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Simon Pegg to Play Scotty 233

In response to yesterday's casting news about Chris Pine possibly taking the captain's chair for the new Star Trek movie, apparently Simon Pegg will be playing the role of Scotty. Simon Pegg is known for his role as Shaun in Shaun of the Dead and more recently for his leading role in Hot Fuzz. "Pegg joins Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Anton Yelchin as Chekov, John Cho as Sulu and Zachary Quinto as Spock in the film which reportedly, and logically, 'chronicles the early days of the Enterprise crew.' Leonard Nimoy will also put in an appearance, while Eric Bana signed up this week as the movie's villain, Nero."
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Simon Pegg to Play Scotty

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  • by F-3582 ( 996772 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:17PM (#20960935) is your friend.
  • Oh noes (Score:4, Insightful)

    by KEnderK ( 1171753 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:19PM (#20960951)
    The Shat is really going to hit the fan now!
  • Well....He will have less Gravitas -at least less than Doohan had in later years -and less gravity too......

    I'm just hoping that he will actually speak with a Welsh accent (cf. Futurama)

    After Shaun I wouldn't have been so sure about this, but Simon did a great job of character acting in Hot Fuzz and hopefully he can bring a little of the twinkle-in-the-eye humour that Doohan evinced in the TV series.

    -I'm just sayin'
    • by sqldr ( 838964 )
      I'm just hoping that he will actually speak with a Welsh accent (cf. Futurama)

      well, for one thing, "i cannae change the laws of physacs, captain" is definiately scottish, but i'm confused at this one. I'm an englishman, and doing an authentic scottish accent (either glaswegian graawl or edinburgh posh) is tricky. Either he's been practicing, or he's got a lot of work to do. bollocks.. give the job to a scot! i love simon pegg, but not here!
      • by MsGeek ( 162936 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:19PM (#20961513) Homepage Journal
        Get a REAL Scot to do it. Ewan McGregor for the win. Sure, it would mean paying him silly money for it, but it would mean Ewan would get to leave his mark on not just one, but the EXACTA of geek icon movie series.

        Besides, Scotty always seemed older than everyone except Bones McCoy on TOS.

        Although one thing...could Ewan still do the thick-as-porridge Scots brogue he did in "Trainspotting" that required anyone not from north of Hadrian's Wall to put the closed-captioning on when watching the movie? One wonders.
        • by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:41PM (#20961693)
          Get a REAL Scot to do it. Ewan McGregor for the win.

          Cast Obi-Wan Kenobi as Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott?

          You do realise you just exploded the brains of at least two distinct sets of geeks, right?

        • No kidding! I mean, they CLEARLY got the first Scotty wrong, by casting an Irish-Canadian to play a Scot. Now we're getting someone who actually HAS an accent to play a Scot? INSANITY!
        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by DudeTheMath ( 522264 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @07:21PM (#20962015) Homepage

          Besides, Scotty always seemed older than everyone except Bones McCoy on TOS.

          Give MsGeek a cigar! For completeness: In 1966, Doohan and Kelley turned 46, Shatner and Nimoy 35, Barrett and Nichols 34, Koenig 30, and Takei 29. I had forgotten how much older than the others Doohan was until I checked IMDB last week (The Blonde & I were rooting for Paul McGillion). If we're shooting for "eight years before" ST:TOS, Pegg is just the right age (and so is Pine, who's 27). Spock, of course, doesn't age the way humans do, so should be played by someone just about Nimoy's age; Quinto just turned 30, so that's not too far off. Yelchin is 18, which isn't too far off, but Cho is 35! Well, as long as he looks the part....

        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          In other news, Nicole Kidman to play Yeoman Rand. We're all boned.
        • Paul Mcgillion... (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Akaihiryuu ( 786040 )
 who I was hoping to see at Scotty. AKA Dr. Beckett on Atlantis. The characters (Scotty and Beckett) are supposed to be from the same place in Scotland, while the actors (Doohan and Mcgillion) are both from the Vancouver. Paul's already got the accent down, and I think he even looks like a young Doohan. This sentiment was echoed by Doohan's son Chris (who was going to try for the role himself until he saw Paul audition). []
        • I should probably point out that not all Scots talk [] like the characters in Trainspotting.

          The accents on the east coast (eg. Edinburgh (pronounced Edin-burra!) and Fife) are much more understandable to people from England or America. As you go west and up into the highlands, the accent gets quite a bit thicker. But even then, it isn't that difficult, save for a few words ("cow" comes to mind -- it gets pronounced "coo")
      • by 1u3hr ( 530656 )
        well, for one thing, "i cannae change the laws of physacs, captain" is definiately scottish, but i'm confused at this one. I'm an englishman, and doing an authentic scottish accent (either glaswegian graawl or edinburgh posh) is tricky

        Doohan was Canadian, his "Scotty" accent was not his natural voice. He got a bit annoyed at losing roles later becaue people thought he really did speak like that all the time. A real actor is capable of doing lots of convincing accents; choosing one on the basis of their n

        • A real actor is capable of doing lots of convincing accents;
          His accent wasn't remotely convincing.

  • English Scotty??? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by lobiusmoop ( 305328 )
    As a Scotsman, I'm somewhat miffed that an Englishman is playing the role... This is almost as bad as Mel Gibson (an Ozzie) playing William Wallace for goodness sake!
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Doohan was Canadian
    • And Korean Sulu (Score:3, Informative)

      by richdun ( 672214 )
      And a Korean Sulu - John Cho was born in Seoul.
      • by porcupine8 ( 816071 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:12PM (#20961451) Journal
        You think that's bad? I hear Zachary Quinto is from Earth. Pssh.
    • by ndogg ( 158021 )
      Which might actually mean that Scotty might not have such an obviously fake Scottish accent that's being spoken by someone who's actually Canadian!!! :O
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Amiga Lover ( 708890 )
      > This is almost as bad as Mel Gibson (an Ozzie) playing William Wallace

      Mel Gibson, the "aussie", who was born in new york.

    • by Kelson ( 129150 ) * on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:03PM (#20961365) Homepage Journal
      Yeah, and they cast a human as Spock! Given how underrepresented Vulcans are in the entertainment industry (I challenge you to name one, just one Oscar winner), it's only logical that they should cast a full Vulcan in that role!
    • Gibson's accent was more realistic than the storyline.
    • As a Scotsman, I'm somewhat miffed that an Englishman is playing the role...

      Read Garth Ennis's 'The Boys'. Our hero is Wee Hughie, a Scot who is blatantly based on Simon Pegg...

    • by svunt ( 916464 )
      The original Scotty was Canadian, and Mel Gibson is American, not Australian (look it up). I understand your misgivings (I'm Australian, and I still have "the dingo oit moi boiybee" nightmares), but there's never been a Scottish Scotty, and leave us Aussies out of it :)
  • Say what you will about William Shatner, but I just can't ever imagine anyone else playing Kirk. His cheesy, over-the-top style will be impossible to duplicate.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by JustinKSU ( 517405 )
      What do you want, Jim Carrey?
    • by moderatorrater ( 1095745 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:35PM (#20961093)

      Say what you will about William Shatner
      That sounds like a big fat challenge...kind of like shatner...
    • by Rogerborg ( 306625 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @07:00PM (#20961879) Homepage

      Those who mock the Shatner, those who dub him 'cheesy' or 'over the top' should ask themselves this: at what point during his performance of Kirk do you ever, even for one second, doubt that you are watching the captain of the starship Enterprise?

      Shatner - like Doohan - is a method actor. When the camera is on him, he actually believes that he is in command of a starship, and his belief is what drags us kicking and screaming along with him. Love him or hate him, you could never catch him playing it at one iota less than warp 9 []. This new guy? Pwwwpt. He's just an actor. He's not the captain of the Enterprise.

      Shatner. Is. Kirk.

      Star Trek: The Documentary Series era. Is. Shatner.

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Shatner. Is. Kirk.

        Indeed. []

  • let it die (Score:3, Insightful)

    by kylemonger ( 686302 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:26PM (#20961029)
    I hate to say it but this isn't 1977. Your typical Trek fan has been gorged to satiety on Star Trek TV and movies. And considering the last efforts, the execrable "Nemesis" and TV's "Enterprise", nausea might be a better word for it than satiety. The cast is irrelevant at this point. Trek must be allowed to die instead of continuing in this horrible parody of life.
    • by jgarra23 ( 1109651 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:29PM (#20961059)
      I heard they cancelled Enterprise when Mr. Bakula started calling his tricorder "Ziggy"
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        I spent three seasons wondering why he didn't jump back.

        I mean, he solved the problem, every week. He's supposed to jump back then and leave the real captain behind, right?
    • Re:let it die (Score:5, Insightful)

      by moderatorrater ( 1095745 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:33PM (#20961073)
      Apparently they've started from scratch on everyone working on this so that there's the slightest chance of this being a decent movie.

      What I don't understand is why we need a story on every single person that's cast for a role. Do you think that, maybe in a week, we can just post one story on the entire cast instead?
      • Impossible. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by khasim ( 1285 ) <> on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:39PM (#20961147)
        The problem with making a Star Trek Babies movie is that there is absolutely NO THREAT to any of the characters.

        So what if baby Kirk is shot in the head causing him to fall into an erupting volcano at the moment the planet's sun goes nova?

        It was all a dream sequence. Or it was a clone. Or a robot. Or the evil baby Kirk from the mirror dimension.

        And the more characters you take from TOS, the less the threat is.

        It's going to be like there's a HUGE TARGET painted on the one person on the bridge that isn't in TOS. And here is chief security office Ima Goingtodie.
        • by Generic Guy ( 678542 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @05:50PM (#20961259)

          It's going to be like there's a HUGE TARGET painted on the one person on the bridge that isn't in TOS. And here is chief security office Ima Goingtodie.

          Well, as long as he's wearing the requisite red shirt...

        • by pluther ( 647209 )
          The problem with making a Star Trek Babies movie is that there is absolutely NO THREAT to any of the characters.

          Well, I'd say there are many, many problems with making such a movie, but I don't know if a complete lack of threat is one of them.

          I mean, did you, at any moment, think that any of the characters in the original movies were actually going to die?

          And even when one did, did you expect him to stay dead?

          Besides, it's grand Star Trek tradition anyway:

          "Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Ensign Gomez beam do

        • Since when, outside of Wrath of Khan, was there ever a *real* threat on ANY Star Trek: TOS character? (No, I don't count Generations...that was just ass.)

          Hell, Spock even had his brain removed and he got over that fine.
          • by rs79 ( 71822 )
            " Hell, Spock even had his brain removed and he got over that fine."

            Yeah but he did vote republican from that point on.

        • by Kelson ( 129150 ) *

          The problem with making a Star Trek Babies movie is that there is absolutely NO THREAT to any of the characters.

          And this is different from a typical episodic series how?

          You don't watch a show like Star Trek to see how things change from the beginning of the season to the end, and worry about who's going to survive. That's for arc-driven shows like Lost, Heroes, etc. You don't watch it to see whether the heroes are going to succeed, you watch it to see how they succeed.

          This is the show that gave us t

          • by raehl ( 609729 ) <raehl311&yahoo,com> on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:28PM (#20961603) Homepage
            This is the show that gave us the term, "red shirt," after all.

            I thought that was from College Football.

            Note for Star Trek Fans: Football is a form of athletic contest between two groups of players, each group fielding twelve* players at one time. The game is divided into a series of downs, where each team lines up on opposite sides of a brown ball called a 'football', and one group tries to take the ball and advance it past the other group, by carying or throwing the ball, without getting tackled. If they advance it far enough, they get more attempts, and eventually score. But if they don't advance the ball at least 10 yards in 4 tries, the opposing team gets the ball.

            Secondary Note for Star Trek Fans: An 'Athletic Contest' is an event in which multiple participants compete under a set of rules designed to compare the relative motor skills and/or strength/endurance possessed by the participants, although many athletic contests also include a strategy component.

            * If you are not a Star Trek fan, shhhhh.
            • by Kelson ( 129150 ) *
              How is any of that relevant to the trope that regular characters are all-but guaranteed to make it through the episode, but extras have a good chance of dying horribly?
            • Re:Impossible. (Score:5, Informative)

              by Mahjub Sa'aden ( 1100387 ) <> on Friday October 12, 2007 @09:23PM (#20962719)
              And for non-American nerds, Football is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players. It is the most popular sport in the world. Football is a ball game played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short ends. The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing goal. In general play, the goalkeeper is the only player allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in mid air. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins.

              Thank you, Wikipedia.
              • That's all too much text:


                non-US: A game where you kick a ball with your foot.

                US: A game where you throw an egg with your hand.

                As both games include certain exceptions to that rule, if in doubt:

                non-US: Sissy players rolling around on the ground pretending to be hurt whenever an opponent's been within 20 feet.

                US: Manly players like the Quarterback (he's the one fingering the balls of the one in front of him every play) play Rugby in 40 pounds of padding.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by oldmanpanda ( 716466 )
              Don't patronize us. We've all seen episode #45, The Gamesters of Triskelion.
        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          The problem with making a Star Trek Babies movie is that there is absolutely NO THREAT to any of the characters.

          Is this really an issue? I mean, seriously, was there such a threat in the series (any of them) to anyone but anonymous redshirts? None of the major cast were killed off during the series except Tasha Yar. Really, the Trek format isn't about serious threats (from the audience point of view) to major characters, even though there are occasionally such threats from the characters POV.

          Yeah, so we kno

          • None of the major cast were killed off during the series except Tasha Yar.
            Jadzia Dax.
          • None of the major cast were killed off during the series except Tasha Yar.

            In TOS, Nimoy was almost replaced because he was demanding something like $10,000 per episode in the 2nd season. In the end, he settled for something like $2,500 an episode.

            Now, would they have killed off Spock or just replaced the actor?

            Killing the characters in a story is one thing.

            Losing the actors to contract disputes is something else. And actors can die in real life.

            Losing an actor can be storied-over by killing their character

        • Threat isn't the only way to make drama. It's an easy way, but it's not the only way.

          With this, the question isn't, "Will they live?" it's "How will they go from being the unfamiliar versions of the characters we see in this movie to being the familiar characters we know?" Now, if they make the characters exactly as we know them already, just younger, THAT would remove a lot of opportunities for drama. The story would have to be, in and of itself, TRULY great in order for it to be worth telling if there's n
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by B3ryllium ( 571199 )
        Go watch both seasons of Spaced, and then you'll realize why this news deserves its own article on Slashdot :)
    • Two words (actually 4): Casino Royale, Battlestar Galactica.

      It's not Star Trek that's tired and irrelevant. We're sick of Bad Star Trek, like the last two movies and Enterprise as well as half of Voyager. Star Trek is just an excellent, extensive backdrop allowing people to tell stories. If the stories suck no amount of Star Trekiness will save the series and that's what we had the last ten years.

      Give the man a chance.

  • ...for alien zombies.
  • I've never seen an episode of Star Trek, or any of the movies. I loved Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz though. Maybe I'll check this one out when it's on Netflix.
  • by downix ( 84795 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:00PM (#20961329) Homepage
    When I heard of the movie project, I could do nothing but groan. "No more, Nemesis and Enterprise ruined it" was my thought. The franchise had been going down ever since the Dominion war in DS9. But, as time went on, and more details came out, I paused, and thought on it a bit. Rather than rehashing an existing concept, or trying to "expand" with jelly-sex-rubdown scenes, the producer is actually trying to reinvigorate things, but not by some highbrow concept that blew up in our faces with Enterprise and Voyager, but with a return to what makes the show stick with us after all of these years. It wasn't the TNG intellectualism, or the DS9 anti-heroism, or Voyagers attempt at survivalism, or Enterprises horrible attempt at merging all 3. It was the original series, sticking to the basic storytelling engine based on classic westerns, using Freudian psychology paired with Jung archetypes, all with the "Bandwagon to the Stars." By ripping away the layers of overdone polish and returning to the core essence of the show, then maybe, just maybe there stands a chance. Every casting choice made shows a deep understanding of this core concept. The actor choices being ideal canidates for the archetype or the psychological core element of the role being played. This gives me hope for the series I have not held for a very long time.
    • paired with Jung archetypes

      Ensign what is that peace sign doing on your phasor bank console? You'd better get your head and your ass wired together, or I will take a giant shit on you!
  • by davidc ( 91400 )
    So the villain is called Nero, eh?

    I suppose violins will be well represented on the soundtrack.
    • The joke is that Neo played the Fiddle (Which isn't true either, the Fiddle was invented 1500 years too late...)
      For the programmers out there:

      Fiddle != Violin []
      • by davidc ( 91400 )
        I bow to your superior knowledge!

        Let me rephrase: Maybe the screenplay is masturbatory :-)
      • The joke is that Neo played the Fiddle (Which isn't true either, the Fiddle was invented 1500 years too late...)
        For the programmers out there:
        Fiddle != Violin

        Well, the bit in the brackets is accurate at least. The site you cite doesn't back you up: --

        differences between violin and fiddle music

        Note: it's not talking about differences between "violin and fiddle", but differences between violin music and fiddle music. Just for interest, from the OED:

        fiddle, n. 1. a. A stringed instrument of music; usually, the violin, but also (with defining word as in bass fiddle) applied to other instruments of the viol kind. Now only in familiar or contemptuous use.

        So, just to clarify: Fiddle == Violin.

        And Nero? You're right in the inconsequential sense that the instrument he was playing happens to have been a lyre, not a violin; but in every essential respect, historical fact matches the legend. (Except the bit a

  • by NJVil ( 154697 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @06:02PM (#20961357)
    Is the science fiction genre so fscking bankrupt for ideas that it needs to rehash ToS? ToS was a good enough series in its time, but who is this abomination of a movie designed to appeal to? What demographic wants to see this? Who wants to see Kirk played by anyone but Shatner? The man has all but ruined the role for anyone else. Why not take these actors and cast them in roles they can make their own instead of hamstringing them with the legacies of Nimoy and Shatner?

    It's just like the abysmally stupid "Bionic Woman" nonsense; some bonehead executive decided to trot an old standard (for which some people have nostalgia) of carbonite and to "reimagine" it for a new generation... whatever the hell that means... Or the moronic Underdog movie. Or one of any other cinematic turds splattered across the big screen in the past few years. Damn.

    There have been worlds of awesome science fiction written in the past few years that could easily be adopted to the big screen. For example, "The Golden Compass" is being released this winter and looks promising. However, what do we usually get? More of the same unimaginative crap that's driven people away from the major networks and theatres.
    • who is this abomination of a movie designed to appeal to?
      Anyone familiar with the trademark.
      • by NJVil ( 154697 )
        From my admittedly small sample size of three, people familiar with the trademark are not pleased with this. All three are following the details, but none has said anything positive about this new movie. They are set in their minds that Shatner is Kirk, and will not pay to see someone else play Kirk differently (or even... worse... copy/lampoon... Shatner's... acting).

        As far as they are concerned, this is not appealing.

        As I think I said in my original post, I'm more annoyed that there is so much good fictio
    • Usually it's "for the kids" - all the actors in the old series are, well, old. and they're not hot. Get young, and hot, actors in the roles, and make sure they're ones who are in the news and gossip magazines, or at least have the potential and personality to be in the gossip magazines as soon as they're in this summers blockbuster.
    • by jotok ( 728554 )
      ...who is this abomination of a movie designed to appeal to? What demographic wants to see this? Who wants to see Kirk played by anyone but Shatner?

      People other than you, obviously. So fortunate that you are not forced to watch.

      But you're going to anyway, aren't you?
  • I guess instead of the Vulcan mind meld or that nerve pinch that Spock uses, he is just going to use his fingers to take the top half of the skulls of Aliens.
  • When I heard the guy from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead was going to play Scotty, I immediately thought of Nick Frost.

    Nick Frost would have been great.
    • I also thought Nick Frost would have been a good Scotty... Of course, Scotty didn't plump up till the movies, so I guess this makes sense.

      I'd love to see Nick Frost with a red-shirt cameo. Give him maybe one line and have him get blasted first when they land on the alien planet.
  • So with the pick of comedic actors (from what I've been reading; I don't recognize any names other than ZQ), is this going to be the long-predicted Starfleet Academy movie, with Academy as in 'Star Trek does Police Academy'?
  • Slashdot really needs a Star Trek icon. If BeOS and the GIMP can get one, why can't the canonical nerdy TV series?

    I'm tagging this one startrekneedsanicon

  • Eric Bana? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Cloud K ( 125581 ) on Friday October 12, 2007 @08:00PM (#20962225)
    When Eric eats a Banana he becomes....
  • I like Pegg but I've pretty much given up on all things Trek. From the stories I've heard, there's not a decent script associated with the project. That always astounds me to no end. No decent script?! That's like opening a fine restaurant without any thought given to the menu. That's like getting an orchestra together and giving no consideration to the program. Scripts are movie embryos. Without a good script to work from, the whole project is lost. It is an incredibly rare experience to have a bad script
  • by Mana Mana ( 16072 )
    When one of these lists-of-unknowns rolls out invariably again, can one of you brilliant posters roll out a web page with jpgs of these folks and get yourself modded informative! Ahhh, please. It's a drag to copy and paste and search repeat.
  • The ladies were all sleeping with Gene Roddenberry, Leonard Nimoy did a decent job as Spock, but Mr. Scott is the ideal we all dreamed of being -- the guy who makes things work while having impossible demands made on his resources and abilities. James Doohan did a brilliant job with him. From the Trouble with Tribbles - "He called me a tin-plated dictator with delusions of grandeur? So that's when you hit him, Mr. Scott? No Sir. He called the Enterprise a garbage scow and that's when I hit him." to the

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
