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Ask Slashdot: Can Star Wars Episode VII Be Saved? 403

An anonymous reader writes "10 years ago today, in the wake of two disappointing Star Wars prequels, we discussed whether Episode III could salvage itself or the series. Now, as production is underway on Episode VII under the care of Disney, I was wondering the same thing: can it return Star Wars to its former glory? On one hand, many critics of the prequels have gotten what they wanted — George Lucas has a reduced role in the production of Episode VII. Critically, he didn't write the screenplay, which goes a long way toward avoiding the incredibly awkward dialogue of the prequels. On the other hand, they're actively breaking with the expanded universe canon, and the series is now under the stewardship of J.J. Abrams. His treatment of the Star Trek reboot garnered lots of praise and lots of criticism — but his directorial style is arguably more suited to Star Wars anyway. What do you think? What can they do with Episode VII to put the series back on track?"
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Ask Slashdot: Can Star Wars Episode VII Be Saved?

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  • Star Wars Sucks! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:38PM (#47050333)

    The movies are all terrible. The only one that is half way decent is the Empire and that because Lucas neither wrote nor directed it. The more this new one completely ignores everything that came before it the better.

    • IMHO, the sucky part is that unless the story arc skips ahead as many years, the by-now old/wrinkle-bound actors are going to look really out of place...

      (then again, in the interests of honesty, I never read eps 7-9, so...)

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The movies are all terrible. The only one that is half way decent is the Empire and that because Lucas neither wrote nor directed it. The more this new one completely ignores everything that came before it the better.

      Actually the only good one is Star Wars. Self contained no nonsense good guy versus evil guy. A princess, a farmboy and an adventurer. What more could you want ?

      From the first sequel onwards it all came crashing down. Yeah Empire is more sofisticated than Star Wars but a better film ?
      Nope. And ROTJ will having a good part in it (redemption of Vader) is just anahilated by all the other things (teddy bears waging wars against shock troopers, and the whole crazy part in Jabba the Hutt's palace).

      As for the preq

      • by plover ( 150551 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @04:16PM (#47050859) Homepage Journal

        The original Star Wars movies were great because we saw them when we were 13 years old, and they were filmed to appeal to 13 year olds. Watch it again now, and if you enjoy it that's likely due to fond memories of watching them as a child, not because they're such great pieces of filmmaking on their own.

        Any remake is doomed if you expect a remake. It's also doomed if you expect to be transformed back into a 13 year old while watching the movie. All Star Wars movies are children's movies, aimed at their eras 13-year-olds. All of us adults who imagined they would be anything different were disappointed.

        If you instead expect a movie that will entertain you, set in or near the original universe (but with modern filmmaking techniques and different characters,) you might put yourself in a position to enjoy it. But you'll probably enjoy it most if you bring your own child to the movie.

        • by geekoid ( 135745 )

          "Star Wars movies were great because we saw them when we were 13 years old, and they were filmed to appeal to 13 year olds."

          they where great for all ages because thy where ground breaking. They won academy awards, the first run was months, adults where lining up and waiting hours.

          In 1970s, no one spent millions making a movie for 13 year olds.

          • by plover ( 150551 )

            Awards are granted to all kinds of movies, and aren't the definition of adult entertainment. These movies were not nearly as popular among adults as they were among kids. They were and are kids's movies first.

        • by globaljustin ( 574257 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @05:07PM (#47051339) Journal

          The original Star Wars movies were great because we saw them when we were 13 years old, and they were filmed to appeal to 13 year olds. Watch it again now, and if you enjoy it that's likely due to fond memories of watching them as a child, not because they're such great pieces of filmmaking on their own.

          yes plover, you nailed it

          often when I hear people talk about why the love trek or star wars or D&D or video games it relates to exactly the same...I just sort of insert "I like nostalgia and fun things" for whatever they are babbling about (fyi of all these i'm a 'trekkie' and a gamer sub-genre of tetris nerd)

          there *is* of course the times when these silly things that were aimed at middle schoolers have really interesting storylines that go beyond their target market

          that's up to interpretation, but it's all about distinguishing **why**

          Star Wars and Alien are awesome scifi films but are hugely different in tone/subject matter....I'm sure some fanbois would argue that both are equally great in all ways but they aren't. Alien is written and acted much better in all ways. Again that's an interpretation but it's one most people share and its easily defendable.

          I say the original trilogy are all "classics" for their own reasons...but in film discussions should be viewed as a whole...sort of like LotR...the prequels are kind of a B-/C+ retread, but reduced to its component parts it has some moments that are "classic" (note that the fan-edited versions of the prequels are much better)

        • I first saw star wars I was 20+ (due to a combination of not owning a TV for a long time after I left my parents home, and before that I watched few TV). And they are good film with an arc, comply to standard story telling and film. The prequel do not comply. Check the red letter media review, plinkett bring a lot of good points :
          * You can easily tell who is the protagonist and main hero in SW4,5,6. You cannot with SW1 and arguably SW2.
          * character ? Character in SW4,5,6 can be described with trait indepen
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by gl4ss ( 559668 )

      and apparently lucas has nothing to do with this so...

      however. abrams is shit. he is just shit. star trek into darkness is just so shit. in the next star wars, han solo will be making a phone call to alternate(expanded) universe han solo to warn him that jar jar binks is going to screw him over in the _past_. makes sense? well, as much sense as any shit mr abrams puts in his movies.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by JMJimmy ( 2036122 )

        "Can Star Wars Episode VII Be Saved?" as always with these questions the answer is a resounding: NO.

        gl4ss is 100% correct, Abrams is shit.

        Star Trek? Butchered - how many close ups do you need!?!
        Mission Impossible? Butchered - was there anything remotely "mission imposible-esque" about that movie?
        Super 8? Super Stupid

        Armageddon, Forever Young, Taking Care of Business, Felicity, Alias, Lost, Fringe: Not bad. The TV stuff not so much towards the end of their runs.
        Gone Fishin', Regarding H

  • Lens flares (Score:4, Insightful)

    by MouseR ( 3264 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:38PM (#47050335) Homepage

    ...better be absent.

    • Re:Lens flares (Score:4, Informative)

      by dunezone ( 899268 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:57PM (#47050619) Journal
      In the Star Trek DVD commentary they(director and producer) even talk about how they overdid the lens flares. For the sequel they still had them but it wasn't as prevalent as the first. Its fine if you have like a single shot with it in there but not everything needs a flare.
      • I always figured lens flares were the result of bad setup and shot planning. Maybe if you have four or five Oscars for cinematography you could get away with one or two as artistic license. Absent that, it just makes it look like you don't know what you're doing.
        • by PCM2 ( 4486 )

          No they were there on purpose, and they were all real, too. They weren't added in with CG, Abrams actually had people hiding around the set to shine lights into the lenses.

    • by lgw ( 121541 )

      Lens flares will be the good part. While Abrams will fuck canon sideways with a catus, I'm sure the film will be fast-paced and entertaining. Everything that was wrong, style-wise, for a Star Trek film will be right for a Star Wars film. Pointless running through hallways, action-central plots that don't really make much sense, lots of laser gunplay, the bad guys in a bigger, more-armed ship with sinister lighting -- all of it will be great.

      I'm fully prepared to treat it like the prequel movies: high-bud

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      And wipes. They were cool in the 80s.

  • You know... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by The Good Reverend ( 84440 ) < minus punct> on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:39PM (#47050357) Journal's hardly even started filming yet. Maybe wait until it's released to worry?

    Or better yet, don't worry. Skip it entirely if you can't hold "sequel" and "rose-tinted memories of the originals" in your brain at the same time. No one's ruining your childhood if you just stay home...

  • No (Score:5, Insightful)

    by tsa ( 15680 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:40PM (#47050365) Homepage

    No, it can not return SW to its former glory. That is because the three SW films that came out first have got their cult status over the last 30 years. You can't just 'make' that.

    • Re:No (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MozeeToby ( 1163751 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:51PM (#47050533)

      Nothing you say is wrong but what you imply is.

      The prequels were fundamentally broken. Episodes 4-6 achieved cult status because they were enjoyable the first time around (not to mention the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th). The prequels released stand alone, not as part of the already established series, would have been laughed out of the theater. It's not rose colored glasses, there is a large and irrefutable quality gap between the original trilogy and the prequels.

    • Plus, it's Disney. They're not going to take any chances. So expect safe, bland, middle of the road writing combined with lots of CGI action setpieces for the trailers--all carefully test-marketed to within an inch of the producers' lives.

      It's produced by the king studio of all that is mediocre, and directed by the Ron Howard of his generation. Are you expecting fucking Stanley Kubrick here?

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      When people tell me they have seen Star Wars(no episode number), and they are too young to have seen it originally in theaters, I ask if they have seen it on VHS. If the answer is no, then they have not seen Star Wars. That is because instead of leaving it as a static piece of culture, like Casablanca, Rocky Horror Picture Show, or Go, with all the warts and other defects, Lucas has managed and 'fixed' it to attract new audiences. Instead of letting the sequels get the new audiences, he very proactively re
  • Unless they put something in your drink to reduce your intellectual and emotional capacity to that of a 10 year old you are not going to like it.

  • by TWX ( 665546 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:43PM (#47050413)
    ...when the Star Wars fans were laughing at the situation with Abrams and the Star Trek movies that he made...

    I've noticed that they're rather quiet now...
    • They're the ones who have to deal with frickin' Jar Jar Binks. The worst we have is... Tribbles?

      Lots and lots of Tribbles.

    • by Quirkz ( 1206400 )

      You know, I was thinking, what's the point of having a Star Wars vs. Star Trek argument, if it's the same guy running both shows? Is there seriously no other competent director out there who could help maintain a different flavor in one of those universes?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Our childhood memories have been raped six ways to Sunday, but does anyone care anymore? Yes, stupid remakes of the movies we grew up with exist. The songs of our youth have been remade into cheap dance tunes and ringtones. The games we played are now free-to-play tablet apps with in-app purchases. The originals all still exist, should we need them - but do we need them? How long can you hang on to the past without becoming old instead of grown-up? I just wish they would spare the actors the embarrassment.

  • by stewsters ( 1406737 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:46PM (#47050449)
    Making it a bit darker in a gritty way would be nice. More character development. I saw this [] on reddit today, and I kind of agree with where that's going.
    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      Making it a bit darker in a gritty way would be nice

      Because god forbid anything be bright or light-hearted.

      Gritty and dark is always better? And everyone has to wear black, or really dark grey. Or maybe dark brown, but it has to be dark enough that it looks black. And everyone has to be a miserable tortured soul. That's a sure sign that its 'good'. Its like AAA FPS development right? Because all those need to be good is more grit and darkness with each iteration.

      From the link you posted...

      "Maybe kind of lik

      • Because god forbid anything be bright or light-hearted.

        Fine, you can put JarJar in there, but at least make me care for him this time.

        Gritty and dark is always better? And everyone has to wear black, or really dark grey. Or maybe dark brown, but it has to be dark enough that it looks black.

        You can do gritty without it being dark. Its more of a roughness of the area. Think Hoth, that is gritty and white.

        Yeah! Make it like Mass Effect! That ended well right? /sarcasm

        I liked the mass effect more than

        • by vux984 ( 928602 )

          You can do gritty without it being dark. Its more of a roughness of the area. Think Hoth, that is gritty and white.

          Nearly all of the original star wars sets were "gritty". That was one of the better Lucas decisions in the film.

          I was just taking the piss out of your post; because "make it gritty and dark" seems to be the new fashion. Whether its lord of the rings, or start trek, or a new FPS or anything else... it just needs to be gritty and dark.

          And then that sort of dovetailed with the black and brown pale

    • That story doesn't need to be set in Space, require aliens, Jedi, Sith or the Force, and is told literally every day on the news.

      • I would like a story that doesn't need funny aliens to carry itself. The original stories were basically samurai westerns. The space part was thrown in.
      • by naasking ( 94116 )

        That story doesn't need to be set in Space, require aliens, Jedi, Sith or the Force, and is told literally every day on the news.

        Art imitates life.

  • Hey, I liked reading a lot of the extended universe stuff.

    But as much as I enjoyed that, I'm not sure much of it would make for a great movie. At least not the parts they are thinking about now.

    And the Extended Universe has a lot of weight to it by now. It's also pretty piled on, not leaving a lot of room for creativity...

    I think a fresh start for Star Wars is a great thing, using the originals as a base. To me that offers the most excitement, a good story re-thought by people new to the universe.

    So, I'm

  • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:49PM (#47050495)

    Stick a fork in it, it's done.

    Seriously, this isn't going to turn out well. For one thing, they got JJ "Lensflare" Abrams to do it, and he'll probably have the protagonists all be teenagers.

    But even if they had a good director, they can't just undo the Prequels. They're already out there, and they've already ruined Star Wars. The only conceivable way to fix this is to not do Episode VII yet, but to go backwards and redo the Prequels, and pretend the old ones didn't happen. They're obviously not going to do that.

    What's more, even if you ignore the crappy Prequels, Episodes IV-VI are quite old now, and are a product of a different time, and being sci-fi, would not ever pass as modern sci-fi movies.

    • ...they can't just undo the Prequels. They're already out there, and they've already ruined Star Wars.

      Oh really? []

      Granted, Star Wars isn't Star Trek, but I'd prefer that scenario than see 1/24 of a second of Jar Jar Binks ever again.

    • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

      Stick a fork in it, it's done.

      Seriously, this isn't going to turn out well. For one thing, they got JJ "Lensflare" Abrams to do it, and he'll probably have the protagonists all be teenagers.

      Unlike the original series, where Luke and Leia were adults and Han Solo sported a walking stick with a hidden blaster.

    • by naasking ( 94116 )

      But even if they had a good director, they can't just undo the Prequels. They're already out there, and they've already ruined Star Wars.

      Some of the fan edits actually make the prequels decent movies [].

    • Re:It's hopeless. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jxander ( 2605655 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @07:53PM (#47052747)

      Teenage protagonists wouldn't be all that bad, honestly. Mark Hammil and Carrie Fisher were only in their early 20s when A New Hope released, and that panned out alright. Just make sure to get good actors, instead of Teen Heart-throb of the Month

      It's certainly be a lot better than trying to have the original 3 actors just trying to rehash their original roles, to appease the old fanbase. Don't get me wrong, they're all great actors, but I can just see the new film trying to shoe-horn 75 year old Harrison Ford back into the same Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder that he was 40 years ago. And he's simply not that character anymore. Harrison has grown and changed over the last 40 years. Han would have too.

      Also, if you look back on the original 3.. sure, they were considered SciFi, but the Sci part only existed to serve the story. They never stopped to explain the actual science behind ANYTHING. How do light sabers work? No one cares, they're laser swords. Why did that guy just vanish when he died? And how is the dead guy talking? Because he's awesome. Shut up and watch the movie. How does The Force work? Midocl-NO ... no one cares, they're space wizards, just go with it. And we did, and it was awesome. The Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12-parsecs ... that made ZERO sense and NO ONE CARED. That some fans wanked [] out some way for it to sort of make sense didn't help the story at all.

      You want to save Episode VII? Here's how: Have Luke, Leia and Han present, but only enough to help introduce the new characters (be they teens, 20s, or whatever) and then move on. They can hang out in the background, but should not be the main focus past the first third of the movie. Better yet, kill one of them. Have Luke go out Obi-wan style (that is, an active choice of self sacrifice) to save the new hero kid. Oh don't worry, Mark Hammil can float around as a Force Ghost if we need. But let his death inform the audience that this is not his story. That story is over. Oh, and if my previous paragraph wasn't a hint, skip the science part. Do what needs to be done for a good story, and if anyone needs an explanation, just say "because fucking space wizards."

      Oh and one more thing. No obvious big twist "I am your father" moment. We expect it, we'll be waiting for it. The bigger twist is for it to NOT go for the obvious. If you absolutely MUST have some twist or gut punch, dig deep and make it a good one. Think: 24 season 3. Ending with Keifer just breaking down in the car. Something no one sees coming.

  • by juanca ( 49302 ) <jchacon@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:54PM (#47050583) Homepage

    SW EP VII, Scene 1

    Leia: Luke, after studying for years the effect of Midi-chlorians in the way we use the Force, I've come to the conclusion that they bare no effect in who can or cannot become a Jedi, all we know about them is wrong...anybody can be a Jedi...

    Luke: whoa!

    • If anyone can become a jedi, why are jedi special? Their restrictive moral code? The universe would be filled with light-saber wielding telekinetic lunatics of all it took was wanting it hard enough.

      • by sjames ( 1099 )

        Nah, they'd be just like all those black belt wannabees we have today.

        Only a few would actually accomplish master status.

      • by PCM2 ( 4486 )

        If anyone can become a jedi, why are jedi special? Their restrictive moral code?

        Methinks you need to go back and watch Empire. There's a whole section in the middle with this little green guy that basically is all about your question.

    • injecting promicin? Or by being injected by whatever Dr Suresh Mohindar developed? Or ....
    • by unitron ( 5733 )


      (Bare means uncovered, unclothed, naked, unaided...

      "I wrestled the big brown bear with my bare hands"

      although probably not for long unless the bear had been heavily drugged)

      Better yet, "have no effect on who..."

  • by Lucas123 ( 935744 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:55PM (#47050591) Homepage
    Another Star Wars sequel shouldn't be made in the first place. You can only take a movie story line so far and then you're just milking nostalgia for the sake of box office returns with no art or soul. The first three movies were perfection. Enough already.
  • by portwojc ( 201398 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:56PM (#47050613) Homepage

    If Disney knows how to do anything it's to take the work of others and run with it.

    Episodes I-III barely touched the extended universe just as fan boy nods - the new ones can have this easily too.

    The books are separate from the movies. The masses don't know what all happened in them anyway. We'll wish to see it on screen but I'm thrilled to see what they do.

    In closing. They are doing fine with Marvel and Disney paid a billion dollars for Star Wars. A BILLION dollars. They won't mess this up. If they do well it's safe to say the mouse will be very upset.

  • by wbr1 ( 2538558 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:58PM (#47050625)
    Jokes aside, Disney is one of the worst pushers of extended copyright and draconian content laws. I for one won't be giving them a dime of my money. If I want to see it, I know how I will.
  • by kruach aum ( 1934852 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:58PM (#47050629)

    I think a Star Wars/Cloverfield mash-up could be cool. The sith would set loose several huge Rancorrs on Coruscant to further the purposes of the dark side and then the jedi could carve them up and create buildings from the skin and bones that would grow on their own under the influence of the Light Side and turn Coruscant into a giant pulsating heart of Force. This would accidentally produce a tear in the Force and a new Chosen one would be born to restore balance. Twist: the one to bring balance to the Force is the first Rancorr able to become a Jedi. It mind-melds with the flesh-and-bone half of Coruscant and becomes a living planet capable of moving itself across the galaxy because of the number of Midi-chlorians it now commands, smashing itself into other worlds to absorb their life essences and drain Midi-chlorians from any Force sensitives.

  • by fallen1 ( 230220 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @03:59PM (#47050645) Homepage

    George himself broke so much canon, or "retold" it, that it is not even funny. I've gone back and watched the original trilogy many times (I own them on laserdisc), to keep it fresh in memory so when I get into discussions about original vs prequels I'm not looking back with nostalgia.

    Here is one great example:
    Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.


    Qui-Gon Jinn: Midi-chlorians are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells.
    Qui-Gon Jinn: Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you.

    Complete and total turn around. The Force is now administered through a third party to let the Jedi/Sith know what to do - the will of the Force? *gags* *pukes* That is exactly opposite of what Yoda tells Luke - in that LIFE creates the Force. Quo-Gon says without midi-chlorians life could not exist and that you must "hear" the midi-chlorians speak to you. If that was the case, why didn't Yoda explain that to Luke? Because it was some retconning bullshit Lucas came up with to give life to his god-complex character.

    There are many, many other examples of complete "WTF?" moments between original and prequel.

  • by Jody Bruchon ( 3404363 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @04:00PM (#47050661)
    Why should we expect anything less for Star Wars? Fuck plot, let's move the camera so much that the audience gets motion sickness! BRIGHT LIGHTS! BIG EXPLOSIONS! VULCANS THAT HAS FEELS!

    The vast majority of Hollywood movies have been shit ever since this thing happened. [] Independent and classic film both seem far superior, especially since they have generally made up for poor access to special effects with creativity in other areas. (Remember when special effects were, well, special?)
    • Abrams already ruined Star Trek

      Oh, so you're the guy who's opinion is the objective truth.

      There is a lot you could help clear up.

    • by Rakarra ( 112805 ) on Wednesday May 21, 2014 @04:00AM (#47054453)


      It seems that over time people have forgotten quite a few things about Vulcans and Spock. Here's what's been canon for thirty years:

      First, Spock is not Vulcan. He's half-Vulcan, half-human.
      Second, Vulcans do not have an absence of feelings. In fact, it was established that Vulcans can have STRONGER emotions than humans, but they train to suppress and purge those feelings. Way back in Star Trek: the Motion Picture (an event that would been long after the events of the Abrams movies) Spock was shown going through a ceremony that would have purged the last of his emotions.. but it was interrupted, and the priestess declared that he still had human emotions.

      So the whole "spock can still have emotions" thing doesn't contradict what was already established. Spock still has a lot of work to do to attain Kolinahr.

  • Yay! []

  • Like most things, star wars is a product of the culture at a particular time, so the further we get from that time period, the harder it is to recapture. It's sometimes possible to reinvent, but most times, the reinventions that actually do ok share little in common with the old. That's just the way it is. Lucas waited too long to flesh out the story and it shows.

  • by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @04:12PM (#47050825) Journal
    "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will."
  • like something that has never been done before. I love the og Star Wars and all the Star Trek shows but I'm sick on the same lets "reboot" every 20 years bull shit that is happening.

    GIVE US SOME NEW SCI-FI. I think The Matrix was the last show when you can really say WOW I'll be re-watching this for years to come. Yes there were plenty of other good sci-fi but nothing to keep talking about for 40 years.

  • There were some pretty terrible story elements in both Abrams Star Trek movies that made stories in TOS and TOS movies (as well as some of the other Star Trek series) sure to not happen in the new Abrams reality and some of the characters were acting very out of character since Trek fans know them like they were members of the family.

    The problem is that Star Wars fans have been feasting on material that is now going to be thrown out and we will now have a new Star Wars reality, if the story is good and the

  • by joe_frisch ( 1366229 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @04:27PM (#47050989)

    Pretty easy:

    1) avoid medechlorians, JarJar and Ewoks.

    2) Avoid really stupid looking special effects

    3). Avoid really bad dialog

    4). Avoid truly stupid plots.

    5). Avoid completely transparent toy marketing.

    Then the movie will make a billion dollars, as will the next two. Its really not that hard.

  • It is crazy that that particular meme has not yet been posted, as this is a pretty clear example of where its invocation would be accurate.

  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @04:38PM (#47051081) Homepage

    Disney has an entire division [] devoted to cranking out crap sequels to hits. They're responsible for Cinderella 2 and 3, Bambi 2, Pocohontas 2, Mulan 2, Tarzan 2, The Lion King 1.5 and 2, The Jungle Book 2, Lilo and Stitch 2, and a host of others, most of which can be found wherever used DVDs are sold. So grinding out Star Wars 7 is in line with the established Disney production pipeline.

    Yes, Star Wars 7 is nominally a live action film, but today that's just a few principal characters on top of CG animation. Most of the pixels come from the animation teams.

    • I love John Lassester (Pixar, including Toy Story and Bug's Life ).

      From your link:
      On June 22, 2007, management of DisneyToon Studios was turned over to the control of Ed Catmull and John Lasseter under the banner of renamed Feature Animation studio, now called Walt Disney Animation Studios. As chief creative officer, Lasseter called for the cancellation of all future films in production or development at DisneyToon Studios that weren't connected to a Disney Consumer Products franchise. As a result, planned

  • Ask Slashdot: Can Star Wars Episode VII Be Saved?

    Episode VII has barely started filming. Did you mean "Can Episode VII save Star Wars?"

    Well... I expect it to be at least the 4th best film in the franchise.

    That's not including the Ewoks movies, of course.

  • The 1st one ever released in the late 70s was a gem, and in my opinion remains a stand-alone classic. Everything after it became less story and more eye candy, and the frustration of moving audience targets. ...Seems they are going to milk the franchise dry until it becomes unprofitable, then discard it like an empty milk carton. []

  • Really, the stakes are too high. Too many people have memories of IV, V, and VI that are too fond. Even if we had a young George Lucas directing it we would still likely deem it a failure after the first 10 minutes. If you try to make it feel like the original trilogy people will discard it as "uninspired" or "derivative". If you try to make it groundbreaking people will say you "tried too hard". And obviously he can't reboot it like he did with the new Star Trek movies for much the same reasons.

    I actually feel bad for JJ Abrams, as he will be the scapegoat in the end regardless of how good - or bad - the screenplay is.
  • by haplo21112 ( 184264 ) <> on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @06:07PM (#47051925) Homepage

    1. Deep Storyline, focusing on story first action second, that's what made the original trilogy good
    2. Don't throw away the content the fans are screaming for...ok some of the expanded universe is just silliness, but there is some good stuff...AKA Timothy Zhan books...keep most the concepts from there...Mara Jade, Leia and Han's kids...
    3. Attribute 1,2,3 and to unclear memories and retcon some of that crap!
    4. Don't make new characters poor clones of previous characters
    5. for the love of god make sure the villains aren't Vader/Emperor retreads...and PLEASE don't find some half asses way to resurrect the them!

  • by kheldan ( 1460303 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @06:29PM (#47052107) Journal
    Don't get me wrong: I liked Lost and Fringe. However I wanted to strangle someone over Star Trek. The first three Star Wars movies were pretty good, I thought, and didn't need to have anyone pile on for more profit, but they did it anyway. I'll even admit to kind of liking the animated television series. But now Disney mucking about with this, and getting J.J. Abrams involved in it? Screw that, it's probably going to be a crime against humanity by the time they get done with it. Memo to Disney: Dump J.J. Abrams. I'd rather he keep making weird television series and stop mucking about in movies. Of course if I had my way I wouldn't have Disney having anything at all to do with anything Star Wars, either.
  • by luckymutt ( 996573 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @06:31PM (#47052131)
    Opening scene of ep VII should be C3-PO waking up from a 30 year hibernation mode and say: "I just had the strangest dream that I was built by a young Darth Vader, hung out with an irritating alien no one liked, and everyone spoke in the most flat, two dimensional manner. It was a horrible, horrible dream. I'm certainly glad none of that actually happened."

    That is one way that ep VII could save the series and get it back on track.
  • by csumpi ( 2258986 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @06:47PM (#47052295)
    it will be shit, just like episodes 1-3. except more masturbatory cg fx. but it will make shit loads of money anyway.
  • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @07:22PM (#47052549)

    If you make a sequel within a few years of the original film you're essentially making another version of the same film. The actors are roughly the same ages and playing the same characters, the action and direction style are similar. You have a pile of things that worked great and all you have to do is tweak the formula.

    Such was the case with the original trilogy. The first film was great, the next two were variations on the first film so they were great as well.

    But if you make the sequel decades later the characters are different, the action and direction are now outdated in the current era, all you have is the mythology which gets people in the door but doesn't tell you how to make a film.

    Thus the average decades late sequel ends up being as good as the average new movie, it sucks. You hear about most movies for a year or two and then forget them. The only difference with the sequels to the big franchise is they stick around so you keep remembering how not amazing they were.

    The second trilogy died with the first film. They came up with a crappy film and were stuck re-shooting that for the next two prequels.

    There's no secret for making Episode VII great. Even with the same actors the characters will have to have grown and they need a new feel. Hopefully Star Trek has shown Abrahms what not to do and he'll find something good. But make no mistake, this is essentially a new SF action/adventure movie. It might be great and it might suck just like any other movie.

  • by dougiewright ( 939324 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @07:29PM (#47052595)
    Get rid of JJ. The man's a menace to everything sacred.
  • by Scot Seese ( 137975 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2014 @10:38PM (#47053609)

    No, because you can never be a child again. So you will never view Star Wars through the lens of the young person you were when Ep. 4/5/6 were released.

    Lucas had stuffed teddy bear people, cute robots and cartoonish muppet alien characters in all of the original films. Fans loved them. Lucas put silly characters in Ep. 1/2/3 and they were panned.

    Did Star Wars change?


    You did.

Them as has, gets.
