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Netflix is Exploring Developing 'N-Plus' ( 43

Custom TV show playlists? In memoriam pages? They're all things that Netflix is weighing for "N-Plus," a project it describes as a "future online space where you can learn more about the Netflix shows and things related to them." From a report: In a survey sent to users, including Protocol reporter Biz Carson, Netflix queried people about a wide range of features and content, including podcasts, user-generated playlists, how-tos and more. "N-Plus is a future online space where you can learn more about the Netflix shows you love and anything related to them," the survey said. Contacted by Protocol, a Netflix spokesperson said that the survey was part of regular efforts to poll its audience on things the company was exploring, but said that it didn't have anything further to share for now. Netflix has long produced behind-the-scenes interviews, podcasts and other supporting content to promote its originals, and shared it through YouTube, Instagram and other platforms; examples for this include its Netflix Family Instagram account or Strong Black Lead Twitter following. The survey now suggests that the company may double down on those promotional efforts, while also adding some additional social features.
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Netflix is Exploring Developing 'N-Plus'

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  • by DrXym ( 126579 )
    All that sounds like Netflix double-speak admitting some new content go down like a lead balloon. But rather than fix whatever the problem was with commissioning that content they'd rather just hype it up and paper over the cracks.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      If you have watched any television recently, you know what the "N" in N-Plus really means.

    • At this point, there are so many streaming services and even plenty of free content, that Netflix isn't necessary anymore, even if you like watching online TV a lot.

      • examples for this include its Netflix Family Instagram account or Strong Black Lead Twitter following.


        I wonder what kind of uproar they'd get if they also had a "Strong White Lead" Twitter thread?

        A "Strong Asian Lead"?

        • Well sure that'll be easy to test.

          For the next 50 years or so, make 99.9% of films and shows without a "strong white lead", then introduce a few under that label, and see how people react.

          I think the reception will be positive.

    • Obligatory [].

      Sorry for all those who already saw it. This is is to give an explanation to OP.

  • ...does Netflix care what their customers think? I think the removal of the review system is pretty obvious they don't.
    • ...does Netflix care what their customers think?

      Does any company? I mean, honestly it doesn't seem like it.

      • ...does Netflix care what their customers think?

        Does any company? I mean, honestly it doesn't seem like it.

        This is an unfortunate side effect of living in one of the largest countries. Businesses no longer have to care about their customers. If they piss off a million people it doesn't matter because there are a million more to replace them.

      • That's why we invented this newfangled thing, called ... "dem ocra si". Power to the people, yadda yadda.


        Ancient Greece

      • Good point.
  • In memoriam pages?

    RIP BeerFartMoron. If only you had gotten your fat ass off of that couch and gone outside instead of trying to unlock that final N+ achievement of "Watched every last turd of exclusive content."

  • All I needed was for Netflix to honor my wishes to not autoplay crap, not show my kids ads and give me some form of influence over what my kids could access.

    I know, that's explicitly not their business model.
    That's why I cancelled the service.

    • File sharing is, and will always be better.

      Frankly, given my experience, that is true even for creators.

      (We invented Kickstarter, Patreon, etc. Media executives are an obsolete job. We can decide ourselves. By their standards of, Hardcore Henry would have never been made. And look at it: It is epic!)

  • If they would offer a standard API with a token that proves payment, instead of a walled garden where you only can use their clients. People would already have added ALL the features, and all Netflix would have to do, is point new users to the best, most trusted client, or make one of their own if there isn'tt (yet) such a thing, and make it open source..

    To get a feeling for how crazy the current situation is, if it feels normal to you, is imagine you could only watch their films on their screens, inside th

  • When are they going to have news and sports?

  • Strong Black Lead Twitter following

    Reminds me of the Marina Franklin [] joke -- in this trailer [] for the film Hysterical [] on FX:

    Strong Black Woman. That never felt like a compliment, that always felt like work. Like, "Hey, what you doin' on Saturday? I got this heavy couch, I need a strong black woman."

  • I don't think they should be effectively abbreviating their name in any context to basically 'The N-Word'

  • I'm pretty sure that is their real intention. The ol bait and switch maneuver
    • This is the latest marketing trick; add extra letters and words to the name of a brand version that is crippled, so people think they are getting more when they are actually getting less. Like the "S" in Windows 10 S.

      Of course, all except the dumbest people will get wise to this, and the companies will have to switch to a new naming scheme.

  • A good replacement for myspace, and another social media "feed"!

    I've been sitting around, hoping to have more social sites to manage/follow and this seems to be an answer!!!

    • Look around Facebook, and you will find that it should be called "Anti-social media".

        When was the last time you talked to your neighbor during the time you are chatting it up with an associate ("friend" is not the right term here) a thousand miles away.

      Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm not doing something right, but Facebook leaves me feeling more depressed and isolated during the rare times I use it.

  • Comments on the movies would turn netflix into a community. It would revolutionize the space.

    • Been there, got rid of that. Not comments exactly, but user reviews (which you could upvote and downvote, but sadly not actually reply to). Before that they had a whole social networking element to the website, with profiles, followers, and lists. The user reviews were the last vestige of all that before they were finally eliminated as well. Netflix always claimed only a tiny minority cared about that stuff, and they were probably right. At this point if it all came back I would probably ignore it.

      • "Netflix claimed only a tiny minority cared about that stuff"

        I never had Netflix, but I imagine the comments devolved into flamewars and one word 'comments', and they didn't want to spend the money constantly moderating those comments.

        As much as it sucks when a comments section disappears, when it turns into a snake pit, where a company is throwing good money after bad, it's time to cut off that 'diseased' limb, Netflix is a for-profit business, first and foremost, who answers to shareholders. If I was in t

    • Would it? Or is it going to devolve into clap-trap surrounding Trump, and people posting "sPiDeRmAn tOtLty pWnD tHaT vIlLiN dUrInG HeT sUbBwAy cHaSe LoLiLoZz!"

  • Sounds like the added material like interviews and other garbage that movies now include, which few watch. But millions kept watching after Walking Dead to see Talking Dead, so clearly there is an audience there. Some people just can't get enough of their favorite programs.
  • Sure, please, get the racists all excited and aroused.

      They need to be sure a name does not cause this to happen, no matter how benign it mighy be.

    (And yes, that was the very first thing that came to mind upon seeing this.)

  • N-Plus going to be 24-hour rap, hip-hop and RnB channel?

