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All Five Star Trek Captains Share a Stage 238

An anonymous reader writes "Just after half past seven on the evening of Friday 19th October, history was made at the Destination Star Trek London event at the capital's ExCel centre; when Captains Archer (Scott Bakula), Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), Sisko (Avery Brooks), Picard (Patrick Stewart) and James T. Kirk (William Shatner) appeared together on a European stage. This momentous event, which had occurred just once before, at the Wizard World Comic Con in Philadelphia in June, not only lived up to the expectations of fans, but exceeded them by a good light-year."
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All Five Star Trek Captains Share a Stage

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    ...but I think that only counts as "history" in the very loosest sense.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    They're forgetting Jeffery Hunter and Bruce Greenwood. They were also captains of the enterprise, albeit for one episode. Some will say they don't count , but being an captain is worthy of recognition.

    • Bruce Greenwood

      Nothing against him, but I'd rather pretend JJ Trek never happened.

      • by Altanar ( 56809 )
        Feel free. Just don't ever expect to have another pre-Abrams style Star Trek movie ever again. I don't think Paramount will ever forget that the JJ Abrams "Star Trek" is the most popular, highest grossing movie in the series. (Grossing more than First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis combined. $336m vs $385m)
        • by AuMatar ( 183847 )

          I'd rather have trek dead that that abomination. It's time for some new series anyway. It was great, but it's time is past.

          • I agree there. The plot could have been made a whole lot more palatable if they'd used the Guardian of Forever to "reboot" rather than <shudder>red matter<shudder>.

            The main problem is that, for some inexplicable reason, Paramount does not use Star Trek fans to make Star Trek.
            • by Anonymous Coward

              The main problem is that, for some inexplicable reason, Paramount does not use Star Trek fans to make Star Trek.

              The reason, unfortunately, is that all the fans of star trek can not bring in the same money as the current target audience does, thus trek is made for the undereducated masses that don't even care in passing about trek :/

            • by Kjella ( 173770 )

              I agree there. The plot could have been made a whole lot more palatable if they'd used the Guardian of Forever to "reboot" rather than <shudder>red matter<shudder>.

              But using "Particle of the day" to do it is sooooooo Star Trek Canon :D

              • Particle of the Week was indeed very annoying, but Red Matter was even worse (because of its vastly more potent effects; the PotWs were usually just used to detect things, not cause planets to implode into singularities). And I think we also have higher expectations of feature films than to resort to lame plot devices like this. The PotWs should have been something the writers learned from, so that they don't repeat that mistake.

            • by AuMatar ( 183847 )

              Or if they hadn't done a time travel plot at all. I hate alternate history timelines. I love Next Generation- that crew no longer even exists. If you want to show a prequel of Star Trek with how the crew gets together, fine. Use new actors for the old roles. Or do a story from somewhere else in the timeline they lived. Don't rewrite the entire history and change the personalities of everyone we loved. I wouldn't want to watch a series based on that, that version of Kirk and Spock have no interest to

              • If you want to show a prequel of Star Trek with how the crew gets together, fine. Use new actors for the old roles. Or do a story from somewhere else in the timeline they lived. Don't rewrite the entire history and change the personalities of everyone we loved.

                Yes. Excellent point. I agree whole-heartedly. Do up a Captain Pike era series or something. How about a story arc on how the Prime Directive came to be and what devastation was caused by not having it.

        • The whole Vulcans as Lost Souls thing was completely skipped over. That is terrifying from the point of view of Trek Canon. The Vulvcans were the total Deus Ex Vulcan Fix-It when everyone was totally screwed and needed one man without iron in his blood and mind melds and all that. Now with however many of them left from a dead race, it's veering towards Star Wars and the last Jedi.

          However bad the Canon got after 40-50 years, you just can't do that and pretend it's still Star Trek as normal.

          Bonus Points to

      • Out of curiosity (and at the risk of opening a huge can of worms), and as someone who has enjoyed most interpretations of Star Trek but was never moved to the point of obsession or "trekkie" status... what was wrong with that movie? I liked it a lot.

        • by Boronx ( 228853 )

          It's not how they would have made it, plus giant transparent pipes filled with water, plus a planet that figured in a like, two episodes ever, got wiped out.

        • agreed i have watched all of the movies and all of the shows (actually didn't care for the original series as much) and while startrek (Abrams) was not the best (first contact was, fallowed by insurrection). but it definitely wasn't the worst (star trek the motion picture was)

          • Wrong; Star Trek V was the absolute worst. TMP was second. Generations was third. Insurrection was kinda lame, definitely not one of the best.

    • Two of the five were never captains of the Enterprise...
    • by arth1 ( 260657 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2012 @09:46PM (#41747919) Homepage Journal

      They're forgetting Jeffery Hunter and Bruce Greenwood.

      Why leave out Sean Kenney from the Pike actors?

      According to what I can find out, the full list of Enterprise captains, not counting alternate realities, cartoons, non-crewmembers like Bele, Khan, Q or Moriarty taking over, nor the 2009 travesty are:

      Robert April: James Doohan, Gene Roddenberry
      Christopher Pike: Jeffrey Hunter, Sean Kenney, Bruce Greenwood
      James Tiberius Kirk: William Shatner
      Willard Decker: Stephen Collins
      Spock: Leonard Nimoy (mutiny)

      James Tiberius Kirk: William Shatner

      John Harriman: Alan Ruck
      Demora Sulu: Jacqueline Kim

      Rachel Garrett: Tricia O'Neil
      Richard Castillo: Christopher McDonald

      Jean-Luc Picard: Patrick Stewart
      William T. Riker: Jonathan Frakes
      Edward Jellico: Ronny Cox
      Guinan: Whoopi Goldberg
      Wesley Crusher: Wil Wheaton (mutiny)

      Jean-Luc Picard: Patrick Stewart

      Honorable mention to the Enterprise OV-101 captains:
      Fred Haise: Himself
      Joseph Henry Engle: Himself

      • Guinan: Whoopi Goldberg
        Wesley Crusher: Wil Wheaton (mutiny)

        What episodes are you referring to? In the case of Wesley, I recall The Naked Now, but it was merely a self-proclamation. Of course, nearly every regular cast member was given command at one point or another.

      • I'm sorry, being put in command of the Enterprise briefly does not make one a "captain". That's a rank that has to be officially assigned. Lots of crewmembers were put in command of the ship at some time; the Captain has to sleep sometime, after all, and sometime's he's away at some archaeological conference.

        However, Spock was himself a captain (by rank, not mutiny), in the movies, though he never had full command of a ship.

  • What about Kirk from re-image, and wasn't Sulu a captain? I'm not even counting Spock, just thinking bridge captains that played major roles. Yeah Sulu didn't play a major role as a bridge captain but certainly played a rather large role up to that point.

    • by Ichijo ( 607641 )
      Sisko didn't even have a bridge, just an operations center ("ops"). He had a bridge on the Defiant, but so did Worf in First Contact.
      • by godrik ( 1287354 )

        Though I think Sisko had the grade of captain in the last seasons of DS9.

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          Did we all forget Jerk Jerk A's Ensign commander of the flag ship of star fleet, version of a Captain. From thinking from the gut big mouth bar brawler, to cheating cadet on to "saviour of the universe", 'er', Federation of Planets 'er' excluding Vulcan but hey who needed those boring logical dudes they think too much ;D.

    • Spock was the bridge captain in Khan, but gave up that role to Adm. Kirk when they were sent to check on Regula I. He played a major role in the story, though not as bridge captain.

  • Captain Pike? (Score:5, Informative)

    by Kittenman ( 971447 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2012 @06:45PM (#41746589)
    The one who came before Kirk in the original series pilot. Last I saw he was either cavorting with a lady in his imagination or in a bad wheelchair, going "beep beep" (no) over and over.
  • ... actually shows up [] unlike he did in The Captains [].
    • I actually enjoyed "The Captains", which happens to be streamable on Netflix [] if anyone is curious. Not that it qualifies as high cinema by any stretch of the imagination...

      Sure, Shatner plays Shatner - but still it was fun. I especially got a kick out of Avery Brooks turning out to be some sort of beatnik professor in real life. And Kate Mulgrew did seem capable of throwing Shatner off his game a bit.

      Plus the editing in the convention scenes sure made it look like Shatner was having a bit of fun at his own

  • by dreamchaser ( 49529 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2012 @07:00PM (#41746693) Homepage Journal

    How is it history if it has already happened once before?

  • Why? They never went anywhere. The main thing he said would have been along the lines of

    Don't go anywhere - continue to be right here!

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Um... Commodore Decker was a Commodore, not a Captain. That's why they called him Commodore.

      Picard should have been a Commodore. There are a couple of episodes where he is commanding a flotilla of ships.
      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2012 @11:04PM (#41748419)

        Except for brief periods of time in the US navy, commodore has always been a temporary title, not a rank. You got to be a commodore (temporarily) if you were put in command of a group of ships and either the admiral liked you and wanted to give you a chance to wear extra gold braid, or there was some need to clearly elevate you above the other captains (for example, if one of the others was senior to you but you were supposed to be in overall command).

        So Decker would have been a captain with the title of commodore while he was commanding a task force, and IIRC Picard generally commanded multiple ships in emergencies and impromptu fleets, where he would have taken command as senior captain.

        • My understanding of it is that "Commodore" is the title used by a visiting officer who outranks the ship's captain. Because there is only one captain on a ship and the crew can be in no doubt as to who's in charge. The Commodore may be the highest-ranking officer on board, but the captain is in charge.

  • Trying to amass so many geek in one place that they form the critical mass of a black hole?
  • by BenEnglishAtHome ( 449670 ) on Tuesday October 23, 2012 @08:15PM (#41747169)

    ...was Rachel Garrett (played by Tricia O'Neil), captain of the NCC-1701-C. Her decision to sacrifice her ship and crew averted all-out war with the Klingons, saved the Federation and saved billions of lives. That's a tough act to follow.

    • I seem to recall that she was killed and that a lieutenant junior grade in her command was the one who had to take the ship back in time in an act of self-sacrifice to prevent all-out war with the Klingons in the future. Pfft. Everyone knows that.



      Oh, okay, who am I kidding? I just looked it up on memory-alpha. *throws up hands*

  • Well, that would be the Emergency Command Hologram, of course!

    Anyone who disagrees will be disintegrated by the photonic canon!

  • "This website uses CloudFlare in order to help keep it online when the server is down by serving cached copies of pages when they are unavailable. Unfortunately, a cached copy of the page you requested is not available, but you may be able to reach other cached pages on the site."


  • In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion... In my opinion...

    There. Take those and scatter them into the posts in this thread to stop yourself imploding.

  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Wednesday October 24, 2012 @03:17AM (#41749523)
    5 actors, doubtless paid large sums of money, appear together on stage for the second time in the space of 4 months. It's of earth shattering importance.
  • not only lived up to the expectations of fans, but exceeded them by a good light-year.

    Since when has expectation been measured in units of distance? Clearly the author meant "space-percent."

"'Tis true, 'tis pity, and pity 'tis 'tis true." -- Poloniouius, in Willie the Shake's _Hamlet, Prince of Darkness_
