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Ask Slashdot: What's The Worst IT-Related Joke You've Ever Heard? 656

dryriver writes: In just about any field of employment -- whether you're a 3D artist, a pastry chef or a lawyer -- there's an abundance of jokes related to the profession, or to situations commonly encountered during that profession. Some are pretty good, some so-so, and some are very, very bad.

What I want to know is, what are the absolute WORST computer or IT related jokes you've either heard from someone, found on the internet or possibly even invented yourself? And since this is Slashdot, feel free to throw in science-related jokes as well, provided that they are just as bad as the computer or IT jokes.

Leave your best answers in the comments. What's the worst IT (or science)-related joke you've ever heard?
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Ask Slashdot: What's The Worst IT-Related Joke You've Ever Heard?

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The opossum is a very sophisticated animal. It doesn't even get up until 5 or 6 PM.
