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CBS Will Celebrate 'Star Trek' Day 2020 With an Epic Trek Panel Marathon (space.com) 54

A reader shares a report from Space.com: It's been an incredible 54 years since "Star Trek" first debuted. On Tuesday (Sept. 8), actors from across the multi-decade franchise will celebrate an online "Star Trek" day with panels and discussions, while discussing the series' emphasis on diversity. More than three hours of free virtual panels will play at the Star Trek Day website here starting at 12 p.m. PDT (3 p.m. EDT or 1900 GMT). The multi-hour online event comes in the wake of a CBS announcement Sept. 2 that "Star Trek" will feature its first nonbinary and transgender characters in Season 3 of "Star Trek: Discovery," which premieres Oct. 15. Adira will be a nonbinary character played by non-binary actor Blu del Barrio, while transgender actor Ian Alexander will play Gray.

CBS All Access also pledged to donate $1 for every person who tweets the hashtag #StarTrekUnitedGives on Tuesday between 12 a.m. and 11:59 a.m. PDT (between 3 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8 and 2:59 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9 EDT, or between 0700 Tuesday, Sept. 8 and 0659 Wednesday, Sept. 9 GMT). The donations will go to "organizations who do the real-world work of championing equality, social justice and the pursuit of scientific advancements," CBS said in a statement. The organizations include the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering and the Equal Justice Initiative.
The article has included the full schedule for the event.
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CBS Will Celebrate 'Star Trek' Day 2020 With an Epic Trek Panel Marathon

Comments Filter:
  • Wait... (Score:5, Funny)

    by twocows ( 1216842 ) on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @06:59PM (#60486092)
    So it started September 8 at 3:00 PM EDT and was three hours long? And the story was posted at... 6:40 PM EDT on September 8?

    ...Well, at least the panels appear to be still available to watch on their website.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @07:08PM (#60486104)

    Three hours of panels is not Epic. That sounds like fun and a nice idea for those really into Star Trek, but it would have had to been multiple days to coming close to "Epic" I think... that's only about three ComiCon panels of content.

    • by Misagon ( 1135 )

      In comparison, a Star Wars Celebration convention used to last three to four days with multiple concurrent panels all day long each day.
      And I still wouldn't call that "epic".

      • I was kind of thinking something similar to myself, that Star Wars had pretty long panel events, but you laid out the matter clearly - while Celebration is fun it too is not really "Epic".

        I'm not sure what would be but it would have to be something on a grand scale. The closest thing I can think of that actually was kind of epic, was being on a cruise specifically for a single band - they brought several other bands on board as well and so for seven days you were on a cruise with these amazing bands playin

  • I don't remember all THAT much of a celebration..
  • by magarity ( 164372 ) on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @07:13PM (#60486122)

    Adira will be a nonbinary character played by non-binary actor Blu del Barrio, while transgender actor Ian Alexander will play Gray.

    This is the worst kind of affirmative action. How about next time an actor is hired to act the part based on, maybe, acting ability? Larry Drake didn't have to have Downs to play Benny on LA Law.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @07:32PM (#60486156)

      Adira will be a nonbinary character played by non-binary actor Blu del Barrio, while transgender actor Ian Alexander will play Gray.

      This is the worst kind of affirmative action. How about next time an actor is hired to act the part based on, maybe, acting ability? Larry Drake didn't have to have Downs to play Benny on LA Law.

      It's not possible for me to care any less about this non-binary retardation, but only because in this case, I could not possibly care any less about this piece of crap show.

    • by vlad30 ( 44644 )
      Exactly This why can't it be the best get the job like it was in the original ST Starfleet hired the best not based on quotas.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Maybe they were the best choices for those roles. You are just assuming that they were hired for those attributes, but you don't actually know that.

      This is a constant problem for anyone who didn't accept the default straight white male in the character editor before birth. People just assume they are incompetent or second rate and only got their job because they happen to be X. For some reason though when someone points out that the all-white board seems pretty unlikely given the demographics that's racist

      • by kyjo ( 1947414 )

        You are just assuming that they were hired for those attributes, but you don't actually know that.

        We do. It is clearly advertised and emphasized by the creators of the show.

  • Star trek (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @07:32PM (#60486158)

    I watched the first episode of the STD crap when it was broadcast on TV and it was so pathetic that I was actually in disbelief and cringed. I have zero interest in all of the bullshit tribal identity politics.

    On the old TV shows people were competent and their value flowed from their abilities not their identities. On STD you celebrate people simply for being a member of a tribe... it's pathetic, tribal, counterproductive and an effective way of killing a franchise.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      It took me around 4 hours to get through the first season, fastforwarding on netflix over all the crap bits and the second season was even worse, after trying to first two episode fast forwarding till nothing was left, I skipped to the last episode and fast forwarded through that so STD would continue to sit there in netflix continue to watch, yeah, no thanks.

      The show just written so painfully stupid, why do science fiction if you clearly to stupid to write science, to cheap to employ scientist to fact che

    • I watched both season one and two of Discovery.... man... it really is just... just awful. Season one was just a cinematic abortion. Michael Burnham really just is a bad Mary Sue, so much so that even the universe itself seem to bend itself to make sure she survives. That became obvious in the first episode when the entire deck of the ship she's on gets blasted out of existence save for a tiny little perfect square of deck-plate for her to sit on.
  • by Noishkel ( 3464121 ) on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @07:42PM (#60486188)
    For over 50 years we've enjoyed a multi-media franchise that celebrated the idea of humanity stepping past our superficial and ultimately petty differences as we travel into the future to explore space together. But this year... we get to celebrate and discus superficial physically and sexual abnormalities of two of the actors that are going to appear in the next season of Discovery. A show which itself is the most divisive version of Star Trek we've yet seen.
    • Discovery. A show which itself is the most divisive version of Star Trek we've yet seen.

      You obviously did not watch ST:Picard yet.

      • Watched the first three episodes of Picard and I found it pretty 'meh', so I just watch review of it on YouTube so I would get the jist of the rest. I still don't know if I'd say that Picard is more divisive than Discovery. But it's probably pretty close.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      For over 50 years we've enjoyed a multi-media franchise that celebrated the idea of humanity stepping past our superficial and ultimately petty differences as we travel into the future to explore space together.

      Which is why it was kinda weird that in previous iterations the majority of the crew was white. They never explained what happened to the descendants of over a billion Chinese, for example. Not a single Arabic character, can't even recall one as an extra.

      Most humans alive today are non-white so what changed over the centuries?

      • Better UV radiation shielding is what changed.

        Most black people are born white. You need sunlight for melanin to change skin pigment.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Not a single Arabic character

        Ahem... [fandom.com]

  • There hasn't been any good Star Trek since The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, or Voyager. Those were the last series that were watchable and enjoyable. Everything since then has been garbage. Why can't we have good writers again?!

    • There hasn't been any good Star Trek since The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, or Voyager. Those were the last series that were watchable and enjoyable. Everything since then has been garbage. Why can't we have good writers again?!

      What, you don't want to watch shows about non-binary characters?

      • What, you don't want to watch shows about non-binary characters?

        Absolutely not. It's about time the Bynars got their own series.

        • by DaHat ( 247651 )

          Bynars went extinct, having been limited to 16-bit addressing and not having invented Octal or Hexadecimal representations to save time.

      • by DaHat ( 247651 )

        If you've not, give a watch to The Orville. At first I was skeptical, however I've remained surprised how well it's writers understand what made (past tense, it is now dead) Star Trek Star Trek, and still able to explore new ideas without the same heavy handed pandering we see from what we call Star Trek today.

    • by DaHat ( 247651 ) on Tuesday September 08, 2020 @08:16PM (#60486266)

      Oops, replied to wrong parent:

      If you've not, give a watch to The Orville. At first I was skeptical, however I've remained surprised how well it's writers understand what made (past tense, it is now dead) Star Trek Star Trek, and still able to explore new ideas without the same heavy handed pandering we see from what we call Star Trek today.

      • by mfearby ( 1653 )

        Yep, I agree 100%. The Orville is more Trek than these new "Treks" (Enterprise, Discovery, Picard). The new movies have been awful, too. Lens flares everywhere and blowing up Vulcan?! I'd watch The Orville any day over "new Trek".

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          The first season of The Orville was okay for a first season. Recycled a lot of Trek plots but with some lame jokes thrown in. Had the so-called fans up in arms because of the ridiculously strong female character and some all-woman away teams but I found it enjoyable for the most part. The episode they did about gender was a stand-out, although it pissed off a lot of "fans".

          The second season started really badly, three terrible episodes in a row. Basically a domestic sitcom in space. They were obviously savi

      • by Mitreya ( 579078 )

        give a watch to The Orville.

        You know the end is nigh when Seth MacFarlane show is the one closest to the spirit of Star Trek.
        Comedians were doing better news for some time but better SciFi is a new development.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      There hasn't been any good Star Trek since The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, or Voyager. Those were the last series that were watchable and enjoyable. Everything since then has been garbage. Why can't we have good writers again?!

      Because all the writers in Hollyweird have gone ape-shit bananas in their hatred of anything that stinks of conservatism. They must push their virtue signalling into the faces of the unbaptized so that they may be healed in the menstrual blood of transgendered men. Heretics must be punished by assaulting them wherever they may be found and unpersoned when assault is impractical. Anyone speaking out the name of the Trump, is to be shamed and impoverished, forever to wear the scarlet "T" upon their breast.

    • I'd personally argue that Enterprise had it's moments. But yeah, it was much weaker in terms of over all story quality than the series before it. But everything after that was pretty piss poor.
  • a Sulu/Kirk sword fight.
  • emphasis on diversity

    Humans are the only diverse species in star trek.

  • ..and I have no intention of doing so, either.
    On the other hand I enjoyed watching Picard. Glad someone put up a torrent of it. xD
    I'll still never forgive CBS for the whole Axanar debacle is why. They could have thrown their support behind it but they chose to kill it.
  • CBS perhaps takes the far-left source material a little too literally for everyone's good.
  • Why did they have to ruin a great idea by turning it into a political correctness circle jerk on diversity.
    Load photon torpedoes!
  • Star Trek has new aliens. "Star Trek" will feature its first nonbinary and transgender characters in Season 3 of "Star Trek: Discovery," which premieres Oct. 15. Adira will be a nonbinary character played by non-binary actor Blu del Barrio, while transgender actor Ian Alexander will play Gray.

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