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Julian Assange To Host Talk Show 164

An anonymous reader writes "Julian Assange has announced he will host a talk show: 'Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it,' Assange said in his announcement late Monday. 'Are we heading towards utopia or dystopia, and how we can set our paths? This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before.'"
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Julian Assange To Host Talk Show

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  • Assange seems to know lots about kinky Nordic sex!

    • by jhoegl ( 638955 )
      Well its either that or talking about the astrophilogical physics of quantum nutri.....zzzzzzzz....
    • 1st shown on hbo and later edited for content on cable :)

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      After reading the "I woke up after the night of sex with him inside me yet again", I think he knows lots about vanilla Nordic sex at best.

      Can't speak for kinky Aussie sex though. Nothing in police reports about that.

      • by EdIII ( 1114411 )


        1) You state that fucking a chick, falling asleep, and fucking her again in the morning while she is still asleep is vanilla Nordic sex at best.

        What is kinky Nordic sex? Please be detailed with your answer. I saw a picture of a couple hundred Nordic blondes in hot water pool or something. My penis has a vested interest in the answer.

        2) Kinky Aussie Sex and lack of police reports.

        Does this mean that all instances of Kinky Aussie sex involve police reports?

        • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

          Err, I'm a finn myself, so I may be perverted in some puritan point of view, but yes, it's vanilla sex in my book. It's straight up vaginal penetration from front/back with a person who has accepted to have sex with you.

          What exactly is vanilla sex in your book if not that?

          • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

            Err, I'm a finn myself, so I may be perverted in some puritan point of view, but yes, it's vanilla sex in my book. It's straight up vaginal penetration from front/back with a person who has accepted to have sex with you.

            Accepted? As opposed to....?

            Sounds like you might be reaching back to the ol' Viking roots there.

            What exactly is vanilla sex in your book if not that?

            Well I guess your description might be considered vanilla sex. Everybody's threshold is different apparently. I prefer French vanilla sex with cherries and copious amounts of chocolate sauce. Like I said, YMMV.

      • Can't speak for kinky Aussie sex though. Nothing in police reports about that.

        Well, I'm a kinky Aussie, and can testify that working off a nice morning glory with my gf while we're both still half asleep is pretty much all the way over at the wholesome end of the spectrum.

    • Regardless of whether the charges against him were true, I think they were brought with political intent to hunt him down. That said, making light of rape charges as "kinky" or the classic "surprise sex" is demeaning. If someone told you they were using protection, lied, and you had to worry about STD's, you wouldn't be laughing. The charges are serious, even if they were brought by assholes looking to stop Julian. If someone accused him of shooting someone, you wouldn't make fun of it as "kinky Nordic
    • but not so much about boring Nordic laws
  • Will he really be able to ask the REAL tough questions, and expect these to be broadcast over the mass media ?

    i really don think they would just allow that. maybe over the internet.

    • >>>Will he really be able to ask the REAL tough questions, and expect these to be broadcast over the mass media ?

      It's Russia Today.
      They don't give a shit. They regularly have Alex Jones giving his twisted opinions.
      Like when he claimed google has enough information about us humans they can predict future trends ala a primitive version of psychohistory (Asimov novels.)

  • by humphrm ( 18130 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2012 @06:57PM (#38812389) Homepage

    'Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it. Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths? This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before.'

    Woah, woah, woah. Way too many words. I was like "What?" and then I was like "Huh?" and then, uh, I got a little bored.

  • for the money? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    It's sad, but my first thought about this was whether he's doing it for the money, to pay for his legal expenses.

    Yes, I do absolutely consider a talkshow to be "selling out". I still consider his manifesto [] that lead to the creation of Wikileaks extremely interesting and insightful.

    • After he makes a few millions how much are you willing to bet that he will be suing all the YouTube videos of his clips, and other internet downloads.

      Assange is one of capitalism great successes. Make your brand as being anti-western and capitalist, target your customer brand to a group of people who feel they don't have a voice, offer a service of giving them a voice and collect the cash.

      The next thing you will see him on TV selling Coca Cola. Even Liberal Rebels needs a cool refreshing Coca Cola.
      • So it's sort of like if Che Guevara started selling a line of official Che Guevara t-shirts through Urban Outfitters?

  • Color me unsurprised (Score:2, Interesting)

    by NiceGeek ( 126629 )

    Anyone with half a brain knew Julie was doing this for the publicity.

  • by lobiusmoop ( 305328 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2012 @07:05PM (#38812523) Homepage

    I remember watching the interview with John Pilger [] some time ago, Assagne is certainly a compelling speaker.

    • I remember watching an interview of his with Anderson Cooper and thinking "My god, you ageless white haired vampires, you're breaking all the rules, people will start getting suspicious for sure when they see two of you at the same time!"

  • Phenomenal (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ludomancer ( 921940 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2012 @07:07PM (#38812547)

    Whoever let this man onto mainstream media made a huge mistake for themselves.

    For the rest of us, potential win.

    I would love for him to spread his perspective and morals to a larger audience, because, from what I know of him (and being under the impression of the fallacy of his alleged rape charges), he represents a truly free, government-agnostic (am I using that right?) way forward for human kind. Our governments should not do evil unto others, and that should be apparent from it's own historical evidence.

    • his ideas are good, but can he reign in the jerk long enough to get them out?

      consent or no consent, improper bedroom antics with highly political women at a time when a big chunk of the world's governments want you to "disappear" is very poor judgement.

      i've a feeling his personality will get in the way again.

      • jerk ? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2012 @09:32PM (#38813991) Homepage Journal

        benjamin franklin had the habit of stripping naked, throwing a stool in the middle of the corridor that ran through his mansion in the upper floors, open all windows on both sides of the mansion and sit there naked in the wind.

        he would get arrested for it today.

        and yet, he is one of the people who gave us what we have today.

        tesla hated fat people and even fired a fat assistant. he openly scolded fat people in public. for being fat or eating too much.

        i can go on and on with examples from important and beneficial figures in history, who shaped this current times with their very important contributions to society. ..................

        unfortunately, as of today, speaking against governments not doing stuff against their people behind their back, exposing them, has become a greater evil to face than inquisition. with inquisition at least, all the people knew that you were stirring up something that was wrong, and approved you silently. but look at this discussion now - the persons who are braving the perils of going against the very bastards doing stuff behind our back, are being villified, by LITERATE and intelligent people. ..............

        i dont care about 'jerk'. what i care about is, what he is doing. something we needed, and nobody was doing it.

        • benjamin franklin had the habit of stripping naked, throwing a stool in the middle of the corridor that ran through his mansion in the upper floors, open all windows on both sides of the mansion and sit there naked in the wind.

          Well, no. It's inside his mansion, on an upper floor, not even in a room with a window (though I've no doubt he could be seen through one or two windows if you made an effort).

          Hell, I walk around my upper floor naked from time to time, usually just out of the shower or bed. And occ

          • Well, no. It's inside his mansion, on an upper floor, not even in a room with a window (though I've no doubt he could be seen through one or two windows if you made an effort).

            yes and that could get you arrested by someone reporting you to the police. would totally end someone's career.

            • by Tim C ( 15259 )
              Seriously? I can't speak for the US, but here in the UK you're perfectly within your rights to walk around your house naked, with only a few restrictions - mostly relating to intent. E.g. if it can be demonstrated that you intended for your neighbours to see you then you may be in trouble; if they merely happened to catch sight of you through a window, well, they shouldn't have been looking. (Of course, regularly being naked near windows when you live opposite a school will most likely get you in trouble; a
              • Both of the other replies to this comment have pointed out the single case I'm aware of where this happened recently: Eric Williamson, of Virginia. What they BOTH fail to point out is that his misdemeanor conviction was overturned in 20 minutes on appeal.

                Indecent exposure laws have quite a bit to do with intent - if you're standing outside on your balcony with a spotlight and marching band drawing attention to yourself, yeah, that's pretty obvious intent. The guy making coffee early in the morning walkin

        • I don't think the Inquisition lacked much public support. Religion is a powerful tool to control the illiterate.

      • Man's gotta get laid. The current expectation that people in politics be severely sexually repressed means that there are a lot of creepy people in power.
        • Yeah, creepy. So, not like Assange then?

          I think I'd sooner watch a chat show hosted by a j-horror child-ghost than Julian Assange.

          That could work, couldn't it? Close-up of guest, finishing of his question, pull back the shot and there's the host crawling across the ceiling... ready with the next question. Hehe. Oh, and that would work for the ghost-host too!
    • by ackthpt ( 218170 )

      Whoever let this man onto mainstream media made a huge mistake for themselves.

      For the rest of us, potential win.

      I would love for him to spread his perspective and morals to a larger audience, because, from what I know of him (and being under the impression of the fallacy of his alleged rape charges), he represents a truly free, government-agnostic (am I using that right?) way forward for human kind. Our governments should not do evil unto others, and that should be apparent from it's own historical evidence.

      "In a moment, I'll have as my guest one of the network executives, whose personal records I released on my leaks website earlier so people can get a good idea where he stands on things."

      Sure to be a winner.

      • by tqk ( 413719 )

        In a moment, I'll have as my guest one of the network executives ...

        Rupert Murdoch? Yeah, that'd be a great show. Hope it gets uploaded to TPB.

    • Whoever let this man onto mainstream media made a huge mistake for themselves.

      Why? I assume he'd pull viewers, right? I'm sure the person who approved of this will regret it all the way to the bank.

    • by sqldr ( 838964 )

      he also prints t-shirts with his face on it, gives regular (almost endless) interviews for Putin-backed RT, and talks a lot more about himself than any of the people uncovering things. It's possible to believe that gubbament should not do evil without being an irritating dick. I'm still waiting for him to start his own fashion label and market it with a pop single.

      • Re:Phenomenal (Score:5, Insightful)

        by zAPPzAPP ( 1207370 ) on Tuesday January 24, 2012 @09:27PM (#38813973)

        It is interesting that everything negative I read and hear about this man (and there is A LOT of that) is all, without exception, personal attacks on him.

        I guess that means he is an asshole and does behave assholish a lot.

        But the thing is: I really don't care about the character and integrity of some guy I don't even know personally.
        Now if the there really is nothing else wrong about the things he proclaims, other than they are being brought to us by some smug asshole, count me in.

    • by Yvanhoe ( 564877 )
      The "mainstream media" in question is RT, the Kremlin-funded TV. I kid you not [].
  • Dystopia, and the best thing you can do is not be a party to the whole thing.

  • In Guantanamo tonight?
    • by pgward ( 2086802 )

      In Guantanamo tonight?

      Lacks credibility. No one in Guantanamo knows they are in Guantanamo, let alone whether it is night or day.

  • my guess is that he's on deep cable on Jupiter, top tier plus $20 a month.

    • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

      my guess is that he's on deep cable on Jupiter, top tier plus $20 a month.

      Damn, that's still better than Keith Olbermann's new network.

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