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Movies Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Coming To Blu-ray In September 419

wiredog writes "A bundle of all six movies will sell for $139.99, while sets of the original three films, and the three prequels, will go for $69.99 apiece. Obsessive types can pre-order them on Amazon now. Han shot first!"
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Star Wars Coming To Blu-ray In September

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  • Finally.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by xTK-421x ( 531992 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @10:59AM (#34790790) Homepage
    I can be at my post in *HD*!
    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Well, I won't be replacing my eight year old TV until it croaks, but I do plan on buying a Blu-Ray. Why? My DVD player is on its last legs; it's been incapable of playing a rented movie for a while now, and has even started stuttering on my own discs, so it's time to replace it.

      With Blu-Ray's smaller beams, it seems to me that it should play DVDs a lot longer than Blu_rays, since the beam target is so much smaller on a Blu-Ray.

      But I won't be buying Star Wars on Blu-Ray even if my TV goes titsup and I buy a

      • "Well, I won't be replacing my eight year old TV until it croaks, but I do plan on buying a Blu-Ray. Why? My DVD player is on its last legs; it's been incapable of playing a rented movie for a while now, and has even started stuttering on my own discs, so it's time to replace it."

        This Xmas, I gave myself a gift....a bluray player, but in the form of a Sony Playstation.

        I looked at prices, and a standalone, wireless, 3D bluray player that can stream netflix..was in the $200 or so range. (roughly, name bran

  • by SethThresher ( 1958152 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @10:59AM (#34790798)
    In this edition, obi wan shoots first.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Fibe-Piper ( 1879824 )
      When I read the headline "Starwars Coming..." I think the entire galaxy shot first.
    • by jimbolauski ( 882977 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:11AM (#34790962) Journal
      It would be nice to be able to have the option to watch the originals in an unperverted format, I would consider forking over $140 if that is an option, if that's not an option it's not worth the upgrade from the DVDs.
    • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:48AM (#34791544) Journal

      It was hand-waved months ago, when they first made the announcement.

      http://geektyrant.com/news/2010/8/14/george-lucas-star-wars-blu-ray-coming-in-2011-and-watch-a-de.html [geektyrant.com]

      Lucas also went on to explain that the original trilogy films included on the Blu-Ray release will be the remastered special editions.

              Releasing the originals is kind of an oxymoron because the quality of the original is not very good. You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally. It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred really the upgraded version.

      In other words, no ORIGINAL original trilogy, cause that would mean some "people" would actually have to be "hired" to do some "work" on those and they would presumably require to be "paid" in return.

      But have no fear. Few years down the road, and Lucas will have his slaves do that for free.
      Or for more actual coffee in their coffee and an additional bathroom brake.
      Cause nothing is too good for his slaves if it will help sell everyone yet another "very, very expensive" set of plastic discs.

      • The most telling quote from George Lucas since the last time he said anything: "Releasing the originals is kind of an oxymoron because the quality of the original is not very good." Apparently quality only means blue screen special effects and a jumble of completely pointless CGI aliens onscreen. Here I thought quality involved plot, strong characters, and not weighing us down with scenes of Galactic Senate CSPAN. As time goes on, we have to seriously doubt if George Lucas had anything to do with the orig
      • Releasing the originals is kind of an oxymoron because the quality of the original is not very good. You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally. It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred really the upgraded version.

        This is such BS it's hard to even understand. How much has changed since the originals? 3%, 5% tops? That means they have already remastered almost the entire movie. What the fans want from Lucas is to spend a little extra cash (which we will obviously end up paying for) and remaster the few scenes that you didn't from before (which should be minimal).

        Then you need to go through and remove the crap you put in before, we want the original theatrical versions - Han shoots first, remove the crappy Jabba

  • by bstory ( 89087 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:02AM (#34790828) Homepage

    Can I see the original theater version or do I have to watch parodies of the original?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Servaas ( 1050156 )
      Well you don't have to -anything- to be frank. But you can't complain about parodies if you keep buying the crap over and over. Yes Lucas is a douche, but on the other hand why not take easy money from suckers?
    • Maybe the original theatrical releases will be part of the "special features" on the Blu-ray release. In any case, I don't plan to buy it. George Lucas already has enough of my money.
      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *

        The last time Emperor Lucas included the theatrical version, he did a nice little underhanded (and spiteful) trick. The Special Edition versions were anamorphic DVD's. The theatrical versions were non-anamorphic widescreen (which, for those who don't understand the distinction, look like shit on widescreen TV's).

    • by necro81 ( 917438 )
      One would think that, this being Blu-Ray with prodigious storage abilities, you would be able to choose the version from some on-screen menu. Include or remove scenes (do we want to see Han and Jabba chit-chat in Episode IV?), swap in different version of the same scene (han shot first! death star explosion with or without shockwave), even change the soundtrack (super-echo before swinging across the abyss or no?) - it's all pretty straightforward from a technical standpoint.

      Whether the Emperor...uhhh..
  • No, NOT Star Wars (Score:4, Informative)

    by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:05AM (#34790886)

    The original theatrical releases will NOT be included, only the heavily edited "Special Editions" from the 90's (no doubt with even *more* edits from Lucas piled on, as if he didn't fuck them up enough already).

  • by eldavojohn ( 898314 ) * <<eldavojohn> <at> <gmail.com>> on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:06AM (#34790898) Journal
    Fifth time I've paid for a license to three of these movies.

    If I'm going to respect copyright, tell me why I don't deserve to have these movies on my Nintendo DS, Netbook HDD, PS3, etc in whatever the latest resolution is. I've cumulatively shelled out hundreds of dollars (with inflation adjustments) for these three movies and yet I'm continually paying for them in the latest format. I bet if they figured out a way to approve lifetime licenses to this media, a lot more people would feel okay buying a copyright. Right now, I'm 28 years old and I've been nickel and dimed since age 12. Also, for those who didn't like the sequels, there appears to be a cheaper subset for $45 of the original three [amazon.com].

    I'm sad that there isn't BD-Live for these in the Amazon description, I'd love to listen to fan commentary and possibly add my own. Has anyone had good/bad experiences with BD-Live commentaries? I was hoping that'd be used to do MST3K versions of popular movies or add insight to movies like Donnie Darko or Lost maybe. Unfortunately, having only received my PS3 this last holiday I've discovered that very very few movies are BD-Live.
    • by spidercoz ( 947220 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:08AM (#34790940) Journal
      "A fool and his money are soon parted."
    • so, since you multiply-paid for the set, that means to balance things out, a few of us will have to, uhhh, 'download'.

      just to balance things out.

      I'll ACK when I've done my part.

    • If I'm going to respect copyright, tell me why I don't deserve to have these movies on my Nintendo DS

      Because Nintendo made the DS and DS Lite for games, not movies. Homebrew is piracy according to Nintendo, even though I disagree with Nintendo's stance. Otherwise, it wouldn't have successfully sued distributors of R4 and R4i style microSD adapters in multiple countries.

      I've discovered that very very few movies are BD-Live.

      That's because BD-Live is an ongoing cost center: the publisher has to keep servers running.

    • by alen ( 225700 )

      other than the fact that you're a fanboy and GL's core customer, it takes time and money to transfer them to each new format. you have to buy the workstations, software and pay people to do the transfer and the work of taking a 30 some year old movie and upgrading it to HD quality

    • by Rob the Bold ( 788862 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @12:17PM (#34791934)

      Fifth time I've paid for a license to three of these movies.

      If I'm going to respect copyright, tell me why I don't deserve to have these movies on my Nintendo DS, Netbook HDD, PS3, etc in whatever the latest resolution is. I've cumulatively shelled out hundreds of dollars (with inflation adjustments) for these three movies and yet I'm continually paying for them in the latest format.

      You're not paying for the license 5 times. You're paying Lucas off to keep screwing with Star Wars, thus keeping him too busy to go and retroactively ruin "American Graffiti".

    • Here's an idea; chaulk it up to an expensive lesson...AND THEN NEVER REWARD THE BAD BEHAVIOR AGAIN. Obviously you didn't realize that you are only buying a license for the current format and hard copy. Now that you do....

      Sure, that means you will be going with out whatever the latest HD is. Is it necessary? Really? What are you gaining?

    • The Answer (Score:5, Interesting)

      by KingSkippus ( 799657 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @12:49PM (#34792482) Homepage Journal

      I've been saying for years that ultimately, the system I describe below is the most fair and equitable for both consumers and studios.

      Someone--probably either the government or a government-regulated entity--should set up a "copyright clearinghouse" for media such as movies. If you want to buy a movie, you play a license fee plus a media fee. So say you went out and bought the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV) on DVD for $15. That $15 would technically be, say, $12 for the unlimited private viewing license, plus $3 for the cost of the box, media, distribution, etc. Inside the DVD case you would get a code that you register with the clearinghouse so that they now know that you own the rights to watch Episode IV.

      Okay, now let's say that you want to be able to stream it online. Instead of paying another $15, you only pay $3, which covers the cost of hosting and bandwidth for whoever it is streaming it to you. Want to Blu-ray version? Okay, that will be an extra $5. $2 of that $5 is the cost of upgrading your license to the high-def remastered version, and $3 of it is for the cost again of the media and distribution. Oh, now you want the whole original trilogy? Well, normally it's $45, but since you already own a license for Episode IV, you get $8 shaved off the license cost and only pay $37.

      Content providers could offer discounts on license fees for things like stores that buy the licenses in volume, or for customers who buy several licenses for different products (e.g. a Star Wars/Indiana Jones bundle) at once. Retailers like Amazon could pass those discounts on to customers, or have bundle discounts by applying some of their cut of the media fee to the license fee as a loss leader.

      Content providers win because there would be a shitload more legal copies of the premium editions of their products sold. Retailers win because their profit comes from a cut of the media fee, not the license, and more sales--even for lower amounts--means more money. Consumers win because when you buy a movie on physical media x today, you don't get screwed from having to re-buy it on media y tomorrow or media z in five years.

      Some of you may have had pause when I mentioned the government being involved. The reason why the government needs to be involved is twofold. First, for this idea to work, there needs to be one and only one clearinghouse. Because it would be a monopoly, it would need to be regulated as such. Second, if it's solely a private company endeavor, it would take exactly three nanoseconds for that company to say, "Hey, you know, with all of this data on what media people own, we could make a killing if we sold it to marketing companies," and it would take either direct government ownership or strict government regulation to ensure that privacy is upheld.

  • oh good (Score:5, Funny)

    by spidercoz ( 947220 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:07AM (#34790906) Journal
    I was beginning to think Lucas stopped liking money.
  • Han Shot First!

    Also, not giving another dime to Lucas ... EVAR ... if I can possibly avoid it.

    The Ewocs were rubbish, but JarJar was unforgivable.

  • All I have is a grainy copy from the 1980s analog LaserDisc (better than VHS but not as clean as DVD). I want to see the ORIGINALS released in high-def, not these idiotic bastard-ripped, CGI-damaged special editions.

    • by eln ( 21727 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:13AM (#34790978)
      There is a bundle of all 3 Star Wars movies available on DVD that comes with two disks for each movie: the crap version and the original theatrical release. I picked it up at Costco a couple of weeks ago. It isn't Blu Ray, but it's a lot better quality than an analog Laser Disc copy. Here it is on Amazon [amazon.com] (not a referral link).

      I think those DVDs were covered here on Slashdot a couple of years ago. Again, not Blu-ray (and hence not high def), but the best quality purists among us are going to get of the original releases for the foreseeable future.
      • by commodore64_love ( 1445365 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:21AM (#34791134) Journal

        Yes that's what I was talking about. - The Original Edition DVD is a copy of the 1988 analog Laserdisc. Literally. George Lucas claimed the laserdisc was the only copy of the OE that still existed.

        Unlike some people here, I've not bought Star Wars multiple times (and therefore saved money). I bought 3 of them on VHS which I later sold on ebay to recoup my money. Then I bought the Laserdisc-to-DVD from Lucas. And that's it. (Yes I'm a cheapass.)

    • Everyone keeps asking for this, and yet... Of course, it could be on the next "Super Special Original Edition" just in time for next Christmas!
  • So is this version still going to have the new actors replacing the original actors at the end to Return of the Jedi

  • So you save 1 cent (Score:5, Informative)

    by Racemaniac ( 1099281 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:08AM (#34790938)

    by buying the two boxes separately?

    • Just wait 6 months and you can buy the digitally remastered Blu-Ray version. Another 6 months after that and you can buy the digitally remastered Blu-Ray version with NEW previously never seen before, add no value to the movie, scenes!
    • My guess is that you save on postage when buying the 6-in-1 bundle online as most shops (Amazon definitely) charge per shipment AND per item postage.

    • "A penny saved is a penny earned." -Jedi Franklin
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:16AM (#34791058)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • At what point does a franchise transition from beating a dead horse to beating the pulp that remains of the horse to hitting the ground where it used to be because the thing's turned to dust?
  • by slaxative ( 1867220 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:25AM (#34791202)
    I see an awful lot of complaints regarding rereleasing Star Wars in a new format. This is incredibly common. Its not like George Lucas is the only person releasing their movie again in a new format.
    • Yeah, but ./ doesn't care about those other movies
    • George is more heavily scrutinized on this issue because of past transgressions. There were at least 3 (probably more) VHS versions of the originals, then the laserdisc versions, then the DVD versions (sure there is more than one DVD set out for them), etc, etc, etc.

      It's not that releasing on BluRay is a bad thing - it's just that based on past experiences, most people see this as the inevitable FIRST OF MANY BluRay releases of these movies.

      Truth be told . . . my only copies of the original trilogy are sti

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:26AM (#34791220)
    Its a UPS truck bearing Star Wars bundles!
  • Does this mean we're a year away from the next-gen successor to Blu-ray coming out?

  • Nice to see the films joining Clone Wars on Blu-ray, currently the only Star Wars content available in that format.

  • by tompaulco ( 629533 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @11:34AM (#34791316) Homepage Journal
    I would pay as much as $0 for all 6 movies, or I would pay up to $40 for episodes 4-6 and would accept as low as $40 in payment to take episodes 1-3.
  • Hmmm, buy separately and save a penny. Sounds like the groundwork for a new economic policy...

  • Someone better invent a new format fast, else how am I going to pay for Star Wars again next year? (That's after the Blu-ray Remastered and Blu-ray Collectors' editions, of course).
  • As someone who has owned a video copy of SW since RCA Selectavision (gack), I welcome our new format overlords.
  • by blair1q ( 305137 ) on Friday January 07, 2011 @01:26PM (#34793156) Journal

    I have a bad feeling about this.

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
