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Ridley Scott Directing Alien Prequel 336

brumgrunt writes "After three decades of speculation, original Alien director Ridley Scott has signed on to the new Fox sequel. 'Nothing is known about the set-up of the new movie, except that chronologically it precedes the plight of the Nostromo. Since it's obviously going to involve the human race [...] Writer Jon Spaihts successfully pitched to Fox and Scott Free Productions, and is working on the script.'"
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Ridley Scott Directing Alien Prequel

Comments Filter:
  • oblig. (Score:3, Funny)

    by somecreepyoldguy ( 1255320 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:47PM (#28899807)
    they mostly come at night... mostly
  • At least I had a few years without Xenomorphs showing up in my nightmare.

    (IIRC, the nightmares involved having a pulse rifle that ran out of ammo.)

    • Re:Swell... (Score:5, Funny)

      by schon ( 31600 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:56PM (#28899949)

      At least I had a few years without Xenomorphs showing up in my nightmare.

      (IIRC, the nightmares involved having a pulse rifle that ran out of ammo.)

      Funny, I would have thought the most recent ones would have involved Jean-Pierre Jeunet directing another movie. :)

      • Re:Swell... (Score:5, Funny)

        by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:06PM (#28900097)

        At least I had a few years without Xenomorphs showing up in my nightmare.

        (IIRC, the nightmares involved having a pulse rifle that ran out of ammo.)

        Funny, I would have thought the most recent ones would have involved Jean-Pierre Jeunet directing another movie. :)

        Why do you think my clip was empty???

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nametaken ( 610866 )

      That's silly... we all know nuking them from orbit is the only way to be sure.

      • That's silly... we all know nuking them from orbit is the only way to be sure.

        Heh... in the small number of my nightmares involving nukes, they were never part of the solution.

    • Re:Swell... (Score:5, Funny)

      by Nos. ( 179609 ) <> on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:21PM (#28900361) Homepage

      I've been prepping my sons (3.5 years and 7 months) for their first viewing of Alien/Aliens since birth by grabbing their entire face with my hand. They think its funny... at least for now.

      • Re:Swell... (Score:5, Funny)

        by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:31PM (#28900491)

        I've been prepping my sons (3.5 years and 7 months) for their first viewing of Alien/Aliens since birth by grabbing their entire face with my hand. They think its funny... at least for now.

        I hope you're done having kids. Because if you ever explain that that the baby will come out of mommy's belly...

        • Re:Swell... (Score:5, Funny)

          by jollyreaper ( 513215 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @04:14PM (#28901339)

          I hope you're done having kids. Because if you ever explain that that the baby will come out of mommy's belly...

          Shit, my sister and I were both c-sections and the scar was ginormous. Being a Christian household, we weren't told that much about the birds and the bees but I did happen to see Alien one night when trying to catch a rerun of Fraggle Rock on HBO late at night and put two and two together... Gave me creepy visions of my little baby sister bursting out of the tummy, all blood and gnashing teeth.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by hudsucker ( 676767 )
      Alien is the scariest movie I've ever seen, hands down.

      When I saw it in the theater, there were scenes where I could not watch it -- I had to cover my eyes. Even when it was on TV, I still did that years later. (Specifically, the scene where Dallas is crawling through the ducts and the alien attacks.)

      What made Alien so different from previous monster movies is the alien was so fast. Before Alien filmakers thought it heightened the suspense to show the monster slowly approaching the victims. Ridley Scott

  • by stox ( 131684 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:49PM (#28899833) Homepage

    I want the story of the ship the Nostromo found.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by TinBromide ( 921574 )
      aliens attack, everybody dies.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      I heard they were going to do that, but they couldn't get Rosanne Barr to play the lead roll.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by thedonger ( 1317951 )
      The real question is can they make a decent movie without trying way, way too hard to link it to characters in the prior sequels? I'll burn the theater down if "young Ripley" is somehow involved (though it may be worth the speculation as to how much botox it took to get Sigourney Weaver's skin 1979-tight).
      • by FourthAge ( 1377519 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:34PM (#28900547) Journal


        In the Alien franchise, only one character matters. It is big, black and has acid for blood.

        There is no need to look for a way to bring Ripley into it, especially if it involves time travel, memory loss, or cloning again.

        • I don't know if you have seen any movies from the Alien franchise, but they found a way to get Ripley into everything but the "versus" movies. They'll find a way to get her in the prequel. Just look for George Lucas' name to be involved somehow and you'll know they're trying.
        • by Gospodin ( 547743 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @04:06PM (#28901173)

          It is big, black and has acid for blood.

          Dude! How can we get Samuel L. Jackson involved? ("I am so m-f'ing sick of these m-f'ing aliens on this m-f'ing spaceship!")

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Animaether ( 411575 )

        completely off-topic - but if they could make her look rather appealing in Galaxy Quest (1999, 20 year after the first Alien movie), then I'm sure they shouldn't have any problems now - a mere 10 years later.

        This is hollywood, people. Push comes to shove, they scan her face, digitally de-age it, and slap it on a stand-in actor.

        That said - I do second the hope that they will not be trying to tie into characters of the 'future' movies; how would they have known about those characters?
        Tying into the existing

    • by Jeng ( 926980 )

      I'm wondering how there can be a prequel that does not tell the story of the ship the Nostromo found?

      btw, regarding your sig. As an owner of a black cat I have found that the easiest way to find one in the dark is to look for the blackest spot of black in the blackness.

      • by TheRaven64 ( 641858 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:06PM (#28900095) Journal
        The Nostromo was diverted to the planet where they found the Xenomorph because someone in the company knew it was there. How they knew has not been explained in the films, to date. Presumably there was some prior contact that was covered up. The AvP series showed how the company could know that the aliens existed, but no reason to know where they could be found.
        • And what exactly crewed the original ship? I thought, after the AvP movies, that the original ship was the Predator ship that had the bizarro Alien/Predator hybrid. That would kind of make sense, but I would think that the Predators cohorts would have hunted it down and killed off the critters in that ship.

        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          by Evildonald ( 983517 )
          AvP? That rubbish series doesn't even count as part of the real Alien series.
        • by vux984 ( 928602 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:49PM (#28900867)

          The Nostromo was diverted to the planet where they found the Xenomorph because someone in the company knew it was there. How they knew has not been explained in the films, to date. Presumably there was some prior contact that was covered up. The AvP series showed how the company could know that the aliens existed, but no reason to know where they could be found.

          There are few options:

          One: the company didn't know about the alien beacon in advance, and the whole android with recovery orders and crew expendable stuff was just standing standard procedure, in case they got lucky. Its plausible I think, but means there can be no prequel.

          Two: The company knew the aliens existed by previously merely detecting/analyzing the beacon, then they might divert the Nostromo with the intention of picking whatever they find up. It would make sense, even to the subterfuge of planting Ash with extra orders to recover it, and diverting the ship so it picks up the beacon forcing the crew to respond (per their contract to respond to distress calls) allowing the company to get a 'free expedition' out the crew.

          That all works, but would make a boring prequel movie. Some remote station or passing ship detect an alien beacon, and don't investigate it.

          Three: The company knew the aliens existed, previously investigated, and had already lost an expedition trying to recover it, perhaps they got some reports and know something about the aliens, perhaps they got nothing at all... the expedition just vanished without a trace. Either way it doesn't follow that they'd divert a fully loaded and ridiculously expensive refinery ship to the planet for a 2nd attempt.

          That would be like Spain deliberately diverting a fully loaded treasure ship to investigate a new island where a previous expedition had already been lost. I just don't see it happening. The Nostromo was ridiculously valuable; they might gamble it on it on an expedition where no real exceptional risks could be assessed, but it just doesn't make sense to gamble an expensive treasure ship, with an unqualified crew -- if they already knew that they'd lost an expedition.

          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            by HTH NE1 ( 675604 )

            Ripley: Did you ever ship out with Ash before?
            Dallas: I went out five times with another Science Officer. They replaced him two days before we left Thedus with Ash. Hm?
            Ripley: I don't trust him.
            Dallas: I don't trust anybody.

            It seems pretty clear that Ash and the orders to pick up the xenomorph were specific and deliberate. Mother had Ash's orders. It can be assumed Mother was programmed to treat the signal as a distress call and wake the crew.

            If we assume locations in the movie correspond to the same named

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      • by FreekyGeek ( 19819 ) <doug.linder@[ ]n ... g ['thi' in gap]> on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:20PM (#28900333)

        As the owner of a couple cats, I can say that the easiest way to find any cat in the dark is to simply walk around until they run in front of you, and you either step on them or trip on them.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by mike260 ( 224212 )

        - A Company ship runs into xenomorphs in similar circumstances to Alien or Aliens
          - 90 minutes of panicky firefights in badly-lit environments
          - The survivors take off and nuke the planet from orbit (this being the only way to be sure)
          - The Company covers it all up
          - Ominous ending ties events to the derelict ship on LV-426
          - Roll credits

    • I want the story of the ship the Nostromo found.

      There is a few Darkhorse comics that touch on this and actually I was wondering if they predate aliens.

      Basically, humans get stranded on a planet full of Xenomorphs and at the last moment when they are surrounded by a sea of Aliens, one of the pilots show up with this gun that basically vaporizes all of of the Xenomorphs.

      They try to thank the pilot but being the emotionless being that it is, it just floated by to the ship without saying a word.

  • Great! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by millia ( 35740 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:49PM (#28899845) Homepage

    Now just sign up James Cameron to do the movie after *that* and we'll be good.

    • Re:Great! (Score:5, Informative)

      by deft ( 253558 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:52PM (#28899879) Homepage

      amen to that. 1979's 'alien' is good, but the 1986 'aliens' is what made my heart thump and want to be a space marine.


      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) *

        amen to that. 1979's 'alien' is good, but the 1986 'aliens' is what made my heart thump and want to be a space marine.


        Somebody wake up Hicks.

      • Re:Great! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Scragglykat ( 1185337 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:09PM (#28900155)
        The action/sci-fi (syfy?WTF?!) movie that James Cameron created, I have to admit, is about my favorite sci-fi movie of all time, it was non-stop, suspenseful, but action packed... they couldn't go with all suspense because we all already knew what was coming, just not in what quantity... but the original movie was horror/sci-fi at its finest (especially given the time it was created). I mean, if they remade that movie with today's special effects, it'd be amazing... but only the youth that hadn't seen the series would really get the full scare factor out of it. The thing is, people of the 70's didn't have aliens popping out of their neighbor's chests everyday, so when they saw that movie, it was disturbing... then the monster grew up quick and started killing old school... it was like when Doom 3 first came out and even though it was just a game, I'd jump when things popped out because i wasn't quite sure what would lurk around the next corner. By the time Aliens came out, chest popping aliens were the norm, so they had to make it an action flick to keep the interest going. Alien was a masterpiece, because it was horror defined. It wasn't some crazy person hacking people up, it was something totally unknown, moving around an environment we weren't familiar with, in a location where no help could be found. Aliens was a masterpiece, because it took that same mix, threw in space marines (who started out with the general attitude military units in space always have in movies) and then the situation deteriorated rapidly. There was still suspense, but there was also a lot of plot and character development. Shoot, they barely show Frost getting waxed, and I already missed him... and the sarge! I have a feeling a prequel may try to explain why the Nostromo was sent to LV-426 in the first place.
      • the 1986 'aliens' is what made my heart thump and want to be a space marine.

        funny, it made me want to be an alien...
      • Re:Great! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Ephemeriis ( 315124 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:24PM (#28900381)

        amen to that. 1979's 'alien' is good, but the 1986 'aliens' is what made my heart thump and want to be a space marine.


        They're almost two entirely different genres...

        I love both movies, but comparing them just isn't fair.

        Alien is tense, claustrophobic, suspenseful... You've got a single creature stalking and killing the crew of the ship, one by one. It's more of a traditional stalker/slasher movie in that respect.

        Aliens is fast-paced, action-filled, loud, intense... Piles of aliens popping out of corners, getting mowed down, ripping people apart. Despite the fact that some of it is downright terrifying, it's more of an action movie than a horror film.

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by schon ( 31600 )

          Alien is a suspense/thriller.

          Aliens is an action movie.

          Alien3 was a drama.

          Alien4 was a bad comedy.

        • alien was basically "big bug in space". they had the thing's life cycle thought out in terms of egg->parasite->adult. it was really the first scifi movie where the monster wasn't a one dimensional big baddie, but a whole well-thought out three dimensional (biologically speaking) xenomorph, where the biological cycle itself was truly alien

          and yet NOT alien. fear of spiders, snakes, sharks, is innate and natural. and bugs usually elicit some sort of ancient biological horror because of what they represe

      • Re:Great! (Score:5, Funny)

        by SirGarlon ( 845873 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @04:19PM (#28901417)

        is what made my heart thump and want to be a space marine

        All the space marines in that movie died. Do you still want to be one? Me, I'd rather be a little girl.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Blakey Rat ( 99501 )


        I wanted to be a sniveling weasel working for a gigantic corporation and doing anything, including murder, to get ahead at my career. Then to star in a boring sitcom with Helen Hunt.

    • Meh -- after Titanic I lost all my faith in James Cameron. I don't want to let him near the Alien franchise again, Ridley Scott has yet to let me down, though. I always thought Alien was better, anyway, but that is just my opinion.
      • by BobMcD ( 601576 )

        People kick Titanic all the time, but I still like it. Maybe it is not for everyone, but I popped in the DVD the other night and watched it all the way through. In fact, I put down the laptop to watch it. That's a lot better treatment than I give a lot of what I get out of the Redbox.

        In short, Titanic is still, to this day, better than a lot of what Hollywood presently puts out.

        Back to topic, yes, get Mr Cameron on the project, pretty please.

    • I'm not convinced; prequels are rarely good. We should nuke it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure.
    • by mikael ( 484 )

      Yes, it wasn't in fact an iceberg which sank the Titanic, but an alien craft which was frozen in the permafrost, was knocked onto the deck of the Titanic during the collision. This caused the alien occupants of the craft to defrost and become conscious again. Upon leaving their craft, they acid-drooled their way onto the lower decks and then attempted to burrow their way out of the ship. This in fact caused the ship to sink and forced the aliens to go back into cryo-sleep. A future salvage mission accidentl

  • Is AVP/AVPR canon? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:50PM (#28899853)

    Is "Alien vs. Predator" and "Alien vs. Predator: Requiem" part of the canon? Will it be for this prequel?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:51PM (#28899861)

    IMDB currently lists him having FOURTEEN projects "in development". So either he spends barely any time at all on any of them (and they all suck) or this movie will not come out until sometime in the 2020's (and we will all be dead from swine flu).

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      "Aliens versus Swine Flu"?

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by mike260 ( 224212 )

        That'd be more of a sequel to "Aliens versus Bacteria" though (aka "The War of the Worlds")

    • by mikael ( 484 )

      I'd say that's rather impressive. But a couple of those projects are repeated three times (Battle Angel and Avatar), so that brings the total down to eleven. There is a whole pipeline from script-writing, auditioning, actual filming, visual effects, compositing and editing, so he might not be involved in all those stages. I would imagine he would concentrate on the visual effects.

  • Sweet (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    "I don't know if you've been keeping score... But we're getting our asses kicked, here!" I love it and can't wait.
  • *crosses fingers* (Score:3, Interesting)

    by grumpygrodyguy ( 603716 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:56PM (#28899953)

    I so hope he can pull this off, unfortunately horror/action directors don't seem to age as well as suspense/noir/drama directors do.

    OFCS saved me from the latest Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Transformer and Terminator fiascoes, this may be another one I'll have to miss...but I hope not. Ridley Scott may be old, but he has an eye for quality, and he has clout. Here's hoping he can nail this, and give us a proper Alien trilogy (prequel, original, and Aliens of course).

    *NOTE TO FOX - please put the money down and hire a talented writer and editor!*

    (my other hand has fingers crossed for James Cameron and Avatar)

  • Pilot / Space Jockey (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mugnyte ( 203225 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @02:57PM (#28899971) Journal

    I sure hope they throw a bit at the Pilot/Space Jockey [] subplot.

    There's lots already proposed for that item's existence in the story, and I'd be happy with almost any of them.

  • I just browsed IMDB's memorable quotes section for "Aliens" - It seems that most of the character's scripts are in there!

    There must be close to 115 quotes in the section - that's got to be some sort of record.

    (I lost count after ~100. I dont know Perl so could someone be so kind as to count the number of section breaks in the HTML?)

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

      How about you just wget it and use grep?
      Oh noes you may have to learn something.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by sootman ( 158191 )

        Each actor's name is a link so

        curl -s | grep "/name/" | wc -l

        shows 339 individual spoken lines. There's a horizontal rule (width=30%) after each block of dialog and

        curl -s | grep "grep "hr width" | wc -l

        shows 102 HRs. Each of those numbers may be a bit off (I see at least one other HR on the page; there might be other name links as well)--sometimes you need manual labor, not code, to get exact answers to annoying quest

  • by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:12PM (#28900205)
    This story should make sense because the original story directly implied prior knowledge of the Alien organism prior to its "discovery" in the movie--although why anyone thought it needed "protecting" is beyond me. It always seemed quite capable of protecting itself.

    Best alien joke: The cartoon of the Imperial Storm Trooper with a face-grabber on its face saying, "I hate being the one to have to walk Lord Darth Vader's pet."

    And yes, after seeing the original Alien in an evening movie showing without knowing what it was really about ahead of time, I left the bathroom light on that night afterwards just in case. I'm sure I wasn't the only one.
    • although why anyone thought it needed "protecting" is beyond me

      Depends on what you mean by protecting. Protecting in the sense of a trade secret makes sense. Weyland-Yutani didn't want anyone else poaching their Xenomorphs, after all...

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Ephemeriis ( 315124 )

      And yes, after seeing the original Alien in an evening movie showing without knowing what it was really about ahead of time, I left the bathroom light on that night afterwards just in case. I'm sure I wasn't the only one.

      I first saw this movie when I was entirely too young to be watching such things. It was on TV one night and I was watching it with my father. Unfortunately, my mother decided it was time for bed right about the time Ripley was setting the ship to self-destruct. The last thing I saw, before going to bed, was Ripley stumbling across the Alien as she fled for the lifeboat.

      I had horrible nightmares that night.

      The first thing I asked my father, upon waking the next morning, was whether they had killed the Ali

  • ummm (Score:5, Funny)

    by nomadic ( 141991 ) <nomadicworld@g[ ] ['mai' in gap]> on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:20PM (#28900337) Homepage
    Since it's obviously going to involve the human race [...] Writer Jon Spaihts successfully pitched to Fox was successfully pitched to Fox will involve the human race? Only Fox greenlights movies involving humans? Or do they always greenlight movies involving humans?
    • I thought the same thing... why is one implying the other? What the hell is the "[...]" that makes the two connect. Maybe Jon Spaihts loves writing about humans?

      I bought a dog today [...] North Korea test launched a missle!

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Hurricane78 ( 562437 )

      Well, to FOX employees, humans are as exotic, as the Alien is to us.

      -- Glen Beck

  • by mugnyte ( 203225 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:25PM (#28900405) Journal

    While his style is well-known, there is possibly still something more to ask of him that would tie the movies together outside of any simple plotline.

      If he could be commissioned for something new, using some of the erotic or torture pieces as a haunting/dream-like "infection" plot device, he might be able to really breath some new visual life into the series.

      Giger was given ample room to express himself in the original, but sadly was not credited as much as he should have been for the derivative works of the monsters. This could be a great way to welcome him back, although I've read that he can be a bit eccentric to work with (The Ghost Train ordeal).

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:36PM (#28900585) Homepage Journal

    Can't the franchise just die after the horrible efforts done by Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Alien Resurrection and David Fincher's Aliens 3? I think these films ruined Aliens forever. And After the first sequel the direction and feel of the franchise went in a massively different direction from Ridley Scott's version.

    James Cameron's Aliens was fun but Ridley Scott's Alien has so much atmosphere to it. But Ridley Scott's version, while more artistic and interesting was not the box office smash that Aliens was.

    Perhaps there is some way to recover the franchise, but I suspect your average movie-goer will be pissed at Scott's attempts at a prequel because it will likely not be anything like a film done by James Cameron, which is what people have come to expect from Aliens.

  • Prequel (Score:3, Funny)

    by CopaceticOpus ( 965603 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @03:49PM (#28900873)

    The first movie was about a single alien, the second was about about many aliens. If this is a prequel, it will have to be about the egg of that first alien before it hatched.

    "Hey, what's that?"
    "I dunno, man, but it looks pretty strange."
    "I've got a bad feeling about this..."
    (spooky music)

  • i have an inside track on the ideas they are basing the prequel on, and it harkens back to classic themes in shockingly new and original ways, not at all feeling like some high school sophomore clicked around a bit on wikipedia and retread tired, stale ideas

    for example, the story of the alien in the prequel will revolve around important rules that one should never break, which of course get inevitably broken:

    1. don't get the alien wet, or it immediately reproduces more of its kind asexually by budding from its back
    3. keep the alien away from bright lights... especially sunlight. this will kill it
    4. and don't ever feed the alien after midnight

    i think this is a brilliant and entirely original idea

    furthermore, the movie will start with a crashed ship full of religious pilgrims, a stowaway, a dangerous criminal, etc. the alien hunts them all down relentlessly one by one whenever the planet falls into eclipse and darkness. but the fearless criminal has special surgically altered eyes that allows him to see in pitch black, so he turns the tables and hunts the alien instead

    again, a brilliant and entirely original idea from hollywood for the alien prequel!

  • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) * on Friday July 31, 2009 @04:21PM (#28901455) Homepage Journal

    Why wait for another Aliens movie? Grab your copy of Tremulous [] and get going! Pronto!

    My nightmares involve not being able to pounce away from a chainsuit fast enough.

  • Beyond the Alien (Score:5, Insightful)

    by BranMan ( 29917 ) on Friday July 31, 2009 @05:44PM (#28902661)

          You know, I loved the first two movies, and would have liked the series to progress as it seemed it should - 3 would have the Alien actually brought back to a space station around Earth, then 4 could be them getting TO Earth.

          But the point I wanted to make is that the next sequel should have someone stumble on the Alien's home planet - where they originally are from. Think about it - they are communal, live in a colony and can build a new one with a single individual, like some of our insects. They cooperate, can withstand very hostile environments. They have eggs that can do the same and lie dormant for long periods of time. They have lightning speed, hide really well, and have acid for blood.

          Now think about the world that could produce such a creature, with all those defenses. The Aliens.... are not even CLOSE to the top of the food chain. Imagine what horrors you would find on the world that produced them....

          THAT's the movie I want to see.

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
