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Lost Star Wars Scene In the Wild 294

Someone managed to get a clip on-line of the lost Star Wars scene from Jedi where Luke is shown crafting his Lightsaber. The full clip will apparently be included on the Blu-ray box set expected to come out in 2011. Hit the link below to see what is circulating. It's not much, but it looks real. Can't wait to see what they include in the 2015 version.
Update: 08/16 22:44 GMT by S : Lucasfilm complained, and YouTube took the video down.
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Lost Star Wars Scene In the Wild

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  • Snooze. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by demonlapin ( 527802 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:34PM (#33264896) Homepage Journal
    Wake me up when he puts out the one where Han shoots first.
    • by Wrexs0ul ( 515885 ) <> on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:49PM (#33265086) Homepage

      Really, a whole 15 seconds (and about as many words) for the $75 collector's edition?

      I know we grew-up with it, but there's never going to be anything new until we STOP paying for the same old stuff.


      • by TheJokeExplainer ( 1760894 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:57PM (#33265208)
        while on the subject of rare Star Wars footage, check out Return of the Ewok [], a mockumentary shot by the original cast and crew during the filming of Return of the Jedi.

        It's got a lot of funny interesting tidbits pretty rare to find, even on the net (and much much harder to find than the Star Wars Christmas special), so check it out.

        Warwick Davis as Wicket is the protagonist and it's pretty interesting how he was just a kid when they shot ROTJ. The name of the film was actually even Revenge of the Jedi during filming of Return of the Ewok.
        • by rainmouse ( 1784278 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @02:35PM (#33266436)

          while on the subject of rare Star Wars footage, check out Return of the Ewok [],

          I think a quote from the comments section of the video on YouTube sums it up nicely. Better than The Phantom Menace

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward

            Funny? PM was actually a pretty good movie, all things considered. It had an engaging, complex plot (try explaining everything important in 30 seconds). Beautiful visuals and choreography. Solid performance by Liam Neeson.

            Taken in isolation -- if there had been no Star Wars movies before this -- it would be universally admired by critics the general public. I just think people had too many expectations for it.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Moridineas ( 213502 )

        I know we grew-up with it, but there's never going to be anything new until we STOP paying for the same old stuff.

        There IS new stuff. It's called The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by Ironhandx ( 1762146 )

          What are those? I only recall A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi... as far as I was aware those were the only three that were made.

          It really is about time they made some new star wars movies though, I mean, 30 years is a bit of a wait, don't you think? Then again maybe they'd just screw it up...

        • by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) * on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:10PM (#33265354)

          There IS new stuff. It's called The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.

          That's a dirty lie!

          LALALALALALA I'm not listening!

        • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:45PM (#33265808) Homepage

          I dont get it, they have not even introduced Spock yet. Plus why all this focus on the fringe alien races? No ferengi, or Vulcans anywhere in those movies.

          I actually did that at a comic con during a heated discussion between 2 uber-nerds dressed as starwars characters... they came completely unglued on me. "THAT IS STAR TREK YOU IDIOT!" And started frothing at the mouth...

          I then asked cince they know so much, when did buck rogers make his debut in Pantom Menace.... They almost started convulsing...

        • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @02:11PM (#33266144) Journal

          I want them to reshoot the scene where Qui-Gon Jinn and Obiwan first meet Jar-Jar.

          Jar Jar: Meesa so happy you saved me. Yay!!!!

          Qui-Gon: [pulls out light saber and cuts Jar Jar's head off]

          Obiwan: Master, that was a violation of every ethic we Jedi aspire to!

          Qui-Gon: Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

          • Here's the thing (gawd help me...), had he done that, he'd have created an alternate reality where Anakin never goes to the dark side. The emperor never gets granted emergency powers, the Jedi have no reason to go arrest Sidious. Not to mention the fact that Anakin's turn to the dark side hinged on this razor-thin guise of going from "he should be tried in court" to cutting off Mace Windu's hand and going all "I'll even murder innocent children!" on us.

            Seriously? He has an ethical problem with killing a known sith lord. He has an ethical problem with killing Sidious without a proper trial, but the young ones have to die to save Padme? WTF? :P

            • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @04:29PM (#33267782) Journal

              I remember reading an essay by David Brin that was highly critical of Star Wars. While I think Brin went over the top on a few things, the one thing he pointed out, though it applied to RotJ, was just how horrible the basic plotting was (think about it, the second Death Star was already doomed, and pretty much everything Luke and Vader did in toppling the Emperor was pointless, because all the legwork had been done by Han and the Ewoks on the surface and by the Alliance fleet and Lando up in space).

              You can see that in the RotS as well. Lucas is a terrible writer, and you can see how he got far in the script before realizing that he hadn't given enough reasons for Anakin to turn bad, so suddenly, instead of a gradual build up of evil, which he had seemed willing to do in AotC with the Anakin killing the Sandpeople bit, he rushed the whole seduction thing into what looked like a matter of hours or days. Hence, none of it makes a lot of sense, Anakin literally turns to the Dark Side like someone would flick a switch.

              They say the best Star Wars was The Empire Strikes Back, because Lucas's involvement was at its lowest ebb. A compelling and sensible plot, real character growth (by pretty much all the characters), all of the standard compasses we measure a good story by, were present. The deeper Lucas reaches into things, the worse they get, and because Lucas was most definitely the man in charge in the prequels, they, despite all the special effects, story-wise just plain suck.

              • by joebok ( 457904 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @05:29PM (#33268492) Homepage Journal

                I think you can give Lucas a bit more credit. In Phantom it is clearly established that the Jedi council thinks Anakin is too old to be trained, that there is an issue with fear of loss of his mother. Early in Clones, with the sand people, it is demonstrated that Anakin is susceptible to the suggestions of Palpatine - and indeed, in this instance, Anakin's worst fears are realized. In Revenge, Anakin's susceptibility to Palpatine is again demonstrated when he kills Dooku at Palpatine's order. Anakin is consistently shown as insecure and arrogant, which Palpatine uses to alienate Anakin from the rest of the Jedi. Anyway, I think there are enough plot points in the movies that lay enough ground work to make it reasonable to turn Anakin. Not like a switch - for years Palpatine carefully maneuvered Anakin to the balance point, and at the end it took just a tiny shove to flip him to the dark side.

                And then at the end of Return, Luke is able to tip him back to the light side.

                Anyway, when I think about Anakin's whole story, I find there are a lot of things to think about. For the most part, I think Lucas's dialog writing sucks - but overall, the story works for me.

              • by Sabriel ( 134364 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @05:52PM (#33268770)

                just how horrible the basic plotting was (think about it, the second Death Star was already doomed, and pretty much everything Luke and Vader did in toppling the Emperor was pointless, because all the legwork had been done by Han and the Ewoks on the surface and by the Alliance fleet and Lando up in space)

                I thought that was because there were two plots - the first being the "big picture" Alliance mission to destroy the second Death Star with the Emperor on board, and the second being Luke's personal quest to redeem his father. Luke even comments on that when he and Vader sense each other as the shuttle makes its initial approach: "I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come."

                Although, if memory serves, the Emperor was only there because he'd foreseen Luke coming to rescue his father...

                (but on the prequels in general, and Anakin picking up the Lightsaber of Opposite Alignment, I completely agree)

          • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

            by masmullin ( 1479239 )

            I was really hoping that Anakin would go to the darkside because Jar Jar made him snap.

            Something like
            JarJar: Ooosaa Missa Skywalka... Missa Padme ee ... *gah gah gah choke*
            Anakin: I find your lack of consonants disturbing
            JarJar: *gah gah cough choke*

            Special Effects sound of the crushing of JarJar's larynx.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by ThinkWeak ( 958195 )
        What I want IS the old stuff. I want the ORIGINAL series on DVD. I don't want it re-touched, re-mastered, THX'd, shockwave'd in space, nothing else. Just the originals.

        Which you can't find unless they're on VHS or badly bootlegged. Why can't we just buy the original cut?
        • by schnell ( 163007 )

          What I want IS the old stuff. I want the ORIGINAL series on DVD ... Why can't we just buy the original cut?

          You can []. Sure, you have to get the special edition versionsas well, but this DVD set includes all the originals on "bonus discs." You can also find the orignal-only DVD single discs used as well.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Yeah, and those 15 seconds include more emotion and acting than the whole prequel series do together.. and Hamill aren't a good actor.

        • by Chris Mattern ( 191822 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @02:35PM (#33266438)

          Hamill aren't a good actor.

          Wasn't one, maybe. He grew. As far as I'm concerned, his voice acting in the Dini animated Batman is *still* the definitive take on the classic Joker.

    • Re:Snooze. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by segedunum ( 883035 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:54PM (#33265174)
      Yer. I got tired of Lucas tinkering with things that didn't need tinkering with (just leave Boba Fett's damn voice alone) and we've got more of these 'new' scenes just to squeeze out the last trinket of change. He even managed to get Steven Speilberg totally embarrassed of the recent Indiana Jones film.

      Just stop George. We know you'd probably like to remake Empire Strikes Back because you didn't direct it, and it's, you know, good, but don't. It's beyond sad and embarrassing now. The world will simply end up thinking that you contributed nothing good to the successes you've had.
    • Can't happen, as I shot myself first.

      I can't take any more of these silly releases of the same old movie.

  • by kvezach ( 1199717 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:35PM (#33264902)
    In the 2015 version, the bartender shoots first.
    • by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) * on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:12PM (#33265372)

      In the 2015 version, the bartender shoots first.

      I want R2D2 to shoot first, right after the bartender says he doesn't serve their kind in there.

      • I want Obiwan to shoot Luke first "Aw, fuck it. The Skywalkers were a bunch of prancing primadona's anyways. Now where's Palpatine's number. I'd sooner wash the radioactive crap from his toilet that sit out in the desert boinking the odd Sandperson."

      • <jedi hand wave> You don't serve strings here... *These* are the frayed knots you are looking for...

      • by Beardo the Bearded ( 321478 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:55PM (#33265952)

        Meh, LEGO Star Wars just has everyone throw thermal detonators around the cantina. "Sorry about the mess... KABOOM!"

        I want them to show R2D2 as the Sith Lord he really is.

        Think about it:
        1. What happened to Anakin? Put into a metal box after serious injury.
        2. What would happen to a seriously injured Sith member of Yoda's race? A box, just like R2D2's.
        3. We've seen R2D2 use lightning. Sith.
        4. Watch the scene with the Cave of Vader and the scene where R2 stares Yoda down. Sith.
        5. We've seen R2 Force Destroy a droid. Sith.
        6. He hung around Anakin as a kid WAY more than Sidious / Palpatine.
        7. We know that Sith can hide their force power. Sith.
        8. We've seen R2 fly. Sith.
        9. Force Persuade on the gunner. "Hold your fire. No life signs aboard."

        Seriously, watch TOT thinking of R2 as a Sith.

        I'd also like to hear the Storm Trooper's communications during Endor:
        "Sir, we're under attack by what seems to be children."
        "Say again?"
        "Children, sir. They're 3 feet tall. Do we have a kill order?"
        "Hold your fire. The Empire does not fire on children. Am I clear?"
        "Yes sir, we're taking heavy losses here."
        "Understood. We'll put you in Bacta Tanks on the Star once it's over."
        "Yes Sir. Can we use STUN?"
        "Negative. STUN might harm children and that's unacceptable."

        Then the officer on the Star:
        "Emperor's Secretary, this is General Endor Command. I have to hologram him, but it's not going through."
        "He's busy."
        "Our troops are under attack and I require a kill order signed by him."
        "I'm sorry General, but he said explicitly that he is not to be disturbed by anyone."
        "Our troops are under fire right now by children."
        "By the force, kids? What are you doing?"
        "We're standing fast. What, do you think I'm a monster?"
        "Oh good, you scared me for a minute. What are you going to do?"
        "Bacta tanks are ready. They're just using sticks. We can write off the AT-ATs, but Engineering's going to be pissed."

        • I want them to show R2D2 as the Sith Lord he really is.

          An interesting theory - I likes it!

          I'd really love to hear R2D2 shriek, "Exterminate! Exterminate!" ... in German.

  • I saw clips from the 3D Star Wars IV at the 2008 SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles. They looked pretty good. They were being "dimensionalized" from the original 1977 by some contractor. All I heard was that George is perfectionist and the state of dimensionalization had not yet met his standards.
    • He won't be satisfied until 3D distance perception turns Chewbacca into the Ewok he always intended?

    • by alen ( 225700 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:55PM (#33265182)

      if the last 15 years is any guide expect a new version of the saga every 2-3 years

      late 1990's we had the cleaned up version of the OT followed up by the special edition versions
      2000 we had The Phantom Menace
      then we had the Phantom Menace DVD scandal where it was released on VHS in 2001 because GL had some grand plan to release all 6 movies on DVD middle of last decade
      2002 TPM magially comes to DVD as a special release because of the demand
      around this time we had the OT DVD release
      then the next to NT movies came out on DVD shortly after the theater releases
      i stopped buying after TPM DVD but i'm pretty sure there were a few grand releases later in the decade

      after this blu ray release expect the OT movies to come out with no special edition versions
      then 3D releases
      then a few more releases including an upcoming complete reshoot of all the movies with new modern special effects but the original character's faces and voices to preserve the history of the series

      the isuckers/star wars suckers will buy anything their cult leaders tell them to buy, in the case of the SW nerds they probably have 20 versions of each movie already and can't wait to buy more due to the continuous finds of new scenes

      • the isuckers/star wars suckers will buy anything their cult leaders tell them to buy, in the case of the SW nerds they probably have 20 versions of each movie already and can't wait to buy more due to the continuous finds of new scenes

        You said you stopped buying AFTER you already bought the TPM dvd. Are you really in a good position to call other people suckers?

        • by alen ( 225700 )

          i had the Special Edition pack DVD's and the PTM DVD and on VHS. it was after Lucas released PTM on DVD and the last 2 movies sucking pretty bad that i stopped caring. can't remember the last time i saw any of the movies.

          but it was funny to read the suckers complain after every new release how they had to buy it again and it was the same movies

      • by Rary ( 566291 ) *

        in the case of the SW nerds they probably have 20 versions of each movie already and can't wait to buy more due to the continuous finds of new scenes

        People always say this, but I wonder if there's any reality to it.

        I mean, I personally own two versions of the OT (VHS and DVD, both given to me as gifts), and one version of TPM (VHS, also a gift), along with all three prequels in "unofficial" AVI format. Total cost: $0.

        Having the same movie on VHS and DVD is not uncommon in this day and age. So, is there actually anyone out there who has more than two copies of these movies? Is there anyone who actually bought multiple releases? I'd really like to know.

  • Before you pooh-pooh these geeks/nerds for having orgasms about something so trivial, remember they were in an auditorium full of people.
    When people are in a crowd situation trying to have fun, they will cheer or boo the most inane things to get the energy going and enhance their shared experience.
    • by 6031769 ( 829845 )

      So, you've been to a recording of Jeremy Kyle, then? How was it?

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Kepesk ( 1093871 )
      Yes, but still, I can't help but to be amused when a hundred people go ballistic when they see someone tinkering with a gizmo using a screwdriver.
      • If it were only 100 people I would have gone. The line was 6 hours long and included about 3500 people. I went to the bar in the convention instead. That really was the highlight of Star Wars Celebration V.

  • "Luke!" (Score:5, Funny)

    by jbeaupre ( 752124 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:37PM (#33264936)
    "Get out of that cave! Are you polishing your Lightsaber again? You know she's your sister, right?"
  • Endless hype. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    This "leak" aught to fan the flames of hype for yet another re-issuing of the SAME movies you all already have. So hurray! Let's all celebrate another billion dollars for George Lucas! And watch, as an entire generation of nerds continues to allow itself to be defined by the endless marketing and hype over some mediocre movies that aren't even really science fiction (Star Wars has far more in common with fantasy movies like the lord of the rings than it does actual science fiction like 2001). Pathetic.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anita Coney ( 648748 )

      A Geek and his money are soon parted.

    • When the theatrical releases were made available on DVD (basically nothing but a rip of the laser discs) I picked them up since my VHS tapes were on death's door. I expect that's the best Han shot first release we'll ever get and as such that's the end of the road for me.

      Pasting Hayden Christensen into the end of Return of the Jedi was the last piece of George Lucas scat I could handle. I didn't even see those. I saw a YouTube video of it before it was released and was just like, "Okay, I'm done." (Although

      • by ArcherB ( 796902 )

        (Although, I was basically done at the point I heard Darth Fucking Vader say, "Is Padme all right?" Then the infamous, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Even thinking about the journey from Anakin to Vader makes my skin crawl now.

        I realized after watching Empire during the Star Wars Marathon all weekend that the NOOOOOOOOOOO scene was a take-off/homage to Luke's scream when he found out Vader was his father (Oh, spoiler alert). You know, like father, like son kinda thing.

        At least, that is what I'm going to tell myself as it makes the whole "Vader NOOOOO" scene much more palatable.

    • by Thud457 ( 234763 )
      it's a price worth paying as long as it keeps Lucas from making any new drek
    • I have no copies of the new trilogy and my VHSes of the original are hidden away somewhere.

  • by seppy ( 2431 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:41PM (#33264980)

    Luke Skywalker playing with his light saber on Chat Roulette!

    If I were a Star Wars completist, I think I would have George Lucas on a list by now.

  • I have to admit, it's quite embarrassing to see people in that theater get so excited about this. It's neat, but it's far from being something so profound to Star Wars canon that it make sense for people to go nuts about it. It isn't even actual assembly, it's Luke poking at the hilt with exaggerated sound effects added.

    I'd argue that it's as ridiculous as people getting worked up over the winner of American Idol. But then, that's just me.

  • Shop Class (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Sponge Bath ( 413667 )

    It looked a little like he was fabricating a self igniting bong.

  • ... as it's not the missing Santa Droid scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special!
  • Did 'Star Wars' become a toy story? Producer Gary Kurtz looks back. []

  • Looks cool ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by WankersRevenge ( 452399 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:55PM (#33265186)
    ... but there was a reason it was left on the cutting room floor. Maybe it added too much of a somber tone, or maybe it was deemed redundant when vader later notes that skywalker had created a lightsaber. The real question ... how long can this franchise hold out when the last episode of any quality was made twenty years ago? Is anyone else bored by this franchise now? And when will it finally, mercifully, be put down?
    • I don't recall Vader's "pod" existing in the first movie.

      and after viewing the Youtube interview listed elsewhere in comments here it comes across as something added when he changed the special effects out for whatever edition that was.

    • by alen ( 225700 )

      not long

      my son is almost 3 and i first saw A New Hope when i was around 8 in 1982 on a theater rerelease. back then it was cool tech especially the 3D death star map. i just bought my wife an iPhone 4 and gave her 3G to our son loaded with all kinds of kids apps. Kids growing up with today's technology will yawn when they see star wars.

      George Lucas better hire some CGI artists and redo it from the used universe to where it looks futuristic by today's standards

    • Is anyone else bored by this franchise now? And when will it finally, mercifully, be put down?

      I got bored by the movies a long ass time ago. I enjoy the post-trilogy books released by Del-Rey for the most part though. Hell, a few of the Bantam books weren't so bad either. Personally, I find Zahn's, Stackpoles's, and Allston's writings to be the best.

    • by schnell ( 163007 )

      The real question ... how long can this franchise hold out when the last episode of any quality was made twenty years ago?

      I actually liked Episode 3, and thought Episode 2 was passable as a "popcorn movie." There are still some pretty decent novels and comics being produced, and video games like Knights of the Old Republic have been breaking some pretty interesting new ground as well. The Star Wars universe keeps growing and producing some reasonably good entertainment, at least when George Lucas keeps his personal hands off it...

      I will now return to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than receiving them.

  • Not Mark Hamill (Score:2, Insightful)

    by WarpedCore ( 1255156 )
    It looks like they used a puppet for the close up. You see his nose and his chin... looks different from what Hamill looked like (Seriously, just Google RotJ Mark Hamill.. even factoring in the shadows.. doesn't look like his chin, upper lip, and nose). The movement looks stiff... like they tilted the head of damned puppet. They did the ol' Swedish Chef... puppet body, real hands.
  • Jeez... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Abstrackt ( 609015 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @12:55PM (#33265190)

    "The never-before-seen 56-second clip..."

    This sounds like the DLC of movies.

    • Except with DLC they tell you it was made... in movies these things apparently get lost. (How do you "lose" film that you still have?)

    • "The never-before-seen 56-second clip..."

      um... this is BS... the version I saw included that scene, I swear it was in the theatrical release... except that it was shorter, started with a closeup of Luke's hands crafting the saber, and ends before the shot of C3P0

      • by Stele ( 9443 )

        Yes, I remember seeing this too, but I'm not sure if it was in the theater.

  • by rabidjoe ( 1854904 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:01PM (#33265258)
    George Lucas is re-releasing THX 1138 with a different title exclusively for Blu-Ray - "THX 500K4R5"
  • How about in 2017 for the 40 year release, they re-release 1-3 and scrap with content that doesn't suck....maybe some miniatures and furry costumes and ditch all that nonsense CGI ...and can somene shoot Jar-Jar first?
  • Old or new??? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by shadowman99 ( 598429 )
    I remember seeing the saber construction in the ROTJ novelization as a kid thinking it was a cool bit, but in the flow of the film it makes no sense. I can see why it was cut, or more likely why it was newly created. If this had been in the film you would have the "big moment" of Vader informing his welcoming party the Emperor is coming to check on the Death Star 2 construction. Big fanfare music. Then Vader goes downstairs "Luke... Luke... Join the Dark Side...." ending the scene on a much weaker note. Af
  • As I won't be purchasing this until that happens.
  • Cash-in (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Robotron23 ( 832528 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:27PM (#33265556)

    You'd think by ROTJ Lucas would have thought with all the impending fandom to keep a good ten or more short clips like this to keep the money rolling in with each successive edition of Star Wars.

    Anyone reminded of that Simpsons episode where company making the dolls Lisa likes introduce a tiny hat alongside a 'new' doll, and people in their droves rush to buy the same old thing with just a trivial scrap added in?

    It's pretty sad that after the prequels people can still get so excited over 15 or so seconds of Luke handling his lightsabre. It's baffling and kind of sad that there's all this cheering and enthusiatic shouting over a mundane snippet like this.

  • I think it's safe to say we all got the gist of the plot from the original scenes in the movie. This really doesn't do anything for the overall plot. While it's a nice thought to have a scene about building a lightsaber, having Luke put a screwdriver inside his lightsaber and then turning it on doesn't really seem to count as building a lightsaber...more like beta testing it. Now a montage with him gathering bits and pieces for the lightsaber and assembling, that would be more interesting...although I do
  • Phew (Score:3, Funny)

    by ledow ( 319597 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:33PM (#33265630) Homepage

    Thanks guys. I always thought I was a geek before I read the comments here - all for 56 seconds of "extra" content for a 27-year-old film.

    I'd now like to hand my geek-card in to someone who has a greater need for it.

  • Star Wars totally won over Blade Runner on derivative editions. To balance things, they should save Han Solo reputation and show that what really happened is that Rick Deckard shoot first.
  • Star Wars Revisited (Score:5, Informative)

    by jackpot777 ( 1159971 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @01:46PM (#33265822)

    Search YouTube for Star Wars revisited. A fan by the name of adywan has created his own Special Editions of the original trilogy ...including The Imperial March into the Battle of Yavin IV, as well as there actually being thirty Rebel ships to count (and a bucketload more in the dogfighting department) are included. Episode IV is available in its entirity in 13 parts.

    As a teaser, here is the beginning of the battle (YouTube video) [] showing the DVD version and adywan's version. Notice the engines are now red instead of pink, the increase in ship numbers as mentioned above, and how the gas giant of Yavin is now viewable in cockpit scenes. The annoying discrepancy with the screen countdown (where '7 minutes' to the Rebel base was shown as 18 seconds, counting in 1/24ths of a second) has also been corrected.

  • Interesting, but... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by 91degrees ( 207121 )
    Where would this have been in the actual movie? Seems like it would have to be right at the start so really not a very interesting way to start things.

    Interesting that they added the blade special effect. Either this was cut very late or they added the special effects for the cutscene.
  • by seeker_1us ( 1203072 ) on Monday August 16, 2010 @03:11PM (#33266870)
    It's a fake. Luke had to build a lightsaber to replace the one lost when his hand was cut off. The person in this clip has a normal right hand.

    Furthermore, it's actually a fairly dramatic, brief scene with good imagery, so you know some one else made it (Lucas doesn't have that talent any more).

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
