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'Captain Marvel' Review Bombers Have Dropped Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating To Lowest Among MCU Movies ( 840

An anonymous reader shares a report: The fake Rotten Tomatoes review onslaught continues for Captain Marvel, giving the film the lowest-rating of all Marvel Cinematic Universe movies on the site nearly two weeks ahead of its release. As of this writing, Captain Marvel now has a 28% Audience Rating, a whopping 18 points below the next lowest MCU flick -- 2008's The Incredible Hulk. Starting earlier this week, a certain section of the internet -- for whatever reason -- decided to start filing fake negative reviews in an attempt to purposefully lower the film's Audience Rating.
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'Captain Marvel' Review Bombers Have Dropped Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating To Lowest Among MCU Movies

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  • Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)

    by ChodaBoyUSA ( 2532764 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:06AM (#58176426)
    These are NOT reviews! This is the Audience "WANT TO SEE" rating, which is completely different. People NOT wanting to see a film, is NOT review bombing. STOP LYING!
    • Re:Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)

      by ITRambo ( 1467509 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:11AM (#58176462)
      I have no idea why you're being called a Troll. Your comment is 100% factual. The figure represents "Want to see" comments. There is not audience score yet as the movie hasn't been released. I believe it will do okay, like The Last Jedi,. but probably not as well as other Marvel movies unless the story is far more awesome than the previews make it look.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Indeed, but that's a distraction from the issue here. Sites like RT that allow user ratings are easily gamed and apparently there is nothing we can do about it. No-one has managed to filter this kind of thing, the best tools we have are manual intervention or disabling user ratings.

      Ironically it almost always backfires. Brands caught on to that when Nike's commercial resulted in immolated trainers but added billions to the company's share price. The backlash to the backlash tends to result in a big net posi

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by lgw ( 121541 )

        Sites like RT that allow user ratings are easily gamed and apparently there is nothing we can do about it. No-one has managed to filter this kind of thing, the best tools we have are manual intervention or disabling user ratings.

        Sure there is, and you're doing it right now. You pretend that the honest expression of mass opinion is fake, because you disagree with it. No more cognitive dissonance to trouble your enclosed world view. Problem solved.

        I'm sure Captain Marvel will do well at the box office

        It will do well or poorly based on whether it's an entertaining film. Nothing more. It didn't need any special marketing, as everyone already knows what a Marvel movie is.

        • Sure there is, and you're doing it right now. You pretend that the honest expression of mass opinion is fake, because you disagree with it.

          From my point of view, you're pretending what is obviously a co-ordinated effort to game the system is honest opinion, simply because you agree with it.

          No more cognitive dissonance to trouble your enclosed world view. Problem solved.

          That criticism applies equally well to you.

          The thing that makes me distrust the "don't want to view" rating is the anomalously high number of responses. I don't know whether the indications are honest or fake, but it probably doesn't matter because I sincerely doubt the sampling is representative. If someone is actively encouraging people who don't want to

    • This is a new low for Slashdot...

    • Is that TFA is complaining that the audience is bombing the rating for a movie, on a site whose name is a reference to audience members throwing tomatoes at actors in a poor performance.
    • My wife and I have started playing the "guess the RT scores" game after watching movies for the first time. We'll try to guess the critic and audience scores and see who can get closest. After I went to an early screening of Alita: Battle Angel on the Tuesday before its full release, I was disappointed (but not surprised) to find out that the Audience Score wasn't yet available since the film hadn't yet had its full release. To say the least, the notion that Captain Marvel's Audience Score would be posted w

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      These are NOT reviews! STOP LYING!

      Be quiet, you'll mess up the narrative. We're a victim, always a victim, somebody's out to get us.

      Brie Larson: "I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work about A Wrinkle in Time," said Larson. "It wasn't made for him."

      So I guess your new flick wasn't made for me, either. I haven't logged anything with RT; I don't care WHAT they think. They're another site I completely ignore. (Earlier someone called me a Nazi for ignoring Huffington Post and Arianna -- I guess this makes me

      • Re:Completely FALSE (Score:5, Informative)

        by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @03:47PM (#58178448)

        We're a victim, always a victim, somebody's out to get us.

        To be clear are you implying that the film is not being "want to see" bombed? Maybe have a look at how many ratings this movie is getting vs any other movie on Rotten Tomatoes and then come back and tell me if you still think someone's not out to get them.

        Since you're probably busy I'll give you a spoiler: Captain Marvel currently has 70x more "want to see ratings" than most movies coming out this year, 40x more than all other super hero movies coming out this year with the exception of this years biggest expected blockbuster: Avengers Endgame. ... It's only 4x more than that, and significantly the Avengers game is 98% positive.

        Odds are, they are really out to get them.

        • by mark-t ( 151149 ) <markt&nerdflat,com> on Monday February 25, 2019 @07:40PM (#58179730) Journal
          Your argument reminds me of this []

          34. Success Immunity, or "They must be doing something right!"

          We often hear this when a successful individual or organization is justly criticized for unethical habits, routines, tendencies or policies, and defenders recoil at the suggestion that a successful formula might be altered in any way. Thus have cruel hazing traditions by winning football coaches received official passes from greedy university presidents, and careless and risky management practices been ignored by voters, as long as an elected leader's policies haven't imploded yet. Success immunity is related to #10, the King's Pass, but it is even more illogical: it assumes that the wrongful and irresponsible aspects of an individual's or organization's conduct must somehow be part of a magic recipe for success, rather than a serious flaw in that recipe that can and should be removed. "The chef puts a roach in his soup? Well, it's delicious! He must be doing something right!" I'm sure he is, but that something isn't the roach. This rationalization embodies the popular and over-used conservative mantra, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." The problems with that cliche are 1) things that aren't broken can still be improved, 2) things that are broken will often keep working until they fall apart and someone is hurt, and 3) "not broken" is a long way from "the best it can be." "They must be doing something right!" carries this illogic to the point of absurdity by asserting that what clearly is broken should still not be fixed, because the individual or organization continues to be successful in spite of it, on the Bizarro World theory that the perceived success could somehow be a result of it. Like many rationalizations on this list, Success Immunity twists common sense to avoid admitting that obviously unethical conduct is what it is: wrong.

          • Success immunity is a thing, but that didn't bear out in my post. Specifically success immunity would be me pointing to the positive vs negative aspects of the metric, in defense that it could not be right. Instead the point isn't the positive, it's the unlikelyness that there are 44000 people (70x higher than normal) that actually give a shit.

            So my argument should have reminded you of this []:

            Occam's razor
            Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the least speculation is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. Occam's razor applies especially in the philosophy of science, but also more generally.

    • Do other movies coming out around the same time have a similar number of votes?

      It appears as if this movie is being specifically targeted with down votes.

      Personally I'm indifferent to the movie as I have never seen a marvel movie in the theater. Seems odd that so many people would visit a website to specifically vote they are not interested. I totally ignore things that do not interest me.
      • Typically... missed that auto correct.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by RedK ( 112790 )

        It appears as if this movie is being specifically targeted with down votes.

        It's almost as if Brie Larson made an OOPSIE and people are reacting to it... and then being labeled "trolls" for daring having an opinion that's different than the accepted narrative... []

        Where have we seen that before uh ... ? This is typical 2016+ damage control. Says something dumb. Get called out. Walk it back but at the same time paint anyone you displeased as "Russian" or "Troll" or "Gamergater" or any other pejorative term you c

  • by Noishkel ( 3464121 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:12AM (#58176466)

    I'll point out that no one is posting review on this movie yet, they're merely posting weather or not they want to see the movie.

    And that reality really does show exactly what's wrong with sites like They're more interested in pushing a narrative than anything else.

  • Get woke go broke (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:12AM (#58176472)

    Pushing identity politics agendas really just ends up alienating markets. There's so many great movies with female leads that did really well without ever having to push the "straight white male bad!" narrative that Larson tried, and then went into damage control mode after pressure from Disney.

    Wonder Woman
    X Files
    Hunger Games
    Resident Evil
    Rogue One
    Mad Max: Fury Road
    Fifth Element

  • Why is this being called review bombing, when no one has reviewed the film yet? If you go to the Rotten Tomatoes page linked in the summary, they indicate that there aren't any reviews ("Tomatometer Not Available...") and the 28% (29% when I'm viewing the page) is for "Want To See".

    If people are running bots to tank the results, who really cares since it doesn't affect anything. I rarely use Rotten Tomatoes to determine if I should see a film or not based on critic reviews. I wasn't even aware that this
  • by sbrown123 ( 229895 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:22AM (#58176548) Homepage

    These are "do you plan to see the movie" responses. Actual public movie reviews are only available AFTER the movie is released in theaters. Boring as hell movie trailers and sexist marketing hurt this movie. I imagine this movie will still do well but it will cast a shadow on future Marvel movies (similar to what Last Jedi did to the Solo movie). Someone at Disney needs fired for this mess.

  • Starting earlier this week, a certain section of the internet -- for whatever reason -- decided to start filing fake negative reviews in an attempt to purposefully lower the film's Audience Rating.

    The reason apparently is a toxic mixture of misogyny and fanboyism.

    Shazam!'s Zachary Levi hits out at trolls attacking Captain Marvel and Brie Larson []

    • I read a bit of that. Apparently people are confusing DC's Captain Marvel (Shazaam) and Marvel's Captain Marvel and think that somehow they made Captain Marvel a women in the Captain Marvel movie....

      It reminds me of the folks who were surprised that Emperor Palpatine and Chancellor Palpatine were the same person. I can't even... I mean...

      And for the record, Captain Marvel's been a woman since 1982. [] Not that it even matters. It goes back and forth because the name "Captain Marvel" was picked becaus
  • I mean, maybe it is some sort of smear it possible that it isn't?

    I never followed the comic books. Captain Marvel has never been in any of the previous Marvel movies. For that matter, she has never even been mentioned, aside from the post credit sequence of Infinity War. "Who is this new person that's been sitting around during all the other world-ending things that took place over the past decade?", I ask myself? Meanwhile, Infinity War set up a massive cliffhanger. Chris Evans alluded

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:35AM (#58176632) []

    The movie was the biggest and best opportunity I could have ever asked for. It was, like, my superpower. This could be my form of activism: doing a film that can play all over the world and be in more places than I can be physically.”

    Larson does get back to her idea of turning Captain Marvel into an opportunity to push her activism. “Inclusion has to be a choice; it’s not happening naturally. You really have to fight for it.”

    I just wanna see an entertaining super-hero comic-book flick, not some preachy vehicle for Larson's "activism". Apparently many people feel the same. It's not all about you and your politics, Brie.

    • I dunno. From everything I’ve heard about the story, it sounds pretty good. I’ll definitely go see it.

      Actors play roles but they are not that person. Watch actors discuss their characters and they refer to them in the third person. So I don’t really care what Kurt Russel’s views on immigration are or Dennis Hopper’s views on income inequality. If they’re playing an interesting character in an interesting movie, I’all go see it.

      • by zlives ( 2009072 )

        roger that, heck i am lucky if i remember the actor's name in 98% of the shows and movies i watch. and i certainly don't give a rats ass about thier politics. if some one wants to play politics then their option is to create art that represents that and then I can choose to either see it or not.

        "Larson will push the activism during her global press tour for Captain Marvel, describing that she “has pledged to spotlight other women behind the scenes, insisting on gender and racial parity in the press

    • But since the movie isn't about her politics (so far as any of us know), who cares?

      Worse, by launching an SJW stupidity campaign against the movie, the idiots who cared enough to be involved only call positive attention to her nonsense.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @11:38AM (#58176676)
    There's no background, just a link to the page. And as another poster pointed out it's not reviews, it's the "Want to See" rating.

    It's possible somebody is using bots or just plain organizing a movement against the film for some reason or another (I can't imagine what, sure it's a female lead but so what? It's not like Supergirl gets this treatment or that the gender swapped Batman or something).

    Without context this looks like more click bait meant to exploit the ongoing SJW debate on the Internet. It shouldn't have been greenlit. It's an obnoxious attempt to get more folks clicking /. links for one more ad impression. Shame on you /. editors.
  • If Captain Marvel doesn't invoke the special word "Shazam" to function, it ain't Captain Marvel. Poo on all the subsequent pretenders.

  • There were many negative reviews posted which were retroactively removed after the events of Avengers: End Game.

    Just wait a few months and we'll all see how it was done.

  • Saw this Saturday, it's a fun movie and doesn't suck but it's pretty bad as far as what we've come to expect. Aside from the social justice pandering, which is pretty prevalent, the special effects are much less realistic and sort of cartoonish. Captain Marvel is, visually, the worst looking superhero... I was hoping for something more vision'esque in terms of CGI but she kinda looks more like a low budget SciFi channel movie character. The 90's setting is terrifically nostalgic, the movie itself is engagin
  • It may simply be there is little interest in a minor character as lead in a movie. I never really followed that character as a kid, in any of the revisions, genders and revivals. Same with the DC character Martian Manhunter. He/She was just not interesting enough to spend my dollars on a separate comic/storyline.
  • Posting fake, disingenuous, deliberately bad reviews will not lower ticket prices.

    Please reconsider your tactics.



  • Does anyone actually pay any attention to 'reviews' before they go see a movie? Or do they watch previews and make up their own mind?
  • by supercell ( 1148577 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @01:11PM (#58177470)
    I have watched this closely. There have been numerous very recently stories about how men are bashing this movie etc. Yet, as far as I can tell no one has or can bash this movie. Having followed film releases, a similar strategy seems to emerge. The studios get a pre-relase feed back, realize the film is going to bomb and purposely find a group to blame the poor showing on. So they are false flagging basement dwelling men as the reason this film will do poorly. They already know it's audience pre-screening is bad, so they are going to find something to blame other than themselves.
  • by Socguy ( 933973 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @01:30PM (#58177602)
    If anyone has been paying attention to what's been happening in the world of weaponized trolling, this should surprise no one. Paid foreign actors who are looking to sew discord (in largely western society) are taking up both sides of many issues (social and political) they think can be blown up into a polarizing argument. They spam away on social media, youtube, twitter etc. Along they way they hope to drag as many folks as possible into the never ending argument quagmire. By dividing a population and causing internal turmoil, they create space for their political overlords to operate with less outside scrutiny.

    Don't play their games. Next time you think you should argue with some idiot on the internet save your energy for things that actually matter.
  • by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Monday February 25, 2019 @04:51PM (#58178848) Journal
    Have a great script.
    Find great actors who are charismatic and photogenic.
    Nice locations.
    A budget for special effects.
    Ensure the plot works for the type of movie getting promoted.
    What to make a political movie? See it as a political movie.
    Want to make sci fi? Make sure the movie actually is about sci fi.
    Sports movie? Athletes would be a good plot given the sale of a "sports" plot.
    Academics? Some plot that is proficient and professional.
    Great movies and TV series are welcomed and promoted by fans and people new to a brand.
    Quality sells. Skill and ability sells. The ability to follow decades of plot is what fans expect.
    Want something new and very political? Create that new series, plot, movie and see how it sells as a new concept.
    Got decades of quality storytelling that people like and accept? Don't change it up for politics. A totally political plot will remove everything people enjoy.

    Fans notice. People doing reviews notice. The trailer looks political and very different to an accepted decades of plot.
    The internet will talk about political changes and then people can write their own thoughts on decades of plot.

"How do I love thee? My accumulator overflows."
