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Movies The Matrix Entertainment

Reeves Rumors Reversed 156

AdmiralXyz writes "The rumor that Keanu Reeves was in talks with the Wachowski brothers to produce Matrix movies 4 and 5, in 3-D, is apparently just that. Representatives from Warner Bros. spoke to Wired and called the rumors 'bunk,' pointing out that the school Reeves was supposedly accepting an award from when he made the announcement doesn't actually exist. His publicists made similar statements. Perhaps the film deities have shown us mercy just this once."
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Reeves Rumors Reversed

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  • There is a god (Score:3, Insightful)

    by kimvette ( 919543 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:32PM (#35000528) Homepage Journal

    and I am thanking him right now!

    • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:39PM (#35000618) Journal

      ...there sure exists strong evidence of absence of spoon.

      Or perhaps the whole thing was just a glitch.

      • Good point. I can recognize that there are no sequels: there is only The Matrix. Reloaded and Revolutions were merely rumors, and 4 and 5 obviously cannot exist if 2 and 3 were never made. :)

        • Good point. I can recognize that there are no sequels: there is only The Matrix. Reloaded and Revolutions were merely rumors, and 4 and 5 obviously cannot exist if 2 and 3 were never made. :)

          Of course they can! Haven't you seen the Star Wars trilogy? Those movies are "episodes" 4, 5, and 6. And they never made "episodes" 1-3.

        • I have no clue what you are talking about, but this is why jobs drug test. Stop smoking before you go into work and post on /. since you are ruining it for the other people out there
        • The Matrix had no sequels. I read a killer script for a sequel, and I wish they'd have made it, it would have been so awesome!

          • Was it this [] one? (Note: /.'s new and improvised comment system doesn't seem to go directly to the comment anymore. You might have to navigate for it.)
    • Not brothers... (Score:5, Informative)

      by Low Ranked Craig ( 1327799 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @06:32PM (#35001148)
      Larry is Lana now.
    • Re:There is a god (Score:5, Insightful)

      by kiwimate ( 458274 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @06:59PM (#35001406) Journal


      Why? People make movies, you don't want to see them, don't buy a ticket. You save some ridiculous amount of money and have a few hours extra to indulge in something you will enjoy. Why is that so hard?

      I don't get all this scorn and derision. If you don't like something - a movie, a web site, Fox News - ignore it. Change the channel. Isn't that what people always say when fighting for freedom of expression versus censorship? "You don't like it, you don't have to watch it."

      • This is the internet. The whole point of an open and fair forum is to bitch and moan as loudly as possible, regardless of any aim or objective
      • If a similar vein if you don't like people complaining about something, don't read it. Or is taking your own advice, something you're not prepared to do?

        Of course, some things, like Fox News, are dangerous to ignore. Fox News spends an inordinate amount of time misinforming people. In a democracy that's actually dangerous. The danger is that the misinformed people may now be willing to support nonsensical and idiotic ideas because they've been told repeatedly that it's the only moral and responsible thi

        • If a similar vein if you don't like people complaining about something, don't read it. Or is taking your own advice, something you're not prepared to do?

          You make a good point, honestly. The problem is that there are often snippets of good input buried amongst the trash, so I feel compelled to at least scan through the comments if it's a story I'm interested in. If it's a story about something I don't like or doesn't really impact me, well, I just ignore it. That's what I wish other people would do; it wastes so much time filtering through the anti-Facebook venom, say, on a story which I may want to read.

    • On the BBC he did discuss the possibility of another Bill & Ted though, musing on Bill & Ted being in their 50's.

  • by spun ( 1352 ) <loverevolutionary AT yahoo DOT com> on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:36PM (#35000590) Journal

    They called it Inception. It wasn't very good. But Keanu looked more animated than I have ever seen him before. He must have taken acting lessons.

    • by jd2112 ( 1535857 )
      'inception' was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award earlier today so you are probably in the minority. (I thought it was OK but i'm not sure it merits a Best Picture nomination.)
      • I still prefer Memento.

        • I maintain that Insomnia is still probably Nolan's best work, despite being a remake. Personally to have Al Pacino on screen in front of you and forget that you're watching Al Pacino acting was a really odd experience, says something about the immersiveness of it (is that even a word??)

    • by captjc ( 453680 )

      Actually, Neo find himself in the afterlife where he challenges Death to board games with the stakes of reincarnation. After winning, Death takes him up to heaven where he enlists the help of two Martian scientists to create a robot Neo out of spare parts.

      He goes back to Earth and he and Morpheus travel back in time in a phone booth with Rufus, do some shit, save Trinity from getting killed, and start a bad-ass band in the 1980s with Death.

      There is a sweet ending montage to the song "God Gave Rock and Roll

  • And once again... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SpryGuy ( 206254 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:39PM (#35000614)

    And once again, a like makes it all the way around the world before the truth even gets its pants on.

    Does anyone actually verify anything any more?

  • Float the rumor (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Culture20 ( 968837 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:40PM (#35000636)
    Float the rumor, datamine the cyber-zeigeist, and somebody order me lunch; I'm starving.
    • Dude, seriously, ^THIS^
    • You are forgetting the Profit!!..... step.

    • by lennier ( 44736 )

      datamine the cyber-zeigeist

      But sir - the twitterati are already blogging and we've got multiple pingbacks inbound! If we don't cross-site script the XML to a recursive realtime JSON feed in the next thirty seconds we'll 404 the memebases! ALL OF THEM!

      • datamine the cyber-zeigeist

        But sir - the twitterati are already blogging and we've got multiple pingbacks inbound! If we don't cross-site script the XML to a recursive realtime JSON feed in the next thirty seconds we'll 404 the memebases! ALL OF THEM!

        Go to the head of the class.

  • Marketing hype? maybe...

    Warner Media Rep: Do not try and create a movie. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
    News Reporter: What truth?
    Warner Media Rep: There is no new Matrix movie.
    News Reporter: There is no new Matrix movie?
    Warner Boy: Then you'll see that it's not the movie with Keanu that appears, it is only Neo himself.
  • ...time to order me a club sandwich and a cold Mexican beer to celebrate.

    • In hindsight, Bill and Ted 3 really should have given it away as fake, but I thought perhaps he'd mellowed in his disgust that it's often what people associate him with the most.

      • What? I was looking forward to Neo waking up, turning to Bill and saying "I just had the most righteous dream!"

  • Thank god...I loved the first one but the second and third were so awful I havent been able to even watch the first one since..there was alot of potential but they killed it...let it stay dead.

  • Testing the water (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:57PM (#35000828) Journal

    You know, considering it can be done totally free, I wonder if there would be value in a studio creating a false rumor like this, then surveying the public response on social networks and sites like this in order to get a feel for the market / fanbase for potential sequel?

    • then surveying the public response

      It's not important what the public thinks. What matters, is what potential investors (backers) of the film think. Or more refined, what the potential investors think the public thinks. A few fudged survey numbers, and a good PowerPoint, and the producers can convince the investors that the doomed sequel will be a success.

    • Yes, it's called a trial balloon [].
    • They just found out there are loads of people who liked the first movie but have no idea the sequels were ever made. I'll laugh my ass off when I see a huge marketing push for Matrix 2 & 3.
    • by dAzED1 ( 33635 )
      not only that, but I saw a lot of great plot ideas for 4/5 at various boards; they not only got a trial balloon, they got plot ideas!
  • by overshoot ( 39700 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @05:57PM (#35000840)

    Perhaps the film deities have shown us mercy just this once."

    Alternately, the flood of responses gave them the idea that the public can't wait for more Matrix flix and (in the best SF paradox traditions) the horrible eventuality we sought to prevent has been caused by our own efforts.

  • They are planning on using the performance capture technology from Avatar to superimpose Keanu Reeve's face on somebody who can actually act!
  • The school appears to be real, actually -
    • Do you really expect film execs to know how to use Google? I mean Christ, they're the same people who have kept Michael Bay gainfully employed. Can't be much there in terms of ingenuity.
  • by Myria ( 562655 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @06:22PM (#35001058)

    The Wachowskis aren't brothers anymore. I wish people would stop referring to them as such.

    • by ediron2 ( 246908 ) *

      At first thought you were pushing a fake _yet another bogus detail_ troll. Hadn't heard about the gender change, but what's it matter, really.

      So now we call them The Wachowski's. Big deal. Even saves a word. It's not like the Baldwins, where there are several [] actors to confuse, including one that's unrelated [](The Man they call Jayne!).

  • ...would have been that the Wachowski brothers have announced that they're going to remake Matrix 2 and 3 except they'd actually have a story worth telling this time.

  • Such a school does indeed exist, though it has the word "International" in it: London International School of Performing Arts [] (LIPSA). However, LIPSA denies Keanu was there []. I'm surprised Wired didn't bother to do a little more research to determine whether the school exists. I'm also surprised Warner Bros was so snide in its proclamation that the school didn't exist as that could be construed as an attempt at a cover-up (except for the fact that event never happened anyway).

  • by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Tuesday January 25, 2011 @07:22PM (#35001682)

    The rumor that Keanu Reeves was in talks with the Wachowski brothers

    It's a different director for the next Matrix movies - Uwe Boll.
    Paris Hilton is cast as Trinity and John Travolta is playing Morpheus. It's a reboot where instead of being batteries for the machines the humans are sex toys but for ratings purposes there will be no nudity. Ahmed Best is voicing the amusing machine sidekick who helps the heroes fight the bumbling Agent Smith played by Adam Sandler.

    • It's a different director for the next Matrix movies - Uwe Boll. Paris Hilton is cast as Trinity and John Travolta is playing Morpheus. It's a reboot where instead of being batteries for the machines the humans are sex toys but for ratings purposes there will be no nudity. Ahmed Best is voicing the amusing machine sidekick who helps the heroes fight the bumbling Agent Smith played by Adam Sandler.

      Ah... I was interested in seeing this until the no nudity part. It sounded better than any of the Matrix movie

    • So they're just redoing the third, I get it?

  • studying up to play Tron in the sequel....


  • for the title...

    Maxtrix: Reversed

    • Oh c'mon, no average movie goer would understand that. It's like the Polar bear joke.

      Instead you can rest assured it will be:

      Matrix: Reinstalled
      Matrix: Refurbished
      Matrix: Release candidate

      Or, my personal favorites:

      Matrix: Restored
      Matrix: Rebooted.

  • As I recently converted to Keanuism, a religion I invented (and by invented I mean discovered) that believes Keanu is an immortal being who is sending us messages through his films, I was looking forward to the 4th and 5th gospels of Keanu.

    I'm not sure what to make of Point Break, but Keanu works in mysterious ways.

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
