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'Wonder Woman 1984' is Coming To HBO Max (and Some US Theaters) on Dec. 25 (techcrunch.com) 93

Although COVID-19 is surging in the United States and around the world, Warner Bros. still plans to release "Wonder Woman 1984" on Christmas Day -- but its plans are are no longer limited to a theatrical release. From a report: Director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot both posted tweets last night announcing that in in the United States, the film will be released simultaneously in theaters and on WarnerMedia's streaming service HBO Max. "THE TIME HAS COME," Jenkins wrote. "At some point you have to choose to share any love you have to give over everything else. We love our movie as we love our fans, so we truly hope that our film brings a little bit of joy and reprieve to all of you this holiday season." A press release from HBO Max offers a few more details: The film will debut in theaters internationally on December 16, then launch in U.S. theaters and on HBO Max on December 25. It will be available to the streaming service's U.S. subscribers for one month at no additional cost.
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'Wonder Woman 1984' is Coming To HBO Max (and Some US Theaters) on Dec. 25

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  • They actually expect theatres to be open come Christmas?
    You couldn't pay me enough to go into a theatre during an out of control pandemic today, and things seem to be only getting worse.

    Thanks Obama.
    • by BeerFartMoron ( 624900 ) on Thursday November 19, 2020 @01:20PM (#60743542)
      Maybe it will be the in-flight movie on the 737 MAX's, that way we can safely avoid the dangers of the theaters.
    • A large portion of theatres opened back around August, when it looked like a variety of movies were going to be released and some did like Tenet, New Mutant,etc.
      Since then lots of them have reclosed, others have switched to showing older movies(and at least for a local chain where I live they say they are making enough money to keep thing operational) and others renting you an entire screen for around $100.
      • and others renting you an entire screen for around $100.

        This, I actually think might be fun. As far as I know they are not doing it where I live... Yet.

        • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

          and others renting you an entire screen for around $100.

          This, I actually think might be fun. As far as I know they are not doing it where I live... Yet.

          My wife's sister's family did it for a birthday party for their twin girls. Was actually really fun, and it was one of those higher end theaters with large, reclining seats. Hocus Pocus ans similar films were about $100, new releases were more. And yeah, supposedly you could also just rent the theater and bring in a DVD for about $100 as well. Honestly not a bad deal for a personal date night movie, really.

    • They were praying for that Christmas miracle. Hollywood watching too many of their own movies.
    • Fun fact: Thus far, not a single instance of Covid transmission has been traced to a cinema, anywhere in the world. It defies logic, since given what we know about its airborne status, we might expect some transmission to occur. It's certainly possible that poor contact tracing has missed some instances. But plenty of countries around the world do extremely thorough contact tracing, and there have been dozens upon dozens of instances of known infected persons being in audiences where the entire audience
      • Might also be a bit of personal responsibility, even if (in some cases) it's only motivated by shame and/or embarrassment. Even someone with moderate illness might be able to stifle their coughing for the 15 minutes it takes to go grab a few things from the store, or even the 30 minutes it takes to eat, but most would be aware that they won't be able to do so for nearly 2 hours.

        For the reasons you have outlined, transmission probability is relatively low. Additional reasons I can think of: low physical ac
    • Some theater chains are offering private screening for small groups. It's where you and your friends/family members rent out a entire screen for a movie. Or you can just be the only one. Choice is up to you.
    • I have been going to theaters more now than I did before. Less crowds makes it a nicer experience. Plus I'm enjoying them bringing back classics like Back To The Future on the big screen. The theaters are blocking off several seats between groups to keep them safe and are supposed to keep your mask on if you're not eating or drinking.
    • The film will debut in theaters internationally on December 16, then launch in U.S. theaters and on HBO Max on December 25.

      America isn't the world. Who knew?

  • by johnck ( 782010 )

    Well, at the very least this will hopefully put an end to the DCEU if the movie is this bad. Hollywood, and AT&T in particular, needs to fire many woke people before any of their properties can every approach being viable again.

    • by Mitreya ( 579078 )

      Hollywood, and AT&T in particular, needs to fire many woke people before any of their properties can every approach being viable again.

      A nice short overview [youtube.com] of where Wonder Woman 1984 is going.

    • Well, at the very least this will hopefully put an end to the DCEU if the movie is this bad.

      The DCEU has so many bad movies already that I don't see that on more would be an impediment to anything. There is irony that you brought that out about WW since that was one of the rare exceptions to DC's overall trend.

    • It has nothing to do with being "woke", it is because the superhero industry has turned into a widget manufacturer, and is turning out exactly the same item each time, just like it has been designed to do.
      They will stop doing that once the ROI gets too low.
      The fact they are now having to stoop to Wonder Woman shows that they're not too far away from that, as Wonder Woman is the worst of the super heroes, and always has been.
      Go back and watch that cringe-inducing crap from the 1970's TV series and tell
      • Yeah. Take Batman, Superman and Flash for example. Those cheesy TV shows put the nail in making any money on those superheros too. {/sarc

        Wonder Woman is the worst of the super heroes, and always has been.

        Comic stats disagree with you.

  • Seriously, why do superheroes insist in wearing such ridiculous outfits?
    • "Ridiculous" is one of the great spices of life.

    • Because otherwise they're just vigilantes. That's what I liked about The Watchmen, in particular, the graphic novel, because it actually questions the whole superhero trope, and actively undermines it. Because, other than Dr. Manhattan, they're all a bunch of fundamentally broken if not outright severely mentally ill people. As to Dr. Manhattan, he's basically a god, and is as detached from humanity as you could imagine an actual creature with superpowers would be.

      (And I have nothing to say about the TV ser

      • Because otherwise they're just vigilantes. That's what I liked about The Watchmen, in particular, the graphic novel, because it actually questions the whole superhero trope, and actively undermines it. Because, other than Dr. Manhattan, they're all a bunch of fundamentally broken if not outright severely mentally ill people. As to Dr. Manhattan, he's basically a god, and is as detached from humanity as you could imagine an actual creature with superpowers would be.

        (And I have nothing to say about the TV series)

        I have lots to say about the TV series; "don't get me started" is all I ask...

    • For the most part I agree, but I'll make an exception for Gal Gadot's costume. :-) The original one, I mean. The gold one is a bit overdone.

      Speaking of which, did anyone else notice how her bottom half varied in coverage from cheeky to bicycle shorts from scene to scene in the JL movie? I guess they were magical.

    • You wanted serious real-world super heroes?

      Its just part of the genre.

      • I always thought the show Heroes (season 1) did a good job on showing what it would be like for people to get super powers in real life.
        • I always thought the show Heroes (season 1) did a good job on showing what it would be like for people to get super powers in real life.

          Awww, Heroes!

          Quite possibly one of the best Big Bang Theory references in the series' run:
          "You know, they have to help the viewers let go. Firefly did a movie to wrap things up. Buffy the Vampire Slayer continued on as a comic book. Heroes gradually lowered the quality season by season till we were grateful it ended."

    • as borderline bondage fetish porn. Seriously, look it up. It's why she has a lasso.
    • Seriously, why do superheroes insist on wearing such ridiculous outfits?

      The outfits are the least ridiculous thing about superheroes.

      Also: Santa Claus isn't real.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Please, no super hero shaming.

    • Seriously, why do superheroes insist in wearing such ridiculous outfits?

      Well she doesn't have a need for body armor, and if you got it flaunt it right?

      The real question is why do anime girls and computer game characters wear nothing. They aren't invulnerable. Snake standing there with his army camos, while Quiet is there in her bikini camos, though she is wearing gloves so I guess she's taking finger safety seriously. After all the most common workplace injury is a hand injury after all.

      • It's well known in the fantasy gaming community that the female characters armor is skimpier as it's protective capabilities go up. Basically, if it's a single strand chain around the nipples and nethers, she's fully protected and no sword can touch her.

    • Do you spend Christmas telling kids all the things Santa can't do? He's not real either.
  • Correction. (Score:4, Funny)

    by RightSaidFred99 ( 874576 ) on Thursday November 19, 2020 @01:24PM (#60743560)
    Wonder Woman 1984 coming to HBO Max, some theaters, and mainly Torrent and NZB sites on Dec 25th.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      and mainly Torrent and NZB sites on Dec 25th.

      If I have any interest in a movie, that's how I watch it. Movie theaters were a toxic cesspool BEFORE the covid-pandemic. You would have to be insane to go into one now.

    • That's the interesting thing here. The movie industry has spent so long fighting against piracy and about the only fight they even were remotely able to get a few punches in on was the prevention of leaking of high quality video before the Blu-Ray release. Now with simultaneous releases online they are going to have to contend with full quality pirated copies available on day one.

      • by brunes69 ( 86786 )

        If the industry would fix it's archaic IP rights issues then this would not be a problem.

        If HBO Max were available worldwide for a decent price, then they would have hundreds of millions of subscribers and the piracy would not even be relevant. But as it stands, they can't do that because WB doesn't have distribution rights to its own content in most international markets.

        This is what Netlix has solved that the legacy studios like WB and Disney are still wrestling with. Netflix does not worry or care about

      • I assumed they were lowering the value of their releases until they've got to the point where they're not even worth pirating.
        Disney have done that with Star Wars anyway.
        • Well DC has done that with most of its franchises too, but the first WW movie was actually pretty good, except for the final act. This one here apparently is a disaster waiting to be released.

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        That's the interesting thing here. The movie industry has spent so long fighting against piracy and about the only fight they even were remotely able to get a few punches in on was the prevention of leaking of high quality video before the Blu-Ray release. Now with simultaneous releases online they are going to have to contend with full quality pirated copies available on day one.

        Not full quality - streaming doesn't have the quality of Blu-Ray. But for the majority of viewers it's good enough. (A 1080p stre

      • by EvilSS ( 557649 )

        Now with simultaneous releases online they are going to have to contend with full quality pirated copies available on day one.

        Oh, AT&T has this covered though! HBOMax is 1080p, no HDR, no 4K. Take that pirates and everyone else expecting quality from an AT&T company!

    • Wonder Woman 1984 coming to HBO Max, some theaters, and mainly Torrent and NZB sites on Dec 25th.

      That long to wait for the torrent? I was expecting a Thanksgiving release...

  • ...but I probably won't get the opportunity. This sequestering thing has triggered wife's agoraphobia, and it's difficult to get her out of the house. I wanted to see New Mutants in theater, but we're scheduled to see it this weekend at home.

    I've been doing all the errands, taking dog to the park and so forth, but I draw the line at seeing a movie in theater that wife also wanted to see. Wouldn't be fair to her.

    I think it's optimistic to believe this will all be over by December. I wouldn't be surprised

  • Wonder Woman 1984 had a predicted gross of over a billion. That now seems really unlikely.
    • Wonder Woman 1984 had a predicted gross of over a billion. That now seems really unlikely.

      Speaking of things more full of shit than the Christmas goose, let's hear it for all those prediction experts who have done such a bang-up job lately pimping bought-and-paid-for results.

      I really couldn't think of a group I should support less than Hollywood right now, but thanks for reminding me of professions that should never return, regardless of pandemic.

  • I want HBO max on linux or the Directv box

  • by JudgeFurious ( 455868 ) on Thursday November 19, 2020 @01:50PM (#60743686)

    Holding Wonder Woman 1984 back until after the election was clearly just another in a long line of left wing attempts to subvert the 2020 election. Trump lawyers are preparing a legal challenge based on this in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia even as we read this.

  • by dmt0 ( 1295725 )

    So now each time you google "1984", the first links will be to some comic series.

  • Since we don't have HBO Max in good old Canuckistan aka Canada, due to a deal between HBO and Crave, I'm curious to know if this means that we'll be seeing this on Crave north of the border?

  • More like "save any money left to scrape up after theaters all died of corona".

    While those DC movies weren't doing well to begin with.
    And I'm not talking their individual quality as films or the unfettered lunacy of Zack Snyder's Justice League which he now apparently ponders releasing as a 4-hour (or longer) black-and-white IMAX version as the "most fan-centric, most pure, most Justice League experience". [cbr.com]

    I'm talking about knowing that those characters and franchises have behind them a cultural legacy of al

  • Same place as always, I guess..

    So I'll just have to wait for the Blu Ray, like everything else that is US-only viewing.

    • by bakes ( 87194 )

      "The film will debut in theaters internationally on December 16, then launch in U.S. theaters and on HBO Max on December 25. "

      While you are waiting for the Blu-Ray you could finish reading the summary.

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )

        My point was about HBO Max, not theaters.

        And it's hardly the time to be talking about going to a theater anyways. I doubt any in my area will even be open by then.

  • Did they cast a male in the lead role just to be hip and with it?
  • Because I've been seeing ads for it at Cinemark basically slamming watching new releases on "the small screen" and they feature WW84 in that ad.
  • I'll wait for it to hit Amazon at $6. No burning need to see a film at release.
  • That would be my first stop if I ever got a time machine. In addition, I'm pretty sure a time machine would sufficiently impress Lynda Carter to get it on.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
