder... I mean, everyone laughed yesterday when I fell up the stairs at a tube station and walked into the wall, but online? No stairs, no walls, just Windows. What can I do?!?

          • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

            by Anonymous Coward
            kill yourself on webcam
            • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

              by Anonymous Coward
              Now that's funny!
      • Well, we care nothing for your karma, so join the crowd.

        BTW, caring about karma is how you don't GET karma...

    • First post, ah such a feather in your cap. You can mark that off on your list of things to do before you die. And of course, April 1st means the day to not bother looking at Slashdot. It's funny story time.

    • ...the delectable Special Agent Dana Scully... Julianne Moore will be portraying the hot science babe G-woman...

      Guys, Julianne Moore was born on December 3, 1960 [imdb.com], which would make her - gosh - almost 50 years old.

      Somehow I'm having a hard time visualizing Special Agent Dana Scully as a GMILF [Grandmother I'd like to...].

      • by osu-neko ( 2604 )

        Uh, Dana Scully isn't supposed to be a barely out of high school starlet. Yes, Julianne Moore is in her mid-40's (specifically, she's 46), but she's only seven years older than Anderson, and a much better actress.

        • Dude, she's 46 now. By the time shooting wraps on this project [assuming it isn't just an April Fool's joke to begin with], then she'd be a lot closer to 48 or 49.

          Which, if you didn't take high school biology, is well past the menopausal point for most chicks.

          Scully is Mulder's love interest because HE WANTS TO MAKE BABIES WITH HER!

          And post-menopausal chicks can't make babies.

          PS: As for the "much better actress", Julianne Moore never in her life played a role that had a tenth the sex appeal of Gill
          • 'PS: As for the "much better actress", Julianne Moore never in her life played a role that had a tenth the sex appeal of Gillian Anderson's Dana Scully.'

            Either has Gillian Anderson.
          • Evidence in support of Julienne Moore being more sexy than Scully [fortunecity.com], at least at some point in time.
          • "Dude", sex appeal has nothing to do with actual ACTING.

            Anderson is a good actress (doing TV for years tends to do that to you), but she can't really compete with Moore who is a recognized excellent actress with two Oscar nominations and a Golden Globe. Anderson received an Emmy, a Golden Globe and two SAG awards. In total, Anderson has won about 12 awards, Moore twice that at 22.

            Furthermore, acting is about experience and intensity and Moore has both in greater degree than Anderson.

            Actually I need to modif
          • iPS: As for the "much better actress", Julianne Moore never in her life played a role that had a tenth the sex appeal of Gillian Anderson's Dana Scully.
            Boogey nights? Short cuts? The End of the Affair?
      • I don't understand why they'd put Julianne Moore in the X-Files 2 movie with Wolverine when they already have Jean Grey? And besides, they're already done X-Files 3, where the Professor died, so how can they do 2 again? I'm so puzzled.
      • by geobeck ( 924637 )

        Speak for yourself, boy. Those of us who didn't watch the first season of The X Files from a crib think she's still pretty hot.

    • by cychem1 ( 942136 )
      If I were David Duchovy I'd be excited, have you seen Julianne's work in Boggie Nights.
      • Have you seen Duchovny's wife, Tea Leoni? She's hot. Check her out in the Will Smith movie, "Bad Boys". She has SERIOUSLY long legs.

        Both Moore and Anderson have the one usual redhead problem - serious freckles. I think Marcia Cross is about the only redhead in Hollywood who has a limited number of freckles (or has figured out what makeup to use to deal with them). She's the best looking redhead I've seen. Not that freckles are a showstopper by any means, but they tend to be a distraction from pure female be
        • by adona1 ( 1078711 )
          Although in point of fact, Gillian Anderson is actually blonde, and dyed her hair for X-Files...
  • Bah (Score:5, Insightful)

    by repvik ( 96666 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:12AM (#18566081)
    Of course. End of tfa: Thanks to 'Loof Lirpa'
  • Trust No One (Score:5, Insightful)

    by FrostedWheat ( 172733 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:15AM (#18566103)
    Especially today.
  • by jez9999 ( 618189 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:15AM (#18566109) Homepage Journal
    Please GOD tell me this is an April Fools' joke.
  • Mmmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)

    by saskboy ( 600063 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:15AM (#18566117) Homepage Journal
    Mmmmmore Mmmmoore.

    Anderson is a little stuck up anyway, it's time the franchise moved on to someone better.
    • Re:Mmmmmm (Score:5, Funny)

      by ScentCone ( 795499 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @10:02AM (#18566753)
      it's time the franchise moved on to someone better.

      You'd like to THINK that's the reason. They're actually shooting this one as a documentary, as produced/directed by Moore's brother, Michael Moore, who has specific information that there actually is a government plot that involves aliens.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I only liked the show because Anderson's character was so stuck up. I dug the ice-maiden thing. When they made her more human and vulnerable (i.e. after I saw her cry) I started to lose interest. The off-putting "why do you exist again?" raised-eyebrow look was quite the draw.

      As cheesecake Anderson isn't that much. Even as an actress Anderson isn't that much. But neither is Moore, in either department. Moore did better than I thought she would at playing Clarice Starling, but she still is too vulner

      • Me, too.

        And nobody can beat Jodie for doing cold and cerebral. That's why I was amused to see her doing comedy and sexy in "Maverick". In this last one, "Inside Man", she also broke tradition by being the "bad girl" of the flick. Not to mention "A Very Long Engagement", when she went over the top and did a hot sex scene - at 43!

        Jodie is hot because she is intense, not funny (but in person she can be very funny - but it's not her main personality trait.)

        Interestingly, Jodie WAS in an X-Files episode: doing a
    • Anderson is a little stuck up anyway, it's time the franchise moved on to someone better.
      ??? Sounds like you got jilted.. Did you REALLY ever have a chance with Anderson?
  • Lame... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ktakki ( 64573 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:17AM (#18566131) Homepage Journal
    As if Slashdot on April Fool's Day wasn't lame enough, the editors have to post another site's lameass AFD "prank" (see the credit to "Loof Lirpa" at the end of TFA).

    It's doubly lame because casting Julianne Moore is somewhat credible. Now, if TFA was about Whoopi Goldberg or Judi Dench stepping in as Dana Scully, that might warrant a groggy Sunday morning chuckle (not from me, though -- too hungover).

    Me, I'd rather see Jenna Jameson star in a new XXX-Files movie.

    • by jamesh ( 87723 )
      I thought they went well together in 'Evolution'... I'd almost believe it even on April 1 (of which there is about 38 minutes left... i should get some sleep!)

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by turing_m ( 1030530 )
      Ben Affleck as David Duchovny would be better.
    • by Loonacy ( 459630 )
      It can't be that lame, it got over 93 thousand votes! The public has spoken.
    • by rbochan ( 827946 )

      ...Me, I'd rather see Jenna Jameson star in a new XXX-Files movie.

      Maybe as an alien or something... have you seen her lately [thesuperficial.com]??

      That's goatse scary.

  • This one is true [imdb.com], or at least the movie is in pre-production (which means it hasn't even begun filming yet and may still yet be cancelled). As for Gillian Anderson, she's taking silly bit parts in the fluffy behind-the-scenes dramas like Tristram Shandy [imdb.com], I don't know why she's so concerned about escaping her most famous and profitable role.
    • And Julian Moore playing Gillian Anderson's part has already hapened [imdb.com] before.

    • Well, actually her career is going reasonably well - just not in the United States. She's doing well in England, according to Wikipedia, having been in any number of British productions and won a number of awards doing so.

      But in the US her career is dead as a doornail compared to Moore. Here she got typecast as Dana Scully. Doing the role again probably doesn't suit her at all, given that she's spent years trying to get out from under it.

      In comparison, Jodie Foster had other reasons for not wanting to do St
  • by Jasin Natael ( 14968 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:22AM (#18566155)

    And here I thought there was no possible way that a "Slashdot Tit" button would be relevant on a story. Just goes to prove my lack of foresight.

  • omgponies (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nbritton ( 823086 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:24AM (#18566175)
    I want omgponies. Who's julianne moore? I want omgponies.
  • Pony heels?
  • We've got a Duchovny and Moore benchmark


    Then again, maybe the producers can say "At least it will be better than"

    • Re:Great (Score:4, Informative)

      by schon ( 31600 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @12:18PM (#18567493)
      I actually liked Evolution.

      Although the ending was a little lame, overall it was pretty good for light comedy fare.
    • We've got a Duchovny and Moore benchmark


      Then again, maybe the producers can say "At least it will be better than"
      Did you actually watch the movie? Because, the ads made it look like the lamest toilet-humour movie of all time, but it turned out to be actually quite good.
    • I dunno, dude. For my money, the part where one of the retard brothers shouts "blue monkey, blue monkey!" is a highwater mark in modern cinema..
  • Scully really isn't (Score:3, Interesting)

    by chanrobi ( 944359 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:39AM (#18566251)
    Scully if it isn't going to be played by Gillian Anderson. I don't think I can explain it any better than this.
    • I remember reading on Wikipedia [wikipedia.org] about how Gillian Anderson wrote in her blog that she would "definitely" be playing Scully once the issues with the X-Files were resolved (lawsuits and what not). I'm a little disappointed to see that this isn't true.
  • ONE April Fools story is funny and clever. A WHOLE DAY of them is just stupid and tedious. One of these yearsthey are going to figure this out...
    • you don't get it, in /. it s news for how many pranks have been made, they are not trying to fool you
      One of these years YOU are going to figure this
      • by jockm ( 233372 )
        I've been here a long time, and I never claimed they were trying to fool me. What I am complaining about is that in an effort to post only april fools jokes, they post anything and everything, regardless of if it is funny. A deluge of bad humor is just that, a deluge of bad humor; or to put it another way: tedious and annoying...
  • Anderson's career (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bsandersen ( 835481 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:53AM (#18566331) Homepage
    I had no idea that Anderson's career was going so well that she should skip this. I guess Bleak House and that one appearance on Fraiser really put her over the top. {sigh}
  • by mdielmann ( 514750 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @08:54AM (#18566339) Homepage Journal
    I swear to god, this is the only day the Slashdot editors actually work.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Refelian ( 923767 )
      Slashdot has editors?
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by skoaldipper ( 752281 )

        Slashdot has editors?
        Yes. I believe all Apple articles are written in e-macs, Nintendo submissions in Vii, and all science entries in either pico or nano. By the way, in Soviet McDonalds.ru, html mcedit you!
  • WTF? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Lulu of the Lotus-Ea ( 3441 ) <mertz@gnosis.cx> on Sunday April 01, 2007 @09:02AM (#18566361) Homepage
    Does anyone remember when an April Fool's joke was at least supposed to be clever or humorous.

    The idea that Moore might play the Scully character rather than Anderson doing so is a perfectly plausible one... that just happens to be false. Not false in any interesting or obvious way, just not something that happened to come about. It's about as clever making a false claim about exactly which actor (or roughly the right age and look) might be in the next James Bond film, or who might play the next villain in a Spiderman.

    Or hell, it's about as interesting as pulling everyone's leg with the "outrageous" claim I ate camembert cheeses sandwich rather than gouda... wow! I fooled you.
  • /* Check for undefined side effects. Bailout on error. */
    if ( strcmp(slashdot(SDATE, &rv), "April 1") == 0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Enabling workaround for Slashdot Apr 1 bug.");
  • I had to look up who she was: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000194/ [imdb.com]

    Now its funny!
    • After Jodie Foster turned down the chance to reprise her Oscar-winning role of Clarice Starling in Hannibal (2001), several actresses were considered for the part - Moore triumphed over such contenders as Helen Hunt, Gillian Anderson and Cate Blanchett


  • By Google.
  • Groklaw's own Pamela Jones
  • No ? Ok, how about...

    Fox has announced to today that Chris Carter has finally bowed to pressure from Tea Leoni to be cast in the role of Dana Scully in place of Gillian Anderson in the upcoming X-Files 2 flick. Insiders cite a long-standing jealousy between the two actresses, with Leoni refusing to allow David Duchovny to reprise his role as Fox Mulder unless Leoni could co-star. Carter admits that the script would have to be altered to play to Leoni's grester strengths in the romantic comedy genre. Leoni w
  • Well to all the whiners who got duped, I'd say the best April Fool's pranks are necessarily plausible. The classic, obviously, being "Your shoes are untied," which is only funny if the person in question actually looks at his or her shoes. So lighten up. You've been had. Get over it.
    • Ahh yes, the classic "Your shoes are untied" - one of the greatest comedic moments possible in any person's life. That one, like this one, is fall on the floor, run-out-of-breath-laughing funny for the same reason this one is - it's so very intricate and full of second and third level auxillary meanings and Nth degree levels of intricate plotting and cleverness.

      If anything, I'd say you're underselling "Your shoes are untied." I know "Your shoes are untied" - I've utilized it and comprehended it in all i

      • Ahh yes, the classic "Your shoes are untied" - one of the greatest comedic moments possible in any person's life. That one, like this one, is fall on the floor, run-out-of-breath-laughing funny for the same reason this one is - it's so very intricate and full of second and third level auxillary meanings and Nth degree levels of intricate plotting and cleverness.

        If anything, I'd say you're underselling "Your shoes are untied." I know "Your shoes are untied" - I've utilized it and comprehended it in all its thrilling vibrancy. This, my friend, is no "Your shoes are untied." To compare it to "Your shoes are untied" is to belittle the wonderful work "Your shoes are untied" has done throughout the ages to bring rich, fullfilling laughter to our lives.

        On closer inspection, these are loafers.

      • Here, have some grapes. Careful, they're sour. ^^
    • by nomadic ( 141991 ) *
      No the best April Fool's joke is one that sounds plausible on the surface, but there's something wrong with it that you don't notice until it's too late. Making some false, but perfectly plausible statement of fact, takes absolutely no cleverness and has no humor value.

      What if I told you the capital of Tunisia was Sousse? It's not, but it's a perfectly plausible statement, if you don't know the country. Does this make it clever or funny? Have you been "had"? Not really.
  • There used to be an official website for Ten Thirteen, Chris Carter's development company. Anyone know what happened to this site?
  • And in other news readers notice that (once again) every Slashdot posting on 4/1 is an April Fool's joke. Since April Fool's jokes arn't funny when you see them coming, no one is fooled. Commander Taco continues to laugh.
  • Of course it's a joke. Like she's too busy with *other* film projects. DD's biggest theatrical hit was the original movie --- so he has to return to pay the bills.
  • I thought the Xfiles had gotten the burial it so richly deserved .
    I can always hope it was a 1 April prank.
  • not so funny....well kinda...
  • by Anonymous Meoward ( 665631 ) on Sunday April 01, 2007 @02:32PM (#18568147)

    For a few simple reasons:

    • Anderson is tired of the role, and has said so in the past
    • She most certainly does not need the money, and is free to take whatever projects she pleases
    • All other players (with the exception of Julianne Moore) probably do need the money. Especially since Duchovny's last flick was a slightly smaller bomb than the one dropped on Hiroshima
    • And besides, GA has been taking other, vastly different roles (e.g. "Last King of Scotland", "Bleak House") to avoid getting "Shatnerred"

    Mad props to her if that's the case. The whole X-Files franchise has been sucked dry of any worth for years anyway.

  • First she replaces Jodie Foster in the hannibal movies - lame Now she replaces Gillian Anderson - lame Is she now set to be the replacement redhead in movies?
  • In another news, broadcast on 1st April 2007, on PBS (a national tv station in Malta) it was reported that Nuclear Fuel (looking like Black Oil) was found in Malta near the prehistoric sites of Hagar Qim, using Google Earth. NASA Confirmed that this fuel is only in use for interstellar travel and thus it is believed that the Stonehenge-like stones of Hagar Qim are actually the remains of some interstellar starship. A real Malta X-Files and I would not be surprised to see Mulder and Scully come over to inves

I'm still waiting for the advent of the computer science groupie.
