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Battlestar Galactica's Last Days 799

bowman9991 writes "If your country was invaded and occupied by a foreign power, would you blow yourself up to fight back? If someone pointed a gun at your head and threatened to pull the trigger if you refused to sign a document you knew would lead to a hundred deaths (and you signed!), would that make you ultimately responsible? Does superior technology give you the moral right to impose your will on a technologically inferior culture? You wouldn't expect a mainstream television show to tackle such philosophically loaded questions, certainly not a show based on cheesy science fiction from the '70s, but if you've watched Battlestar Galactica since it was re-imagined in 2003, there has been no escape. The final fourth season is nearly over, and when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again. SFFMedia illustrates how Battlestar Galactica exposes the moral dilemmas, outrages, and questionable believes of the present as effectively (but more entertainingly) than any documentary or news program. It's not hard to see parallels in the CIA and US military's use of interrogation techniques in Bush's War on Terror, the effects of labeling one race as 'the enemy,' the crackdown on free speech, or the use of suicide bombers in Iraq."
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Battlestar Galactica's Last Days

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  • First Post! (Score:5, Funny)

    by XPeter ( 1429763 ) * on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:14PM (#26547997) Homepage

    My superior technology gives me the moral right to impose my will on a technologically inferior culture called Slashdot!

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by RonnyJ ( 651856 )

      Slashdot's technology gives me the possibility to crush your will by modding you down!

      ...well, it did, until I clicked 'Submit' :(

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by FuzzyHead ( 86261 )

      Only if you can keep your server from being slashdotted will we consider your technology superior. ;)

  • Tackle? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:16PM (#26548025) Homepage Journal

    BSG doesn't so much tackle moral questions as sort of run past them.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) *

      I have to agree. One of the more frustrating aspects of the show is that the characters very rarely grow a sufficiently large backbone to Do the Right Thing(TM). And then it's pretty much only because they're forced to do so. Using a corporate environment as an analog, my company would have bitten the dust long ago if every employee kept secrets like they do in BSG. The fact that the Cylons didn't manage to wipe them out in the first season is purely an artifact of it being fiction.

      Of course, there are plen

      • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Interesting)

        by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:40PM (#26548463)

        Yeah, that's called "realism." People in real life often rarely grow sufficiently large backbones to "do the right thing" either, particularly when they're threatened and running for their lives.

        And, as for secrets, is there any one of us who doesn't carry a TON of those around with them? Do you wake up every day and tell your wife that she's become a fat, bitter shrew and that you don't want to be married to her anymore because you want to go find a cute younger woman who isn't a fat, bitter shrew? Do you tell your kids that you're disappointed that they're not as smart or handsome as you'd hoped they'd be? Do you tell your boss he's a fucking idiot and that you think you could do a better job than him? Do you tell you mother that you don't want to visit her or call her because you're too different from her now to have anything to talk about? Do you tell yourself that you're not the hero of the story, just another loser in a world full of losers?

        ...I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?

        • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:57PM (#26548731)
          yes, I told my wife that she had become a bitter, fat shrew, but then I could not tell the kids I was disappointed in them because she took them. She got the house in the divorce, so I moved in with my Mom. Things were a little tense when I told her that I did not want to be there because we had nothing in common, but that did not last long. When I told my boss that he was an ass, I got fired, and when I was unable to pay the court appointed alimony, I was sent to prison, so there was no need for me to see her anymore. I still continue to tell the truth and not keep secrets hidden, that is why I will honestly say that my cellmate, Mark, has the biggest dick I have ever seen and it hurts, but I would still not change anything.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by OctaviusIII ( 969957 )
          Well, most of those aren't applicable to me, as I really don't feel those ways. In general, though, I don't have secrets. I don't tell my girlfriend about every passing fancy I've had for someone, but you'd better believe I'd tell her if I cheated on her. I try not to lie to myself, either: I'm not the hero of the story and my failures are monumental. There are no good people, only bad ones that compensate, and that includes me.

          BSG always seemed like it cooked up drama for the sake of drama by creating
      • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by nine-times ( 778537 ) <> on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:46PM (#26548547) Homepage

        One of the more frustrating aspects of the show is that the characters very rarely grow a sufficiently large backbone to Do the Right Thing(TM). And then it's pretty much only because they're forced to do so.

        So you're saying it's realistic?

        A real individual like that would have carefully controlled the release of that information, being careful to spin it as something out of his control.

        Now that seems unrealistic to me-- a world where people take on their problems, admit their mistakes (even with spin), and avoid having their past actions bite them in the ass.

        I like that BSG *doesn't* necessarily wrap everything up in a neat little package. Everyone sees a problem, nobody can agree on what to do about it, time passes, nothing gets done, and then it ends up blowing up in everyone's face later down the line. Or not. Sometimes that stuff just passes by and never gets resolved. That sounds much more like the world we live in, rather than having some all-wise character give you a moral to the story at the end of each episode.

      • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Bemopolis ( 698691 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:49PM (#26548587)

        Take Baltar as an example. By keeping his involvement with the destruction of the colonies a secret, he's basically accepting responsibility for his actions. Yet his character never accepts responsibility for his actions! A real individual like that would have carefully controlled the release of that information, being careful to spin it as something out of his control.

        Ttrapped in space with the remains of humanity, each of which has suffered a devastating loss, has easy access to guns, and is looking for someone to blame. Saying "I did it" and hoping no one offs you before you get to "...but".


      • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Austerity Empowers ( 669817 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @01:35PM (#26549321)

        The show isn't a series of morality plays, it's to make you think about what's right. It's more social commentary, "this is how it is", not "how it should be". Right and wrong is a complicated issue, made easier for us viewers because we have (somewhat) perfect knowledge.

        I believe that in general though, you're right, characters display less backbone than we, the audience would like them to. And I believe that's the point. We are unpassionate observers, watching two warring factions go at it. The more we watch, the less we necessarily have empathy for either side. The more clearly we see where this is headed. After the last episode, would you accept a Disney ending?

        More importantly, are the times when characters actually do the right thing. Some characters do the right thing more often than not, on both sides. Sometimes the right thing had dire consequences, involving deaths of many people. How many people, your people, would you kill for the right thing? Would you lie to your people to unify them, to ensure their (brief) survival? What is the quest for earth if not a metaphor for our new president?

        Baltar is, mostly, our example of the true self-serving egotist. He's even making a religion out of it. He's not all bad, he sometimes does the right thing, he certainly tries to think the right thoughts. But he is impossibly weak. Yet I think at some level we all identify with him. We hate what he does, but we understand why he does it. We'd like to think we'd do differently. Baltar, IMO, is ultimately dominated by his cowardice, not his intellect. He knows where he stands on the jedi-sith scale, but he's too much of a coward to take control of himself. This internal battle was fought out earlier on, with his "head six".

        The show is pretty bleak, I think precisely for the reasons you cite for not liking the characters. Unlike Star Trek, the moral quandaries and decisions made persist and are affecting the outcome. They're absolutely not blown by, they're resolved one way or another. All the what-if's that were decided on in past episodes have forced them down the path they're on now, a path that has caused a lot of pain and suffering, more than what could have been if characters had acted differently.

    • by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:34PM (#26548349)

      In case no one noticed, is the topic post simply forgetting Star Trek. It to "ran past" the issues but it did present them. It should not be neccessary to recite examples but it seems like it is required.

      Hmmm a man who's half black feels he has the moral right to enslave a man who is half white.

      An integrated crew, and even a miscegenating kiss?

      A prime directive that , to rephrase it a lot, basically said other cultural values are equal valid as your own technologically advance society, hung out before the audience every week.

      The futility of doomesday logic?

      Even the trouble with tribbles had a message that Russians and Americans still have common desires and interests.

      On the otherhand this was what early science fiction was about. Long before Andy Warhol and crew got the idea of decontextualization as the means to seeing things as they are, science fiction was mainly about seeing what happens when you transplant a cultural norm into a different society, usually by means of a technological story telling device.

      it was not all techno whiz larry niven (who later on also started contemplative sci fi with the Mote in gods eye) or space opera flash gordon.

      think about flowers for algernon, or the canticle for lebowitz, the lathe of heaven, farenheight 451.... Or for you young kids, Ghost in the shell.

      Star trek was designed to grab the flash gordon audience and show them a short 1 hour play about moral issues under heavy syrup.

      Galactica is in this tradition, not in the tradition of "Buck rogers" or star wars.

    • Re:Tackle? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by kannibal_klown ( 531544 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:42PM (#26548497)

      I wouldn't say they run past them. There were a few where they dedicated the whole episode to a moral question and how some really had no perfect solution.

      Others had entire seasons (or the entire story) to deal with: the occupation, what is "alive", is mass-deception OK, etc.

      The conditions and rebellion on New Caprica were done well (which lasted 1/2 a season) and "Baltar becoming a cult-like leader of a monotheistic religion" has played out pretty well.

      Other small 1-episode shots that were done well:

      The forced medication episode was another:

      • What happens when the beliefs of a few, risk the lives of the whole?
      • A group of people contracted a disease that was easily treatable, but refused medicine on religious grounds.
      • So the disease spread like wildfire amongst them, while exposing the rest of the fleet.
      • With medicine a scarce resource like in the show you'd want to stop an outbreak before it got out of control, which they made impossible.

      The whole "inherited jobs" and "labor issue on the refinery ship" was one that stood out.

      • With so few people available it became a big question of who worka which job
      • Travel between the specialized ships (mining, refinery, fuel, etc) was limited. People just "lived" there, raised a family, and showed them the trade on the ship.
      • Would new people get trained? Or would it just turn into a cast system? Would anyone without the last name Adama ever run the fleet?
      • And even the sympathetic protagonist's seemingly ideal solution was flawed. People got roped into jobs they weren't fit for.
      • Should working with farm machinery for a summer abroad qualify you into working on dangerous machinery at the refinery?

      Treating the black and grey markets was interesting.

      • In the context of the show, the black market kept the fleet running.
      • They weren't trying to make the survivors seem like a close-knit extended family like the original series: you didn't get something for nothing.
      • But then you look at the darker aspects of the market and you have to wonder where you draw the line. What is going too far? Should it exist at all?

      How do you treat POWs

    • Re:Tackle? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Yvanhoe ( 564877 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:45PM (#26548541) Journal
      Exactly. On one hand I am grateful to BSG for showing the general public that science fiction is not just about lightsabers and klingons, on the other hand, I would do the same observation as for the Matrix movie(s) : the questions, the ideas that seem so new to people who discover them on video-screens have been there in SF books for many, many years. BSG is deeper than most SF shows out there but it is still incredibly shallow when compared to the books that inspired its ideas more than 30 years ago.

      SF literature is a field where some philosophical questions are asked that can not be asked in any other context. And compared to recent books, the moral dilemmas of BSG are quite laughably easy to solve.
      • by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @02:00PM (#26549785) Homepage Journal

        Now you've verged into one of my pet beliefs: that movie and TV SF (let's call it "science video") can never be "real" SF in the sense that (for example) Heinlein is SF. The problem with SV, as with all movies and TV, is that it aims at a mass audience in a compressed format. That means thoughtful exposition and intellectual complication, which is how the genre engages most of its readers, are off limits. Indeed, many people who work in the media don't even have the background to do it properly.

        One reason I became a rabid trekkie early on was that TOS went further than any previous SV in trying to be real SF. One of their best inventions was Spock, who's a genuine alien, not just because he doesn't look human, but because he doesn't think human.

        And yet even this key character is not carefully thought through. In an early episode, we're told that this guy's physiology is so alien that McCoy's instruments go wild on him. Later in that same episode, we get a melodramatic scene relating to his relationship with his human mother! Apparently nobody had the background to appreciate the inconsistency between these two facts. Or probably somebody did (TOS had some good scientific advisers) and the producers said, "Whatever, we need that bit of drama near the end, we're not looking for an audience that will know the difference."

        Another example: Star Trek has always followed the convention that space fleet officers have naval ranks. But they've always carefully avoided the dual use of the word "captain" that's standard in real world navies. (In English-speaking countries, "captain" refers both to a rank equivalent to an army Colonel and a commander of a vessel, regardless of rank. In one of my favorite naval historical novels, The Sand Pebbles, the Captain of the U.S.S. San Pablo is a Lieutenant J.G.) A small complexity, but apparently deemed beyond the capacity of TV audiences.

        Though I've always thought that this complexity was stomped on after the fact. Notice that in TOS, Kirk wears wrist insignia that anybody who knows naval ranks would recognize as a futuristic version of the "one and a half rings" of a Lt. Commander. That's about the right rank to command a ship with 400 people. But officially that's insignia of a Captain and all the other officers (regardless of rank) wear a single ring. Right.

        And of course, we don't even want to talk about sound in a vacuum....

  • by russlar ( 1122455 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:18PM (#26548059)
    The writers don't know what it is.
    • by _xeno_ ( 155264 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @01:04PM (#26548843) Homepage Journal

      Man, I wish that were a joke, but it just isn't. The series producers have admitted that the whole "and they have a plan" thing was added "because it seemed cool."

      In fact, if you listen to the episode commentary, quite a bit of things were done "because it seemed cool." Boomer being a Cylon? "Because it seemed cool." The whole thing with the second Sharon and Helo on Caprica? "Because it seemed cool."

      The writers have never had a real plan and have been playing the entire thing mostly by ear. And it shows: the "and they have a plan" thing has just vanished. What is that plan? Did they give up on it? Why didn't they finish wiping out the human race? (Problems with Cylons procreating, apparently?) What's the deal with the human/Cylon hybrids (versus the Basestar/humanoid Cylon hybrid)?

      I will give them credit, though. They've managed to take the identities of the Final Five Cylons in the most recent episode and make them make sense. Sure, not everything is explained yet, and there are remaining questions, but at least the idea that they're Cylons doesn't seem completely implausible any more.

      Hopefully they'll find a way to tackle some of the dangling threads and finally figure out what the Cylon's plan was. Because they sure don't appear to have had a plan in the series so far.

  • Oh come on. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Hatta ( 162192 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:20PM (#26548085) Journal

    The final fourth season is nearly over, and when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again.

    I'm sure it's a good show, but get real here. Television will be pretty much the same after BSG than it was before BSG.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by exley ( 221867 )

      Well, you are certainly entitled to your believes.

    • The final fourth season is nearly over, and when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again.

      I'm sure it's a good show, but get real here. Television will be pretty much the same after BSG than it was before BSG.

      Now, I wouldn't say that...

      I mean, for one thing, BSG apparently has allowed for the possibility of more than one fourth season. How many have they had now? I guess after this final fourth season they'll finally move on to season 5.

  • by Cthefuture ( 665326 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:21PM (#26548107)

    In the beginning I really liked the show. It had a good mix of action, technology and drama. However, the last few seasons have been fairly "meh" for me because it has turned almost completely into a soap opera. Don't get me wrong, the soap opera stuff is OK but now there very little of the original mix that attracted me in the first place. It's just not the same show that it started out as.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by flitty ( 981864 )
      The end of the good mix for me seemed to be the Sub-Atmosphere Jump of Galactica (at the beginning of Season 2?) That was the end of the really good action scenes. There has been action since then, but it all seemed to be tangential to the story, rather than the driving force it was during the first season. Now i'm finishing up the series just to see how they wrap it all up. I think they've found a good time to end the show. A fifth season (or spinoff... you're kidding me, right?) would be too much and
  • Is this... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by MikeDirnt69 ( 1105185 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:24PM (#26548171) Homepage
    Is this an article or an add? I'm not quite sure...
  • by mseeger ( 40923 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:25PM (#26548195)


    BG (season 4.5) exposes another more significant dilemma for me: Imagine you're a resident of a third world country (e.g. Germany or UK) and even capable and willing to pay for your favorite TV series. Would you wait months or years for it to acess it legaly or just download it immediately from the asinus electronicus? What if your wife is even more anxious to see it than you? Having a gun put against you head can not be compared to the pressure applied to one in such a case.

    Hard choices :-)

    Yours, Martin

  • by CheshireCatCO ( 185193 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:26PM (#26548201) Homepage

    but if you've watched Battlestar Galactica since it was re-imagined in 2003, there has been no escape.

    That's... hyperbolic. I haven't seen an episode of the fourth season yet, nor do I plan to. I just lost interest when I started feeling like the writers didn't know where they were really heading.

    So I'm clearly... well, not hostile, but indifferent... to the show, but it should be noted that this "story" is nonsense. SciFi shows have been doing this for, literally, decades. Tackling moral issues of the day was the point of The Twlight Zone and Star Trek (TOS). More recently, Babylon 5 earned a pretty solid reputation for discussing (and very definitely not answering) moral conundra. Even Deep Space Nine (where BSG producer Ron Moore once worked) did a pretty good job with the same thing.

    So I suppose if your point is "BSG continues the tradition", then fine. But the tone of the summary and article very much make it sound like this is revolutionary.

  • No way! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Trojan35 ( 910785 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:26PM (#26548203)
    Next thing you know, they'll be a non sci-fi show [] about these very issues. It might even get decent ratings!
  • by VinylRecords ( 1292374 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:27PM (#26548221)

    Battlestar Galactica is one of those series that I'm sure I would enjoy if I watched it as rapidly as possible. Commercial free and at my own leisure.

    Watching LOST is painful due to the seemingly infinite periods of time between seasons. Guess what I'll be doing tonight...

    But hopefully BSG can have a cheap DVD or BD bundle for the entire series for people who enjoy sci-fi but didn't follow the series across its run.

  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:28PM (#26548233)

    I was a kid when the original BSG was on in the late 70's, and so remember it fondly (I can still remember how sad I and other kids were when they cancelled it). And when I heard they were bringing it back as a miniseries, I was skeptical to say the least. My first thought was "Jesus, can't Hollywood come up with ANYTHING original anymore?" and my second thought (after hearing that Starbuck and Boomer would be female) was "Oh great, and they've made it politically correct too, even better." At that point, I vowed I would never waste my time on it.

    Then a funny thing happened. I was flipping around and caught a bit of the miniseries, a way into the first night (just after the nukes hit). It was the scene where Helo and Boomer put down on Caprica for repairs and are faced with a mob fleeing for their lives. It was one of the most powerful and dramatic scenes I had ever seen on television. The contrast with the original, where the colonials seemed to forget that their entire civilization had been wiped out almost immediately after it happened, was just stunning. And the obvious connection to 9-11 was immediate and visceral (I don't think this series could have been made before 9-11, certainly not with this kind of gritty realism).

    From that point on, I wasn't a skeptic.

    And just when I thought I had seen the best it could offer, along comes the first season and it somehow managed to get even BETTER. The premiere episode of that season ("33") was absolutely brilliant, "Hand of God" was touching and dramatic, and "Kobol's Last Gleaming" bordered on an almost mystical experience (the opening to that two-parter has to be the harshest montage to ever grace a television screen).

    Now, the series has had its ups and downs since then. They've never again equalled the quality of the miniseries and first season, IMHO (though individual episodes like "Flight of the Phoenix" have come close). But even at its worst, this is still the best thing on television.

    This skeptic will miss you greatly. Nothing else even comes close.

  • Er, really? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Knara ( 9377 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:37PM (#26548397)

    I could never get into this series, and (as evidenced by many a post here) even people who used to be into it eventually fell away due to the Lost effect (the realization that the writers didn't have a pre-planned plot arc). To me, it always felt like "what if the FX channel did a 'Babylon 5'-esque series while re-using a 70's franchise?"

    I don't think this is as influential a series (or event) as TFA (or the poster) claims it to be.

  • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:38PM (#26548407) Homepage Journal

    Instead of assuming the Cylons are using their technological superiority to enforce their view why not consider...

    both specie know faster than light travel, how much superior can you get if you can break that? I guess you can throw in the ability to transmit memories across space

    how about the fact that we are now only learning, everything isn't what it seems to be.

    While I could occasionally see some parallels to exaggerated actions of Bush and Co that exaggeration was so extreme at times that it bordered on ludicrous. If anything BSG jumped the shark one too many times that too much has become both silly and interesting at the same time. Every time they introduce a new interesting angle they lose with the previously mentioned shark jumping explanation

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the most recent episode but I loathe seeing the explanation of Starbucks corpse and crashed viper. While I love the story twist I have little to no faith in them pulling it off anymore.

    Honestly past 2.5 all I got was an impression of angst expressed improperly in some story arcs. In other words they tried to portray the Cylons as Bush and Co yet at the same time Roslyn had her supposed Bush and Co events. Yet neither really worked because they were always exaggerated beyond the point of belief.

    If I could tie what the story is portraying to something in real life it would not be Bush and Co. It would be Hamas versus Israel versus Fatah. Both sides being victims of stupid hard headed actions and ideology, throw in some religion where if God did come back down neither side would recognize him because they would be to wrapped up in proving they are right.

  • by wpiman ( 739077 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:39PM (#26548429)
    Poor product placements. [] No doubt the reason this show is being canceled.
  • by cmdahler ( 1428601 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:39PM (#26548437)
    when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again.

    This is just about the most ridiculous thing I've seen on Slashdot in a very long time. If one were to poll the public on this subject, I'm quite sure a substantial number of people wouldn't have ever heard of the SciFi channel to begin with, let alone have a clue that there's some obscure show called BSG on there or be able to remotely describe what the show is about. Nor would they give a flying rat's ass. The Sopranos, now that's a show that had a measurable impact on TV. Regardless of the quality of the show, BSG is going to fade right back into the obscurity from whence it came, with only mom's-basement-dwelling geeks remembering the first thing about it.
  • No, no and no. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by drsmithy ( 35869 ) <> on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:40PM (#26548451)
    Next question.
  • really? (Score:5, Informative)

    by gandhi_2 ( 1108023 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:42PM (#26548489) Homepage

    who says sci-fi is too preachy?

    Oh, and Muslim isn't a race, fucktard.

  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @12:50PM (#26548597) Journal

    Episode 4.11 was more depressing than, I dunno, being at work. Seriously, this is entertainment?

  • by petes_PoV ( 912422 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @01:13PM (#26548993)
    When the new version started I watched BSG. However, I quickly found it lacking in pace and couldn't form any connection with the characters. As a consequence I stopped watching. It's hard to consider the moral questions posed by a programme when it's too dull to watch.

    I watched the last ep. of the previous part and though for all the world it was "planet of the apes" again. I still couldn't form an emotional bond to any of the characters.

    As a sucker for punishment, I watched the restart episode (last night inthe UK) and still felt it spent far too long on close-up shots of people looking confused - especially the guy with the eyepatch.

    So far as moral questiosn go, all I can say is GO CYLONS They're far more interesting that the human (if that's what they turn out to be) characters int he show.

  • Oh come on .... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ubrgeek ( 679399 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @01:23PM (#26549149)
    > when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again.

    A little melodramatic, no? When the final episode of All in the Family ran (not the shitty spinoffs) TV changed. Same as M*A*S*H. Same would hold true for Sesame Street. Look, BSG was entertaining and even thought provoking (at times) but it's hardly something that 20 years from now people will be watching TV and say, "Wow! If it wasn't for BSG, TV would be totally different."
  • Hyperbole is right (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Obfuscant ( 592200 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @01:57PM (#26549729)
    Television will never be the same? Oh, please.

    The last episode of BG will come and go and TV will still be the same. The "moral dilemmas" that are easy to find parallels in real life politics are easy to find because you want to find them.

    When Dan Quayle spoke about the negative impacts on society when Murphy Brown deliberately became a single parent, everyone was falling all over themselves claiming "it's just a TV show" and claiming that Quayle was an idiot for even suggesting that TV might have some relevance to real life. When they find deep, meaningful parallels to real life, "TV will never be the same". Please, pick one and stick with it.

  • by mlwmohawk ( 801821 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @02:03PM (#26549843)

    It is a space opra.

    2001 was science fiction.

    Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells, and even a little Douglas Adams were science fiction writers. They wrote about how society changes around technology and envision life in the context of new technology.

    BSG has nothing to do with science fiction. They don't contemplate the benefits or dangers of science. They use it as nothing more than a backdrop. The closest BSG comes to science fiction is in the first episode where Adama critiques and disdains technology. (Ignoring, of course, he's on a space ship.)

  • blood -vs- tits (Score:4, Interesting)

    by zbrewski ( 1458389 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @02:39PM (#26550465)
    Never following the BSG before, couple of days ago I taped the whole day of last season's episodes, and was relatively amused by it until the expected, but always disappointing happened:
    1. Scene A: Guy got shot in the knee, blood all over, open wound and fractured bones close up, as realistic as it can get, well done, you did the good job, I feel little sick.
    2. Scene B: Cute Indian actress, love scene with ex-president-turned-saint, about to undress, I feel better already, okay, she is undressing, removing last garment possible... and silly me, seasoned to realism, open fractures, blood and guts... expecting to see a tiny little bit of otherwise shapely acress' body... ah silly me... no realism here.. all we will see is standard issue bra and nothing more, because:
    2.1. Blood, open fractures and guts, is good for you
    2.2. Women breasts, is bad for you

    And this happens over and over and everybody just whistles and pretends all is good and does not care and instead of having a realistic realistic tv, we have half realistic tv, and for other half we must all hide and sneak into wast expanses of silly and often extreme fields of what is referred to as porn...
  • by jjohn ( 2991 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @03:10PM (#26550997) Homepage Journal

    What started off as a fine little space opera became a morass of tangle and contradictory plot lines in Season 4. Ron Moore is a total hack who should have plotted the show arc out. Now, BSG is essentially Dallas in space.

    What a wasted opportunity to say something interesting about the human condition.

  • TV (Score:5, Funny)

    by slapout ( 93640 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2009 @04:31PM (#26552251)

    "and when the final episode airs, television will never be the same again"

    Yeap. It'll be all digital.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (4) How many times do we have to tell you, "No prior art!"
