Geeky April Fools' Day Prank Roundup 282
An anonymous reader writes "April 1st is the ultimate holiday for a geek — a little hands-on DIY, a little hacking and a lot of sub-par humor. Popular Mechanics and Instructables have teamed up for five pranks you can build in the office (including a stripped-down version of Gizmodo's CES TV blackout), while Wired has its top 10 practical jokes for nerds, Lifehacker is toning it down with 10 harmless geek pranks, and Slate gets you ready for the receiving end with an April Fools' defense kit. What's your best prank?" Be safe, head for the bunker on 4/1 and just assume everything you hear is a lie. Everything.
Everything? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Everything? (Score:5, Funny)
And that you beat me, you bastard.
Re:Everything? (Score:5, Funny)
Especially the cake.
Re:Everything? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Everything? (Score:5, Funny)
My "best" prank (Read: Only prank I've really done) was taking a roll of shrink wrap from work and wrapping a coworkers car. Someone told him I was doing it, he comes out and says we should do another and leave the plastic on his so hes not blamed, lol.
Re:Everything? (Score:4, Funny)
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That is not a practical joke....thats quiet time in the library with Grandma. I'm planning on setting my sisters alarm clock to go off at 4 AM, as it is on the other side of the room, and she doesn't wake up till 12
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Speaking of cake, a favorite joke of mine is to put a delicious looking cake in the office break room with "Happy April Fools Day" written in large letters in the frosting. Of course, the cake is perfectly fine and 100% edible, but no one will trust it. Its amusing seing people staring it down, debating, and daring each other to take a bite all day long.
Next time, promise to bring pie and bring a cake with either the symbol or 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944... written on it.
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Are they shooting horse or (Score:2)
"in vein"?
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No cake? (Score:4, Funny)
Does that mean there *won't* be cake?
and if past experience tells me anything (Score:4, Insightful)
OMG... (Score:2)
Or will it be daffodils this year ?
still get mocked years after ..... (Score:5, Funny)
Once when I was still a newbie to slashdot, back in 1998 if I'm not mistaken. I read a story of bill gates adopting gifted kids, and wiring probes directly to there brain in the hopes of finding a successor. I believed it hook line and sinker and forwarded it to every co-worker. Suffice it to say I still get mocked to this day about 'Cris's Cranial Clicker' I think they even made me one out of a bowl and some silly string. So thank you slashdot, I will nto be here tomorrow
Re:and if past experience tells me anything (Score:5, Funny)
That implies that it's worth coming to the other 364 days.
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It's too late! (Score:3, Insightful)
Slashdot wont be worth coming to tomorrow... see you all on the 2nd...
Poor silly mortal. Have you forgotten the International Date Line? April Fools is already here!
Stories emerging from the other side of the planet:
A NEW Google program [news.com.au] powered by artificial intelligence allows internet users to search web pages 24 hours before they're created, the company said today.
Yahoo! Confirms MS Merger, Name Change [imagicity.com]
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Re:and if past experience tells me anything (Score:4, Funny)
What keeps the fiddler on the roof. TRADITION!
Personally, I look forward to April 1st.
Re:and if past experience tells me anything (Score:4, Funny)
Journal, April 1, 2008, 6:30AM (Score:3, Funny)
"I love you."
*Thinks for a moment* "just assume everything you hear is a lie. Everything."
I got Rick Rolled (Score:5, Funny)
(speakers on, detach mouse for best effect).
Re:I got Rick Rolled (Score:4, Funny)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=IlhZCDlEmh0 [youtube.com]
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10 harmless geek pranks (Score:5, Funny)
I'm looking for "10 spectacularly fatal geek pranks".
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Re:10 harmless geek pranks (Score:5, Funny)
I just replaced the offices easy listening CD's with 12 hours of polka. I also stole the key that goes to the closet where the cd player is. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Good thing I have my own mp3 player.
10 fatal geek pranks (Score:3, Informative)
10) Acid
9) Pringles
8) Explosives
7) Old Newspapers
6) Toiletries
5) Electricity
4) Adhesives
3) Feral cats
2) Dry Ice
1) Neutrons
Special mention: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Funniest_Joke_in_the_World [wikipedia.org]
All deadly funny, but do not try these at home. You have been warned.
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A couple turns of fine solder around the prongs of an (unplugged) electrical plug, against the plastic (so it's hard to spot).
Not fatal, but will make quite the bang when your victim plugs it in. Use thin solder and it won't even trip the breaker. Lead-free is highly recommended...
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It also qualifies as sub-par humour.
Printers and Stats (Score:5, Funny)
On another occasion I sent an email to a stats software mailing list saying I'd written a package to implement not the Normal distribution, but the Paranormal distribution. Its mean value was the number you were just thinking of.
Re:Printers and Stats (Score:5, Funny)
the three stooges (Score:3, Informative)
writing a paper letter: "PS: if you didn't get this, let me know and I'll send it again".. or to that effect.
its not clear if the howards+1 invented this joke or not. but I'll give it to them, on the liklihood that its theirs.
(still a good one; just pointing out how old it is).
Re:Printers and Stats (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Printers and Stats (Score:4, Funny)
What I didn't know was that he scheduled a very important presenatation exactly for that day... But I found another job quickly.
April Fools' Day On The Web : 2008 (Score:3, Interesting)
Best prank (Score:5, Funny)
1) choose the victim building
2) get 3 pigs
3) paint very prominent digits -- '1', '2', and '4' -- on the pigs
4) release pigs in building selected in step 1
Watching folks round up the 3 pigs is fun enough. But it's hilarious to watch the long, futile search for pig #3.
Re:Best prank (Score:5, Funny)
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Was cow-tipping popular at your school? I'm sure most of us couldn't lay hands on several pigs. Gotta be a rural thing.
But, surely the math geeks figured out they were base-2 pigs, right? :-P
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Re:Best prank (Score:4, Funny)
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It's the value, not the symbol. In this case, the sequence of integers which correspond to the power of two.
And, no, I'm not a math geek, I'm a software developer.
Re:Best prank (Score:4, Informative)
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I seriously doubt this ever happened. I think it's just a rural legend.
Re:Best prank (Score:5, Funny)
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No prank matters really (Score:2, Informative)
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Tomorrow's news today (Score:2)
Bush will say Iraq was a big mistake
RMS will announce a new project The Torvolds Barnyard
Comcast will give 50 downloads from iTunes to each of it's customers
It will be declared bittorrent day in Iceland
Jenna Jameson will buy Maxim and rename it Angry Inch
Countrywide's Executive team will return their golden handshake money
Jesus will be spotted in the snow on the side of Mount McKinley
- He'll be wearing Nike branded ski gear
Ponies (Score:5, Funny)
Never gets old.
my best prank... (Score:5, Funny)
What's your best prank?
Tricking the editors into posting really crappy april-fools stories each year on the 1st. I've been doing it for almost 10 years straight and they still haven't caught on.
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Re:my best prank... (Score:5, Funny)
Desktop screenshot (Score:2)
What's your best prank? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What's your best prank? (Score:5, Funny)
Dude, that could so backfire on you as established precedent.
Wrong holiday (Score:2)
Bismarck (Score:2)
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ssh (Score:5, Funny)
Re:ssh (Score:5, Funny)
Possible Cure For Cancer Found! (Score:2)
Frankly, that's not a bad way to approach the other 364/5 days of the year here also...
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I heard that he even had a February 29 this year. It must be part of some government energy savings plan.
For you EE people (Score:5, Funny)
Make a circuit that beeps every 30 seconds or so. Add a photoresistor that turns on and off the beeping, so it beeps when it's dark. Put in victim's bedroom.
Laugh at the though that when they go to bed, it will start beeping, frequently and quietly enough to be annoying, but infrequently enough that it's hard to find. But when they turn the lights back on... the beeping stops!
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It would also help to increase the frequency to 6000 Hz or so, which will also make it harder for humans to locate the direction of sound.
Finally, tape a 100 dollar bill to the bug for when the person finally finds it... they are probably going to be mad as hell and this will give you an easy way out.
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Re:For you EE people (Score:4, Interesting)
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http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/8c52/ [thinkgeek.com]
Re:For you EE people (Score:4, Interesting)
The third, though, was a masterpiece of evil, lasting several months. I snuck it in a VP's office, but I'd only leave it on for a day at most - and then turn it off. A week passes, I turned it back on for another day or so, then off again - but making sure there wasn't really a consistent pattern. After a few months of this, I found him in his office, with a pen and a notepad, and almost everything turned off... He was writing down the time of each beep, and turning off a device in his office each time until he was finally sitting there in the dark, with nothing left to make noise, and a notepad full of timestamps.
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Re:For you EE people (Score:5, Funny)
If it's the last thing I do, I'll get the bastard who designed them.
MSOXML (Score:4, Informative)
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Wallpaper fun (Score:4, Funny)
No matter how old we get, guys are always suckers for sophomoric humor - I think it's genetic.
Funniest so far (Score:2)
anyways, the due date was tomorrow till he realized he had the dates wrong.
Rick Roll defence tips every geek needs for 4/1 (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.itprotips.com/defence/NoPrankZone/ [itprotips.com]
Another fun keyboard prank... (Score:5, Funny)
Pop the M and N keys off of their keyboard and switch them around. Then, download a keyboard remapper and remap the M and N keys so that they correspond with the new arrangement (ie, the M key gives you an M, and the N key gives you an N, but their positions are switched). Pop the M and N keys off of your keyboard and switch them as well, but don't remap them.
After repeatedly mistyping (nistypimg?) things, they'll take a good long look at their own keyboard and then have a look at yours, just to compare (and of course, you've anticipated this and switched your own keys around too). With any luck, they'll be convinced they're going crazy.
Inspired by Twin Peaks.. (Score:2)
"Someone put a fish in the percolator!"
I actually did this several years ago - three people took coffee before one came back and dumped the pot.
That's easy ... (Score:2)
My best aprils fools (Score:5, Funny)
Moral of the story:
1) Get it in as early as possible: chances are by the end of the day they probably are more suspicious.
2) Know your victim: my father knew how much I hate getting up early in the morning, he would find it really hard to believe I would wake up before I had to.
3) Make it plausable: We all have at some point screwed up in setting our alarms, the scenario I created could have very well actually happened. Be mindful of details.
4) Don't be cruel: Let them in on it after it is apparent they fell for it before they start really acting on what you fooled them with. Don't make them afraid for their life or anything crazy like that.
My father is a smart man that isn't easily deceived, I have spent many years refining my technique.
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My Favorite Prank (Score:5, Funny)
April, 2003. I was living in a large tent, on the Persian Gulf coast, in northern Kuwait. I returned to my cot after a hard days work, where I was greeted by a fake plastic snake. I was not surprised, due to the fact I noticed Spc Harris fighting laughter while keeping a watchful eye on me as I entered the tent.
I am one for vengence, so my mind immediately began cooking up a scheme. The roof of the tent was made of a double layer of thick canvas material. It was sloped, at about a 45 degree angle. Harris slept with his head pointed towards the side wall, and feet pointing towards the center of the tent.
I took my trusty knife one afternoon, and cut a slit in the bottom layer of canvas, above Harris' head, on the roof of the tent. I left the slit there, in plain sight, for two weeks thinking he would be suspicious of it at first. After the two weeks were up, I constructed a fairly large fake spider out of electrical tape, pipe cleaners and black paint. I used fishing line for it's silk. I put the spider in the roof of the tent, slightly past the slit I had cut. I then ran the fishing line over the slit, out and down the side of the tent, and finally back into the tent near my cot.>/p>
That night after lights out, as Harris layed on his cot, watching a movie on his portable DVD player, I put my plan into action. I pulled slightly on the fishing line, causing the spider to move over and fall through the slit. I then slowly let out slack, causing my home-made monster to descend on it's web. The alignment couldn't have been more perfect, because the spider descended into the space between the portable movie screen, and Harris' face. Harris' reaction was priceless, too. Too scared to scream, he jumped from his cot, flung the DVD player across the room, knocked over a bunch of his crap, and wound up sprawled across the floor babbling "holy shit holy shit". The lights in the tent then went back on, and there was much laughter.
It all boils down to (Score:2)
Prank via Outlook (Score:2)
My office has more than a dozen conference rooms, which can be reserved for meetings through our Microsoft Exchange/Outlook system. We're very heavily reliant on this system. We also have way too many meetings.
A month ago, I went into the system and booked *all* the conference rooms for the entire workday of April 1 (8am to 6pm). My set of fictitious meetings was called "Productivity in the 21st Century: An Interactive Meta-Analysis of Resource Allocation." A handful of other people were in on the joke
Favorite from my college days... (Score:2)
Re:Favorite from my college days... (Score:5, Funny)
You chose Now.
Starting countdown: NOW!
5200 and ELIZA (Score:5, Funny)
Well, I brought my laptop to work (it was a TRS-80 Model 102 [wikipedia.org] if you care). In the text editor, I made a banner that spelled out "5200" in asterisks or something. I went into the lab, and pushed B's 5200 prototype to the back of his work area, and set up my laptop in its spot, turned on and showing the "5200" banner. Then I went and found B and innocently asked if he would show me the 5200 prototype. Actually, I think he was amused by the gag as well.
Right after I was hired there, another of my co-workers tried to convince me that they had this really cool super-ELIZA [wikipedia.org] program that was actually intelligent. He sat me down in front of a dumb terminal to try it out. I figured right away, correctly, that they had just set up two terminals and that somewhere else in the building, some human was impersonating ELIZA, so I tried to ask questions that would be easy for a computer to answer but hard for a human ("What's the square root of 12345?"). If only he'd had the foresight to keep a scientific calculator close at hand.
Neither of these were on April 1. Why limit this sort of fun to one day per year?
The punchline didn't hurt as much as the punch (Score:4, Funny)
phone cleaning (Score:5, Funny)
Tomorrow (Score:5, Funny)
If this plan backfires, I promise I'll log on from the unemployment office and let you all know...
April Fools RFCs (Score:3, Interesting)
I always get a chuckle out of the April Fools RFCs, though there haven't been many the last few years.
Our standing joke around the office for a long time was RFC 3514 RFC 3514 [ietf.org], The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header. RFC 2324 [ietf.org] is probably my personal favourite. RFC 3252 [ietf.org] may have been too clever for its own good, and some people may not have gotten the joke.
Clappers + Computer Lab = Evil Fun (Score:5, Funny)
We also put some annoyance programs on them, like a program called "boing" that made your mouse pointer behave, in relationship to how it should behave, as if it were attached to the actual mouse location by a spring. We also installed a background program that would make computers randomly, at various times, start singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall." Except that we used "99,999 bottles of beer on the wall." In a really painful early 1990's Macintosh voice.