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Harrison Ford Will Return in a Fifth 'Indiana Jones' Movie (cnn.com) 87

New submitter Arthur, KBE writes: Harrison Ford will be grabbing his whip and ramming on his hat for a fifth "Indiana Jones" movie, Disney has confirmed -- a mere 41 years after the first installment, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," was released. Disney said in a tweet on Friday that the movie would be produced by its production arm Lucasfilm and released in July 2022, and that "Indy himself, Harrison Ford, will be back to continue his iconic character's journey." The entertainment giant also confirmed the news in an investor presentation, saying the movie was currently in "pre-production." There had been mounting speculation that a new movie was in the works. In February, Ford told Ellen DeGeneres in an appearance on her talk show that production on a new Indiana Jones movie would begin this year. "It's going to be fun. I am excited," he said on the show. "They're great fun to make." The last film from the franchise was 2008's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," which came almost 20 years after the third movie, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," which was released in 1989.
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Harrison Ford Will Return in a Fifth 'Indiana Jones' Movie

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  • by bugs2squash ( 1132591 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:33PM (#60820474)
    and the walker of doom
  • Woke Jones (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Brain-Fu ( 1274756 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:35PM (#60820490) Homepage Journal

    I wonder if this movie will be as awesome as Star Wars: The Last Jedi,

    or if they have learned their lesson.

    • The last Jedi was half a good film and half a truly awful one. The rise of Skywalker didn' even have the good bits. It was a mess of useless junk.

      • Re:Woke Jones (Score:5, Interesting)

        by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:53PM (#60820558) Journal

        I'm trying to recall which part of The Last Jedi was the good half. Was it the Battlestar Galactica redux? Was it the bizarre and pointless casino planet followed by the even more pointless breaking into the evil super spaceship, or was it the whole "Hi, I'm Luke Skywalker, former Jedi and now alien milk drinking douche bag." About the only part of that movie that was any good was the final battle sequence between sorta-kinda-force ghost Luke and Kylo and his army. What was that, about five minutes of the film?

        And The Rise of Skywalker was just pure bad from beginning to end. To have Palpatine somehow survive getting thrown down the main reactor shaft then somehow go to the Sith home world (that's a thing, apparently), and then build a massive fleet of starkiller spacecraft, but wait until the First Order shows so he can hand them to these guys that have an even worse track record than he and Vader did blows my mind. It was literally like someone wrote a bunch of scenes that had nothing to do with each other, stitched them together and called them a movie.

        But the worst, I'll repeat the worst part of that last film (and there were so many gawdawful bits) was killing Chewbacca, which really made me angry and wanted the brave, if somewhat stiff and hackish heroes to win, was then pulling out the rug and going "Oh no, you see there was this second totally different shuttle we weren't shown so Chewbacca lives!" I think me and my buddies were playacting better storylines with our action figures back in 1978. Not even at six years of age would I have come up with that moronic a plot twist.

        The one good thing I'll say about the third trilogy is that it actually made me enjoy the prequel trilogy which, for all their faults, actually felt like Star Wars films. Sure, Hayden Christensen has all the charisma of a waxworks figure, but he wasn't an impossibly powerful Mary Sue. His personality was one dimensional, but at least it was a recognizable personality, and you know, there was some character development, so in the first film he doesn't just magically figure out how to use the Force sufficient to fuck with an actually trained Force user.

        • I'm trying to recall which part of The Last Jedi was the good half. Was it the Battlestar Galactica redux? Was it the bizarre and pointless casino planet

          God no that bit was fucking terrible.

          "Hi, I'm Luke Skywalker, former Jedi and now alien milk drinking douche bag."

          Actually I like what they did with Luke. Whiny guy did the ultimate flounce. It really first with his character from the first film.

          About the only part of that movie that was any good was the final battle sequence between sorta-kinda-force gh

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            I'd have liked to see an admission from Yoda that the Jedi Order was part of the problem. He encouraged Luke to abandon the old ways but never actually admitted that they were what caused all the drama in the first place, leading directly to Anakin's turning to the dark side and the fall of not just the Order but the whole galaxy into dictatorship.

            It felt like he was still lying by omission to Luke, who didn't seem to be aware of exactly what happened to his father (or Ahsoka).

            Maybe they weren't ready to ta

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Wasn't it obvious? The casino planet was so Finn could come to understand what the rebellion was really about. Not just fighting the Empire/First Order, but justice for all the oppressed in the galaxy. One of the major failings of the Jedi was that they ignored stuff like slavery, which lead directly to Anakin becoming Vader.

          What would your take on Luke have been? He's been gone for decades, in order for there to be some kind of plot he had to be side-lined while the First Order rose up or you would be aski

    • by ahodgson ( 74077 )

      Crystal Skull was horrible, so probably not.

      • Crystal Skull was horrible, so probably not.

        As silly as it was in spots, it was better than "Temple of Doom".

    • Did you see the last Indiana Jones?? I'm still trying to gouge my eyes out.

      • Oh, great. More ammunition for South Park to use for another episode of raping of Indiana Jones [latimes.com].

        Speculation about the plot has been all over the place: Atlantis? The Bermuda Triangle? Oak Island treasure? Stargate crossover?

        Given the 12 years since the last movie and multiple director changes, the movie seems to be less like Raiders of the Lost Ark and more like Jurassic Park.
    • We all know that the pattern with Indiana Jones movies goes like this:

      1: Awesome, 2: Suck, 3: Awesome, 4: Suck

      From this, we can see that we're due for 5: Awesome for the next IJ movie.

      (Already hoping this post doesn't return to haunt me... :P)


  • I sure hope Disney has learned their lessons with Star Wars, and (even though they didn't own Lucasfilm then) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    • If you look at the mountains of marvel and Star Wars shit they are looking to churn out next year I think the only thing they have learned is Milk the bastards for as long as it is profitable.
      • Yeah, but considering the diminishing returns that the SW franchise has seen after the highs (money wise, at least) of The Force Awakens and Rebel One (which I actually thought was the best of the new films, and certainly the most Star Wars-feeling), it strikes me they may have milked it for all its worth. The Mandalorian is okay, but honestly, it's just a Spaghetti Western in space, and if I want good spaghetti westerns, I'll go put on one of the Dollars Trilogy. The Mandalorian is only good because the la

    • I sure hope Disney has learned their lessons with Star Wars,

      The force awakens: 2 billion (3th highest grossing film of all time on release)
      The last jedi: 1.3 billion (9th highest grossing film of all time on release)
      Rise of skywalker: 1 billion (32nd highest grossing film of all time on relaese).

      What lesson, precisely, did you think they learned?

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:43PM (#60820526) Homepage

    Outracing Nurse Ratchet, sliding under that arm that toll bridges use, and of course, using the whip to pull himself into a shower.

    But I am actually looking forward to it. It is literally impossible to be worse than the crystal skull fiasco.

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      Hopefully, the start is the final scene of Crystal Skull followed by him waking up in his office, then starting a proper adventure.

    • It is literally impossible to be worse than the crystal skull fiasco.

      Don't speak too soon. I fully expect the movie will be about a bumbling, incompetent older Indiana Jones recognizing his white male privilege and handing the reigns over to the smarter, stronger, flawless Mary Sue Jones confidently ready to take his place.

    • by Macdude ( 23507 )

      gurps_npc: "It is literally impossible to be worse than the crystal skull fiasco".

      Disney: "Here, hold my beer!"

  • by MemoryDragon ( 544441 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:46PM (#60820538)

    Indiana Jones and the lost dentals...

  • by Waffle Iron ( 339739 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:50PM (#60820554)

    Hopefully the plot doesn't involve the protagonist attempting to operate a small aircraft.

    • Hopefully the plot doesn't involve the protagonist attempting to operate a small aircraft.

      Now, now, he only had a problem as a pilot because there was a snake in the cockpit. Each time.

  • Please no... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sargeUSMC ( 905860 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:54PM (#60820568)

    ...just no. Make it stop.

    • I take it that you didn't like Rocky XXXVIII either.
    • Honestly. Who asked for this movie to even be made and who has any interest in seeing this? Even if they didn't completely wreck the franchise with crystal skull there is absolutely no reason to have another Indy.

    • As long as you keep believing their lie that informatiom cam be "owned", they can keep doing this.
      Stop feeding them. (Ok, more realistic: Stop others from feeding them, as you probanly already did, long ago.)

      Copyprivilege used to be 5 years, by the way. Inly would be long public domain by nowy by any sane standard, even if we still had physical records that made such a business model make sense in physical reality.

    • I wish beyond wish Harrison Ford had stopped acting in 2006 like his late film-father, Sean Connery, did.

      Instead he continues his quest to destroy every great character he ever put to film.

  • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @04:59PM (#60820580) Homepage

    They nuke the fridge twice in this movie.

  • Opening line: OK Junior this is how we did it in my day.

  • In this installment, we find out just how much hot garbage fans can swallow.

  • by NateFromMich ( 6359610 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @05:40PM (#60820710)
    They de-age him with CGI for the entire length of the film.

    Then we'll all just bitch that he looks like Tarkin.

  • Just saying . . . . .

  • Why? Because now movies especially from Disney are written from top to bottom with only money in mind. Nobody cares if anyone likes it.

  • Enough. Let him be the grandpa in some heartwarming hallmark crap. He is not an action hero any more.
  • Bye bye, Indy... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by hyades1 ( 1149581 ) on Friday December 11, 2020 @06:34PM (#60820922)

    They killed Harrison Ford off in Star Wars so they could change the focus to young, cheap unknown actors. I have to think this movie will be all about a young, telegenic stuntman who receives some kind of dangerous artifact from the dying hand of a fatally-wounded Indiana Jones. The only question is whether this happens at the beginning of the movie or the end.

    It wasn't until after significant backlash that we started hearing unconvincing protestations from The Mouse that they really didn't want to kill off Han Solo. I have to suspect they're now ready to slaughter Indy and cry a river of crocodile tears all the way to the bank.

    • They killed Harrison Ford off in Star Wars so they could change the focus to young, cheap unknown actors.

      You do know that the original Star Wars movie was deliberately made with young, cheap, unknown actors? I think that only Alec Guinness would have rung a bell with anybody.

      • Yes. So what? You do know Lucas wasn't Disney, right?

      • While not exactly A-listers, Peter Cushing and James Earl Jones were established and well-known actors at the time as well. But yeah, Ford, Hamill, and Fisher were pretty much nobodies when they were brought on.

  • Then milk it some more,
    like it is a whore,
    like it is a whore!

    [Intro ends. Song starts] ...

    -- The Hollywood Song, by Ima-Gina "Ry'p-Rop" Erty.

    • Indy's Theme from Raiders sounds a lot like "Happiness Is", which in turn was used for advertising Kent cigarettes. Coffin nails.
    • Milk that cow until it dies!
      Then milk it some more,
      like it is a whore,

      If you're milking dead prostitutes then you have some fairly specific tastes but you might find that analogies based on those are not as widely understood as you might think.

  • Well, if you do this, please leave out various Indys, Jr., trying to hand off the franchise to a new actor. Your casting directors have no ability to find an actor good at self-effacing humor.

  • I love the Indiana Jones moves and star wars movies, can even tolerate the crystal skull...kinda (except the ending). Raiders of the Lost ark was the first movie I ever saw at a cinema. But please for fucks sake just stop, The last thing I want to see is another piece of shit that trashes those fond memories, where you try to cash in one more time to kill off the character to hand the role over to some nobody with a really weak plot that leaves us all feeling let down. Let the series rest.
  • I mean there are only three Indiana Jones movies, so if number 5 is coming out in 2022 then the 4th one must be coming out soon, right?
  • by Tom ( 822 )

    There was a fourth?

    No, there wasn't. I think we all agree that there were three movies.

  • I hope this one has aliens.

  • Indiana Jones and the Contractual Obligation

  • Watch, as Indy races against his nemesis to be the first to find the fabled silver dollar in the back yard of their retirement home.

    What is the point of this? Disney is lost.

  • or just the worst Indiana Jones movie ever.

    • by ebvwfbw ( 864834 )

      or just the worst Indiana Jones movie ever.

      So many "woke" films to choose from for that title.

  • Do people really want to see geriatric cases in action movies?

  • Regression. The compulsive desire to relive a lost past amid the degradation of old age. It's a phenomenon that was famously cited by WS in the 7 stages of man monologue from As You Like It:

    Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
    With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
    His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
    For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
    Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
    And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
    That ends this strange eventful history,
    Is second ch

  • In what year is the setting for this movie? To match up with the time from the Crystal Skull movie, it will probably have to be set sometime in the late 60's- early 70's. It then can only be called "Indiana Jones and the Summer of Love".
  • Age of Sean Connery in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusad": Late 50s.
    Age of Harrison Ford Today: 78.

There are running jobs. Why don't you go chase them?
