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Star Trek CBS Series To Be Streamed Internationally On Netflix ( 161

An anonymous reader writes: Netflix has announced that it has secured a deal to stream every episode of the new Star Trek TV series within 24 hours of its original network broadcast. However, neither the U.S. nor Canadian subscribers are included in the deal, which otherwise covers every territory that Netflix operates in worldwide. Stateside viewers will be able to stream the new show via CBS's own All Access digital subscription video-on-demand and live streaming service, with Canadian streaming provisions yet to be announced. The deal represents a potential major step forward in the company's determination to bypass regional licensing, and at one stroke eliminates the typical years of delay that occur when a U.S. program seeks foreign audiences.
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Star Trek CBS Series To Be Streamed Internationally On Netflix

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  • One word: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DougDot ( 966387 ) <> on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:09PM (#52534657) Homepage


    • by Anonymous Coward

      CBS Access sucks. Tried it last year and it is literally 6 minutes of commercials every 15 minutes. Commercials pop up in the middle of scenes. After 2 months, I couldn't take it anymore.

    • And they wonder why people go outside of their typical content distribution networks to get content they want to see. This is just a giant fuck you to the country that started the Star Trek phenomena and for what? Nothing but to push them to their stupid service. Idiots.
    • That is the expedient alternative for many to "Stateside viewers will be able to stream the new show via CBS's own All Access digital subscription video-on-demand and live streaming service". Yet another subscription to manage, one more thing that can't run natively on my TV.
  • In other words (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Snotnose ( 212196 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:10PM (#52534661)
    CBS has finally figured out the eps will be on TPB within hours of first airing and they can't stop it.
    • by Delwin ( 599872 )
      Which makes me wonder why not US Netflix? I'd watch it on Netflix if it simucast it.
      • Because they created their own steaming service, and they think they can compete with Netflix in the U.S. with one original show.

  • by aicrules ( 819392 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:10PM (#52534665)
    Not so much bypassing regional flipping them to the reverse of the usual. Good for Netflix and CBS coming up with a global release strategy that benefits both companies. But alas, as I'm in the U.S. I will have to wait till it comes out a year later on US Netflix. I will survive..somehow.
    • Geo-barter. Plenty of Europeans are trying to bypass region lockouts on popular series not available to them, maybe you can work out a deal where they borrow your connection and you borrow theirs.

      • Oh I realize there are many ways around even paying for Netflix content or any content for that matter. But in this case, I am okay waiting for it. Partially because I don't really like how every company is creating its own streaming service now. I'm definitely not going to be paying $8 a month or whatever for random whatever streaming service for every show I want to watch. $8 ..well or $10 or whatever netflix is up to now, a month is what I'll pay. Not getting back into $50+ a month trap that cable
    • But alas, as I'm in the U.S. I will have to wait till it comes out a year later on US Netflix. I will survive..somehow.

      I'm not sure how you'll survive in the USA since apparently some dangerous, perhaps gun wielding, person is preventing you from seeing Star Trek for a year. After all you said you have to wait, which implies that you have no choice in matter. Now if you had said that you are choosing to wait because you don't want to pay to subscribe to CBS' online service, that would be one thing, but that's not what you said. You said you have to wait, so perhaps you should see what your legal remedies are agains

      • But alas, as I'm in the U.S. I will have to wait till it comes out a year later on US Netflix. I will survive..somehow.

        I'm not sure how you'll survive in the USA since apparently some dangerous, perhaps gun wielding, person is preventing you from seeing Star Trek for a year. After all you said you have to wait, which implies that you have no choice in matter. Now if you had said that you are choosing to wait because you don't want to pay to subscribe to CBS' online service, that would be one thing, but that's not what you said. You said you have to wait, so perhaps you should see what your legal remedies are against these people who are preventing you from potentially subscribing to the service.

        The OP used the term "have" correctly. To use it in the way you intend would be like saying nobody has to wait to go to the bathroom as they can always choose to go right where they are at. In short, it doesn't require one to be coerced with a gun until one has to wait for something. I bet you had to wait, just for this post and nobody was holding a gun on you to do so, or did you choose to wait?

  • by Rashkae ( 59673 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:15PM (#52534719) Homepage

    Stateside viewers will be able to stream the new show via CBS's own All Access digital subscription video-on-demand and live streaming service

    That's a pretty credible attempt to unseat GoT as the most pirated TV show.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by sanosuke001 ( 640243 )
      Yeah, it's free for everyone who has a Netflix subscription except for those in the US? I'm not paying for another subscription; they're asking me to pirate it.
      • Yeah, it's free for everyone who has a Netflix subscription except for those in the US? I'm not paying for another subscription; they're asking me to pirate it.

        Its also free to anyone in the US who can receive CBS OTA, and available to anyone with cable.

        • "Its also free to anyone in the US who can receive CBS OTA, and available to anyone with cable."

          No it's not. That is the whole problem. CBS is putting it ONLY on their stupid, proprietary streaming. Which means it won't work on TiVo, won't work on our smart TV's, won't work on our Linux computers, etc.

          I mean F-that! I paid almost $1000 for a top-end TiVo and freaking $100 a month for cable with 99% channels I don't ever watch, AND I pay for a Netflix subscription. And they want me to do WHAT???

          They are

          • Oh, I see. Thanks for correcting me. I read the summary reference to network broadcast, but that is only for the first episode. They shouldn't even call it a CBS series at all. You are right, this type of stunt will degrade the value and interest in their broadcast channels, giving folks even more reason to cut the cord.
            • Oh who knows, maybe the article is wrong. Maybe CBS will change their minds and OTA it, maybe they can work out some other deal. It just certainly sounds like a really, really bad plan.

              The Netflix deal for the entire world except USA and possibly Canada just seems like the ultimate slap in the face.

    • I think they're terrified the show might succeed, at which point they will feel obligated to make more of a show they frankly hate.
  • by iCEBaLM ( 34905 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:20PM (#52534767)

    "with Canadian streaming provisions yet to be announced".

    What did we ever do to you Americans to always get screwed on streaming services? No SlingTV, no HBO Now, no Showtime, no Hulu, no CBS All Access, hell, we never even got Pandora, Netflix library is reduced, and now nobody can be bothered to even let us watch Startrek.

    Did we not say sorry enough to you guys for something? Sorry.

    • Well, there is that whole burning down the White House thing...
      • by iCEBaLM ( 34905 )

        I keep trying to take credit as a Canadian for that, but all of my American friends always insist it was the British who did it. Sorry either way, it's looking much nicer these days.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          ooooh come back proud Canadians
          To before you had TV
          No hockey night in canada!
          There was no CBC (oh my god)

          In 1812 Maddison was mad
          He was the president you know
          well he thought he'd tell the British
          Where they aught to go
          He thought he'd invade canada
          He thought that he was tough
          Instead we went to washingon...

          And burned down all his stuff!
          And the white house burned burned burned down
          And we're the ones that did it
          It burned burned burned
          while the president ran and cried
          It burned burned burned down
          And things

        • by rune2 ( 547599 )
          Well Canada was a British colony at the time so British troops were responsible. But recall that the burning of Washington was retaliation for the American's sacking of York (Toronto) and the destruction of Port Dover .... Once the British were done fighting Napoleon they suddenly had plenty of extra soldiers to send over to North America to fight back against the Americans. []
      • by TiggertheMad ( 556308 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:55PM (#52535083) Journal
        Well, there is that whole burning down the White House thing...

        That isn't why we are upset, its the fact they forgot to burn down the the Senate building before they left.
      • Well, there is that whole burning down the White House thing...

        Now you complain we burned down the White House. Then you'll have your next election. Then you'll be whining and complaining that we didn't come and burn down the White House. We just can't win.

    • "with Canadian streaming provisions yet to be announced".

      What did we ever do to you Americans to always get screwed on streaming services?

      I'm guessing it's one of two things. Either the CBC or the government is causing this (I have no idea exactly how TV in Canada works, so just a guess here) or you're being punished for supposedly having "weak" laws regarding intellectual property.

      • by iCEBaLM ( 34905 )

        It really has to do with the owners licensing the broadcast rights to different people up here, and those people don't seem to interested in providing streaming services, and/or giving up streaming rights.

        • So, in other words, American studios are getting fucked over simply because they're not putting conditions like streaming into distribution contracts.

          But yeah, it's like totally the viewer's fault if they don't want to buy an entire cable package to watch one fucking show.

        • The series is being simulcast with CBS on CTV here in Canada, then on Space (probably a day or two later). Then on-demand it will be CraveTV, Bell's subscription internet streaming service (how soon after they don't say). BTW, the show is being shot in Toronto, so in a way we are getting it WAY before anyone else. []
          • by Anonymous Coward

            The premier episode will be on CTV, after which no more episodes will air.

            No other episodes will be available OTA anywhere in Canada or anywhere else in the world. Bell Canada's Z (in French) and Space (in English) channels will carry them for cable/satellite, and the episodes will be available on Bell Canada's iCraveTV at some later date.


            At least the fact they are airing in a non-

        • by Luthair ( 847766 )
          Its too much vertical integration, Bell & Rogers own the entire stack from rights to broadcast thus have a disincentive to make shows available.
      • I'm pretty sure you're wrong on both fronts, from what another poster put up, Bell Canada has licensed the show for their stations and included exclusive digital distribution rights in the contract. No CBC or government involvement at all, just plain old corporate greed and one-upmanship.

    • I expect it will be one of the Canadian streaming services, CraveTV or Shomi. It's also possible it will be broadcast on Space.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Confirmed by the Globe and Mail Today:

        CTV to air the premiere episode.
        Space and Z to air the rest of the episodes.

        will be on CraveTV as well, along with all 727 episodes of the other series.

        • When it is going to be streaming only around the world, I'm surprised that they made an exception for Canada. I'm sure CraveTV could use a show to boost subscribers.

    • by present_arms ( 848116 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @02:14PM (#52535259) Homepage
      justin bieber nuff said
    • One word: Bell.
    • Blame a) the Bell/Rogers/Shaw triumvirate, and b) Canadian Content laws.
    • Chill out, it's big media, they're trying to screw over EVERYONE!
      It just happens that Canada is the closest neighbor to their headquarters.
      Even here in the US they expect us to pay for YET ANOTHER pay service JUST to watch Star Trek.

      It's amazing how much they keep pushing the public off the dock into the deep waters of the pirate bay while crying how awful it is that so many people are swimming in that same water.
    • by Macdude ( 23507 )

      Here's what we did, we created the protectionist CRTC, that's what we did. Plus we annoyingly decided to be a separate country.

    • the show will be broadcast on cbs there only talking streaming.
      • >"the show will be broadcast on cbs there only talking streaming."

        Not in the USA it won't. Why do you think everyone is upset? No OTA, no Netflex, and no Cable. It is pay up for their proprietary streaming crap that doesn't work with ANYTHING most of us own.

    • >What did we ever do to you Americans
      Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.

      >Did we not say sorry enough to you guys for something? Sorry.

      It's going to take a LOT more sorry's to make up for that. Maybe a few more Bryan Adamses and you can start calling it even.

  • I'm not going to subscribe to multiple services because of an exclusive deal. Not going to offer it via Netflix that's fine, it simply means I won't be watching it or talking about it.
  • Big ST fan here (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @01:22PM (#52534783) Homepage

    I am a big ST fan and while TNG is still my favorite I even like the reboot movies (yes they are not "Trek" in the traditional sense, but the actors & dialogue are good entertainment). So I was quite happy to hear about a new series... Then they published the fan film guidelines and suddenly it all turned sour for me. Sure, I always knew Paramount/CBS are doing it for the money, but performing what is analogous to kicking their fans in the face? And I was never a big fan of fan-made films, but I always took it for granted that they added value to ST not take away from it...
    Nope, the way I feel right now I'll just re-watch my already paid-for TNG, TOS etc disks and hope someone else will make some decent non-ST sci-fi.

    • Yeah, the fan film guidelines will put a BIG dent in some of the best fan films out there. I have been watching Star Trek Continues, and they have very good TOS episodes, which will not be possible under the new guidelines (50-minute (or there-about) episodes). This will be a loss for the ST community.

    • Re:Big ST fan here (Score:5, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @02:51PM (#52535583) Homepage Journal

      Star Trek Continues (fan work) is some of the best Trek ever made. Better than 95% of everything official, easily. I think they are worried that fans are doing a better job than they are.

    • The studios have never ever understood how to market and produce Star Trek, except for a very brief period when Berman was around. Instead of crying over this dead horse, the fans need to gather round and make something to replace it. Completely. That means no Klingon language. Who knows, it might be far superior to the original. Then you won't have to worry about legal encumbrances and what their executives will let you do.
  • I'm a lifelong Star Trek fan. I'm looking forward to a new series but I don't have high hopes for this new series to be any good. Jar Jar Abrams has ruined the movie franchise (for me) and I expect this new series to be equally bad. However, even if the series stays true to Star Trek and is a huge success, I have no intention of subscribing to CBSs streaming service just to watch one show. I expect I'll be able to find this series on any Torrent site as easily as any other TV show. I already subscribe to c
    • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @02:02PM (#52535153)

      Well we also had such flops like.
      The Motion Picture,
      The Search for Spock
      The Final Frontier

      Trek has been in a steady decline for a while.
      The problem is it was a show for the 1960's trying to reboot it for the new generation while keeping its nostalgic charm is getting harder and harder.

      The successes in the list.
      Wrath of Kahn - Allowed a nostalgic response to an existing story, added with the character development of an older Kirk trying to retire.
      The Voyage Home - Wasn't a Star Trek movie, but a Romance Comedy with Star Trek Characters.
      The Undiscovered country - once again playing on the older Kirk who was to retire.
      First Contact - While popular at the time, I don't feel it will hold up. However that was more of an action flick than star trek.
      For the shows.
      TNG in essence ignored the TOS for most of the plots and created a show independant.
      The same with DS9 very different.

      Voyager and Enterprise failed because they tried to remake the TOS and TNG with different characters with a decade apart.

      • I found all the movies you list to be quite entertaining. If they flopped at the box office, that may be another matter, but the movies themselves I thought to be quite interesting.

      • Voyager failed because the writers could never really decide what it was about at all. Between that lack of focus, the worst excesses of the TNG world, and a lot of characters no one could give a damn about it, it never clicked.

        Enterprise failed precisely because it didn't try to replicate TOS at all. Well, I hear the final season was alright, but by that point I'd lost all interest and really couldn't be bothered even now to check it out. Enterprise could have been a very interesting show, and the few epis

        • by Squiffy ( 242681 )

          Enterprise: Vulcans as bitchy hypocrites didn't help the show either.

          • About where I lost all desire to watch any more episodes was when it was "revealed" (retconned) that all the spiritualistic and telepathic Vulcans were some sort of cult a century before TOS. It was absurd to imagine that by the TOS period, a culture of ritualized logic had arisen from a small rump of what would have been in the Enterprise era a pack of hippy kooks was absurd. I'm thinking about the importance of the High Priestess T'Pau in TOS and her successors in the later ST shows and films and just can

        • Both Voyager and Enterprise share one other thing in common, they were largely run by two Paramount executives Rick Berman and Brannon Braga []. Not even Manny Coto []'s surprising good final season of Enterprise could pull the show out of the nosedive that Berman and Braga had put it into.

          Personally Enterprise failed because it got everything wrong. Wrong tone, wrong characters, wrong plots, wrong settings, wrong acting, wrong characterization, wrong logic, wrong common sense.

          My personal pet peeve is episode

  • From what little I've read about the new series, it wasn't going to appeal to me. I'll probably torrent a few episodes, just to make sure.
  • Canadian who recently switched form pirating to Netflix here. Guess I'll be making an exception for this. Bell or Rogers probably locked up the rights.
  • After already shelling out about $300 to my cable company for TV, many premium channels, internet access, and telephone service, I draw the line. Either they get it on my cable for no extra charge, or they can forget it. They don't have anything, nor will they, that I'm going send any additional $$$ anywhere for. This is getting ridiculous.

  • by CrashNBrn ( 1143981 ) on Monday July 18, 2016 @02:15PM (#52535263)
    You are choosing to NOT be on Netflix (US/Canada)|Hulu|Amazon|YouTube RED...hmmm yeah
    Let's see how long that lasts.
    • You are choosing to NOT be on Netflix (US/Canada)|Hulu|Amazon|YouTube RED...hmmm yeah Let's see how long that lasts.

      Maybe longer than you realize. CBS has never been part of Hulu and I think no part of those other services either. At present they believe that they can make more money by getting people to pay for their own streaming service which they don't have to share with anybody else. We'll see how that works with Star Trek.

  • and at one stroke eliminates the typical years of delay that occur when a U.S. program seeks foreign audiences.

    Weeks, and months, but seldom is it years, and, if it is, this is likely because the Networks here did not see a potential audience for it.

    I can only speak for New Zealand, We receive a high amount of out programming the same week and the same day as the U.S/U.K (especially for the most popular shows).

    If not that quick, many others are being played before the series has run its course in the U.S.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
