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Comic-Con Trailers Include 'Star Trek: Picard' and HBO's 'Watchmen' Series ( 205

"At Comic-Con, Sir Patrick Stewart took to the Hall H stage Saturday afternoon to discuss his new series, Star Trek: Picard," reports CBS News: The series will focus on what caused famed captain and admiral Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet, and his life since.... Patrick Stewart -- who is also an executive producer -- answered questions about the show. "We never know, do we, when our best moment will be. And that is now," Stewart said. "I knew something unusual would happen. I knew I needed to be a part of it."

Stewart has been heavily involved in crafting "Star Trek: Picard" and frequently visits the writer's room... Brent Spiner, who played the character Data on TNG, said there was "no way" he could say no to the opportunity to work with Stewart again....

The show is set 20 years after the events of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" around the year 2399. This sets the series further into the future than any previous Star Trek series. But fans should not expect to see the same Jean-Luc Picard they know from "The Next Generation" series. During the press tour, Kurtzman teased that the show will be very different and "grounded." The series will explore how Picard has changed in that time, making him reckon with the choices he has made. Kurtzman hinted that there are circumstances that have "radically" shifted that have caused the beloved Starfleet admiral to question his life decisions.

The two-minute trailer includes a surprising cameo, and Variety reports that CBS has also committed to two seasons of Star Trek: Lower Decks, an animated series focused on "the support crew serving on one of Starfleet's least important ships." (They also report that Seth MacFarlane announced season 3 of The Orville will be moving from Fox to Hulu.)

Also at Comic-Con, HBO shared the first full trailer for their upcoming Watchmen TV series, a sequel to the original Alan Moore graphic novel. Rolling Stone quotes HBO as saying that Watchmen "takes place in an alternative, contemporary reality in the United States, in which masked vigilantes became outlawed due to their violent methods."

Marvel also revealed that their next Thor movie (Thor: Love and Thunder) will incude both Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman as Lady Thor, and shared footage from their upcoming Black Widow movie. And CNET has a comprehensive rundown (with trailers) of all the DC Comics superhero shows on the CW network, including Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Black Lightning, and Batwoman.
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Comic-Con Trailers Include 'Star Trek: Picard' and HBO's 'Watchmen' Series

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  • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @04:37PM (#58961618) Journal
    Ever since Enterprise, (or well, Voyager for that matter) I'd just about given up on Star Trek.

    But this...this is the first I'm hearing of this... ok, you have my attention.

    Make it so. Please.
    • by 0100010001010011 ( 652467 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @07:32PM (#58962366)

      For me it's because it's actually about the FUTURE. This is an event that is set after everything. It's not an entire series of Retcon that they try to shoehorn into an established universe.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Spoiler alert for Discovery.

        Season 3 is going to be set in the far future too.

        Having said that, Discovery didn't did a lot of retconning. It actually did a lot of explain why certain things that don't really make sense are so, such as why the NX-01 had better tech than the NCC-1701.

  • I gotta say (Score:5, Interesting)

    by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @04:45PM (#58961670)

    Jeri Ryan looks pretty damn good. I wonder if she’s going to be a regular, or if it’s just a cameo? That could be a compelling sub-plot if they don’t force her into the stilettos and spandex.

    Also - and it pains me to say this, because I hate what CBS All-Access is - this trailer makes me wonder if they’ve actually figured it out again. Or maybe Picard is just that compelling a character.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Isn't this on Amazon?

      • outside us yes
        • 1. Does Canada count?
          2. Does Prime work the same way Netflix does, where it doesn't matter where you signed up for the account, only where you log in?

          As someone who regularly visits Canada, this could be a straightforward way to legally watch this...

          • “We have great rates, so come spend a weekend in Vancouver! Yes, it’ll probably be raining... but you can binge-watch Star Trek: Picard!”

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Wow, that's a pain. Well, at least you can get it by subscribing to CBS, the rest of us have to get Netflix for Discovery and now Amazon for Picard... Or just Pirate Bay for both.

    • Re:I gotta say (Score:4, Insightful)

      by elrous0 ( 869638 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @07:38PM (#58962394)

      That trailer was pure fan service. But don't be fooled. The trailer and all the ComiCon promotion leads you to think that old cast-members like Data and Seven of Nine will be series regulars. But this is super-SJW Alex Kurtzman we're talking about here, running the show. So I guarantee you when the series actually premieres, those old cast-members will turn out to have just one-off cameos and the real focus will be on Mary Sue women and PoC's. Picard will just be there for them to have an old white guy to humiliate, show-up, and kick in the head. He and those other old cast-members are just there to get the old fans in the door (because they didn't show up to watch Discovery).

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Kurrelgyre ( 548338 )

        It's like you've never watched Star Trek before, or at least weren't paying attention. Women and PoCs have been _series_ leads already.

        If you want to use SJW as an insult, you're in the wrong franchise.

        And a dumbass.

        • If you want to use SJW as an insult, you're in the wrong franchise.

          ... but probably on the right forum, unfortunately.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by fenrif ( 991024 )
          You don't understand what SJW means. Star Trek is not SJW. Star Trek is progressive. SJW is regressive. It apes progressive values and pays them lip service. That's why people like Kurtzman make such a huge deal about Star Trek finally having a strong female lead. Or a black lead. When we all know Star Trek has had these for years. Same reason why you get comic book films acting like "Finally we have a strong female protagonist in film!" when we have had those since the 70s. Or when you get George Lucas sa
          • Totally agree with you. Though I'd like to point out that all black films were a thing back in the 1920's.

          • Well, Lucas didn't quite say that Red Tails is the "first all black film," but he came close. He claimed in a public appearance that it was the first all-black action film with a sizable budget.

            It's a reasonably expensive movie. Normally black movies, say Tyler Perry movies or something, they're very low budget. Even they won't really release his movies, it goes to one of the lower, not major distributors...And this costs more than what those movies make.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Patrick Stewart is a proud SJW himself, and he played Picard that way. It would be bizarre and out-of-character if he didn't continue to act that way.

        The currently confirmed regular cast is 57% white, but the way, including the woman who appears to the focus of season 1.

        • As I've explained to you before [], my dear AmiMoJo, that's bullshit. Picard doesn't hesitate to assert the superiority of his culture's (life- and freedom- promoting) values and his tolerance of other cultures' values is narrowly defined within frameworks such as the (admittedly a little wonkily specified at times) Prime Directive. TNG was liberal, not SJW-liberal. No one tolerated Worf's shit. O'Brian was expected to set aside his racism against Cardassians but there wasn't affirmative action or safe spaces
          • eh, I think I linked too deeply in that reply chain.
          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            I don't know what your definition of SJW is, but it's wired.

            Also did you forget that Worf murdered a guy and Picard was pretty much fine with it.

            • I addressed that (directly to you, though it was a couple years ago) in depth in the reply chain quoted. It's not murder, it's permitted under Klingon law, done on Klingon property, while Worf is off the clock, and Picard still bitches him out and asks him if he wants to resign over it.

              My definition of SJW is the same one the rest of us non-SJW leftists are using. And we've explained it to you many, many times, Ami.
              • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                Your definition of SJW is that you are right.

                Picard is the original SJW, always fighting for what is right, taking the moral path. The exact kind of thing that pisses anti-SJWs off.

                • No, my definition is that egalitarian means egalitarian. Reverse discrimination is by and large not ok. (I'm an unusual anti-SJW in that I think the moral case for it can be made in certain circumstances, but it's a narrow set of circumstances and the side effects often make it not worth it compared to simply helping everyone equally and moving towards a more egalitarian, individualistic and meritocratic society).

                  Some prominent SJWs reject meritocracy entirely and *explicitly* (they reject it by name, wi
                  • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                    Isn't a noted trait of SJWs that they try to promote their own culture and ideas of right and wrong as morally superior?

                    It sounds like you are really thinking of the equally unlikely Cultural Marxists, who for reasons that are only poorly explained (mainly to do with being Jewish) want to destroy other cultures.

                    The stuff about Coraline is untrue, it was a fabrication by Brietbart and other far-right press. You give yourself away by feeling the need to mention that she is trans - it has zero relevant to the

                    • Isn't a noted trait of SJWs that they try to promote their own culture and ideas of right and wrong as morally superior?

                      No. Well, depends on your definition of culture. They typically over-vilify the mainstream culture they live in (not the SJW subculture) and often excuse away (or whatabout-away) problematic issues in non-western cultures.

                      The stuff about Coraline is untrue, it was a fabrication by Brietbart and other far-right press. You give yourself away by feeling the need to mention that she is trans - it has zero relevant to the point you are making.

                      I'm sorry you're misinformed, but she's publicly put her name to this several times [], and even the Contributor Covenant FAQ [] had to address it by saying while the creators of the CC are anti-meritocracy, the CC itself was not. (...anymore. I saw a proported early draft of the CC that was exp

                    • Probably no more replies. I am curious, though. Perhaps today is the day you'll admit your error? Maybe even apologize for spreading misinformation (claiming that a widely known fact was actually an alt-right fabrication)? You give an impressive aura of reasonableness but I've yet to see you actually confront things head on.
                    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                      No, I mean the cis white male stuff. Rejecting "reverse discrimination" isn't being anti-cis white, it's warning people not to try to use the CoC to shut down efforts to help people.

                      Rejecting meritocracy isn't all that radical really, the principal being that it's basically impossible to fairly and impartially measure a person's merit.

                    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                      Instead of accusing people of making errors and spreading misinformation, why not try to assume a minimal amount of good-faith and understand their argument/point of view?

                    • I did assume good faith with you for quite some time. I'm sure I invested perhaps 5 hours in replies to you specifically.

                      It was, to be charitable, rather sloppy of you to call something a Breitbart fabrication without addressing the other thing that was 100% true.
                    • That is literally the reactionary propagandistic interpretation of Communism that she is championing--reward without regard to effort and talent, built on the back of injustice arguments and "it's impossible to really determine effort and talent"

                      Doesn't matter how hard it is to judge peoples' merit; there is no sane alternative whatsoever. Her attack on meritocracy is part of a larger attack on individualism (as further evidenced by her comments on reverse discrimination)... if you can't judge individual
                    • (Also, the other thing wasn't a Breitbart fabrication, either, but that one requires digging and sourcing and debate about what things actually mean and entail.)
                    • Also, back OT: Would Picard be willing to humor any anti-meritocratic movement among his crew? I don't even say that he'd have to share the viewpoint, but even tolerating seems pretty unthinkable. Systematic affirmative action feels equally unthinkable, even though there was still plenty of racism to go around.
  • Sounds awesome (Score:4, Interesting)

    by martinX ( 672498 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @06:08PM (#58962000)

    "The series will explore how Picard has changed in that time, making him reckon with the choices he has made. Kurtzman hinted that there are circumstances that have "radically" shifted that have caused the beloved Starfleet admiral to question his life decisions." Picard's woke.

    • by elrous0 ( 869638 )

      Picard's woke.

      This is Alex Kurtzman we're talking about. Did you expect any less? Get ready for big ole' heap of "Let's see how much we can humliate the old straight white guy hero."

      Sad to see Patrick Stewart being cajoled into participating in this. It feels like disgustingly like elder abuse.

      • SJW: Someone who has run out of real oppression, and has to fake it.

        No, an SJW is someone that doesnt have any real oppression of their own, so focuses on the supposed real oppression of others, even when most of those others want them to fucking stop. They are the White Savior, here to save the oppressed, complete with the belief that the oppressed arent good enough to save themselves, because the White Savior is better than everyone.

  • And so it ends... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Sunday July 21, 2019 @09:25PM (#58962734)

    Having determined there might be some final, dim flicker of the optimism, basic decency and fun that were the core of the original series and Next Generation still surviving, Kurtzman has obviously decided to stamp them out with yet another "grounded" series.

    Any bets that Picard spends most of his time moping in a cabin (providing a short work day for Sir Pat) while some Michael Burnham type expounds endlessly from the captain's chair about how evil and genocidal the Federation is?

    With Kurtzman involved, I don't give this project much chance for success.

  • So they're going to have a thor with vagina and breast cancer and the balding of a chemo patient? yet has "the power of thor" and "is worthy"....pffft, save that awareness shit for a soap opera

  • And Picard, I mean come on, Steward is so good. I'm re-watching TNG lately on Netflix, it's still really good all these years later. The quality of the special effects in this new show look really nice, can't wait. Only problem is ... I'm not paying for cable so not sure how I'm going to watch this. $50 a month for a TV show is a bit extreme.

  • Brent Spiner, who played the character Data on TNG, said there was "no way" he could say no to the opportunity to work with Stewart again.

    I'm aware that Data died and transferred his memory. But when I see Brent Spiner say he's ready to go back.... and then I look him up.... It seems a bit odd that Data's memory at some point was put in an android that looks like an old and overweight man. I mean I guess they can play with make up and do other stuff. But that was my first thought.

    • Part of data's quest to be "more human" was, uhhh... getting old? Yeah, I got nothing. Hell, maybe he continued the Borg Queen's experiments on him from First Contact, grafting more synthetic human flesh on him. Flesh that will eventually age. More Terminator than Data. That would be a weird turn, but it would explain how an android would age.

      But it does seem that, unless properly maintained, a real android's performance would decline over time. Parts that are in use, even metallic ones, degrade over time.


      • Granted they could also just CGI his face onto "some schmuck" and have Brent do voice over? Like how they had to do for that Fast and Furious guy and Leia.

        Or CGI-ing Superman's mustache off in the Justice League movie.

panic: kernel trap (ignored)
