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Vizio Wants Next-Generation Smart TVs To Target Ads To Households ( 235

Smart TV manufacturer Vizio has formed a partnership with nine media and advertising companies to develop an industry standard that will allow smart TVs to target advertisements to specific households, the companies said this week. From a report: The consortium includes major TV networks like Comcast Corp's NBCUniversal and CBS, as well as advertising technology companies like AT&T's Xandr. Addressable advertising, or targeting viewers on the household level based on their interests, has long been the goal of TV marketers. But TVs lack cookies that internet browsers use to allow ads to follow people around the web. [...] The consortium of companies, dubbed Project OAR, or Open Addressable Ready, hopes to define the technical standards for TV programmers and platforms to deliver addressable advertising on smart TVs, which are WiFi-enabled TVs with apps for services like Netflix Inc and Hulu, by the end of this year, McAfee said. Further reading: In January this year, Bill Baxter, chief technology officer of Vizio, spoke about business of data collection in an interview. He said: It's about post-purchase monetization of the TV. This is a cutthroat industry. It's a 6-percent margin industry, right? I mean, you know it's pretty ruthless. You could say it's self-inflicted, or you could say there's a greater strategy going on here, and there is. The greater strategy is I really don't need to make money off of the TV. I need to cover my cost. And then I need to make money off those TVs. They live in households for 6.9 years -- the average lifetime of a Vizio TV is 6.9 years. You would probably be amazed at the number of people come up to me saying, "I love Vizio TVs, I have one" and it's 11 years old. I'm like, "Dude, that's not even full HD, that's 720p." But they do last a long time and our strategy -- you've seen this with all of our software upgrades including AirPlay 2 and HomeKit -- is that we want to make things backward compatible to those TVs. So we're continuing to invest in those older TVs to bring them up to feature level comparison with the new TVs when there's no hardware limitation that would otherwise prevent that.
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Vizio Wants Next-Generation Smart TVs To Target Ads To Households

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  • Welp... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sconeu ( 64226 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:15PM (#58269654) Homepage Journal

    I know what kind of TV I WON'T be considering for my next purchase...

    • Re:Welp... (Score:5, Informative)

      by telek83 ( 1350439 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:24PM (#58269700)
      Soon all TV will do this, better idea is force the TV through a proxy that filters ads... Squid + Privoxy and man in the middle yourself so you can filter the https connections too. Problem solved!
      • You can't use internet technology to filter broadcast/cable TV...

      • Soon all TV will do this, better idea is force the TV through a proxy that filters ads...

        Why give the television access to your network at all? The manufacturers only support a particular generation for 3-4years at most. For the vast majority of people, that television is going to be in their home significantly longer than that.

        Get a Roku, get an Apple TV, get a Fire stick - use that device to feed the shows to the flat screen.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
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            • Then pretty soon the market will cluster around the few devices that do not do this? Sure, some people will stick with say Firestick forever, but many will say "screw this" and swap to Roku. Then if Roku does the targeted ads they'll switch to Apple, etc. The only way the targeted ads work is if the consumers don't give a shit anymore.

              I'm guessing that either all of your friends are geeks, or you don't get out much. I see zero sign that the majority of people will offer any more than token resistance to this kind of targeted advertising. Facebook lives, Google thrives, and corporations in general rule because most people just accept the status quo.

              We may be getting closer to that point but we're not at the 100% sheep level.

              No, we're not at 100% sheepness, but we're way north of 90%, and some would say we're well past 99%. In any case, this shit is a done deal, and most people will just suck it up, as they have wi

              • Comment removed based on user account deletion
                • If everyone really just accepts the status quo, then streaming television would never have gotten off the ground and the cord cutters would be a very tiny minority.

                  Not quite the same thing. People didn't shift to streaming because of its technological superiority, they moved to it because it allowed them to watch their desired content on their own timetable, and on mobile devices without making an additional expenditure. DVRs helped bridge the gap, but streaming gave that specific experience which regular cable TV did not...and aside from a monthly fee that costs less than most value meals at McDonald's, there was virtually no tradeoff to be had.

                  The issues with target

            • by godefroi ( 52421 )

              Right, just like the internet search clustered around companies that don't, and the online shopping market clustered around companies that don't, and ...

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Cederic ( 9623 )

        Soon all TV will do this

        Fortunately dumb computer monitors are as cheap as TVs and the screens are no worse these days either.

    • We'll see what kind alternatives the invisible hand of capitalism leaves us.
    • I know what kind of TV I WON'T be considering for my next purchase...

      You don't have to turn on the "smart" features. They are off by default.

      Also, Vizio won't be the only company doing this. Likely, they all will.

      • by I75BJC ( 4590021 )
        We bought an LG Smart TV because Samsung Smart TVs present ads during viewing (according to roommate). In setting up the LG, I found a setting to reduce the prospect of seeing duplicate ads.

        Sounds like all the TVs are up with Vizio already. The LG uses WebOS and that definitely can be used to present ads to viewers. If the TV is not connected to the Internet, (either a wired or wireless connection on the LG), can it present ads to us?
        • In setting up the LG, I found a setting to reduce the prospect of seeing duplicate ads.

          If you want to keep your privacy, then you don't "set it up". You just use it as a dumb TV.

          I use my smart TV as a smart TV, because I don't really care if "they" know what I am watching (mostly documentaries). But it is my choice.

          If the TV is not connected to the Internet, (either a wired or wireless connection on the LG), can it present ads to us?

          Your cable provider (Comcast, Spectrum, etc.) can feed you ads, but LG can't (unless they cut a deal with the cable company).

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Bought a Samsung last year. Haven’t seen any ads. Of course I also don’t use any of the built-in apps, so YMMV.

      • It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't activate the TV unless it was allowed to phone home at least once.

        And then every so often they'd decide that you 'need' a software upgrade (for 'security', of course) and that the TV won't work until you allow it to upgrade or install new spyware or whatever.

        Maybe they'll start making sets that *have* to be connected, either all the time or periodically. The lust to advertise is so great that this kind of thing makes perfect sense to the ad companies.

        Hell, they'd impl

        • > It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't activate the
          > TV unless it was allowed to phone home at least once.

          > And then every so often they'd decide that you 'need' a software > upgrade (for 'security', of course) and that the TV won't work
          > until you allow it to upgrade or install new spyware or whatever.

          Get an HDHomeRun [] Tuner, which feeds OTA TV to your LAN, and display output on your computer monitor. No need to connect to the internet. TV tuner cards http []

    • You should thank Bill Baxter [] for advertising that information.
      Everyone should thank him.

    • Came here to say the same thing. In fact, pretty sure any future tv purchases I make will either be dumb ones or never ever see a connection to the internet.

    • like, for instance, all commercial TV broadcasting...

  • On the one hand, I don't mind if they replace existing ads.

    On the other hand, they mention Netflix in passing here - so would that mean Netflix playing on this TV would have ads? No thanks!

    • they mention Netflix in passing here - so would that mean Netflix playing on this TV would have ads? No thanks!

      Netflix already has ads, mostly previews for their original content.

      By tracking your viewing habits, they can give you better recommendations.

      • Netflix already has ads, mostly previews for their original content.

        You are thinking of Amazon Prime video, Netflix does not do previews before shows you watch (though it does do previews if you hover over an item, not really the same as an ad).

        By tracking your viewing habits, they can give you better recommendations.

        Maybe, but the article was specifically about ads...

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • FUCK YOU, Im sure (Score:5, Insightful)

    by wolfheart111 ( 2496796 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:16PM (#58269664)
    I speak for ALL OF US. Nothing more to be said, you can close this thread now :)
  • Tight margins, huh? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Krishnoid ( 984597 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:19PM (#58269670) Journal

    This is a cutthroat industry. It's a 6-percent margin industry, right?

    I'll give you 10% extra if you replace that hardware and software with a couple additional DVI and DisplayPort adapters. You could even make it a swap-out-able module.

  • But you better be getting enough revenue from them...becuase I'm not going to pay you $2000 for a fucking television you'll make even more off me at the expense of making me sit through bullshit ads.

    I automatically don't buy shit advertised to me.
    • by dryeo ( 100693 )

      Think of the poor executives, not only is it getting harder to come up with the money to buy another yacht, but now it is getting expensive to bribe universities to accept their kids who will be the next generation of executives and your leaders.

  • I'll gladly pay twice as much for a dumb tv, thanks.
  • This is why.... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Rick Zeman ( 15628 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:23PM (#58269696) Vizio tv isn't connected to the internet, nor will it ever be, except for firmware upgrades.
    My AppleTV isn't trying to monetize me.

    • Why would you even do the firmware upgrades?

      I've had several Smart TVs because they were the only ones w/ the size/features I wanted, and none of them have ever needed a firmware update.

      • Because I hope they change what I consider a design flaw.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Unfortunately smart TVs have become like everything else that supports updates - they release them with half finished beta software and maybe fix it later.

        I bought an LG smart TV, initially the CEC function was barely working. A few months later a firmware update fixed it.

        Sometimes they do actually add useful functionality too. Panasonic recently introduced Dolby Vision support via firmware update.

  • Say what you want but there are positives about this:
    1) they're being upfront with their intentions (though I still don't trust them)
    2) If they can make money after the purchase of the TV then they have less incentive to design it will intentional obsolescence. (my biggest concern of any smart TV)
    3) It may lower the price of TV's
    4) I'm confident that while most people won't know how to block the ad-tracking, I'll still be able to allow the TV access to Netflix only and nothing else.

    • 1. So are muggers.
      2. And why would you think they wouldn't just double dip with a device that is obsolete in six months and shoving ads in your face?
      3. Please, don't make me laugh. Did you notice the big drop in price when Cable TV started showing ads? Yeah, I thought not.
      4. It's entirely possible the TV simply won't work if it's not online with Vizio's ad service. I'm probably being paranoid but it wouldn't surprise me.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:34PM (#58269740)

    Honestly, the more I read these articles the more convinced I become that I'm living in some kind of satire-based, candid-camera type show. I mean this product idea just screams DO NOT BUY ME on so many levels it simply has to be a wind-up because no sane person would honestly suggest it with a straight face.

    The idea that could something that combines the reality-dreck that passes for TV these days with targeted advertising (and I'm going to assume all the spying that goes with it)... I mean seriously, in what alternative universe is that an attractive proposition??? And then to go on and suggest that a person who has managed to score an old-fashioned, non-smart TV would want to retroactively obtain such features... the mind boggles.

    • People have been posting videos of their tvs made for the Chinese market playing commercials when they start up or even switch inputs.

  • I want Vizio (Score:5, Insightful)

    by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:38PM (#58269752)

    To go out of business.

  • About advertisers (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MrKaos ( 858439 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:46PM (#58269778) Journal

    For anyone who is interested the modern advertising industry is the brain child of one Edward Bernays [] who deceived women into thinking that smoking was a sign of their freedom.

    I highly recommend a documentary called Century of the Self [] for anyone who want to see just how we got into the situation we are in now.

    For all of the things that a human beings time gets wasted on, advertising has to be the most offensive.

    • Anybody notice the FCC has been talking and working in this direction almost as if they were industry insiders and not regulators...

      This is just a case of a CEO letting the cat out of the bag; they are all seriously working on making this happen and have been doing experiments in this area for years now. The FCC in their pocket moving to make this dream come true is on the edge of happening and at least 1 CEO seems to think it's a done deal regardless of what happens with Trump.

      Parent's 2 links are highly

  • by ahodgson ( 74077 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:47PM (#58269782)

    If this is the way the industry's going, fuck'em.

  • I haven't owned a TV in 20+ years.

  • And this is why my next LCD TV is going to be a large computer monitor, and not a TV at all.

  • by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @06:56PM (#58269806)

    for it.

      I) It was cheap at the time and my previous dumb TV had died

    2) It was dumb as dirt. HDMI ports with some CEC support.

    If this one goes, I'll probably buy a smart tv (since there aren't any choices) and toss a streaming device on it like an android TV box. Netflix, and kodi support are pretty much all I use, with the occasional chromecast from my computer. If the streaming device dies or needs to be replaced, it's usually less than $100.

    No smart TV will have any access to any Internet access. If they start putting 4G/5G sim cards in their devices, I'll be removing them as well.

    If the current prices aren't sufficient to support Vizio's profit model, they may want to rethink their business.

  • That's why I keep notes: to inform my future purchasing decisions.

    From my notes today:

    Vizio Settles With FTC, Will Pay $2.2 Million and Delete User Data [] — 6 February 2017

    Vizio allegedly collected data on what people viewed on 11 million of its TVs and then shared the data with third parties, without informing people about the data collection or receiving consent.

    Gotta move a lot of glass to pay a $2 million fine on 6% margins.

    No wait—it's only the margins on the televisions that are a thin 6%.

    • by Cederic ( 9623 )

      5 years of advertising income for under 20 cents in fines? A sound (if unethical) bit of business that.

  • streaming without ads is winning.
    Buying physical media with no ads was a good idea.
    Not networking a smart TV and using it as a display for no ad streaming services.
    More ads is not a good idea.
  • I've seen situations where two TVs in the same house watching the same cable channel get separate ads... this tech already exists.

  • I bet they get what they want before I get what I want
  • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Wednesday March 13, 2019 @09:26PM (#58270396) Journal

    No "Smart TV" for me until I can replace its entire software/firmware load with an open-source alternative.

    My family's TV watching (mostly CDs of old movies) is done using a NTSC CRT TV fed with analog video.

  • we'll have to run ad blockers on our TVs?


    Farnsworth: It's very simple. The ad gets into your brain just like this liquid gets into this egg. [He holds up an egg and injects it with liquid. The egg explodes, covering him and Leela in yolk.] Although, in reality, it's not liquid, but gamma radiation.

    Fry: That's awful. It's like brainwashing.

    Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 20th century?

    Fry: Well, sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines and movies and at bal

  • Took long enough. When I was working at Intel, they were developing a dedicated set-top SOC (Canmore I recall?). The salespeople were all excited and drooling on the meeting table about "a dollar and a dollar"; money from the chip, and money from a cut of ad revenue. The core software came from Yahoo and it was some of the worst code I've ever seen. Ugly inside, undocumented, very broken, and even more ugly outside.

    Like all things Intel, much money was burned, flaky dev kits were sent out, and the project k

  • It's time to start taking aim at CEOs..... with high powered rifles.....

  • Not like you can use the TV's built-in tuner anymore, what with cable channels being scrambled. So what reason is there to buy a TV instead of a computer monitor?
  • Bullshit (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I owned a Vizio 55-inch "Smart" TV. Vizio had already gotten into trouble for collecting user TV activity without properly disclosing that. I quickly realized that the "Smart" features of my Vizio were worse than what I got out of my gen. 1 Chromecast. So I disabled Vizio's "Smart" TV functions.

    But the firmware of my Vizio TV was terrible. The TV would turn itself on overnight! I would come into my living room the next morning to see the TV turned on, but the remote would not work. The few buttons on

USENET would be a better laboratory is there were more labor and less oratory. -- Elizabeth Haley
