'Captain Marvel' Review Bombers Have Dropped Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating To Lowest Among MCU Movies (comicbook.com) 840
An anonymous reader shares a report: The fake Rotten Tomatoes review onslaught continues for Captain Marvel, giving the film the lowest-rating of all Marvel Cinematic Universe movies on the site nearly two weeks ahead of its release. As of this writing, Captain Marvel now has a 28% Audience Rating, a whopping 18 points below the next lowest MCU flick -- 2008's The Incredible Hulk. Starting earlier this week, a certain section of the internet -- for whatever reason -- decided to start filing fake negative reviews in an attempt to purposefully lower the film's Audience Rating.
Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)
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Indeed, but that's a distraction from the issue here. Sites like RT that allow user ratings are easily gamed and apparently there is nothing we can do about it. No-one has managed to filter this kind of thing, the best tools we have are manual intervention or disabling user ratings.
Ironically it almost always backfires. Brands caught on to that when Nike's commercial resulted in immolated trainers but added billions to the company's share price. The backlash to the backlash tends to result in a big net posi
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Sites like RT that allow user ratings are easily gamed and apparently there is nothing we can do about it. No-one has managed to filter this kind of thing, the best tools we have are manual intervention or disabling user ratings.
Sure there is, and you're doing it right now. You pretend that the honest expression of mass opinion is fake, because you disagree with it. No more cognitive dissonance to trouble your enclosed world view. Problem solved.
I'm sure Captain Marvel will do well at the box office
It will do well or poorly based on whether it's an entertaining film. Nothing more. It didn't need any special marketing, as everyone already knows what a Marvel movie is.
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Sure there is, and you're doing it right now. You pretend that the honest expression of mass opinion is fake, because you disagree with it.
From my point of view, you're pretending what is obviously a co-ordinated effort to game the system is honest opinion, simply because you agree with it.
No more cognitive dissonance to trouble your enclosed world view. Problem solved.
That criticism applies equally well to you.
The thing that makes me distrust the "don't want to view" rating is the anomalously high number of responses. I don't know whether the indications are honest or fake, but it probably doesn't matter because I sincerely doubt the sampling is representative. If someone is actively encouraging people who don't want to
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Weak excuses for bad films.
reactions that based on some reactionary ideology that's far from uncommon online (The Force Awakens sucks because a lady with latent Force powers beat up a couple of guys with a space stick).
You know, I'm not sure anyone actually believed that. I think it's entirely a contrived excuse, or so oversimplified as to be wrong.
TFA sucked because it was an uninspired reboot. It added nothing new, and the characters were weak and bland, and their successes unearned. Finn was the only character with any sort of arc (and it was sabotaged by the next film). It played well to the crowd that sees every Transformers film, but that's not the fanbase that buys the merch that is t
Thanks! (Score:2)
This is a new low for Slashdot...
What's especially ironic (Score:2)
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My wife and I have started playing the "guess the RT scores" game after watching movies for the first time. We'll try to guess the critic and audience scores and see who can get closest. After I went to an early screening of Alita: Battle Angel on the Tuesday before its full release, I was disappointed (but not surprised) to find out that the Audience Score wasn't yet available since the film hadn't yet had its full release. To say the least, the notion that Captain Marvel's Audience Score would be posted w
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These are NOT reviews! STOP LYING!
Be quiet, you'll mess up the narrative. We're a victim, always a victim, somebody's out to get us.
Brie Larson: "I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work about A Wrinkle in Time," said Larson. "It wasn't made for him."
So I guess your new flick wasn't made for me, either. I haven't logged anything with RT; I don't care WHAT they think. They're another site I completely ignore. (Earlier someone called me a Nazi for ignoring Huffington Post and Arianna -- I guess this makes me
Re:Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)
We're a victim, always a victim, somebody's out to get us.
To be clear are you implying that the film is not being "want to see" bombed? Maybe have a look at how many ratings this movie is getting vs any other movie on Rotten Tomatoes and then come back and tell me if you still think someone's not out to get them.
Since you're probably busy I'll give you a spoiler: Captain Marvel currently has 70x more "want to see ratings" than most movies coming out this year, 40x more than all other super hero movies coming out this year with the exception of this years biggest expected blockbuster: Avengers Endgame. ... It's only 4x more than that, and significantly the Avengers game is 98% positive.
Odds are, they are really out to get them.
Re:Completely FALSE (Score:4, Insightful)
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Success immunity is a thing, but that didn't bear out in my post. Specifically success immunity would be me pointing to the positive vs negative aspects of the metric, in defense that it could not be right. Instead the point isn't the positive, it's the unlikelyness that there are 44000 people (70x higher than normal) that actually give a shit.
So my argument should have reminded you of this [wikipedia.org]:
Occam's razor
Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the least speculation is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. Occam's razor applies especially in the philosophy of science, but also more generally.
Re: Completely FALSE (Score:3)
It appears as if this movie is being specifically targeted with down votes.
Personally I'm indifferent to the movie as I have never seen a marvel movie in the theater. Seems odd that so many people would visit a website to specifically vote they are not interested. I totally ignore things that do not interest me.
Re: Completely FALSE (Score:2)
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It appears as if this movie is being specifically targeted with down votes.
It's almost as if Brie Larson made an OOPSIE and people are reacting to it... and then being labeled "trolls" for daring having an opinion that's different than the accepted narrative...
https://movieweb.com/captain-marvel-brie-larson-inclusion-controversy/ [movieweb.com]
Where have we seen that before uh ... ? This is typical 2016+ damage control. Says something dumb. Get called out. Walk it back but at the same time paint anyone you displeased as "Russian" or "Troll" or "Gamergater" or any other pejorative term you c
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Sure, but early off-the-record comments from reviewers for this one have actually been surprisingly positive. I was honestly expecting it to detract from the lead-up to Endgame and I questioned the wisdom in introducing a game-changing character this close to the climax of the story they've been telling for the last decade. By all indications, however, it sounds like the bet may pay off. In a quick roundup I read last week, most of the off-the-record reviewers were saying that it's increased their anticipat
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This kind of outrage will help the movie, not hurt it.
Look at Nike. Did the ad with Colin Kaepernick, outrage, videos of people burning their trainers... And Nike's value increased by six billion dollars. The best part is that most people who boycott brands end up buying them again anyway.
What would have been a 24 hour news event at best turned into a days, even weeks long saga due to the outrage and the counter-outrage.
Now everyone is getting in on this new form of viral marketing, e.g. Gillette with their
Re: Completely FALSE (Score:4, Insightful)
Look at Nike. Did the ad with Colin Kaepernick, outrage, videos of people burning their trainers... And Nike's value increased by six billion dollars.
Nike knows their audience. Colin Kaepernick is popular with the sort of people who buy Nike. They market well to their niche.
That same message doesn't "play well in the suburbs". Boring mainstream culture is not a fan, and football overall has suffered diminished audiences. Gillette's ad was a mistake IMO, because it's the boring mainstream culture that buys most razors, but since people almost never switch household brands as an adult, they may be gambling that it will play well to teens and not hurt mainstream sales.
Same message, two different demographic groups, two different results.
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You think Nike are a niche brand?
Re: Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)
Please don't mix social democrats in SJW insanity. They're desperately trying to take over social democratic parties in many Scandinavian countries today, and they're more abhorrent to most of us in that camp than they are to you.
To you, they're just ideological opponents. To us, they're people who are trying to subvert our core message of empowering and managing capitalism to fund wide scale social programs available to everyone regardless of their sex and race to its polar opposite: socializing capital and forcibly redistributing the wealth based on sex and racial stereotypes they hold.
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Reviewers who get invited to early private screening are almost always overly positive. They want to keep being invited to those things to maintain their "status". Studios don't invite people who might be critical. Same thing happened with The Last Jedi.
Reivews? What reviews? (Score:5, Informative)
I'll point out that no one is posting review on this movie yet, they're merely posting weather or not they want to see the movie.
And that reality really does show exactly what's wrong with sites like Comicbook.com. They're more interested in pushing a narrative than anything else.
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Posting weather? Like, "rain likely on Wednesday"?
Get woke go broke (Score:5, Insightful)
Pushing identity politics agendas really just ends up alienating markets. There's so many great movies with female leads that did really well without ever having to push the "straight white male bad!" narrative that Larson tried, and then went into damage control mode after pressure from Disney.
Wonder Woman
X Files
Hunger Games
Resident Evil
Rogue One
Mad Max: Fury Road
Fifth Element
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I understood it just fine thank you (Score:3)
Doesn't get much clearer than that. He's saying that identity politics hurt a movies performance. It's not hard to read into that either. He means left wing, SJW identity politics. I say that because the entire push against identity politics comes from the right (which is frustrating, given that the right has been using identity politics in the form of the Southern Strategy to win elections for over 70 years).
I'd still like some
There aren't any reviews yet (Score:2)
If people are running bots to tank the results, who really cares since it doesn't affect anything. I rarely use Rotten Tomatoes to determine if I should see a film or not based on critic reviews. I wasn't even aware that this
These aren't REVIEWS. Please stop saying that (Score:4, Insightful)
These are "do you plan to see the movie" responses. Actual public movie reviews are only available AFTER the movie is released in theaters. Boring as hell movie trailers and sexist marketing hurt this movie. I imagine this movie will still do well but it will cast a shadow on future Marvel movies (similar to what Last Jedi did to the Solo movie). Someone at Disney needs fired for this mess.
Stay classy DC fans (Score:2)
The reason apparently is a toxic mixture of misogyny and fanboyism.
Shazam!'s Zachary Levi hits out at trolls attacking Captain Marvel and Brie Larson [digitalspy.com]
Oh Lord (Score:2)
It reminds me of the folks who were surprised that Emperor Palpatine and Chancellor Palpatine were the same person. I can't even... I mean...
And for the record, Captain Marvel's been a woman since 1982. [wikipedia.org] Not that it even matters. It goes back and forth because the name "Captain Marvel" was picked becaus
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Please tell me how Ms Marvel is shitting on the beloved character you grew up with. Since...well...Ms Marvel was introduced in 1977.
No, no, really...tell us how that's affected you.
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I'm a lot more familiar with Ms Marvel, then I am with the Kree captain. She IS the one I grew up with, excluding the Big Red Cheese from the Direct Competition of course.
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This thread started with claims of misogyny and fanboyism. Quite insulting and aggressive.
An AC made a comment whose point was "a good movie will do well. SJW shitting on fans doesn't help". Was equally insulting and aggressive. (What exactly are you expecting from an AC? )
GP defends claims of misogyny with "Ms Marvel was introduced in 1977." With an aggressive "No, no, really...tell us how that's affected you.".
I don't care if Captain Marvel was a women in 1977. I don't care if it has affected me. That doe
Is it possible... (Score:2)
I mean, maybe it is some sort of smear campaign...but...is it possible that it isn't?
I never followed the comic books. Captain Marvel has never been in any of the previous Marvel movies. For that matter, she has never even been mentioned, aside from the post credit sequence of Infinity War. "Who is this new person that's been sitting around during all the other world-ending things that took place over the past decade?", I ask myself? Meanwhile, Infinity War set up a massive cliffhanger. Chris Evans alluded
Brie Larson's activism (Score:3, Insightful)
https://boundingintocomics.com/2019/02/05/brie-larson-captain-marvel-is-my-form-of-activism [boundingintocomics.com]
The movie was the biggest and best opportunity I could have ever asked for. It was, like, my superpower. This could be my form of activism: doing a film that can play all over the world and be in more places than I can be physically.”
Larson does get back to her idea of turning Captain Marvel into an opportunity to push her activism. “Inclusion has to be a choice; it’s not happening naturally. You really have to fight for it.”
I just wanna see an entertaining super-hero comic-book flick, not some preachy vehicle for Larson's "activism". Apparently many people feel the same. It's not all about you and your politics, Brie.
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I dunno. From everything I’ve heard about the story, it sounds pretty good. I’ll definitely go see it.
Actors play roles but they are not that person. Watch actors discuss their characters and they refer to them in the third person. So I don’t really care what Kurt Russel’s views on immigration are or Dennis Hopper’s views on income inequality. If they’re playing an interesting character in an interesting movie, I’all go see it.
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roger that, heck i am lucky if i remember the actor's name in 98% of the shows and movies i watch. and i certainly don't give a rats ass about thier politics. if some one wants to play politics then their option is to create art that represents that and then I can choose to either see it or not.
"Larson will push the activism during her global press tour for Captain Marvel, describing that she “has pledged to spotlight other women behind the scenes, insisting on gender and racial parity in the press
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Worse, by launching an SJW stupidity campaign against the movie, the idiots who cared enough to be involved only call positive attention to her nonsense.
Is this just an attempt to drum up controversy? (Score:5, Insightful)
It's possible somebody is using bots or just plain organizing a movement against the film for some reason or another (I can't imagine what, sure it's a female lead but so what? It's not like Supergirl gets this treatment or that the gender swapped Batman or something).
Without context this looks like more click bait meant to exploit the ongoing SJW debate on the Internet. It shouldn't have been greenlit. It's an obnoxious attempt to get more folks clicking
Get offa my lawn (Score:2)
If Captain Marvel doesn't invoke the special word "Shazam" to function, it ain't Captain Marvel. Poo on all the subsequent pretenders.
Stop saying this is fake news. (Score:2)
There were many negative reviews posted which were retroactively removed after the events of Avengers: End Game.
Just wait a few months and we'll all see how it was done.
It is the worst Marvel movie though... (Score:2)
Is the reason really 'Female Lead = Bad'? (Score:2)
Dear RT trolls (Score:2)
Posting fake, disingenuous, deliberately bad reviews will not lower ticket prices.
Please reconsider your tactics.
Does anyone actually care about rottentomatoes? (Score:3)
This is from the Studio. False Flag (Score:3, Interesting)
Western values under attack (Score:5, Informative)
Don't play their games. Next time you think you should argue with some idiot on the internet save your energy for things that actually matter.
How to make a great movie (Score:3)
Find great actors who are charismatic and photogenic.
Nice locations.
A budget for special effects.
Ensure the plot works for the type of movie getting promoted.
What to make a political movie? See it as a political movie.
Want to make sci fi? Make sure the movie actually is about sci fi.
Sports movie? Athletes would be a good plot given the sale of a "sports" plot.
Academics? Some plot that is proficient and professional.
Great movies and TV series are welcomed and promoted by fans and people new to a brand.
Quality sells. Skill and ability sells. The ability to follow decades of plot is what fans expect.
Want something new and very political? Create that new series, plot, movie and see how it sells as a new concept.
Got decades of quality storytelling that people like and accept? Don't change it up for politics. A totally political plot will remove everything people enjoy.
Fans notice. People doing reviews notice. The trailer looks political and very different to an accepted decades of plot.
The internet will talk about political changes and then people can write their own thoughts on decades of plot.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Informative)
It's not reviews, it's audience interest. It's literally asking "Are you interested in this movie?" and most people said no. It's not a review of the movie. This is fake news.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:4, Informative)
This should not be modded down, it is actually the truth. I don't think I can blame people for not being interested in Captain Marvel either... it's not a superhero name most people are familiar with.
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Not true. Captain Marvel is a relatively well known superhero name. Unfortunately for Marvel, the well-known Captain Marvel is in DC's stable, along with the rest of the Marvel family. (They've been promoting Captain Marvel more recently as Shazam, however that's not his name; Shazam is the wizard who granted Captain Marvel his powers.)
Marvel's Captain Marvel, on the
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Informative)
I'm GenX - Age 52 in less than a month. In the comics I read as a kid, Captain Marvel was always a DC Property - That's how I know the name.
Billy Batson says "SHAZAM!" and turns into Captain Marvel:
https://static.comicvine.com/u... [comicvine.com]
I'm still keen to see the Marvel movie, though. It looks fun.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Informative)
Marvel's Captain Marvel, on the other hand? A relative unknown. I had been peripherally aware that Marvel had someone by that name in their hero pantheon, but until recently I thought he was male.
Hand in your Nerd card. Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel (well Ms. Marvel), when she got zapped by the Kree Psyche Magnetron in 1977. The Kree "Captain Mar-Vell"... well he died, Carol then adopted his name to honor his memory.
Monica Rambeau (currently Spectrum) also used the name when Carol got depowered by Rogue just before she joined the X-Men.
All of that happened decades ago.
Sharon Ventura (altered human who got her powers during the Things UCWF storyline) and Kamala Khan (Inhuman ancestry, Inhumans are a Human derived species who are Kree experiments) have also used the name Ms. Marvel
A little history... (Score:3, Informative)
Captain Marvel was created by Fawcett Comics over a year and a half after Superman was created by DC Comics. The character did so well that he was outselling Superman in the 40's.
DC Comics filed suit against Fawcett, claiming that Captain Marvel was a rip-off of Superman. DC prevailed in court in 1953, and Fawcett was forced to retire Captain Marvel permanently.
In the late 60's, Marvel Comics acquired the rights to the name "Captain Marvel," and created a superhero that was completely different from both th
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Interesting)
Feminists *have* done a lot for women. Women once could not vote. Maybe you don't like today's brand of feminist, but I really don't see why you would compare feminists to an organization who's famous for murdering black people for being black.
I think a good argument can be made that modern feminists have gone too far. But you know what else is too far? Equating them to the KKK. Are you really trying to combat hysterical overreaction, with even more hysterical overreaction?
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There is a difference between "pro white people" and "being good for white people". I don't think anything the KKK did was good for white people in general. They killed black people. That doesn't help white people in general. They managed to keep some terrible white people out of jail. But that doesn't benefit all white people, in fact it is also very harmful to white people to have horrible white people in society.
Feminists are "pro women". They have actually have done good things for women in genera
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Interesting)
Honestly, most people outside of comics fans didn't know who Iron Man was either prior to his movie. He was considered a minor hero that Marvel was trotting out to test the waters for a big movie release. They expected Iron Man to barely make a profit and just act as set up for future blockbusters. Instead, it was a huge success and now Tony Stark is a household name.
And I think these are BOTH good examples... (Score:5, Insightful)
of how impressive the majority of the Marvel movies have been.
I am not a comic nerd, but I knew who Iron Man was. To be honest, I wasn't all that interested in seeing it when it came out, I caught it on DVD (Netflix). Needless to say, I was pretty blown away by how much I liked it. Then along comes Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought it was the beginning of the end of the Marvel movies when I saw the trailer for it. I thought they had scraped the bottom of the barrel. I didn't even see it until the 2nd movie came out on DVD, and because the reviews were good, we watched them both. Again - very surprised at how much I like them. Same with the Deadpool movies, and with Punisher on Netflix. Marvel keeps surprising me with how good they can make these movies/shows, with just the right amount of action and humor. Maybe it's because I don't really know anything about those characters is what makes it good for me, there is nothing for them to spoil.
I'll watch Captain Marvel when it comes out on DVD regardless of reviews.
I watched Aquaman with my wife because of Jason Momoa, so we're watching Captain Marvel because of Brie Larson. It's called compromising.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Insightful)
Most of the people who have heard of Captain Marvel probably think "Shazam".
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That and the fact that... I mean... Marvel Comics introduces a character named Captain Marvel. It's hard to grasp proper words to describe what my intuitive reaction to that is, but it's not exactly "omg, I have to go and watch that".
Batman, Superman - they are household names. Thor and Loki are familiar enough that on a lazy day you'll be like "let's check what these two are up to". I didn't know about Guardians of the Galaxy before (not a comic fan), but the name is enticing. But "Captain Marvel"? Without
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IDK, man, Daredevil has been pretty good, and season 3 here the best of the lot. I haven't seen it, but a lot of people, including, apparently, eminem (whose opinion counts more than ours because he's famous), say that the Punisher was mighty good.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Funny)
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That would be all well and good if this was about the over-abundance of superhero movies. In reality, the "review bombs" are from misogynists who can't fathom the idea of a female superhero, much less a female superhero played by an actress who opinions of her own and isn't afraid to express them.
Re: Movie reviews (Score:5, Insightful)
The movie is shit, people said they aren't interested.
Nobody has seen the movie... how do you know it's shit?
Why must everything have an agenda with you newfags?
I don't know what a "newfag" is, but *I* don't think everything has an agenda. *This* has an agenda, it's quite obvious. Nobody goes to RT and downvotes every movie they don't want to see. They only go to RT to downvote a movie when they have an agenda.
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Really, you're whole take is to argue terminology. In this case incorrectly, since they're literally labeled "Captain Marvel Reviews / Audience" on the site.
Look for yourself: https://www.rottentomatoes.com... [rottentomatoes.com] .
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Re:Movie reviews (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Movie reviews (Score:5, Insightful)
Avengers Endgame has over 10k with a 98% "want to see" score, and that doesn't even come out for 2 months. The last Avengers movie has 52k.
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Yeah, no.
People are going out of their way in very suspiciously large numbers to vote no on it, so it really does look a troll operation. Whether it's Gamergate, 4chan, or Russian trolls, it doesn't really matter. It's obviously a co-ordinated mod bomb.
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It should do okay, if well written and produced.
It's a Marvel show, neither of those things matter. All that matters is how good the CGI is- that's all the majority of people who watch the film are going to go see. The writing and producing is backstage to that. Helps if they have a few pretty women in it too.
Re:Movie reviews (Score:5, Insightful)
some juvenile Fedora wearing basement dwellers no doubt have a problem with female leads
Bad movie after bad movie has gone to this excuse, but it's largely bullshit. Yes, there's some tiny group like that. No, they don't matter. That's not why people didn't like the sad Ghostbusters reboot, That's not why people didn't like The Last Jedi.
A large subsection of the comic-book movie crowd are apparently intimidated by leading ladies.
A non-zero subsection, but there's no reason to believe it's "large", except as a worn-out excuse for a bad movie. No, moviegoers don't hate women. Comic books especially have always led entertainment when it comes to diversity, and comic book fans have never had a problem with that.
To amplify the point (Score:4, Insightful)
No, moviegoers don't hate women. Comic books especially have always led entertainment when it comes to diversity, and comic book fans have never had a problem with that.
To amplify the point, no one had a problem with Ripley gunning down Aliens - it was an awesome movie and perhaps one of the best SF movies of all time.
No one has a problem with Black Widow tricking Loki into revealing his plans, or largely holding her own against the Winter Soldier. I saw both of those and was impressed at how female characters in Marvel movies are *not* useless. Including Maria Hill gunning down the attacker on the helicarrier bridge. (Also of note: no one cares that Nick Fury is played by a black man, it's extremely well done.)
There's an interesting article [breitbart.com](*) on Breitbart that sums up the current situation: a) Hollywood engages in hatred towards half the country, and b) this wouldn't be a problem if the movies were any good. As it turns out they're not any good, and this is just us hating you back.
From the article:
Yes, we’ve been insulted, and we’re sick of it. But I can overlook a lot of insults if you give me something worthy of praise. Maria Callas insulted a lot of people, but we still wanted to hear her sing. Can we say the same about the films nominated for Best Picture?
A specific instance cited in the article is Spike Lee's "BlackkKlansman" (nominated best picture this round) compared to "Giant" (1957). Spike Lee's movie casts whites as evil while doling out liberal doses of shame and humiliation, while at the end of "Giant" the audience is visibly rooting for Rock Hudson fighting with a racist diner owner.
Same message, good (versus bad) delivery.
Maybe this is why movie attendance is low, and oscars attendance is really low: the movies are crap, we're sick of the insults, and we don't like being brow-beaten with your social justice message.
(*) Yes, it's from Breitbart, get over it. It's an insightful article that largely describes the problem, and attacking the source is not the same as discussing the content.
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Also of note: no one cares that Nick Fury is played by a black man, it's extremely well done.
Fun fact: that incarnation of Nick Fury always looked like Sam Jackson in the comics, years before the Marvel movies. It was so blatant that he had his lawyers contact Marvel about using his likeness, and they settled on a deal where he'd get first refusal on any movie role.
The character was Samuel L. Jackson before Samuel L. Jackson even knew it existed.
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People were pissed about Ripley? Where? When? I honestly don't know a single person who thought that her being female was bad. The worst I have heard from someone was that he was surprised a woman could pull it off.
Most people didn't give a fuck about what gender the lead has. The movie was good, the alien was awesome, the effects were, well, effective and the suspense was there. Mostly because you had an investment in the character and you were interested in her survival.
I think this mostly stems from the
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"...some juvenile Fedora wearing basement dwellers no doubt have a problem with female leads..."
But enough about the tv execs who canceled Agent Carter.
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A large subsection of the comic-book movie crowd are apparently intimidated by leading ladies.
The problem isn't leading ladies but plausibility. Women in general are not physiologically strong. An exceptional female is at the level of a merely above average male. Superman is supernaturally strong, but he also looks like he works out. The same is true of Captain America. Much is made visually of his musculature. Same with Black Panther. Each of these presents an image that strong men have bodies that appear to have enlarged muscles. There is a mental disconnect between the visual of a woman physicall
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"Women in general are not physiologically strong. .... The reality is ... "
Assuming you didn't deliberately intend to sound like a misogynist, you know this is a movie about a comic book superhero, right?
Re: Movie reviews (Score:2, Informative)
Strong women scare the hell out of insecure little boys.
Re: "Strong women scare the hell out of..." (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Movie reviews (But not really) (Score:5, Informative)
No. They're not bombing reviews.
Because the movie isn't out yet. So RT isn't accepting reviews for the film's Tomatometer score yet.
What is being affected is the "Want to see" score (currently at 29% and falling).
This is where the person marks whether or not they are interested in seeing the film.
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and soon the dmca will be used to take down bad (Score:2)
and soon the dmca will be used to take down bad ones.
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The movie isn't out yet, none of the people voting know if the product is good or bad.
You want to see immature trolls... (Score:3)
So just how well do you think Blank Panther would have fared with "immature trolls" if they had cast Matthew McConaughey as the lead?
Or maybe, just maybe, fans of specific characters just don't like to see large deviations from source material without good reason.
I never read Captain Marvel so I have no strong feelings about it myself, apart from the trailers making the movie appear a bit generic - I'm sure I'll rent it at some point though (like I have for pretty much every marvel movie). To me the themat
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Yes, as already stated, by me (Score:2)
So you have no idea what you're talking about then.
That is correct, and also what I stated plainly to be the case...
The second biggest change in her story is the name of her alien cat.
Ok, NOW I am pissed also. You do NOT mess with cat names. INTERNET RAGE ON.
Re:For whatever reason? (Score:5, Informative)
Captain Marvel was caught in a explosion in 1969. In 1977 it was revealed that Carol Danvers inherited his powers to become Ms Marvel. So folks have had since 1977 to deal with this. It's not like Marvel suddenly looked at the Trump administration and MAGA folks and said, "Let's take away their cherished male superhero!"
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The original Captain Marvel was a white man
You don't get to call others hypersentitive when others are being triggered about Danvers picking up the Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel mantle fucking decades ago.
Re:GB for Girls (Score:4, Informative)
Carol Danvers has more recently taken the title Captain Marvel but her character under the title of Ms Marvel has been part of the Marvel universe for years.
Re:GB for Girls (Score:5, Informative)
Seriously...like the late 70s. People who think this is some sort of gender swap in the name of equality are showing just how comic book clueless they actually are.
Re:GB for Girls (Score:5, Insightful)
Perhaps, in our hyper sensitive, over victimized culture, people are tired of changes made solely in the name of "equality".
But the second comic book iteration of Captain Marvel was a different woman, Monica Rambeau. She first appeared in 1982 and held the Captain Marvel title 'til 1996, appearing again in other forms. (Source: http://comicbookdb.com/charact... [comicbookdb.com])
I'm no fan of change for change's sake, but let's not pretend that the character has always been a white guy. I've got no reason to complain about Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, and I'm looking forward to at least seeing the movie when it comes out, before I judge it too harshly.
Re:GB for Girls (Score:5, Insightful)
It is indeed unfortunate that white men are only represented in leading roles in Marvel films via Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Thor, Wade Wilson, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Stephen Strange, Peter Quill, and Scott Lang. Equality is nice and all, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has only had fifteen movies starring white men, three with ensemble casts, one with a black man as lead, one with both a man and a woman in title roles, and zero with leading women. Isn't that enough? Shouldn't women be happy as supporting characters and, 5% of the time, secondary protagonists?
It's also terrible that the film writers chose to stick with the 2012 canon of Ms Marvel taking on the role of Captain Marvel, becoming the first -- sorry, the... fourth? female Captain Marvel, a role that had previously been exclusively reserved for men since the character's inception in 1967 -- whoops, the Monica Rambeau storyline from 1982 to 1993 -- sorry, the Phylla-Vell era Captain Marvel's end and replacement in 2007. This is unprecedented revisionism just for the sake of views. Male roles should remain male roles.
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Perhaps, in our hyper sensitive, over victimized culture, people are tired of changes made solely in the name of "equality". The original Captain Marvel was a white man,,, we certainly can't have another successful movie featuring a white male, we need to change things up a bit. . Like "Ghost Busters for girls" (Ghostbusters 2016) or Ocean's 8 - the sound of flopping can still resounds.
Go count the number of Marvel movies with a white male protagonist, and count the number with the main protagonist being either not white, or not a man, and then come back and tell me how victimised you are. There is a whole world of other interesting perspectives and stories that you are frightened of for some reason.
Fuck my life, do you not want to see any films with different sorts of people in them? Why would you pretend that there are no women Captain Marvels in the comics, do you think it helps your v
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I'm not aware of any real backlash around Black Panther. Probably because, absent the ensemble movies (Avengers: X), it made by far the most money. It made $125MM more than Iron Man 3 (which rounded out his personal arc) and $250MM more than Civil War (which I counted as a non-ensemble movie because of its title, even though it was). No other Marvel movie came within half a billion dollars.
I mean, the most backlash I recall is that some people (who still went to see it) said it wasn't as good as they tho
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Or they just don't want to see it. Captain Marvel isn't exactly a core marvel character. Or they're burned out on Marvel films. I haven't seen the last few released, and was loved them when they first arrived.
Not everything is a social screed.
If I choose a potato for dinner instead of rice, It's not because I hate Asians.
Re:Never trust review aggregator scores (Score:4, Insightful)
That's the power of democracy. It's not rule by assholes who imagine they're smarter than everyone else. That's why it's the least bad system that's ever been tried.
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This has been another edition of Sex Education from Anonymous Cowards. Join us tomorrow for a special report, Pee is Stored in the Balls.
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^ This. And this isn't being called out nearly enough. Brie Larson specifically called out white men; she doesn't want to hear from them. She specifically mentioned reviewers, but people are taking it to mean "I want to see less white men (in regards to my movie)". Why would I give money towards someone as blatantly sexist and racist as she is?
But it's funny. All the people in this thread moaning about incels and such, if Larson made comments like these about any other group, they'd be furious. No, it's hi
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So, the same as some SJW's overreaction to some stupid thing someone said? Two wrongs making... tens of thousands of meaningless comments?
That's up to you. Many people are voting to not support someone that has sexist and racist views. You are free to support anyone that is racist or sexist; to many people, knowing that taint is behind the movie is a huge turn-off.
Sexism and racism may be meaningless to you, but it's not for a lot of people.
I can't think of a single instance where an actors personal beliefs affected my desire to see something they were in. And I certainly can't think of any stupid thing an actor has said that made me lose my mind and act like some brain dead 20y/o SJW.
That's your value system, and that's fine. Lots of people separate the artist and their work, and lots of people don't, and tons of variations in between. Artists and their work being separated or not is