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Music Businesses The Internet

Grooveshark Co-founder Josh Greenberg Dead At 28 173

alphadogg writes: The tech startup world has been shaken today by news that 28-year-old Josh Greenberg, co-founder of recently defunct music sharing service Grooveshark, was found dead on Sunday in the Florida apartment he shared with his girlfriend. No foul play is suspected, but the local medical examiner is conducting an autopsy, according to the Gainesville Sun. Grooveshark was shut down in April after the company was threatened with legal action and possibly hundreds of millions in damages by several big music labels.
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Grooveshark Co-founder Josh Greenberg Dead At 28

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 20, 2015 @05:09PM (#50148245)

    His mother, Lori Greenberg, told the paper that her son was in good health and that police had found no visible injuries or signs of drug use. Moreover, the local police department confirmed in a tweet that there was no evidence of foul play or suicide.

    • That's why an autopsy is being employed-- there was no PHYSICAL evidence of suicide. Cops aren't medical experts. Duh.
  • by Clay Shannon ( 4191207 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @05:10PM (#50148251)
    We should be thinking of the family, especially his parents. My son also died at 28, one-third of a decade ago.
    • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @05:49PM (#50148521) Journal

      I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. My heart goes out to you.

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      You're right 28 is a dangerous age. It wouldn't actually surprise me if he was an adventurous sort, or did high impact sports or something similar. Three of my friends back ~8 years ago had heart attacks, they were 27, 28, 28. It was directly linked to their lifestyle, one was a marathon runner, the other played high-impact sports, the other was a boxer.

      You have my condolences on your son.

    • by Threni ( 635302 )

      Not as dangerous as 27.

      Also, I thought you're supposed to punch sharks in the back like that Australian guy did?

    • Why should we be thinking of his parents? It won't help.

  • by Tx ( 96709 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @06:35PM (#50148793) Journal

    In his honor, I plan to launch a streaming burials site, where you can watch people being laid to rest 24/7. No, I will not pay any royalties to the families of the deceased.

    I plan to call the site "GraveShark".

    • by Lagmo ( 972467 )

      In his honor, I plan to launch a streaming burials site, where you can watch people being laid to rest 24/7. No, I will not pay any royalties to the families of the deceased.

      I plan to call the site "GraveShark".

      Definitely puts 'Shark Week' into a whole new perspective..

      Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  • disgusting (Score:5, Insightful)

    it's like the death of aaaron swartz []

    these fucking companies have a business model which depends upon an outdated understanding of how information is shared, then they utterly destroy the financial lives, or actually jail, young entrepreneurs who see the future. they could make deals with these guys and take over their companies for their "crimes", and benefit thataways

    instead we have these pigheaded, shortsighted, cruel "punishments" for the crime of showing ignorant old fossils that their business models suck in the internet age

    this is the worst of lawyers, corporations, and the legal status quo, and i hope these judges, lawyers, and corporate sycophants can sleep at night, because blood is on their hands

    • it's like the death of aaaron swartz

      Or not. Apparently he was looking forward to soon putting the legal issues behind him and did not appear to have any particular suicidal tendencies.

    • God people like you are such ignorant douches.

      Swartz was a douche who broke the law, repeatedly, and clearly and deserved to go to jail. He couldn't cope with paying for his crimes so he offed himself. He's a criminal, not a hero. He had nothing about what happened that made him somehow deserve your sympathy and ABSOLUTELY was a criminal.

      This guy started a business where he stole other peoples work and gave it away for free. His business model is the same as a common thief, you ignorant prick. Stop act

      • legality is not necessarily morality

        they mostly overlap, but where the two have the most problems is disproportionate punishment: massive jailtime for smoking marijuana cigarette or crushing financial ruin for downloading a file for example

        it was illegal for a black person to ride in a section reserved for white people. until last week it was illegal for gays to marry. it is illegal to smoke marijuana in most of the usa, but that will change soon too

        aaron swartz downloaded files. grooveshark shared files


  • by Anonymous Coward

    Then tell us how he died. Choking on peanut butter? Slipped and hit his head? Alcohol poisoning?

    A 28 year old doesn't just suddenly die. Especially not in their own home without any sort of warning or symptoms.

    • by cdrudge ( 68377 )

      That's usually what an autopsy is for. It's already been announced that there wasn't any signs of foul play, obvious drug use, or known suicidal thoughts. Toxicology results usually take some time so unless the examiner finds something really quick and really obvious, they probably can't tell you yet how he died.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
