Today Is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! 287
lucabrasi999 writes "Ahoy! Drink up the Grog, me hearties! Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Grab yer wenches and stop being a bilge-rat." Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket have even provided a short YouTube video to help those who might be a bit more pirate-speak challenged. Even Google is getting in on the action, those swarthy dogs.
Harrrr .... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Harrrr .... (Score:4, Funny)
Yaarrrr! I be off searching the high interwebs for some booty mate! I be downloading me some movies fer free! And gamez, appz, and pieces of eight!
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Noooooo (Score:4, Funny)
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Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
Twod think it was Arrrrbys! But it's actually Long John Silver's.
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
It's actually McDonalds. Seriously, nobody likes Arby's or Long John Silver's. Not even pirates.
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Seriously? McDonalds? People actually eat that crap?
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
Yar, that be not so insightful, ye landlubbing mods. Everybody loves chicken nuggets (even if they be not admitin' it) and the orange juice does keep them scurvy bones away. Best of all be ye old happymeal toy.
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the orange juice does keep them scurvy bones away
Not in the volumes they sell it in. Unless you already have two peg-legs, you'll never protect your bones by going there.
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Unless you already have two peg-legs, you'll never protect your bones by going there.
Yar, thar be discrimination against we disabled bucaneer americans.
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Interesting)
The actual pirates spoke late Middle English and early Modern. So basically they spake like Chaucer (Wann Aprille mit his soottes shorres) or Shakespeare (Toe bay orrrrr note toe bay, dat ist dey qvest-teeon), albeit less poetic and more common man.
Some of dose scurvy Scots still spake like dey pirates:
"Yalp oot a hay nanny-nanny, and drank up me haarties, yo ho!"
(ducking and running)
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Arrr!! Ye'll be walkin' the plank for that one, matey.
If thar be one thing pirates be hatin', it's bad puns! :-P
Cheers, Arrr!!
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What's a pirates favorite part of the anatomy?
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
What's a pirates favorite part of the anatomy?
I think ye mean booty ya filthy bilge rat
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
Because they arrrrrrr!
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
What be a pirates favorite letter?
No, not Arrrh.
P - It's like an R but it be missing a leg.
Re:Noooooo (Score:4, Funny)
Why are Massachusetts Pirates the least scary.....
because saying Aaaaaaa!! just doesn't' have the same effect.
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
I would have responded with my favorite pirate joke... but there be kids around, and it be rated ARRRRRRRRR!
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Knock Knock! Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Argo who?
ARRRR! Go Fsck yerself! Heh heh heh...
Knock Knock! Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Shirley who?
ARRRR! Go Fsck yerself! Heh heh heh...
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What be a pirate's favorite heavy metal band?
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A. It be the Gym Laaaaaaaad
Re:Noooooo (Score:5, Funny)
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capn; You scurley dog Balmer, I said, why do Pirates act like Pirate's?
messr Balmer; I I I don't know
capn;Because they ARRRRRRRR!!!! Did you see a D or a M around that RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,
messr balmer; n n nooo.
capn;You shuwld kno tha a pirates favouri lettwr is ARRRRRRRRRR, Now tie im to th yardarm and make im be poiwntin us to more PLUNDARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've pillagd Wall st enuf!, Mister Gates?
messr Gates; Yes capn?
capn; Tewl th world, for there own good, What's
This just in from the weather channel (Score:4, Funny)
Meteorologists the world over have noticed incredibly unusual drops in temperature in every country today, beginning at midnight in each country's respective time zone.
While there is no explanation for this phenomenon, experts predict average global temperatures to return to normal by tomorrow morning.
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Arrrr! I be having a better link than ye!
Pirate Song! [youtube.com]
ARR, time to be talkin' like a pirate (Score:3, Funny)
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Re:ARR, time to be talkin' like a pirate (Score:5, Funny)
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Aye, but on the internet, nobody knows you're a scurvy dog
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Aye, the mates be mates, the wenches be mates, and the children be tax agents!
Talking like a pirate? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:ARR, time to be talkin' like a pirate (Score:4, Funny)
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Avast! I be takin' the pet ter yon vet... (Score:2)
It be a scurvy dog!
In pirate school I studied the Three Arrrs!
Me favourite football club be Arrrrsenal! Up ye Gooners!
Celebrated in World of Warcraft (Score:5, Interesting)
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Avast ye. But does one gets to become a ninja pirate zombie robot or gets one fer yer cabin mate? I does not think so landlubber. Arr! Fer that ye be needing a free online game called Kingdom of Loathing fer yer geeking needs.
Parlay? (Score:3, Funny)
What be a pirate's favorite data structure? The Arrrrrrrrreh!
Tune into Wheel of Fortune tonight... (Score:2, Funny)
... and watch the System Admin from Florida loose the game horribly because he only chose the letter "AAAARRR!"
Arrrrr..... (Score:5, Funny)
yeah, sorry, 'bout that. (Score:3, Funny)
He will be remembered for his distinctive garlic flavor and his ability to harmonize with wine from the Minervois region of France.
Re:yeah, sorry, 'bout that. (Score:5, Funny)
Wait a minute, you say you EAT your God? On a regular basis?
That's insane! Why, I'm a Catholic and...I...err...nevermind.
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Also... (Score:2)
It is also Ferry Porsche's birthday (Porsche 356, not Fernidad the VW guy)
ARG, Bitches! (Score:2)
Yeah, I know, I couldn't resist....
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Let me have a go... (Score:2)
Psst... wanna buy a DVD of The Dark Night*? Only 5 bucks!
(* sic - don't want to get Slashdot DCMAd by a RIAA webcrawler, do we?)
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So long as it's not actually crab pr0n, I'll take one. /dailyshow
Download! (Score:5, Funny)
I say we celebrate this day downloading the new Metallica album from Pirate Bay!
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Avast ye! It's talk like a pirate day. So while discussing it is acceptable, really acting like a pirate is extraneous.
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And if you want to know wether the album is worth downloading, you can actually listen to it in its entirety on the official website : http://www.metallica.com/index.asp?item=601231 [metallica.com]
(which I think is a pleasant surprise coming from Metallica)
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No we won't [youtube.com]
I be jokin, ya dirty swabs! (Score:5, Funny)
Me pirate friend walks into a bar wearin' what you land lubbers call a 'steerin' wheel' on his belt buckle.
"Why you be wearin' that steerin' wheel on yer belt, matey?" the bartender asks.
"Arr, it's fer me wife, she be drivin' me nuts!
What's gray and comes in quart? Arr, it be elephants!
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All designed to confuse the ninjas! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:All designed to confuse the ninjas! (Score:5, Funny)
I'm hung over and my co-workers are being extra loud. Why couldn't this be "STFU Like a Ninja Day" instead?
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Because that's what every other day is. You just didn't know because, well, ninjas aren't very good at publicity.
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Drink up, m'arty. There be nothing to cure what ails ye like another bottle of grog.
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Ninja have their own day.
December 5, the Day of the Ninja.
http://www.dayoftheninja.com/ [dayoftheninja.com]
Keyboard maties! (Score:5, Funny)
don't forget the egronomic keyboard for Pirates:
http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=610 [upenn.edu]
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RRR RRRrrr!!!
From the datacenter... (Score:2)
Q: What type of virtualization do Pirates use?
Q: What type of storage do Pirates use?
Enough for now, time to get back to doing restores, now if I can only find the right Barrrrrrcode.
Alestorm FTW. (Score:2)
Arrr. Now if only I knew how to put the CD in the playerrrrr with me hook. I begin to underrrrstand why us pirates download of the interrrrnets
Facebook language: English (Pirate) (Score:5, Informative)
Facebook now be havin' an "English (Pirate)" language option. Yarrr!
Google translation effort (Score:2)
Avast me hearties!
Be it just me, or d' Google do a half-britched job o' this translation ... just the front page be all t'were translated. At least fer what me eyes be seein'. Arrrrr!!!
What does a pirate pay to pierce his ears? (Score:2, Funny)
How did the pirate die? (Score:2, Funny)
"There's a thin line between clever and stupid." (Score:3, Funny)
to quote David St. Hubbins.
Likewise, the difference between pirate and prat is "ie".
"Ie" happens to be the country code for "Ireland". So, to talk like a pirate it seems you start by talking like a prat, add a bit of brogue, then mix things up a bit.
Re:"There's a thin line between clever and stupid. (Score:2)
Likewise, the difference between pirate and prat is "ie".
That be quite clever there, you scurvy dog.
Or maybe it be the other thing.
You ain't be that land lubber David St. Hubbins, if it be helpin' you figure out which.
Sorry, from Boston, can't participate. (Score:5, Funny)
Former Google Answers Researchers celebrate this! (Score:2)
Bounty (Score:5, Funny)
A pirate walks into a bar wearing a paper towel on his head. He sits down at the bar and orders some dirty rum.
The bartender asks, "Why are you wearing a paper towel?"
"Arrrrrrr I've got a bounty on me head!"
'Tis not a good day in Pittsburgh (Score:2)
-- Doug Mientkiewicz, after Tuesday night's loss to the Dodger [post-gazette.com]
Please combine all your retard 'memes' (Score:2)
Talk like Bacon Pirate Ninja day.
My one-a-day Pirate Joke list... (Score:4, Funny)
They say, "Once a pirate, always a pirate!" So why is it that these scurvy dogs never return to the straight and narrow?
Once you lose your first hand, yer HOOKED!
Why did the pirate wear a paper towel for a bandanna?
He heard that all good pirates have a bounty on their head!
Where would they send a Pirate Ship with a broken rib?
To the dock, in the sick bay.
Why couldn't the pirates play cards?
The captain was standing on the deck!
How do pirates know that they are pirates?
They know, because they ARRRR!!!!!
What does a bleached blonde and a pirate have in common?
A little black patch.
Did you hear about the pirate who took up boxing?
He had a killer left hook!
What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck!
What's really a pirate's favorite letter?
P! Because it's an R, but it's missing a leg!
What's a horny pirate's worst nightmare?
A sunken chest with no booty!
What be a pirate's favorite vegetable?
Have you heard about the new pirate movie?
It's rated AARRRRGGH! And you know why? Because of all the booty!
what do you call a pirate that skips class?
captain hooky!
What has 12 hands, 12 feet and 12 eyes?
A dozen Pirates!
What was Bluebeard's wife's name? Peg.
How does a pirate greet a prostitute? Yo Ho
What's a pirate's least favorite animal? Beaver.
Question: What did Captain Hook die from?
Answer: Jock Itch.
How did the pirate stop smoking?
He used the patch!
Not a real holiday (Score:5, Funny)
I reminded my wife that today is talk like a pirate day and she said, "It's not a real holiday. If it were a real holiday I would have seen an entire section of pirate Hallmark cards at the store today."
Arrrrr (Score:4, Funny)
Google's got a fly in therr ointment (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:wtf (Score:5, Funny)
"jesus, hasn't this lame fad died yet???
No, because it's fun. Go away, killjoy.
Oh, and "Arrr".
Re:wtf (Score:5, Informative)
Ahoy there me land lubberin' wannabe pirate! Methinks you be needing some help with yer pirate lingo if you be wanting to fit in with the boys on deck. So, here...
http://postlikeapirate.com/translator.php [postlikeapirate.com]
Re:wtf (Score:5, Funny)
Yarr, but we pirate-folk just type 'SMT!'
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Yarrrrr, I'll never leave you, I'm captain Killjoy :D
Prepare to be boarded ya landlubber
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I have no problem with prosecuing the naked short selling rules. What's at issue is that shorting shares ( naked or otherwise ) has been banned on all financials.
What's incredible is that companies like Sears, Netflix, Capstone have been crying foul for years and wall st laughed and kept shorting them blind while the SEC looked the other way. Here is an example [sec.gov]. The rule was never enforced. Today wall st is in the crosshairs and everyone is running around trying to prevent short sales.
These markets are not
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Avast ye Matey! We can't be argueing with ye, it be total bullshit. Arr! But then, it always has been lad. Arr!
There, fixed that for ya. ;)
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Arrr, fixed that for ye. ;)
Arrr, fixed that for ye. P)
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Talk about imaginary property
Anyway, it's funny they've only just prevented you from selling shares you don't own, when they:
1) Let people buy houses with practically no money at all - giving them big loans
2) Treat those loans as assets
3) Lend or borrow more money based on those assets.
4) Repeat and rinse.
5) Wait till the music stops, ask for Gov to bail you out with taxpayer money, say "Everyone was doing
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Today is also trade like a pirate day. Since the administration has just ruled that all the shorts should just hand over money to the longs.
Shiver me timbers! That's good news you bring me, matey. This won't be the first time I be glad that I be a "long", though always before it be more help with the wenches than with the plunderin', harr harr!
Wait, you be talkin' 'bout lily-liver land-lubber investments?
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Yarr, piss off. We be havin' a good tyme.
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Nor I, but if there be buxom wenches ahoy, I be in!
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Sailing ships accurately.
Colorful vernacular.
Garish clothing.
Whe ninjas get those then they *might* be okay. Until then? Arr!!!
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