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Thousands of People Have Taken a Facebook Pledge To Storm Area 51 ( 345

PolygamousRanchKid shares a report from CNN: Over 300,000 people have signed on to a Facebook event pledging to raid Area 51 in Nevada in a quest to "see them aliens." The event, titled "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us," is inviting users from around the world to join a "Naruto run" -- a Japanese manga-inspired running style featuring arms outstretched backwards and heads forward -- into the area. "We can move faster than their bullets," the event page, which is clearly written with tongue in cheek, promises those who RSVP for September 20. The mysterious Area 51 has been the focus of conspiracy theories for decades, and many people think it's where the U.S. government stores its secrets about aliens and UFOs.
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Thousands of People Have Taken a Facebook Pledge To Storm Area 51

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Somebody's going to be looking at some big legal troubles. Especially if anyone dies.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 13, 2019 @02:07AM (#58918128)

    And I won't care when they are killed.

    But, of course, nothing will happen of this except the few people arrested by MP and put into federal prison.

  • by vix86 ( 592763 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @02:16AM (#58918158)

    are going to find out rubber bullets hurt like hell and some paramilitary company is going to make a nice bit of money by having more security hired.

  • No they haven't. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Cytotoxic ( 245301 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @02:35AM (#58918208)

    I sincerely doubt that there are 300,000 actual people represented by this Facebook group.

    But even if there are, there is absolutely zero chance that even 50 people show up to storm the gates at area 51. No need to waste any time pondering the what-if of it all. It ain't happening, and they all know it ain't happening.

    I'm not sure why it is being covered as if it actually is a real attempt. The reporters have to know it isn't happening too...

    • I sincerely doubt that there are 300,000 actual people represented by this Facebook group.

      Maybe 299,999 are Russian bots . . . ?

      OTOH, how many folks in the US believe that measles vaccinations cause autism . . . ?

      The best Area 51 conspiracy theory that I heard, was that Barack Obama didn't have a birth certificate, because he was cloned using the DNA from John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

      At Area 51, using alien technology, of course.

      • I sincerely doubt that there are 300,000 actual people represented by this Facebook group.

        Maybe 299,999 are Russian bots . . . ?

        OTOH, how many folks in the US believe that measles vaccinations cause autism . . . ?

        Considering the bots, it's hard to tell. Quote>

        The best Area 51 conspiracy theory that I heard, was that Barack Obama didn't have a birth certificate, because he was cloned using the DNA from John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

        At Area 51, using alien technology, of course.

        It is also a terminus of one of Ol' Muskie's hyperloops that have another outlet in the Pizzagate restaurant, Where Hellery and the Bwana Devil entertain the Democratic parties bigwigs. Hint: Democrat comes from the Assyrian wor

    • I sincerely doubt that there are 300,000 actual people represented by this Facebook group.
      I believe, sir, you have the right of it. More likely a small fraction of that are actual human idiots, the rest are 'bots and other fake accounts.
      Now, I what I wonder is: which foreign government group of operatives are behind this?
  • If you actually believe the mythos surrounding the area, you would storm an area called "S4".

    Area 51 proper isn't the target.

    So while this thing is a wondrous troll illustration of Dunning-Kruger- these folks aren't even going to the right place.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      Or they could visit the Area 51 Alien Museum. They have them all stuffed and on display in lifelike poses with description plates telling from where in the universe they hail.

  • Riiight... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Brett Buck ( 811747 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @03:06AM (#58918274)

    If 20 people show up, it will be a miracle, and moreover, they are going to wind up getting arrested and learning nothing about what is going on. That's sticking it to the man!

          The operators of these sorts of facilities do not screw around, they take their work very seriously, They aren't going to put up with a bunch of nerdy lunatics playing flying saucer.

    • One of my high school buddies joined the air force after graduating. I met up with him some years later, and he was telling me a rather funny and sad story. So, our local air base was serving as a diversion airport for Air Force Two for a vice-presidential visit happening in a city about an hour away. He worked with fueling, and said that the whole team had to be active, and the site secured.

      So, some poor old bloke out for his morning walk took his morning stroll across the base, but not today. Area sec

    • They aren't going to put up with a bunch of nerdy lunatics playing flying saucer.

      Was that a reference to the old PC game? It's relevant: []

  • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @03:12AM (#58918294)

    Normally I'm all for peace but this presents a real opportunity to cull some of the lower IQ population.

    • Normally I'm all for peace but this presents a real opportunity to cull some of the lower IQ population.

      It's a multi objective operation. On one hand you have a hoard of 20 or so energy drink humanoid underground dwellers either chickening out, or bum rushing a millitary installation. I can't picture a scenario where this isn't a priceless meme gold mine.

  • What could go wrong?

  • that's a splendid idea. traditional balconing is way too slow.

  • by religionofpeas ( 4511805 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @04:23AM (#58918442)

    Funny, if you go to Google maps near area 51 (extraterrestrial highway), and pick up the yellow 'streetview guy' he changes into a flying saucer.

  • ... that very stupid ideas have become a mass phenomenon on Facebook.

    • It's a lot more like "big talk has become a mass phenomenon on Facebook". Keyboard warriors, activate!

  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @05:01AM (#58918500)
    My cat tries to open the door by closing it. My cat is smarter than these people.
    • >"My cat tries to open the door by closing it. My cat is smarter than these people." :)

      One of my cats could open any door, as long as it wasn't locked. Fascinating to watch him.

      Another could sometimes open doors, but wasn't very good at it.

      Another did exactly what yours does- managed to close and latch doors she wanted to open.

      And another..... she had the best method of all... she would annoy the **** out of me until I opened it for her. Hey- whatever works!

      And over the many years, I noticed that many

  • by Vinegar Joe ( 998110 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @05:45AM (#58918564)

    God invented the AC-130J Ghostrider.

  • It's July. Temps could be over one hundred degrees. People should drink a gallon of water per hour to avoid dehydration and heat stroke. I've camped in the desert in California for years, you need to wear a long sleeve shirts and a hat. Hiking a short distance is stressful and there's no rescue personnel nearby. No tow trucks, EMT's, no magic helicopter to save your ass. Me and my Dad had a few vehicle break downs but were prepared.
    • A few breakdowns? Better prep might be to go in a reliable vehicle...

      • Had a reliable vehicle. A tire was punctured in the sidewall by a rock. It was difficult to use a jack in soft sand and gravel. It's better to drive over large rocks that to go around them. The roads are very primitive, some created by prospectors. looking for gems and minerals. []
    • by Livius ( 318358 )

      The heat would likely incapaciate if not outright kill more trespassers than actual weapons.

    • It's July.

      September 20, actually...not that it makes much difference. It's still Burning Man territory.

  • ... now, in addition to all the evil things Facebook has done, there's this...
  • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Saturday July 13, 2019 @08:06AM (#58918862)

    When you pass the sign that says "Use of Lethal Force Authorized" and the shooting starts don't come crying to me you loonies.

    Before you start blathering on about UFO's and extraterrestrials having landed which are being hidden at Area 51, ask yourselves some serious questions.. The most important one is this: Why did the skylab astronauts get .in trouble for inadvertently snapping a picture of Area 51 from space? Seriously why? It wasn't because they were trying to hide aliens and a photo from space was going to show them.

    The truth about Area 51 is that it is just a flight testing center for classified military aircraft and that's all it's ever really been. It's in a remote location, adjacent to a number of military flight training areas which is literally out in the middle of nowhere. Places so remote it is close to where we did the majority of our underground nuclear tests in the 50's and 60's. Groom lake (Area 51) makes a really nice natural runway, flat and hard, for emergency landings, much like Edwards Airforce base, just with a whole lot less people living nearby. Area 51 is just a private place to test stuff when you want to keep things a secret, like the first stealth aircraft, or things where you don't really want people to get pictures of them.

    My advice is you forget about Area 51 and all the conspiracy theories about UFO's, don't bother the place or the guards who are stuck with the job of guarding it. Trespassing here can and will get you shot at times, though most likely you will just get detained, charged with trespassing and fined while the most interesting thing you will see up close is the sand and scrub on the ground while the guard has his knee in you back putting the cuffs on.

    Save everybody the aggravation. Just stay home.

  • An ADS, Area Denial System, uses various biological weaknesses in humans to create conditions very unpleasant for humans that are not usually fatal. Several of these systems are classified, but are believed to include excruciatingly loud sound systems and microwave transmitters that create the sensation of being burned alive without actually creating permanent harm.

    If you combine this with conventional crowd control systems like firehoses, CS gas, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds ...

    It should suffice to

    • They only need to close the gates to stop cars and trucks.

      Considering it would probably be a bunch of fat nerds going there and actually going through with this, I'd say the first line of defense is the distance from the gates to the actual buildings. They'll never make it on foot.

  • Would it be possible to do their thing with drones? Is it even possible to fly 10,000 drones at the same place?

    • Would it be possible to do their thing with drones? Is it even possible to fly 10,000 drones at the same place?

      Absolutely, but if they're not aware of one another, there will be fratricide if you don't string them out considerably, making them easier to intercept. You can assume that GPS will be interfered with, so your drones are going to have to use some other method of navigation. Maybe the compass is enough. Altitude is cheap and good enough with even a cheap barometer. Communication between drones should be something encrypted and spread-spectrum, probably wifi for cost reasons. Not sure how many nodes you can

    • by Bomazi ( 1875554 )

      It doesn't matter. There is nothing to see from above.

  • Instead of chasing after a site that doesn't exist, maybe they could try rushing a location in the USA known to do bad things.

    A company dumps toxic waste into a river and the government does nothing? Swarm the company. Various other companies can count as candidates, whether it's wage theft, anti-unionization, civil rights violations, or even trying to entrap members into a cult-like program.

    Or perhaps those people can instead look at the current political climate, and instead start encouraging people to th

    • by Livius ( 318358 )

      People should congregate together and occupy a location that is a scene of major financial crimes that lead to massive losses of wealth by ordinary people, say, Wall Street. I'm sure they will have so much dedication that they won't let the message get off track.

    • eh, Area 51 definitely exists and is used for R&D and testing of aircraft and weapons systems. []

  • We can skip the usual testing process and immediately proceed with lobotomy and sterilization.

"I've seen the forgeries I've sent out." -- John F. Haugh II (jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US), about forging net news articles
